Origami paper bottle. How to make an airplane from a plastic bottle and colored paper

Environmental problems are very acute today. Many people care about them, which is why green business, based on the principles of ecology, wins compared to other types of business. In this regard, the topic of ecology becomes a driver for many entrepreneurs. On our list business ideas There have already been stories of creating “green” businesses. Among them are a smart window that generates electricity, an eco-friendly taxi for one passenger, eco-friendly shoes and many others.

English company Green Bottle ( Green bottle) from Suffolk is responsible for the invention of the eco-friendly paper milk bottle as an alternative to traditional glass and plastic bottles.

This bottle is made from recyclable materials. And in the case of direct disposal, it will not linger in the soil for a long time; the decomposition process will take only 5 weeks, which is very short compared to glass and plastic bottles. The process of their decomposition takes up to 500 years.

Martin Myerscough ( Martin Myerscough) came up with eco-friendly paper milk bottles thanks to my little son. He once brought home from school a jug made using the papier-mâché technique. After some thought, Martin decided that the price of paper bottles and the speed of their production were quite competitive and could compete with plastic and glass bottles.

In addition, Martin was lucky; local investors invested 4 and a half million dollars to bring his business idea to life. Such a risky step demonstrates the viability of Martin Myerscough's business idea.

Today, Martin's eco-friendly paper bottle company plans to expand internationally. Thus, in its country of Great Britain, the Green Bottle company has achieved recognition and enormous success - approximately 15 million Green Bottle paper bottles are used by the British every day.

The famous British newspaper Guardian even wrote in one of its articles that Martin’s invention - paper bottles - was perhaps the most effective response to the so-called “waste crisis” that has become so acute in the UK in recent years.

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It has long been no secret to anyone that a wide variety of objects can be folded from an ordinary sheet of paper. Who among us did not make a paper airplane or a simple flower as a child? Remember how diligently we folded the piece of paper, and then enchantingly rejoiced at our creation. And even though the corners were not entirely even, and the lines were slightly not parallel.
We invite you to return to the world of childhood and once again plunge into the magical world. This time we'll do something unusual: the choice fell on a bottle. Yes, yes, a sheet will make a paper bottle, which, according to most, can only be made from glass or ceramics. Let's surprise the world?!
Like many others, the bottle will be born from a square-shaped sheet. Let's prepare the sheet for further work, for which we will make several auxiliary bends. Attention - not all bends must be made over the entire length or width of the sheet. Otherwise, the craft will turn out angular with distorted shapes. Fold the sheet in half horizontally and just mark the inflection line on the right. We return the sheet to its original position. In a similar way, by folding the bottom part up, we divide the lower right half of the edge of the sheet in half. Let's repeat the folding procedure so that the edge of the sheet is divided into eight equal segments.

Fold a strip one-eighth wide of the sheet up and carefully iron it along the fold line. Fold the top of the sheet down so that the edges of the sheet meet. Let's straighten the workpiece. Let's fold the top half of the sheet horizontally in half; the very first mark on the right edge, made when folding the whole sheet, will help us with this.

Let's straighten the workpiece. By alternately folding the sheet in half vertically, we divide the bottom strip into eight equal parts. And then we will divide each of them in half, marking the cents of each of the eight parts with risks. Based on the risks made and the inflection line of the bottom strip, we will bend the lower right corner back.

We fold all adjacent elements of the bottom strip in pairs so that a convex diagonal fold is formed, and the middle marks coincide when folded.

Starting from the folded corner of the sheet, we sequentially fold the entire lower part along the resulting fold lines. We'll get the bottom. The paper bottle is already beginning to take on familiar shapes.

Let's straighten the paper blank to its original shape. Let's position the sheet so that the bend line dividing it in half is vertical. We will work with the left half of the sheet. Consistently folding the sheet in half horizontally, and then dividing the resulting parts into halves, we will arrive at the required result - we will divide the left half of the workpiece into thirty-two equal horizontal parts. Please note that we iron the kinks only to the central vertical line.

Next, let's move on to the most important stage - folding the neck of the bottle. In this part of the work you need to be extremely careful. Using a concave fold, place the fourth strip on top of the third. Fold the right side of the sheet back. Based on the drawing, we will make a zigzag fold, in which part of the third strip will open slightly, and the sheet will bend vertically twice in different directions. We continue to fold the strips in pairs, gradually forming a neck.

If everything is done correctly, the bottle will have an elegant neck. All that remains is to secure the additions made. To do this, bend a narrow strip outward at the top of the neck.

Using the previously described method, we will form the bottom of our vessel.

The wonderful art of origami has miraculously transformed an ordinary leaf into a voluminous paper bottle.

Who doesn't love taking photos of their growing children? Loving parents strive to capture every step, every moment of their child’s life. Surely, every family has several photo albums, as well as stacks of photographs that have not found their place in them. If you don’t yet know what to do with them, then you can combine business with pleasure and put the photos that are not included in the albums into paper ones..

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Creating a peacock from colored paper is very interesting and fun! After all, he has a chic fluffy tail, which can be made from paper in the form of paper stripes. We fasten their ends together to obtain one shape - a drop. But let’s make the main body and head flat...

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A crocodile cannot be called a cute animal, because it is very aggressive and can easily attack a person. However, a crocodile made from paper as a craft can evoke pleasant emotions and delight if you make it with your own hands from simple and affordable material. Let's add plastic eyes and skin texture to the craft using a black marker or felt-tip pen...

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To create a cunning fox from colored paper, we cannot do without glue alone, so that the craft will serve us for a long time, safe and sound. Using staples, a paper craft will keep its shape for a long time. Therefore, you can safely choose a beautiful shade of orange construction paper to create the main part of the body with the head. But for small craft parts, of which there are several, it’s suitable...

Using simple materials such as colored cardboard and paper, you can make three-dimensional animal figures. They will decorate a children's shelf with books or baby crafts, because such animals turn out to be very beautiful and cute. For each animal you will need one or another color of paper. For example, for a raccoon, the main color of the cardboard will be gray. It will be complemented by white, black and red. So let's get a cute one..

Real magic can be created using ordinary available tools and materials. So, it’s easy to make an amazingly beautiful and functional thing from simple toilet paper and a bottle. Using simple and understandable techniques for everyone can turn an ordinary hobby into a well-paid job, because original and beautiful handicrafts have long been popular all over the world.

In this article we offer you a simple master class on decoupaging a bottle with toilet paper. Try to master a new technique and expand your imagination.

In the kitchen of every housewife there will always be various jars and bottles of seasoning, mayonnaise, ketchup, which it would be a pity to throw away and have nowhere to use. Using the painted paper art technique and simple decoupage, an ordinary bottle can be turned into a unique spice jar. And most importantly, it will look beautiful and stylish.

Necessary materials:

  • bottle;
  • toilet paper (white);
  • white and blue paints (acrylic);
  • golden paint (acrylic);
  • double-layer napkin with a pattern;
  • glossy varnish for coating;
  • scissors;
  • paint brush;
  • glue (it is better to take PVA);
  • sponge.

Step-by-step description of the process:

  1. First, we need to prepare the bottle for decoration: wash, dry, remove the label.
  2. Since the bottle will be made in the Gzhel style, we choose the appropriate napkin. It is desirable, but not necessary, for the napkin to have both large and small designs.
  3. You need to cut out a large design from the selected napkin. This will be the central pattern of our bottle. And one small one - for decorating the lid.
  4. Now we prepare toilet paper (paper towels are also suitable), for this we cut it into small squares.
  5. We dilute PVA glue with water in proportions of 1 to 1.
  6. To apply the glue onto thin toilet paper as accurately as possible, we will use a brush.
  7. Apply the wet pieces evenly to the bottle. We don't need to achieve a perfectly flat surface. It will be more interesting and beautiful if the bottle has a small fold.
  8. In this way, you need to cover the entire surface of the bottle and the cap and leave it to dry for a while.
  9. Since toilet paper is a very thin and transparent material, it would be good to paint every edge of the workpiece with white acrylic paint.
  10. We perform the same action with the lid.
  11. Using acrylic varnish, glue a large design to the center of the bottle, and a small one to the cap.
  12. After our pattern has dried well, we paint the entire white part of the bottle and the lid with blue acrylic paint.
  13. Next, apply golden paint to the sponge and lightly move along the folds of the bottle to gild the product. We do the same action on the lid.
  14. We twist flagella from the remaining lower part of the napkin and paint the entire surface with a golden color.
  15. We form the dried flagella into the decorative patterns we need. Of course, you can come up with your own.
  16. For small decorative details, cut off a short distance of the flagellum and twist it into half rings using a regular pencil.
  17. Apply a thin layer of PVA glue to the bottle in the places where our decor will be located, and glue the decorative elements.
  18. We cover the entire surface of the bottle with acrylic varnish in several layers. Our bottle is ready!

In this simple way, we made an amazingly beautiful and useful thing from ordinary toilet paper and an unnecessary bottle!

Original ideas for decoupage of bottles with your own hands

Before you start working on decoupage a bottle, decide for what purpose you need it. If you want to give a beautiful and original gift to an adult man, you can use ordinary eggshells and a few shells to decorate his favorite alcoholic drink. This can be done using various techniques and methods. For example, like this.

If you want to give the key to your heart to your beloved guy, do it in such an original form.

You can also wish for prosperity and profit by decoupaging an ordinary bottle. To do this, you need to add various coins of different colors to the decor.

For a girl who loves style and originality, these interestingly shaped bottles for the interior are suitable.

If you've been wanting to do something like this for a long time, then why not bring your ideas to life right now? Using various materials and your imagination, you can decorate almost any surface: candles, boxes, boards for vegetables and fruits, jewelry, watches, dresser drawers and everything you find at hand. Scientists say that during creative activities, the human body produces happiness hormones. So why not treat yourself to it?

It has long been no secret to anyone that a wide variety of objects can be folded from an ordinary sheet of paper. Who among us did not make a paper airplane or a simple flower as a child? Remember how diligently we folded the piece of paper, and then enchantingly rejoiced at our creation. And even though the corners were not entirely even, and the lines were slightly not parallel.
We invite you to return to the world of childhood and once again plunge into the magical world of origami. This time we'll do something unusual: the choice fell on a bottle. Yes, yes, a sheet will make a paper bottle, which, according to most, can only be made from glass or ceramics. Let's surprise the world?!
Like many other crafts, the bottle will be born from a square-shaped sheet. Let's prepare the sheet for further work, for which we will make several auxiliary bends. Attention - not all bends must be made over the entire length or width of the sheet. Otherwise, the craft will turn out angular with distorted shapes. Fold the sheet in half horizontally and just mark the inflection line on the right. We return the sheet to its original position. In a similar way, by folding the bottom part up, we divide the lower right half of the edge of the sheet in half. Let's repeat the folding procedure so that the edge of the sheet is divided into eight equal segments.

Fold a strip one-eighth wide of the sheet up and carefully iron it along the fold line. Fold the top of the sheet down so that the edges of the sheet meet. Let's straighten the workpiece. Let's fold the top half of the sheet horizontally in half; the very first mark on the right edge, made when folding the whole sheet, will help us with this.

Let's straighten the workpiece. By alternately folding the sheet in half vertically, we divide the bottom strip into eight equal parts. And then we will divide each of them in half, marking the cents of each of the eight parts with risks. Based on the risks made and the inflection line of the bottom strip, we will bend the lower right corner back.

We fold all adjacent elements of the bottom strip in pairs so that a convex diagonal fold is formed, and the middle marks coincide when folded.

Starting from the folded corner of the sheet, we sequentially fold the entire lower part along the resulting fold lines. We'll get the bottom. The paper bottle is already beginning to take on familiar shapes.

Let's straighten the paper blank to its original shape. Let's position the sheet so that the bend line dividing it in half is vertical. We will work with the left half of the sheet. Consistently folding the sheet in half horizontally, and then dividing the resulting parts into halves, we will arrive at the required result - we will divide the left half of the workpiece into thirty-two equal horizontal parts. Please note that we iron the kinks only to the central vertical line.

Next, let's move on to the most important stage - folding the neck of the bottle. In this part of the work you need to be extremely careful. Using a concave fold, place the fourth strip on top of the third. Fold the right side of the sheet back. Based on the drawing, we will make a zigzag fold, in which part of the third strip will open slightly, and the sheet will bend vertically twice in different directions. We continue to fold the strips in pairs, gradually forming a neck.

If everything is done correctly, the bottle will have an elegant neck. All that remains is to secure the additions made. To do this, bend a narrow strip outward at the top of the neck.

Using the previously described method, we will form the bottom of our vessel.

The wonderful art of origami has miraculously transformed an ordinary leaf into a voluminous paper bottle.
Watch the video on how to make a paper bottle

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