What is a pareo and how to wear it. How to tie a pareo? Ways

To complement your swimsuit on the beach, a pareo will help, which can be tied in different ways. Pareo is a great lifesaver when you don’t feel like wearing shorts, sundresses and other clothes in order to get to the beach. In addition, after using sunscreens and tanning oils, you don’t want to get your clothes dirty at all. In this case, a light cape on the beach will come in handy. Today I will tell you how to tie a beautiful pareo. Happy viewing!

How to tie a pareo to the beach

When preparing for a vacation, think in advance about choosing a good pareo that matches your swimsuit. There are a huge number of options on how to beautifully tie a pareo to the beach. It would seem that what can be built from a small piece of chiffon? There are even a lot of unusual things that will allow you to look every day to change your beach total look. Let's discuss the most interesting ways to tie a pareo:
1. The easiest way is to lean the pareo against your back, pass the ends under the armpits, cross on the chest and tie around the neck. Pareo can also be fastened around the neck without crossing.

2. Wrap the pareo around the body and fasten with a small knot / bow on the chest. You can give a more elegant look without tying the ends of the pareo with a bow, but straightening them as a bodice and fastening them on your back.

3. To tie a pareo on one shoulder, simply wrap it around the body and knot the ends at the shoulder.

4. If you have two matching pareos at hand, then feel free to wear both! To do this, wrap the first pareo under one arm and fasten it on the opposite shoulder, and do the same with the second chiffon cape.

5. Another way, including the use of two scarves at once, is as follows: put one pareo on your chest and fasten it on your back, and attach the second to your back, pass the ends under your arms and fasten them around your neck.
6. Two scarves of different colors will look very stylish in the following version: fold each pareo diagonally, tie them together from the upper end and throw them around your neck. In the middle, front and back, fasten them with small knots, thus connecting the scarves together. This beach cape will look good in combination with light trousers - both wide and tight.

7. By adding a simple satin ribbon to the pareo, you can create a real summer sundress. To do this, throw a scarf over your back, tie a knot on your chest, but not in the middle, but closer to the left edge, tie the ends on one shoulder, and then fasten a satin ribbon at the waist.

8. You can make a chic beach skirt out of a pareo, for this you just need to tie a scarf on your hips or a little higher. If the ends of the pareo turned out to be very long, then twist them and secure with a knot at the back.

9. A beach scarf is easy to imagine as a top. To do this, you need to fold it in half, fix the edges on the neck, and the middle part on the back. The same can be done by folding the scarf diagonally, but not evenly, but slightly “curve” the line. The tips are fixed in the same way - on the neck and on the back.
10. Another option for a pareo top is as follows: fold the scarf so that it resembles a scarf in width, throw it around your neck, cross the ends on your chest and secure with a knot on your back.

11. You can even recreate an impromptu swimsuit from a pareo. Of course, you can’t swim in this, but it’s quite possible to walk from the hotel to the pool or to the sea. To do this, throw a pareo over your chest, fasten the ends around your neck, stretch the bottom of the scarf to the waist between your legs and tie in front with a small knot. Tie another scarf around your hips as a skirt.

How to tie a pareo to the beach is in the photo and video below.

How to tie a pareo according to the type of figure

So, a few more recommendations for different body types. Owners of the "hourglass" will suit any option for tying a scarf that will emphasize the waist. A pareo skirt will look especially good, allowing you to open the narrowest place.
For the Apple figure, it is recommended to use options that hide the stomach, numbered 1-6.
The same methods 1-6 are suitable for the Upper Triangle figure type. they hide the main part of the body, as well as option 9 - a pareo skirt.
And for the Lower Triangle, options numbered 10-11 will be good ways to adjust your figure with the help of a pareo - creating a top. You can wear shorts or light trousers with it.
The rectangular type of figure should be given preference to method 8, thanks to the use of a satin ribbon in which you can visually make a waist.
There are many more ways to tie a pareo. Knowing those that we talked about today, you will already be able to go to the beach in different outfits for the whole vacation. Good luck with your fashion endeavors!

The fashion for pareo (also called sarong) came to us from hot tropical islands. In Tahiti, it is a simple piece of cloth tied like a skirt around the waist for women. In the 21st century, this magnificent and multifunctional detail of the ethnic style was adopted by the ladies of most European countries.

The range of models impresses with a variety of light and dense materials, colors and original design elements. Products decorated with sequins and rhinestones, pearls, as well as fringe on the sides are in great demand.

Pareo allows every girl to feel confident. By tying it around your chest or waist, you can feel free to go to a store, a summer cafe located on the coast of the sea or lake. In skillful hands, such a thing can easily be transformed into a dress, tunic, swimsuit and even a handbag!

The presented accessory will help its owner emphasize individuality, create an interesting finished beach image. And also significantly reduce the amount of clothes that you need to take with you for a good rest.

An important plus is that the pareo protects the skin from the negative effects of sunlight, and hence burns. In addition, this stylish element of the image makes it possible to adjust the figure, emphasizing the advantages and visually correcting the shortcomings.

Advice. A woman with small stature should pay attention to an elongated pareo, from which you can make a spectacular sundress. As for the colors, it is better to give preference to a laconic black and white stripe or an abstract vertical ornament - it will visually stretch your silhouette by a couple of centimeters.

The right choice of fabric

For morning and afternoon pastime, translucent fabrics are ideal. Such pareos will protect your body from the sun, while not hiding its seductive curves from admiring glances.

The most common options include silk, crepe, organza, chiffon, nylon and cotton. However, the last of the listed materials has significant drawbacks in this case: it dries slowly, quickly wrinkles and wears out. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at accessories sewn from synthetic fabric or with the addition of artificial threads.

When choosing a new thing, consider not only the beauty of its appearance, but also practicality. Ideally, the thing should be light and airy, drape well. Give preference to fabrics with good hygienic properties - they do not accumulate static electricity and do not cause allergies. And they are also distinguished by breathability and hygroscopicity, do not fade in the sun.

For evening walks, it is better to buy a sarong made of dense textiles: satin, linen, cambric and satin. With it, you can create an attractive and royally luxurious look. This category also includes knitted pareos made of fine wool, which are gaining popularity. Their highlight is usually an openwork pattern, long tassels or fringes.

How not to make a mistake with the size

When choosing even a miniature accessory, keep in mind that its length should be enough to freely tie around the hips or chest. Be sure to take into account the features of your height and complexion. The most common pareo sizes are:

  • 90 x 90 cm- a great option for a bustier or short top;
  • 110 x 110 cm- such a pareo is designed to create spacious tunics and skirts;
  • from 110 x 140 cm- used for blouses, capes, draperies;
  • from 90 x 180 cm- the perfect solution for a sundress and summer overalls;
  • 110 x 300 cm- suitable for an evening dress or sari.

Advice. New items, decorated with a medium-sized print, look beautiful on both thin and full women. For the owner of a large figure, stylists recommend purchasing monophonic pareos of dark shades.

Trendy colors and prints

In 2019, both plain products and printed scarves are in demand. The most popular are tones reminiscent of summer nature: blue, turquoise, light green, mustard and yellow.

The favorite is also a silver and gold pareo - this new thing will be an excellent addition to the traditional black swimsuit. And those who want to attract maximum attention should choose colorful citrus, red, orange and coral tones.

Printed accessories are perfect when paired with a monochrome swimwear. In this case, you can order a model with a floral or abstract pattern, as well as with an ornament in the form of movie characters.

Unconditional hits among patterns:

  1. luxury flowers
    Plant theme continues its victorious march on the world's best catwalks. It can be touching lilies of the valley, violets or regal roses, lilies, orchids - it all depends on your taste and preferences. Floral motifs are often complemented by carved fern, graceful liana branches on a neutral or, conversely, bright background.
  2. Animal style
    Prints of this type are often found at the iconic houses of Dior and Chanel. In a pareo with a zebra, leopard or lion coloring, you will become associated with others with a graceful freedom-loving cat.
  3. Stylish geometry
    An accessory in a rhombus, a cage, small or large peas, as well as wavy and straight lines is a godsend for everyone who likes to look luxurious in any setting.
    Do you want the outfit to look catchy and expressive? Buy a sarong with a contrasting pattern!
  4. ethnic chic
    It is now in high demand, including among celebrities and representatives of the beau monde. Classical ornaments of various nationalities, in addition to the right color scheme, can turn every girl into a goddess. Models with fringe in the form of long threads look very beautiful.
  5. Marine theme
    Pareos with a print in the form of starfish, colorful fish, corals or shells are a must-have for relaxing on any beach. It is better for very young ladies to choose the main background of a pastel shade, and for older ladies - bright and catchy colors.

Photo: beautiful pareos for the beach

Advice. The accessory will help hide the imperfections of the figure. If your problem area is the waist, you need to tie the product on the hips. A big belly will hide a new thing, fixed diagonally. And small breasts are easy to enlarge with a neat, loose knot.

How beautiful to tie a pareo

Pareo can easily be transformed into anything: a skirt, top, sundress, dress, tunic or stunning jumpsuit. Some craftswomen even manage to construct fashionable handbags and hats from scarves.

To create a fitted strapless dress, you need to bring the thing behind your back, carefully pulling the top corners. After that, you need to gather them into light draperies and tie them in a knot on your chest.

Did you end up on the beach without a swimsuit? Its bottom can be replaced by a pareo passed between the legs and tied on the stomach. The upper part is also very simple to make: you just need to collect the opposite ends of the scarf behind your back, tie them on your chest, and then twist the bundles and fasten them around your neck like straps.

Do not be afraid to create something new - modern pareos provide a great field for stylish experiments!

Pareo - a piece of light bright fabric, used mainly on the beach. Pareo will help you diversify your appearance on the beach, hide flaws. Or protect vulnerable parts of the body from the sun. And if you have several pareos, then you can go out several times a day in a variety of stunning outfits. You can build them right on the beach!

Pareo comes from the national clothes of the inhabitants of India, Indonesia, Oceania and Southeast Asia, which is called the sarong. This is also a piece of bright or not very dense fabric, usually made of cotton. It can vary in size from small, which can be used to make short clothes, to large, which can be wrapped completely.

And they have been wearing it since time immemorial, both women and men. For example, in Burma, you will only occasionally see a local man in trousers because they prefer the sarong.

The patterns and color of a sarong can tell a lot about its owner, if you're good at it. And in Cambodia, Malaysia and Bali, they are not allowed into temples and royal palaces without a sarong, it doesn’t matter whether a local resident or a tourist. How to create everyday outfits from a sarong in which you can go anywhere you are.

From this piece of fabric you can create:

an impromptu skirt, top or cape, dress or sarafan.

And you can also build from it something similar to, or, as well as.

It is most convenient to learn how to tie a pareo beautifully through video tutorials that.

And one more plus of this magical piece of fabric - you can use pareo

And depending on how you want to use it, you need to decide on the size.

How to choose the right pareo size.

When buying, you need to understand why you are buying a pareo and take into account the dimensions:

90x90 - you can create a top or bustier

From 110x110 to 110x240 - from these sizes you can build any skirts, trousers, capes and dresses with draperies.

110 × 300 - even a sari can be made from this size.

How to tie a pareo to hide figure flaws.

It is better, of course, to match the color and pattern of the swimsuit so that there is complete harmony.

For a full figure - plain fabric or vertical stripes. You can also hide imperfections by choosing a color gradient, this is when the color goes from dark to light.

A short neck and (or) a double chin - this shortcoming can be distracted by a bright pareo tied at the waist or hips. The gaze will involuntarily concentrate on a bright color spot.

Small breasts - you need to tie a pareo on the chest with a large knot or wrap the chest area with a cloth.

Wide hips - we tie the fabric on the hips. Full waist - we tie a pareo with a "hoodie".

How to build a swimsuit from a pareo

How to create shorts and oriental trousers from a pareo.

Oriental bloomers

Pareo tops.

And then a few videos with quite interesting options on how to tie a pareo beautifully.

Here are 4 options that you definitely did not know about

Here are purely beach options from Cosmopolitan magazine. 12 very simple and sexy outfits.

And in this video, at first, the pareo looks like a dressing gown, but it is simply tied at the back of the head. That is, it is thrown over the back to the beginning of the arm line, the upper ends from under the armpits are extended to the chest, raised up and tied at the back of the head.

In these outfits you can walk not only on the beach, but for example - go for an evening walk

In this video, there are also many different ways to tie a sarong. And at 3 minutes it is shown how with the help of knots you can make “sleeves”, using a knot tied in the middle. This knot consists of two upper ends and the middle of a piece of fabric.

And here it is shown how to make an outfit from a pareo using a bracelet or ring, it turns out very interesting.

Or make a more serious outfit out of it, in which you can appear not only on the beach, as girls do, whose peoples have been wearing a sarong for many centuries. For example, in this way.

Top and scarf

pareo headdress

I hope that now you will not have a question how to tie a pareo beautifully. And if you suddenly put a hard-to-remove stain on your beautiful outfit, then I advise you to read ... and even from a ballpoint pen.

Are you suffering from heat? Find out some effective ways to escape the heat

Pareo (pareo) is a great alternative to a beach suit, as it can be tied in completely different ways, and you get not only a hip skirt, but also a top, sundress or dress. In general, pareo is a universal thing, if you know how to tie a pareo to make it look elegant and unique.

Gone are the days when you had to take heavy bags with you on vacation! Now it is enough just to put one, two pareos and tie it every day in a new way:

  • Pareo can easily turn into a sundress- for this you need to wrap it around, twist the ends together, take them under the chest and tie them on the back.
  • You can make a beautiful and airy dress from a pareo.. To do this, you need to wrap the pareo, twist the ends together several times and tie at the back of the neck.
  • Pareo can become a sundress in the Greek style- cross the ends of the pareo under your arm and tie them on the opposite shoulder.
  • Pareo skirt- tie the pareo so that its ends are in front, twist them and tie on the back.
  • If you have two pareos, then you can make beach pants. To do this, it is tedious to tie the upper ends of the pareo on the side of the waist, wrap the lower ends around the leg and tie in a knot. With the second pareo, you need to do the same on the other leg.
  • You can make a pareo top, slightly twist the ends of the pareo and make a knot on the neck. Cross the remaining ends and tie at the back of the waist.

How to tie a pareo a bunch of. And you can choose for yourself any option for tying scarves to look simply stunning at sea. It can also be beautiful - it will add zest to your image.

How beautiful to tie a pareo

As you already understood, buying a beautiful pareo and somehow tying it on yourself is not enough to make you look like a goddess. Still need to know tie a pareo beautifully on yourself, replenishing it, for example, with beautiful decorations and skillfully.

Tie a pareo like a swimsuit

From a pareo, you can make not only a dress or a sundress, but also a very sexy beach one. Of course, you can’t swim in it, but sunbathing is no problem. And if you decorate such your beach outfit

How to tie a pareo - master class

If you have not figured out how to tie a pareo from the pictures, then we suggest you master class video on tying a pareo, which will clearly show you how to cope with this task.

Going to the beach, except for a swimsuit, you can not take anything from clothes. But still, not everyone is so bold, and they prefer to wear a light sundress or shorts with a top on top. A worthy alternative in this case will be a pareo - a piece of light fabric, mostly rectangular in shape, which is worn with a swimsuit.

Many women refuse such an accessory as a pareo, but this is not reasonable. You just need to know how to tie a pareo beautifully. If you think that tying a pareo on your hips as a skirt is all the ways to wear a pareo to the beach, you are deeply mistaken.

In fact, a pareo to the beach is a very versatile option for light outerwear, which can be tied up very beautifully and in an original way. Learning how to tie a pareo beautifully is quite simple. This can be done using simple diagrams in the photo, which are very easy to repeat and remember.

Original ways to tie a pareo to the beach

How about a beautiful skirt, original top, jumpsuit and even shorts. All this can be done with pareo. Planning a beach party? You can beautifully tie a pareo in a dress. Moreover, there will be several options for how to tie a pareo in a dress.

The easiest way to tie a pareo in a dress is to twist the two ends, cross and tie at the neck. If you want to open your shoulders or chest, you can tie a pareo in a different way.

Also a fun way to make a pareo dress is with a small ring. In such a pareo dress, you can easily walk along the beach and visit a cafe on the seashore.

The pareo can be tied around the head and used as a headdress to protect from the sun.

We can say with confidence that as soon as you learn how to tie a pareo beautifully, it will become your favorite beach accessory. Knowing how to tie a pareo, you can surprise every day with a new original outfit.

A selection of photos of how to beautifully tie a pareo on the beach will help you in choosing the right option for how to wear a pareo.

Watch and learn - simple schemes on how to beautifully tie a pareo to the beach

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