Who is entitled to a social supplement to a pension - the calculation of federal and regional pension supplements. Recalculation of pensions for women for children Who receives a pension supplement

In 2017, Moscow pensions were indexed by 20%. In addition to the fact that pension payments have now become larger, pensioners have the opportunity to draw up city supplements that raise the amount of pension to the level of the capital's social standard. These measures were taken due to the fact that food, non-production goods and public services are becoming more expensive in Moscow, and therefore pensions are not enough for a decent life. Let us consider in more detail the question of how the Moscow pension supplement is calculated in 2020.

To whom is the Moscow pension supplement paid?

In some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Russian citizens are provided with special payments intended exclusively for special categories of persons - labor veterans, low-income families, home front workers, and so on. This type of financial assistance is a fixed amount paid monthly or only once.

Under what conditions is the Moscow pension supplement paid in 2020

In 2017, the living wage in Moscow was increased to 14,500 rubles for pensioners who have lived in the capital for at least 10.

Now that the size of the urban subsistence minimum has been significantly increased, even a working pensioner can claim an additional payment to the pension, since the pension, together with wages, sometimes does not reach 14 thousand rubles.

Those recipients of pensions who have lived in Moscow for less than 10 years are entitled to a smaller supplement, since the subsistence minimum for them is 11,428 rubles.

How much is the Moscow pension supplement paid?

The amount of the Moscow supplement to the pension payment directly depends on how long the pensioner has been living in Moscow, while having a permanent registration in the capital or its annexed areas - if the recipient of the pension has been living here for less than 10 years, the supplement is calculated based on the subsistence minimum of 11 428 rubles, and if the time spent in the capital exceeds 10 years, the maximum allowance is paid up to the subsistence minimum (social standard) of 14,500 rubles.

How is the Moscow pension supplement calculated in 2020

The Moscow supplement to pension payments is designed to increase it to the regional subsistence minimum (social standard), and therefore it can be calculated using the formula:

RMN \u003d VPM - VP,

where RMN is the size of the Moscow allowance,

VPM - the value of the subsistence minimum (depending on the time of residence in Moscow),

VP - the amount of the monthly pension.

An example of calculating the Moscow pension supplement

Ivan Fedorovich receives an old-age pension of 8,900 rubles. The pensioner moved to Moscow 15 years ago and registered in the capital. In addition, he was assigned a subsidy of 500 rubles to pay for heating.

Lev Nikolaevich registered in Moscow 5 years ago, at the moment he is a pensioner and receives an early preferential pension in the amount of 9350 rubles, since he has worked in hazardous production all his life.

For Ivan Fedorovich, the Moscow allowance will be calculated on the basis of a living wage of 14,500 rubles, while the full amount of material support for the month will be taken into account, including benefits assigned by the state:

14500 - 8900 - 500 = 5100 rubles - this will be the regional social supplement to the pension.

For Lev Nikolayevich, the capital allowance will be calculated based on the subsistence minimum of 11,428 rubles:

11,428 - 9,350 = 2,078 rubles - a pensioner will receive such a social supplement to a pension.

How is the Moscow pension supplement issued in 2020

The Moscow pension supplement in 2017 is automatically added to the amount of the basic pension, and you do not need to apply to the Pension Fund separately.

It happens that employees of authorized bodies do not rank a pensioner in time for one or another category of pension issuer, and therefore the pensioner may notice that he has the right to a social supplement to monthly payments, but for some reason does not receive them. In such a situation, it is better to collect a certain set of documents and “remind yourself” to state institutions.

What documents are needed to apply for an allowance

So, to apply for a pension supplement, you will need to collect the following set of papers:


Where to get

Passport of the Russian Federation (original and photocopy) with a stamp of registration in Moscow or nearby territories

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Birth certificate of the child (if the recipient of the pension is a minor under 14 years of age)

Registry Offices

Information about the composition of the family

Housing department, passport office
Certificate of pension insurance


Employment history

From last job

Documents confirming the right to the benefit:

Certificate of a parent with many children (for those who receive a pension for having many children)

Death certificate of a person whose pension recipient was dependent (for those who lost their sole breadwinner)

Registry Offices

The conclusion of the medical and social examination on the assignment of a disabled group (for those who receive a disability pension)

ITU Bureau
Court decision on recognizing a citizen as missing (for those who receive a survivor's pension)

At the court clerk

Work book with a record of employment from hazardous production (for those who receive a preferential pension for hazardous working conditions)

From last job
Work book with a record of employment in the regions of the Far North (for those who receive a preferential pension)

From last job

Where to apply for a Moscow allowance

In case there is a misunderstanding, you should rightly be credited with a Moscow pension supplement, but you do not receive it, you need to contact the regional office of the Pension Fund of Russia. An employee of the institution will ask you to write an application in free form or according to a sample and submit documents confirming your identity and the right to a surcharge.

When will the application for additional payment to the pension be considered?

Employees of the Pension Fund will study your application and submitted documents for a maximum of 10 days. If any data needs clarification, it will take 30 days to resolve the issue, but this rarely happens.

If a positive decision is made to accrue an additional payment to the applicant's pension, the increased pension payment will be credited to the pensioner's account from the next month (in this case, documents must be submitted before the 20th day of the month).

Legislative acts on the topic

Common Mistakes

Error: A citizen has the right to receive a Moscow pension supplement. After submitting documents to the FIU of the Russian Federation, an unreasonable decision was made to refuse. He continues to receive a pension without additional payment.

The issue of additional payments to pensions for children has gained great popularity only now, although technically the possibility of such a recalculation has been around for a long time and has arisen since the entry into force of the new law "About insurance pensions" No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 - that is, from January 1, 2015. However, earlier the possibility of recalculating an already assigned pension to receive a supplement for children caused great controversy. Now, several years later, the legitimacy of applying to the FIU on this issue has already become recognized and is not in doubt.

According to the new pension legislation, now when assigning a pension, it is provided better accounting for the period of child care, which is expressed in:

It is noteworthy that more favorable rules can be applied to similar periods, that took place before 01/01/2015. Therefore, those pensioners who have reached it a long time ago can also apply for an additional payment to the pension - i.e. women who, among other things, already have adult children born before 1990 (during the Soviet era).

The choice of the best option for accounting for non-insurance periods for childcare (and, consequently, the possibility of recalculation) consists in choosing the procedure for calculating the amount of the insurance pension:

  • valid until 2015 (according to the norms of Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001);
  • currently in force, starting from January 1, 2015 (according to the norms of the new law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013).

Upon detailed consideration and comparison of all options for calculating a pension in practice, it often turns out that the new procedure for accounting for pension rights is more beneficial for a pensioner and can provide a significant monthly increase (see). Therefore, it is worth using this opportunity and contacting the Pension Fund with the appropriate one. Although the supplement to the pension for children not guaranteed for all pensioners(each case is individual), you can say for sure for whom it may be most likely.

What is the supplement to the pension for children and who is entitled to it?

The meaning of the allowance for children consists in offsetting the so-called “non-insurance periods” (clause 1, article 12 of law No. 400-FZ) in the length of service and accruing additional pension points, the amount of which (the so-called individual pension coefficient) directly determines the amount of the pension. In this case, this will be the period of departure of one of the parents for each child until they reach the age of one and a half years(the maximum total can only be taken into account 6 year care period for all children, so if we talk strictly about the period of care for each up to 1.5 years, then only four children can be counted in points).

The essence of the proposed recalculation for children is as follows:

  • for women who were in an employment relationship at the time of birth and caring for a child, this is the possibility of offsetting this period in one of two ways: either as a period of work, or, according to the new rules, as a non-insurance period, if such a replacement would be beneficial to her;
  • for women who at that time had a break in work or combined the time of the birth of a child with study, this is an opportunity to increase the size of their pension by including a new unaccounted for non-insurance period in the length of service and adding the number of points that directly affect the amount of the pension paid (taking into account the new one).

It should immediately be noted that not all pension recipients benefit apply for a refund! There are such categories of pensioners who will not receive additional payments during its implementation, and possibly even at all - the amount received will go into the red.

It is important that in the event that a smaller pension is received upon recalculation than it was before, the initial amount of payments will not be reduced, and in response to the application for recalculation, the PFR specialists will make a decision to refuse.

Given all of the above, first of all, it is worth paying attention to those mothers who recalculation is likely to be beneficial:

  • women with at least two children;
  • who received low wages and, accordingly, have a small coefficient applied to the calculation of the payment;
  • who had a short work experience.

Which of the pensioners will not receive a surcharge upon recalculation?

The amount of additional payment for recalculation, as well as the very possibility of its implementation, are strictly individual. However, it is safe to say who should not count on such an increase. These categories of pensioners include the following persons:

  • retired after January 1, 2015(for them, all possible options have already been calculated, taking into account non-insurance periods for children, and the most profitable method was automatically selected);
  • recipients, paid in a fixed amount(established, including for living in the area of ​​the catastrophe at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant);
  • retired previously established retirement age if they have a privileged job that gives such a right (since as a result of replacing the insurance period with points for non-insurance periods, they may lose the right to due to the exclusion of this time from the special experience - this especially applies to periods of child care before 10/06/1992);
  • having only one child;
  • pension recipients.

Other citizens may benefit from applying for recalculation.

In each individual case, the calculation of the pension, as well as the calculation of the amount of the additional payment, will be purely individual, and there is no need to talk about any fixed amount of the increase. For some, this will be an additional payment of 300 rubles or even more, while for others, the supplement will be equal to one ruble or zero.

How many points are added to the pension for children?

According to paragraph 12 of Art. 15 FZ No. 400 "About insurance pension" The number of points awarded for periods of child care depends on the following parameters:

  • order of birth of the child;
  • amount of care time.

Data on the value of points taken into account when recalculating the copay for children is presented in the following table.

Table - Recalculation of pensions for women for children

It is worth considering some nuances when:

  • the care period is less than a year - then the calculation of the coefficient is established based on its actual duration (clause 14, article 15 No. 400-FZ);
  • there are several such periods coinciding in time - then the sum of the coefficients for each child is determined (clause 13, article 15 of law No. 400-FZ).

Consider the example of recalculating a pension for a woman with 2 adult children, taking into account non-insurance periods for the care of each of them.

Example - Pension recalculation for pensioners with 2 or more children

Anna Ivanovna has been a pensioner since April 2014. In order to compare different options for calculating a pension (respectively, according to the old rules or according to the new ones), we determine the number of points earned by a woman for each of them. Thus, we will determine the profitability of a possible recalculation and the chance of receiving an increase for children.

Necessary initial data for recalculation:

The total work experience of a woman is 18 years, of which 15 years were worked in the period from 1978 to 1997 and 3 years - from 2005 to 2008, during which the employer transferred 135 thousand rubles to her personal account for financing of the insurance part of the pension (the funded part was not formed). The length of service until January 1, 1991 is 11 years. Anna Ivanovna has two children born before 1990 (in 1979 and 1985). On leave to care for a child, a woman was 1.5 years with each. The calculated wage coefficient is 0.8.

    The first option - as it was determined when assigning a pension. When retiring before January 1, 2015, non-insurance periods counted as work experience according to the norms of the law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001, because at that moment the pensioner was in an employment relationship.

    • The estimated pension until 2002 (Article 30 of the Federal Law No. 173) amounted to 256.72 rubles. is ((0.55 × 0.8 × 1671 – 450) × 18 /20).
    • The estimated amount of valorization (Article 30.1 of the Federal Law No. 173) is 53.91 rubles. is (256.72 × (0.1 + 0.01 × 11 )).
    • The increase from insurance premiums received after 2001 is 592.11 rubles. - this is 135,000 rubles. / 228 months
    • The total labor pension (excluding the base part and indexation) assigned to the pensioner was 2336.24 rubles. is ((256.72 + 53.91) × 5.6148 + 592.11).

      In terms of pension coefficients, this amount will be 36.45 points- this is (2336.24 rubles / 64.10 rubles for 1 point).

  1. The second option is how it will be calculated when recalculating the pension for children. When recalculating according to the norms of the new law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013, it is necessary to convert the amount received into pension points (including for non-insurance periods of caring for 2 children), dividing it by the cost of one such point in 2015 (64, 10 rubles), and subtract 3 years of experience from the previous calculations (1.5 years for each child).

It is obvious that for Anna Ivanovna from the example considered, the recalculation of the pension for two adult children will be profitable(39.45 points more than 36.45). This is due to the fact that she had a small salary and low experience, while she has two children.

Thus, the woman in the considered example will receive a permanent increase in her pension in the amount of 39.45 - 36.45 = 3 points. The cost of 1 pension coefficient from January 1, 2019, taking into account the indexations carried out, is 87.24 rubles.

That., the pension supplement for her will be equal to 3 × 87.24 = 261.72 rubles.

How to apply for additional payment to the pension for children?

The recalculation of the pension payment, which implies an additional payment, taking into account non-insurance periods, is carried out by application only with the necessary documents.

In order to apply for an increase in the pension for children, pensioners must take few steps:

At the same time, there is several ways such an appeal:

  • personally (or through a legal representative) make an appointment with the client service of the district department of the Pension Fund;
  • contact the MFC at the place of residence;
  • send documents by mail;
  • issue an electronic appeal through a single portal of public services.

Despite all the appeals of the FIU not to create a stir around the topic of additional payments for adult children, the information provided about a possible increase in pensions causes concern for a large number of citizens, and their desire to quickly get an appointment with FIU specialists can be understood in view of the difficult economic situation in the country. However, in some PFR departments, an entry on the issue of recalculation has already been scheduled many months ahead.

Since the moment of the recalculation will depend on the date of application, women in large settlements should pay attention to alternative ways of applying, bypassing a personal appointment with the FIU.

Application for recalculation of pension for children (sample)

An application for the recalculation of a pension for children is a standard form for revising the amount of a payment, including for other reasons. The application form for an additional payment can be filled out in advance by printing it out from the website of public services or the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (or it can be downloaded). You can also issue it when you personally apply to the FIU or the MFC under the guidance of specialists from these institutions (in this case, the correct filling is guaranteed).

This document is drawn up in Russian and signed personally by a citizen or his legal representative (if there is a notarized power of attorney). According to the content of the application, one can distinguish its main points:

  • first, the name of the territorial body of the PFR is indicated, where the citizen applies;
  • then personal data follows (full name, citizenship, address of registration and actual place of residence);
  • in paragraph 3, the type of pension subject to recalculation is reported, and in the last column of the same paragraph, the basis for the additional payment is indicated "including non-insurance periods";
  • it is also necessary to list in writing the documents attached to the application.

The final signature of the applicant at the end of the document confirms the accuracy of the information provided by him.

What documents are needed to apply for an increase

AT package of documents required to apply for an increase in payment includes:

  • a document proving the identity of the pensioner or his legal representative;
  • pension insurance certificate ();
  • an application (a 4-page form is printed by an employee of the PFR in person or filled out by the applicant independently in electronic form on the website of public services);
  • birth certificates of children or a birth certificate from the registry office;
  • documents confirming that the child is 1.5 years old, to choose from:
    • certificate of education;
    • child's passport.

If the child's birth certificate contains a stamp indicating that he received a passport when he reaches the age of 14, then there is no need to provide any additional documents to confirm that he has been cared for!

It is worth remembering that in the case of applying for recalculation through the post office, copies of the submitted documents must be notarized, and in case of applying for an increase via the Internet, the documents necessary for the additional payment (except for the application made directly on the site) should be brought to the Pension Fund within five working days.

Deadlines for making a decision and when there will be an increase

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 23 of Law No. 400-FZ, the recalculation of the amount of the insurance pension is carried out from the first following the month in which the application was submitted. The revision of the pension payment by including non-contributory periods for adult children is no exception in this sense.

Do not forget that the possibility of submitting such an application for additional payment is not limited by any period. However, if you apply for the increase later, the pensioner will only be able to start receiving a higher pension from the next month - no supplements for the previous time missed since the entry into force of the new law is not allowed.

But since the additional payment to the pension is not guaranteed to absolutely everyone, the option of refusing to recalculate is also possible. In this case, an appropriate decision of the PFR commission will be made, of which the applicant will be notified by phone or e-mail address indicated in the application, and in the absence of such, by mail notification.

Is there a supplement to the pension for children born before 1990? I retired in 2005, I have three daughters born in 1974, born in 1979. and born in 1985, with each of which she was on parental leave for a year. During the indicated periods, I was in an employment relationship and this time was counted to me when assigning a pension payment as a length of service.

According to the norms of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013, which entered into force in January 2015, it became possible to calculate the time spent caring for children (one and a half years with no more than four) according to a more favorable option, including for periods until 2015.

The question of increasing the pension for children, including those who have long been adults, is not worth it precisely because of the date of their birth before or after 1990. Such a recalculation is due to all women who have children and care for them at different times, including the Soviet period.

To compare several calculation options, you will need to contact the PFR department, where your payment case is located with documents confirming the departure, and write an application for recalculation.

If you have a short work experience and a low salary coefficient applied to the calculation of the payment, then if you have three children, such a recalculation is likely to be beneficial. In the event that such a revision of the pension is unprofitable, its initial size will not be reduced, the commission will decide on the refusal.

Today, the state supports low-income pensioners by paying them a special -. Its size is determined by the difference between the personal income of an elderly non-working person and the subsistence level of a pensioner established in the region.

Many pensioners are mistaken, believing that the concept of "material security" includes only a pension that they receive in their hands in the form of money. This is not true. When calculating the total amount of material security for a pensioner, the following are taken into account:

Additional material support;

In addition, cash compensation expenses are taken into account:

To pay for the use of the telephone;

For payment of residential premises and utilities;

By paying for travel on all types of passenger transport: urban, suburban, intercity.

The size of social supplements is reviewed when the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the Russian Federation as a whole changes.

The revision of the size of the federal social supplement in case of a change in the subsistence minimum is made from the first day of the month following the month in which the specified change is established.

And yet, for disabled children and children under the age of 18, after the appointment of a pension on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner, the legislation provides for the establishment of a social supplement to a pension automatically without application.

The agency recalls that the social supplement is set without applications from pensioners: the Pension Fund and social security themselves determine the level of material security of non-working pensioners based on the information they have. But when applying for a job, the recipient himself must report this to the Pension Fund at the place of residence.

Many pensioners are entitled to additional payments to their pension, but do not know about it. Today we will consider on what grounds your pension can increase and by how much.


Citizens who have crossed the 80-year mark receive an increased pension. For them, the legislation establishes a double fixed payment to the insurance pension. For all old-age pension recipients it is 5,686 rubles, and for 80-year-olds it doubles to 11,372 rubles. That is, the “increase” to the pension after 80 years is 5,686 rubles. In this case, you do not need to apply to the Pension Fund to recalculate the pension. Pension after 80 years is recalculated automatically.

It is important that disabled people of the 1st group who have reached the age of 80 are not assigned a double fixed payment to the insurance pension, since they already receive it due to disability. According to the law, the corresponding supplement to the pension is established on one of the grounds: either reaching the age of 80, or having 1 disability group.

If a small pension

Such an additional payment is established for pensioners whose total amount of material support does not exceed the subsistence minimum for a pensioner established in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Thus, non-working pensioners, whose total amount of material support in 2020 does not reach a certain number of rubles, will be entitled to a federal social supplement to a pension up to the specified amount.

For citizens who receive or received FSD in 2010-2020, its size will be revised upwards without application.

Pensioners who in 2020 for the first time acquired the right to establish a FSD (due to dismissal or if the total income is below the subsistence level) can exercise this right only by submitting an appropriate application to the territorial body of the PFR at the place of residence.

The social supplement to the pension is established from the 1st day of the month following the month of applying for it with the corresponding application. For recipients of a survivor's pension under the age of 18 (except for recipients of such pensions from "power" departments), a social supplement is established without application from the day from which the corresponding pension is assigned, but not earlier than from the day the right to the specified social supplement arises .

For all pensioners, regardless of the department for receiving a pension, the specified additional payment is established by the territorial bodies of the PFR at the place of residence.

Since the federal social supplement to the pension is established only for non-working pensioners, when applying for a job (carrying out other activities), a pensioner receiving a federal social supplement must immediately inform the territorial body of the Pension Fund at the place of residence.


Monthly cash payments

If a pensioner has been diagnosed with a disability, then he is entitled to receive monthly payments in addition to his pension. The amount of these payments directly depends on the disability group, so for group 1 - 3782 rubles, for group 2 - 2701 rubles, for group 3 - 2162 rubles.

Monthly cash payments (UDV) are provided to certain categories of citizens from among:

Veterans (5403 rubles);

Disabled people (from 2162 to 3782 rubles);

Former minor prisoners of fascism (3,782 rubles);

Persons exposed to radiation due to radiation accidents and nuclear tests (2162 rubles);

If a citizen is simultaneously entitled to an UA under several federal laws, he is granted one UA on one of the grounds of the citizen's choice. That is, a citizen can be both a disabled person and a veteran at the same time. And in this case, he himself has the right to choose according to which of the circumstances he will receive the EDV.

Citizens who are entitled to receive a monthly cash payment are required to immediately report to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about the circumstances affecting the change in the amount of the UDV, as well as entailing the termination of the monthly cash payment.

For the appointment of the EDV, you must contact the territorial body of the PFR at the place of registration (including temporary). If a citizen of the Russian Federation does not have a place of residence confirmed by registration, it is necessary to submit an application to the territorial authority at the place of actual residence. In this case, the actual residence is confirmed by an application, and not by a passport or temporary registration.

If a citizen is already receiving a pension, he needs to submit an application to the territorial body of the PFR at the location of the payment case, that is, to the place where he applied for a pension.

A citizen who lives in a stationary social service institution must contact the FIU at the location of this institution.


In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.06.2007 No. 343 “On the implementation of monthly compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for a disabled person of group I (with the exception of disabled people from childhood of group I), as well as for the elderly who are in need at the conclusion of a medical institution in permanent outside care or who have reached the age of 80”, a compensation payment is assigned to persons living in the Russian Federation caring for a disabled person of group I (with the exception of disabled people from childhood of group I), as well as for an elderly person who, according to the conclusion of a medical institution, needs constant outside care or over the age of 80.
However, if there are other disabled members in the family (daughter-high school student, son-student or unemployed), it is possible that this compensation payment for care in the amount of 1200 rubles was established by him.
The specified payment is made to the pension assigned to the disabled citizen and is carried out during the entire period of care.

The period of care counts towards the caregiver's seniority of 1.8 pension points for each year of care. This allows the caregiver to form his or her pension entitlements for the insurance pension.

The amount of the payment is set at 1200 rubles.

In other words, if you are a disabled person of group 1 or a pensioner in need of constant care, or you are 80 years old or older, then you can formally register an able-bodied, unemployed person (either a teenager over 14 or a student) to take care of yourself and receive an additional payment to a pension of 1200 rubles.

In Moscow, a pension supplement is assigned according to certain rules. To do this, you need to write an appropriate application.

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Moscow pensions are among the highest in the Russian Federation, since the standard of living in Moscow differs significantly from the standard of living in the regions of the country.

Moscow is considered the richest city in the country. Today, the state, as a social shield, has decided to increase the subsistence minimum, and at the same time the level of the capital allowance.

Main information

Now every pensioner who has been registered in the capital for more than 10 years has the right to apply for a pension supplement.

This also applies to those pensioners who have lived there on a permanent basis for less than 10 years, but their subsistence level is below the established one.

The state provides additional material assistance to the citizens of the capital, if they can document the right to receive it.

This will ensure the guaranteed receipt of additional payments to the established amount of pension payments. The basis of the pension supplement for residents of Moscow is the "Luzhkov's" surcharge.

To qualify for this benefit, the following conditions must be met:

  • official residence in Moscow for more than 10 years;
  • permanent residence in the city or in the annexed territory;
  • lack of official work.

In addition to this allowance, pensioners can count on the following allowances:

  • supplement to the minimum subsistence level;
  • disability benefits;
  • Surcharges for the loss of a breadwinner;
  • indexation of pensions;
  • compensatory allowances - provided for working pensioners with a salary of less than 20,000 rubles.

Initial concepts

A pension is a regular cash income paid to people who have reached retirement age, are disabled or have lost their breadwinner.

The opportunity to receive a pension supplement appears after a person retires. The amount of the capital allowance is calculated in this way - the city social standard minus the amount that is transferred to the pensioner every month.

The amount of the supplement to the pension, first of all, depends on the size of the financial well-being of a citizen of retirement age, which includes:

  • insurance assistance provided by the state as a pension;
  • additional financial assistance (for example, social benefits).

The total amount of financial support for a pensioner includes state assistance:

  • home telephone connection;
  • payment for housing, utility bills;
  • travel tickets for the capital's public transport, including the reimbursement of a possible part of the costs of paying for these services, expressed in monetary terms.

Who is supposed to

Starting from 2020, not every citizen who has reached retirement age can count on a supplement, but only those who receive a social standard in Moscow.

In other words, non-working pensioners whose monthly income does not exceed the subsistence level receive an additional allowance. One of the most famous is the "Luzhkov's" allowance.

According to the current legislation, only those citizens who have lived in the capital for at least 10 years can count on the city allowance.

This also includes the presence of a permanent residence permit in the territory of the capital and in the territories attached to it. The amount of the allowance varies. This is due to the difference in the amount of monthly payments made.

Legal regulation

The legislative basis for providing the allowance to Moscow pensioners is the law of March 23, 2006 No. 36 “On social support for certain categories of citizens in the Moscow region”.

This legal document contains information about certain categories of residents of Moscow and the territories adjacent to it, who simply need social support from the state.

How to apply for a Moscow pension supplement

The pensioner needs to prove that the total time spent in Moscow was 10 or more. Other benefits are not affected by the period of residence in the city.

You can apply for this benefit at the PFR department by providing a passport with a valid Moscow residence permit.

Photo: receiving a monthly cash payment

In order for a citizen to receive a well-deserved bonus, you need to go to the Pension Fund office in the area where the subject lives. An application for a supplement to a pension is possible.

Additionally, SNILS and an application drawn up according to the appropriate model will be required. At the same time, you should have a package of documents with you, which confirms that the citizen really has the right to issue an additional payment.

The list of documents may differ depending on the type of pension itself. First you need to check with the employees of the Pension Fund what documents you need to submit.

Conditions for obtaining

Since 2013, the main condition for receiving a Moscow pension supplement is to have been registered in the capital for at least ten years.

This financial allowance is available to all pensioners who do not work, and persons with disabilities, if the amount of their monthly allowance is less than the subsistence level.

A citizen of Russia who has not reached retirement age, has lived in the capital for less than 10 years, and his income level is less than the subsistence minimum in the region, has the right to count on the provision of an allowance.

But in such a situation, the surcharge will be determined taking into account the amount of the regional minimum, which also increased in 2020. Instead of 9046 rubles - 11428 rubles. Pensions for this category of residents of the country will also increase.

In 2020, the minimum income was significantly changed by the state - from 12,000 to 14,500 rubles, which means that the allowance will be paid even to those pensioners who still continue to work.

As a result of the calculations, it turned out that there were at least 500,000 recipients.

What factors affect the amount of the payment?

The amount of the Moscow supplement to the pension is individual, depending on age, pension and subsistence minimum.

How much the allowance is depends on the nature of the proposed allowance, its size will be different if there are additional certificates.

At the federal level, pensioners are entitled to allowances that take into account the following criteria:

How is the registration process

The standard list of documents that are provided to the PF for receiving an allowance includes:

  1. The passport.
  2. SNILS.
  3. A certificate that indicates that a citizen lives in Moscow.
  4. Retiree certificate.
  5. Documents that confirm the end of the pensioner's employment.

If the allowance is due on the occasion of disability, it is imperative to present a certificate from the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise.

In addition, for certain citizens, an important condition is the provision of a certificate of loss of a breadwinner, or confirming a change in surname and name.

For students, you need to present a certificate from a higher educational institution, which indicates the fact of studying there.

Documents evidencing the completion of work may be:

  • work book with a mark on the end of labor activity;
  • an extract from an individual account (when it is not possible to provide a work book).

The Pension Fund considers all documents together with the application within ten days. Although in certain situations it can take much longer, up to a maximum of 30 days.

At the end of this term, the PF will provide a solution. If approved by the Pension Fund, the supplement will be provided from the first day of the following month.

In the event of a refusal, a citizen can challenge the decision of the PF in court. The appeal is made in the order of the court in accordance with the current legislation.

Features of the supplement for working citizens

Such an allowance is paid to non-working pensioners and citizens with disabilities who receive income less than the designated minimum.

And since in 2020 the minimum income was increased from 12,000 to 14.5 00 rubles, the allowance will also be received by employed pensioners whose income is less than this amount.

If a pensioner has been living in Moscow for less than 10 years, and his income is less than the prescribed subsistence level, then he can also receive an allowance.

But in such a situation, the surcharge is considered based on the size of a non-regional level. This amount equals 11,428 rubles. Pensions for these citizens will increase this year.

Do they receive additional funds upon reaching the age of 80

For pensioners over the age of 80, the amount of the pension is recalculated upwards. Only the fixed amount increases in relation to the old-age pension.

But there are exceptions for pensioners with 1 disability group. It is said that the fixed amount of monthly payments has already been initially increased several times.

The main task of the authorities is to increase the amount of additional payments by 20% for 2020-18. for example, it is planned to increase the pension of those couples who have been married for more than 50 years.

In this case, the family will receive an allowance of up to 10 thousand rubles, for a couple with 60 years of experience - 12 thousand rubles. etc.

The size of the Moscow supplement to the pension depends on the age, the size of the pension and the subsistence minimum.

In addition to the basic size of his pension, each pensioner has the right to issue and receive a variety of allowances. We will tell about them in more detail, in particular about the one that was called “Luzhkov's pension supplement”.

Social additional payments

When it comes to additional pension payments, two separate categories are meant: federal and regional (local).

Federal acts extend to all regions of the country without exception, their size and composition are appointed only by the Government. Regional are paid from the budget of the given subject of the Russian Federation and by the decision of the local self-government body.

The federal ones are:

  • social;
  • national pension accruals;
  • insurance pension payments.

Pension supplements

The list of various allowances for insurance pension accruals is quite long:

  • When a pensioner reaches the age of 80 or when a disability group I is established, an increase in the fixed payment to the pension by 100% is required (in 2019 - 5334.19 rubles).
  • The list also includes increased payments to those pensioners who stopped working much later than the retirement age, but did not submit documents to the FIU. How much more the total amount becomes depends on the time for which the departure from work was postponed. When applying 5 years later, the amount of the pension increases by about 40%.
  • Disabled people of I, II, III groups draw up their benefits.
  • One third of the amount of the standard pension accrual (5180, 24 rubles in 2019) can be issued additionally for each dependent (minors, partially capable and incompetent citizens), but not more than 3 disabled family members;
  • Unemployed pensioners living in rural areas and who have worked in agriculture in certain positions - a fixed payment increases by 25%;
  • For northerners who have worked for at least 20 calendar years in areas equated to the regions of the Far North, and have an insurance record of at least 25 years for men or at least 20 years for women, the fixed payment is increased by 30%.
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Fringe benefits

If a pensioner is an active civil servant, then for each new year in office he is entitled to an additional 3% to the pension. Other benefits are provided to the following categories of citizens:

  • Athletes who have participated in the Olympic Games;
  • Military personnel who participated in hostilities, veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • Children of war;
  • Heroes of Russia, as well as the USSR.

Federal benefits differ from other benefits in that they are indexed every 6 months. This is done in order to cover inflation for the past period. Thus, the income of pensioners remains at a stable level.

Which Muscovites are entitled to Luzhkov's pension supplement

Who is paid Luzhkov's pension supplement - non-working pensioners who have lived in the capital for at least 10 years, but at the same time their incomes are below the level of the city social standard. Due to the payment, the income of those who are entitled to Luzhkov's pension supplement rises to the social standard of Moscow.

Requirements for citizens:

  1. be a recipient of a pension;
  2. lack of work (temporary or permanent);
  3. confirmed residence in Moscow for at least 10 years;
  4. low income.
Attention! Luzhkov's allowance for working pensioners is not supposed to.

If a pensioner lives in Moscow, but for less than 10 years, then he will still receive the Luzhkov bonus, but only up to the subsistence level. The difference between these two values ​​is significant.

So, Luzhkov's allowance in 2019 was based on the social standard of Moscow, equal to 17,500 rubles, and the subsistence minimum is 12,115 rubles. The amount of Luzhkov's pension supplement is equal to the difference between the assigned pension and the social standard or the subsistence minimum.

In 2019, the PMP in Moscow was 12115 rubles. Accordingly, the additional payment will be made by bringing the citizen's pension provision to this indicator.

Attention! Every year the administrative-territorial boundaries of the city of Moscow are reviewed. In 2018, Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts were added to the administrative borders of this subject of the Russian Federation. Important! The amount of Luzhkov's pension supplement is set on an individual basis; you can find out this information in your PFR department.

Indexation of the "Luzhkov's" payment is carried out only once a year - on January 1. If a pensioner has lived in the capital for less than 10 years, but at the same time he is a participant in the Second World War, or a Hero of Russia or the USSR, then he will receive a payment in full.

How to get a Luzhkov pension supplement

The pensioner needs to prove that the total time of residence in Moscow (albeit with interruptions) amounted to a total of 10 years or more. The duration of residence in the capital does not have any effect on other benefits.

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