Mk pumpkin head dolls. Pumpkin head dolls with clothing patterns

Pumpkinhead dolls got their sonorous name due to the non-standard shape of the head, reminiscent of a pumpkin.

Their story began in 1918, when the first pumpkin head doll, named Raggedy Ann, was made by John Barton Gruel for his little daughter.

You can easily sew a cute and cheerful pumpkin head with your own hands by following a simple step-by-step master class from Elena Kogan, a famous Russian needlewoman. Sewing a pumpkin head will not take much time; such a textile doll will decorate a child’s room or living room, and will definitely bring a summer mood to your home.

Pumpkin head

The first master class from Elena Kogan is dedicated to the most distinctive feature of these cute dolls - their pumpkin-shaped head. It should consist of several separate petal parts that are sewn together. To make a head, you will need a simple pattern, a piece of flesh-colored or white fabric, filler and a set of threads with a needle.

Draw a small petal on paper and cut it out along the contour; this pattern will be useful for making the head. There must be at least four such details, only then will it be possible to recreate the famous pumpkin shape.

Elena Kogan advises using six to eight wedges to make a doll's head, this way you can create a more plastic shape and give the face soft outlines.

Transfer the contours from the pattern to the fabric, stepping back a couple of millimeters from the edge. The parts must be sewn so that the front side is inside the pumpkin, and there is a seam in the middle of the doll’s face. Leave a small hole so that the part can be turned out later.

Fill this bag with padding polyester or holofiber, and then you should carefully sew the hole with a hidden seam. Having sewed the head, you can begin the master class on making a face.

Prepare patterns for the doll's body, arms and legs. Having transferred it to the fabric, you should cut out the details, stepping back a few millimeters from the outline. The fabric should be stitched so that the front side remains inside. The workpiece should be turned out through the hole left and filled with padding polyester. A textile doll must have a dense base, so the parts should be stuffed as tightly as possible.

The hole should be carefully sewn by hand using an inconspicuous blind seam. Having filled each part separately, you need to baste the arms, legs and head to the body, and then you can begin the sewing master class.


To give the pumpkin head some elegance, you should sew it a nice, bright dress. Clothes can be removable or sewn directly onto the body. If you are sewing a decorative doll, you can sew on a dress with an apron, but for children's play dolls it is better to leave the opportunity to change outfits.

Sewing a simple cotton dress will not take much time if you choose the right pattern. All parts are cut out and stitched in the same way as the parts for the body. Calculate the size based on the proportions of your doll. The outfit can be decorated with lace or applique.

Looking for a new hobby? Do you want to get into textile souvenirs? After reading the article, you will learn how to sew. The master class will help you make them yourself. We'll talk about smart little people with round heads.

What is this souvenir?

There are different types. From the point of view of manufacturing technology, they are made with or without a frame. Heads also come in several shapes: round with a flat face, semi-volume, elongated and spherical. The latter are called pumpkin heads. Their characteristic feature is that the head parts are petals that are connected to each other. One of the seams usually runs through the center of the face, being a line of symmetry. You can make patterns for textile pumpkin head dolls yourself. The main thing is to understand the principle. The head is sewn from four or six parts or in the shape of a sphere with a protruding nose. In the second case, the parts used are already asymmetrical.

As for the doll itself, it can be made as a pendant, sitting or standing. To secure it in a vertical position, a frame and a solid base are often used. If the character is sitting, it is enough to sew the legs at the knees with an additional seam, dividing the part into two parts. The same is done with the arms to bend them. In addition, you should not stuff these elements too tightly, otherwise they will not be able to bend at all. Be sure to fill the head and neck tightly.

Manufacturing technology

To create a textile doll you will need the following materials and tools:

  • white or beige fabric for the head and other parts of the body;
  • material for making outfits;
  • yarn, thread or something else for hair;
  • embroidery threads or paints for drawing facial elements;
  • cotton wool, synthetic winterizer, holofiber for stuffing;
  • pattern paper;
  • scissors, pins, needle, pencil, sewing chalk;
  • decor for clothing (beads, sequins, satin ribbons, lace).

You always need to start from the basics. If you have a ready-made template on your computer, patterning a pumpkin head doll is very easy to do. Print the sample to the desired scale, cut out the parts and place it on the fabric. If you don’t have a printer, place the glass with a transparent film glued (a file from a paper folder will do) to the monitor, and trace the details with a pen.

When the paper pattern elements are ready, do the following:

Pumpkinhead doll (pattern): master class

Using diagrams helps a beginner complete a product quickly, but if you already have experience in the field of needlework, you may want to independently develop the appearance, proportions of the character, in a word, create an individual image.

It’s also easy to make patterns for textile pumpkin-head dolls with your own hands. The main thing is to correctly construct the parts from which the ball will be sewn together. The petal shape is easy to make as follows:

  1. Fold a small rectangle of paper in half vertically.
  2. Bend the workpiece horizontally.
  3. Cut off the excess diagonally in an arc shape.
  4. Expand the part.

Arms, legs and a body with a neck are also easy to build yourself in any proportions. The pattern of the pumpkin head doll is shown in the photo below.

When all the pieces are ready, start laying them out on the fabric. Those elements that are needed in several copies are best done at a time on a folded flap.

with spout

If you want to make a more realistic character, use a different template. In this option, the nose will be sewn straight away. It does not need to be drawn or sewn separately. To reduce the number of steps, it is better to sew it right away.

The four-part pumpkin head doll pattern is shown in the figure below.

How to Make a Head Realistic

When the basics are done, you need to give the character a certain emotion. This largely determines what image will be created. Eyes, lips, eyebrows are done in three ways:

  1. Embroidered.
  2. Applied with paint.
  3. The finished elements are glued.

Plastic eyes and even eyelashes can be bought at a craft store. If you decide to paint with a brush, you should use acrylic paints (there are special ones for fabric). To keep the color bright, it is better to first apply PVA glue to the surface. It is better to embroider the face before cutting out the parts, since it is convenient to fix a large flap in a hoop.

As for hair, it is usually made from yarn. Floss or artificial hair is also used. First, a hairstyle is formed, which is then fixed on the head.

It’s also worth talking about how to get a realistic skin color on a doll. If you have not found fabric of a suitable shade, you can easily make the desired color yourself by dipping the material in an infusion (solution) of tea or coffee. The latter will also give a pleasant aroma. It is better to paint a large patch, but you should check the shade on a small one. Samples will help determine the strength of the infusion and the soaking time in it. After the fabric has dried, but not completely, it should be ironed slightly damp so that the shade does not fade or smudge.

Which outfit to choose

You have a pattern for a pumpkin head doll. Using it you can easily make a ball, which you will turn into a realistic head. Now it's time to think about clothes.

It is sewn separately, but is usually made permanent, so the parts can even be glued directly to the base.
For costume ideas, try these:

  • long fluffy dress with lace;
  • sundress;
  • national clothes;
  • trousers and shirt for a boy doll;
  • coat for the Snow Maiden;
  • image of a fairy, princess;
  • thematic series "Seasons"
  • dolls by different artists).

In a word, you can create any outfit. Everything is limited by your imagination.

You learned how to make textile dolls with your own hands. The master class is a very effective teaching tool, so you can easily make your own original souvenir or interior decor using photographs and templates. Prepare the material, print the templates and get to work.

Pumpkin head doll (round head doll) can be sewn using a special pattern. Sewing a pumpkin head is quite simple and quick. Dolls in this style have several characteristic features. Firstly, they have a non-standard head shape, which consists of several parts (four, five, six wedges). Sew correctly so that there is a seam in the middle of the face. Usually these pupae have a slightly convex chin and nose. Legs and arms are also sewn separately, similar to. For sewing the body, it is better to choose natural cotton or linen. Fabrics can be tinted using instant coffee, aniline dyes, tea, and onion peels. The proportions of the doll's body are non-standard: the arms and legs are long. Some pumpkin head patterns may also have ears, which are separately sewn to the doll’s head. To stuff pumpkin heads, as for other dolls, either padding polyester or holofiber is used. It is advisable to stuff it evenly and tightly. The head should be stuffed especially tightly, like a ball. To prevent the “heavy” head from falling off later, it also needs to be stuffed very tightly. To be on the safe side, you can use a wooden stick, wrap it with padding polyester, then put the finished head on it and sew it on.

The face is detailed. It shows the eyes, nose and mouth. This is done using acrylic textile paints. This is where you can show your imagination. If you wish, you can make eyelashes for the doll (they are sold in craft stores) or make them yourself from strings. You can also draw eyelashes, like eyebrows. Apply a little blush to the cheeks (from your cosmetic bag or using an acrylic pencil). The pumpkin head's face is its calling card. Fingers and toes can be stitched, this way you get natural fingers, like those of dolls based on. Pumpkin head dolls can be made to hang or sit. In the second case, you need to stitch the legs at the knees (manually or using a sewing machine). At the same time, they are filled less tightly than usual. You can also use a frame and a wooden stand, as is the case with (textile barbies). In order for the doll’s arms to bend, they also need to be stitched at the elbows. To ensure that the doll always has a pleasant smell, you can sew a cinnamon stick or coffee with vanilla into it.

Secondly, pumpkin heads have very interesting hairstyles. For hair, wool is often used, less often satin ribbons or floss threads. They can be braided into braids, ponytails, spikelets, left loose, or made into curls. For this, bows, strings, hairpins, and rubber bands are used. Chains with pendants or various pendants and clasps are often hung around the neck of pumpkin heads, in accordance with the doll’s outfit.

Thirdly, pumpkin heads are dressed in beautiful and colorful outfits. It is better to select natural fabrics - for patchwork or others (silk, chintz, fleece, gabardine, chiffon, calico, felt, velor, knitwear, trouser fabrics, faux fur). Colors and shades are chosen from a wide variety of spectrums, not necessarily pastel or calm, as for. Bright colors will also look very nice on a round-headed doll.

The outfits are complemented with lace, ribbons, braid, embroidery, and beads. Knitted items for dolls also look stylish, especially hats and vests. Shoes are also selected to match the outfit. These can be boots, shoes, boots, low shoes, flip-flops, sandals, sneakers, sneakers, etc. If desired, you can leave the dolls barefoot. Pumpkin heads are complemented by accessories - handbags, baskets with fruits or flowers, soft toys, bags of cereals or coffee, umbrellas, books, etc. - as much as your imagination allows. Clothes can also be sewn using a sewing machine. The round-headed doll is very interesting and beautiful. She is elegant, graceful, bright, especially thanks to her painted face. A pumpkin head is an excellent interior decoration that protects your home comfort.

Good afternoon, dear needlewomen!

In our previous article, we discussed the difference between Tilda dolls and other toys. Now let's look at the difference between the Tilda Pumpkinhead doll and other Tilda dolls. A distinctive feature of this cute doll is its large “pumpkin-shaped” head, which gives it incredible charm and charm. In this master class by Anastasia Zharikova you will learn how to sew a doll with your own hands - in this article you will find a step-by-step master class on sewing a doll and a video tutorial.

The good thing about pumpkin heads is that they are very different from factory dolls. Each one turns out unique. You can depict any emotion on the face of the Pumpkinhead doll; you can make this doll a portrait.

To make a Pumpkinhead doll with your own hands, we will need:

  • Beige fabric for the doll's body
  • The pattern can be printed using a printer or copied from the monitor screen.

Pattern doll Tilda Pumpkinhead

The pumpkin head doll pattern can be printed and saved to your computer.

  • Two buttons for attaching handles
  • Acrylic paints for face painting
  • Brushes
  • Fabric for dress
  • Blush
  • Felting wool for hair

Tilda Pumpkinhead doll step-by-step master class

We cut out the Tilda doll pattern using scissors and apply it to the fabric on the back side.

We trace the pattern of the Pumpkinhead doll with a pencil.

Cut the fabric using scissors, leaving a seam allowance of 0.5 cm

We sew the parts tightly by hand so that when stuffing the doll the parts do not come apart. The step width is 1.5-2 millimeters.

The next stage of our work is turning out the parts of the Tilda doll. We turn the parts inside out using sushi chopsticks or something similar.

To sew all the parts, you need to leave small holes for stitching.

The next stage is filling the doll with padding polyester. To stuff the doll with padding polyester, we will need about 100 grams of filler.

We stuff the parts; the legs don’t need to be stuffed until the very end.

It is important to properly stuff the neck so that the head holds up well. We insert part of the filler into the neck, stuff it tightly, hold it with your fingers and do not let go. To ensure that the filler does not get lost, you can fix it with needles.

The head of the Tilda doll also needs to be stuffed very tightly, fixing the padding polyester with needles so that the stuffing is fixed and does not move. We roll a padding polyester ball into the nose, insert it, and fix it with a needle - then the Doll’s nose will turn out to be convex.

We stuff the head of the craft as tightly as the padding polyester will fit into it. Then the shape of the Pumpkinhead doll’s head will be smooth and round, and it will be easier to paint the face with paints.

The next stage is to sew the head of the Tilda doll to the neck.

We sew the neck to the head of the Pumpkinhead doll with a hidden seam, since for the aesthetic appearance of the doll it is better that the seam is not visible. This is one of the most labor-intensive stages of making a doll with your own hands.

If the seam is not perfect, don’t worry - you can always cover the seam for the Pumpkinhead doll with beads or a scarf.

Sew the legs to the body. We sew up the body in the middle, tuck the edges of the fabric inward, insert the legs and sew them on.

We leave the handles for later; we will sew them to the finished doll’s dress with our own hands.

We sew a dress. For the dress we will need three rectangles of fabric, one of them measuring 45-50 centimeters in length, and the width will be the approximate size of the skirt. Try the dress on your body; you won’t need a dress pattern. For the sleeves you will need some fabric - the size of the handle.

For the sleeves, fold the fabric in half,

Apply a pen and trace with a pencil.

Sew with small stitches. We insert our hand into the sleeve.

We fold the upper part of the dress, apply it to the body, measure out the required size, and sew it.

When designing a dress for the Tilda doll, you can already show yourself and your design abilities - decorate the dress with sequins, rhinestones, beads, braid...

The bodice of the dress is ready, now you need to sew a skirt to the bodice of the dress for the Tilda doll.

We will make the skirt by gathering the fabric on a thread.

Now we put the dress on the doll. And we sew on the handles.

This is done simply: Sew on a button. Determine approximately where the handles of the Pumpkinhead doll will be attached. We thread the needle through the body and sew on both handles. The two arms of the Tilda doll will be secured with one thread through buttons.

We're done with clothes. Let's start making Tilda doll's hair with our own hands. We outline with a pencil where the hair growth will be. We roll small thin pieces of wool for felting onto the head of the Tilda doll with a regular felting needle.

How to do Tilde's hair

As soon as we have felted the base to the head, we form the hair for the Tilde doll from felting wool.

Our pumpkin head doll will have red pigtails.

Decorate the ends of the doll's braids with ribbons.

Apply blush to the Pumpkinhead doll. Rosy cheeks are one of the fundamental features of the Tilda doll.

How to draw eyes on a textile doll.

With a pencil we outline where our eyes will be and draw a semicircle.

Draw the eyebrows and mouth.

Draw the whites of the eyes. The paint is special for the fabric and will not crumble over time.

Drawing the iris of the doll's eye

We draw the pupil itself with black paint.

Outline the eyes

Draw freckles, mouth, eyebrows for the pumpkin head doll

This is such a cutie.

Beautiful handmade dolls with your own hands. They seem to be alive, as they are made with love, they contain a piece of your soul.

Video doll Tilda master class

Text prepared by: Veronica

In this master class, we will tell you how to properly sew a pumpkin head doll. The doll received this name due to the peculiarities of the shape of the head. It consists of wedges, and the shape of the head resembles a pumpkin.

We will need:

  • fabric for the doll (this doll is made of stretch satin);
  • padding polyester;
  • cotton yarn for hair;
  • coffee, vanillin (for tinting the doll);
  • doll pattern;
  • thread and needle;
  • foam sponge;
  • baking paper.

Step 1.

According to the attached diagram, you need to draw a pattern (doll parts). For patterns of all parts, you need to add a few centimeters for seam allowances. Since the doll comes with a bunny, there is also a pattern for the bunny. It can be sewn from an ordinary towel and then tinted with ordinary acrylic paints. Step 2.

When all the pattern pieces are cut out, they need to be sewn. Details for legs and arms are sewn along the side seams. The body is also sewn along the side seams, but you need to leave holes where you will sew the arms and legs. The head for the doll is sewn from six parts. But at the junction of the wedges, at the bottom of the head, you need to leave a hole. Through it you will need to turn out the blank for the head and fill it with padding polyester. Sew the doll's neck completely. You will then insert it into the doll’s head and sew it with a hidden seam.
Step 3.

You need to stuff all sewn parts with padding polyester. You can use synthetic fluff or even holofiber as a filler. Handles for a doll need to be filled with padding polyester not too tightly. This will help your hands be more mobile. Then you need to stuff the body itself with padding polyester and sew handles to it. Now you need to sew the legs to the body. They need to be sewn on without feet. Now fill the legs with padding polyester, but only up to the knees (you need to fill the upper part of the legs).
Next on the knees, you need to make a cross stitch. It is needed so that you can bend the doll’s legs. Then fill the rest of the legs with padding polyester and sew on the feet.

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