What to do when constipation in a newborn on breast and artificial feeding. What if the baby constipped? Tips and recommendations of the gastroenterologist

At the first year of the life of the baby, the parents have to face many troubles. The most common among them is the violation of the chair, which is more often manifested by constipation. A child cannot empty his intestines easily, on time and painless, as it should be normal. It stands up, crying, but the desired result is the selection of feces - no. Statistics confirms that a quarter of newborns happens this pathology from time to time. It is complicated by the fact that the baby, naturally, will not tell about his condition, because it is not easy to determine constipation from a child with young mothers and dads.

Accumulating due to constipation in the intestine, cavalous masses lead to intoxicating the children's body. It is important to identify and eliminate the problem in a timely manner. What features should be navigable to recognize problems with the intestines and what to do if the babies have connected? Let's try to find out.

How to understand that the baby has constipation?

Initially, they pay their attention to how often the child has a natural emptying of the intestines, which color and consistency have cavalous masses. Another important characteristic that cannot be forgotive is how easily the defecational act of the child is given, whether he causes painful, uncomfortable feelings.

Frequency of defecation per day in infants gradually decreases throughout the year. Newborn empty about 4 - 10 times. To 1 year old age is considered a physiological, normal act of defecation 1 time / day. Calla substance in the infant has a soft consistency. In the first month of life, casket feces. At the kids, older feces gradually becomes more decorated.

Coloring of detergents largely depends on the meal consumed by the crumb. Newborn feces yellow. When the enclosure begins, the color becomes light brown or dark brown. In the norm, the emptying of the intestine does not bring the kid of unpleasant, painful sensations. The rectum is cleared of the contents easily, without intensive fence, the crumble should not be capricious or cry during defecation.

If the baby keeps a good appetite, the child looks completely healthy, while painlessly, it is easy to deteriorate, but rarely - it's not necessary to worry over. This condition is an individual norm. You can watch the cloth for a while. Stooling the chair can pass on its own, without outside interference.

If the stool is bonded in a breast child, normal characteristics begin to change. Anxiety should be scored in the following cases:

  • the toddler chair is less common for one or two times a day;
  • the process of cleansing the intestine in the child is accompanied by crying, anxiety;
  • kroch refuses meals;
  • the kid sleeps badly;
  • there is a bloating of the tummy, occasionally - vomiting;
  • calla density is very high;
  • held masses with difficulty, the baby is causing discomfort.

It is generally accepted that the kids are not disturbed by the work of the intestine, if feeding the crumb to an exclusive breast-breast milk. It is not true. Constipation in kids older than a year, as well as in newborns, subject to breastfeeding, not such a rarity.

Varieties of constipation in babies

There are two shapes of stool fastening: atonic and spastic. The awareness of the difference between them helps to determine the tactics of helping the baby, the treatment of the pathological condition.

When constipation, which is based on the intestinal atony, the initial portion of the feces is excessively dense, it has a large diameter. Caltal mass stands out hard, the process causes pain. The subsequent portion of the type resembles Cashitz, it is volumetric.

When constipation, the spastic problem is associated with spasms of intestinal walls. The main manifestation is "sheep" Cal (it has the form of individual, solid rods). Its density is also significantly improved. The selection of a kalova substance is accompanied by pain. Spastic repairs typically expressed bloating tummy.

Why is the constipation in Croch?

In infants, the stalling of the chair happens due to several reasons. Consider the main ones in order:

  1. Anomalies of the structure of the colon. Defects are most often associated with such pathologies as the diverticulus, gentlemen. Anatomy violations provoke organic nature constipation, which appear already in the first days, months of the life of crumbs. The emergence of intestinal disorder in such situations requires immediate correction.
  2. Ogrechi in nutrition Mommy, nursing baby breasts. This alimentary nature caused a factor causes constipation among the baby quite often. To break the children's chair consumed by the mother in large quantities of nuts, meat, milk, rice cereals, black rich tea or coffee, cocoa, white bread and other constipation can be observed in crumbs constantly, if a woman abuses regularly listed food products.
  3. Water deficiency in the children's body. This factor is relevant, especially with artificial feeding, with insufficient introduction into the diet of crumbs of water (its quantity depends on the age of the baby).
  4. Incompretation of the introduction of lures. The digestive channel of the baby, especially if we are talking about the early months of life, is perfectly adapted for the processing of milk, but it does not quite well copes with the assimilation of other food. Constipation with the introduction of feeding before the last time arises from the kids regularly. Therefore, many modern pediatricians are convinced that up to 6 months. The only allowable to power the kids product can only be considered the maternal milk.
  5. A sharp transition from breastfeeding to nutrient mixtures, from one mixture to the other mixture. The younger than the crumb, the more it is subject to the occurrence of constipation for this reason.
  6. Deficiency of nutritional fibers in the diet. This factor can cause a closure of the chair in a child of younger during the administration of the attachment. Baby Sometimes they do not want to eat vegetable / fruit purees, as a result of which there is a lack of admission to the intestine of food utility fibers. If there is also dehydration, the irregular stool of croching, alas, is provided.
  7. Acceptance of the mother or baby antibiotics and some other drugs (antidepressants, muscle relaxants, iron-containing drugs, etc.). For the successful treatment of many dangerous diseases (for example, pneumonia, otitis purulent) doctors are forced to prescribe potent antimicrobial drugs. The trouble is that with all the effectiveness of such medicines in the destruction of infection, they are very aggressive behave in relation to the intestinal microflora. Antibiotics act bacteric and on pathogenic microorganisms, and useful. As a result, constipation arise - due to dysbacteriosis. If the mother takes any of the listed drugs, their active substances penetrate into breast milk, and with it - crumbs in the body.
  8. Inactive lifestyle. Many young moms for the purpose of security excessively protect the child from active games. Hydodinese leads not only to the violation of intestinal peristaltics, but also to the delay in the physical development of the kid.
  9. Psychogenic causal factors. License with mommy, for example, her diseases or crumbs are carried out to a delay, the seal of the chair at the kid - on the soil of excitement at the subconscious level.
  10. Insufficient volume of maternal milk. When the baby does not eat, all consumed milk without a residue is absorbed by the body - the intestines in this case actually nothing to allocate.

All the factors mentioned are functional nature, with the exception of the first item. Functional constipation arise against the background of a healthy anatomically intestine, only the functional ability of the digestive channel is broken - due to spasm or, on the contrary, atony.

Provice long constipation can cause such serious diseases as inflammation of the pancreas gland, dyskinesia of biliary tubules, rickets, liver pathologies, myasthenia, brain tumors, lactose insufficiency, allergic phenomena, hypothyroidism and many others. In addition to the constipation, there are other characteristic of the noteworthy signs.

How to help baby?

What if the constipation has an infants? The very first action should be the clarification of the reason leading to the constation, and the elimination of a negative factor. If the trouble is in the mother's nutrition (with breast feeding), it is necessary to correct, adjust the diet of a nursing woman. When the cause of the constipation is the wrong selection of food for the baby, should be clarified by a pediatrician, a nutritionist, than and how to feed the crumb and immediately correct all the errors. Vegetable / fruit purees are preferably used, cooked independently for all the rules. Store products are not always, unfortunately, they boast of excellent quality.

Help baby with different types of constipation:

  1. Spastic nature constipation is well eliminated by therapeutic massage: delicate stroking movements along the clockwise arrow massage the toddler tummy. You can also apply a warm towel to the outer abdominal wall or press the crumb to yourself - the warmth of the body of the mother will help eliminate spasms, relaxes the children's intestine, the child will calm down.
  2. Contacts atonic requires a stimulating massage with further lays down the baby on the tummy. The most memorable exercise that launches the intestinal motility is the "bringing" the lower limbs of the kid to his tummy, the exercise "bike".
  3. It is more difficult to the situation when there is a place of organic nature constipation associated with anatomical defects of the intestine. Parents should appeal to an experienced specialist who will conduct a thorough diagnosis and will be determined with the therapeutic strategy. Often to get rid of the problem is only operational way.

Against the background of antibiotic therapy, the constipation that emerged requires the restoration of intestinal microflora. For this, special preparations containing beneficial bacteria (lactobacterin, bifidobacterin, etc.) are used. Only they will be able to improve the situation. Appoints their doctor.

Medical assistance

If there was a kid of a functional nature of constipation, you can try to help the baby with medication tools. Apply all laxative preparations, the action of which is based on irritation of intestinal walls, the kids in the first year of their life is prohibited. Also cannot be resorted to salt osmotic drugs, weakening chair.

It is not advisable to do with the clizes, they can be appointed exclusively in hopeless situations. In the instructions for the modern laxative tool of the local action "Microlax" for children, it is indicated that it is allowed to apply for newborn curves and infants. This is ready, a viscous solution designed for the introduction in the form of microclisms. The tip is immersed in the intestine only on the ½ of its length (the tip has special marks).

Without risk, harming the crumbs of the first year of life can be used by means of lactulose. This preparation is "Dufahalak", for example. It acts delicately, gentle, is not addictive. Some doctors advise to begin use with minimal doses and only in the absence of the desired result to increase the dosage. After 6 months. And the older kids are allowed when constilling the Laxative Medication "Forlax", which also does not lead to addiction, affects gently. Sometimes they put rectal glycerin candles.
It must be remembered that all these medicines should not be applied constantly - you need to reveal the root cause of constipation and try to eliminate it as quickly as possible. Moreover, even the safest pharmacological agent can harm if it is used uncontrollaimed, with a violation of age dosage, too often. Independent is not a place here, the medicine is picking up a specialist.

Some mammies are trying to eliminate constipation in the baby's baby, folk, unconventional ways. With such recipes, you need to be extremely careful and better not to resort to them without permission of the pediatrician.

Preventive measures

It is much easier to warn constipation from the kid, rather than a long time and painfully struggling with intestinal disorder. What are preventive measures?

  • The nutrition of a nursing mother should be balanced in the main nutrient content. It is not recommended to eat allergy-free foods, acute foods, too fat and sweet dishes, which through maternal milk fall to the baby, and can very easily disrupt the work of its digestive channel, lead to constipation. Food products are selected only high-quality.
  • The time of the introduction of children's dust, its character should be coordinated with a pediatrician who is observing the development and health of the kid. Products must correspond to the age of infant so that its intestines can cope with food processing, did not come to the "upset" state. Be sure to follow the quality of food, the amount of fluid consumed.
  • Fencing the child from stress. License with mother is unacceptable. An exception can only be serious diseases of a woman or her baby.
  • Provide adequate physical activity of a child.

On time, it is necessary to carry out the main causal diseases that manifest themselves to the stool. The correction of most such pathologies requires hospitalization.


It will help competently establish the work of the intestine of the baby's kid. It will examine the crumb, reveal the real causes of disorders, will recommend safe, effective therapeutic methods, effective drugs.

You can not take a time with a trip to the doctor especially in those situations where the constipation in the crumbs is accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition, a strong crying, anxiety. The kids of the first days / months of life constipation can be a symptom of organic intestinal pathologies, which can be corrected only by a surgical way. Contact your experienced specialist, he will be able to exclude serious diseases. Do not endanger the health and life of your little miracle!

The character of the chair in the infants vary from the child to the child just like adults. What is normal for your child, may differ from what is normal for the other. Most children poop 1 or 2 times a day. Other kids can pass from 2 to 3 days or more before the normal chair appears.

The functioning of the intestine will be strongly changed during the life of the child. At times, these changes may indicate that the baby is constipated.

Constipation is the condition of the body when the chair is not so regular as usual. Cal abundant, and walk to the toilet - hurt. Sometimes a chair can be loose, but it can also mean constipation in infants.

A child who consumes exclusively, can not be determined every day. Often, almost all nutrients are absorbed. It is very common. Children who are fed with milk mixtures can have up to three - four feces per day.

Nevertheless, the normal intestinal movement (peristalistic) in healthy children varies greatly. It depends on the type of milk, from the introduction of coarse fibers and from what specific products are consumed.

Understanding possible signs can help parents detect a potential threat to its occurrence, before the difficulties with emptying become a big problem.

Baby constipation can be determined by several symptoms:

You can pay attention that the child crosses the legs, grimaches, pulls out, squeezing the buttocks, or spinning on the chair. It may look like a baby trying to empty the intestines, but instead he really tries to keep cals.

If the constipation is not treated, it can worsen and cause various complications. The longer the chair remains inside the sigmoid and rectum, the hardest and land becomes, the harder and most of the intestinal empty. Your child can restrain your chair because of pain. This creates a vicious circle.

Packs in children are usually not a serious state. Nevertheless, chronic constipation can bring to complications or signal the main disease.

Show the child to the doctor if the constipation lasts more than two weeks or there are the following symptoms:

  • loss of body weight;
  • blood in a chair;
  • bloating;
  • vomiting;
  • painful cracks on the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear pass (anal cracks);
  • the intestinal loss from the rear pass (rectal prolapse).

It is impossible to give a baby laxative or suppository, without consulting first with the doctor.

The attending physician to determine constipation, should do the following:

  1. Collect full information about the history of the disease. Specialist asks about past diseases, nutrition and physical condition of the child.
  2. To conduct an inspection, which will most likely include the finger study of the rectum of the child to check whether there is an anomalies of development, cracks or a dense stool. The chair found in the rectum can be checked for blood.

An extensive study is carried out in more severe cases of constipation. Diagnostics consists of several procedures:

Treatment of stakes in infants

Depending on the various factors, the doctor may recommend what to do if the child has constipation. These are procedures or certain drugs.

  1. Preparations with food fibers. If the child does not receive a lot of fiber from its nutrition, adding food additives containing fiber can help. However, the child should drink a large amount of water daily to make these drugs well. Consult your doctor to find out what dose is suitable for the age and body weight of the baby.
  2. Glycerin suppositories Can be used to soften chairs in children. Suppository stimulates the rectum of the child and helps to empty it. Do not apply the candles regularly, because the child will produce a reflex to the act of defecation only after suppositories.

  3. Laxative or enema. If a monthly child has a constipation due to the accumulation of a feces creating a plug, a doctor can offer a laxative or enema to help eliminate a wheelchair. These drugs include polyethylene glycol and mineral oil. Never let the child laxative and do not do the enema without specifying the doctor and instructions for the correct dosage and application.
  4. Hospital enema. Sometimes the infants may have such strong constipation that it should be hospitalized for a short time to get a more solid (siphon) enema that will cleanse the intestine.

How to treat constipation in an infant child at home?

In addition to changes in the diet and mode, various approaches can help eliminate constipation in children at home.

Here are some tips about what can be done when a baby constipped:

In no case do not use soap when constipation. It aggressively acts on the turner's mucous membrane, leading to erosions and local inflammation, which will only aggravate the situation. In addition, soap is mercilessly bakes, causing a strong pain.

If the rear with the child lasts more than two weeks, parents are most likely resorted to medical care. If necessary, crumb will be directed to a digestive disorder (gastroenterologist). He will tell more in more detail how to treat stamp constipation.

Here is a certain information that will help get ready and know what to expect from the doctor.

You can prepare, after performing several important steps:

Write down the questions to ask them to the doctor. There are certain key questions that you should ask your doctor:

  1. What is the most possible reason for the symptoms of my child?
  2. Are there any other reasons?
  3. What studies do you need my child?
  4. How long can it last?
  5. What procedures do you recommend?
  6. How to help newborn during constipation?
  7. Do I need to make changes to the child's diet?
  8. Should we visit another specialist?
  9. What to give baby from constipation?
  10. Are there an alternative to the medicine that you assign?
  11. Is it possible to treat this problem without drugs?

Your doctor can ask a few questions. You must be ready to answer them. Your doctor can clarify the following information:

  1. When did the child first appeared signs of constipation?
  2. Were these symptoms permanent or random?
  3. How serious is the symptoms?
  4. What, in your opinion, improves the condition of the child?
  5. What worsens the state of the kid?
  6. Do you see blood in a chair or on a diaper?
  7. Is the child strains at the act of defecation?
  8. Does the baby have a hereditary predisposition to problems with digestion?
  9. Does the child begun to take any new medicine or changed the dosage of current drugs?
  10. Can you describe the experience of teaching your child to the pot?

Since each child has an intestine job individually, check out the terms of normal facing for the baby. Pay attention to the usual size and sequence of the chair. This will help you and your pediatrician to determine when constipation arises and how serious is the problem.

In the first months of life, many infants tormented their parents with constipation. Their intestines can not work fine. Sometimes there are failures that deliver a lot of trouble and child, and mom. If such a phenomenon is repeated too often, it means that you need to consult a doctor. Quite often, moms are trying to save a newborn from constipation. There are massages, beet juice, enema, oil. Not always these funds are effective, because you first need to find out the reason, and only then think how to help your baby when constipation.

Such a problem is one of the most unpleasant because it gives a great concern to the child. He cries, constantly capricious, can not fall asleep and refuses feeding.

Not all parents understand the cause of such a phenomenon, so they begin to make an enema in the soon or give the baby's infants. If the baby did not go to the toilet more than two days, it should be alerted. This is the most real sign of constipation. Very tiny babies can be emptied 3-4 times a day. With age, this amount decreases to two.

It is necessary to be observant and follow the condition of the child. Some babies can go to the toilet not every day, but at the same time they are cheerful, cheerful and feel good.

If the baby is never empty, and at the same time also shouts, refuses food, does not sleep, it means that he just can not go to the toilet.

There are two types of constipation:

  1. Organic. This state rarely occurs and is revealed back in the maternity hospital. In this case, the intestine was originally built abnormally, so the crumb just does not know how to Kak. As ordinary means here is not to help, it is necessary to treat surgically.
  2. Functional. This phenomenon meets much more often and is associated with a stool delay in the body. The task of parents is to identify the cause in time, and only then choose the appropriate treatment. Do not always go through medicines. Sometimes beet juice, massage, vegetable oil or enema can help.

The reasons

To correctly choose treatment, you must first deal with the reasons for the latency of the chair. There are several of them.

How to eliminate

Before starting the treatment, it is necessary to clarify that the child really has a stool delay, and already start treatment. It is necessary to pay attention to its condition and well-being. If it has difficulty, it is better to consult a doctor. What ways should be treated?

Many modern parents are interested in drugs that can be infeed. However, pediatricians do not advise them to treat kids. The laxatives of the newborn are accurately contraindicated.

Only "Duhalak" on the basis of lactulose can be given. However, it does not work quickly. If children already have a rather long latency of the chair, this medicine will not help.

There are other proven funds:

If other means do not help, you can do the enema. To do this, it is necessary to fill a small enema, a volume of 25 ml, warm boiled water, take vegetable oil, lubricate the tip tip and enter the baby into the rectum. Water should be released gently and gradually. Soon the child should begin emptying. Oil can be mixed with water, and then do the enema.

Creamy oil can be used. The candles from it are not only eliminated from the delay, but also soften the inner surface. Another extreme measure is vegetable oil at the tip of the pipette.

To such a way, it is impossible to resort just like that! It is used in cases where other recipes do not help.

Quite often, in the teething of teeth in the infants there is a latency of the chair. There are several more reasons here. Perhaps the child is simply an improper nutrition or high intestinal activity. Some doctors regard the latency of the chair in teething as a normal phenomenon. The appearance of the first teeth always gives a lot of concern to parents. The kids are becoming restless, they increase the temperature.

Contamination is not excluded and teething. In such a situation, it is better to consult a doctor.

First aid

If the child can not give anything, and the constipation does not pass, you should start making careful, soft massage. First, the tummy crumbs should be warm. To do this, use a warm napkin or towel. Then neat circular movements need to make a massage, slightly pressed on the tummy. Very often it helps. If the massage did not bring the result, you can help the baby make a pair of exercises, such as a bike or scissors. Gaza will be left for the child, and the intestinal emptying will come.

If standard treatment has not brought the result, you can resort to more "heavy" means. These include glycerin candles and other drugs, annoying intestinal sphincter. It should be done only after consulting a doctor.


Packs of newborn children occurs often, sometimes it is impossible to foresee. However, there are a number of recommendations that will help somewhat avoid this unpleasant phenomenon:

  • Giving a baby in small amounts beet juice. But it is better to do this if the baby has already fed by the "adult" food. If so far he has not yet become acquainted with such a meal, give him juice or the flesh of fruit should not. Otherwise, the intestine will be upset even more.
  • At the reception at the pediatrician, it is necessary to consult about the problem. Doctors give valuable instructions that help to avoid this phenomenon.
  • It will not be superfluous and make a light massage. Even the most tender stroking of the mother's hand of a soft tummy of the child brings him relief. Do not make too sharp and strong movements, you should be careful.
  • Mom must follow its nutrition, eating as much light, nutrient food as possible. It is better to limit the use of drift, sweet.

If the constipation still happened, it is not necessary to scare greatly and immediately rush to give a child juice, butter or to do enema. It is worth showing the baby to the doctor to find out the reason.

Nutrition adjustment, timely and dosed administration of dust - the most important direction in constipation therapy in children under 1 year. What are the reasons for constipation, without complying with the basic principles of the diet can not do, and in some cases one only change in the diet can normalize the chair from your baby.

  1. When drawing up a diet, it is necessary to take into account age characteristics; To the greatest extent this applies to breastfeeding.
  2. The menu is sharply reduced by the number of products that hovering the intestinal peristalsis, and the share of products that contribute to the intestinal emptying are increasing; Corrects drinking mode.
  3. The diet should be full of calories, vitamin and mineral composition, contain a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  4. The transition to a diet in children with already formed taste addictions should be carried out gradually so as not to provoke hysterics and failures.
  5. The basic nutrition guidance recommendations will have to be permanently, and not only before eliminating constipation.

Age peculiarities

Loading the child's digestive system with products, with the digestion of which unripe enzyme systems are not able to cope with, you provoke all kinds of functional disorders (constipation, periodic vomiting and jeeping), lay the foundation for development in the future of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Unfortunately, you have to admit that even caring, educated and well-read parents sometimes allow improper nutrition. What to talk about socially disadnished families or moms, listening only to the girlfriend's girlfriends and grandmothers.

Alas, I still come across simply blatant cases of irresponsibility or illiteracy of parents. Monthly in my practice there are infants who are fed from a common table almost from monthly age: the baby eats soup, salt fish, sausage, etc. Motivation of parents to the transition to such a diet is the most different: from "Well, he looks like that As we eat! " Before "I also fed as a child, and nothing."

Composition menu

The yoghurt with a banana contributes to the intestinal emptying and, moreover, does not cause allergies.

Products from different groups in different ways affect the intestinal emptying rate: one increases it, others reduce, others do not have any influence. In the menu of small patients with constipation should be prevailing, contributing to the intestinal emptying in any way (activation of the peristaltics, the ability to increase the amount of carte masses, etc.). Products that slow down emptying should be excluded from the ration or to reduce their minimum content.

Healthy foods:

  • vegetables (a lifting effect is stronger than the most pronounced y and, followed, cauliflower and);
  • buckwheat and barley cereals;
  • black bread;
  • sweet fruits and berries (plums, prunes, apples, apricots);
  • , Prostokvash, yogurt;
  • fruit and vegetable juices with flesh;
  • jam, jams, syrups (home cooking, without thickeners).

Unwanted products:

  • strong tea, cocoa;
  • manna and rice cereals;
  • kissel;
  • mucous soups;
  • pasta;
  • baking;
  • fresh wheat bread.

Indifference products:

  • meat and fish;
  • wheat wheat bread;
  • cottage cheese.

Drinking mode

Children suffering from constipation daily should. This is primarily water - better non-filtered filtered, but now the likelihood of microbial contamination is too high, so the water is better to boil. You can give bottled non-carbonated drinking water.

Additional flow of fluid is also ensured at the expense of the first dishes, compotes, juices, mineral water.

Child diet up to 1 year during constipation

The optimal food for the infant is the maternal milk, and it is his own and only it should receive at least 4 months, but ideally to six months. Women's milk is the best prevention of constipation and other problems with digestion. If natural feeding for some reason is impossible, the child is transferred to artificial feeding, but not on the cow's milk, and even more so not on the shared table.

Breastfeeding is the best method of prevention of constipation in children up to 1 year.

During constipation on the background of nutrition, the following points only pay attention to the following points:

  • the diet of the mother itself - it should contain enough products that activate the opening of the intestine (for example, my child has reacted perfectly into consuming a fermented prunes of 5-6 berries daily);
  • drinking mode of mother and child - a lot of fluid is required (more than 2 l per day); The child should be lifted only in hot time, at high temperature and dry air indoors, as well as against other diseases.

For children-artificials suffering from constipation, adapted mixtures are individually selected. It is not bad to restore the normal intestinal emptying frequency of the intestines. Equiphertic mixtures, mixtures with prebiotics and marked "Comfortable digestion".

Rules and features of the introduction of feeding for breast-age children suffering from constipation:

  1. Support is introduced on the same time as for healthy children (not earlier than 4 months), and gradually: from 1 t. L. On the day, adding daily by ½ h. New products should appear in the menu no more than once a week.
  2. The first begin to introduce - zucchini, from other vegetables it will be preferred carrots, pumpkin, green peas, cauliflower, broccoli.
  3. The intestinal work is stimulated by corn, buckwheat, oatmeal; You can use porridge with fruits and vegetables. Unwanted rice and manna porridge.
  4. Fruit purees and juices are also introduced by age respectively. It is good to turn on the puree puree menu from prunes, apricots, plums, apples; Vegetable (carrot, pumpkin) and fruit (plum, apricot, apple) juices with flesh.
  5. From 9 months, an acidiform product appears as a third dust - kefir, be sure to children.

An example of a baby menu at the age of 8 months

  • 1st breakfast - buckwheat porridge with apple, breast milk or mixture;
  • 2nd breakfast - breast milk;
  • lunch - Mashed zucchini and carrots with beef meat and, breast milk;
  • afternoon person - cottage cheese, puree from prunes;
  • 1st dinner - puree of cauliflower with vegetable oil, juice plum;
  • 2nd dinner - breast milk.

All children suffering from constipation, a special diet will be required to comply. Failures in a diet, introducing an inadequate in age or prohibited at this state of the intestinal of the product and even return to the former nutrition usually end with the resumption of constipation.

The constipation is a very common symptom: in Russia, about each fifth person once a year there is constipation. Frequent constipation can be associated with bad food habits. What products to give preference when constipation? And vice versa, from what products to refuse when constipation?

Water and fiber will help avoid constipation!

The first recommendation is very simple: it is necessary drink water! Not less than 1.5 liters per day. It has been proven that the use of insufficient water and dehydration can directly cause constipation. Water preference should be given (especially rich in magnesium).
Second important recommendation: To avoid constipation, you need to eat food rich in fiber! Do not know what fiber is? And how to get benefits from her? The fiber is dietary fibers that are not digested in the gastrointestinal tract. They allow you to increase the volume of the intestinal content, thanks to which it is normalized to work and emptying. It is recommended to gradually increase the fiber content in its diet to 25-30 g of fiber per day. What products contain fiber? In the classic diet, there are three main sources of fiber: first of all, vegetables, bread (wholegrain) and fruit (1) .

Food from constipation ...

From products that contain most of the fiber, you can allocate sugari from wholegrain of bread And, for example, peas. Boiled fruits and vegetables in soups or compotes can help people who regularly suffer from constipation. Apples, prunes, dates, almonds, walnuts, figs Or, for example, spinach is considered the most useful products to combat constipation. In some people, an increase in the content in the fiber diet may cause unwanted effects (for example, meteorism). It is best to turn to a nutritionist (1,2).

Food facilities

Some foods can, on the contrary, promote the constation. They should be avoided by those who often faced this problem. These include white rice, cabbage, celery, boiled carrots, bananas, quince or, for example, chocolate (1,2).

How does coffee affect constipation?

It is said that the cup of coffee contributes to more active intestinal work! Is it so? In fact, as it often happens, the whole thing is in volume: one cup per day seems to be a little reduced the risk of constipation. At the same time, the use of more than 6 cups of coffee per day can slow down the intestinal work. The fact is that coffee causes a diuretic effect, that is, it contributes to the dehydration of the body (which can cause constipation) (3).

Information sources:
1: Magali Neveur. Meals and constipation (food and constipation). Nurse magazine, May 2013.
2: Degen L. et al. Packs: Realities and myths (reality and myths about constipation). Swiss medical forum. 2008. p. 913-918.
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