100 facts why I love my grandmother. Happy birthday greetings to grandmother: beautiful and touching, in verse and in your own words

Find time for such simple but important words.
100 reasons why I love you.

1. Happiness is being with you
2. You are never boring
3. You know how to make me smile
4. You always feel my mood
5. You love me with all my flaws
6. When you hug me, everything is fine
7. I can be myself when you are around.
8. Passion for you makes me lose my head
9. We can do anything when we are together.
10. The best day spent with you
11. You have such beautiful lips.
12. You like me even when I grumble
13. You understand me perfectly
14. You will never say that you hear this story for the 10th time.
15. We can talk about everything and nothing
16. You are my inspiration
17. there is no one more beautiful than you
18. You give me confidence
19. You know how to give me happiness
20. You always feel if I feel bad
21. I'm never afraid, because you are with me
22. You are always on my side
23. It's so nice to chat with you about anything
24. I can trust you
25. You always help me if needed.
26. When I'm with you, nothing else matters
27. From one of your smiles, all my sadness disappears
28. You always listen when I speak
29. Together we can create miracles
30. When you are around, the world blooms around
31. We are the perfect couple
32. I am touched by your appearance when you sleep
33. The thought of you fills with love every moment
34. You understand me even when I whine
35. Every moment with you is filled with joy
36. The best night is the one we spend together
37. I don't understand how you can live without you
38. At least you pretend to listen to my advice
39. My heart beats for you
40. You believe in me
41. You always look great
42. You can call to say you love me
43. Your hugs are so affectionate
44. Your support is everything to me
45. Your jokes are very funny
46. ​​Thanks to you, I become better
47. It is impossible to be offended by you for a long time
48. You are the most amazing person on Earth
49. I see love in your eyes
50. I love your smile
51. In the book of my life, the best chapters about you
52. You always know how to please me
53. You care about me and do not demand anything in return
54. You will understand if I forget something important
55. When I look at you, my heart stops
56. You are my dearest treasure
57. You have the keys to my heart
58. Sometimes I just need to hug you
59. When we are together, time does not matter
60. You are interested in all the little things in my life
61. Your love protects me
62. Everything became fine with your appearance
63. You can brighten up any gloomy day.
64. When I take your hand, it becomes easy for me
65. You make our life happy
66. You turn me on
67. I want us to always be together
68. You always make me happy just by being you.
69. We know the most beautiful aspects of love
70. You know how to find the right words
71. Your happiness is most important to me
72. You are good anywhere
73. Even your small actions are very important to me
74. I want not to let you out of my arms
75. Looking into your eyes, I understand: my dreams have come true
76. You teach me to love
77. I love listening to your voice
78. You are the most gentle
79. I love everything you do
80. You don't want to get out of bed with you
81. You are my best friend
82. You are always on my mind
83. I'm crazy about you
84. You awaken passion in me
85. You are like a magnet, I am drawn to you
86. You are my most beautiful dream
87. With you, you can not be afraid to look stupid
88. It's a pleasure for me to be with you
89. You can break away from any business to be with me
90. I can ask you stupid questions
91. All I need is to know that you are near
92. Your advice helps me
93. You know my secrets and keep them
94. You are my sunshine
95. You and I look great together
96. All my friends are delighted with you
97. You know how to console me when I'm sad
98. There is nothing sweeter than your kisses
99. Our desires coincide so often
100. I want my life to belong to you
101. The reasons are endless, but the most important thing is that I love you because I can not love you.

Alexandra Karaseva,

As children, we were taught to be polite, to greet elders, not to be rude and not to speak when not asked. The children grew up, but the behavioral skills remained. But to please everyone and everyone is impossible and unhealthy.

From childhood, we were taught that we had to be a good girl, and then a list of requirements for this girl was attached: polite, smiling, neat, ready to lend a helping hand to anyone. Many far-sighted girls immediately realized that the rules are there to be broken, and sometimes let the instructions go past their ears.

But even in pragmatic persons, these signs of a good girl were deposited on a subconscious level. And sometimes the voices of the past meet. t in the present, turning everything upside down. Was she going to gently, categorically part with a boring man? But for some reason, you continue to smile in response to his clumsy courtship and nod listlessly at the offer to go to the movies. Congratulations, that very good girl woke up in you, who should be courteous in any situation.

Mom called to come over for the weekend, because her second cousin, whom you saw in infancy, was going to visit? Of course, Aunt Galya missed you and wants to see how you have changed since crawling on all fours. And you cancel the plan to sleep after a hard week and fly on the wings of duty to the family nest.

After a family weekend, you go home in a crowded transport, and a mother sits next to her with a primary school child. The child kicks his legs and soils your trousers. Mom sighs and reprimands her offspring, but he continues with new enthusiasm. The thought is spinning in my head that children are the flowers of life, and you have to run the washing machine before going to bed.

There are dozens of such situations when you step on the throat of your desires. Ordered a pizza without hot sauce, and now you're munching on something spicy? I bet you won't complain to customer service? You want to save face, be a good girl, make no one feel uncomfortable, be liked by everyone. You try, you try, everyone around is happy, they won’t say a bad word about you. And good, too.

Somewhere far away, a divorcee hits the jackpot and turns into a duchess, and you just sigh and dream. But do you know why you're not in her place? Because this place turned out to be a real girl, and not a “good girl” who doesn’t really know herself, because she doesn’t have time for introspection - she rushes to save her friend from depression.

Maybe you should think about yourself, tame your own cockroaches and understand that you cannot please everyone, if only for the reason that some love only themselves.

Family holidays make up a kind of calendar of a person literally from the moment of his birth. Not the least important role is played by the birthdays of the closest people and relatives. Of course, a loving grandson or granddaughter considers it their duty to present beautiful and original birthday greetings to their grandmother.

In modern society, it is generally accepted that only youth, smooth skin, regular facial features, and so on make a beautiful woman. Nevertheless, it is unlikely that anyone will undertake to deny that grandmothers are very special people, beautiful precisely because of their age. Wrinkles, gray hair, eyes burning with wisdom - all this is the imprint of the past years, making a woman more understanding, sensitive and kind in old age. It is this beauty that is very natural, natural and unique.

Especially for the most beautiful and beloved grandmothers, a selection of wonderful congratulations has been created, which are convenient to use for a grandson or granddaughter of any age.

Today is a special day!

Certainly! Without a doubt!

Our dear grandmother

Birthday today!

We hasten to congratulate the grandmother,

Wish you good health

And very, very kind.

Hug Grandma.

We wish you a lot of joy

And for a very long time

Live, dear grandmother,

At least a hundred years.

Grandma, I wish you

Strength, health, beauty.

Be young at heart

And you take care of yourself.

Find joy everywhere

Smile and dream.

All anxiety and fatigue

Let go of yourself.

Let this birthday

Will gather around relatives,

Their love and respect

The heart will light up with happiness.

I want a lot of sun

Peace, happiness and kindness

The best grandmother in the world.

Happy Birthday to You!

Strength of mind and health,

Laughter, joy, love,

Respect, wealth,

All the blessings of the world, beauty!

Let every moment be filled

It will be happiness, magic.

Warmth of loved ones and care

Keep warm day after day!

My dear grandmother

There are no relatives in the world for you.

Happy birthday, congratulations

I want to wish soon

Longevity and happiness

And health like granite.

And from all the troubles and misfortunes

May the angel keep you.

Touching wishes, to tears

The fact that a person becomes more sentimental with age is well known. This is especially true for women, and, of course, grandmothers. Unfortunately, not all children and grandchildren are aware of the impatience with which old women usually wait for a call from their relatives and how much congratulations from their grandchildren mean to them. After all, every year lived in old age is a reason for sadness, a kind of step that brings a person closer to eternity. So why not make grandmother cry on the most wonderful occasion, presenting her with touching wishes to tears? By the way, this will not require much effort - a sincere sentimental congratulation will make this task easily accomplished. It remains only to choose a suitable congratulatory masterpiece from the list offered.

My grandmother is dear,

Happy birthday!

I wish you many years

Live in health without trouble.

I'm with you, I'll be honest

Very interesting from childhood.

You joke, calm down,

You will “cover” from your parents.

Years are not a hindrance to you,

You are full of kindness and laughter.

You are my grandmother, forever

The closest person.

Happy birthday, Grandma,

Always be by your side

Don't be sad, don't be sick

Always welcome guests.

Always be sweet, cheerful,

And young at heart

Long long life years

You never know troubles.

Let them surround you

Like this, no more.

Know you are the best in the world

We love you very much.

And today, on my birthday,

Here's what we say, not jokingly:

Grandma, you are just amazing

Your pies are delicious

And also cheesecakes, buns

And, of course, pancakes.

Wish you good health

Peace, happiness we want.

For your love and affection

Thank you all.

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,

After all, not to congratulate - just a sin.

Keep in mind that these congratulations -

For the best grandmother ever.

I want to say thank you

For everything you could give me.

From the cradle you raised me

Words can't express everything...

You spent time with me.

You were tired, after all, years.

You fed me delicious food

I read fairy tales sometimes.

I sincerely wish you

Good health always

And many years of happy life

So that you never get angry.

I wasn't worried, I wasn't sad...

And so that the grandfather did not withdraw.

Stay as cute as you are.

I wish you happiness, blessings and strength!

How to congratulate grandma in your own words

Unfortunately, close people do not always manage to be close to each other. Sometimes life circumstances develop in such a way that relatives are separated by distances. Of course, it is wonderful if there is an opportunity to overcome this path in order to congratulate a dear and beloved person. But, alas, this does not work for everyone. A modern innovation comes to the aid of the congratulator in such a situation - mobile communications, less often - mail or telegraph. Of course, when dialing grandmother's number, it is much easier to congratulate the birthday girl in your own words, because the poetic form of wishes requires a certain approach and is more relevant for a personal meeting. In addition, sayings in your own words are perfect for a little grandson or granddaughter who really wants to congratulate their grandmother, but due to age it is difficult to remember a large number of words.

My dear grandmother! I congratulate you, my dear, on your birthday! On this sunny and joyful day for all of us, I would like to wish you good health, vitality, a positive attitude and a great mood. Be always the same cheerful, kind and cheerful. May your heart, my grandmother, often beat only from joyful moments and pleasant meetings, may tears well up in your beautiful eyes only from happiness, and your soul sings from delight and miracles happening around. I wish you, my dear, to always be surrounded by relatives and loved ones, so that your care and work will be appreciated and rewarded at its true worth. Be happy, my dear grandmother, you deserve it!

Dear grandma! Thank you for the wealth that you gave me: wisdom, knowledge, the ability to distinguish good from bad, the ability to love and empathize. Thank you for the most delicious and fragrant pies and for the most magical tales. Accept sincere congratulations and wishes on this day: never grow old with your soul, have the best health for many more years, so that a smile and good mood never leave you, and that your house is always full of guests and grandchildren. After all, you are the person to whom people are always drawn, despite the distance. Because your word is the strongest, your look is always the kindest, and your parting words are always welcome. Happy birthday, love!

Dear and beloved grandmother, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you good health, a peaceful sky, reverent and respectful attention of loved ones, warmth and care. May prosperity and prosperity reign in the house. Be as wise and patient, courteous and resourceful as you are. Support and support, happy and beloved, to all of us!

My dear and dear, the most beloved grandmother in the world, grandmother! I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and wish that you could be congratulated for many, many more years! Live, dear, up to a hundred years in good health and excellent mood! May you always have a sweet and pleasant smile on your face, and your eyes quietly shine with happiness! Prosperity and cheerfulness, faith and hope, beauty and inspiration! May God bless you every minute and give joy to your kind heart!

Birthday poems for grandma from granddaughter

Well, if the joy of a festive meeting is not overshadowed by long distances, it's time to present a poem to your grandmother for her birthday from her granddaughter or grandson personally. Of course, the peculiarity of such a congratulation depends on various circumstances: the age of the grandmother, her character, occupation, etc. You can pay tribute to solemn poems that are ideal, for example, for a serious date - an anniversary. But the best verse for a grandmother's birthday is one in which relationships with her grandchildren will be described from the heart. After all, grandmother is fairy tales and pies, affection and care.

Of course, modern grannies are very “advanced” in many ways, and many of these functions have gone into oblivion, but, perhaps, few people will dare to challenge the fact that having a grandmother in life is wonderful. The presence of this person in their fate is especially highly valued by adults who know how to rejoice at the proximity of dear people and the fleeting moments. That is why one should not be shy about making poetic wishes for the grandmother as sincere and sincere as possible, and sometimes even childishly direct and ingenuous. And it does not matter if the granddaughter is already an adult independent person, because for her grandmother she will always remain a beloved and restless baby. A kind of children's touch of congratulations in such cases will not seem strange to anyone and is ideal for both small and large congratulators.

My grandma dear

You are dear to my heart.

I congratulate you on your birthday

And from the bottom of my heart I wish you

Strength and health, for many years.

Know that there is no better person in the world than you!

And I love you very much

And so I value you.

You be young at heart

And despite the years

You smile, laugh, sing

And I will always be with you!

Don't be sad, grandma

That the years are running

still love you

I will always!

On this birthday

I want to wish

To be unnecessary

You go to the doctor

So that you always, grandmother,

I was happy

And even if for another hundred years

To live!

beloved grandmother,

On her birthday

I want strength

Cheerfulness, luck.

You are my sunshine,

Angel of kindness

There is no better

Grandma than you!

Don't worry dear

Smile more,

I wish you many years

And great happiness!

Happy birthday, grandma!

Be always healthy

May you be fulfilled

Eighteen again.

You are still so young

Heart and soul.

play and chat

Good with you.

I love you very much

You live longer

After all, the same grandmother

I do not have more.

A congratulation for a grandmother is a gesture that does not require too much effort from the congratulator, however, for the birthday girl it will become very important and necessary. After all, it is generally accepted that it is the grandchildren for a woman who are a very special category of relatives. Regardless of the age of the grandchildren, the grandmother is always waiting for them to visit, full of love, hope and care. So let's not forget our dear grandmothers, presenting them with wonderful sincere wishes on their birthday, and on the rest of the year - love, attention and warmth.

Six-year-old Sasha has been living with her grandmother in the Moscow region for four years. At first, her mother came to see her every other day, then on weekends, now once a month. And it's hard to blame a woman for that. She is only 28 years old, she has a bright appearance, a broken heart, a responsible job and a rented apartment in Moscow. “I’ll settle down a bit and take you to my place,” she promises Sasha by phone. And the girl believes her, but for now she lives well with her grandmother. Here the environment is better, and people are kinder.

Sasha was really looking forward to her birthday: her grandmother said that her mother would most likely come to them for the whole weekend. And so, on September 22, they baked a pie, stewed chicken and potatoes, and sat down to wait for her. But the mother did not come. She has important things to do. Pressing the receiver tightly to her ear, Sasha listened to how that last hour spent in the crowd near the train at Savelovsky Station, trying to pass a teddy bear to her daughter: “I got wet in the rain, I froze, I had to return home by taxi, and tomorrow - very an important event ... " Sasha felt sorry for her, but the phrase "I love you" at the end of the conversation seemed to the girl somehow superfluous and alien. She hung up the phone and cried on her grandmother's shoulder.

For family reasons

Sasha is far from the only one who, due to circumstances, is raised by mothers of mothers. Kirill's parents live in the North, the nearest school is 10 km from the house, the store is three. And my grandmother has an apartment in the center of Moscow with a concierge and all amenities.

Arina's mother recently gave birth to a baby. She sorely lacks time for Arina, because even when the youngest child is sleeping, she has to do the laundry, wash the dishes, cook dinner. And the girl watches cartoons all day long. Grandmother wants to take Arina to her - for a while. He and his grandfather love their granddaughter, they have a lot of sports, art and development circles in the city. Arina's mother is sure that her daughter will be better for now.

However, in both situations, things are not so clear cut.

Separation from mother and father can greatly affect the formation of a child's personality.

Yes, parents need to win a place in the sun and arrange a personal life. Yes, grandparents, in whose life “everything has already happened”, can devote themselves to their grandchildren. This is their sincere desire, and something like the distribution of debts, because once they did not have enough time for their own children. Now they seem to be catching up.

Of course, the most important thing for children is to be loved and cared for. And if parents can't do it, it's good that grandparents are ready to do it. However, separation from mother and father can greatly affect the development of the child's personality and his entire future life.

Why be around

“Probably no one will argue that the best option for children is to live with loving parents,” says family psychologist Vladislava Ladmari. - The child is "flesh from flesh, blood from blood." And all its internal structure is their continuation. In order for him to grow up happy, to reveal his potential, it is necessary that the “prototypes” be around. This will make it possible to understand and feel who he is, what is in him and why, to feel his similarity and involvement. Parental love is like water for a grain: best of all it helps a child to grow and develop.

Especially important is a close relationship with the mother in childhood - from the moment of birth until the moment when the child acquires the ability to be responsible for himself, becomes independent. Being nearby, the mother feeds him with energy, love, attention and care.

“A father gives mother and child a safe space, protects them, gives them a sense of security,” adds Vladislava Ladmari. - He is also invisibly connected with the child, but to a greater extent through the mother and the relationship with her. That is why it is so important that parents live in love and harmony.”

Unfortunately, this happens quite rarely. In a difficult life situation for a mother, it can be very difficult to even just live. Disorder, problems in relationships, constant conflicts "dry" her, she does not have strength and love for the child. Trying to recover, a woman goes headlong into work or feverishly tries to start a new relationship, falls into depression - and gives nothing to the child.

It also happens that a mother in childhood herself did not receive parental love and does not feel the opportunity and need to give it now to her child. This is where grandparents can come to the rescue. They will be able to surround the child with care, give him warmth, but - this must be remembered - they will never be able to replace parents. The love of mother and father is necessary for children in any case, it cannot be belittled and depreciated.

What will happen next

In the long term, it is much better for a child to be with loving grandparents than with a mother filled with problems, irritation, fear. In a close one, it is important for him that his mother loves him. And the fact that she leaves him, even with her family, causes great trauma. Subconsciously, the child feels that his parents are abandoning him. And this inner feeling can lead to irreparable consequences.

Often, children who grow up without parents become insecure. They have no sense of self-worth or self-importance. A lack of parental love not satisfied in time leads to an emotional break with parents and to the fact that the child will look for love everywhere - at school, then at the institute, at work, in peer companies.

Not finding what he really needs, the child will grow up "led". This means that in his actions he will rather be guided not by his own interests, but by the desires of those who promise him “love”. He will always be dependent on someone - in the worst case, he will fall into a bad company, a sect. All these "side effects" are actually very unpleasant. And they should definitely be taken into account before making the final decision - to give the child or not to give. Psychologists say that there are very few situations in which being with grandmothers is better than with parents. More often we are talking about elementary domestic comfort - it seems to parents that it will be more convenient for everyone.

Note to educators

What to do when it is really necessary to give the child upbringing? How to behave to parents, grandparents?

  • Adults need to tell children that they are loved, desired. To tell that, despite the difficulties, mother and father love them very much and want to be there, but circumstances do not yet allow.
  • It is important that children see manifestations of this love. Calls of parents, meetings should be filled with a manifestation of feelings. Mother and father need to be told that they really missed and thought about the child.
  • If the child is separated from his parents for a long time, you need to create in his imagination the image of a loving mother who, despite being far away, thinks about him all the time. The child should feel her warmth.
  • Not talking about parents is not an option. In this case, the child will feel that something very important is being hushed up. He will think that he is the reason that something is being hidden from him. It is important to discuss with the child his feelings, to admit that he is bored.
  • You can't criticize your parents for anything. The child correlates, associates himself with them: "If the parents are bad, then so am I." Tell him how wonderful his mother and father are. Tell stories from their childhood in which they proved to be strong, brave, quick-witted. Children's pride in their parents is the most reliable bridge to a child's future success.

Here is a list of 100 reasons to love grandma. It is useful not only for making a gift with your own hands, but also for daily delighting a loved one with warm words of love.

Grandma, I love you because:

  1. You have old-fashioned, but bright and kind views on life;
  2. For your kindness;
  3. You cook the most delicious soup in the world;
  4. You do not regret for me the wise advice that has helped me more than once;
  5. You have angelic patience;
  6. You have a philosophical attitude to life;
  7. For your lovely wrinkles around your eyes;
  8. For your grumbling if I don't wear a hat in winter;
  9. You don't ask too much of me;
  10. Next to you is warm and cozy;
  11. In your little world, time runs slowly, and the vanity ceases to bother me;
  12. I love listening to stories from your life;
  13. I can tell you things that I can't tell anyone... not even my mother;
  14. You understand me better than anyone else;
  15. You remember my birthday better than I do;
  16. In all the warmest memories of my childhood, there is you;
  17. You always know how to support me;
  18. In difficult times, you always have words of encouragement for me;
  19. You always accurately guess my mood;
  20. You are indulgent to my mistakes and mistakes;
  21. Since childhood, you have allowed me more than my parents;
  22. You have a resilient character;
  23. You always treat me kindly;
  24. Because you are my antidepressant;
  25. Your gentle smile warms me;
  26. I worry when I don't see you and I don't hear your voice on the phone;
  27. You know how to keep my secrets;
  28. You are strong and generously share your strength with me;
  29. You know how, without noticing it yourself, to remind you of the main thing;
  30. You know how not to interfere when it is exactly what is needed most;
  31. There is nothing to hide from you;
  32. You do not need a third-party opinion about me, because you have your own;
  33. You are sensitive and caring;
  34. You are a real woman;
  35. You are not aware of acquisitiveness and meanness;
  36. Only you know how to explain complex things simply and clearly;
  37. You know how to deftly outwit me when you need it;
  38. No one can take your place in my life;
  39. There is nothing false about you;
  40. My grandiose plans frighten you;
  41. Because I want you to be proud of me;
  42. You know how to joke interestingly;
  43. It's fun to watch TV shows with you and listen to your comments;
  44. You know what to do when I have a cold;
  45. You taught me how to cook food;
  46. You know a lot about our family;
  47. You wish me happiness;
  48. You always listen carefully;
  49. You don't brush off my problems;
  50. You are very resourceful in ambiguous everyday situations;
  51. I always want to see your smile;
  52. I like how you rejoice even in my smallest surprises;
  53. You're my guardian angel;
  54. You do not care about my success in order to treat me warmly;
  55. You know how to enjoy simple things;
  56. You don't create unnecessary complications out of the blue;
  57. Your wisdom is close to clairvoyance;
  58. You have a heart of gold;
  59. It is impossible to be offended by you, even when you swear;
  60. You do not stop trying to please me with at least something, from childhood to this day;
  61. You never cease to amaze me with your resilience;
  62. You don't make me do what I don't like;
  63. You didn't punish me as a child;
  64. Because I never forget about you;
  65. Next to you, I always feel small and return to childhood;
  66. You helped your mother raise me;
  67. Celebrating each of your birthdays is the greatest joy for me;
  68. You never disappoint me;
  69. In my life you have always been a creator and never a destroyer;
  70. You are like all good sorceresses from fairy tales;
  71. You very carefully and diplomatically know how to express an evaluative opinion;
  72. You have skillful hands and a bright head;
  73. Because I don't want to leave you
  74. You are not chasing success and recognition;
  75. My soul rests next to you;
  76. Your life for me is the best bestseller;
  77. I am touched by your naivete;
  78. You have an extraordinary opinion about modern fashion;
  79. There is no rudeness in you;
  80. You are very practical and masterly in housekeeping;
  81. You do not know how to live idly and remain active at all times;
  82. You always find strength somewhere to overcome obstacles;
  83. I always have something to learn from you;
  84. You know how to be bright and inconspicuous depending on the circumstances;
  85. You get a brilliant result in everything you undertake;
  86. You are the real keeper of the hearth;
  87. Because I will kill anyone who offends you;
  88. Because I get upset when you get upset;
  89. You know how to rid me of guilt;
  90. You do not make a molehill out of a fly;
  91. Throughout your life you have not forgotten how to be surprised;
  92. You don't pretend to be anyone;
  93. You always find a reason to praise me;
  94. At all times you continue to be inquisitive;
  95. You keep family traditions;
  96. You respect my opinion;
  97. My mother is our common, close person;
  98. None of my friends have such a cool grandmother;
  99. You do me a lot of good without demanding anything in return;
  100. I love you just because you are! And I don't need any reason for that!
  • The list will help you easily create a gift with your own hands. To do this, take a beautiful box (a jar or a bag is also suitable) and stick a label on it with the inscription "I love you because ...". Next, fill the box with notes, each with one reason from the list above. You can write them yourself, or you can print them. If you decide to make notes in a printed version, first print out the entire list of reasons (after creating a Word document) and cut the sheet so that there is only one reason on each piece of paper. The gift is ready.
  • Also, this list is suitable for entertainment on birthday, anniversary and other holidays. To do this, make a gift box as described above. Further, throughout the evening, guests should take out notes from the box and read them to the hero of the occasion (in this case, grandmother). This can be done by the same person throughout the holiday, or by turns each of the invitees.
  • Add to gift

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