Cleansing soda face mask. With colorless henna

Ordinary baking soda is familiar to everyone, it is often used in cooking and used in the household. Have you heard of using baking soda for skin care? Soda is very popular among girls, face masks with soda deserve special attention, after which the skin becomes soft, supple and glows with purity.Today on site website you will learn how to make face masks with soda in order to get a positive result.

The result of using soda masks

Baking soda face masks deeply cleanse the skin and make it soft. Baking soda is an excellent antiseptic that helps eliminate skin imperfections such as acne and inflammation. Baking soda also dissolves and removes blackheads from clogged pores, it literally pulls out all the impurities and disinfects the skin. Promotes light and gentle skin whitening. Baking soda is a fine white powder that has a soapy-salty taste that is slightly alkaline. Pure soda, when it comes into contact with the skin and mucous membranes, causes irritation, therefore, in skin care do not use pure baking soda and be sure to dilute it with other components.

After regular use of face masks with baking soda, the skin noticeably improves - it becomes more elastic, softer, the complexion improves, because. soda well exfoliates dead cells and promotes faster renewal of the epidermis. Pimples are dried and black dots disappear.

How to apply soda masks correctly to avoid trouble

Pure soda is a rather aggressive substance and literally corrodes all pollution. Therefore, in order not to harm your skin, but to get only the desired and positive result, you need to follow some rules:

  • do not use soda masks for dry, sensitive and irritated skin;
  • do not keep the mask on your face for more than 10 minutes;
  • be sure to check the composition on the wrist - apply a thin layer and hold for a couple of minutes, then rinse off - redness and irritation should not appear on the skin;
  • do not use pure soda and always dilute it with water and other ingredients that will only increase the effectiveness of the mask;
  • frequency of use - 1 time per week, not more often.

Proven baking soda face mask recipes

Face mask with soda and honey

Soda cleans, dries, removes oily sheen, has an antiseptic effect. Honey masks nourish the skin well. Honey tightens and moisturizes and softens the aggressive effect of soda on the skin.

  1. Take one teaspoon of soda and dilute with the same amount of water (1 teaspoon);
  2. Mix with liquid natural honey in the amount of 1 teaspoon;
  3. Mix the components well and apply on clean skin for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water using a cotton pad or sponge.

Face mask with soda and salt

A deep cleansing mask that will get rid of blackheads, deep impurities and clogged pores. Apply gently and carefully, after the mask, apply a light soothing cream.

  1. Take half a teaspoon of baking soda
  2. Add half a teaspoon of coarse salt. You can use ground sea salt. It will not only act as a scrubbing additive, but also saturates the skin with microelements and tones.
  3. Mix salt and soda well and add a few drops of olive oil and mix again.
  4. Apply the mask to damp skin. Leave for 5-7 minutes, then massage the skin with soft circular movements along the massage lines (from the center of the face to the side) with wet hands and rinse with warm water, then rinse the skin with cool water.

Face mask with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

A purifying & whitening facial mask. Hydrogen peroxide in small amounts has an antiseptic effect, helps in the fight against acne and inflammation on the skin, whitens.

  1. Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with cream or yogurt (in the amount of 1 teaspoon);
  2. Take a quarter teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide ( Definitely 3%! If you use a concentration higher, you will get a burn) and add to the mixture of soda and cream;
  3. Mix everything well. Apply to the skin for 5 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Face mask with soda and oatmeal

Oatmeal for the face is used as a universal remedy. Oatmeal masks also effectively cleanse, nourish and moisturize the skin, make it matte and dry out inflammation.

  1. Take 1 tablespoon of ground Hercules oatmeal (can be ground in a coffee grinder or crushed);
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda;
  3. Pour hot water over and let stand for a couple of minutes.
  4. Apply to clean skin for 10 minutes

Soda mask for dry skin

For dry skin, baking soda can also be used. Baking soda removes flakiness and softens the skin.

  1. Take 1 teaspoon of baking soda;
  2. Add 2 teaspoons of olive or peach oil and mix well;
  3. Apply the mask on clean and moisturized skin for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water using a cotton pad.

Now you know the most popular soda face mask recipes that will help your skin look fresher, more beautiful and healthy.

It has long been noticed that baking (drinking) soda is able to preserve or quickly restore beauty and tenderness to the skin for a long time. This simple ingredient is used by doctors and cosmetologists to treat facial skin, restore hair, whiten teeth, and strengthen the nail plate.

soda properties

Soda has a powerful antiseptic effect, it does an excellent job with acne, acne, allergic rashes, and even insect bites. Facial skin treatment is greatly facilitated by procedures using baking soda. It is used as the main ingredient in:

  • masks;
  • scrubs;
  • water baths;
  • compositions for cleaning the face;
  • skin whitening blends.

In cosmetology, soda is used to care for any type of skin. It effectively fights inflammation, removes oily deposits, deeply cleanses pores.

Soda is made up of four chemical elements:

  • sodium (neutralizes fat, gently stimulates the skin's ability to regenerate);
  • carbon (normalizes the secretion of sebaceous glands);
  • hydrogen (mitigates the effects of carbon);
  • oxygen (rejuvenates skin cells, removes toxins in combination with hydrogen).

As part of moisturizing procedures, soda soothes irritated areas, destroys bacteria on the face, and brightens age spots.

Application rules

Drinking soda effectively eliminates inflammation and quickly soothes irritated skin. However, some rules must be observed:

  • Apply face masks no more than once every three to four days.
  • Scrubs and peelings with soda should be carried out once or twice a week.
  • Deep cleansing of the skin to do once a month.
  • Do not increase the amount of soda indicated in the recipe.
  • Apply masks on the face, bypassing the area around the eyes and lips.
  • After procedures with soda, apply a nourishing cream on the face for normal and oily skin and a moisturizer for dry skin.
  • For the manufacture of medicinal compositions, use porcelain, glass or wooden utensils: these materials are the most environmentally friendly.

Remember that too much baking soda can dry out your skin and cause wrinkles.

Video: rules for applying a soda mask on the face

When using soda, sometimes there is a sensation of tingling or tingling on the face. Do not worry: this soda penetrates into inflamed or polluted pores, destroys pathogenic bacteria and their metabolic products.

Important! It is allowed to use soda for people with thin, hypersensitive facial skin no more than 1 time per month, and immediately after the procedure, a moisturizing composition should be applied to the skin.


Light peeling for daily use

In the morning, washing your face with foam or soap, apply the product on a cotton pad and lightly sprinkle soda on top. Massage your face with gentle circular motions for a few minutes. Then wash with warm water. This will help remove dead cells and cleanse the face.

Gently wipe your face with a cotton pad with the usual product sprinkled with soda

Soda with salt: mask

Excellent antibacterial composition. It fights acne well, especially effective against pustules and boils.

Dilute a mixture of soda and fine salt with liquid soap or washing gel to a slurry state

To prepare the mask, you need to mix well one part of soda, salt (it is better to take fine) and liquid soap. Apply the gruel with a cotton pad to the area with acne or blackheads. You can lightly massage your face with a disk, avoiding strong friction. Leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, wash with plain water.

Scrub with baking soda and salt

To remove dead cells from the face, gently rub the skin with a cotton pad, sprinkling it with fine salt and soda. It is best to do this in the bathroom or in the bath, when the skin is well warmed up and all the pores have opened. You should beware of pressure so as not to injure your face with small salt crystals and cause irritation.

Mask with sour cream

This remedy is used against inflammation and to nourish dry and problematic skin. Mix half a small spoonful of soda with a teaspoon of thin sour cream. Apply to the steamed face and keep for 20 minutes. After wash off with warm water. Soda treats acne and small cracks, soothes the dermis. Sour cream provides deep nourishment.

For the treatment of dry skin, use a mask of soda and sour cream.

Mask with nourishing cream and lemon

Another recipe for removing acne from dry skin. Mix in equal proportions (1:1) soda and any nourishing cream. Add two drops of lemon juice to the composition. Rinse the mixture with warm water 20 minutes after application.

Lemon juice will slightly extinguish the soda, making it softer.

Soda with egg white

This product is recommended for normal or oily skin. Mixing thoroughly, dissolve a small spoonful of soda in one egg white. Keep the mixture on your face for up to 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. The product cleanses and tightens pores, normalizes oiliness.

The mask will narrow the pores and eliminate the greasy plaque on the face.

Mask with shaving foam and hydrogen peroxide

We make a cream for normal or oily skin. Mix two small spoons of shaving foam and the same spoon of soda. Dilute the mixture with hydrogen peroxide to the state of whipped cream. Apply the composition on a steamed face (you can sit over the steam under a towel), rinse with warm water after 15 minutes. The mixture will remove excess fat from the surface of the face, wash away bacteria, and gently soothe the dermis.

To make a mask, add shaving foam to baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.

Deep cleaning with baking soda and honey

This mask is designed for skin with normal and increased fat balance. Soda disinfects and destroys bacteria, honey deeply nourishes and saturates with vitamins.

A mask of soda and honey helps to narrow pores, destroys bacteria, deeply nourishes the skin.

Mix three large spoons of soda with a spoon of honey. Dilute the thick mixture with half a glass of warm water. Steam your face in a bath or bath. If there is no access to one or the other, you should hold your head over a small basin of hot water, covered with a towel. The droplets of sweat that have come out indicate that the pores have opened. Apply the mask on the face, relax in a calm state for about 10 minutes. After the procedure, wash with warm water without soap.

Attention! Do not use this mask if you are prone to allergies.

Lotions for skin whitening

Soda lotions brighten the skin well, discolor age spots. The method is suitable for any type of skin. It is mandatory to apply a moisturizer after the procedure.

Dissolve half a small spoonful of baking soda in warm water (4-5 soup spoons). Moisten a napkin or cotton pads in the solution, apply to the face. Relax with soothing music for 10 minutes. Rinse your face with water.

Express mask for acne and blackheads with oatmeal

This tool has an almost instantaneous effect, which is noticeable after the first procedure. The number of acne is noticeably reduced, the pores clogged with blackheads are cleansed, and oily deposits are removed.

Two parts of crushed (you can grind in a blender) oatmeal, insist in warm water for half an hour. Dissolve one part of baking soda in gruel, apply on face and wait 15 minutes. Next, wash with warm water.

A variant of the mask with soda and oatmeal flakes (video)

Revitalizing mask with aftershave cream

This tool quickly cleanses and disinfects the layers of the dermis. The aftershave cream is rich in vitamin E, essential for the skin. It is well absorbed, quickly tightens small cracks and wounds. The product can be used as a daily cream or as a make-up base.

Squeeze a spoonful of cream into a glass or porcelain container. Add a spoonful of dry soda. Mix the cream well with a wooden or glass spatula.

Water bath with soda at home

Usually this method is used for inhalation for colds or sore throats. But few people know that sodium vapor is able to penetrate deep into the layers of the epidermis. With the help of a soda bath, acne is opened, releasing the pathogenic contents. The pores are opened, releasing densely settled blackheads.

Steaming over hot soda solution opens clogged pores and acne

Pour very hot water into a basin or large dish. Dilute in it up to half a pack of soda. Cover yourself with a towel and hold your face over the steam. You can safely breathe through your mouth or nose. This will ensure the prevention of the respiratory tract. Continue steaming your face for up to 20 minutes. Then just dry off with a soft towel.

Remember! It is forbidden to go out with steamed skin. The harsh cold will cause the pores to shrink dramatically, which will slow down the removal of blackheads.

Nourishing mask with olive oil, vitamin E and honey (video)

In the kitchen of any housewife there is always a wonderful tool - soda. It can be used not only for many household contaminants, but also for safe skin cleansing in the form of a face mask. At the same time, baking soda can be used both as an independent remedy, and paired with honey, salt, lemon juice.

The composition and properties of baking soda

The chemical composition is simple - it is a combination of sodium, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen under the general name sodium bicarbonate. Soda is great cleansing effect for any surface, and human skin is no exception. Its action is multifaceted:

  1. Eliminates blackheads.
  2. Deeply cleanses the pores of the skin from everyday impurities.
  3. Eliminates oily skin problems.
  4. Helps to get rid of acne and redness on the face.

This simple and cheap ingredient can provide the same effect as the use of expensive cosmetics.

Rules for performing the procedure

In order for the soda mask to bring only a positive result, there are several rules, adhering to which, you can achieve the desired effect:

  1. Do not use it in case of dermatitis, eczema, wounds and cuts on the skin.
  2. Soda for the manufacture of any recipes should only be fresh. It is forbidden to use it damp, expired or yellowed.
  3. For dilution, use only boiled or mineral water.
  4. Before using any product with the addition of baking soda, you must first conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, a small amount of the product should be applied to the inside of the elbow and left for 30 minutes. Then look at the reaction of the skin, and if no changes are observed, the product can be applied.
  5. It is forbidden to apply such products to the areas around the eyes and lips.
  6. Wash off any masks with this chemical with warm water or an infusion of medicinal herbs such as chamomile and calendula.
  7. To avoid burns, the mask should be kept on the face for no more than 10 minutes.
  8. Each time prepare a fresh portion of the product.
  9. Use any mask with baking soda no more than 1-2 times a week.

Mask Recipes

In order for the effect to be as beneficial to the skin as possible, other useful components (salt, honey, lemon juice, etc.) are added to sodium bicarbonate, which will smooth out its abrasive effect and further enrich the skin with vitamins.


Suitable for getting rid of acne, blackheads and redness, and it is also an excellent cleanser. Gently exfoliates dead skin cells and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. To prepare it, pour baking soda with warm boiled water until a paste-like consistency is formed. Apply the resulting product on the face and leave to act for 8-9 minutes, then rinse.

soda plus salt

With the addition of salt, the mask will only increase its beneficial effects. It helps to gently remove coarsened cells, cleanses the pores of dirt and toxins, normalizes the complexion, removing the effect of "glossy skin". The preparation is quite simple, you need to mix salt and soda with water until a porridge-like consistency. Apply the mixture on your face for about 10 minutes.


A face mask with soda and honey has a moisturizing and nourishing effect, perfectly cleanses, fights acne and black spots, and also provides a rejuvenating effect. Preparation does not take much time: you need to mix a small amount of soda with honey and cream, then apply the resulting mixture on the skin for about 10 minutes.


Lemon juice has a bleaching and drying effect. The soda-lemon mask effectively eliminates blackheads and pimples, removes oily sheen, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and also refreshes and nourishes the skin with valuable microelements. The preparation is very simple: mix the ingredients until a thick mass is obtained and soak on the face for 10 minutes.


This tool will cleanse the skin of all impurities, have a drying effect on acne, and regular use will get rid of blackheads and improve the condition of the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis. To prepare it, you need to mix the foam of baby soap with a small amount of soda product until a mushy mixture is obtained, apply with massage movements to the skin, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with plenty of warm water.


Oatmeal saturates the skin with useful vegetable fiber, makes it smooth and elastic, and also suppresses acne and blackheads. To prepare it, you need to grind oatmeal into flour and mix with a small amount of soda and water until thick. Apply the resulting oatmeal mixture and leave for 10 minutes. Oatmeal has an anti-inflammatory effect and also relieves muscle tension. The ingredients in oatmeal tighten pores and deeply cleanse and nourish the skin.


Wheat, like oatmeal, softens the abrasive effect of soda on the skin, saturates it with vegetable microelements and has an anti-inflammatory effect. For cooking, you can use the highest quality wheat flour, which must be mixed with soda, diluted with water until a gruel is obtained, then kept on the face for 10 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can add starch, which well narrows the pores of oily skin.


Gets rid of acne and blackheads at any age, including in adolescence. For convenience, you can use it in the form of a gentle scrub and tonic. For a scrub, you need to mix soda with sugar and gently wipe the skin of the face with light massage movements, then rinse with warm water. To use this remedy in the form of a tonic, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of soda and sugar in a glass of water and wipe your face with it several times a day.

The use of soda for hair

Not only for the body and face, you can use this wonderful element. A hair mask with soda normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, heals microcracks, perfectly cleanses the hair of all types of impurities, removes oily sheen, and enhances growth. This is a great cleanser for oily and combination hair. It is not suitable only for colored strands and chemically curled.

There are a lot of recipes, but the most effective are the following:

  • Classical. Removes impurities, increases volume, eliminates oily sheen. It is necessary to apply a small amount of shampoo mixed with soda to wet hair with massaging movements, lather, and then rinse well with water.
  • For oily and problematic hair. To normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, you need to prepare the following remedy: heat a little glass of kefir and add a teaspoon of soda. Apply to hair for 1 hour, rinse thoroughly after the time has elapsed.
  • Scrub mask. Perfect for oily hair, well removes dead skin cells, normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat. It is necessary to mix a teaspoon of salt and soda with a small amount of water, treat the scalp with massage movements, then rinse with water and shampoo.
  • From dandruff. To eliminate this problem, you need to prepare a special solution: dissolve a tablespoon of soda in a glass of warm water, treat the scalp with the resulting mixture and let it stand for 10 minutes. Then just rinse with warm water without shampoo.
  • oatmeal. As for the face, you can make a hair mask from oatmeal, which will not only clean the curls well, but also give them volume and shine. To prepare, you need to mix a little oatmeal with soda and dilute with warm water until a slurry is formed, leave the mixture for 15 minutes and apply to your hair for 20-30 minutes, then wash off the mask with plenty of water and shampoo.
  • Honey. Nourishes and cleanses hair. Mix a small amount of honey with baking soda and apply evenly on the hair and scalp, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with shampoo. Hair becomes thick and manageable when styling.

Using any recipe will bring a positive effect only with regular use for a month.


What are the benefits of baking soda for the face?

Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is a fine white powder that dissolves easily in water. As a result of interaction with acids, it forms water and releases carbon dioxide. An aqueous solution of soda has a slightly alkaline reaction, so it has no negative effect on the tissues of animals and plants. Baking soda is an excellent antiseptic and is widely used to disinfect and cleanse problematic skin.

This is an excellent remedy for oily facial skin, since soda forms an alkaline environment on the surface of the epidermis, thereby reducing oily sheen and enlarged pores.

In addition, soda has quite powerful anti-inflammatory and softening properties, which explains its use in various homemade recipes for the beauty and health of the skin. Also, soda has anti-allergic properties, so it can relieve skin irritation, itching and redness.

Cleaning the skin of the face using soda is quite simple. It is necessary to dilute the powder to a density with warm water and apply with massaging movements to the skin, such a scrub allows you to remove dead scales, opens the pores and helps the skin to breathe at the level necessary for it. Skin cleansing is not limited to this recipe, the introduction of additional ingredients, such as oatmeal flakes, soap shavings, honey, further enhances the effect of sodium and at the same time allows you to take care of the skin more carefully.

When choosing a recipe, first of all, evaluate the condition of your skin and its sensitivity to all components of the mask. It is worth using soda for the face very carefully, because. it has a sufficiently high abrasiveness, which, if used incorrectly, can lead to injury to delicate and thin skin and aggravate existing problems.

Using baking soda at home, you can clean oily and combination skin. If you have thin skin, then baking soda can be part of the exfoliation, but in this case, you do not need to clean your face much. Do it carefully, listen to your feelings.

Cleaning the face with soda:

On sale you will find a huge variety of different scrubs. Scrubs are special cleansers that contain fine abrasives of natural or artificial origin (for example, ground apricot or almond pits, finely ground seaweed). In the process of application, they remove dead particles of the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis, deeply cleanse the pores, and promote blood flow to the face and neck.

Another cosmetic term - peeling - means that scrub, but with a softer, more gentle effect. Instead of an abrasive, it may contain acids or enzymes.

skin, as well as allergies to the traumatic effect of the scrub.

The task of scrub and peeling (hereinafter we will use the term “scrub”) is to rejuvenate the top layer of the skin and remove dead epidermal cells from it. Skin cells live for about 4-5 weeks, after which they die and accumulate on its surface. If this dead layer is not removed, the face may begin to peel off, acne will appear, the skin will become dull. To renew the skin, you need to carry out a “general cleaning” - peeling.

Home Recipes:

Take half a glass of oatmeal, pass them through a meat grinder. If you have very oily skin with enlarged pores, add half a teaspoon of baking soda or boric acid powder to the flakes. These components are not suitable for aging or sensitive skin.

Apply the resulting scrub as follows: moisten the face and neck with warm water, mix a tablespoon of flakes with water until a liquid slurry is obtained. Gradually distribute it over the surface of the skin, taking into account the direction of the massage lines. Keep cleaning until then. until you feel the ease of sliding your fingers (the skin will become smooth and silky). After that, vigorously wash off the remains of the scrub with plenty of running water.

If the skin is sensitive, replace the oatmeal with a crumb of black bread - crumble it. slightly soak in water and wash.

Bran (any - rye, wheat, oatmeal, etc.) gives an excellent effect if, after using them as a scrub, rinse your neck and face with cool water with the addition of a small amount of table salt.

Oily skin often becomes rough and rough with age. the pores expand and become clogged with the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Try 2-3 times a month (not more often) to do a deep peeling with a specially prepared composition.

Before proceeding with the procedure, check if there are any foci of inflammation, pustules and other rashes on the skin.

Prepare a small basin, pour hot water or herbal decoction into it (infusions of chamomile, sage, nettle, mint are suitable). Put on a headscarf or bathing cap to keep the steam out of your hair, cover yourself with a large towel, and lean over your basin. The procedure time is about 15 minutes, but no more. If this is your first time taking a steam bath, limit yourself to 5 minutes.

After removing the towel, prepare a cosmetic sponge or a large cotton swab, apply a little whipped shaving cream (on a soap basis) on it, pour a pinch of fine salt and the same amount of baking soda on top. Cleanse your face with gentle circular motions from top to bottom. Areas where enlarged pores stand out especially strongly, wipe several times, pressing a little harder.

The duration of this procedure is about 5 minutes. Remember that the soap mixture is not a cosmetic mask, you can not leave it on the skin for longer. Rinse your face with warm boiled water, then cool.

Soda face masks:

Such masks are a wonderful folk cosmetology tool that is suitable for use as a wash cream and as a scrub. Baking soda, as a food product, has an antiseptic effect, thanks to which it has earned a reputation as an excellent home remedy for acne and pimples. To keep your face in great "shape", try any of the recipes for this remedy. So, what can be a soda face mask? We offer readers a few simple recipes:

Face mask with soda for acne:

A very large number of people at various ages are faced with such an unpleasant problem as blackheads, pimples, black spots on the face and acne. But do not worry that getting rid of such a problem will be too difficult. A simple mixture of baking soda and ordinary water can help us.

The product should have a thick consistency. First, you will need to clean your face with your usual cleanser, and then apply the resulting soda paste to problem areas. This recipe is suitable not only for the face, but also for other problem areas of the skin. The product is kept for 10-15 minutes, after which it is washed off with cold water.

Face mask with soda and peroxide:

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the few products that not only has a good cosmetic effect on the skin, but is also affordable. It allows you to whiten the skin and solve the problem of acne.

The effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide is expressed in several beneficial properties: antibacterial, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, cleansing and whitening. The positive effect of peroxide on the skin is to soothe the skin and stop inflammation, so that any rashes dry out and no longer appear.


Such a mask in the shortest possible time will save you from acne and comedones.

To prepare it, mix 1 tbsp. l. pink clay, 1 tbsp. l. soda and 1 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide 3%. After that, apply the mask for 15-20 minutes on the face, then rinse it off with massaging movements. The author of this video claims that soda with peroxide will also relieve dry skin, make it soft and tender.

Face mask with soda and honey:

Honey as part of this mask softens the somewhat aggressive effect of soda, disinfects, localizes the further development of inflammation, and nourishes damaged cells with essential substances.

With dry skin, you can use such a mask, but only in cases where they contain highly moisturizing ingredients (for example, olive oil or egg yolk). Otherwise, flaky and red spots may appear on the skin, since soda has a pronounced drying property.


The classic mask is considered the simplest, for the preparation of which you will need 3 tablespoons of soda, half a glass of pure water and one tablespoon of honey. All ingredients are mixed until a mushy state, and the mixture is applied to the skin for 10 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water. It is recommended to make a mask no more than 3 times a month.

Whichever honey-soda mask recipe you choose, before using it, you must definitely test it for the sensitivity of your skin to the components of the mask by applying it to the skin of the wrist. Rub the mixture and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse and observe the reaction for an hour. If there is no burning sensation and itching, you can apply the product on your face. The duration of any masks that contain soda is no more than 10 minutes.

Face mask with soda and sour cream:

Dairy products are ideal ingredients for making homemade face masks. In them

After using sour cream masks, the skin becomes smooth, soft and tender. This mask also has a slight whitening effect. The oilier the skin, the less oily the ingredient used should be.

For dry and very delicate skin, there is a special recipe that will help you get rid of acne and will protect the skin from overdrying.

To prepare it, you need to take a spoonful of sour cream and half a spoonful of soda. If the mixture is too thick, you can add a little water to it. Apply the mask on your face in a small layer, hold for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.

This mask will be most effective if used immediately after taking a bath. This mask nourishes the skin well, relieves inflammation and eliminates acne.


Given the aggressive effect of carbonic acid on the skin, you need to know when face masks with baking soda can be used, and when they are strictly contraindicated. In the first case, it will help to achieve the desired results and will become a real helper for eliminating problems with facial skin. In the second case, everything can end quite sadly. Soda face masks can and should be used to solve the following problems:

  • for oily skin care;
  • to eliminate black dots;
  • to get rid of acne and blackheads;
  • for deep cleansing of the face.

So if you feel that your skin is tired from the harmful effects from the outside, the pores are clogged, and ordinary scrubs can no longer cope, be sure to use a soda face mask.

But it should be remembered that soda cannot be used instead of a scrub every day, it is too harsh. In addition, it has a somewhat detrimental effect on irritated areas, be very careful when applying funds to wounds or inflammation.

If after its application the skin is covered with spots, then we can advise the following actions: water is not used. Wash until the problem passes, only with herbal decoctions: chamomile, mint, green tea. After such an unsuccessful attempt, you can not use soda in the form of a scrub.

Every housewife in the kitchen has baking soda, which is most often used in cooking or for cleaning household appliances. But rarely does anyone use soda to clean their face from acne, inflammation, acne and other rashes. To do this, you can add various components to it: essential oils, hydrogen peroxide, salt, egg white and many other ingredients, depending on the goal. The masks listed below are suitable for daily use, but it is better to apply them 1-2 times a week.

The benefits of soda

The chemical name for sodium bicarbonate is the acidic salt of carbonic acid and sodium. Thanks to this composition, a face mask with soda effectively cleanses the skin of inflammation, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, soda-based masks are great for the oily type of the epidermis without causing harm. All the benefits of this tool are as follows:

  • Sodium bicarbonate kills harmful bacteria that cause pimples, acne and inflammation.
  • Baking soda works like a scrub, removing dead skin cells.
  • The alkaline environment dissolves grease and dirt.
  • Carbon penetrates deep into the pores, cleansing them of the remnants of cosmetics.

An instant baking soda face mask cleanses and whitens the skin, restoring a healthy matte complexion. After the end of the procedure, be sure to apply olive oil or baby cream to restore moisture loss.

Application in home cosmetology

You can use baking soda as an independent remedy, or in combination with other components, depending on the condition of the skin of the face, the goals set and the expected result.

Options for using the product in home cosmetology:

  1. 1. Scrub- Delicate cleansing of pores from impurities. Natural liquid honey, herbal decoctions, essential oils can be added to the main component.
  2. 2. Solution. It is used for anti-inflammatory and therapeutic washing once a week. To prepare it, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of boiled water, wash yourself with the prepared solution. After that, apply a cream with a lifting effect or any other.
  3. 3. Soda face mask- gentle care for problem areas, brightens and soothes the integument, minimizing the appearance of acne and blackheads.
  4. 4. Lotions- reduce puffiness and remove bags under the eyes after a sleepless night.

Facial cleansing with baking soda is ideal before preparing for anti-aging treatments. Masks can be done almost every day, peeling and scrub - 1-2 times a week (it is advisable to do this in a bath, when the skin of the face is a little steamy, the effect will be more pronounced).

Indications and contraindications

Soda procedures are not suitable for every girl. There are no categorical contraindications to the use of the product. But some advice from cosmetologists is present:

  1. 1. Dry skin type. Alternatively, you can apply a moisturizer to restore lost moisture.
  2. 2. Hypersensitivity and irritation of the epidermis. Using a mask with soda can provoke redness, burning.
  3. 3. Vascular reticulum. In this case, it is better not to use such procedures at all.

For combination and oily facial skin - an ideal remedy that normalizes the work of sebaceous secrets, relieves acne, pimples and oily sheen. In order to assess skin problems and how a soda mask affects it, you need to consult a cosmetologist, dermatologist. The recommendations of these experts will help organize the correct daily skin care at home.

Recipes for every day

There are many different masks based on bulk preparation. The following recipes deserve special attention:

Recipes Cooking method
Mask with the addition of freshly squeezed orange juice (you can take a lemon)
  1. 1. After mixing these components, a creamy mass should be obtained.
  2. 2. Apply the mask for 5-10 minutes with light massage movements.
  3. 3. Wash off with warm decoction or plain water without using soap
soda and honey
  1. 1. For 100 ml of distilled water, take one tablespoon of honey and three dessert spoons of sodium bicarbonate.
  2. 2. Mix all this, apply a thin layer on the skin, rinse off after fifteen minutes with warm water, then apply any nourishing cream
Baking soda (0.5 tbsp.), low-fat kefir (3 tbsp.), oatmeal (tablespoon), boric acid (3 drops)Combine all components, apply to the epidermis, rinse with warm water after 1/3 hour
Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide
  1. 1. Mix in a ratio of 2:1, apply on the face in several layers. Wash off after 10 minutes, first with warm, then cool water.
Salt and drinking soda
  1. 1. Apply salt to wet skin, rub lightly, rinse.
  2. 2. Now apply soda, rub the skin, rinse.
  3. 3. No need to rub the epidermis strongly, do everything with gentle massage movements
Egg white and baking soda maskMix in a 1:1 ratio. Egg white enhances the anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties of soda, and also saturates the skin with beneficial trace elements and vitamins.
Sodium bicarbonate, honey and lemon juiceMix in equal proportions. Apply to face, wash off after ten minutes
Lotions for the eyes
  1. 1. Prepare a decoction of chamomile and sage, 50 ml each.
  2. 2. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to the resulting volume (100 ml).
  3. 3. Moisten a cotton pad in the prepared solution and apply to the eyelids.
  4. 4. Change periodically until the composition runs out.

This procedure is surprising in that already from the first application, the number of wrinkles is noticeably reduced, puffiness is reduced.

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