Low bump. Bump hairstyle - always stylish and up-to-date styling

One of the simplest and most versatile hairstyles, suitable for hair of different lengths, is the bump hairstyle. Despite its unpretentious design, designed for every day, this hairstyle has many stylish and elegant styling options.

Hairstyle bump: how to do?

Photo Shutterstock

Variety of styling

A bumpy hairstyle is usually created from a regular bun - just collect the hair, twist it with a bundle and secure it with hairpins.

There are such types of cones as:

  • bump with fleece
  • lump on the side
  • twisted bump on the back of the head
  • bumps on the sides
  • closed cones
  • combined cones

The most common and simple everyday styling is the tow bun, which can be done in just a few minutes. Carefully gather the hair at the back of the head into a fashionable bun, twist a one-sided bundle from it and wrap it around its axis. You will get a bump that needs to be fixed with ordinary hairpins.

If you decorate such a hairstyle with beautiful decorative hairpins, the styling will automatically turn into a beautiful festive or evening option.

Non-standard styling hairstyles-bumps

To make an original bump, you will need not a tourniquet, but a pigtail. The principle of creating a hairstyle is similar to the previous one - braid a traditional braid from a bundle at the back of the head, then lay it around its axis and secure with hairpins. You will get a relief bump that will look very impressive if you complement it with studs with knobs of multi-colored rhinestones, decorative flowers, fabric or crystal beads.

To create a romantic and gentle look, twist a tight bun of clean hair, release a few thin strands from it and curl them slightly. You can also enhance the impression by hiding the collected hair under a beautiful mesh with an elastic band.

If you want to create a complex and unusual bump, a special plastic hairpin will come to your aid, which will greatly simplify the task.

For the perfect holiday look, style your hair into tight curls for a bun. You can also combine a bump with loose hair, collecting only part of the curls in the back of the head, leaving the rest of the strands free.

Hairstyles-bumps with accessories

With the help of additional hair accessories, you can create interesting and unusual styling from a bumpy hairstyle. So, to make an original bun with a rim, take a decorative rim with a scattering of flowers or crystals, foam or mousse, invisible hairpins and hairpins, as well as hairspray.

Apply styling product to clean, damp hair and dry it with a comb and hair dryer. Gather your hair into a loose ponytail and wrap it around an elastic band to create a voluminous bun. Tuck the tip of the tail under the elastic and secure the resulting bundle with hairpins and stealth.

To create extra volume, pull out some strands by gently pulling on the ends of the bun.

Secure your hair with a strong hold hairspray. If you need a creative look, put some decorative headbands on your head instead of one and spritz your hair with any glittery hairspray.

An elegant bun for everyday wear can be made with a comb, two small elastic bands, hairpins and hairspray. On each side of the head, separate one strand and fasten them together with an elastic band. You will get a hanging ponytail - comb it lightly with a comb and tie the rest of the hair with a second elastic band 10 centimeters below the first ponytail. Then lift the bottom of the second tail, pull it through the first, then pull it again inside the bump. Finish the hairstyle by securing it with hairspray and hairpins.

braid hairstyle

To make yourself a quick and stylish bun with two braids, take a comb, one regular hair tie and two small ones, hairpins, invisibles and hairspray. Make the ponytail as high as possible by first combing the hair at the roots. Having tied the tail, divide it into two parts and braid a braid from each strand, the ends of which must be secured with small elastic bands.

In the 60s On the screens of Soviet cinemas, the film "Babette Goes to War" was released, in which the main role was played by the legendary Frenchwoman Brigitte Bordeaux. The hairstyle of the main character was very different from what the hairdressers offered, so it instantly gained popularity and became a real fashion statement. As soon as women of fashion didn’t go out of their way to create a babette on their heads, they put chignons in their hair, cut hair gathered in a net, washcloths, nylon stockings and everything that was enough for imagination. Today, it is easier to look in the style of Bridget Bordeaux, since many special devices have been invented for hair modeling.

hair roller

In specialized stores for hairdressers, you can buy a variety of hair rollers. Rollers come in different shapes - oval, round, long, resembling a sausage.

The long roller is convenient for those, which can be used both straight and bent into a circle. At the ends of such a roller has a button, or an elastic band.

If you can not buy a finished roller, it can be made in no time independently from ordinary terry socks. First step- cut off the sock from the sock, no matter how fun it sounds. Put what is left of the sock on your hand, with an elastic band to your wrist. Can be one on top of the other or one after the other.

Roll the sock into a roll. It will turn out a round terry bagel, in no way inferior to store counterparts.

The color of the roller should match the color of the hair. In this case, the roller will not shine through, and the hairstyle will look as natural as possible. With the help of rollers, you can make bunches, shells, classic babette, ballerina bunches, malvinkas and just original hairstyles without a name.

Making a hairstyle with a roller is very simple. To begin with, the hair must be combed and collected with an elastic band in a high tail. Put a round roller on the tail, secure with invisibility. Comb the strands from the tail and gently twist around the roller, hiding the tips under the roller.

It turned out a neat bunch of a ballerina. To make the hairstyle more interesting and securely hide ponytails and invisibility, the bundle can be wrapped with a scarf, tying its ends with a bow.

Another option for a hairstyle that is suitable not only for every day, but also for special occasions. This option can be done with a pile or using an oval hair roller instead of a pile.

Comb the hair, separate the part that is closer to the bangs. On the back of the head with the help of invisibility, fix the roller. Carefully close the roller with the left strand. Fix the hair at the back of the head with invisibility.

Divide your hair into two even sections.

Comb, sprinkle with varnish and braid two ordinary pigtails.

Wrap the right braid around the babette through the left side. Fix the ends with invisibility and hide. Do the same with the left oblique, but through the right side.

The hair is almost ready.

It remains only to decorate it with artificial flowers.

This is how the hairstyle with a roller looks from behind.

Varieties of hairstyles using a roller

According to the principle described above, you can make a hairstyle with a roller at the back of the head or at the top.

The size of the beam depends on the size of the roller used. The more voluminous hairstyle you want to get, the larger the roller needs to be placed.

This hairstyle uses two oval rollers.

hairstyle bump with a roller is also called ballerina bun or a good girl's hairstyle. It is done in three minutes, looks neat, does not fray all day, no matter how active you lead.

The hairstyle is done according to the same principle as described above. Hair is pulled back into a ponytail. One strand behind the tail is separated, combed and removed to the side. A hair bagel is put on the tail, around which strands are neatly wrapped.

For extra reliable fixation, a thin hairnet is put on top of the cone.

The remaining strand is wrapped around the cone. We fix the tips with invisibility and hide under the roller.

Hairstyle "good girl" is ready!

The roller does not have to be hidden under the beam. You can fix the roller on the back of the head, cover it with hair, leaving long strands to fall freely over the shoulders.

If you fix the roller on the top of your head, you get an interesting hairstyle, popularly referred to as a bun.

With the help of a roller, you can simply make countless options for babette hairstyles.

Many barbers prefer hairstyles with a roller for wedding ceremonies. Fashion is changeable. After many years, a trendy hairstyle may seem unusual and even funny, and a classic that has survived more than one generation is always appropriate. On your wedding photo you will always look spectacular and modern.

Looking at these photos, it's hard to tell what time they belong to. Brides on them are beautiful, regardless of time and era.

Master Class. Hairstyles with a roller video

In the video, the hairdresser-stylist clearly shows how to perform a classic wedding hairstyle with a roller. Watch, repeat, be happy and irresistible.

Every woman who naturally has beautiful hair can instantly transform by making the simplest hairstyle. But what about the ladies whose curls leave much to be desired? Of course, choose the right styling! Recently, the so-called “bump” has become increasingly popular.

The advantages of such a hairstyle include not only its ease of creation, but also the fact that it is ideal for both everyday wear and for a festive event. It is enough just to add a few bright elements to the hair.

As a rule, styling for an adult woman and a little girl have fundamental differences, but a neatly twisted bun is suitable for a representative of the beautiful half of humanity of any age, which makes it so popular and in demand today.

The bob hairstyle is perfect for sports, shopping, going to the beach, a business meeting, office work or a romantic date with your loved one. In addition, you can make such styling in just a few minutes on your own at home. There is no need to spend a lot of time and money on expensive stylist services.

To create a "bump", you do not need special skills, just a little patience is enough. This hairstyle can be a little messy.

If you are in a hurry to a meeting and there is no time to put your hair in order, just stab the bun. Your image will be not only elegant, but also natural, and today it is naturalness that is valued above all else.

Bump on the head: hairstyle in 2 versions

To make such a hairstyle yourself, you will need a thin elastic band, bobby pins and hairpins, a comb, styling foam, hairspray and hair ornaments that are suitable for this occasion.

This hairstyle looks not only beautiful, but also original. To create it, you will need only 7-10 minutes, no more.

  • First, wash your hair thoroughly, dry the strands so that they are completely dry. To facilitate styling, apply a small amount of styling foam to wet curls (you can use any other product).
  • For girls who have rather thin hair, it is recommended to sprinkle them at the roots with a product designed to give additional volume, or simply dry them with a hair dryer, slightly raising the hairbrush with a comb (you can dry the strands by tilting your head down).
  • Then we take an elastic band and make a rather tight tail at the back of the head (crown). We divide the hair into 3 approximately equal parts and weave 3 pigtails.
  • We wrap each pigtail around the center of the tail and gum. We carefully mask the ends so that they remain invisible - we hide them under the bump and fix them with hairpins or invisible ones.
  • At the end, we decorate the hairstyle with any decorative elements - Chinese sticks that simply stick into the “bump” look very interesting and stylish.
  • You can make an interesting and stylish hairstyle in another way. However, this method is only suitable for owners of obedient and smooth hair. But, if desired, the strands can be straightened with an iron.
  • Wash your hair, dry it (if necessary, straighten it) and comb thoroughly.
  • Tie a bun at the crown and secure with an elastic band. Unruly hair can be sprinkled with a small amount of varnish.
  • We divide the hair into 2 approximately equal parts - the lower and upper. Now we fix the top with a hairpin, since we will first work with the bottom.
  • We divide the lower part into several strands and wind them clockwise around the elastic band, fix the ends so that they become invisible. Do not twist the strands too tightly, as the result will be a bump that is not very lush.
  • As soon as the lower part is laid, we carry out the same procedure with the upper one. The curls need to be evenly distributed in a circle so that the bump takes on a slightly sloppy look and additional volume.
  • The ends of the hair are fixed with invisibility or masked under an elastic band. At the end, the hairstyle is sprayed with varnish so that it does not get disheveled during the day.

Hairstyle bump: how to do it in the main ways?

Classic variant

The classic version of the cone is easy to make. But there is one caveat, it should be strictly on the top of the head.

  1. First, I wash my head, dry the strands, collect the curls in a high tight tail and fix it with an elastic band. It is best to use a simple thin elastic band, the color of which should be as close as possible to the shade of the hair. Do not pull your hair too tight, as such a hairstyle can bring a strong feeling of discomfort.
  2. We divide the hair in the tail into 3 approximately equal parts and weave a simple pigtail, the end of which we fix with an elastic band.
  3. We wrap the braid quite tightly around the base of the tail and fasten it with hairpins. We hide the tip of the pigtail inside the bundle so that it is not visible. You should not save on hairpins, the hairstyle should last throughout the day.
  4. At the end, we fix the hairstyle with varnish.
  5. If you are doing such a hairstyle for some important evening event, then you can safely use a mesh with rhinestones, invisible hair with rhinestones, a beautiful comb for decoration. This styling is ideally combined with long earrings.

Cone with a rim

To make such a hairstyle, you need to prepare in advance hairspray, invisible and hairpins, styling foam or mousse, a decorative rim decorated with a scattering of crystals.

  1. Wash your hair and apply a small amount of any styling product to the strands. Then dry the strands with a hair dryer and a comb.
  2. Then we collect the hair in a ponytail and fasten it with an elastic band, but not very tightly, so as not to experience discomfort during the day.
  3. We comb the hair well until it becomes silky and wrap it around the elastic in such a way that the result is a voluminous bump.
  4. The tip of the hair is neatly tucked under the elastic band.
  5. We fix the cone with the help of stealth and hairpins.
  6. If you want to make a more voluminous hairstyle, then you just need to slightly pull the edges of the bun and stretch the hair a little.
  7. We fix the hairstyle with a strong hold varnish.
  8. To complete the image, put on a headband. 2 thin headbands dressed at the same time look very interesting and stylish, but in this case they should be the same.

ballerina bump

This is one of the most popular cone options, which is not only easy, but also very fast.

  1. Wash and dry your hair well, then collect it at the back of your head in a ponytail. Comb thoroughly until the curls become silky.
  2. We carefully put on a large dense elastic band on the tail. In the event that this was not at hand, do not worry, you can make it from a terry sock.
  3. Now we straighten the tail around the entire circumference of the gum, take it by the tip and wind it clockwise.
  4. With the help of hairpins or hairpins, we fix all protruding hair so that the future hairstyle looks neat.
  5. In the end, if you plan to walk with the "bump" all day, it is recommended to fix it with varnish so that it does not fall apart at the most unexpected moment. If desired, you can use any decorative elements to decorate the hairstyle.

Hairstyle bump with a roller: video

The “bump” hairstyle is made on the basis of the tail, so it works best on long or medium hair. This styling is done literally in a jiffy, but it looks very dignified. This option is great for both everyday and formal looks for women of all ages.

The modern fashion for hairstyles is quite democratic - here you will find classic styling, retro hairstyles, and frivolous grunge that is super relevant today. But it is the "bump" that is in the greatest demand - a separate kind of beam, feminine and refined, appropriate in the office, on a walk and even at a gala evening. Next, we will tell you step by step how you can easily and quickly make such a hairstyle at home.

Who suits this hairstyle

Beams are good not only for their beauty, but also for their versatility - they suit almost everyone. Are there any "contraindications"? Yes, and they must be taken into account.

"Bump" is also good because it suits most girls and women. But still, there are points that should be considered when creating this hairstyle.

  • smooth and thick - an ideal basis;
  • thick and curly - you won’t be able to play with braids, but a bunch of curls will come out what you need;
  • thin and even - you can achieve the desired volume if you use a roller.

The ideal hair for creating a bump is thick, straight or curly, as well as even, thin. In the latter case, it is advisable to use a roller - it will help create volume.

The bump looks very nice on the face if it has the shape:

  • oval - an oval is generally a universal option, everything suits him;
  • triangle - it is advisable to add a bang that will smooth out sharp corners;
  • rhombus - looks perfect when you need to emphasize the cheekbones, it is advisable to make a thick medium-length bang;
  • rectangle - use additional accessories for hair decoration (headbands, ribbons, hairpins), as well as large earrings.

Laying is ideal for owners of an oval-shaped face. But keep in mind that in adulthood, such a hairstyle only further stretches the features.

Round face shape

It is not recommended to build chubby young ladies - it will only further expand the face, make the cheekbones heavier. “Square” is also not the best base, since in this case the heavy lower part will be further emphasized.

Who better not to make a fashionable bump? Owners of a square or round face, since such a hairstyle will only emphasize imperfections.

As for the length of the hair, the average in this case will be ideal - and you will create the volume you need, and working with such curls is quite simple. Long strands provide more scope for creativity, but they are more difficult to style. You can try to work with short ones too, but for this, stock up on hairpins, varnish and patience - you will have to do bouffants, flagella and carefully fix the result.

The ideal hair length for a bump is medium. But with long and short strands, you can also experiment.

  • headbands and hoops;
  • small hairpins and large hairpins;
  • flowers (live or artificial);
  • pearl;
  • tiaras.

Decorative hairpins

Comb take a thick type of "brush" and a comb with fine teeth. Hairspray is a must, but do not abuse it - an excess of styling products makes the finished result heavy, unnatural.

Do you create hair from a photo? Please note that the final result may vary slightly from the picture as it depends on the length, thickness, structure and manageability of the hair.

How to make a hair cone step by step

Volumetric classic version

as follows:

  1. The hair is carefully combed and collected in a high tail (horse).
  2. A roller is put on the base of the ponytail if the volume is not enough, or only your hair is used.
  3. Distribute the strands to make a bagel, put on a thin rubber band on top.
  4. Divide the remaining curls into two parts - braid one into a braid and wrap its base around the cone, secure with invisible. Make a bow out of the second strand.

Classic styling

Done - spray the result with varnish, use accessories. The classic cone is a great evening option.

Braid on the basis of harnesses

Flagella are a simple and beautiful option for creating styling. Collect the strands in the tail (necessarily tight, it can be located in the lower or upper part of the head), fix it with an elastic band. Then select the bottom strand from the tail and wrap the elastic around it. Secure the ends of the hair with invisible, divide the remaining curls into strands and twist into bundles. The number of harnesses is arbitrary. Then they will need to be laid around the tail in any order and secured.

To make the bun hairstyle look spectacular, do it only on clean hair.

can be done on very short hair:

  1. Comb your hair and divide it into two approximately equal parts.
  2. Take one part and divide it in the ear area into two more, twist the flagellum from each strand.
  3. Tie the ends of the flagella with a rubber band.
  4. Repeat steps on the other side.
  5. Take all the flagella and tie them in the back of the head with a knot, secure the knot with hairpins.
  6. Remove the rubber bands from the ends of the flagella and comb the protruding hairs.

Bundle of bundles

Done - it remains to sprinkle the result with varnish.

Roller paving

Is your hair not thick enough? To achieve spectacular volume, use a roller to create hairstyles. Make a tail, put a round roller on it, and carefully twist the strands of the tail into flagella and lay it around the roller.

Modern fashion in hairdressing whimsically combines frivolous grunge and classic styling of past years, but the “bump” hairstyle has been especially popular lately. Delicate and feminine, this curly bun is perfect for any situation, as a discreet office hair style can be easily transformed into a hairstyle for going out with the help of accessories.

What kind of hair suits the "bump"

Buns of all kinds are suitable for most women, although there are certain types of appearance in which it is undesirable to do the "Bump".
Creating a hairstyle "Bump" is possible with hair:

  • thick and even. This is the most ideal hair type for this hairstyle, allowing for various styling options;

  • thin and even. To create a voluminous hairstyle (otherwise the hairstyle does not look) with this type of hair, you must use a roller.

Hairstyle "bump" in the shape of the face

A bump on the head of hair looks good when:

  • oval type of face (with the exception of older ladies, to whom this hairstyle visually adds age);
  • triangular face. The “Bump” will look especially impressive if there is a bang that softens sharp corners and gives the facial features an oval shape;
  • diamond-shaped face type, if you want to emphasize the cheekbones (it looks good if there is a thick bang of medium length);
  • rectangular type of face when using additional accessories (ribbons, headbands, voluminous earrings).

For owners of a round face type, the “Bump” emphasizes wide cheekbones and visually enlarges the face even more, so this hairstyle is not recommended. Such a beam is not suitable for women with a square type of face, focusing on its heavy lower part. But even with this type, you can experiment by making a hairstyle with bangs and wearing long earrings that visually lengthen the face.

The average length is considered ideal for any beam - and it is convenient to work with such a length, and the hairstyle turns out to be voluminous. Long hair also allows you to create a variety of variations of the “Bump” hairstyle, but in order to achieve the desired effect, styling takes more time. Short hair can be styled into the "Bump" by doing:

  • Bouffant and using elastic, hairpins and varnish;
  • Flagella and fixing the hair with elastic bands, hairpins and varnish;
  • Bouffant, securing the bun with a hairnet.

A bump on the head of hair can be located:

  • high. This option should not be chosen with high growth or a not very beautiful neck, but this option is ideal for a flattened nape;
  • low. This option allows you to hide the flaws in appearance and not focus on the wrong facial features.

Hairstyle options "Bump"

The main version of the hairstyle is performed using:

  • an ordinary thin hair band or a special gum-donut;
  • simple comb;
  • stealth and studs.

You can also use mesh, heagami hairpins or sophist twist. A roller is used to create volumetric beams.

To make the hairstyle look spectacular, it must be done on washed hair.

Making a "Bump" is easier with the help of an elastic band - a "donut". All strands are collected in a high or low tight tail and fixed with an elastic band. The lower strand stands out from the tail, with which the elastic is wrapped. The ends of the strands are fixed with an invisibility, and the remaining hair is divided into strands and twisted into bundles. We make the number of bundles arbitrary (the bump turns out to be more magnificent with a large number of bundles). The harnesses are laid in any order around the tail and secured with hairpins, and then sprayed with varnish.

With a sufficient length of hair, you can make a “Bump” from one tourniquet - a relatively free tourniquet is formed from the entire mass of hair at the crown, which is folded into a bun. The coils are fixed with studs. Spicy hairstyle can be given with the help of Japanese sticks, which are pierced through the coils of the bundle crosswise.

Since a variety of weaves are now in vogue, you can see how to make a bump out of hair using braids.

The easiest option is to collect the hair in a ponytail, divide it into two parts, make a regular smooth bun from the top, and braid the bottom part. With this braid we wrap the base of the bundle and secure the braid with hairpins.

You can also braid one or more braids and put them in a bun.

A more complex option is to divide the tail into strands and weave a braid from each strand with their subsequent styling in a certain order.
It looks interesting hairstyle of several bunches and braids.

A carelessly made “Bump” of freely lying interlaced strands is well fixed by a mesh. This version of the hairstyle gives the image romance and does not require long styling.

In the absence of sufficient density, it is advisable to do the "Bump" using a roller. To do this, a tail is made, a round roller is put on it, and the strands of the tail are twisted into bundles and neatly wrapped around the roller. You can also separate the upper part from the total mass of hair, place the roller under this part, attach invisible hair to the back of the head and cover with the separated part of the hair. Braid the remaining hair into pigtails or make bundles and lay them around the roller.

How to make a bump out of hair with a short hairstyle

A relatively short haircut allows you to make a variety of bunches:

  • from flagella;
  • with the help of a grid;
  • folding strands "accordion".

Owners of short hair can also make this hairstyle variation. For this:
1. We comb the hair and divide the entire mass of hair in half. Then we take the first part, divide it in two in the ear area, and then twist the flagellum from these strands. We fix the end of the flagellum with an elastic band;
2. Similarly, we form a flagellum from the second half of the hair;
3. We take our flagella and tie them in a knot in the back of the head (we tie them like shoelaces), and we fix the knot with hairpins;
4. On the sides of the knot, we have the ends of the hair. We remove the elastic bands from the ends of the flagella and comb the protruding ends;
5. We fix the resulting "Bump" with hairspray.

Laying with mesh is easy and simple. The hair collected at the back of the head in a ponytail is divided into upper and lower parts. The upper part is fixed with a hairpin so that the strands do not get confused. The lower part is combed, creating the effect of long hair collected in a bun. On the pile we put on a mesh to match the color of the hair and form a ball, fixing the mesh with hairpins. We release the upper part of the hair and wrap it around the resulting ball. We fix the styling with varnish and decorate with a ribbon or a flower.
You can also lay the “Bump” with an “accordion”. To do this, the hair in the collected tail is combed and divided into separate strands. Each strand is folded in the form of an "accordion" towards the base of the tail and fixed with a hairpin, and the finished hairstyle is fixed with varnish. Especially carefully you need to style your hair in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temples - it is in this area that short strands are often knocked out of the hairstyle.

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