How to whiten a medical gown at home. How to wash a white medical gown at home How to wash white gowns properly

All employees of medical institutions, without exception, whether they are doctors, nurses or orderlies, must always look impeccable. This is especially true of their uniforms, because any pollution is always noticeable on a snow-white fabric. Patients are always warmer and more friendly towards a physician who always takes care of his appearance. Many medical workers know how to whiten a medical gown even from the university. Making it at home is not so difficult if you know what and how to use it!

Whitening with improvised means

Worn medical uniforms very often take on an unpleasant yellow or gray tint. As a rule, in such a situation, ordinary washing will not help. It is not difficult to whiten a gray medical gown after washing if you use special products. True, experts say, it is better to use those bleaches that do not contain chlorine.

Unfortunately, not all remedies are equally effective. That is why, before purchasing them, you should consult with a specialist, carefully study the packaging, choose a bleach that is suitable for the type of fabric from which the dressing gown is sewn. If you don’t want to buy special products, but at the same time you are thinking about how to whiten a medical gown at home, you should know that this can be done using the simplest tools at hand. Let's talk about them right now.

ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

This is one of the simplest and most effective methods, known to almost every student of a medical college or university. How to whiten a medical gown with these ingredients? You will need a small amount of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. The latter in this combination acts as a bleach, and ammonia prevents yellow spots from appearing on the fabric. In addition, it is able to soften tap water, facilitating the bleaching process. You need to take 10 liters of water, add ammonia (6 tablespoons) and peroxide (5 teaspoons) to them, and then simply place the bathrobe in this solution for no more than two hours. If there are persistent dirt on the dressing gown, you can add a tablespoon of turpentine to the water.

Alcohol, powder and peroxide

Speaking about how to whiten a medical gown at home, one cannot fail to mention the use of products such as hydrogen peroxide, washing powder and alcohol. This method is great for cleaning items that have been made with synthetic fabrics. The most important thing is not to overexpose the gown in this solution, otherwise the uniform may suffer from the negative effects of chemicals. For 10 liters of warm water, the temperature of which should not exceed 40 ° C, you will need four tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, a tablespoon of ammonia, six tablespoons of ordinary table salt and 40 grams of washing powder.

Medical things should be loaded into such a solution for about 20 minutes. After that, they should be thoroughly rinsed in cool water. If the contamination was too strong, you can additionally wash the dressing gown.

Lemon juice

How to bleach a white medical gown without boiling? Lemon comes to the rescue! This tool - natural and affordable - will give a snow-white tone to any clothes. To prepare the solution, you will need 10 liters of warm water and the juice of two medium lemons. Clothing should be left in the solution for a day, then rinsed thoroughly. Of course, this method will not be able to cope with old ingrained pollution.

Laundry soap

If you're thinking about how to whiten a medical gown that doesn't have heavy, old stains on it, you can use regular laundry soap. The fabric should be rubbed with a soap bar, and then immersed in a small amount of warm water and left overnight. In the event that the dressing gown is made of synthetic and delicate types of fabrics, laundry soap should not be used. The thing is that laundry soap is alkaline, which negatively affects the fibers of the fabric. After soaking, the bathrobe must be rinsed with conditioner or additionally machine washed on a suitable program.


Speaking about how to whiten a medical gown from dullness and yellowness, one cannot help but recall such a tool as whiteness or its analogues. True, they can only be used for cotton fabrics. Whiteness is not suitable for medical clothing, which consists of synthetics. The method of applying whiteness is extremely simple: first of all, you need to soak the bathrobe in ordinary hot water. After that, pour a small amount of bleach into the container and hold for 2-3 minutes. After that, it remains to pull out the uniform and rinse thoroughly. Be careful: do not exceed the dosage of the bleaching agent, otherwise the clothes will become unusable very quickly. Experts advise using whiteness no more than once a month.


Baking soda also has good bleaching properties, in addition, it can soften water, disinfect fabric and clean it of dirt. Add 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda to the small amount of water needed to soak the robe, and then immerse the uniform for 3-4 hours. By the way, you can use soda together with laundry soap, this will allow you to bleach the fabric as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Potassium permanganate

Thinking about how you can whiten a medical gown? Pay attention to potassium permanganate. Using a weak solution will remove any contamination from medical clothing. Please note: the water should have a light pink tint, all the crystals should dissolve. In potassium permanganate, the uniform should be soaked for no more than one and a half to two hours, then rinsed thoroughly in clean cool water.

soda ash

Quite often, this cleaner is used when cleaning an apartment, but it can also be used in laundry. So if you are thinking about how to whiten a white medical gown, you can use soda ash. Just like ammonia, it is able to soften hard water, facilitating the washing process, and preserve the structure of things. Unlike many other home whitening products, soda ash must be used in the washing machine. To do this, pour a small amount of the substance into the detergent compartment, put the clothes in the drum and wash at a temperature of about 60-70 degrees. True, only linen medical clothes are recommended to bleach in this way.

Boric acid

This pharmacy remedy can be used not only for otitis media or eczema, but also for whitening medical uniforms. The recipe for use is quite simple: for two liters of warm water you will need two tablespoons of boric acid. It is recommended to keep clothes in this solution for 2 hours. After that, it remains only to rinse the medical gown, then wash it in the usual way.


Thinking about how to whiten a medical gown from yellowness? Try using turpentine. This tool gives things a snow-white tint. To wash a medical uniform, you will need to dissolve five tablespoons of turpentine in five liters of warm water, and then place a dressing gown in this solution for a couple of hours. After that, the clothes will need to be rinsed and washed. It should be noted that turpentine can only be used on cotton fabrics, it is not suitable for synthetics.


The most common food mustard powder, which can be found in almost every kitchen, is actively used to whiten things. The rules of application are simple: you need to draw hot water into the basin, and then dissolve three tablespoons of dry mustard in it. In this composition, the medical gown should be held for three hours, after which it remains only to wash or rinse the clothes thoroughly. Please note: mustard will not remove strong contamination, but it can refresh a cotton medical uniform.


If you are thinking about how to whiten a bathrobe, vinegar essence or vinegar will come to the rescue. In the event that you use essence, you will need 7 liters of water and 80 milliliters of essence. In this solution, you need to soak things for 45 minutes, and then rinse and wash thoroughly to get rid of the pungent odor. In the event that you decide to use regular vinegar, you will need six liters of warm water and 275 milliliters of vinegar. Just as in the previous case, the medical form should be immersed in the solution for 45 minutes, and then rinsed and washed well.

Keeping white

You probably know that too frequent washing of medical clothes with the use of bleaching agents negatively affects the condition of the fabric. In order to keep the medical uniform in good condition for a long time, follow these simple rules:

  1. It is best to wash a medical gown daily - both by hand and in a washing machine.
  2. To begin with, the bathrobe will need to be soaked with powder in hot water for half an hour, and then washed in the usual way.
  3. It is desirable to add disinfectants to the powder.

It is recommended to dry the medical uniform in the fresh air. Another option is to squeeze it to a semi-dry state, and then hang it on a coat hanger for several hours. When the form dries, it remains only to stroke. But drying a medical gown on heating devices or hot batteries is not worth it: this, of course, will dry the fabric, but this will give it stiffness and, possibly, yellowness.

A dressing gown is a very convenient and practical item in the wardrobe. You can wrap yourself in it after a bath or warm up after a long walk. By choosing the right style and color, even at home you will look elegant and stylish. Many try to buy a dressing gown in dark shades, as they believe that a home item should not be a brand. If you follow all the rules for the care of terry products, you can safely choose bright colors.

Rules for washing terry products

Buying white bathrobes, the first question that arises in the head is how to wash it off later, or even completely bleach it? So that you do not have to make special efforts when washing, do not wear the item until it is heavily soiled. Any stain can be washed off while it has not yet eaten.

If contamination cannot be avoided, washing should be carried out according to the following rules:

  • sort white from color and dark;
  • if you have hard water, be sure to add a water softener when washing;
  • for hand washing, add vinegar to soften, the proportion is 100 ml per 10 liters of water;
  • set the mode on the washing machine, which is indicated on the label of the product, and if there are no such instructions, do not wash the product at more than 60 degrees;
  • it is desirable to use gels for washing, since the powder particles are poorly washed out of the fibers and make the product stiff;
  • for heavy soiling, use additional bleach.

Terry whitening products

Today, the chemical industry offers a variety of powders and stain removers, especially for whites. But if you trust the experience of our grandmothers, then it is quite possible to cope with stains and restore whiteness to things without expensive means. For each type of pollution there is a stain remover.

You can get rid of greasy stains with ordinary dishwashing detergent. As well as soda, laundry soap, ammonia, salt, starch and hydrogen peroxide.

Juice stains, which are very often left by children, are very corrosive. And for mothers, this is a real torment. They can be removed with boiling water, laundry soap, or a mixture of vodka and glycerin in a 1: 1 ratio.

Tea and coffee stains are a common occurrence on women's dressing gowns. You can remove them with ordinary salt or laundry soap. The stain should be washed immediately after its appearance, until it has penetrated deeply into the fibers.

Clasps and metal buttons begin to leave traces of rust over time. You can get rid of them with citric or acetic acid. To prevent them from appearing in the future, it is better to replace the fasteners with plastic ones.

We return the former whiteness

It often happens that after prolonged wear and washing homemade women's bathrobes lose their whiteness. It is also possible to return it, and even at home it can be done. Before washing, soak the item in a special liquid solution. It can be both purchased funds and homemade. When buying whitening powders, carefully follow the composition and recommendations. They should only be for terry cloth.

Check pockets before soaking. They should not contain any debris or crumbs. The duration of the soak depends on the product you are using. If the bleach is coarse - white, then soaking should be no more than 1 hour. And the quantity should be according to the recommendations on the package.

After soaking, the gown should be rinsed well and squeezed out by hand. To fix the result, send the product to the washing machine. It is not allowed to load any other laundry of a different color, and the drum must not be more than a third full. Avoid spinning at high speeds. It is better to unscrew the bathrobe after washing by hand.

Don't forget softness. Special rinses and balms will help not to lose it after washing. And in no case do not iron a terry thing! To avoid creases, straighten it and dry it on a hanger in a dark place.

How to bleach synthetics

To bleach a synthetic bathrobe, the product will have a different composition and match the type of fabric and its characteristics. Of the chemical bleaches, ordinary whiteness is suitable. To avoid yellowing and deterioration of the fabric, do not overdo it with its amount and soaking time.

If you don't want to risk it, use gentle bleaches. But even with them, you should not leave the product soaked for a long time. The main rule for any whitening is a good rinse. Particles of powder or bleach remaining in the fibers of the fabric may turn yellow, and it will be impossible to get rid of them.

If specialized products are not at hand, you can easily mix a bleaching agent from the simplest ingredients. You will need 3-4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, 1 tablespoon of ammonia, 6 tablespoons of table salt and 50 grams of washing powder. Dilute all this in 10 liters of warm water and soak the product for 20-30 minutes. After that, rinse the dressing gown in cold water and send to dry.

Regardless of the chosen color of the uniform, every doctor or nurse has a classic white coat. Wearing a similar suit, every doctor feels more confident. Patients begin to look at him with different eyes. But, you see, a white handsome man on his shoulders should remain white, and not be covered with spots from pies and turn yellow from time to time. Today we will talk about how to whiten a medical gown at home.

1. Peroxide and ammonia are friends of whiteness

How to bleach: Mix 5 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide with 6 tablespoons of ammonia. Wash clothes in 10 liters of water; peroxide will evenly whiten the dressing gown, and ammonia will rid the fabric of yellow spots and soften the water, which will make the whitening process several times faster.

Precautions: Soak the gown in the solution for at least 2 hours.

2. Salt is the head of everything

How to bleach: Add 2-3 tablespoons of table salt to two liters of water. For difficult stains, you can add one tablespoon of ammonia, washing powder and three tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the solution.

Precautions: The bathrobe should be soaked for a maximum of two hours. After bleaching, be sure to wash the clothes in the usual way and rinse them thoroughly.

3. Boric acid: bleaches and disinfects

How to bleach: You need to dissolve two tablespoons of acid in two liters of water and soak clothes for 2-3 hours. The substance will not only remove stains and give the dressing gown the usual whiteness, but also perfectly disinfect the uniform from the fungus.

4. Wonderful potassium permanganate

How to bleach: To treat a dressing gown with potassium permanganate, you should mix a weak solution of the drug (the water should be pale pink) with soapy water. To prepare the latter, grate half a bar of laundry soap and dissolve it in warm water.

Precautions: After bleaching, be sure to properly wash the clothes in the usual way.

5. Lemon juice for stains

How to bleach: It is necessary to prepare a solution of 10 liters of warm water and 2 lemons. The bathrobe should be left in a basin of lemon bleach overnight. This method is effective for recent stains, but will not allow you to cope with old stains.

Precautions: After lemon bleaching, the gown should be rinsed thoroughly.

To keep the bathrobe white as long as possible, you should remember the general washing recommendations:

  • do not wash cotton and synthetic clothes together;
  • wash clothes at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees;
  • when washing bathrobes, it is advisable to add a little salt to the solution;
  • it is better to dry the bathrobe on a warm, not hot radiator or in the fresh air.

Now you know some simple but effective ways to whiten medical clothes. And if you are looking for where to buy a high-quality white robe or a uniform in unusual shades, take a look at our catalog.. Choose!

As a result of constant exposure to chemicals, the fabric begins to gray, lose its whiteness and look untidy. Hence, there is a need to whiten a medical gown at home. We have collected an effective collection of recipes, we will consider them in order.

Salt and ammonia

The product is ideal for cotton products with the addition of synthetic fibers. To prepare the composition, take 55 ml. ammonia (ammonia), 80 ml. hydrogen peroxide solution (concentration 6%), 175 gr. edible crushed salt. Mix all the ingredients, pour in 8 liters. warm water (temperature about 40-45 degrees), wait until all the crystals have melted.

Pour the soaking solution into the basin, send the medical uniform into the container, leave for 30-45 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination (intensity of gray or yellow shades).

After the expiration date, rinse the product with your hands, complete the procedure with a machine wash. In the first compartment, add the powder, in the second - 125 gr. drinking soda. Set the wash cycle to intensive, dry the bathrobe away from direct ultraviolet light, otherwise it will turn yellow.

"Chlorhexidine" and drinking soda

Boil in a saucepan 3.5 liters. water, pour the composition into a basin. Pour in 240 gr. soda, stir until the granular composition is completely dissolved. Cool the solution to an acceptable temperature (read the manufacturer's recommendations on the label), as a rule, the indicator does not exceed 60 degrees.

Purchase "Chlorhexidine" at the pharmacy, add 125 ml. drug in a container with soda. Send a medical gown to the pelvis, remember it with your hands. Cover the containers with a bag to keep the steam. The exposure time of the product in the solution is 40 minutes, after which you need to pull out the clothes, wring them out and move them to a household machine.

Set the intensive wash mode. As in the previous case, add baking soda to the second compartment (100 gr.), And pour bleaching powder into the first. At the end of all manipulations, remove the bathrobe, dry it away from the sun. If you are not satisfied with the result, wash again, increasing the amount of Chlorhexidine to 150 ml.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Pour 8 liters into a deep basin. warm water (about 40 degrees), add 200 ml. ammonia and 185 ml. hydrogen peroxide solution, the concentration of which does not exceed 6%. Mix the composition, dip a medical gown in water, constantly drown the product with tongs so that it does not float. Cover with polyethylene, leave for 2.5-3 hours.

Put on gloves, a protective mask, rinse the uniform with your hands. Next, move the clothes to a household machine, wash at 50 degrees with the addition of bleach. Dry out of direct sunlight, preferably outdoors. If the contamination is strong enough, add 20-25 ml to the prepared solution. turpentine, it will greatly simplify the process of removing stains.


The technique is perfect for bleaching medical uniforms made from thick cotton and linen. Pour 7 liters into the basin. hot water, add 100 gr. soda ash, stir until the crystals dissolve. Send a bathrobe to the container, soak for 40 minutes. During this time, the solution will cool down, so you can easily carry out a hand wash. Be sure to wear a protective mask and gloves to avoid burns.

After manual processing, place the mold in the washing machine, set the temperature to 70 degrees. In the first compartment, add 85 gr. soda ash, in the second - washing powder "Automatic", pour in the rinse aid. Air dry, avoid UV rays.


Pour 0.7 liters of vodka (250 ml of ethyl alcohol can be replaced if desired) into a basin, add 350 ml. warm water and 320 ml. liquid glycerin (sold in a pharmacy and any online store). Stir the composition, dip the medical gown into the soaking solution, leave it for 35-40 minutes.

After the due date, remove the form, wash by hand. Rub the thing with laundry soap over the entire surface, put it in a plastic bag and tie it. Wait about 1 hour, then (without rinsing) wash the medical gown in the machine. Add bleach and fabric softener to eliminate bad odors.

Acetic essence

Do not confuse ordinary table vinegar with essence (its concentration exceeds the 60% mark). Take 80 ml. composition, pour into a basin, add 7 l. warm water, stir. Dip a medical gown into the container, leave it to soak for 45 minutes. After the specified period, put on protective gloves, wring out the product and move it to the machine. Set the washing mode to “Heavily soiled laundry”, wait until the end of the cycle.

If desired, you can replace the vinegar essence with a table solution, in which case the amount of the second ingredient should be increased to 275 ml. for 6 l. warm water. The use of vinegar involves natural drying in the fresh air, avoid exposure to direct ultraviolet light on the structure of the fabric.

Lemon acid

Citric acid can be used as an effective bleaching agent for white clothes. To prepare a solution for soaking, take 55 gr. composition, dilute in 3 liters. hot water and stir until the granules are completely dissolved. After that, send a bathrobe to the basin, wait about 3 hours. Do a hand wash with the addition of powder or use a machine.

You can also bleach the dressing gown with lemon juice, in which case squeeze the liquid from 5 fruits, strain it and dilute it with 4 liters. water. Soak clothes, wait 10 hours, wash in a convenient way (hand, machine).


Surely every housewife at least once used the well-known bleach for processing light fabrics. To date, the market is full of similar drugs, but Belizna still finds fertilizer in most people. With its help, only cotton products can be bleached, other fabrics will quickly deteriorate. For this reason, if your medical gown contains synthetic fibers, avoid bleaching in this way.

The technology of processing the uniform of "Beliznaya" is quite transparent. In hot water (temperature 60-70 degrees), 3 caps of the drug are diluted (the exact amount is indicated on the back of the bottle). After that, the product is soaked for 5 minutes and rinsed with running water. It is important to remember forever that you can use "Whiteness" for processing medical uniforms no more than 1 time in 25-30 days.

Based on sanitary rules and regulations, all employees of medical institutions must wear clean, perfectly washed clothes. For this reason, uniforms of this kind are produced from lightweight, wear-resistant materials that lend themselves to everyday processing. Use effective folk remedies that can easily cope with the problem.

Video: how to fold a medical gown

Any employee of a medical institution, be it a doctor, a nurse or even an orderly, should always look perfect, especially for a gown, since any contamination on it is immediately noticeable. To the doctor who takes care of his appearance, there will always be a much warmer and more friendly attitude of patients and colleagues. Whitening a medical gown to its original state at home is not difficult if you know how and what to do.

Popular improvised means

The easiest way to bring your bathrobe back to its original whiteness is to wash it in the washing machine with an industrial bleach added. However, if this was not at hand, and the spots need to be removed, you can save on buying it and use proven folk methods. In terms of their effectiveness, they are in no way inferior to purchased substances, but they are environmentally friendly and do not harm the health of humans and pets.


Very often, a white medical gown turns yellow over the entire surface or in the form of individual spots due to the mixing of drugs that fall on it. This problem is not difficult to eliminate, having a home first aid kit on hand, and more specifically, ammonia. A medium-sized basin should be filled with hot water and diluted in it with 5-6 tablespoons of ammonia, and then mixed thoroughly. A yellowed robe should be soaked in this mixture for 10-12 hours, then rinse thoroughly and hang to dry. For very strong or stubborn stains, 1-2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide are added to the ammonia, while reducing the soaking time by 2-3 hours.

In addition to the bleaching properties, ammonia also significantly softens water, which in many regions of Russia is very hard due to impurities. For this reason, you can ruin, for example, your favorite terry dressing gown, and even a medical uniform will lose its structure over time. Softening will make the washing process much easier.

Strengthening Powder

Although ordinary washing powder is able to remove stains, a bathrobe after one or several washes is likely to fade and turn gray. To prevent this from happening, you can improve the washing powder. To do this, dilute the usual amount of washing powder in 10 liters of warm water, add 4 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1 tablespoon of ammonia and 6 tablespoons of table salt. In the resulting solution, it is necessary to soak a white coat for 20 - 30 minutes, it is important not to overdo it longer than this time, otherwise the thing will become unusable very soon. After the time has elapsed, the bathrobe should be rinsed well in cold water and, if necessary, washed in the usual way.

Lemon juice

If the dirt has not yet strongly ingrained into the fabric, you can try to wash it off with lemon juice. To do this, you need to dissolve the freshly squeezed juice of two lemons in a basin of medium volume, and then soak a medical gown in the solution. It can be left to soak all night, 10-12 hours is just enough to completely remove stains. In the morning you need to rinse the thing well in cold water and dry it.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap has long been used to remove stains of various nature on clothes; it can whiten a white coat if the stains are fresh and have not had time to soak into the fibers. It is necessary to rub it on all contaminated areas and leave it to soak in warm water overnight. In the morning, you need to rinse the item thoroughly in cold water, you can add fabric softener so that the fibers do not lose their structure.

Laundry soap has proven to be effective not only when washing cotton or linen medical clothes, a white terry dressing gown can also be bleached using this proven product.

soda ash

This household cleaner finds a lot of uses when washing or cleaning an apartment. Its advantage is that it, like ammonia, softens hard water, making the washing process easier and preserving the structure of things. Unlike other products, with soda ash, you need to wash stains in a washing machine, and not by hand. To do this, a small amount of soda is poured into the washing powder compartment, the clothes are placed in the drum and washed at a temperature of 60 - 70 ° C. Additionally, you need to set the rinse mode so as not to do this manually after the end of the wash. Only linen medical clothes can be bleached in this way.

Bleach "Whiteness"

Very often, housewives use the Whiteness industrial bleaching agent, which is much cheaper than other similar substances. The item needs to be soaked in hot water for a few minutes, then add a small amount of bleach and keep the gown in the water for another 2 to 3 minutes. After that, it must be rinsed thoroughly. It should be borne in mind that it is best to work with Whiteness with gloves to avoid skin damage, and it is extremely rare to wash things with it when other methods do not help. In addition, only cotton medical clothing can be bleached in this way.

Prevention measures

Washing at home using folk methods, although safe for the environment and humans, with frequent use has a negative effect on the fabric. To ensure that medical clothing does not wear out ahead of time, but at the same time always remains snow-white, the following recommendations must be considered:

  • if you need to bleach several items of medical clothing, you need to wash them, be sure to separate them by type of fabric, for example, cotton separately from synthetics or linen;
  • the optimal frequency of whitening is 1 time per week;
  • after washing with the use of additional components, it is recommended to use fabric softener when rinsing, this will preserve the structure of the fibers;
  • if possible, it is better to wash a medical gown separately from other things;
  • if washing is done in a washing machine, it is necessary to clean the drain regularly, otherwise blockages can prevent the removal of dirt.
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