Happy birthday to the female boss. Happy birthday greetings to the boss in your own words

Let working moments
They will wait for you a little.
Happy birthday gathered
We congratulate you now.
You lead us
So skillfully for many years.
And the bosses are more beautiful
In the whole world, simply not.
Always be beautiful
And just as young
Fair, brave, strong,
Good-natured, strong-willed.

Happy birthday! Health and success,
New horizons and heights.
Don't let obstacles get in your way,
May your takeoff be swift and bright.
Results exceed expectations
Working days pass with a bang,
Let your income match your efforts.
Smile from the very morning!

Happy birthday to you
Our entire team is thirsty!
We prepared in advance
Without forgetting about him.
Stay as smart as you are
Kind, honest and direct,
Energetic and intelligent
Fair, businesslike.
Let work be a joy
Let the salary only grow.
Be young, beautiful,
May luck find you!

Being a woman is an art
Being a boss is more difficult.
However, that same feeling
That everything about her is so harmonious.
We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
To wish love in a sing-song voice,
Have a good mood,
Our dear, lovely boss!
And there is no need to count those years,
We'll hand everything over to the museum,
And let it be a reward for you
Attention colleagues and friends.
Success in your work and in life!
We love you. Well, up your nose!
There is plenty of money and laughter!
We are with you always, boss lady.

On your birthday
We want to wish
Health, inspiration
And goals to achieve.
I wish you a great mood,
Success, personal happiness,
Work for pleasure
Peace of mind.

Our director is the best
She will give us good advice,
And if necessary, he will show the way,
The light will show at the end of the tunnel.
She can easily solve problems
May good luck accompany her
There are no equals in work,
At least go around the whole wide world!

Congratulations to the whole team
And on her birthday we wish her,
So that you move forward with a firm step,
Let the star lead you to success!

Our director is respected by everyone,
Attentive, smart, friendly,
We will tell all the envious people for evil -
My boss and I were very lucky.

On your birthday we sincerely wish
You will never feel sad.
Let flowers bloom in your heart,
Dreams inspire you to achieve greatness.

We wish you achievements in your work,
Have a pleasant adventure on vacation.
May fate always protect you in everything,
And may luck favor you!

For us, the director is an example,
We respect her deeply
And we hug in the same way,
After all, today we are celebrating a holiday -
Wonderful, bright birthday
With a cheerful, bright mood.
The problems of the past are still there,
We give joy to the director,

To see the sparkles in the eyes;
And angels in heaven
Let them send health, happiness,
Love, good luck overnight!

Dear, beloved director,
There is nothing better in the whole wide world,
We honor you and respect you very much,
We adore him for his kind character.
You give us wise advice,
Crazy success will come to us with you,
And under your strict guidance
We will reach unprecedented heights.

Today we wish you with our hearts,
So that nothing upsets you,
So that the family is happy,
And so that friends are loyal.

Let's tell our dear director
As a friendly team, we immediately -
Happy birthday now
And we wish you inspiration in your work.
Let work not be a burden,
There is comfort and joy in the team
Let them always surround you,
Be happy here and now.

We wish you sun and light,
Thank you for your advice.
May prosperity await you ahead,
And success, and love, and recognition!

Words of recognition, admiration await you,
No wonder there is a birthday
After all, this is a reason to sincerely hug,
And best wishes to say.

For us, you are the best director on earth,
Thank you for your good advice.
Thank you for your guidance,
We wish you worthy years and winters.

May this day bring only joy,
We wish you no problems,
Let the energy flow through you,
Haven't worried about anything in life!

Deputy Director today
Happy birthday
He solves everything
Without any confusion
We wish the wife happiness,
Prospects and achievements,
He can achieve a lot
We have no doubt about this!

Deputy we're in a hurry
Happy birthday
We wish you good luck
And in matters of luck.
Do you hold a post?
We have the most important
It’s not in vain that he admires
The director is his deputy.
We wish you success
And things were solved easily,
Soared up so that my career
And you became general.

Happy birthday, congratulations to the best deputy director, a wonderful person and a great leader. With all my heart I wish you self-confidence and good health, sincere respect and great success in work, strong love, sincere happiness in life and good luck on the path to your goals.

Deputy director, like you,
Very difficult to find.
You are always right about everything
And smart with a mark of 5!
Happy Birthday! Let progress
It will be in personal and in business,
Well, money has a strong press
The empty space is growing by leaps and bounds!

My dear dear deputy,
I'm lucky to have you
Happy Birthday to You,
Happiness, joy, goodness!
And you also need health,
To work together as well,
To live a prosperous life,
Forget all the bad things!
Congratulations, congratulations,
Ease in your affairs,
So that dreams always come true,
So that you can wear furs!

I was lucky, of course, with my deputy,
He is the boss - no matter where.
On your birthday we wish
Let the years go by in happiness.
Let everything go well at work,
Let the money flow like a river
Peace and inspiration to you,
Don't dream about peace.

The ability of a boss to be fair -
Not everyone is given this in life.
And you, as a boss, are strength for us,
And with you any trouble is nonsense.
Today we wish you a happy birthday
As a united team, we want
I wish you well, and, of course, add,
That we will instantly defeat all competitors!

Happy birthday to the boss!
We wish you health, success and happiness,
Let the world smile like a clear sun,
May your every day be the most wonderful,
May happiness always stand in your way,
Let your smile give people joy!
So be a happy woman
In moments of passion - obsessed.
In sad moments - strong,
And, of course, to always be loved!

Let the chickens not peck for money,
The account in Sberbank will be solid!
Let the nightingales sing in your soul
Early in the morning - early in the morning!
Let your heart beat in time with your steps
And he just freezes with happiness!
Let the holiday feast come to you,
Gathers friends and family!

Bosses always occupy a special place in our lives. You can love and fear your bosses, respect and dislike them, but you definitely can’t ignore them, because it is thanks to our bosses at work that we have the opportunity to grow, achieve results in our careers and be who we want to be in this life.

If your director is celebrating her birthday, you cannot miss this holiday, you need to prepare! Gifts are gifts, and birthday greetings to the boss lady are a must.

And it should be original, beautiful, sophisticated - not just a set of familiar phrases that are customary to say on holidays, but a beautiful speech that will make an unforgettable impression on the birthday girl! This will not only lift the spirits of her and everyone around her during the holiday, but will also strengthen and improve your business relationships, make you closer and will only benefit your career. Please note, you can’t go wrong here!

What is the best way to choose happy birthday greetings for a female boss - in prose or perhaps in poetry, comic or serious, learn a toast or just send an SMS? This is up to you to decide, and be sure to take into account what kind of relationship you have with the birthday girl, take into account her age, and even if your relationship is good and friendly, still do not forget about the chain of command, this is important.

Because she can hear humorous and funny poems, original humor from her loved ones, and the boss will be much more pleased to hear words of respect, beautiful compliments, and admiration from the team.

So try to ensure that your boss likes your congratulations, leaves only positive emotions, does not confuse her and does not cause mixed emotions. It is also very important to choose the appropriate form, and there are options:

  • Poems for the birthday girl.
  • Beautiful text happy birthday in prose.
  • A cheerful or serious ceremonial toast.
  • Original wishes.
  • SMS, short birthday greetings to the boss.
  • Speech on your own behalf or on behalf of all colleagues and subordinates.

And, to be honest, it doesn’t really matter how old the birthday girl turns - after all, at any age, at heart she is a young girl who loves compliments and the attention of others, and on her holiday she really wants to be loved and respected by everyone around her. So give her a pleasant surprise!

Only kind words!

We have collected the most original and most appropriate birthday and anniversary greetings to a female manager - texts that are guaranteed to resonate in the soul of the birthday girl, strengthen relationships in the work team, lift the mood of the manager and everyone present, and will be remembered for a long time. Remember that it is important not only to successfully choose a congratulatory text for your birthday, but also to say it from the bottom of your heart, solemnly, expressively and emotionally!

1. What could be better than a beautiful and original birthday greeting to your boss in verse? A small original poem or a large, beautiful poem is the best option for the holiday.

After all, the female brain, like the gentle soul of a woman, has a very subtle sense of lyrics and poetry, and this means that your congratulations on the anniversary and birthday of a female boss in verse will be the best surprise on a holiday and will create a real sensation!

2. Is it possible to congratulate your respected boss on her birthday in prose with a furore and in an original way? Of course you can! There are a lot of wonderful happy birthday texts for the boss in prose, beautiful words and speeches that will produce an excellent effect and leave the most wonderful memories. So, boldly and heartily congratulate your boss on her birthday in prose, and don’t doubt it – it will be an unforgettable holiday!

3. If on your boss’s birthday there is a day off at work, then you still need to definitely show the birthday girl that you remember her and want to please her with your attention. Believe me, she will be very pleased with it! Don’t wait for a working day; send the birthday girl an SMS text congratulating her on her birthday – this will be quite appropriate. A beautiful, laconic SMS birthday greeting will delight your boss and is guaranteed to put her in a festive mood!

4. If you have prepared a souvenir and a birthday card for your boss, don’t forget to sign it beautifully and unusually. After all, words spoken out loud will soon be forgotten, but words written will remain forever, for a long memory. And it will be so nice after a while to get a beautiful postcard and read the text on it, which will warm your heart with warmth and lift your mood in any situation.

Choose your favorite birthday text for a female leader, sign the card in beautiful handwriting and give it from the bottom of your heart as a lasting memory!

5. If you want to congratulate your boss on her birthday in your own words, and not in other people’s phrases, you are on the right track! Because this is the best way, the most pleasant and original. After all, except you, no one knows what words this lady loves, what compliments melt her heart, what pleases her most.

So just choose the proposed texts, original and funny happy birthday greetings, change them and add to your taste, and do not forget that the main thing is not the beauty of the words, but their sincerity and sincerity. Therefore, try to say it in such a way that the leader is really pleased and happy, because she deserves it, especially on her holiday!

This holiday is not only for the manager, but also for the entire work team, company, enterprise. After all, without this lady there would be no success, earnings, achievements and aspirations for many, right? So today, find appropriate words of gratitude, admiration, beautiful and worthy compliments, give a little warmth and kindness to the one who means so much in your business life. And she will be grateful to you for a long time! Author: Vasilina Serova, sources: pozdravok.ru, www.romanticflyers.ru, privetpeople.ru, www.caderes.ru, sms.a-angel.ru, pozdravkin.com

There is no better leader in the world,
And you couldn’t find a more beautiful woman!
Let there be only green light everywhere,
In decisions - only the right path!

So that luck and success come nearby,
I congratulate you on your anniversary!
Let there be a heartfelt, happy laugh!
Let happiness overcome you now!

Our friendly team
We have come to congratulate you.
In this lovely environment
We want to say now:
“Happy birthday!
And we wish that worries
There was less, but luck
It multiplied from year to year.
So that health and wealth
A river flowed into your house,
So that you are always in it
Peace would be met with calm.
So that with love and comfort
You were surrounded
So that your home is a haven
Kindness and silence.
Let it be in frost and rain and cold
You will always be warm,
Those who are needed will be nearby
Let the sun shine through the window.
Let the birds chirp for you,
Let flowers bloom for you,
Let the pages turn through the days
Dreams come true.

Friends and employees, without sparing words,
They want to congratulate you on this anniversary day!
You are full of light and joy, happiness,
Your advice is important and necessary for us.

Your family loves and appreciates you -
Reliable, faithful friends of yours.
We all wish you health and strength,
So that you always have everything you want,

So that youth, happiness, good luck, success
Fate has always given you without hindrance!

You always have to be a strong woman in everything,
It will be even more difficult for the boss!
Coping with everything for a million again,
And I can only admire you!

Today is my birthday and it’s not without reason,
Our team would like to congratulate you!
We saved champagne in the morning,
Well, a nice surprise awaits you!

Thank you for your patience, perseverance and drive,
The ability to lead to new heights!
Let everything work out well in life and personal life,
And the path will be made of roses, not thorns!

The dream of any team -
Slender, graceful and beautiful,
The head is full of mind,
A wonderful friend and wife...

Leader you are from God,
We've learned a lot in life,
In practice you apply everything
And you don’t get bored for a second...

We wish you feminine happiness,
A ray of the sun to warm you in bad weather,
So that our company prospers,
May a good day not be enough!

Everything will be fine at work,
Always be successful
And in snow, and in bad weather, in a storm.
Happy Birthday, always be yourself
And don’t let the family upset you.
Let joy walk next to you,
We, your team, wish you the best.

If we have a question -
You decide, boss lady.
And who doesn't want to work -
There will be a reprimand immediately.

This is very fair!
You are smart and also beautiful.
Happy birthday to you today,
You are a top class boss!

May happiness surround you,
Protects from sorrows
And fate at any moment
Gives a bright compliment!

Happy birthday,
I wish you women's happiness.
So that your health is strong,
Never let me down.

Also a sea of ​​positivity,
Less negativity in life.
So that you always live in love,
They weren’t sad, they weren’t grieving.

So that there is success in work,
May you be more beautiful than everyone else.
So that life is fun,
Lasted for many years!

Our boss is beautiful and wise,
She is always competent and smart when it comes to questions.
Today we hasten to congratulate her on her birthday,
We will give her gifts and flowers with all our hearts.
Happy birthday, I congratulate you,
I wish you tenderness, good luck and love.
Happiness and health, prosperity and warmth,
So that your life blooms like a rose

As a sign of respect, please accept congratulations,
For great fun to take place.
Happy birthday to the boss,
We will send her all the wishes with a bouquet.

We wish you to be persistent, very strong,
Select ideas in an original and accurate manner.
Shoot at all problems like a soldier
So that everyone will be glad to see you above.

Your birthday is a bright holiday,
Please accept our recognition.
You are a woman and a female boss:
The manager is simply top class!

We wish you all the best, creative success,
Let everything work out at work.
And at home there will be happiness, a sea of ​​laughter.
You are the director of your own life!

We are glad to work with you
And we need to share the experience together.
After all, you are a mentor, friend, leader.
And this cannot be taken away from you!

Live long, happily, freely.
May all successes be ahead.
And we are proud that there is work -
A worthy result of all your efforts!

You are the standard for the team:
And energetic and kind,
Sweet, graceful and beautiful,
So punctual, so cheerful.

Happy birthday to you!
We wish to always be like this -
Worthy of all respect.
For us you will not be different!

It's not easy to be a boss:
It’s not easy to manage everything,
Work hard, waste energy,
At the same time be so beautiful.

And on your birthday
I make up a couple of sentences:
Health, happiness and patience
May it bring you a birthday!

So that there are no problems at work
You gave us all happiness.
Good luck to you in all your endeavors,
Love, shine in the eyes!

Being a boss is not an easy art!
Not everyone can handle it!
And today, happy birthday
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
You are not only a strict leader for us,
But also a friend, buddy, patron!
I wish you good fortune,
An ocean of happiness and smiles,
I wish you excellent health
And an inexhaustible fountain of love!

The team was lucky:
You are not just a boss for us -
The status of a beautiful woman -
Our pride, glory, honor.

We are pleased on your birthday
To tell you all this,
And hearty congratulations
Put everything into poetry.

And let no one offend
Today, bright dreams.
And champagne fountains
You will be “washed” for your efforts.

We, the team, are lucky
After all, our boss is one hundred percent:
And fair and smart,
And patient and kind.

And today is our birthday
Let's read congratulations to her.
Be who you are
It is an honor to work with you!

Our team is proud of you -
He is not afraid to admit this.
We all respect you very much,
And our hearty congratulations to everyone!

Female bosses are characterized by authority, leadership skills and high demands (for themselves and for their subordinates). Therefore, Happy Birthday greetings to a woman boss should not just be beautiful congratulations, but with meaning and without unnecessary praise (bosses do not like sycophancy). Also with a gift. It’s not uncommon for wishes to come from the team as a whole. Then it’s easier, because everyone disguises himself against the background of others. It’s more problematic when, on her birthday, the birthday girl at work has to be congratulated one-on-one in front of the entire staff. But if you use the services of our resource with ready-made original ideas for the holiday, then any severity of the boss’s female gaze will come to naught.

On your birthday we want to tell you:
You managed to head a solid department,
It’s so important to get everyone working
You conduct conversations so bravely,

Ready to protect your team,
Easily eradicate all negativity.
You can get people to work.
Only your actions lead to success.

May everything turn out great for you,
It was not in vain that you became the boss.
We cannot describe all your qualities,
We would like to talk about a few now:

You are smart, reserved, tactful,
And the team likes you endlessly,
Communication with you inspires,
Makes you work more productively!

There are a lot of things and worries on your fragile shoulders,
May the holiday take you to a world of happiness,
Where there are no problems, worries, unnecessary quarrels.
Where it is easy to resolve the dispute that has arisen.

May your day be filled with positivity
It will be solemn, pompous and beautiful.
Relatives will congratulate you, relatives will call you,
Friends will come, they will say warm words,

And we wish you a happy birthday too,
Boss, we appreciate you and respect you.
We all enjoy working with you,
Now we are not afraid of change.

It’s easy for you and me to resolve all your issues.
Let your eyes, out of happiness, only be touched by tears.
A bouquet will help express recognition,
You are beautiful, just charm!

Boss, please accept my congratulations,
We wish you positivity, insistence,
Which will help to conquer,
The peaks are those that might scare you.

Let all obstacles dissolve like fog.
May troubles and deception pass you by.
There will be no quarrels, insults, problems,
Let goodness come in return soon.

Please accept our gratitude, respect,
We appreciate your dedication and desire
Improve the enterprise and increase income,
Increase performance and turnover!

It's not easy to be a boss:
It’s not easy to manage everything,
Work hard, waste energy,
At the same time be so beautiful.

And on your birthday
I make up a couple of sentences:
Health, happiness and patience
May it bring you a birthday!

So that there are no problems at work
You gave us all happiness.
Good luck to you in all your endeavors,
Love, shine in the eyes!

Happy birthday to you!
We ask you to remain like this
How we have known you for a long time:
Kind, sincere, with a pure soul!

The first thing you need to remember is that birthday greetings to your boss should be in an official form and not contain any ambiguities, hints or incomprehensible jokes. Of course, it all depends on the atmosphere in the office - if a very friendly and warm relationship has been established with the boss, then you can pick up comic birthday greetings for the boss, but still you shouldn’t go too far, because regardless of the boss’s loyalty and excellent relationships, subordination no one has canceled yet. One way or another, the boss is the leader and is higher on the career ladder, so it is necessary to show the due amount of respect.

You are an amazing woman
Sometimes, like the sky, it is changeable.
Still would! Three roles to play:
Wife, leader, mother.

And always be on top
Find joy in your own work.
Perform any action on “five” -
After all, this is a miracle, sorcery!

We wish you not to lose heart,
Keep the same fast pace.
Let the warmth warm your loved ones,
May things be successful.

We wish you well and laughter,
And endless success.
Let your dreams come true
And they will bring happiness.

Being a boss is not an easy art!
Not everyone can handle it!
And today, happy birthday
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

You are not only a strict leader for us,
But also a friend, buddy, patron!
I wish you good fortune,
An ocean of happiness and smiles,
I wish you excellent health
And an inexhaustible fountain of love!

They say that at forty-five
Baba is a berry again!
But try to guess
Which berry should I call it?!

In the middle of winter - viburnum is red
In the white snow there are bunches of redberries!
In spring there are strawberries in the garden,
Strawberry flavor!

In summer - lingonberry,
Blackberries, blueberries,
Cranberry, cloudberry, . .

There is no way back.
Collect - don't miss out
How much can you carry?

Autumn is also very happy
Treat us to grapes
Barberry and rowan. . .

It's winter again - viburnum again,
The grapes burn like fire,
They tell us a hint.

Our berry in winter
Born and among themselves
Neither rowan nor raspberry
Let's call her Kalinka!

Roundish, sweetish,
A little sour, a little bitter. . .
So that we don't have to
Life didn't seem like raspberries!

We always wish you success
In matters both small and large,
So that there is time for fun,
For TV I use books.

We wish you good health,
We wish you love and affection
So that only happiness gives me peace
The blue eyes were shining!

So that worries are not a burden,
More family joys!
So that the children love you the same way,
So that life flows smoother and longer!

Here are two A's - the result!
Everything in life is great.
And the anniversary, among other dates,
What would I wish you personally?
Love, work and create
May you succeed in life
And we want to continue to be
Under your leadership.

We wish that all stages of your ascent be successful, your goals high, your victories brilliant!
And let your noble heart always be warmed with love!

The team was lucky:
You are not just a boss for us -
The status of a beautiful woman -
Our pride, glory, honor.

We are pleased on your birthday
To tell you all this,
And hearty congratulations
Put everything into poetry.

And let no one offend
Today, bright dreams.
And champagne fountains
You will be washed for your efforts.

We wish you success
Go through life with success.
We wish you successful decisions
Every part of the way.
Faithful friends and partners,
Family happiness, warmth,
And let them come true soon
Any plans and things to do!

On this bright and joyful holiday,
I wish to forget about sadness,
Let your soul be filled with happiness,
Well, I wish my heart to love!
50th anniversary is yours today!
I want to tell you cordially,
You, boss, are the best in the world!
You must remember and know this!

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