How to decorate a plastic flower pot. How to decorate a flower pot simply and effectively - ideas and photos

Elena Mamchich

16:15 4.02.2017

There is not much time left before the beginning of the calendar spring. And this means that very soon the time will come for planting seeds and flower bulbs. So let's quickly review our stocks of old flowerpots, put them in order and decorate them with unusual decor.

Paper for decorating a flower pot

The easiest way to make a beautiful flowerpot from an old unsightly plastic one is to wrap it in beautiful paper and tie it with ribbon or jute thread.

Textile decoration of flower pots

Nice and simple you can decorate a flowerpot with a jute thread. For example, you can wind the thread around the flowerpot several times.

Or wrap the flowerpot completely. If desired yarn can be dyed. This option for decorating a flower pot is suitable for lovers of eco-style.

For those who love to sew such an option for decorating a flower pot is suitable, as in the photo below.

original idea decorate a flower pot with white lace different shapes and different patterns.

Knitted decor very popular now. And, of course, flower pots are no exception!

Decoupage flower pots

This option for decorating flower pots is a very common option. If you choose a decoupage napkin with a floral pattern, you will end up with a very cute vase in Provencal style.

Flower pot decor with mosaics

This option will require a lot of patience from you, but it's worth it! For flowerpot decoration you can use old broken plates or cups, beads and even sea pebbles.

Flowerpot decor with natural materials

Just look how original and simple you can decorate a flower pot with simple twigs and glue!

Marine style lovers in the interior they will appreciate such an original idea for decorating a flower pot.

Decorating a flower pot with paint

This method is perhaps the most common of all. Draw any patterns, flowers or family coat of arms. Anything that fits to decorate your interior.

If you are not confident in your artistic talent, then use stencils or stamps.

With masking tape flower vases can be decorated with geometric patterns, which are very popular right now.

A must for decorating flower pots bring your kids! On the flowerpot, you can leave prints of palms, legs, or use fingerprints to draw flowers and butterflies.

Decorate the pot with inscriptions and patterns

An ordinary flowerpot can paint with chalkboard paint then to write names with chalk or draw.

Paint the flower pot with white paint and then with black marker apply a pattern or write a wish, the name of a flower or a motto.

Look for more ideas in each issue of the magazine

Indoor plants decorate the interior of the room, give it a picturesque and aesthetic appearance. In order for indoor plants to harmonize with the surrounding space and become a spectacular accent in the interior, care should be taken that the flowers are always well-groomed and grow in beautiful original pots.

Beautiful pots and flower stands can be purchased at the store, but they will not be cheap. If you have free time, improvised means and a desire to save money, you can create truly unique handmade masterpieces suitable for a specific interior design.

If the design of your apartment or room is made in a romantic style, then indoor plants in handmade pots decorated with elegant lace will perfectly emphasize it. Translucent white lace fabric will accentuate the interior, symbolizing the sophistication and sensuality of the romantic style. In order to make such a pot, you will need lace fabric, glue and the pot itself as the basis for the future work of art. Glue is most often used with PVA, but other options are not forbidden. If you need to give the pot elements of a romantic style, then you should choose a white pot or delicate pastel shades as the basis. If it is necessary to give such a pot contrast and severity, then white lace can be combined with a black pot.

Flower pots decorated with cereals

Such pots will be especially relevant in the dining room or in the kitchen. For manufacturing, you will need the simplest clay pot, glue and various types of cereals - peas, beans, rice, buckwheat, millet. As for the process of sticking cereals on a pot, here you can completely trust your creative impulses. You can combine both different cereals in shape, size and color, or decorate the pot completely with rice cereal, and then paint it with paints. In addition, you can combine grits with various beads or rhinestones.

Knitted fabric pot decoration

The idea of ​​decorating a pot with knitted fabric will be relevant for those who know how to knit or crochet well. It will be enough to tie a small cover corresponding to the size of the flower pot. You can use both plain yarn and combine several different colors that are present in the interior of the room. Such an interior detail as a houseplant wrapped in a warm knitted fabric will bring a feeling of warmth and comfort to your home.

Shell pot decoration

Suitable for nautical theme. If the interior of the room is made mainly in blue and white shades, then such a decorative element as flower pots decorated with shells will emphasize the marine style. A glance falling on flower pots with shells will mentally take you to the sea coast with white sand, warm waves and fresh sea breeze. As a base, pots of blue-blue shades, contrasting with white shells, are suitable.

You can also beautifully decorate a flower pot with pieces of broken glass or dishes, laying it out with a mosaic. You need to be especially careful to create such a handmade masterpiece so as not to get hurt. When the adhesive with the mosaic dries, apply a layer of acrylic varnish on top.

Flower pot decor with twigs and stones

Rustic or country style is one of the popular fashion trends in design. It involves extensive use of natural materials such as wood and stone. Decor elements made in this style should be simple and natural, like nature itself. There are many different ways to decorate a country-style flower pot. In particular, you can use wooden sticks. The pot should be wrapped with burlap, wooden sticks of the same length fastened with a rope and wrapped around the pot. Stones can be a great alternative to the previous option. They should be small and relatively light.

How to decorate a flower pot with improvised means

From ordinary, seemingly unremarkable household items, you can get a unique work of art that will decorate the interior. So, for example, you can decorate the simplest flower pot with simple pencils with an eraser. Or ordinary wooden clothespins. An equally interesting option is obtained using buttons of various shapes and colors. And also an excellent material for creating a handmade masterpiece can be old beads.

Decorating potted plants with different items and materials is a creative and fun activity that will not only brighten up your interior, but will most likely become a favorite hobby.

Elvira Goleva for the site

I propose in this topic to create an encyclopedia on various techniques for decorating flower pots and planters

The first option is to cover with a beautiful fabric.

It turns out really original and attractive!

And I really like decorating with colored laces. Very easy, and at the same time an interesting way.

What you need:
pots, colorful laces, glue.

How we do.

We take the base - pots. we cover the part where the lace will be applied with a thin layer of glue (the glue should not dry out instantly). And we begin to tightly wrap the pots with a cord. It is important that the lace lays flat, row by row and there are no gaps. After a few rows are done, change the color and repeat the steps. So you get a multi-colored pots. If there is a wire, then you can insert it into one of the laces and make a beautiful pattern on top.

Again, a decoration option using winding. This time, it is specified that this is some kind of plant material ... alas, I don’t remember the name ...

At the end of the winding, glue the shells

A flower pot can also be made from ordinary hemp. You will need a drill with a sufficiently thick drill bit and other carpentry tools

A couple of options based on wrapping a beautiful fabric with a flap

Original and stylish pot with buttons laid out in the form of a belt

Autumn pot with maple leaves

My favorite ethno style

If you paste over the shell, you get an excellent mosaic on a flower pot, for example, like this. Look, the shell is not painted, how charming it looks !!!

Here is another interesting idea using seashells. It is stated that they were planted on building mastic. I don’t know how it will hold, but in my opinion you can take cement for tiles.

Finally found a photo of a planter with seeds)

The same flower pot can look different if you decorate it with different accessories. Using the example, we see that I have beads, you can give tone to an ordinary clay pot and adjust it to the general interior of the room

A sad plastic flower pot can be turned into a stunning planter with twine, an old T-shirt and spray paint. We look at the photo lesson and learn how to decorate pots with our own hands

And here is the recipe for decorating pots. More precisely, not a planter, but buckets of acrylic paint))

I also liked this idea, they made it from an ordinary wooden planter - an excellent interior decoration in the ancient Greek style)

It is better to use water-based paint, even if you get your hands dirty, it washes well.

A simple flower pot can be a message from the past when adorned with vintage lace. In the image of a cache-pot with lace, you can also arrange a frame for a photo. Be sure to take care of soft paint colors if your lace is pastel shades, but if the lace is a rich color, such as black or red, then you can choose a contrasting paint

But I found a variant of a more ascetic planter for flowers with my own hands - a planter made of cardboard. Although, if you paint it white in fact, it will turn out quite airy, right?

Well, as always, I just love knitted covers for all kinds of jars, mugs, and now for flower pots!

An excellent option for a hanging planter can be made by hand. Usually take a planter and weave a basket for him, but not in, but with the help of!
Below is a detailed weaving pattern)

Ordinary glass jars painted in different colors can be used both as a flower pot and as a planter, which is much more practical than the first option - it is still very difficult to pick out the ground from the jar ..

You can also use old things as a planter, for example, a boot or a teapot. But only as a planter, it’s better not to pour the earth into these items, otherwise you won’t wash off the dirt later and won’t be able to reuse)

He even makes cutouts in old books

Do you have a few old floppy disks lying around the house? You don't have to throw them away! Make a flower pot out of floppy disks with your own hands, it's so easy!
To glue floppy disks, take high-quality tile adhesive.

But with this decor, you can create the effect as if your plants are growing on the windowsill completely without a pot! It seems that the roots of plants are outside)

And here is the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdecorating a flower pot with knitted elements already known to many! In this case, it is a kind of crocheted belt)

Here is an option for decorating a flower pot with a beautiful dense fabric. You can even sew strips of fabric into one piece and wrap the pot. You can not make a central seam, just put the fabric on the glue.

Poor books .. even if this is some kind of textbook from the time of studying Marxism-Leninism, I would still be sorry to mock them like that) Although it turns out beautifully, I can’t say anything in the omem style)

Even from the expanses of the network, I liked the solution when flowers and grass in general act as paintings on the wall.

Or here's an easier one. Only in this version, I don’t know how convenient it is for the plants themselves in this position. The stems will still strive upward. to the sun.

In our house, they do not always fit the interior of the room, and are often simply nondescript. Spring is coming and we want to transform our house, put things in order in all corners and come up with something new for comfort in our apartment. Why not start with flower pots, because they are always in sight - standing on the windowsills or somewhere near the window. At the same time, we will transplant plants that are tired during the long winter months into fresh soil and updated pots. First you need to decide what we want to change in the appearance of our flower pots. Maybe we are tired of their dull brown or gray color? Then everything is simple: take acrylic paints, a brush and change the color. Do not forget that before you start painting the pot, it must be well washed, dried and degreased (to do this, wipe the pot with nail polish remover or alcohol with a cotton swab).

It is necessary to pay attention to what material the flower pot is made of. If it is plastic, then before painting the pot, prime the entire surface of the pot with PVA glue, let it dry, and then paint it in the desired color with acrylic paint. In addition to acrylic paints, spray paints can also be used.

When the paint dries, if you don’t get an even and beautiful layer, paint the pot again and let the paint dry well again. To fix the result, cover the pot with acrylic varnish. Only when the varnish becomes dry, proceed to planting a flower in a pot.

As you can see in the photo above, the pots are not just painted with paint of one tone, but they draw drawings that anyone who can at least hold a brush in their hands can easily draw. The advantage of coloring flower pots with your own hands is that you can come up with any pattern or pattern and try to bring it to life.

It's pretty easy to decorate earthenware pots, especially those that aren't glazed. The surface of the pot is porous, so such a pot must also be primed with PVA glue before painting. When the glue is dry, carefully paint the pot in two coats. When the paint dries, start painting.

If you wish, you can decorate several flower pots in one theme and transform any room in the house with their help. Here are the pots that the boys might like.

And girls may like pots with flowers, butterflies (dragonflies) or birds.

If your child already knows how to draw something, try coloring flower pots together. Surely you will have a good and interesting time.

Children will surely be delighted with pots with eyes and spouts. They can serve as containers for small toys.

For the kitchen, paint the pot with flowers, berries, teapots or polka dots.

For the bedroom and living room, dream up and draw something that fits the interior of the room.

When inspiration comes, drawings are quickly thought up and immediately brought to life.

Sometimes even the drawings on the pot seem not enough to us, but we want to add something else so that the flower pot or pot turns into something extraordinary. Then you need to look at home, what can be glued to the pot so that it stands out from a number of its fellows. It can be anything: beads, sequins, buttons, plastic and felt flowers and other small decorations. You need to glue on super glue or glue from a gun.

In a similar way, you can transform your flower pot by completely pasting it with shells. Such a pot will well support the marine theme in the room.

Flowerpots and pots decorated with shells can decorate not only a room, but also a balcony, terrace or porch in a garden house.

If the pot turned out well, you should not plant a plant in it that will cover the results of your work with its leaves. Plant in it, for example, cacti that grow slowly and do not hang down.

A ceramic or plastic pot can be pasted over with pebbles. To attach the stones, you can use super glue or glue from a special gun.

Simple plastic pots, after being decorated with pebbles, are transformed beyond recognition.

Have you ever tried to use textured plaster to decorate pots? And you try. Get interesting results. Apply textured (embossed) plaster to the pot and use a comb or notched trowel to apply any pattern you can think of onto the wet plaster. It is important not to smear the applied pattern, but to gently dry the pot. In the future, the plaster does not crumble and does not peel off.

Another noteworthy way to decorate flower pots is by gluing pieces of tree branches. Take thin branches of a tree (preferably not resinous species), garden nippers and prepare wooden "rounds". Start gluing them to the pot with hot glue from the bottom and continue until the entire area is filled. Alternate between small and large pieces of wood. When the glue dries, cover the pot with acrylic varnish.

And if you don’t want to cut the branches with wire cutters, just put two rubber bands on the pot and gently push the equally cut branches under them around the entire pot. Then tie the branches together with twine.

Such pots can be decorated with thin branches painted with silver or gold paint and natural or artificial berries.

Many ways to decorate pots have already been invented. Perhaps you can come up with something of your own. Here I also bring to your attention how you can decorate pots with lace. Cut out fragments of lace and glue to the pot, which is primed with PVA glue. Next, the pot with lace needs to be painted.

To decorate the pot with twine, you will need a twine reel, PVA glue and a brush. Take a pot and coat the strip with PVA glue. Carefully start winding the twine around the pot. Further, also to the very top of the pot: coat the strip with glue and wind the twine. Then let the pot dry. Twine can even be painted any color with acrylic paint.

If you suddenly want flower pots to repeat the colors of curtains or curtains, then you need to take the fabric from which the curtains are sewn and make a pattern for the pot. To do this, on a clean piece of paper, “roll” the pot from one to the other edge of the sheet and draw two rounded lines: along the upper and lower edges of the pot. Measure the circumference of the pot from above and below, these dimensions should correspond to the lines you have drawn. Cut out the pattern and lay it on the fabric, securing with needles. By the way, do not forget to leave an extra 1 centimeter on the top and bottom of the pattern in order to be able to tuck the fabric. Glue the cut fabric with PVA glue to the pot, decorate as you wish.

From unnecessary knitwear, sew these “suits” for your pots. Look spring fresh and beautiful.

You might like the pot just wrapped in burlap.

Pots in matting bags look great, somehow it immediately becomes homely.

Everything that you read above makes sense to do with flower pots if they are still whole, without cracks, and ceramic ones do not crumble and do not crumble. And if there is no point in transforming old pots, then take them to the dacha and make such a funny “pot” company out of them.

Good luck to all!

From what and how you can make flower pots with your own hands, read

Home plant lovers tirelessly create beauty and comfort in their homes. Of course, fresh flowers themselves bring these qualities to your home, but if you also make pots for them with your own hands, not only your guests, but also all household members will be delighted.

Let's start with a rather creative idea that the guys from Kazakhstan gave us. Having such pots, you can teach all family members to take care of plants, because no one wants to have a bad haircut.

Flower pots can even be made from small mirrors that can be purchased at any hardware store.

You can create interesting options for decorating a children's room with your children. Very easily together you can decorate the pot with acrylic or other decorative paints. Coloring can be done even with gouache, just add PVA glue to it in a ratio of 1: 1, so the paint will not get dirty and washed off the product.

If you love to knit, then why not make beautiful clothes for the pots? Actually, even if you don’t know how to knit, you can easily create warm decoration for flowerpots with scissors and an old sweater or knitted leg warmers.

Pots decorated with natural materials look very interesting.

An exciting option is to stick a picture that you like on the pot. Not difficult, but original! Decoupage of flower pots has become a newfangled hobby for many people.

In fact, it is very difficult to list and somehow systematize all types of flower pot decor that flower lovers use. A variety of materials are used, ranging from buttons to pencils ... Watch and get ideas!

Quite common today is the use of non-standard items for growing plants, which sometimes, like pots, are decorated in different ways.

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