DIY paper machine (diagrams, templates). Origami paper machine: interesting models for kids Origami paper machine

Making paper figures by folding is very entertaining and useful for children's development. In addition to perseverance and attentiveness, memory and logical thinking develop. All these skills will help your child in school, and you can play with a toy made by yourself, paint it, stick it on a postcard, or give it to a friend.

Origami paper cars are more interesting for boys to make, but some girls also don’t mind taking their doll for a ride in a car. All the figures are collected according to patterns, which are subsequently remembered. The following toys can already be made from memory.

A car

The diagram for assembling an origami machine from paper is simple, so beginners or children of primary school age can try making this model.

To work you will need a square sheet of thick paper of any color. First, it is folded into two equal parts to determine the center fold line. Then each of the halves is further bent in half once and then again. The inner fold of each part of the craft should be on the inside.

Then the workpiece is turned over with the flat side outward and the center line is bent upward. You should get three broken lines or waves: one in the center (large) and two on the sides (small). The entire “accordion” is folded together and the triangles of the corners are folded down.

Then the origami paper machine unfolds as follows. Large triangles form the chamfered edges of the car's cabin. And the small corners are wheels. To make them without sharp corners, the bottom edge is folded upward in a straight line.

By bending the corners of the rectangle, the car body is given the desired shape with the headlights at the front. After the origami machine is made from paper, you can decorate the craft with applique or simply paint it with colored pencils.

How to make a jeep?

You can make a whole car park for your child from paper of different colors. You already understand how to make an ordinary passenger car. Now let's look at how to make an origami jeep car out of paper. SUVs have a flatter body surface at the rear. Let's consider what is needed for such work.

It is better to take thick square sheets of paper - 100 g/m2. You need a flat table surface and care when folding the paper. Each fold must be carefully smoothed with your finger so that the work looks neat.

Paper folding pattern

Before you make an origami machine out of paper for the game, practice on any single-sided sheet. The detailed and step-by-step diagram shows that the work needs to be done gradually, making folds in the order of the numbers under the pictures. Initially, we bend the square in half in one direction and the other. This is necessary to determine the center and divide the sheet into equal parts. Then the bottom half is folded in half and the edges are folded outward. In this case, the folds are made from the central point of the rectangle to the edges. These will be the wheels of the jeep.

Then the upper half is lowered down and we step back a couple of centimeters from the edge, as in Figure 6, and lift the paper up. Then the edges are bent downward at the corners, forming an even line between the center point and the edges at the corners.

All that remains is to turn the craft over to the other side and the work is finished. Decorate the exterior of the car as you wish. You can start the game.

Traditionally, it is believed that girls should engage in various types of needlework from childhood. But this is an erroneous opinion, since making various crafts, drawing, creating panels and other types of creativity develop imagination, fine motor skills, help children learn about the world around them and instill a love of art, regardless of the child’s gender. Of course, it can be more difficult to get boys interested in such activities, but even them can be interested in needlework.

For example, an excellent option would be to invite your child to assemble a collection of origami cars from colored paper. He will definitely appreciate the opportunity to fold the model he likes in any color, especially since in the future you can play with such paper cars in the same way as regular ones.

By following step-by-step instructions and diagrams, even novice handicraft parents will be able to explain to their child the principle by which an origami machine is folded.

One of the most popular car models in this technique is the origami racing car. The MK below is suitable for school-age children, since it is necessary to carefully monitor the order of folds.

A detailed master class with a step-by-step description of the assembly of this model with photos. Take a sheet of A4 paper and fold it in half lengthwise. Now we create exactly the same folds for the strip as in the diagram below. A double triangle should form on each side of the strip.

Next, along the folds, we fold the ends of the paper blank so that two triangles are formed with the vertices outward. Here we bend the side stripes along the lines towards the center. Now the corners of the workpiece are bent towards its center line.

At this stage you need to be especially careful. We connect the points along the arrow in the diagram, while inserting the corners into the pocket formed at the bottom of the workpiece. After these manipulations, the origami machine should look like this.

Now we mark the folds along the lines. Mark three more folds on the back of the machine.

We bend all the parts of the origami machine into the desired position.

In the end, you should end up with a racing car that looks like this.

If you find it difficult to navigate the graphical assembly diagram, we recommend watching a video with a step-by-step explanation of each step.

Video: Making a racing paper car

A simple origami car

We offer another, easier master class, which is ideal for beginning needleworkers. Such a machine can be made immediately from colored paper or painted after.

Instructions on how to assemble a paper model of a car with your own hands. Fold the square sheet in half. Now we unfold the sheet and bend its edges to the resulting fold in the center.

We bend the sharp corners of the wheels back to give them a more realistic shape and stability. At the same stage, we form the back part of the origami machine by bending the corners on the right side inward as follows. We bend the corners on the other side of the machine to form headlights. Let's straighten these corners. The end result should be a car like this.

You can make figures and models of any complexity from paper. For example, large machines can be assembled using modular origami techniques or using ready-made cut-out templates. Using these methods you can create a fire truck, motorcycle or boat. And various photo and video lessons explaining the assembly process will help you and your child bring such ideas to life.

Video: Origami toy car

We assemble three-dimensional cars from modules according to video lessons

One of the most fun leisure activities is making crafts. A special type of handicraft that is liked by both adults and children is paper designs. Origami paper machine is the most popular type, familiar in most cases to the male population of the planet.

There are many options for paper machines, ranging from the simplest configurations to 3D models. To do this, you will need a minimum set of necessary things. As a rule, these are colored paper, cardboard, scissors and glue. In more complex designs, auxiliary elements are used in the form of toothpicks (axles for wheels), caps from plastic bottles, and much more.

How to make simple origami paper cars?

All you need is a regular A4 sheet and a little time.

  • Fold the sheet in half lengthwise. Then bend the resulting corners at an angle of 45 degrees. The corners are bent on both sides. You should get bends that resemble arrows.
  • Bend the side elongated sides towards the middle. The edges of the previously obtained arrows should cover the curved sides.
  • Then bend one of the sides together with the arrow to the other edge, and tuck one arrow into the other.

Now, following the diagram, it will be easy to assemble an origami racing car from paper. You can color it as you wish.

Average level

For more complex designs, a diagram and detailed instructions are provided. You can use a ready-made cardboard box as a body. The size of the machine directly depends on the dimensions of the box.

  1. Draw doors on the sides of the box and cut out window holes.
  2. The doors are cut out in such a way that there is some margin next to the hood.
  3. Wheels are also made from cardboard by cutting circles out of it. For greater strength, you can prepare several circles at once and glue them together. Make holes in the center into which the axles will then be inserted.
  4. Holes are made in the lower part of the body, axles (skewers, toothpicks, etc.) are inserted and wheels are put on them.
  5. For the windshield, you can use a regular plastic bottle. A hole is cut out in the front part of the structure for the windshield, and the plastic is secured with tape.

Intermediate level - option No. 2

How to make origami paper machines using scrap materials?

In the previous version, skewers, tape and a plastic bottle were additionally used.

For a simple racing model configuration, you can use a cardboard toilet paper base as the body. The same roll will also serve as a base for the wheels.

  1. The surface of the roll is cleaned of glue.
  2. Next, small holes are made in it for skewers, on which future wheels will be strung. They are cut separately.
  3. The side holes in the roll are sealed with circles of cardboard, sizes corresponding to the holes themselves.
  4. The base is painted in a suitable color, and a hole is cut out in the upper part for the driver's seat. It can be either oval or round in shape.
  5. You don’t have to throw away the resulting cardboard cover, but make a seat out of it, attaching it to the body with tape.
  6. Attach the wheels.

We made a retro model of a sports car.

Retro cars

In order to make a classic passenger car, we will need:

  • paper;
  • scissors.
  • The sheet should be square. It is folded in half on one side and in the same way on the other, so that the unfolded sheet has folds that divide the sheet into four equal squares.
  • Fold the bottom part in half so that the edge touches the center. Bend the edges on one side so that you get a triangle.
  • Cover the resulting form from above with the other side to the middle of the sheet, and fold the edges in the same way as the other half.

You can build a hatchback model.

  • Take square paper of any color. Fold it in half.
  • One third on both sides is folded towards the inside of the sheet.
  • Then all four corners are bent.
  • A small portion of the vertices of each resulting triangle is slightly folded inward. The result will be a unique shape for future wheels.
  • Fold one of the remaining two corners inward.
  • Make a cut in the other corner and also bend it inward. It makes the windshield and the front part of the car (hood).

That's all - the three-dimensional hatchback model is almost ready. All that remains is to decorate it as you wish, draw windows and doors.

How to assemble a Cadillac?

You can assemble an origami machine from paper of a popular model. Using paper material of various colors, you can make a whole fleet of Cadillac models.

The execution technique is almost identical to one of the above schemes (hatchback).

  • The sheet is folded in half.
  • Then divide each side into three parts.
  • Bend the resulting flaps in different directions.
  • Turning the layout over, in the upper, main part, make bends on the sides, giving the original outline of the car body.
  • Bends are made on the sides for the wheels. For stability, the corners of the wheels are bent.
  • Small bends are made at the site of the proposed headlights. Transport is ready.

There is a varied selection of car models that both adults and children can make from paper.

For example, company cars are also popular.

The fire truck model is assembled from matchboxes glued together. There are enough of them, four of them, which are then covered with red paper.

  • For the car tower, another box is taken and installed at the very top of the structure.
  • A flashing light can be made from plasticine, and matches are glued together for the stairs.
  • Doors and other attributes are made of colored paper.

Schemes for paper origami machines are included.

Alternative design

Recently, more and more attention has been paid to the modular origami technique.

The overall design consists of many small paper modules. Depending on the design model, the modules are attached to each other either by friction or with glue.

If the proposed design consists of ten or more rows, then glue is used, since the product will not withstand its own weight and will crumble into elements.

Papercraft technique

Despite the foreign name, this technique is familiar to many from childhood. This is a process when the future product is cut out from a finished template, bent along the specified lines and glued together.

The advantage of this technique is that there is no need to reinvent the wheel, and the finished models are completely reminiscent of the real thing.

The Internet offers a wide range of templates. Both lovers of modern cars and connoisseurs of retro models will find options here.

A type of decorative and applied art of Japanese origin called “origami” has recently become increasingly popular for its simplicity and elegance of execution. The paper folding technique does not require too much - just have a sheet of paper on hand, instructions and patience.

The wide selection of patterns is also pleasing to the eye, including animals and objects, as well as household items, including cars. Car models and trucks designed specifically for a specific type of activity (fire trucks, ambulance or food transportation) and public transport, airplanes and helicopters.

So how to make your own miniature car using origami?

Step-by-step instructions for beginners

Step #1. We will need an unlimited number of sheets of paper, depending on how many options we want to get as a result. If you have any questions, look at the photo below, which shows each step in detail.

Let's get started: take a sheet of paper and fold it as shown in the picture, after cutting it to a square shape (the size is not important, nor is the color of the paper, but by using different shades, our collection will not look so monochromatic and will look better together).

Step #2. Now we fold the square lengthwise, unfold it and turn it exactly 90°C, after which we repeat the previous procedures and unfold it again, thereby indicating the location of the fold lines, which cannot be avoided. We bend the lower part up to the fold in the middle for future wheels.

Step #3. We pay all attention to the center, where we bend the corners intended for the wheels, which can be seen in the attached picture.

As expected, the wheels are located at the bottom of the figure, but do not forget to cover them with the top of the sheet, hiding the supposed elements of the future car.

Step #4. Where will our car go? Depending on the direction, you should bend the corner just above the fold line in the center of the sheet, but be careful: the folded edge bends towards the middle, but it should not stick out outside the template. Now turn the machine over to the reverse side - and you’re done, you’re unique!

Scheme for folding a racing car

A racing car made in the origami style amazes the mind, which is not surprising - such a figure looks much more realistic, as if it came out of a picture in a specialized magazine, but beginners will have to work hard to overcome this step. Are you ready for a lesson on how to make an origami racing car with your own hands?

Step #1. But unlike the previous master class on folding a passenger car, this scheme involves using not a square part, but absolutely the entire A4 size sheet.

Attention: do not try to fold several figures at the same time to avoid mistakes and inaccuracies during the lesson. But let’s return to the lesson: take our sheet of paper, lay it horizontally and carefully begin to bend it lengthwise.

Step #2. We align the left corner with the bottom of the sheet, after which we lift the upper corner of the resulting triangle upward. Repeat the procedure in relation to the right corner - and unfold. Don't forget to run your fingernail along all the lines so that they can be seen as clearly as possible!

Step #3. We bend the triangles on the sides inward and again draw the nail along the formed fold lines. Be careful: the remaining third triangle should remain on top!

We repeat the same for both sides, as shown in the photo - and connect the sides of the central figure at the center so that the corners are hidden under the triangles remaining outside.

Step #4. Let's get to work on the hood of the future racing car: to do this, take the right triangle, the edges of which are slightly less than half folded inward.

Depending on the bend angle, the car model itself will vary. We bend the remaining triangle to the formed hood and tuck it into the newly formed folds.

Step #5. We bend the back of the car at an angle of 90°C, as shown in the picture - and our racing car is ready to cover its first distances and perform maneuvers!

The result is visible to the naked eye, but do not forget that the photo of an origami machine demonstrates how it could be done. Don’t be afraid to show your imagination; it’s enough to change one detail to make the figure sparkle with “new colors” and become unlike anyone else!

Photos of machines using origami technique

Origami machine is one of the most popular paper origami. If you don't know how to make an origami machine, then on this page you will find everything you need to assemble this simple paper figurine.

In the first photo you can see what you will get if you follow the assembly diagram below. The second photo of the origami machine was taken by one of our site users. He got a yellow convertible. However, it can hardly be called origami, since it is made using scissors. If you have photos of origami you have collected, send them to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assembly diagram

Below is a diagram of how to assemble an origami machine from the famous Japanese origami master Fumiaki Shingu. If you strictly follow the instructions, then assembling the origami machine will not take much time, and the result will be the same as in the picture. After doing what is described in the diagram several times, you will understand how to make an origami machine quickly and without looking at the diagram.

Assembly instructions

  1. Fold a square piece of paper in half. Bend the bend well in both directions.
  2. Fold half of each half towards the center. Also bend the bend well in both directions.
  3. Bend the corners in the opposite direction so that you get four identical right-angled triangles.
  4. Bend the right corners of the triangles a few millimeters - these will be the wheels of our origami machine.
  5. Fold the sheet in half and bend one of the right corners of the top of the rectangle inward.
  6. From the side of the other right angle, make a small oblique cut and bend the cut part inward.
  7. The car is ready.

If you have any difficulties while assembling origami, we recommend watching our video master class in which we assemble a similar figurine using the same instructions.

Video master class

Assembling an origami machine may seem like a daunting task for beginners. Therefore, we advise you to enter the query “origami machine video” on the largest video hosting site on the Internet, YouTube. There you will find many different videos about the origami machine, which clearly show the steps to assemble the machine. We hope that after watching the assembly master class video, you will have no more questions about how to make an origami machine.

And here is a video in which you can watch how to make an origami machine, which many people do at school:

And this video tutorial tells how to make a very realistic paper car:


A car is a traditional symbol of personal independence and freedom of movement. This is the personification of technical achievements and speed. A car is often associated with the sporting spirit and victory.

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