Proverbs and sayings about work. Interesting riddles about work and laziness, professions Riddles about work middle group

Spinning and weaving

The snares are spread out, the winches have arrived, tinder, crush, open, stuck.

They beat me, they beat me, they beat me, they tore me into shreds, they threw me across the field, they locked me up, they put me at the table.


What kind of pig is there: a piece of wood on its back, bristles on its belly.

(Brush for combing flax.)

Dry Friday gnaws bones.


She herself is under the eaves, and her tail is wet.



I have one goat, and I lift it by the tail.

The bird Latokha built a nest on a plow. She herself is in the nest, and the eggs are outside.

(To the spindle whorl.)

A woman's craft, overgrown with moss.

(Circle with tow.)

Under the front, in front, sits a gentleman with a beard.

(Comb with lobe.)

I’ll throw the riddle behind the garden bed, behind the tyn, behind the log, behind the white birch tree.

(Lobe on the comb.)

There is a man without arms, without legs, there is a head - without a brain, there is a belly - without intestines, there are sides - without meat.



Which teeth do not bite or eat?

There will be a hundred logs on the ridge, but there will be no heat.

(Teeths in the reed.)


Vito-vito interconnected.

Puzan ate the furry one.

The more I twirl, the fatter I get.



Four sisters run quickly one after another, but they won’t catch up with any of them.

Four sisters, four relatives girded themselves with one girdle.


Elbow-deep, hairy, elbow-deep into a fist.


I’m sitting on a linden tree, looking through a maple tree, shaking a birch tree.

(Bottom, comb, spindle.)


Five sheep are picking up hay, five sheep are picking up dust.

Five brothers are running along the road, but they are dry, five brothers are standing under the river, but they are wet (Fingers, tow.)

Those that fly along the path are dry, those that sit under the ladder are wet.

(Threads on a spindle made from tow.)


Five sheep run in a haystack, and five run in a path.

The mother has ten sons: five on the road, and five at home.

(Fingers while spinning.)

Your legs are wooden, even if you can stand all summer.

(Weaving loom (krosna).)


A pig is running, its back is cut out.

The imp runs and runs through a dark forest.


Up the bullshit, down the bulls, over the bulls.


I look out the chimney and see a canvas lying in the meadow.

(Bleaching the canvas.)

blacksmith craft

It’s warm in the front, but there’s a breeze in the back.

(Blacksmith near the forge in winter.)

The priest sinned, and the clerk is beaten and hanged.

(Fire, iron.)


The family is large, rich, but the house is only two cubits away.

There's a snowstorm outside, and a wedding inside.

(Bees, hive.)


A dark dungeon, the lady weaves in it, no one weaves like her.

In a dark dungeon, beautiful girls are knitting without a thread, without a knitting needle.

Girls are sitting in a dark dungeon, sewing a scroll without a needle or thread.

In the dungeon, a girl collects branin and embroiders a pattern, no needles, no silk.

(Hive, bees, honeycombs.)

We weave tablecloths and set out sugar dishes for people’s needs and for God’s pleasure.

An old woman is weaving canvas in a cramped hut.



What kind of dog is this: it doesn’t bark, it doesn’t hit, but it bites painfully. What kind of creature is this: it nourishes and illuminates all people in the church.

Feed me until Ivan, I’ll make you a gentleman.


Neither a girl, nor a widow, nor a husband's wife, she brings out children, feeds people, brings gifts to God.

(Queen bee.)

A round-nosed bird is flying, carrying taffeta to a sharp-yellow bird. That taffeta is also fit for Christ.

(A bee with a diarrhea.)

A robber came to the town with a knife and fire; He doesn’t cut the inhabitants, he doesn’t burn the huts, but he takes the goods.

(Honey trimming.)

The vessel is hollowed out and the porridge is not boiled in it.

(Honeycombs in the deck.)

The Gogol bird flies through God's mansion and says to itself: “Here my strength burned up in the fire.”

A bird flew through God's little room: “Here my work burned in the fire!”

(Bee, wax candle.)

I will open the gate without a heel, and bring out a dog without a tail.

(Hive, bees.)

The hut is without coal, the people living in it are crazy.

(Bee deck, bees.)

On its side lies a hollow - poutine, among the hollow - a fair.

(Bee's nest in the deck.)

I went up the hill, opened the closet, if it weren’t for Pan Dyminsky, the dogs would have eaten it.

(Beehive, smoke, bees.)


What dries in water but gets wet in fire?

Born in darkness, dies in fire.



The commissars arrived and tied up all the people. We have carrot pie underground. I want to eat it, but I don’t want to climb. (Fishing.)

The commissars came, tied up the whole family, and went through the house through the window.

(Fishermen, fish, net.)

He didn’t travel the right way, he didn’t whip him with a whip, he didn’t hit him with a stick, he didn’t catch jackdaws, he didn’t eat meat.



The hut is horned, full of holes, but nowhere to get out. The lady entered the garden, but did not come back.


Seven hundred gates, and one exit.


It weighs a gram, but catches fish from a kilogram.

(Fishing hook.)

Hunting, weapons

I went to hell. I took it with me. If it weren't for the yap-tat-tat, the snoring-tat-tat would have taken me up.

(Hunting a bear with a dog.)

I went on a tyuh-tyuh-bye, I found a valyukh-tyuh-bye, if it hadn’t been for a valyukh-tyuh-bye, I would have been eaten by tyuh-tyuh-ty.

(Hunting a bear with an ax.)

A penny rolls, a hundred is chased, and a thousand breaks its head.

(Hunting a hare with dogs.)


Sukhoi Trofim hits far.

Twist, twist - death is in the skull.

It breathes fire, it breathes flame.


I will send an ambassador for a good guest, the guest will either come or not, but the ambassador will not return.


Not a winged bird, but a feathered one, as it flies it whistles, but as it lands it remains silent.


It flew out of the hole, flew, flew and settled in the body.


Crazy, but cunning. (Trap.)

Music lessons

Seven guys on the stairs started playing songs.


What cries but has no tears?

He is cut down from a tree and cries in his hands.



Field work

White in winter, black in spring, green in summer, cropped in autumn. (Field.)

Not the sea, but worried. (Niva.)

I threw one away and took a whole handful. (Corn.)

Ten legs, six eyes, three heads on one side.

(A plowman with a pair of oxen or horses.)

I sow on time, harvest on time, I am fed myself and feed others.


Danila's brothers paved the way to the clay. (They plow.)

The entire field is in laces.

(Plowed strip.)

I climb, climb the iron, give my godfather a hat. (Stacking.)


The snag lies, the snag is dragged by the tail.

The skinny sapling covered the entire field.



I’ll make a riddle, throw it behind the garden bed, let it go a year, and find it the next.

I’ll tell you a riddle and throw it behind the garden bed. My riddle will grow in a year, like a roll.

(Sowing winter crops.)


The forest is being cut down, the forest is withering, in this place the city will rise.

Pike Ponur wagged his tail, the forests fell, the mountains rose.


The rake moved the mountain.

The topless carpenters came and cut down a windowless room.

It got up from the ground - it became a hut, and there was an owner, but he didn’t live at home.

It got up from the ground - it became a hut, if you start opening it, you'll take it apart.



Many brothers live in one hut.

At the end of the tree our bellies sway.

(Ears of ears.)


A little man is lying in a golden caftan, belted, but not with a belt. If you don’t lift it, it won’t get up.

A thousand brothers are girded with one belt.


A little black man, a little green belt.

(Buckwheat sheaf.)

They cut me, they bind me, they beat me mercilessly, they wheel me around, I will go through fire and water, and my end is a knife and teeth.

(Receiving bread.)

There are as many stars in the sky as there are holes in the field.


Little oak trees and golden socks flew, they flew and said: “Is that what we are! Is that what we are!”

The priests fought, the priests beat, they went to the cage and hanged themselves.

In a clearing, on a mound, nobles fought. No bones or suits are visible, you can only see where they fought.


Grandfather is bald and is in no hurry, just looking at the sky.



The world dresses, but she herself is naked.

The nose is steel and the tail is linen.

It’s small, tiny, but it will dress all people.

He walks around the field and makes holes.

The thing is one-handed, the nose is steel, and the tail is linen.

The white cat broke the raft.

A pig ran, an iron back, a hemp tail.

A small bird will dive with its nose, wag its tail, and lead a path.

Thin, small, jumps around the world, colors the whole world.

She’s not a big girl, but she dresses the whole world.


There are no paws, the tail is flaxen, one ear is deaf.

Iron bull, tow tail.

The animal is about an inch long, and its tail is seven miles long.

The horse is steel and the tail is linen.

She herself is small, thin, and her braid is long.

Sneak under the gate, long beard!

The cat from the window - I'm by the tail.

(Needle and thread.)

A judge goes to court, five people carry him, he goes there cheerfully, and from there he is dead. (Threading a needle.)


Two rings, two ends, studs in the middle.

Two ends, two rings, a nail in the middle, and right through it.


A round mountain, every step is a hole.

I brought a pig from St. Petersburg, it was worn out on all sides.

There are seven pits in one pit.

A small house with a hundred windows.


Without arms, without legs, jump under the bench.

It's round, but you can't lift it by the tail.

There are two hundred crosses in one place.

Hoops, hoops, and studs are nowhere to be found.

He rushed to the side - his tail remained seven miles away.

Neither a reel, nor an animal, nor a bird, nor a stone, nor water is rolling, you will never guess.

He will curl up into a cat and stretch out into a path. (Rope.)


The iron nose has grown into the ground. Digs, digs, loosens the earth.


Fur on fur - soldier on top.

The little gray horse wants oats.

There are two foxes on a stick, whatever you give them, they will eat everything.

Two brothers quarrel - they won’t argue; they fight with each other - they won’t break up.

Two hogs are squabbling, foam flows between them.

Brother flogs brother - white blood flows.

A little white bunny is running around a gray pebble.

(Millstone, flour.)

Born in darkness, saw neither the sun nor the moon; people came, pierced the chest, filled the staff and the crown, and that was the end of him.

(Mill stone.)


In the summer in the meadow, and in the winter on the hook.

I get up early and chew grass.

A pike was swimming from Kremenchuk, and wherever he looked, the grass was withering.

I eat grass and my teeth become dull; if I grab a stone, I sharpen them again.


Twenty-five stand under one eaves.

The clerks were driving and they covered the entire field.

I have a lot of legs, but I ride home from the field on my back.

The holey blanket covered the entire field.

In the field he rides on his back, and across the field on his feet.


He bows and bows, and when he comes home he will stretch out.

Wooden hand, iron head.

Face to the wall, and back to the hut.

The beauty is lying with her back on the bench.

If I want to, I’ll bow down, but if I’m too lazy, I’ll just lie down.

It goes into the forests - it will flash, it comes out of the forest - it will flash.

A man walks out of the forest, a mirror in his belt.

The ankle shakes, it is easy to bow.

He barks on the street, when he comes home he lies down under the bench.

A carcass got stuck between two oak trees.

He goes into the forest - he looks home, he goes home - he looks into the forest.

(Axe in belt.)


I dug the ground - I wasn’t at all tired, and whoever dug with me was tired.


He's thin, his head is about as big as a pound.

It's made of wood, but the head is iron.

Work is an integral part of every person’s life. This is the key to spiritual, moral and material development. From a very early age, we teach the child to put away his toys, then the dishes after himself. A little later he helps his parents sweep and vacuum.

And then comes a very important stage - school. This is essentially real work for a child. He goes to school every day and does various tasks.

And riddles about work will help a child instill a love for work, and then decide on a future profession.

Riddles about tools for schoolchildren

  1. If I eat grass, I will lose my teeth,
    I grab some sand and sharpen it again.
  2. Covers everyone in the world
    Whatever he sews, he doesn’t put on.
  3. I'm running on my bald head -
    I cut the curls from my bald head.
  4. How I envy a couch potato,
    that is lying around without any use,
    I'll pin him to the board
    Yes, when I hit you on the head,
    The poor thing will hide in the board,
    his cap is barely visible.
  5. Whirlwind Spinner
    I rested my foot on the screw,
    The chatterbox lost his peace.
  6. Troublemaker Egorka
    Got to cleaning:
    He started dancing around the room,
    I looked around - the floor was clean!
  7. In the woolen clearing
    The thin leg is dancing,
    From under a steel shoe
    A stitch creeps out.

    (Sewing machine)

  8. He himself is as thin as his head.
    I went to work and everyone heard it.
  9. Where the tail rests,
    There will be a hole later.
  10. She started dancing with the propeller, -
    And he, spinning, got stuck in the board!
    (Screw and screwdriver)
  11. Quietly, quietly the snow is falling,
    White snow, shaggy.
    We will clear the snow and ice
    In the courtyard …
    (with a shovel)
  12. In the summer in the meadow, and in the winter on the hook.
  13. If you see, I'm spinning,
    This means I'm working.
  14. A thin thread is threaded into the narrow eyelet,
    And she quickly swam after the boat.
    Sews, sews up and injects sharply,
    And they call it a boat...
  15. On the mirror skating rink,
    On the only skate
    He rode once -
    And the whole skating rink fell apart.
    (Glass cutter)
  16. They have hard work -
    They are always squeezing something.
  17. I'm always on people's lips,
    At least my character is cool.
    Where you need to knock - I will come,
    After all, my hard work.
  18. The bird is small
    He will dive with his nose,
    The tail wags,
    He will lead the path.
    (Needle and thread)
  19. They hit Yermilka on the back of the head,
    he doesn't cry, he just hides his nose.
  20. I'll walk a little hot
    And the sheet will become smooth.
    I can fix any problems
    And draw arrows on your trousers.
  21. We can do a lot:
    Cut, cut and cut.
    Don't play with us, children:
    We can punish you painfully!
  22. That gardener
    lives with a long nose.
    Where your nose shakes,
    water will flow there.
    (Watering can)
  23. I walk next to the janitor,
    I'm shoveling snow around.
    And I help the guys
    Make a mountain, build a house.
  24. The iron nose has grown into the ground.
    It digs, maims, sparkles like a mirror.
  25. I'm a curious tool:
    I find out everything in one moment:
    I stick my twisted nose everywhere,
    I'll poke a hole in the wall
    To find out what's on that one
  26. She got down to business
    She squealed and sang.
    I ate, ate oak, oak,
    Broke a tooth, tooth.
  27. The teeth have
    but they don’t know toothache

Riddles about work/hobbies

All parents want their child to be versatile, inquisitive and, of course, hardworking. But raising children is not only a responsible matter, but also a difficult one. Everyone knows that forcing a child to do something he doesn’t like is unwise. Instead, children should be led to logical solutions to issues related to passion, hobby and work. Use thematic riddles collected on our website, and your child himself will be able to decide on his occupation, choose a suitable activity or hobby. What will it be? Collecting, drawing, making souvenirs, crafts... There are truly many options for an exciting hobby. Help your child find an interesting activity, and he will definitely please you with his success.


Riddles about work/hobbies

Riddles Riddles in verse Riddles about delicious Riddles about time Riddles about the house Riddles about the road Riddles about animals Riddles about nature Riddles about plants Riddles about fairy tales Riddles about technology Riddles about transport Riddles about work/hobbies Riddles about color Riddles about people Riddles about school Riddles about toys Riddles about the New Year Riddles with a trick

    We get up very early.
    After all, our concern is
    Drive everyone to work in the morning.

    Tell me who is so delicious
    Prepares cabbage soup.
    Smelly cutlets,
    Salads, vinaigrettes,
    All breakfasts, lunches?

    We must fight fire
    We are brave workers
    We are partners with water.
    People really need us,
    So who are we?….

    Who is the most useful in days of illness?
    And cures us of all diseases?

    Here on the edge with caution
    He paints iron with paint,
    He has a bucket in his hands,
    He himself is colorfully painted.

    Let's bring the glass eye.
    Let's click once and remember you.

    Who herds sheep and goats
    Where the meadow is overgrown with grass.

    Last time I was a teacher,
    The day after tomorrow - driver.
    He must know a lot
    Because he…

    That athlete will become -
    We can all follow an example.
    But he had to do a lot
    Sweat within the walls of the gym.

He plows and harrows,
He looks after the ears.
Answer: plowman

Not the sea, but worried.
Answer: Niva

Unusual hairdresser
The wheaten forelock cuts smoothly,
And they lie scattered behind him
Heads of golden hair.
Answer: harvester

Curve and long
Wormwood bitterness.
Lies in an open field
He is guarding the antiquity.
Answer: boundary

Walks the field from end to end,
Cuts a black loaf.
Answer: plow

I don’t go to watering holes
I don't ask for oats
If you want, I'll get it,
If you want, I'll keep quiet.
Answer: tractor

A house grew up in a field,
The house is full of grain,
The walls are gilded
The shutters are boarded up.
The house is shaking
On a gold pillar.
Answer: rye, stems, ears

Small, hunchbacked
The whole field will be searched,
Will come running home -
It will last a whole year.
Answer: sickle

She is long, her nose is long,
And the hands are small.
Answer: braid

A man is lying down
In a golden caftan,
Belted, not with a belt,
If you don’t lift it, it won’t get up.
Answer: sheaf

They beat me with sticks
They stone me
They keep me in a fiery cave
They cut me with knives.
Why are they ruining me like this?
For being loved.
Answer: bread

From under a linden bush
The snowstorm is blowing thickly.
Answer: flour

Between the Pechora mountains
The bull lies baked,
The poppy is crushed in the belly,
There is a knife embedded in the side.
Answer: loaf

The giant ship does not sail on the sea,
A giant ship is moving along the ground.
The field will pass and the harvest will be reaped.
Answer: harvester

A pike wags its tail in the sea, raising mountains
Answer: mowing

Rural labor of people. Questions and answers

He plows the land - a plowman, a tiller.

Using sharp teeth, it loosens the soil (breaks clods) - a harrow. A harrow is a soil-cultivating tool. Harrow - loosen the plowed ground with a harrow.

When they sow, sow. A machine for sowing seeds into the soil - a seeder.

He works on a tractor - a tractor driver.

He works on a combine - a combine operator.

He grows bread - a grain grower.

He is engaged in growing vegetables - a vegetable grower.

Cotton is grown by a cotton grower (an agricultural worker who specializes in growing cotton). The main agricultural tool in the 18th century was, as before, the plow. The plow is the simplest agricultural tool for plowing the land.

In Russian agriculture, a noticeable and important role has always belonged to the plow. A plow is an agricultural tool with a wide, often metal, ploughshare for basic soil cultivation - plowing the land.

Strike while the iron is hot.
The ability to work is more valuable than gold.
If you miss time, you will lose the harvest...
You'll spend the summer, but in the winter you'll run away with your bag.
The master's work is afraid.
Labor feeds, laziness spoils.
Finished the job - go for a walk safely.
Every person is known in practice.
Work is a matter of honor, be in first place in work.
Every business is initiated by man, and is glorified by man.
Look not at the person, but at his deeds.
A bird is recognized in flight, a person - in his work.
Don't look at the face, but look at the action.
A person is recognized not by his speeches, but by his deeds.
If you don't crack the nut, you won't even eat the kernel.
When you drink water, remember those who dug the well...
If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds..
Breaking a tree takes a second, growing it takes years.
Will and labor give wonderful shoots.
Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
Put your mind and heart into your work, cherish every second of your work.
Work makes a person happy and beautiful.
Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.
The mirror of a person is his work.
To live without anything is only to smoke the sky.
Whoever gets up early, God gives him.
The master's work is afraid.
Don't sit idly by, you won't get bored.
The end is the crown of the matter

People honor those who love work.
If you work hard, you will eat bread.

Legs, legs, run along the path, pick some peas
A complete basket! Bring it home and treat everyone. Legs, legs, where are you running?
Into the woods, into the bore.

If you don't bend down to the ground, the fungus won't get into the box.
What you sow is what you reap, and you will be full.
A summer day feeds the year.

Ivan, Ivan! Pull out the weeds so that the turnip grows, sweet and strong,

For the cucumber to grow, well done with a long mustache.

Whatever is born in the summer will be useful in the winter.
If there was a desire, the work would go well.
The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do.
A tree is precious in its fruits, and a man is precious in his deeds.
He who loves to work cannot sit idle.
You can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
He who is not afraid of work shuns laziness.
It is not the oven that feeds, but the hands.
You have to bend down to drink water from a stream.
To eat a fish, you have to get into the water.
Don't be afraid of work, let it be afraid of you.
Work makes the heart happy.
Work for the hands is a holiday for the soul.
Don’t yawn at someone else’s loaf, but get up early and get your own.
If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.
He who is not lazy to plow will produce bread.

Answer: Teacher.

A glass eye will point,
Click once - and we remember you.

Answer: Photographer.

This worker is amazing!
He accompanies trains.

Answer: Conductor, Railway worker.

We must fight fire with fire
We are partners with water.
People really need us,
Answer quickly, who are we?

Answer: Firefighters.

Who is the most useful in days of illness?
And cures us of all diseases?

Answer: Doctor.

Answer: Educator.

He's the funniest guy in the circus.
He is a great success.
All that remains is to remember
That's what he's called, the merry fellow.

Answer: Clown.

I'll throw a stick, I'll kill a jackdaw,
I won’t pluck feathers, I won’t eat meat.

Answer: Fisherman.

He knows the traffic rules without a doubt. He instantly starts the engine and speeds off in the car... (driver)

Dark night, clear day

He fights fire.

In a helmet, like a glorious warrior,

Hurries to the fire... (firefighter)

He puts the bricks in a row,

Builds a kindergarten for the children

Not a miner or a driver,

He will build us a house... (builder)

Who is sailing on the ship

To an uncharted land?

He is cheerful and kind.

What's his name? (Sailor)

In reality, not in a dream

He flies on high.

Flying a plane in the sky.

Who is he, tell me? (Pilot)

You are probably familiar with him.

He knows about all the laws.

Not a judge, not a journalist.

He gives advice to everyone... (lawyer)

Stands at his post

He keeps order.

Strict, brave officer.

Who is he? (Policeman)

Jack of all trades

He will sew a jacket and trousers for us

Not a cutter, not a weaver.

Who is she, tell me?


Who will prescribe vitamins?

Who can cure a sore throat?

Don't cry during vaccinations -

He knows how to be treated...


The bell rang loudly

The lesson began in the classroom.

The student and the parent know -

Will teach a lesson... (teacher)

All products on display:

Vegetables, nuts, fruits.

Tomato and cucumber

Offers... (seller)

Teaches us politeness

Reads the story aloud.

Not a teacher, not a writer.

This is the nanny,... (teacher)

Mom needs it for work

Place notes on the music stand.

Just ask mom

And he will play: “Mi, salt, si!”

I will tell the guys proudly:

"Mom knows all the chords!" (Musician)

Mom can put cans,

Apply to abrasions and wounds.

Mom gives injections

To all the children of our school.

Mom with affection and kind words

Helps you become healthy! (Nurse)

Mom - golden hands -

Sews shirts, dresses, trousers.

Dad, me, sister Sveta -

Everyone is dressed to the nines! (Dressmaker)

Mom heals all animals -

Cat, dog and llama.

Is your friend sick? They're calling quickly

They call mom.

Mom knows all the pills

For a hedgehog and a bird in a cage. (Vet)

Tell me who is so delicious
Prepares cabbage soup,
Smelly cutlets,
Salads, vinaigrettes,
All breakfasts, lunches?

Answer: Cook.

He protects nature
Drives away poachers
And in winter at the feeders
Forest animals are waiting for you to visit.

Answer: Forester.

Here on the edge with caution
He paints iron with paint,
He has a bucket in his hand,
He himself is colorfully painted.

Answer: Painter.

Drives out onto the road
He is usually early
Putting your foot on the pedal
And turning the steering wheel with my hand.

Answer: Driver.

He gives us the goods and a receipt
Not a philosopher, not a sage
And not a superman
And the usual...

Answer: Seller.

Doctor, but not for people,
And for the birds and animals,
He has a special gift
This doctor is...

Answer: Veterinarian.

Last time I was a teacher,
The day after tomorrow - driver.
He must know a lot
Because he...

Answer: Artist.

Nails, axes, saw,

There's a whole mountain of shavings.

This is a worker working -

He makes chairs for us... (carpenter)

He is away from all his relatives

Drives ships to sea.

Seen a lot of countries

Our brave... (captain)

So that an ambulance rushes across the bridge,

He is repairing at the bottom of the support.

All day long over and over again

Dives deep... (diver)

He is on duty in the snow and heat,

Protects our peace.

A man who is faithful to his oath,

Called... (military)

Knock flies from under the wheels,

An electric locomotive rushes into the distance.

The train is not driven by a taxi driver,

Not a pilot, but... (driver)

Performs stunts in films

Dives from a height to the bottom

Trained actor.

Fast, brave... (stuntman)

Oh, what a workshop mom has!

Fragrant, sweet!

Mom sugar and nut

Sprinkles into chocolates.

Here there is order, cleanliness,

Not work - beauty! (Confectioner)

Kindness, warmth of soul

Mommy doesn't feel sorry.

The kids are waiting for mommy -

Vasya, Masha, Galka,

Pasha, Senya and Marat -

The whole kindergarten is waiting for her! (Teacher).

Mom will make soup

For kids from different groups,

Deftly molds cutlets

And he will cut the vinaigrettes.

And with such a skillful mother

I am always the most well-fed! (Cook)

Mom walks around with a thick bag.

He will bring a letter in an envelope,

Parcel and telegram.

People are really waiting for their mother,

Respect mom's work! (Postman)

This is a special kingdom:

Only medicines live in it,

Past cotton wool, iodine, syringes

Mom walks like a queen. (Pharmacist, pharmacist, pharmacist)

Mom does her hair

Trims bangs.

Hair dryers, scissors, combs

It's on her shelf. (Hairdresser)

Mommy plants roses

Asters, cacti, mimosas.

Not work - a wonderful garden!

I am very happy for my mother! (Florist)

Publications on the topic