DIY tar soap. Tar soap is an excellent antiseptic and more

Tar soap will cleanse the skin, normalize sebaceous secretion, improve blood circulation, accelerate hair growth, and increase its volume. It successfully acts against dandruff and excess sebum due to seborrhea, and cleanses the skin and hair well. In addition, it revives the hair structure, accelerates growth, and improves its condition.

Tar soap is also used to treat inflammatory processes on the skin of the face and body.

Tar has a very unpleasant odor, however, it copes well with dandruff, seborrhea, hair loss and oily hair, so the popularity of birch tar only increases over time. Tar soap is also one of the best ways to get rid of lice.

You can buy tar soap at a pharmacy, from master soap makers, or learn how to make soap yourself. Such homemade soap will be truly healing not only due to the tar, but also due to the absence of SLS and other “harmful substances”.

Percentage of tar added to soap: 1-10%. In medicinal soap for complex diseases of the scalp from 5 to 10%, in soap for dandruff and soap for prevention - 1-3%. If you have blond hair, we recommend adding no more than 2% to your soap.

How to add tar to soap

Tar is introduced into the soap from scratch in a dense trace if the soap is prepared using the cold method. Tar is introduced into hot soap after the bath along with essential oils and superfat into the cooled soap.

Effect of tar on skin and hair

  • Tar contains a huge number of different substances that give it antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, drying and antipruritic properties.
  • Tar treats skin diseases: dandruff, fungal infections, erysipelas, scaly lichen, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, folliculitis, pediculosis, scabies, vitiligo, trophic non-healing ulcers, bedsores and others. Birch tar can also heal various wounds and skin burns.
  • Tar improves cell regeneration, increases blood flow in skin tissues, and promotes its renewal. The main positive property of birch tar that affects hair is irritation of the scalp. Due to the irritating effect, blood circulation increases, hair root follicles receive additional nutrition, and active hair growth begins. It has been proven that the natural product has an “irritating” effect on “sleeping” hair follicles, which, under the influence of birch tar, “awaken” and become active, which accordingly affects the thickness of the hair.
  • Even when applied externally, tar has an effect on overall well-being: patients note a decrease in irritability and improved sleep, a decrease in skin itching, and an anesthetic effect is also observed.

Tar soap from scratch recipe

We offer you a simple recipe for tar hair soap, which contains few ingredients and is ideal for beginner soap makers. In addition, according to reviews, this is the most successful recipe for shampoo soap for hair, which suits almost everyone. Of course, you can wash not only your hair with this soap, but also your body, especially if you have skin rashes.

  • Castor oil - 105 grams (15%)
    Coconut oil T pl = 24.4 C - 210 grams (30%)
    Sunflower oil – 385 grams (55%)
  • Alkali NaOH – 106.59 grams = 98.6 (for saponification of oils, taking into account 5% superfat) +7.99 (for neutralizing citric acid)
    Water - 196.0 grams (28%)
  • Citric acid 14 g (2%)

Citric acid – imparts conditioning properties to hair soap, softening properties, and also helps facilitate combing, which is important when washing hair. When adding citric acid to soap, it should be taken into account that, like any other acid, it neutralizes alkali, and therefore, it is necessary to calculate its additional amount. The additional amount of NaOH alkali when preparing solid soap is 0.6 g per 1 g. citric acid. Additional amount of KOH alkali when preparing soft soap - 0.87 g per 1 g. citric acid. The usual dosage of citric acid in soap is 1-3%.

Cooking tar soap in a cold way

How to use tar soap for hair

When treating your hair and scalp, do not neglect the advice to wash your hair with warm water, not hot. Otherwise, a greasy coating will remain on the hair. It is more convenient to lather your hair not with a bar of soap, but lather it first in your hands, or dissolve it in water, and only then apply the foam to your hair. Do not rinse off the foam immediately, leave for 10 minutes. Rinse with slightly warm water.

Do not forget about the drying effect of soap with tar, do not use it often and constantly.

IMPORTANT! Light hair may darken when using tar soap.

Of course, not everyone likes the smell of tar, but it is easy to get rid of it by simply storing the soap in a closed soap dish. In addition, after washing the soap off the skin, there is no smell left at all. Many who absolutely cannot stand the smell of tar put up with it due to the effect it brings after use.

If you have not previously used soap to wash your hair, it will take time to adjust - about a month. During this period, hair may look dull and unkempt, since industrial shampoos contain silicones that visually make our hair healthy, but are actually covered with a film that works wonders: the hair is shiny and does not tangle. A serious disadvantage of this film is that it prevents the entry of oxygen, moisture, and nutrients into the cells. As a result, the hair becomes thinner, falls out, becomes brittle, and breaks. If you are tired of fighting dandruff, hair loss, oily hair and have come to the point that you wash your hair every day, but by the evening it is still greasy, then you should switch to natural hair washes or shampoos.

How to improve the recipe for tar soap for hair?

If you don't have any base oil from tar soap recipe, or you are experimenting with the basic composition, trying to find the perfect recipe for your hair, then you can replace some oil with another one suitable for shampoo soap. Be sure to recalculate the weight of lye using a soap calculator when making changes to the recipe.

Grape seeds (up to 20%), suitable for both oily and dry hair; regulates sebum secretion, tones hair follicles; protects against fragility and restores hair structure, moisturizes; great option for overfat

Mustard (up to 20%), well suited for this type of soap, has a stimulating effect on hair growth and prevents hair loss

Jojoba oil (up to 10%). Helps cope with dry scalp and hair loss; ideal for use in overfat. May leave a residue.

Coconut (from 15 to 50%), gives good foam, cleanses hair perfectly. For dry hair, it is better to take a lower percentage of coconut oil, 15 - 20%.

Cocoa butter (up to 5%), with a higher percentage of input, it can leave a residue and the feeling that the hair has not been washed. Gives the soap good care qualities. Burdock oil - helps strengthen the hair roots and restore their structure, especially good to use for hair loss, rinses off well.

Hemp (up to 15%)- excellent oil for shampoo soap, suitable for dry and sensitive scalp, softens.

Castor oil (up to 20%). Good foam stabilizing oil. It also perfectly nourishes and softens dry hair and has a good effect on the scalp.

Palm oil (up to 20%)— makes the hair a little heavier; it should not be added to soap.

Sunflower – up to 100%. It washes off well and does not weigh down the hair; good for oily hair; In general, it is well suited for shampoo soap and has a disadvantage only in its short shelf life

What oils should not be added?

It is not advisable to add palm oil, as it can leave a residue on the hair. It is believed that olive oil turns hair into icicles. In fact, there are no strict prohibitions on this or that oil. You can experiment and select oils that suit you individually. And there were examples on our soap making forum when hair soap made with 100% olive oil was ideal.

Additives to tar soap for hair from scratch

Silk from 0.5 to 3%.(silkworm cocoons, tops, silk thread) – silk proteins will care for the scalp and hair. Added to alkaline solution. Silk in shampoo soap is used to make hair easier to comb and add shine.

Dry mustard powder (up to 2%)– adds shine to hair, normalizes excessive fat production, enhances growth (strands grow 2–4 cm per month), hairstyle gains volume, hair roots are strengthened, and hair loss stops. Hair will look clean longer.

Salt (up to 10%).– used to strengthen hair and also acts as a preservative. In shampoo soap the recommended input is up to 10%. Salt also has a drying effect. Those with dry hair are advised to use with caution.

Honey and bee products– enriches the soap with its beneficial properties. Add to forms before laying out. We talked about the properties of honey in the article honey masks for hair.

Egg add to the cooling soap - only the yolk squeezed out of the films. When cooking, CS is added to the trail, when HS - along with superfat, or to chilled. 1 yolk for 400-500 grams of oils. The benefits of adding yolk to soap are questionable, since soap is designed to cleanse and remove bacteria and fungi. It is better to use yolks as a hair mask or natural shampoo.

Zinc oxide (up to 3%). Zinc oxide acts as an antiseptic, eliminates local manifestations of inflammation and irritation, forms a protective coating on the skin that reduces the impact of irritating factors on it, astringent, powerful antimicrobial, optimizes sebum secretion, and dries.

Lactic acid (1-3%). when added to an alkaline solution, it forms sodium lactate in the finished hard soap, and potassium lactate in the soft soap. Sodium lactate softens the hair and scalp, while potassium lactate is able to moisturize and retain moisture in the hair.
Sodium lactate can also be purchased ready-made in the store. Lactic acid, like citric acid, neutralizes alkali, so it requires the introduction of additional amounts.
Additional alkali for 1g. 80% lactic acid - 0.36g. NaOH for solid soap or 0.5g. KOH for soft.

Sulfur (up to 5%) Precipitated sulfur will help hair become healthy and shiny due to its direct participation in the synthesis of the previously mentioned collagen and keratin. Sulfur will help with excessive oily hair and in the fight against dandruff, if the cause of this problem is a fungus.

Hair soap is usually prepared using herbal decoctions, caring for hair and scalp: burdock root, calamus, dandelion, chamomile, violet, yarrow, etc. You can use beer, wine or cognac as a liquid.

We recommend not to overload tar soap active additives, since tar itself is a very powerful healing agent. Tar soap is used more often if there are any problems with the scalp or hair and is not suitable for daily care. Therefore, it is better to use silk, honey, eggs, milk and other additives in a separate soap for everyday hair washing.

Recipes and reviews of hair soap from scratch
We are waiting for your feedback on the use of tar soap for hair. Thank you for your attention!

The benefits of tar soap

In medical practice, birch tar is usually used as the main component of bactericidal and wound-healing ointments. The use of tar soap perfectly helps in the fight against problem skin, accelerates its regeneration and prevents the occurrence of acne.

Do-it-yourself tar soap has a rather specific smell, so many people do not want to use it for this reason. However, it must be said that if a bar of such soap is kept in a closed soap dish, its smell will not bother even the most sensitive people. In addition, after using the tar product, the skin does not smell of it at all.

Soap with tar is natural and does not contain chemical and perfume additives, like many other cosmetics. That is why it is used not only to eliminate ordinary acne and pimples, but also to treat more severe diseases, in particular psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema.

Do not get carried away with this product and use it daily. This can lead to dry skin, cracks and possible infection of the resulting wounds. It is enough to use it every other day to prevent unwanted consequences. People with sensitive epidermis, a tendency to allergies and kidney problems should absolutely not use tar soap.

Making tar soap with your own hands

To prepare the product, you only need three bars of regular soap with a fatty base (baby soap is best) and birch tar, which are sold at any pharmacy. The soap should be grated on a regular grater and placed in a water bath. For cooking, it is best to take unnecessary utensils, since it will be very difficult to eliminate the smell of tar.

Pour water into the selected dish and lower another pan or bowl into it, in which you will directly prepare tar soap with your own hands. Pour soap shavings into the top bowl and add a few spoons of water. Place on the fire and stir constantly until the soap is completely dissolved.

After a certain time, you will get a sticky mass, to which you will need to add two tablespoons. tar. Mix the mixture well and cool to 45 degrees. Afterwards, the mixture needs to be poured into pre-prepared forms (these can be ordinary sour cream or yoghurt boxes).

Do-it-yourself tar soap made at home does not have “unnecessary” impurities or chemical additives, so you can use it every day without fear of drying out or injuring the skin.

Tar soap is deservedly considered one of the best remedies for various skin diseases. It copes with problems such as acne, acne, eczema, psoriasis. The beneficial effect of this soap on the skin has been known for a long time; it also promotes the healing of wounds and scratches and is indispensable in their treatment, since the birch tar included in its composition has very strong disinfectant and antiseptic properties. Traditionally, tar soap is recommended for caring for problem skin, however, homemade tar soap from scratch can be used to care for any skin type. It improves blood supply to tissues, stimulates regeneration of the epidermis, and has a tonic effect on the skin without drying it out.

It would take a very long time to list all the advantages of tar soap, so I recommend that those who are interested in homemade soap making definitely try it. Of course, not everyone can tolerate the specific smell of tar and I strongly recommend cooking it in the spring-summer-autumn period, when it is possible to leave it to mature on the balcony. During cooking and ripening the smell is very strong! And nothing interrupts! The addition of essential oils in this case is only of an enriching nature.

Birch tar can be purchased at a pharmacy, the dosage for soap is 2-3% for preventive properties and up to 10% for medicinal purposes.

So, the recipe:

Babassu oil - 100g. (15.38%)
Grapeseed oil - 150g. (23.08%)
Coconut oil - 120g. (18.46%)
Olive oil - 280g. (43.08%)
Total - 650g. oils
Birch tar - 1 bottle - 40ml. (it turns out to be a little more than 6%)

Overfat - 7%
Water -33% - 214.5g.
NaOH - 89.65g.

We weigh all the oils and send them to melt in a water bath. We will prepare the soap in a cold way, so we will immediately select the shape.
I wanted to play around and make the soap more fun, so there is also a jug and a separate spoon for the layer not colored with tar.

Prepare an alkaline solution, melt the oils. More details and.

Pour the alkaline solution into the oil, bring to a light trace. We pour approximately one third of the mixture into a separate vessel, do not touch it. Add tar to the main mass and mix. The aroma is mind-blowing!!!

We randomly place the dark and light parts of our soap into the prepared form. Each color has its own spoon. It turns out something like this... When all the mass is laid out, you can lightly move the stick along the surface without deepening it into the soap mass, then you will get a more attractive top.

Wrap the mold in a towel and leave it in a warm place to go through the gel stage. Cut the cooled soap into pieces and send it to a cool, well-ventilated place to mature for at least 4, and preferably 6 weeks.

As I already said, the soap turns out to be very “fragrant”, so it is better to place it on the balcony while it matures! Just hide it away from sunlight and rain.

And also, from personal experience, I noticed that tar soap noticeably improves the condition of the skin, firstly, not immediately, and secondly, only with systematic use. That is, if I wash my face with it at least once or twice a week, then I don’t notice anything like pimples, but if I just get lazy and forget about my tar ritual for a couple of weeks, they’re right there!

Thanks for stopping by and happy soap making!

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Recipe for tar soap with chamomile

I love tar soap, and I like the smell of it, it reminds me of summer, the sun, birch wood in a fire. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to find normal tar soap on sale. The most common one, 12 rubles each, dries the skin terribly and its smell is far from pleasant. Several times I bought handmade soap, made on a natural basis with the addition of various beneficial essential oils. I really liked it and decided to make it myself.
I used organic soap base to make the soap. Crystal Organic, white soap base (you can replace these with regular unscented baby soap), birch tar, St. John's wort oil extract, chamomile oil, grape seed oil, jojoba oil and dried chamomile (all of which can be found at any major pharmacy).

I had the basics 140 g organic and 20 g white
By 0.5 teaspoon chamomile and grape seed oil
6 drops of jojoba oil and 5 drops of St. John's wort extract
3 teaspoons of tar

  1. Cut the soap base into small cubes, put it in a cup and melt it in a water bath or in the microwave. In the microwave, the base melts very quickly, and since it loses its basic properties when boiling, it is important to remove it in time.
  2. Add oil and tar to the resulting liquid mass and mix well until smooth.
  3. After thorough mixing, pour the resulting mass into the prepared pan.
  4. Air bubbles may form on the surface of the mass. They are removed using a spray bottle, sprinkling a small amount of alcohol over the surface.
  5. Heat the white soap base, add St. John's wort extract to it and pour it into the tar mass until it hardens. It is better to melt the bases at the same time.
  6. While the soap is still liquid, sprinkle dry chamomile on top.
  7. After complete cooling, the soap can be removed from the mold and left to dry. The next day you can use it.

* Tar soap contains about 10% birch tar, therefore it is an effective remedy for acne, seborrhea (dandruff), acne, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema and other skin diseases. Tar has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. When combined with soap, it can increase blood flow to skin tissues and speed up the regeneration of epidermal tissues that have been damaged. Birch tar dries skin wounds, speeding up the healing process. Tar soap does not change the color of the skin, unlike pure tar. But it has a pungent smell of tar, reminiscent of the smell of burnt birch bark. Tar soap is especially often used in the fight against acne. Natural tar soap does not dry the skin or irritate it; such soap is made by hand by both soap companies and amateur soap makers. Tar soap made industrially (regular from a store) should not be used for the face, because... it has a high pH of 9-11 and will therefore dry out the skin and disrupt the natural lipid balance.
(Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia)

Homemade soap making is one of the modern activities that is becoming more and more popular every day. This skill does not require special skills and is not only an opportunity to spend time creatively and interestingly, but also brings benefits, since the resulting detergent does not contain harmful additives. Today we will look at how to quickly and easily make fragrant homemade soap.

Making homemade soap is a very interesting activity, which gives you the opportunity to realize yourself creatively and create an extremely useful product for the household. Unlike store-bought detergent, homemade detergent will not contain harmful additives that harm the body.

Anyone can engage in this type of creativity. All you need is a little free time, imagination and desire. The benefits of soap making can be listed endlessly; in order to fully appreciate all the advantages, it is better to start making your own.

How to make handmade soap?

“How to make your own soap?” - the most common question among those who want to try themselves in this business. There are a huge number of ingredients and auxiliary equipment on sale, thanks to which you can create a fragrant bar of soap at home. Buying a soap-making kit is not difficult, but for those who do not trust factory-made ingredients, you can use ingredients that can always be found at home. To make a bar of homemade soap you will need:

  • the basis
  • essential and base oils
  • dyes and fragrances
  • decorative elements

But to create your fragrant masterpiece, you will still need special dishes and other available tools:

  • special forms
  • wand
  • measuring spoon
  • beaker
  • gloves
  • mixing container

This list is conditional, since today there are two main methods by which you can make soap with your own hands:

  • use a ready-made starter kit or purchase all of the above components separately
  • make soap from scratch

Many people will ask how to make soap from scratch? This means that the basis will be only pure ingredients (alkalis, oils, etc.), and not ready-made industrial preparations.

Let's start with the first, easier method for a beginner.

How to make cosmetic soap at home?

The whole process will begin with the preparation of work equipment and ingredients. Having arranged your creative place, you can begin the process itself. You can purchase the soap base in advance or prepare it yourself from available materials.

So, how to prepare a base for soap? To do this, you will need old soap remnants that remain from used bars. All fragments must be grated and dissolved in a water bath.

It is important to know! Unlike the base that is sold in stores, the base made from remnants turns out to be matte. In addition, it will have a specific smell, which is due to the original aroma of the raw materials.

Recipe for making soap at home:

  1. To 100 g of base, add half a teaspoon of any essential oil and a spoonful of base oil and mix thoroughly
  2. To give a specific color you need to add pigment
  3. Pour into a mold pre-greased with rapeseed oil.
  4. Leave until completely hardened

Essential oil must be selected taking into account personal preferences, and as for the base oil, it can be oil obtained from olives, peach, almonds, coconut, and sea buckthorn. This is necessary so that the resulting soap has the ability to moisturize and nourish the skin.

Additional additives may include ingredients that will add abrasiveness to give a peeling effect:

  • coconut flakes
  • ground coffee
  • crushed seeds
  • burnt sugar

Basic knowledge of the properties of certain essential oils will allow you to dream up when creating your masterpiece:

  • chamomile, sage, tea tree and string - have an anti-inflammatory effect
  • mint, lavender, lemon balm, eucalyptus - will relieve tension
  • bergamot, ylang-ylang - are a kind of aphrodisiac

  • When creating soap bars, you can use an oil solution of vitamins A and E; such a product will be very useful for extremely dry skin.
  • Soap made from an industrial base and decorated with various elements looks very impressive. Small elements made from a soap base of various colors and shapes can act as decoration.
  • As for dyes, for more saturated colors you need to take ready-made pigments, and curry, beet and blue cabbage juice, and turmeric can act as natural ones.

Do not forget that natural ingredients with a short shelf life will significantly shorten the permissible period of use of the finished soap.

Now you know how to make natural soap from a ready-made base, which will be not only safe, but healthy.

How to make soap from scratch?

Let's go back to the very beginning and remember that there is a second method of preparing detergent at home, namely soap from scratch. Let's look at one “delicious” recipe for cold process honey soap.


  • 2 tbsp. l. honey
  • 130 g - honey extract or essential oil
  • 622 g - distilled water
  • 272 g - alkali
  • 400 g each – olive, coconut, palm, sea buckthorn oil
  • 100 g each – argan, castor oil

How to cook:

  • Add alkali to distilled water, stir until completely dissolved
  • Mix the oils in a steam bath and bring until smooth
  • Mix the oil mixture at a temperature of fifty degrees and mix the liquid
  • Next, you need to add honey and honey ether and mix again using a blender
  • The resulting composition is sent into forms and into the refrigerator.

Complete hardening occurs within 10 days. To give the product an original shape, you can use packaging film with air bubbles, resulting in a honeycomb effect.

How to make liquid soap?

The process of preparing liquid and solid soap at home is generally similar. To prepare the first one you will need:

  • the basis
  • water or herbal tea
  • essential and base oil
  • dye, fragrance (if desired)
  • Add 4 cups of water or broth to 100 g of base and place in a container over low heat.
  • When the base is completely dissolved, you need to add 25 g of base oil and 10 drops of any essential oil.
  • The liquid soap is ready, you can pour it into a storage container and use it

Glycerin is one of the most popular cosmetics; it helps moisturize the upper layers of the skin using moisture from the environment, which is why it is often added to homemade soaps.

Homemade liquid soap has a short shelf life - if you prepare a large batch, it is better to store it in the refrigerator.

How to make detergent at home?

Not only the production of cosmetic soap is popular among modern housewives - a detergent prepared with one’s own hands allows you to protect your hands when washing dishes every day, and therefore is not inferior in its relevance.

To prepare this gel you will need:

  • soap shavings
  • distilled water
  • glycerol
  • soda or mustard
  • essential oil or zest of any citrus

Step by step recipe:

  • Beat half a glass of soap sawdust with a mixer with a glass of water until completely dissolved
  • Add 25 g of glycerin and 10 drops of essential oil (can be replaced with citrus zest)
  • After mixing, add 2 tbsp. spoons of soda or mustard

The composition is ready for use. The product is not inferior in quality to industrial gels and pastes, but at the same time is absolutely harmless to health.

How to prepare laundry and baby soap?

Laundry and baby soap have been in great demand for quite a long time, due to its properties. It is versatile, hypoallergenic and has a good cleaning effect.

Household, unlike children's, does not contain additives. And it is prepared according to this recipe:

  • 400 g – base oil
  • 50 g – castor or coconut oil
  • 165 g - distilled water
  • 65 g - alkali

Step by step description:

  • dissolve lye in water
  • mix the oils at a temperature of 40–50 degrees
  • mix the resulting liquids and pour into the mold

To make baby soap, instead of distilled water, you can take a decoction of chamomile and string, and add a few drops of essential oils to the oil mixture.

Another recipe that any housewife should try is tar soap. Let's look at how to prepare it next.

  • 10 g tar
  • 100 g – base
  • 1 tbsp water
  1. Mix all the ingredients and send them to a steam bath - for this activity it is better to choose an old container, since after cooking it is unlikely to serve for other purposes.
  2. Stirring until the mixture is homogeneous.
  3. Next, remove from heat and pour into molds.

Soap decorations

The decor will give your handmade soap originality and individuality. In the form of decorations you can use:

  • glitter (to add shimmer)
  • decorative figures
  • dried flower
  • spices

You can purchase such elements in a specialized store or make them yourself.

Homemade soap is not just a detergent, it has a special personality, so it will be a wonderful gift. In addition, the composition of the soap can be made taking into account any needs and preferences.

Video: How to make small parts for soap decoration?

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