First visit to the gynecologist: what do you need to know? How is a gynecological examination performed? Appointment with a gynecologist - what you need to know.

Good day everyone!
Oddly enough, many girls asked me to talk about such a seemingly simple question as the first visit to the gynecologist...
It would seem simpler?...but a lot of questions arise:
- why examine a very young girl/girl?
- how is it prepared?
- what will the doctor do?
- how to climb onto a chair?
- what will they do with me?
- Do I need to shave?
- what questions will be asked?
So, so that there are not so many questions, I will try to cover this topic in as much detail as possible today.

An examination by a gynecologist is also necessary and mandatory, just like an examination by other doctors and specialists, for your health both today and for your future.
Let's start with the very first question.
1. When should you start seeing a gynecologist?
Or when is the age for the first examination by a gynecologist?

This question varies for everyone.
The most important thing you must understand: if you or your daughter have at least some complaints or should already make an appointment with a gynecologist!
As a standard, after 18 years of age, a girl should visit a gynecologist 2 times a year.
As a rule, the first visit takes place at school age during medical examination - this is 15-16 years old... this is a general examination... so that you don’t get scared!... the doctor will only examine you externally and maybe ask you something... if he will have questions for you or a desire to examine you, and you are not yet 18 years old... it is better to convey the doctor’s request to your mother or your guardian, because examination of girls under 18 years of age should be carried out only with the consent of the mother or guardian and in his presence , if, of course, you want your mother to look at this... if you don’t want to, your mother will wait outside the office door for you... but first give her consent to the gynecologist for your examination.
That is, if you don’t want to be examined at school or have questions after the examination, ask the gynecologist to write a note to your mother or guardian stating that you need an examination by a gynecologist at your place of residence or registration... And then at home with Mom will discuss and plan your trip to the gynecologist. And remember, no one can force you to undergo an examination. Know your rights!
And of course, even if you are not yet 18 years old, but you have already begun to be sexually active, you simply need to visit a gynecologist.
2. If a very young girl (child) is forced to see a gynecologist, what should she do?

Yes, it also happens... when admission to some lyceums or gymnasiums, or even to some kindergartens, requires a certificate from a gynecologist.
Well, don’t be alarmed...First of all, you must find out where in your area (at your place of residence) a CHILDREN’S gynecologist is seen.
He is the one who examines children and girls under 18 years of age. It is his office that is equipped with a special children's gynecological chair... for little girls.
You must be present at the appointment with your daughter and, if she wishes, be with her during the examination itself.
If the girl is very small...then the whole point of the examination will be an external examination of your girl...whether the mammary and reproductive glands are developing correctly (no one will insert speculums, and no one will conduct an anal examination if there are no complaints).
The doctor will ask the girl if she has any pain?.. of course, he will ask about her period, if she has any?.. and will give you a certificate.
Perhaps the doctor can take a smear from your daughter with a special stick and only from the outer labia, he should not insert the swab inside!
3. What should you take with you to an appointment with a gynecologist?

As a rule, good clinics already have everything you need for your examination and you don’t need to take anything... but that’s not the case everywhere, right? Many of them are serviced in regular city clinics. So, what you will need:
- clean diaper or small towel to place under your butt on the gynecological chair.
- clean socks(when you undress at the gynecologist, take off your tights or socks, it will be very good if you quickly put on the clean socks you brought with you - the doctor will also like it, it will be more aesthetically pleasing than your bare feet and besides, you will It’s more convenient to walk from the couch on which you undressed to the chair wearing socks than barefoot on the floor (it’s unknown who walked on it and with what feet before you).
- if you are already sexually active and do not want to be examined with instruments that are already available in the clinic, you can buy them at any pharmacy disposable gynecological examination kit(there will be mirrors, a diaper, gloves for the doctor, and a special brush for your smear) Here's what it includes:

- if you are already having your period, don’t forget your calendar where you mark your periods.
- and of course we need yours positive attitude- remember, the doctor will not bite you and does not dream of offending you or laughing at you. You are not the gynecologist’s first patient, he is used to everything....don’t be afraid to be frank with him regarding your intimate problems.
And believe me, he looked THERE many, many times... and it only seems shameful or scary to you... the gynecologist is used to this and no matter what, he will never offend you (at least I wish it for you).
4. How to prepare for the first visit to the gynecologist or just how to prepare for the next visit to the gynecologist?
- you should not go to the gynecologist if you are menstruating, because due to spotting, the doctor will not be able to get all the information he needs. However, it is worth drawing your attention to the fact that if your periods last too long or spotting appears, then a time when you definitely didn’t expect it - for example, between expected menstruation - then it’s absolutely necessary to go to an appointment with a gynecologist!
- Before the examination, it is better to take a shower or bath and put on fresh underwear. At the same time, you should not wash yourself particularly carefully, since the doctor must see the vaginal microflora in a normal, “everyday” state. Douching is strictly prohibited(introduce water, and even more so antiseptic substances into the vagina using a douche): firstly, douching will deprive the doctor of the opportunity to evaluate vaginal discharge, which is very informative for a specialist; secondly, a smear taken after douching will, to put it mildly, not be informative. It is not recommended to use special intimate deodorants or perfumes.
- It’s not at all necessary to shave your pubic area... only if you like it that way.
- Before going to the gynecologist’s office, you should go to the toilet and urinate, and it is also advisable to empty your bowels at home beforehand.
- You should abstain from sexual intercourse a day or two before, as sperm remaining in the vagina may interfere with the examination or distort the picture.
- Also, for a day or two, you should not insert any suppositories into the vagina!
5. What will they do in the office and what will they ask?
So you entered the office, don’t be embarrassed, say hello to the doctor, as a rule he will not be alone, but to the nurse.
Go ahead and sit on the chair next to the doctor. Wait for them to ask you.
The doctor will most likely immediately ask you about the reason for your visit or about your concerns regarding women's problems. To relieve your stress, immediately say that this is your FIRST VISIT to the gynecologist... the doctor will assist you and be more loyal.
At the appointment, the doctor will definitely ask about the age at which menstruation began, the regularity of the cycle, the duration of the menstrual cycle (the number of days from the first day of menstruation to the next first day of menstruation), the date of the last menstruation.
Having a calendar at hand, you can easily answer these questions.
He will ask about your complaints, if any.
He will ask if you are sexually active... answer boldly with the truth, the quality of the examination depends on this. As a rule, the doctor asks questions regarding sexual activity: have you had sexual intercourse or not yet, the age at which sexual activity began, the number of sexual partners, the presence of any diseases in sexual partners, etc.
Maybe he will ask if you have had gynecological problems before.
Next, you will be asked to go into the next room for examination or just behind a screen. There will be either a chair or a couch where you must undress: take off everything to the waist, that is, pants/jeans/skirt/tights/panties, then remove everything from top to bra or if you don’t wear it, you can stay in your undershirt. Then turn to the gynecological chair.
Here's what it looks like:

It has a back, a seat and footrests on both sides, and sometimes there are also two steps at the bottom to make it convenient to climb onto the seat.
Place your towel or diaper on the seat.

Then lean back, spread your legs wide and place them on the stands:

From the doctor's perspective, your position should look like this:

Tell the doctor that you are lying down and ready. The doctor will come over and first put on disposable rubber gloves.
Then, if you are still a virgin, then he will look at you through the hindgut, not through the vagina! But first he will examine your external genitalia - this is normal! Then he will lubricate his finger with special oil and carefully insert it into your hindgut, and with his left hand he will probe your tummy.... this way he can examine your uterus and ovaries. It will be a little unpleasant, be patient, it won’t last long...Then the doctor will most likely take a smear from the outer labia with a special stick, it will be possible to find out in a couple of days.
If your doctor has questions, he may order a pelvic ultrasound for you.
If you have already been sexually active, then you will be examined through the vagina with special devices... which are called speculums, although they bear little resemblance to mirrors.
This is what reusable gynecological speculums look like; they must be sterilized after each use:

And this is what disposable gynecological speculums look like, they are made of plastic, you can buy them for yourself at any pharmacy, as I wrote above.

So, after you lie down on the chair, the doctor will insert this mirror and examine what he needs there, you lie quietly, immediately at the moment of examination in the mirrors, the doctor will take a smear from you for cytology (cancer cells) and a simple smear for flora. The moment of inserting the speculum is a little unpleasant, but less painful than examining through the rectum.
Just try to relax and under no circumstances squeeze the muscles there! Otherwise it will hurt.
By the way, a small digression, gynecological speculums come in 3 sizes: 1,2,3.
So, for your first examination, ask the doctor to examine you in size No. 1 - these are the smallest ones. And remember that sometimes the doctor doesn’t care whether you are in pain or not, watch for yourself and ask what he is doing.
Next, the doctor will take out the mirrors... no need to jump up from the chair right away!!! Lie down, the doctor should now examine you with his hands, the gynecologist will insert his right hand, namely 2 fingers, into the vagina, put his left hand on the tummy and press on the stomach, so the doctor can examine what is not visible in the mirrors. Lie calm and relaxed, it is almost painless.

Sometimes it is difficult for the doctor to see some points in the mirrors due to your anatomical features, then he may ask you: “Place your feet with your heels”...
This means that you should bend your knees even more, and put your heels on the place on the stands where your knees rested, like this:

When the doctor is finished, he will tell you - “Get up” and you can get up.
6. When will the breasts be examined?
Here, each gynecologist has his own turn, someone looks at the mammary glands before looking at you in the chair, someone looks at you in the chair, someone after the chair.
In a word - don't worry - he will tell you.
And if you haven’t told him, remind him... ABSOLUTELY!... because we have doctors who forget about this, and breast cancer is now far from uncommon, even at a young age!
7. What kind of apparatus was it when they looked at you in the chair?
Now almost all gynecologist's offices must be equipped with a special device - a colposcope - this is a special microscope for examining the cervix in mirrors for the presence of pathology... It usually stands next to the chair, and looks like this:

Don't be afraid of it, it doesn't bite, if necessary the doctor will just look at your neck with it for 3-4 minutes. It doesn't hurt.
8. What to do next?
Well, they examined you, took swabs, now you have the right to ask the doctor everything you want to know about yourself. Sometimes doctors, after an examination, look at your card and nervously scribble something and are silent like partisans... And you sit next to you and are afraid to breathe.
Don't be shy, ask if everything is okay with you. Do you need to take any additional tests, if so, which ones and why?
Ask when you will be able to find out the result of your smear test?
When is your next appointment?
Ask about contraception? What if you are doing something, and it’s wrong!
Don't be afraid to ask your doctor questions and don't be embarrassed that you don't know something or didn't understand it the first time.
Doctors undergo quite a long training and it is their direct responsibility to understand their specialty.
During the consultation, you have the right to count on a detailed and, most importantly, accessible explanation about your state of health, the planned examination, the diagnosis and the prescribed treatment.

Well, that’s all I wanted to tell you, I hope this post will help you successfully pass your first visit to the gynecologist.
And of course I wish you to find YOUR competent and sensitive doctor!

Women should visit a gynecologist at regular intervals, starting from adolescence. But to this day, many representatives of the fair half of humanity mistakenly believe that they should go for an examination to a gynecologist only during pregnancy or when acute symptoms of any female disease appear. In fact, a women's doctor must monitor the patient's health at all periods of her life: at the beginning of sexual activity, pregnancy and immediately after it, as well as during adulthood, reproductive and old age.

When should you visit a gynecologist?

The regularity of visiting a doctor for a preventive examination should be at least twice a year. In turn, if signs of any gynecological disease appear, you should go for examination, diagnosis and treatment immediately.

Symptoms for which you should definitely contact a gynecologist:

  • when there are heavy or painful menstruation;
  • with heaviness, pain, itching in the lower abdomen;
  • when you feel constant pain in the lower back;
  • if there are irregularities in the menstrual cycle or its complete absence at the age of 15 years or older;
  • when atypical discharge appears (too abundant, with an unpleasant odor and color);
  • if there is discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse;
  • with neoplasms in the genital area, increased dryness, roughness;
  • at the beginning of the climatic period;
  • when urinary incontinence occurs;
  • if there was unprotected sexual contact or a change of permanent partner.

It should be borne in mind that a number of diseases may not manifest themselves at all for a long time. In the future, advanced conditions are much more difficult to treat and have serious complications. Therefore, at the first detection of any symptoms, you should go to see a specialist to carry out the necessary diagnostics.

Who is a gynecologist and what does he treat?

The doctor’s competence includes the identification, treatment and prevention of any pathologies, abnormalities and diseases associated with the female genital area. The main field of gynecology has several narrower qualifications: obstetrician-gynecologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist and gynecologist-surgeon. Each of these doctors specializes in their own specific area of ​​medicine.

Diseases treated by a gynecologist

  1. Inflammatory and infectious diseases. The main reason for the development of these diseases is infection. It can be caused by a common cold or inflammation. The entry of pathogenic microbes as a result of unprotected sexual intercourse (venereal diseases) are also infectious and inflammatory diseases. The gynecologist's specialization also includes the treatment of viral diseases such as herpes, papillomas, cytomegaloviruses, etc.
  2. Endocrine and hormonal disorders. Deviations caused by hormonal imbalances in a woman’s body can provoke a decrease in reproductive function and a number of other diseases. Changes in the endocrine system can have an adverse effect on overall quality of life. The main symptoms of deviations are mood changes, problems with the digestive system, loss of libido, and menstruation disorders. Today, such deviations are successfully treated and do not leave behind any complications.
  3. Oncology. In gynecology, timely detection and treatment of any kind of cancer is also very important. Diseases treated by a gynecologist include: any oncological disorders, degeneration in the tissues of the genital organs, abnormal growth and development of organs.

Separately, it is worth noting observation by a specialist during pregnancy. After all, this condition is not a disease, but requires careful and regular examination.

Examination by a gynecologist during pregnancy

The period of bearing a child is very responsible and exciting for every woman. A gynecologist is also called upon to monitor the health and development of the baby. How often the expectant mother will need to go to a specialist depends on how well the pregnancy is going. The schedule of visits in each case is drawn up strictly individually, and is based on the test results and the general well-being of the woman and her child. If the course is favorable, just one visit once a month is enough.

Starting from the third trimester of pregnancy (28-29 weeks), visits to the doctor become more frequent. During this period, they take place twice a month, and starting from the 36th week - four times.

The examination itself in the gynecological chair is carried out no more than 3-4 times during the entire pregnancy. The remaining visits include a number of other examinations to diagnose the child’s health. Also, the gynecologist’s task is to monitor the mother’s weight, measure her pulse and blood pressure. At later stages, the doctor also measures the circumference and height of the abdomen and assesses the condition of the uterus.

Can a gynecologist determine the period of conception without an ultrasound? Many women ask this question when they come for their first examinations. The main indicator will be the number of the last menstruation, the end of which will be the starting point for pregnancy. How the gynecologist determines the timing in later periods will be able to show a number of additional examinations. But the most accurate answer will only be given by a mandatory ultrasound examination performed at 10-14 weeks of pregnancy.

List of diseases included in the specialization of a gynecologist:

  • amenorrhea;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • algodismenorrhea;
  • ovarian apoplexy;
  • candidiasis;
  • intrauterine pathologies, including pregnancy;
  • inflammatory processes of the lower and upper genital tracts;
  • genital herpes, fistulas and tuberculosis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • diseases of the vagina, vulva and uterus;
  • diseases of the cervix and ovaries;
  • ailments of the genitourinary system and intestines;
  • female infertility;
  • deviations in sexual development;
  • incorrect location of the genital organs;
  • ovarian tumors;
  • prolapse;
  • oncological neoplasms of the ovaries, cervix, fallopian tubes;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • endometriosis.

The gynecologist's specialization also includes consultation on issues of contraception, unwanted pregnancy and family planning.

When to start visiting a gynecologist

It is recommended to go for the first examination by a gynecologist as early as adolescence. At the onset of menstruation, the girl should already understand the need for regular visits to a specialist in order to maintain her female health. It is also important to find “your” doctor, who will subsequently advise you on all important issues.

What does a gynecologist do: basic diagnostics

The main task of a specialist is to establish the woman’s health status and identify possible ailments. Therefore, the inspection involves the following actions:

  • conversation with the patient to determine possible complaints;
  • establishing anamnesis;
  • visual inspection;
  • internal palpation;
  • examination of the cervix using special mirrors;
  • collection of vaginal and cervical smears;
  • when identifying diseases and pathologies, prescribing competent therapy;
  • recommendations for dietary treatment, in cases where only preventive measures are necessary;
  • development of health measures to improve women's health.

Additional diagnostics may include measuring basal temperature, installing or removing a contraceptive intrauterine device.

Is it really necessary to go to a gynecologist?

Regular examination by a gynecologist will help a woman stay healthy for many years. A timely visit is especially necessary for existing diseases of the genitourinary system, because the reappearance of symptoms often leads to complications and the development of a chronic form of the disease.

And factors such as diabetes, hormonal imbalance, taking antibiotics and contraceptives can cause disruption of the vaginal microflora and cause a number of ailments. If you notice any violations, you should not ignore them or self-medicate. After all, it is easier to prevent or cure any disease during its inception. Only a competent gynecologist can correctly diagnose and carry out the necessary therapy based on test results.

Even if your health does not raise any questions, this is not a reason to cancel a scheduled appointment with a gynecologist. After all, if there are complaints, it means the appointment is late! What is worth remembering before going to the gynecologist or how to prepare for a trip?

“I don’t have time anymore, I’ll be patient”

“I’ll go to the toilet after the appointment” is a very serious misconception and definitely shouldn’t be tolerated. On the one hand, a full bladder complicates the process of palpation, so it is better to come to the clinic in advance to go to the toilet. But, on the other hand, for some tests it is recommended not to urinate for 2-3 hours so as not to remove bacteria. The gynecologist will definitely raise this question himself.

Why stop taking medications?

Even if the symptoms indicate that the cause of concern is ordinary thrush, we advise you to first consult a gynecologist and only then take certain medications. Antifungal drugs and antibiotics greatly affect the vaginal microflora - the smear result may be false.

Also, 2-3 weeks before your visit to the gynecologist, it is better to stop taking medications to enhance immunity and hormonal drugs. You should not take a break from medications if they are prescribed for continuous use for chronic diseases.

It is no secret that many girls, when planning a trip to a gynecologist, especially for the first time, experience a feeling of uncertainty or even fear. For them this is stress, a test of the nervous system, since we are talking about a very delicate issue. Teenage girls and young women are afraid to go to the gynecologist, they are ashamed of the procedure of examination and examination, and often of the doctor himself. Some women, due to shyness, are embarrassed to even talk openly with a doctor about their problems, and then they still have to undergo a gynecological examination. Sometimes even just the sight of a special chair sometimes causes embarrassment and fear. Among the reasons explaining these trends, experts cite a low level of education in this area, as well as false shame and fear, especially if you are going to see a gynecologist for the first time.

For the sake of objectivity, it should be noted that the persistence of these negative feelings is sometimes facilitated by low qualifications, indifference, rudeness and dishonesty of individual doctors who see in antenatal clinics and district clinics. The situation is aggravated by the fact that patients do not know and do not understand why certain studies are needed, and the doctor sometimes has no time to reassure them or explain incomprehensible and frightening medical terms. The problem of shame and fear before going to the gynecologist and being examined, especially for the first time, is now solved quite simply.


I go to the gynecologist for the first time - an important step in the life of every girl. And although this is not the most pleasant medical procedure, it is nevertheless necessary to monitor women’s health and identify possible problems. In Moscow there are many private centers specializing in gynecology. A girl comes to the doctor with the most intimate problems and is afraid of encountering tactlessness or rudeness on the part of the specialist. This attitude can frighten the patient; she will not decide to make a second visit soon. Therefore, it is important that the first appointment and examination with a gynecologist takes place without negative aspects. For this reason, a female doctor must be not only a professional in her field, but also a sensitive, attentive, and tactful person. These are the doctors who work in our clinic!

After the examination, the doctor at our clinic can issue a certificate of health. It is known that undergoing a medical examination by a gynecologist upon admission and while studying at a university, at school or at work, etc. situations are necessary. But many are not satisfied with the conditions for holding them. Therefore, if you do not want to undergo a gynecological examination “like everyone else,” contact our center. Understanding, kindness and an individual approach to the patient’s problem are the rules of our specialist’s work!


Most often, girls go to a gynecologist for an examination for the first time at school, usually during a medical examination at the age of 14-15. Ideally, you should plan your first visit to a gynecologist at the age of 14-15-16 years or immediately after you begin sexual activity, whichever comes first. After this, doctors recommend being examined twice a year and undergoing tests. Especially when a new sexual partner appears, because this increases the risk of sexually transmitted infections. They often pass without any complaints, but if left untreated they can lead to infertility, ectopic pregnancy or premature birth. A professional examination is only one of the reasons why you need to make an appointment and go to the gynecologist for the first time, and it is better if this is before the start of an intimate relationship.


“I go to the gynecologist for the first time at the age of 14-15, I need to prepare for the visit, what do I need to know?” Everything unknown usually causes fear, so it is quite natural to feel some anxiety when you are about to undergo a gynecological examination for the first time, especially considering the rather intimate nature of this process.

Prepare yourself for the upcoming visit psychologically: you don’t owe anyone anything, you don’t have to make excuses for certain circumstances of your life, you can always refuse to be examined by a given doctor and choose another one if during the conversation he seems unpleasant to you. Prepare yourself physically. There is no need to shave the hair growing in the genital area specifically for examination; it is enough to take a shower. Another thing is that short hair in such a place is much more hygienic and keeps you fresh longer during the day.

A more sensitive issue of intimate hygiene is whether you need to wash yourself thoroughly before visiting a doctor? Here it is necessary to show a sense of proportion. On the one hand, it’s not good to go “dirty” - all you need to do is take a shower or bath and put on fresh underwear. On the other hand, no matter how embarrassing the fear of appearing before a doctor not too “clean” may be, you should not douche so that the doctor can see the true state of the vaginal flora and detect “irregular”, painful discharge, if any.

The examination begins even before the woman is in the chair. Body features, location and amount of hair on the body - all these details can tell the doctor a lot. For example, about hormonal changes in the body. The patient will only have time to enter the office and prepare for the examination, and the doctor will already draw certain conclusions. The examination procedure itself consists of several successive stages... (see Gynecological examination).


If you need specialist help, we invite you to visit our center. At the initial consultation, the doctor determines the range of issues that need to be addressed, conducts the necessary studies according to indications and draws up an individual treatment plan. A visit to our gynecologist will not leave you with any unpleasant memories! At what age can you go to the gynecologist for the first time? A minor citizen (girl) can visit a gynecologist unaccompanied by her parents if she is over 15 years old. You can read about this in paragraph 48 of order No. 1346n dated December 21, 2012 “On the Procedure for minors to undergo medical examinations, including upon admission to educational institutions and during the period of study in them.”


obstetrician-gynecologist of the Herpetic Center

What can you complain about if you are one hundred percent confident in your only partner, you use a condom, you feel good, or if you are even a virgin? And there is no need to complain, the main thing is that you come. And the doctor himself knows what to pay attention to. Cervical erosion, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids and many sexually transmitted infections begin asymptomatically. Regular examination by a gynecologist allows you to detect them in time, which means avoiding surgery or more severe consequences. The first visit is usually timed to coincide with the 15th anniversary or the beginning of sexual activity.


It only seems at first glance: take a shower, put on clean panties - and go ahead. In fact, there are many nuances. As practice shows, most often girls worry about this.

Is it necessary to shave hair in the intimate area?
The model of intimate hairstyle does not affect the quality of diagnosis. But short hair (or even smooth skin) stays fresh longer throughout the day.

Should I douche before visiting a gynecologist?
No! Enough to take a shower. Too thorough hygiene procedures will not allow the doctor to get a true idea of ​​the state of your microflora. It is better not to use creams and gels for intimate hygiene: dyes and fragrances can affect the quality of the tests.

What should I do if I go to the doctor in the evening after work?
Use wet wipes. Better for children: special wipes for intimate hygiene may contain antiseptics that affect the vaginal flora and, therefore, the quality of laboratory tests.

Is it possible to have sex the night before the visit?
It is forbidden. It is advisable to abstain for 2-3 days. Test results can be affected not only by seminal fluid entering the vagina, but even by spermicides or lubricant from a condom.

Should you enter the office with a full bladder or an empty one?
The bladder is located in front of the uterus and, when full, will interfere with palpation, so it is better to empty it. But for some tests, it is recommended not to urinate for 2-3 hours - you will wash away the bacteria. This issue can be discussed at an appointment with a gynecologist.

Most girls don't even know about this.
For a routine examination by a gynecologist, it is better to choose the first days after menstruation. At this time, immunity decreases slightly, and even hidden chronic infections can be detected. In addition, basic studies of the cervix are most reliable in the first phase of the cycle.

It is better not to take medications 2-3 weeks before visiting a doctor.
Even if you are sure that the cause of your worries is simply thrush, you should not immediately run to the pharmacy for a miracle capsule. You could be wrong, and antifungal drugs, like antibiotics, change the vaginal microflora, and tests can give false results. Taking immunomodulators and hormones can also distort the picture; they should also not be taken for 2-3 weeks before the visit. But if you have chronic diseases and take pills constantly, then, of course, you shouldn’t take a break.

Before visiting a gynecologist, it is advisable to do an enema.
A clogged intestine greatly complicates the examination of the uterus and appendages. This is especially important for virgins (they are examined through the rectum).

If you suspect you have a sexually transmitted infection, perform a food challenge.
A dinner with light alcohol, salty and smoked foods will help the hidden infection come to the surface.

Take socks and a diaper with you.
Place the diaper on the chair. You must wear socks, no matter how luxurious your pedicure is: these are the rules of etiquette that were established back in the Soviet era. True, now many commercial clinics provide disposable shoe covers and diapers.


When you enter the office, do not rush straight to the chair. Sit down on the chair next to the doctor for now: you have something to talk about.
You do not owe anyone anything, and the gynecologist does not expect excuses from you for bad behavior and sexual addictions. And he asks intimate questions to make a correct diagnosis. In the end, you can always exercise your legal right to choose a doctor.
The main thing you must remember is the time of your last menstruation and the length of your cycle. The time of the onset of the first menstruation and sexual activity also matters. And all the gynecological diagnoses that you have ever been given.
If you have ever been treated for a sexually transmitted disease, be sure to tell us about it. For some infections, the results of routine tests will still be positive even after several years. Therefore, you will need an examination to confirm the absence of an acute illness at the time of treatment.
If you were tested for sexually transmitted infections several months ago, show the tests to your doctor so as not to repeat the tests. Smears taken more than a year ago do not need to be presented.
And only after a fascinating conversation can you move to the chair.


What is the doctor looking at for you? By law, you have the right to know everything about the purpose, essence and meaning of any manipulation performed. Moreover, there is nothing so mysterious in a gynecological examination.
First, the doctor examines the external genitalia: for irritation, redness, neoplasms (for example, condylomas) and other abnormalities. This requires nothing more than good lighting.
Then the doctor takes a speculum. This is a double-leaf metal or plastic object that bears little resemblance to a mirror in the everyday sense. Its valves expand and are fixed with a special spacer - this makes it possible to examine the cervix and vaginal walls.
A mysterious device with lenses near the chair is a colposcope. It magnifies the image 20-30 times, allowing you to see the smallest changes and evaluate how the cervix reacts to acetic acid and non-alcoholic iodine solution.
Acetic acid causes short-term swelling of the epithelium, swelling of cells, contraction of blood vessels, which allows timely detection of pathological (acetowhite) areas on the cervix, which are most often associated with dysplasia and condylomas.
An iodine solution stains healthy cells a uniform dark brown color, but does not stain pathologically altered cells. In this way, true erosion, leukoplakia, and inflammation can be detected.
If the results of colposcopy puzzle the doctor, he may offer you a biopsy - pinching off a small piece from the surface of the cervix. It is sent for histological examination to determine the nature of the pathology: tumor, inflammation, dystrophy, etc. The wound heals after taking a biopsy for about two weeks, the procedure is carried out in the first phase of the cycle, and by the beginning of the next menstruation everything will be fine. Until then, it’s better to abstain from sex.
If you have already been to a gynecologist, then you know that during any examination they always take smears. But the purpose of the research remains a mystery to most. Let's explain.
A smear of flora is taken from the vagina, cervix and urethra. Allows you to assess the balance of vaginal flora and the presence of an inflammatory process.
Oncocytology is the study of cells taken from the surface of the cervix and its canal. Helps identify the presence of atypical (cancerous) cells. Functional diagnostic tests - studies of cervical mucus. They allow you to roughly estimate your estrogen levels and ovarian function.


The last stage of the study is carried out without any additional equipment. The doctor manually - outside and inside - probes your abdomen, determining the position, size, shape of the uterus, and the condition of the appendages. This way you can detect fibroids, inflammation of the ovaries, cysts, adhesions and... pregnancy!
And all this will take less time than reading this article. That's all! You are completely free for a year. And most importantly, I am confident in my safety.

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