Open job bank. Essay on the text I

An example of writing an essay based on the text of I. Gontsov.

Composition based on the text by I. Gontsov.

Composition by I. Gontsov

Text according to I. Gontsov:

For some reason, many modern pop "stars" talk with particular pleasure about how poorly they studied at school. Someone was reprimanded for hooliganism, someone was left for the second year, someone brought teachers to a fainting state with their mind-blowing hairstyles ... You can treat such revelations of our “stars” in different ways: these stories about a mischievous childhood lead to some in tenderness, others begin grumbling to complain that today the path to the stage is open only to mediocrity and ignoramuses. But what worries me most is the reaction of teenagers. They have a firm conviction that the shortest path to fame lies through the children's room of the police. They take everything at face value. They do not always understand that stories about a “crazy” childhood, when the future “star” amazed everyone around with their exotic originality, is just a stage legend, something like a concert costume that distinguishes an artist from an ordinary person. A teenager not only perceives information, he actively transforms it. This information becomes the basis for his life program, for developing ways and means to achieve the goal. That is why a person who broadcasts something to an audience of millions must have a high sense of responsibility. Does he really express his thoughts or unconsciously continue the stage acting and say what the fans expect from him? Look: I am “my own”, just like everyone else. Hence the ironic and condescending attitude towards education, and the coquettish snickering: “Learning is light, and ignorance is a pleasant twilight”, and arrogant self-admiration. But the transmission is over. What is left in the soul of those who listened to the artist? What seeds did he sow in trusting hearts? Who did he do better? Whom did he direct to the path of creative creation? When a young journalist asked a well-known DJ these questions, he simply snorted: go ahead, I’m not for that at all ... And in this bewildered indignation of the “pop star”, civil immaturity, human “undereducation” are clearly manifested. And a person who has not yet built himself as a person, has not realized his mission in society, becomes a humble servant of the crowd, its tastes and needs. He may be able to sing, but he does not know why he sings. If art does not call to the light, if it, giggling and winking slyly, drags a person into “pleasant twilight”, if it destroys unshakable values ​​with poisonous acid of irony, then a reasonable question arises: does society need such “art” and is it worthy of it? to become part of the national culture? (According to I. Gontsov)

Composition based on the text by I. Gontsov

Personality is formed under the influence of various factors, one of which is the influence of authoritative people: parents, teachers, actors, pop stars. Their life experience, their views, as I. Gontsov rightly notes, become the basis for the life program of many young people. And sometimes it is very important in what direction this influence is carried out. Reflecting on this issue, the author of the text touches upon the problem of a person's moral responsibility to society. It is impossible not to notice that many contemporary pop artists in search of popularity use various means, offering their fans very dubious information about themselves, not only misleading people, but also negatively affecting the lifestyle of the most gullible. This, of course, causes anxiety in the author and the desire to make many people think about it. The author is concerned about the fact that contemporary artists are less and less aware of their mission as a cultural worker. According to N. Gontsov, art is designed to saturate and educate people spiritually and aesthetically, and not just to entertain. It is difficult to disagree with the position of the author, because it is immoral and dangerous to build a stage image on the neglect of the unshakable values ​​of society. It is very difficult to determine the line where words, deeds and even objects become vulgar, trivialized. There must be a moral instinct, which art, in particular, literature, can form. The theme of philistinism, vulgarity was stated most strongly in Russian classics. Suffice it to recall the "majestic vulgar" Chichikov, a clever swindler and scoundrel from N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls". Many people, following the tastes of fashion and time, set the wrong goals for themselves, sometimes even breaking the law in order to achieve them. I. Bunin in the story "The Gentleman from San Francisco" showed the fate of a man who served false values. Wealth was his god, and that god he worshipped. But when the American millionaire died, it turned out that true happiness passed by the person: he died without knowing what life is. Each person has an impact on others, and it is extremely important what he leaves in their souls. People should understand that immorality and disregard for unshakable values ​​cannot bring anything into our minds and souls that would help us develop as individuals!

About pop "stars"

Many pop "stars" talk with particular pleasure about what scandalous fame they had in their school years. They "brought" the teachers in the classroom, their hairstyles shocked others. There were also those who were left for the second year.

The problem of this text can be indicated as follows. People achieve fame by any means, including not always worthy ones. If only they (these people) were heard. After all, loud fame, scandalous or laudatory, arouses interest in the “star”. Moreover, both to the person himself, and to his work.

Commenting on this problem, we can say that the fans of the artist, teenagers and young people, often take facts from the biography of an idol as an example to follow. And the phrase "make life with someone" takes on a negative meaning if these examples are not the best. After all, the younger generation are people with little life experience, so it seems to them: as soon as they start behaving provocatively, despise public opinion, go “against the current”, and success in life will come by itself.

What is the position of the author? He critically assesses those artists who have not developed for themselves the right guiding idea. An artist who can sing well is satisfied with fame and money. But in order to take place as a creative person, this is not enough. A real artist is distinguished by the uniqueness, originality of his talent, which is unlike anyone else's talent. And shocking statements about how “bad” he is, and therefore equal to the public, mere mortals - these statements will not exalt, will not adorn him.

I agree with the opinion of the author and I think: a real artist, who respects himself and his work, will not grimace and slander himself in order to please the tastes of an undemanding public. The audience will believe the artist only if he, as an artist, is honest both in life and in his stage image. It also happens that idols “forget” about the heights they have reached, and when they see those in need of help, they do everything in their power for them. Many years ago, Iosif Kobzon flew seven times to Afghanistan to speak there in front of a temporarily introduced contingent of Soviet troops. Immediately after the Chernobyl disaster, Alla Pugacheva appeared in the disaster area with a group of artists, where she spoke to the liquidators of the accident. Chulpan Khamatova is the founder of the Help the Children Foundation. Singer Alsou cured more than one seriously ill child at her own expense. The Buranovsky Babushki team is building a temple in their village with the money they earn.

The second example is given from the tragedy of A.S. Pushkin "Mozart and Salieri". The main characters are antipodes: the brilliant and gullible Mozart and the gloomy Salieri, tormented by envy and malicious intent. The author of the tragedy based the plot on the legend of the poisoning of Mozart by his secret enemy. However, as evidenced by the facts, Salieri was the author of many operas and the teacher of Schubert, Liszt, Beethoven. And although he “made the craft ... set the foot of art,” he reached heights in his business. Otherwise, Mozart would not have called him his friend and would not have glorified their "sincere union." Perseverance and diligence exalted Salieri.

Nothing but talent and activity will create glory for a person.

Essay No. 1

“For some reason, many modern pop “stars” talk with particular pleasure about how poorly they studied at school ...” - this is how the article of the famous publicist I. Gontsov begins. Already in the first sentence, the phrase “special pleasure from how poorly they studied” is alarming ... And not only that. “Someone was reprimanded for hooliganism, someone was left for the second year ...” - you can’t list everything. And they were the "stars". Is it good or bad? The author reflects on how badly all this affects especially teenagers who are convinced that "the shortest path to fame lies through the children's room of the police." Unfortunately, the author believes, "this information becomes the basis for his life program, for developing ways and means of the goal."

Thus, I. Gontsov in this text raises a rather acute problem for today: the problem of the influence of popular artists on teenagers. I think this problem belongs to the category of moral and ethical, as it relates to the spiritual world of man. Indeed, for many pop stars are an ideal to follow. And that is why these stars require high culture, education, intelligence. After all, these are people who should direct others to the path of creative creation, should sow the seeds of kindness, humanity, and mercy in the souls of people. It is they who should awaken in the soul of everyone the desire for beauty. This is the opinion of the author, and I cannot but agree with his point of view.

We live in a very interesting and at the same time difficult time. In our age, everything is in continuous development. It would seem that the inner world of a person should become every day more and more saturated, daily enriched with truly humane, moral qualities. But if we take such “stars” as an example, how will the spiritual world be enriched? But the purpose of art is to help people become better, kinder, more honest.

Let us recall the poems of the great Russian poets A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, the paintings of famous artists I.I. Shishkin, T. Levitan, the music of P. Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov and many other artists whose main goal was to awaken “ good feelings”, “glorify freedom in a cruel age” and call for mercy to the fallen.

I would like to hope that those who are destined to become cultural figures, who have the honor to make society more humane, will fulfill this mission with dignity and take the words of F.M. Dostoevsky “Beauty will save the world” as their motto.

Essay No. 2

Until recently, ordinary readers, viewers, knew little about the personal lives of famous people: politicians, writers, artists. And today, the media are trying as often and as deeply as possible to look into the hidden corners of their lives and bring all the details to the masses. And the celebrities themselves, especially pop singers, in moments of revelation lift the veil over far from the best pages of their biography in order to become closer to the people.

Is there a need for this? How does revelation affect the rising generation, who take what they hear or read at face value? Is it worth building a stage image on outrageous? Does society need art built on the neglect of unshakable values? Such numerous questions concern the author of the article Gontsov.

These problems cause genuine concern among many sane people, including D. Likhachev, Yu. Dolgopolov and others. Why? We live in a difficult time, when moral guidelines are lost, ideals do not exist. Under these conditions, the game of a pop star can become the basis of the life of the younger generation.

According to Gontsov, a person, speaking to a large audience, must have a high sense of responsibility, and it is immoral to build his stage image on the neglect of the eternal values ​​of society. The author is excited. His special excitement is felt in the final paragraph: if art “destroys” everything valuable with “poisonous acid”, it is unworthy to be part of culture.

How to disagree with the author? It is very unpleasant for me to listen to not positive revelations of artists. Ksenia Sobchak, Tina Kandilaki, Masha Rasputina... I want the fragile children's psyche not to suffer from the stage play of these individuals who have not realized their mission in society.

I believe that artists, in this case pop stars, should sow in trusting hearts only "reasonable, kind, eternal". I think then art will become an integral part of the national culture.

Option: 52

1. Task formulation


text) is not evaluated.

2. Source text

(1) For some reason, many modern pop "stars" talk with particular pleasure about how poorly they studied at school. (2) Someone was reprimanded for hooliganism, someone was left for the second year, someone brought teachers to a fainting state with their mind-blowing hairstyles ... (Z) You can treat such revelations of our "stars" differently: some these stories about a mischievous childhood are touching, others begin to complain grumblingly that today the path to the stage is open only to mediocrity and ignoramuses.

(4) But what worries me most is the reaction of teenagers. (5) They have a strong conviction that the shortest path to fame lies through the children's room of the police. (b) They take everything at face value. (7) They do not always understand that stories about a “crazy” childhood, when the future “star” amazed everyone around with its exotic originality, is just a stage legend, something like a concert costume that distinguishes an artist from an ordinary person. (8) A teenager does not just perceive information, he actively transforms it. (9) This information becomes the basis for his life program, for developing ways and means to achieve the goal. (10) That is why a person who broadcasts something to an audience of millions must have a high sense of responsibility.

(11) Does he really express his thoughts or unconsciously continue the stage play and say what the fans expect from him? (12) Look: I am “my own”, just like everyone else. (13) Hence the ironic and condescending attitude towards education, and the coquettish scoff: “Learning is light, and ignorance is a pleasant twilight”, and arrogant narcissism. (14) But now the transfer is over. (15) What was left in the soul of those who listened to the artist? (1b) What seeds did he sow in trusting hearts? (17) Who did he make better? (18) Whom did he direct on the path of creative creation? (19) When a young journalist asked a well-known DJ these questions, he simply snorted: go ahead, I’m not for that at all. (21) And a person who has not yet built himself as a person, has not realized his mission in society, becomes a humble servant of the crowd, its tastes and needs. (22) He may be able to sing, but he does not know why he sings.

(23) If art does not call to the light, if it, giggling and winking slyly, drags a person into “pleasant twilight”, if it destroys unshakable values ​​​​with poisonous acid of irony, then a reasonable question arises: does society need such “art” worthy does it have to become part of the national culture?

(According to I. Gontsov)

Single state exam, 2007 RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, grade 11.

Option; 52

3. Information about text

Main 1) the problem of the influence of popular artists on

problems: teenagers (how popular artists and their

statements about teenagers?);

2) the problem of the artist's moral responsibility to society (what remains in the souls of people after the artist's performance?);

3) the problem of artists neglecting social norms for the sake of popularity with the public (is it worth building a stage image on outrageousness, on disregard for social norms, education?);

4) the problem of the purpose of art (does society need art built on the neglect of

position: on teenagers who believe their stories about bad

learning and bad behavior in childhood and believe that this is how you can succeed in life; therefore, the artist must have a special sense of responsibility;

2) if the artist is not aware of his mission in society, is not aware of himself as a person, he becomes a humble servant of the crowd;

3) the stage image, based on the disregard for social norms, disrespect for education, is similar to a concert costume; such an image does not help the artist to make the audience better, to direct people on the path of creativity, creation;

4) art that does not help people become better, does not call to the light, is unworthy of being part of the national culture.

Criteria assessment of the answer to the task C1

Single state exam, 2007, RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, grade 11.

Option: 53

1. Task formulation

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed

Justify your answer, based on knowledge, life or

reader experience (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not according to this

text) is not evaluated.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete

rewritten original text without any comments,

then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

2. Source text

(1) Vasily Fedotov was a rather interesting type of merchant who came out of the clerks and achieved good prosperity, but self-interest with the desire to put an extra million in his pocket ruined him.

(2) Fedotov was of medium height, bald, tried not to look you in the eye. (Z) At meetings, he raised his eyelids, looked at you with a quick glance and immediately lowered them; the same look, used as a special kind of coquetry, has been observed in some women. (4) He was extremely nervous; when he spoke to you, he raised his eyes to the sky, his hands too, to testify that he was right, and if this, in his opinion, was not enough, he poured out a tear, beat his chest. (5) His whole figure, his whole appearance with these gestures and tears was somehow unnatural, and they did not particularly trust him, calling him Vaska Fedotov behind his back, saying: “This Vaska will still invite us to a “cup of tea”. (6) Among the merchants, a “cup of tea” meant a meeting of creditors with a discount offer. (7) And this opinion turned out to be absolutely correct; he timely, before being invited to a “cup of tea”, transferred both houses to his wife, the cost of which amounted to about three hundred thousand rubles, deposited capital in her name in the bank, also three hundred thousand rubles, and was sure: with this he provided himself for a rainy day .

(8) But it turned out that, as they say, a person proposes, but God disposes, (9) The competition was over, and his wife escorted him out of her

at home. (10) Fedotov, insulted, ruined, in order to exist, became a stock trader and, doing commission work, went to friends With different offers. (11) Once, during such an arrival, he, gloomy, unhappy, with wandering eyes from excitement, entered me, sat down on a chair and, clutching his head, fell on the table and sobbed. (12) His sobs were sincere, and not crafty, as he had to do before in order to obtain any benefits; now he really suffered. (13) Water and valerian drops brought him to a calmer state, he apologized for the disturbance and said:

(14) - You know that I lost my entire fortune, my favorite business, I was left by my wife, but no matter how painful it was for me, I endured it. (15) I had the only daughter who was dearest to me. (1b) When marrying, I rewarded her with fifty thousand rubles, gave her the same amount of diamonds and a dowry; whenever she came to me, I always gave her something, asked her: “Do you need something?” (17) She was joy and love for me, I lived for her, and she was everything for me! (18) And on the way to you, at the Ilyinsky Gate, I see her walking towards me. (19) Can you imagine my unexpected joy! (20) I hasten to her. (21) She, when she saw me, turned to the side, pretending that she did not want to talk to me. (22) It was already beyond my strength!

(According to N. Varentsov)

3. Information about the text

Main problems:

the problem of true and false life values ​​(what can be called true life values?); the problem of the relationship between fathers and children (on what should relations between fathers and children be built?); the problem of responsibility for one's actions (does everything in human life go unpunished?).

only universal human values ​​are true: love, devotion, decency; in relations between children and parents, non-monetary relations should be priority; Man is always responsible for his actions.

Evaluation criteria response on the task C1

Option; 54

1. Task formulation

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed

Justify your answer, based on knowledge, life or

reader experience (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not according to this

text) is not evaluated.

If the essay is a paraphrase or. fully

rewritten original text without any comments,

then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

2. Source text

(1) I am standing in the lobby of the editorial office of the central newspaper and patiently waiting for the duty officer to finish a telephone conversation with a friend. (2) The attendant is on the phone, explaining in detail the address of some of her girlfriends. (3) Finally, her distant interlocutor, and at the same time I thoroughly understood the right and left turns, fences, pits and pipes. (4) The phone hangs up, the attendant leans back in her chair, apparently remembers her friends for about two minutes and then, without looking at me, plunges into the visitor's book. (5) Here, of course, I can not stand it. (6) A stormy scene follows, they brand me “insensitive”, “impolite”, “meticulous person”, words fly that I want to immediately forget. (7) Only fifteen minutes later, after a fair amount of shock, I was able to go to the letter department, where the editor was waiting for me.

(8) On top of a pile of envelopes and papers of various sizes, with which the table is littered, two sheets of paper with editor's notes. (9) This is for me. (10) One letter from the Urals, Another from the Rostov region. (11) One from a young specialist, the other from a veteran. (12) And the content is almost the same. (13) It is described, in particular, how, having entered the office of an official, you need to stand for several minutes in front of the boss sitting in an armchair, busy with his own affairs, so that "every cricket knows its hearth."

(14) Naturally, after the scene just played out at the entrance, I immediately have a silent question to the authors

letters: why do they only talk about leaders? (15) But the watchman is worse? (1b) Or do watchmen not have absolute power in their workplace? (17) Or are they pre-selected for a position with the identification of their abilities for a sensitive (and therefore businesslike) attitude towards the visitor? (18) And the sellers? (19) Receptionists? (20) Nurses? (21) Bus drivers?

(22) I silently rake up bundles of letters. (23) This is a source of sociological information about the norms governing people's relations.

(24) What are "norms"? (25) These are the rules that must be followed in order to achieve some goal. (26) People's behavior is always subject to some rules, norms. (27)[...] norms determine the forms and nature of the interaction of people in society. (28) They are invisibly present in our minds. (29) These norms - unwritten laws - seem elusive to us. (30) Is it possible, and if possible, then how to formulate a look, a smile, a shrug of the shoulders, intonations of the voice? (31) But it is precisely these “little things” that determine what scientists call informal communication.

(32) When a person causes obvious damage to someone's property, health, he is brought to court, to criminal or administrative liability. (ЗЗ) Here legal norms come into effect, which are established by legislative means. (34) They are reflected in normative acts, are included in the codes of laws. (35) But no codes can provide for strict standards for the relationship of people, even directly in production. (Zb) Impoliteness or the desire to humiliate a colleague, client, passenger, subordinate, classmate is not considered a violation of legal norms. (37) Informal communication is the area of ​​morality. (38) Behavior here should be regulated differently. (39) How?

(Assisted by M. Bobneva)

Criteria for evaluating the answer to task C1

Unified State Exam, 2007 G. RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, grade 11.

Option: 54

3. Text Information

Main 1) the problem of ethical standards governing business

problems: relationships between people (how they should behave

people endowed with any power - from the watchman to the leader - in relation to other people?);

2) the problem of the correlation of legal and ethical norms (is it possible to legally regulate informal relationships between people at work?);

3) the problem of the formation of norms of moral behavior in society (how can the informal behavior of people in society be regulated? How to influence the “region

position: empowered, neglect ethics in relationships

with "ordinary" people;

2) all the norms of "informal communication" cannot be prescribed in the laws, this is the area of ​​morality;

3) you need to look for a way to regulate social, moral norms.

Criteria for evaluating the answer to task C1

Unified State exam, 2007 RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, grade 11.

Option: 55

1. Task formulation

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed

Justify your answer, based on knowledge, life or

reader experience (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not according to this

text) is not evaluated.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete

rewritten original text without any comments,

then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

2. Source text

(1) She was a little late, in the courtyard all the shops were occupied by the public. (2) However, a place was waiting for her on a fenced bench, where several famous theatrical personalities were sitting. (Z) She greeted friends, sat down and looked around. (4) Everything is thought out: a performance from the fifties and sixties, played in the natural scenery of the Moscow courtyard, nothing needs to be made. (5) 3 here everything remains as it was in those years. (b) Except that an old tapestry was deliberately hung on one of the walls of the house.

(7) She took out glasses from her purse, peered. Exactly such a woven tapestry with a fringe hung over her trestle bed in her parents' apartment for many, many years. (9) Exactly such a tapestry: a family of deer descending to a watering hole, a mill on a stream, distant calling mountains are woven on it ...

(10) About ten minutes later it began to get dark, the actors came out, and the action began.

(11) She could not concentrate at all. (12) The sight of the tapestry, a companion of her childhood and youth, hung out for everyone to see, made it difficult to follow the actors.

(13) Suddenly I remembered a whole fan of long-forgotten pictures. (14) Grandmother feeds her porridge right in bed. (15) The characters embroidered on the brand new tapestry are present here very actively both as scenery and as participants in the action...

(16) Grandmother's speckled hand with a spoon obediently rested against a tapestry bush, from which a head with ears protruded, then peacefully followed into the neighboring, fraternally spread out mouth.

(17) And then, in school years, how sweet it was to hurt under her tapestry! (18) The main thing is that you could lie in an embrace with a book or even several books, changing them alternately, because you know everything by heart, and this is especially sweet.

(19) Once, in the ninth grade, she ended up in the house of a fellow student, the daughter of a well-known lawyer in the city. (20) Growing up in a family of very low income, she had never seen such wealth before - all these silver appliances with monograms during an everyday family dinner, this old heavy furniture, these huge, delicate ornate carpet patterns.

(21) - That Persian, - said the lawyer's daughter, nodding at the dining room wall, - and in my father's office there is a real Peshawar, grandfather. (22) He is almost a hundred years old ...

(23) What pulled her tongue to say:

(24) - We also have a carpet, not so big ...

(25) Her friend wrinkled her nose funny and said softly:

(26) - You don’t have a carpet, but a tapestry with ducks. All this petty-bourgeois vulgarity was in vogue about ten years ago.

(28) She ran home and, in a fit of indignant shame, began to tear her tapestry from the carnations.

(29) - What are you? her mother asked behind her back. (30) - What's wrong with you?

(31) - Because this is vulgarity, vulgarity! she shouted hotly.

(32) - Ah! - said the mother. (33) - Where did you pick it up today? (34) And, having listened to everything that, choking with resentment, her daughter blurted out to her,

spoke calmly:

(35) - This is what it is - [...]. (Z6) Hang the tapestry back, wash your hands and eat.

(37) And she, sobbing helplessly, hung up the tapestry, sat down under its spreading crown and wept, through evil tears examining familiar stumps, grass and peaked mountains in the distance to a millimeter ...

(38) A few more years passed, the tapestry was worn out in the area of ​​​​the mill, my mother made a beautiful pillowcase out of it.

(39) Here's what's funny: not so long ago, the pillow migrated to their new apartment.

(40) - Well, how is the performance? - the daughter asked, returning from some of her parties.

(41) - There, you know, they hung a tapestry ... - she said smiling.

(42) - What kind of tapestry?

(43) -Well, exactly like oursRemember?

(45) - No, I don't remember ...

(46) - Wait! (47) How is it - “I don’t remember”? !

(48) - Oh God! - the daughter sighed, rolled her eyes, went to put the kettle on.

(49) And her heart suddenly sank, a nagging resentment rolled up to her throat.

(50) - You don't remember anything! - she exclaimed. (51) Indifference is the banner of your generation!

(52) - Banner?! the daughter snorted. (53) - Well, mother, you give! - and went to her.

(54) - Why did you pester her with your tapestry? the husband asked in an undertone. (55) - This is your childhood and youth, so love them to your health, what does the girl have to do with it?

(According to D. Rubina)

3. Information about the text

The main ones are 1) the problem of memory (what remains in the human

problems: memory from such an important period as childhood?);

2) the problem of generations [which of the heroes is right in their attitude to memories?);

3) the problem of true and false values ​​(what _______________ value for the heroine of a simple woven tapestry?).

position: things from the past that will show

beautiful because they are associated with childhood and

2) the daughter of the heroine is still too young to treat memories as touchingly as her adult mother;

3) the true values ​​in life are the events that take place in it, and the memory of these events.

Criteria for evaluating the answer to task C1

Single state exam, 2007 RUSSIAN LANGUAGE.1 1 Class.

Option: 56

1. Task formulation

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed

Justify your answer, based on knowledge, life or

reader experience (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not according to this

text) is not evaluated.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete

rewritten original text without any comments,

then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

2. Source text

(1) On the anniversary of the celebration of the Pushkin jubilee, at one of the meetings, I happened to be a witness to a very curious conversation. (2) The deputy head of one of the city districts asked his colleague how they wanted to celebrate the anniversary. (3) The official sighed and drawled plaintively: “Yes, we don’t know yet ...” (4) There was so much agonizing longing in his voice, so much genuine fatigue! (Z) They forced a poor person to do something in which he sees no point, no benefit.

(6) I would like to talk about the benefits of Pushkin. (7) In our time, when the market reigns supreme with its exact calculation, it seems to many that the spiritual sphere of a person is insignificant, it can be neglected, it can be ignored. (8) Indeed, an understandable “arithmetic” reigns in life for everyone and everyone: you buy where it is cheaper and better, and the manufacturer, if he does not want to go down the drain, will take care to please the consumer. (9) But such clarity and consistency are actually illusory, those who believe in them are much more gullible and naive than those who believe in the moral powers of the human soul.

(10) “Take care of honor from a young age,” Pushkin bequeathed in his “Captain’s Daughter”. (11) "Why?" - asks another modern "ideologist" of our market life. (12) Why save goods for which there is a demand: if I am well paid for this very “honor”, ​​then I will sell it. (13) Remember the merchant Paratov from “Dowry”: “I don’t have anything cherished, I’ll find a profit, so I’ll sell everything, anything ...” (14) And the only obstacle to this deal is the question of price. (15) But what does such a completely reasonable logic lead to in our life? (16) Here, a pharmacy worker is offered counterfeit medicines, and he agrees to sell them not at all because he fiercely wishes evil to people, but simply it is beneficial to him, and the obstacle in the face of "honor", "shame" and other "unnecessities" has been removed. (17) Here is a university teacher for a bribe suits yesterday's loser to the university. People step over their conscience only because they consider it to be something ephemeral, invented, and the banknotes that they receive in their hands are quite the material basis of well-being. (19) But what does this scanty philosophy lead to, what terrible, already completely material, quite tangible troubles does this stupid wisdom, this unscrupulousness, this “disgrace” bring us?

(20) Many perceive the moral appeals of Russian writers as a tedious teaching, not realizing that they are based on the desire to save a person. (21) And the fate of our country, which has all the material prerequisites for becoming one of the richest countries in the world, but which for some reason still remains poor, just speaks of how important the human soul is, how important be honest and conscientious.

(According to S. Kudryashov)

3. Information about the text

Main problems:

1) the problem of the role of literature in the spiritual life of modern society (what is the significance of Russian literature for modern people");

2) the problem of honor (how are the moral foundations of society and the development of the country as a whole interrelated?)

position: modern society is great, since literature

develops the moral principle in people;

mercantile philosophy brings to society

real danger; 2) priority of honor, high moral

exactingness is the most important conditions ______ prosperity of our country. _____________________

Criteria evaluation response on the task C1

Unified state exam, 2007 RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, grade 11.

Option: 57

1. Task Formulation

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed

Justify your answer, based on knowledge, life or

reader experience (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not according to this

text) is not evaluated.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete

rewritten original text without any comments,

then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

2. Source text

(1) On Holy Week, the Laptevs were at the painting school at an art exhibition.

(2) Laptev knew the names of all famous artists and did not miss a single exhibition. (3) Sometimes in the summer at the dacha he himself painted landscapes with paints, and it seemed to him that he had a wonderful taste and that if he had studied, then a good artist would probably have come out of him. (4) At home he had paintings of ever larger sizes, but bad ones; the good ones are badly hanged. (Z) It happened more than once that he paid dearly for things that later turned out to be a crude fake. (6) And it is remarkable that, timid in general in life, he was extremely bold and self-confident at art exhibitions. (7) Why?

(8) Yulia Sergeevna looked at the pictures, like a husband, through a fist or through binoculars and was surprised that the people in the pictures were as alive, and the trees as real; but she did not understand, it seemed to her that there were many identical paintings at the exhibition and that the whole purpose of art was precisely that in the paintings, when you look at them with your fist, people and objects stand out as if they were real.

(9) - This is Shishkin's forest, - her husband explained to her. (10) - He always writes the same thing But pay attention: such purple snow never happens And this boy's left hand is shorter than his right.

(13) When everyone was tired and Laptev went to look for Kostya to go home, Yulia stopped in front of a small landscape and looked at him indifferently. (14) In the foreground is a river, behind it a log bridge, on the other side a path disappearing in dark grass, a field, then on the right a piece of forest, near it a fire: they must be guarding the night. (15) And in the distance the evening dawn burns out.

(1b) Julia imagined how she herself was walking along the bridge, then along the path, farther and farther, and all around it was quiet, sleepy jerks were screaming, a fire was flashing in the distance. (17) And for some reason, it suddenly seemed to her that these same clouds that stretched across the red part of the sky, and the forest, and the field she had seen for a long time and many times, she felt lonely, and she wanted to go and go along the path ; and where there was an evening dawn, a reflection of something unearthly, eternal rested.

(18) - How well written! she said, surprised that the picture suddenly became clear to her. (19) - Look, Alyosha! (20) Do you notice how quiet it is here?

(21) She tried to explain why she liked this landscape so much, but neither her husband nor Kostya understood her. (22) She kept looking at the landscape with a sad smile, and the fact that others did not find anything special in it worried her. (23) Then she again began to walk around the halls and examine the paintings, she wanted to understand them, and it no longer seemed to her that there were many identical paintings in the exhibition. (24) When she, having returned home, for the first time in her life, drew attention to the large picture hanging in the hall above the piano, she felt enmity towards her and said:

(25) - Hunt to have such pictures!

(26) And after that, golden cornices, Venetian mirrors with flowers and paintings like the one that hung over the piano, as well as the reasoning of her husband and Kostya about art, aroused in her a feeling of boredom, annoyance and sometimes even hatred.

Criteria for assessing the answer "to task C1

Single state exam, 2007, RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, grade 11.

Option: 57

3. Text Information

Main problems:

the problem of human perception of art (how does a person perceive art? Why do some people immerse themselves in the world created by the artist, while others remain deaf to the world of beauty?); the problem of the value of real art (what kind of art can be considered real? What is the value of real, genuine art?).

art says a lot to a sensitive person, makes you think about the most mysterious and intimate; valuable in art is its ability to influence the soul of a person, therefore, the art that ennobles the soul, elevates the thoughts of a person is genuine.

Criteria evaluating the answer to md "nne C1

Unified state exam, 2007 RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, grade 11.

Option: 58

^Formulation of the task

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed

Justify your answer, based on knowledge, life or

reader experience (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not according to this

text) is not evaluated.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete

rewritten original text without any comments,

then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

2. Source text

(1) Most people imagine happiness very specifically: two rooms - happiness, three - more happiness, four - just a dream. (2) Or a beautiful appearance: although everyone knows about “don’t be born beautiful ...”, however, deep down we firmly believe that with a different ratio of waist and hips, our life could have turned out differently.

(H) Wishes can come true. (4) There is always hope, if not for slender hips, then at least for an extra room, and if you are very lucky, then for a house with a sea view. (5) But if our houses and figure have nothing to do with the feeling of complete bliss? (6) What if each of us is born with a greater or lesser capacity for happiness - an ear for music or mathematical abilities?

(7) This is the conclusion that psychologist Robert McCray came to after a ten-year study he conducted, covering about 5,000 people. (8) At the beginning and end of the experiment, the participants were asked to talk about the events of their lives and characterize themselves. (9) Are they smiling or gloomy? (10) Do they see the glass half full or half empty?

(P) Strikingly, the degree of satisfaction with one's own life was almost the same at the beginning and at the end of the study, regardless of what happened in the lives of its participants. (12) People rejoiced, grieved, mourned, but over time they returned to the starting point. (13) The level of happiness of each person was connected mainly with his personality, and not with the circumstances of life.

(14) Then they decided to measure this elusive constant. (15) used a special technology - positron emission tomography - to measure the neural activity of the brain in different states. (16) It turned out that people are naturally energetic, enthusiastic and optimistic have a high activity of a certain area of ​​​​the cerebral cortex - the left prefrontal zone, which is associated with positive emotions. (I) The activity of this zone is a surprisingly constant indicator: scientists took measurements with an interval of up to 7 years, and the level of activity remained the same. (18) This means that some people are literally born happy. (19) Their wishes come true more often, and even if this does not happen, they do not dwell on failures, but find the bright side in the situation.

(20) But what about those whose left prefrontal area is not so active? (21) It's a shame to live and know that even a crystal palace on a tropical island will not bring you happiness! (22) Why then all the efforts? (23) Why make a career and build houses, go on a diet and sew outfits, if the amount of happiness is already measured to you at birth and will not change one iota? (According to K. Korshunova)

3. Information about the text

Basic 1) the problem of understanding happiness (happiness is a concept

problems: abstract or concrete? What is the content

this concept? Is it achievable?): 2) the problem of the ability to be happy (is every person capable of being happy? Or does it need to be learned? Is the ability to be happy innate, like any other? Is it possible to develop the ability to feel happiness? And Can any of us do this? _

position: a person always has hope that his desires

come true and he will achieve happiness;

2) scientists' experiments prove that there is an innate ability to be happy; given that there is a gene for happiness, there is doubt that every person can be happy.

Criteria evaluation answer to task C1

Single state examination, 2007 RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, 11 Class.

Option: 59

1. Formulation tasks

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed

Justify your answer, based on knowledge, life or

reader experience (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not according to this

text) is not evaluated.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete

rewritten original text without any comments,

then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

2. Source text

(1) An old man in a naval uniform was sitting on the banks of the Moksha River. (2) The last pre-autumn dragonflies fluttered over him, some sat on shabby epaulettes, rested and fluttered when the person occasionally moved. (3) He was stuffy, he relaxed his long-long unbuttoned collar with his hand and froze, peered with watery eyes at the palms of small waves patting the river. (4) What did he see now in this shallow water? (5) What was he thinking?

(6) Until recently, he still knew that he had won great victories, that he had managed to break free from the captivity of old theories and discovered new laws of naval combat, that he had created more than one invincible squadron, and brought up many glorious commanders and crews of warships.

(7) But hardly ten years have passed since his resignation, and they tried to forget about him in the imperial palace, in the Admiralty, and in the headquarters of the fleets and naval schools. (8) So, Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov, the disgraced Russian naval commander, was ending his life, forgotten by the authorities and naval commanders here, in the center of Russia, in the Tambov region. (9) Forty campaigns he led, he was not defeated in a single battle. (10) The brilliant victories of the Russian fleet under his command made the name of Fedor Ushakov legendary. (11) But few people remembered this then in Russia ...

(12) Contemporaries often do not notice the genius, talent, prophet in their environment. (13) They cannot, and if we recall history, they do not want to highlight the outstanding, their superior abilities of their neighbor. (14) They speak with irritation about such a person, raising him at best to the category of eccentrics and lucky people ...

(15) 3 the sounds of that day mixed up in him, swam one upon another, forcing him to shudder, look around. (16) He recalled distant campaigns and battles. (17) His eyes were open, but his gaze wandered somewhere, along distant roads, bays and harbors, stumbled upon fortress walls and coastal reefs.

(18) The wind was blowing, trying to wrap up, swaddle the lonely admiral, and he pushed him away with his hand, trying to delay the visions of the past.

(According to V. Ganichev)

3. Information about the text

Main 1) the problem of historical memory (should it be preserved in

problems: stories, remembering the names and deeds of people,

glorified themselves in any profession or in the defense of the Fatherland, such as, for example, Fedor Ushakov?);

2) the problem of loneliness (what makes a person feel lonely?);

3) the problem of assessing talent by contemporaries (what prevents contemporaries of a talented person from

to appreciate his abilities?).

position: glorifying their Fatherland with discoveries in some

either profession, including in the naval; the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland must be especially carefully preserved in subsequent generations;

2) a person feels lonely when he ceases to be of benefit to people, when his discoveries and achievements in any field remain unappreciated;

3) contemporaries often act cruelly towards a genius, inflict spiritual wounds on a talented person, because they cannot or do not want to recognize abilities more outstanding than

Evaluation criteria response willow exercise C1

Unified state exam, 2007 RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, grade 11.

Option 60

1. Task formulation

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed

Justify your answer, based on knowledge, life or

reader experience (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not according to this

text) is not evaluated.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete

rewritten original text without any comments,

then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

2. Source text

(1) An interesting letter came to the editorial office of the magazine. (2) The author, a seventy-two-year-old Muscovite, writes: “When I look at my fourteen-year-old grandson, it sometimes seems to me that he is some kind of alien - he does not look like his mother, me, his grandmother. (3) No, he’s actually a good guy, it’s a sin to complain: he studies decently, helps his mother - my daughter - with the household chores, and even in his rude address to me “grandfather”, I sometimes feel affection, but his clothes, this sweater with hanging sleeves, jeans with holes on the knees, two earrings in one ear, his speech with all these "outfits" and "jokes", his views and the fact that all my thoughts and judgments make him laugh - all this makes him a real alien in our family...

(5) Looking at my grandson and his friends, passing by the noisy companies of teenagers, I cannot get rid of the question: where did they come from, these strange, self-confident and ignorant youths? (6) Who made them like that?

(7) There is no need to argue with the author of the letter. (8) What he writes about is probably familiar to most readers who have grandchildren. (9) The only thing that cannot be unconditionally agreed with is the question "Who made them like that?". (10) We are so accustomed to looking for the guilty in everything that a calm look at things, an attempt to find an objective explanation are given to us, unfortunately, with difficulty. (11) Of course, it is much easier to say that television, American films, schools, the market economy, the government are to blame for everything than to try to understand the reason for such a frighteningly widening gap between fathers and children, not to mention grandchildren.

(12) And this abyss, by the way, has always been. (13) About this one hundred and forty years ago he wrote his famous novel “Fathers and Sons”. (14) Why Turgenev! (15) In one of the ancient Egyptian papyri, the author complains that children have ceased to respect their fathers, their religion and customs, and that the world is truly collapsing.

(1b) Another thing is that in former times changes in human society occurred immeasurably slower than now. (17) Studying the impact of the accelerated course of history in the second half of the 20th century, psychologists even introduced the term “future shock”. (18) This is a feeling of confusion, helplessness, disorientation that covers people when their psyche stops keeping up with too rapid changes in society, in technology, in mores and customs. (19) What can we say about us, when in one decade - an elusive moment by the standards of history - we experienced a series of upheavals: the economic formation, the political system changed, the familiar country disappeared. (20) This is not just a shock of the future, this is a super shock. (21) One has only to be surprised at the mental stamina that allowed people to withstand such historical tsunamis.

(22) So is it worth looking for those responsible for the fact that children and grandchildren are not like us? (23) They just live in a different time, in a different era. (24) And who is better, us or them, is a question that will never have a definite answer. (25) If they are aliens for some of us, then we are, at best, strange old people who do not understand anything in modern life and are afraid of everything.

(26) What should we do to somehow narrow the moat that separates us? (27) First of all, you need to be patient and learn to respect the views and customs of each other, no matter how alien they may seem to us. (28) And this, of course, is difficult, but necessary.

(According to E. Korenevskaya)

Criteria for evaluating the answer to task C1

Single state exam, 2007 RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, grade 11.

Option: 60

3. Information about the text

Main 1) the problem of fathers and children (how does the era affect

problems: relationship between fathers and children?);

position: parents, grandparents because they live in

another era, another time when there are rapid changes in society; young people endure “historical tsunamis”; 2) the views and morals of the young deserve respect, Therefore, adults must learn to understand their children; and then the gap between generations will disappear.

(1) For some reason, many modern pop "stars" talk with particular pleasure about how poorly they studied at school. (2) Someone was reprimanded for hooliganism, someone was left for the second year, someone brought teachers to a fainting state with their mind-blowing hairstyles ... (3) You can treat such revelations of our "stars" in different ways: these stories alone about a mischievous childhood lead to affection, others begin to complain grumblingly that today the path to the stage is open only to mediocrity and ignoramuses.

The writing

A person changes daily, and a huge number of factors can influence the formation of his worldview: family, friends, studies, the Internet, mass media, and each of these categories is important in its own way. In this text, I. Gontsov raises the actual problem of the influence of art on the worldview of the individual.

We get acquainted with the story of the narrator, whose hero is a DJ, a typical submissive "servant of the crowd". When a journalist asked him about what he wants to sow in the “gullible hearts” of young listeners, what he wants to achieve with his activities, what he wants to teach the audience and what role he is going to play in her life, the “pop star” answered only with a bewildered snort. The publicist draws our attention to the civil immaturity of modern "artists", to the irresponsibility of the entire media sphere, and leads the reader to the idea that, being idols of youth, such "stars" often do not even think about what information they carry to the masses and what they represent for the younger generation. From everywhere, from screens and radio stations, we can hear puffy stories about the youthful "exploits" of modern "stars", about which a few years ago not only they would not have spoken publicly - most likely, the "idols" of the past would have been simply ashamed of it . Instead of stupid and corrupting stories, they would convey to their audience more useful information, which later, quite possibly, would become fundamental in the life of one or even several generations of teenagers.

Art is a part of the national culture, designed to educate people in all the brightest, purest and most worthy, and therefore there is no and cannot be a place for irresponsible and immoral citizens. I. Gontsov believes that art plays a key role in shaping the worldview of the individual, therefore, representatives of this type of social activity should be aware of all the responsibility that falls on them, and appear in the world not as helpful jesters, but as experienced and wise educators. The moral and spiritual state of the whole society depends on how pure, sincere and correct the activity of modern artists and simply creative personalities will be.

I cannot but agree with the author's thought: indeed, people form their worldview based on what they see around, on TV and on the Internet, what they hear from their idols. People who have elevated themselves to the rank of a “star” have a huge responsibility: to adequately influence the spiritual state of people and inspire them with a craving for creation, and not for degradation. That is why all idols need to be doubly serious about the information that they convey to the audience, and ordinary artists should be as demanding as possible about their work.

In the story of A.I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet", the author introduces us to a real, highly spiritual, faithful artist. The protagonist, Zheltkov, saw in Beethoven's sonata not just an aesthetic pleasure, he found in it the response of his soul, because in the 19th century the so-called "idols", extremely talented artists, were much more demanding on their work and put their whole heart into it. your soul. Therefore, Vera Nikolaevna could not hold back her tears: after listening to the work of the great composer, the woman, having passed through herself the whole gamut of emotions that Beethoven put into her brainchild, could not control her feelings - the sonata was so rich, it penetrated the human soul so deeply. Unfortunately, today few of the modern "stars" can boast of such an effect - they are closer to empty pathos and playing for the audience, and Beethoven's sonatas, even centuries later, continue to change the inner world of people.

About how real art can influence the worldview of a person, wrote in his story "Rothschild's Violin" and A.P. Chekhov. The author introduces us to a story from the life of a fallen soul, the undertaker Jacob: a stingy and evil man. This hero, it would seem, was completely incapable of goodness and love, and, for sure, could not be an example for someone. However, taking the violin in his hands, the hero is spiritually transformed and rethinks his life. With the help of art, Bronze does not just change his worldview: his playing touched the thinnest strings of Rothschild's soul, and then crowds of ordinary listeners. Yakov put all his soul, as it turned out, not spoiled by years and stinginess, into one melody, all the sad experience of his whole life, and after the death of the hero, his work permeated many people for a long time, because what Bronze put into the melody was close to everyone . Perhaps during his lifetime he was not able to set a good example, but with his work, Yakov saved and transformed a large number of people, which means that his activities were directed in the right direction.

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that art forms the taste and character, attitude to life and the policy of achieving the goal of a maturing personality, and, in general, the worldview of a person, and therefore it is very important that this sphere of social activity has worthy representatives.

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