The magic of canvas is high-quality embroidery kits with Czech beads with partial stitching. Canvas magic — quality embroidery kits with Czech beads with partial stitching

Among modern needlework techniques, embroidery with beads is distinguished not only by the high painstaking work, but also by the special decorative effect of the resulting work. To completely reveal the sparkling beauty of beads, it is necessary to masterfully combine the density and smoothness of the canvas, the color and texture of glass beads and the aesthetics of an organically selected plot.

And the young Ukrainian company "Magiya Kanva" brilliantly copes with such a difficult task, releasing sets for embroidery with beads and a cross according to original drawings.

The magic of canvas in your embroidery

Embroidery from this manufacturer immediately became recognizable due to the bright and clean colors of realistic scenes. Flowers and still lifes, landscapes and animals attract the attention of needlewomen with their glow - even the evening winter forest is flooded with moonlight. And this can be seen in the enthusiastic reviews of embroiderers:
“The pictures are so bright and beautiful that you can look at them with pleasure even without embroidery. And when you work, you don’t want to be distracted even for a minute.”
The pastoral "Summer Pond", the sparkling "Sunny Summer", the fragrant "Anyutka Basket" set the mood for your home, the exclusive decoration of which is a masterfully embroidered work.

Needlework with sets from "Canva Magic" always brings satisfaction and impeccable results due to the different levels of complexity of the plots, elaborate schemes and perfectly matched Preciosa Czech beads. After all, each drawing is sewn by craftswomen before being put into production and corrected if necessary, therefore schemes differ in the accuracy of each stitch.

Dense Zweigart canvas with a color scheme applied does not deform, and in the detailed instructions you can find useful tips and advice.

Features of embroidery kits

Most of the sets in the catalog of our online store "" provide for partial sewing with beads. This is the optimal technique for special designs from "Canva Magic". After all, the brand difference from other manufacturers is dense knurling of light-resistant paints on the canvas.

Due to this, the area of ​​labor-intensive work is reduced, and the combined pattern turns out to be diversified and convex. This perfect choice for beginner embroiderers, mastering the basics of one of the most difficult techniques.

“The paintings look very natural thanks to the partially applied pattern. Good colors and perfect beads, so each embroidered piece is charming in itself.”
This is how a lover of mixing techniques speaks about the features of the sets.

At least 10 plots are added to the collections every month, which are announced by the manufacturer, so that you have time to look at the work you like. If you are at a loss from the breadth of the proposed choice, contact the consultants of our online store through the form on the website or by phone. They will be happy to help you buy embroidery kits according to your mood and skill level.

In the rhythm of modern life, we sometimes think a little about how important it is to find a business that would distract us from everyday hustle and bustle, that would bring the joy of creativity. Meanwhile, a hobby can not only help to find new horizons in life, but also completely turn it over, as happened with our heroine Elena Nazarchuk.

For more than 10 years, Elena has been beading. Over the years, she has created a lot of jewelry, each of which is a real jewelry masterpiece. The magic of beads helped Elena not only to reveal her talent as an artist, but also to find a new business by opening a specialized bead shop.

We talked with the master about her favorite business, about how her passion for beads began, about modern trends in beaded fashion and, of course, about how her author's masterpieces are created.

Elena, how did your passion for beads start?

- My daughter, who was then in elementary school, saw her friends have a small bauble - a bracelet, she wanted to make exactly the same. We went to the nearest shop and chose beads. We focused on the color - we bought the one that my daughter liked. In the children's book they found the simplest pattern, the daughter began to weave. Her ardor faded on the second day, the thing lay unfinished - I sat down and finished it. And at that moment, I probably wanted to do something for myself, something more difficult and more worthy. I began to be interested - I was looking for books, magazines. At that time, more than 10 years ago, there were no bookstores, kiosks, specialized beading magazines in any bookstore, so the search led me to the store, which then worked in the Central City Library named after. S.A. Yesenin. The store owner brought magazines from Moscow. Leafing through the publications, you could decide not only what you want to make - a necklace or a pendant, but also how to do it - with the addition of glass beads, natural stones, rhinestones.

All this gradually dragged on, so much so that if for some time you do not work with beads, beads, literally breaking begins - you need to devote at least half an hour to your favorite pastime.

There was no material at that time either - I had to look for it myself, establish contacts with wholesale depots, bring beads, and not only for myself. So we got to the store.

Remember the first more serious product?

- Certainly! It was an embroidered mesh. It seems to me that most craftswomen begin to comprehend the basics of beading with this particular technique, because it is weaved quite simply, and the result looks spectacular. Even masters with great experience return to openwork nets, because the result is worthy decorations.

You said about the simplest grid. And what is the most difficult technique in beading?

- There are no complicated techniques - either I can do it or I don't. Everything can be learned. You can figure it out, weave several similar decorations, gain experience, correct previous mistakes - and the technique turns out to be accessible and easy. All comes with experience.

Over the past years, you have created a lot of jewelry. Is there any favorite among them?

— I don’t have any particular favorite — they are all equally remembered: both evening and exhibition decorations, and those that I made as a gift. They are all with some kind of "zest". You put your soul into each product, that's why you like them equally.

How do you come up with the idea of ​​this or that work?

“It's an endlessly creative process. At first I drew sketches, but during the manufacturing process you constantly deviate from the original drawing, and as a result, a completely different thing comes out than you thought. In one case, I can see the thing completely at once, in the other, the creation of the product is dictated by the details, in the third, I can repeat the work I liked, seen on the Internet, “turning on” the fantasy.

Do you wear your jewelry yourself? Or do you make them to order, as a gift?

— I create evening jewelry, not everyday. Every day I don’t wear them, but if there is a reason, then with pleasure, why not? With those that I make to order or as a gift, I part easily, because I like to bring joy to people. If I give and I know that a person will never wear this jewelry, because he does not like jewelry, it will be unpleasant for me that my work is on the table, in a box. If I know that a person will wear a product not only to please me, I part with this or that thing with great pleasure.

When you started beading, there was no special literature in Ryazan, electronic resources were less developed. Now this is enough - schemes, materials are sold in any store, there is on the Internet. Doesn't this kill the "author's" principle in the works?

— No, on the contrary, having the necessary resources helps. The works of other masters, both Russian and foreign, inspire the creation of their own works. Even if the basis is the work of another author, the “output” is a completely different thing - you added other colors, other textures. Even your work cannot be repeated exactly twice.

Now you are doing something new for yourself. Was it not scary to leave your previous job, were you not afraid that a hobby, having become a profession, would turn into a routine?

“It’s not scary, because I really wanted to. And when the hobby began to generate income comparable to my official salary, it helped a lot, and I left my previous job. And there are always risks and difficulties in business, but the pleasure of doing what you love pays for everything.

Your works can be appreciated not only by visitors to the store, but also by guests of various exhibitions held in the city...

- Yes, I have repeatedly participated in collective exhibitions of the "Businka" club in the Central City Library. S.A. Yesenin. And a few years ago in ROUNB them. Gorky was my personal exhibition.

Do your loved ones support you in your hobby? Are they not offended that you pay little attention to them?

- Relatives just made me change the field of activity, they support me completely.

What kind of relationship do you have with other Ryazan masters? Is there any competition?

- Rather, creative communication. We learn from each other, share secrets. The masters are very open, ready to learn themselves and teach others, to advise the best materials, techniques .... So far, I have not met such “closed” ones who are not ready to make contact.

The world is experiencing a boom in interest in hand-made things. In your opinion, how much beadwork is now in demand among buyers and lovers of needlework?

- Beading is an art, not consumer goods to the masses. Coming to the art gallery, we choose the works that we like, those that we are ready to purchase for the home, we pass other works without looking. So it is with beads - there are people who love to look, make, wear such products, but there are those who are indifferent to this occupation. If we talk about fashion, now it is on things, it is in demand.

Is there a beaded fashion - a fashion for techniques, materials?

— New techniques, new materials are constantly appearing in beading, and craftswomen want to try working with them, to study them. Since the broad masses of craftsmen “rush” in one direction, we see the so-called “fashion” on the Internet and on the streets. So, for example, at one time knitted beaded cords were popular - patterns, special programs for collecting beads on a thread, and editing programs began to appear. Then, instead of smooth cords, they began to knit plaits with a variable section, the so-called “candy” plaits. Soutache technique is popular - a picture appeared on the Internet, which aroused the interest of needlewomen. They found masters working with soutache, there were only a few of them then, they shared their knowledge, posted master classes on the Internet, wrote books. Everyone began to study this technique, but each master came out with “his own” result.

Many people, and we can safely say that the majority, believe in magic And mysticism more-less. Some people believe in omens and superstitions. Someone believes in magic stones and other items. But not everyone thinks that such a simple thing as beads, also has its own magic. Beads(or glass beads),

along with other precious and not so precious stones, it can also bring good luck, influence the fate, energy and health of a person. If you know how beadsaffects a person, then you can fill any product with the desired meaning so that it brings good luck and protects against failures, and also helps to get rid of stress and illness.

We all know what is beads. It is made from ordinary glass. And glass has long been used by magicians and soothsayers in their magical sessions. In ancient civilizations fine glass jewelry used as talismans and amulets. They knew that the magical property of glass, as if scattered in these small particles, beads that time.

Weaving jewelry from beads can safely be called jewelry work. After all, the master, in addition to putting his soul into the future product, must be very painstakingly and carefully engaged in such work. And very often, when a product from beads, then you can feel the energy of the product, which the creator of the jewelry put into it. Perhaps that is why it is best to purchase products from beads from well-known people or do them yourself so as not to harm yourself and your energy field.

Very important when buying or making beadwork, pay attention to what color the finished product will have. After all, each color and shade has its own energy and it can be both positive and negative. A very important role is played by the combination of colors in the product. If it is unsuccessful to choose a combination of shades, then the product will not look as chic as it could with a successful combination of colors. beads.

Beads has long been very popular in our country. Before the civil war of 1922, there were many beading schools. Then they were closed. And only after 1970 beading, thanks to the enthusiasm of lovers of this type of needlework, began to revive. Circles began to appear where they taught this skill. Today, beading quite popular and accessible to everyone.

This lesson will be not only for adults, but also for children, as it allows you to develop fine motor skills.


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