How long does a tan last after the sea and how to maintain it. How to maintain a tan after the sea for a long time at home

Most summer vacations usually take place on the seashore. The long-awaited few weeks carry the goal not only to relax, but also to acquire the desired southern tan, which you can flaunt for the rest of the summer. But is bronze skin color so durable after the sea, and how can you keep your tan longer? Indeed, according to statistics, even a two-week sea tan lasts only twenty days on pale skin, forty-five days on light skin, and two months on dark skin.

Ways to fix a sea tan

It's no secret that a southern tan fades quickly, but there are several ways to extend the tan's stay on your skin for a long time. Let's look at the most effective of them, which will allow you to show off your sea tan for several more months.

Proper nutrition after a trip

This is one of the easiest ways to help your skin maintain a sea tan. The fact is that the tan basically goes away along with peeling of the skin. In summer, this problem is especially relevant due to dry skin, scorching sun and hot wind. Such unfavorable factors can negate all the efforts of holidaymakers to acquire the desired skin tone.

Taking vitamins helps in this matter, namely vitamins E and A. With their help, you can not only eliminate the unwanted effects of exposure to sunlight, but also provoke melanocytes to increased production of melanin, the skin pigment that gives it a darker shade.

The mentioned vitamins can be bought at the pharmacy, but in the summer you should not resort to such a solution - everything you need is in the garden. Vitamins A and E are found in broccoli, carrots, apricots, red and orange fruits and vegetables. Seafood, cereals, dairy products, butter (both butter and vegetable) and liver are also rich in these vitamins. It is best to make vitamin salads and season them with a small amount of vegetable oil so that they are better absorbed.

Skin hydration

Exfoliation of the skin and loss of bronze color also occurs due to drying out of the pores. This is an inevitable process that occurs in the summer, since high temperatures outside contribute to the release of moisture. If this did not happen, the human body would simply overheat. In order not to disrupt thermoregulation, the body can be helped by hydration. This will help keep at least the top layer of the epidermis alive and elastic for as long as possible. The best way to moisturize is a cream with a moisturizing effect or milk. These products are applied immediately after a tanning session.

It would be a mistake to think that we moisturized our skin enough on vacation. Moisturizing products must be used even after returning home. Regularly after a shower, it is recommended to lubricate the body with essential oils - extracts of arnica, witch hazel, horsetail or citrus fruits. All these aromatic oils have the ability to retain moisture in the pores of the skin and prevent it from drying out. The face can be wiped with special tonics. A tonic with rose water and green tea has a very good effect. Among folk remedies, we recommend using milk or cream rubs.

Skin nourishment

With the end of summer comes the time when the tan on the skin is lost. To prevent this from happening, the skin must be nourished with various substances that are beneficial to it. Masks made from honey, oatmeal and eggs have an excellent effect. With the help of these masks, epidermal cells receive nutrients, the skin is protected from cracking, and toxins and sebum are removed from its surface. To saturate the skin as much as possible and maintain a tan, the following masks are suitable - a tomato mask, a carrot mask, a coffee grounds mask, a mask with oregano, and tea washes.

All masks are quite easy to make. For a mask with tomatoes, you just need to mix chopped tomato with cottage cheese and vegetable oil and apply the mask for ten minutes every day. The carrot mask consists of a mixture of carrot juice, olive oil and egg yolk. All ingredients are mixed in equal quantities and the mask is applied to the skin for twenty minutes.

A mask made from coffee grounds is applied using the same principle, but you only need to choose fine coffee so that it does not create a scrub effect. To apply a mask with oregano, the flowers of the plant are mixed with honey and egg yolk, after which it is applied to the body for twenty minutes to fix the tan. Tea procedures consist of washing with a weak solution of green tea or rubbing with green tea in the form of ice cubes. Similar procedures can be carried out with the addition of cinnamon or henna to tea.

Going to the solarium

A sea tan will not go away if it is constantly monitored in a solarium. As soon as the first signs of skin lightening become noticeable, you need to visit a solarium and undergo a short session. Five minutes a week is enough to maintain bronze skin color throughout the year.

How to sunbathe correctly?

In order for the tan to be uniform and lasting, you need to take care of it at the beginning of your vacation. Before going to the sea, the skin needs to be properly prepared - peeled and removed all keratinized and exfoliating elements from its surface. The skin is steamed and cleaned well with a hard washcloth. Non-viable skin plates will still be able to retain a southern tan, so you need to get rid of them in advance.

When sunbathing, you should not stay under the sun all the time. The most effective tanning is tanning, alternating with swimming in water or staying in the shade. This is how the skin will best absorb the next dose of ultraviolet radiation. When going to the beach, you can lubricate your body with tanning lotion - with its help, your skin will better perceive the sun's rays.

After vacation, you should not often go to the bathhouse or sauna, wash with a hard washcloth, or use shower gels with abrasive particles. It is best to do a daily contrast shower, which can give your skin elasticity and health longer.

Many people associate summer with relaxation, the sea and, of course,... Therefore, upon returning from vacation, yesterday's vacationers very often have a question: is it possible to maintain a “sea” tan longer and is it harmful to go to the solarium immediately upon returning. Experts give a clear answer to this question.

Experts loudly say that visiting a solarium after a vacation is not forbidden, but, on the contrary, is very welcome. This is due to the fact that fixing the tan will help maintain a beautiful bronze shade for almost a whole year. You just need to follow a number of rules so as not to harm the skin. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that you need to start visiting the solarium no earlier than 1-1.5 weeks after returning.
So, for example, you need to visit the solarium quite regularly after vacation - 1-2 times a week. The artificial tanning time should not exceed 10 minutes. But besides this, you need to comply with a number of conditions that will help maintain the desired skin pigmentation.
Be sure to take care of your skin - for this you need to constantly moisturize it. In addition to the fact that moisturizing will help you maintain your tan, it will also nourish injured skin (and a tan is a kind of injury) with the necessary substances and components. It is advisable to use products labeled as "after tanning". Moreover, they need to be applied both on vacation and after each visit to the solarium.
To maintain a “sea” tan, do not perform any bleaching procedures - avoid applying such masks, do not use peelings with a bleaching effect, etc. It is better to use traditional methods to maintain a tan. For example, washing with tea. Its coloring pigments will give the skin the necessary shade.
Taking baths with sea salt and various essential oils also helps maintain your tan, including the one you carefully create after a vacation in the solarium.
Adjust your diet - add foods rich in vitamin A and beto-carotene to your diet. This means that you should eat more eggs, carrots, liver, tomatoes, apricots, watermelons, and mangoes.

What should you consider when trying to maintain your tan using a tanning bed?

Remember that you should never overdo it. Sunbathe in a solarium after a vacation wisely, because you risk further drying out your skin, making it flabby and wrinkled. And this will not save any beautiful tan. Therefore, when trying to maintain your tan after your holiday, be sure to follow all instructions and tips.
Experts assure that it will be easier to maintain a tan that was obtained in the shade, rather than in direct sunlight. This is due to the fact that when it comes into direct contact with the skin, ultraviolet radiation burns it too much, which speeds up regeneration. And as soon as the cells begin to work more actively, the skin renews itself faster, and the tan is “washed off” with great speed. If you followed all the rules for a beautiful tan, did not go out into the sun, hiding from it under a special beach umbrella, your tan will please you much longer. And if you also strengthen it in the solarium, then you will be asked for a whole year where you went on vacation.
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Good for those who live near the sea. It is doubly good for those whose sea is warm and the surrounding climate is ready to provide sun 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. What about everyone else who sees salt water no more than once a year? And even then, if you’re lucky with a vacation... Of course, a couple of weeks in warm countries can even turn Snow White into a Dark Girl, but only for a while. Unfortunately, a southern tan is short-lived: it quickly sets on the skin, but without proper care it doesn’t last long...

Moisturizing, nourishing and softening the skin are the three main pillars of a long-lasting tan. Skin that has been exposed to the sun is more dry than usual. The drier the skin, the faster its top layer dies off, which means the tan fades. Accordingly, in order to maintain a tan after the sea, the skin needs to be at least moisturized.

Moisturizers are applied to clean skin. However, taking a hot bath or going to the sauna after solar treatments is not recommended. High temperatures and humidity have a detrimental effect on the tan, leaving it no chance of preservation. It is best to wash off sea salt and street dust with lukewarm water in the shower using gentle body gels. It’s also better not to use soap – it dries the skin too much. Scrubs and peelings are also prohibited. Whitening cosmetics and natural remedies (cucumber, pumpkin seeds, lemon, dairy products) are the worst enemies of golden brown skin.

Warm tea and coffee baths, as well as tomato and carrot masks, which can be done both for the face and the whole body, help maintain a tan after the sea. Tomato mask is prepared from ripe tomatoes, cottage cheese and olive oil. It is applied to the skin for a period not exceeding half an hour. A carrot mask is made from essential carrot and olive oil and egg yolk. Instead of essential oil, you can use fresh carrots, passed through a fine grater. It is recommended to use a carrot mask no more than once a week. It is applied to the skin for a period not exceeding twenty minutes.

Proper nutrition also helps to maintain your tan. Brown skin color lasts longer in people who actively consume vitamin A. The latter is found in large quantities in apricots, carrots, spinach, eggs, milk, cheeses, fatty fish and liver. What’s interesting is that you can start eating right even before the start of the summer season. Red and yellow vegetables and fruits, as well as carrot juice, consumed before, during and after getting a tan, retain the latter much longer, since they begin to exert their effect on the skin in advance.

Intensive fluid consumption - at least one and a half to two liters per day - allows you to moisturize the skin from the inside and extend the life of the tan for some more time.

How to maintain a tan after a holiday at sea?
The southern sun quickly falls on the skin. A tan acquired in warm latitudes is darker and less durable than the one our body gets in its natural climatic conditions. Accordingly, in order to maintain a tan after a holiday at sea, you need to try to use your sun. It will fix your existing tan and add to it a new, less dark, but more lasting shade that can last for several months.

If you can’t sunbathe in natural conditions, you can turn to a solarium. You are allowed to visit it just a few weeks after your vacation at sea. You can go to the solarium once every one to two weeks, depending on your skin type and the intensity of the tan you receive. Before visiting the solarium, it is recommended to thoroughly cleanse the skin of dead cells. In this case, the use of scrubs and peeling is allowed, since, in addition to preserving the old one, the skin will also receive a new tan, and it can only lie on new, clean cells. People with fair skin can spend about five minutes in a solarium, while people with dark skin can spend seven to ten minutes.

Many people associate summer with relaxation, the sea and, of course, a beautiful tan, which for most people is the main indicator of attractiveness and well-being. Therefore, almost every woman, returning from vacation, dreams of maintaining a bronze skin tone for as long as possible, which gives a special charm to her body and reminds her of wonderful moments spent on the beach. Unfortunately, most often the tan disappears two to three weeks after the holiday, and as a result, not a trace of the golden hue remains.

As you know, the length of time a sea tan lasts depends on a number of reasons, and primarily on where exactly it was purchased - in the shade or under the scorching sun. In the second case, the skin experiences serious stress and tries to recover in a short time, and accordingly, it turns pale quite quickly, and if the bronze shade was obtained gradually, over a long time, then it will last longer. Of course, the durability of a tan can also vary depending on the color type of the epidermis. So, for example, on light skin the golden tint lasts, as a rule, no more than 20 days, and on dark skin - about 60 days.

In fact, it is possible to maintain a tan after the sea for a longer period, and for this there are several ways that involve special procedures and adherence to a certain diet. But before you begin to implement your plan, it is worth understanding why the tan disappears and why the skin, having acquired a golden hue, does not remain that way forever, but gradually turns pale and returns to its normal state? The thing is that epidermal cells have a high regenerative ability, that is, they are constantly renewed. And since tanning affects just the surface layer of the skin, the keratinized particles, dying, gradually deprive the dermis of the desired golden hue. Of course, it is impossible to completely stop this process, but any beauty can slow it down, you just need to familiarize yourself with some of the recommendations that will be presented below.

Tanning is a change in skin color under the influence of ultraviolet radiation due to increased production of a specific coloring pigment (melanin). It is this substance that gives the dermis a seductive shade, for which many representatives of the fair sex are ready to spend hours on the beach. In addition, melanin stimulates the synthesis of another component important for the normal functioning of the body - cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), which takes part in the regulation of many metabolic processes and stimulates the production of certain hormones. In this regard, we can conclude that tanning is to some extent beneficial for the skin; it is only important to know how to acquire a golden hue without harming the beauty and health of the dermis and how to maintain the result for a long time.

One of the important conditions for obtaining an even, and most importantly, the most durable tan is preliminary preparation of the skin, from which it is necessary to remove dead particles and impurities. For these purposes, you need to use mechanical peeling - a procedure that allows you to even out the skin texture, which, in turn, will ensure a uniform golden hue. Do not forget that after such cleaning the dermis becomes more vulnerable to the effects of ultraviolet radiation, so after such procedures you should start sunbathing only after a few days.

The most common mistake that many women make in the hope of getting a beautiful tan is uncontrolled and thoughtless exposure to the scorching sun. Of course, you can tan quite quickly this way, but the likelihood of getting a serious burn is very high. In addition, a tan acquired in this way will most likely disappear after 2-3 weeks, when the damaged skin begins to peel off. In order to maintain a beautiful golden skin tone for a long time, you need to learn how to sunbathe correctly, not only by controlling the duration of exposure to the sun, but also by paying attention to the time of day chosen for tanning. It is best to visit the beach before noon or after 15:00 - during these periods, sun activity decreases, and, accordingly, the risk of getting burns is minimized.

Having acquired a tan, the skin not only receives beneficial substances that are synthesized under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, but also loses a large amount of moisture. Therefore, another important stage in caring for the epidermis during this period is its deep hydration, otherwise the skin will begin to peel off, and along with the dead cells, the desired shade will disappear. In order to replenish the lack of moisture in the cells, you should use special products designed for skin care after sunbathing. At the same time, you should not use cosmetics containing components that have a whitening effect (cucumber extract, lemon or celandine juice, and others), otherwise you are unlikely to be able to maintain your tan for a long time.

Few people know that how long a tan lasts depends largely on your diet. With insufficient supply of nutrients to the body, skin cells experience oxygen starvation, lose their ability to retain moisture and begin to renew themselves intensively. Therefore, while sunbathing, you should try to diversify your menu with products containing large amounts of vitamins (A, E and C), which will not only help minimize the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, but also activate the activity of melanin-producing cells. Such products include carrots, tomatoes, apricots, pumpkin, spinach, cabbage, beef liver, vegetable oils, cereals and seafood. If necessary, you can take pharmaceutical preparations containing vitamin complexes, but for this it is advisable to first consult a doctor. It is also very important to drink enough liquid (mineral water, green tea and natural juices) - this will help you avoid dehydration and dry skin.

You can maintain a beautiful bronze skin tone for a long time using various self-tanning cosmetics. Such cosmetics accelerate the synthesis of melanin and help to maintain the tan obtained at sea for a long time. Such products must be of high quality, otherwise the skin may become stained and not a trace will remain of its former beauty. Another effective way to maintain a seductive tan is a solarium, which should be visited no more than twice a month, of course, in the absence of medical indications.

To maintain a tan for a long time, you need to learn how to properly care for tanned skin. After sunbathing, you should avoid visiting the bathhouse and sauna, as well as using hot water to wash your body - such procedures are certainly important for deep cleansing the skin, but they can only cause harm to your tan. In addition, it is necessary to avoid the use of washcloths and scrubbing agents, which can erase the shade acquired at sea from the skin, and unevenly.

Tanned skin needs comprehensive care and protection. In the arsenal of folk cosmetology there are a large number of recipes for the preparation of products that promote the long-term preservation of a sea tan. They contain natural, accessible ingredients that can easily replace professional cosmetics intended for these purposes.

Carrot mask with olive oil

This product will help replenish the deficiency of nutrients in skin cells and maintain a beautiful tan for a long time after the sea. The carrot mask is not recommended for those with very pale skin, otherwise it may acquire an unpleasant yellow tint.

  • 2 carrot roots;
  • 100 ml olive oil.
  • Grate the peeled carrots and squeeze the juice out of the resulting pulp.
  • Mix it with warm olive oil and lubricate the skin with the prepared product.
  • After 20 minutes, rinse your body with cool water without soap.

Tomato mask with cottage cheese

This mask will help to significantly prolong the darkness of the skin, saturate the dermis with moisture and give it elasticity.

  • 2–3 fresh tomatoes;
  • 50 ml olive oil;
  • 100 g of fat cottage cheese.
  • Grind the tomatoes in a blender, add cottage cheese and butter to the resulting slurry.
  • Mix everything thoroughly and apply the prepared mixture to the skin.
  • After 20–25 minutes, take a contrast shower.

Yolk mask with oregano and honey

This product perfectly nourishes the skin and helps to maintain a long-lasting golden hue.

  • a handful of fresh oregano leaves and flowers;
  • 80 g honey;
  • 2 egg yolks.

Preparation and use:

  • Grind the oregano with a pestle, add honey and yolks.
  • Mix all components thoroughly and apply the resulting mass to the body for 15–20 minutes.
  • Rinse your skin with cool water without soap.

Coffee bath

This procedure saturates skin cells with antioxidants and prevents the destruction of melanin, which gives the dermis a bronze tint. It is important to consider that coffee baths have a stimulating effect on the nervous system, so they are not recommended to be taken before bed.

Cooking method:

  • Brew 500 ml of strong natural coffee and pour it into the bath water (it should not be too hot).
  • The procedure takes 20–25 minutes. The remaining coffee grounds can be mixed with vegetable oil in equal proportions and used as a soft scrub, which will not only cleanse the skin of impurities, but also help it maintain a beautiful shade.

How to tan properly

You can maintain a southern tan longer after your vacation if you scrub thoroughly before going to the beach. Otherwise, dead cells will dry out and begin to take moisture from healthy ones, this will lead to peeling and varying degrees of pigmentation (colored spots on the body). For home scrubbing you can use:

  1. Salt or sugar;
  2. Coffee;
  3. Professional scrubs or shower gels with special additives.

If you don’t have anything like that at hand or you’re already on the beach, then just wipe yourself with sand. By the way, this is an excellent prevention of cellulite and ingrown hairs after depilation. Only contraindicated for wounds and cuts.

Photo - Coffee scrub

Next, you need to choose the right creams for sunbathing. You should use cosmetics with UV filters even in winter; this will help maintain your summer tan and prepare your epidermis for the new season. An excellent activator is olive oil. It can be used on both the body and face. Olive ether will also help protect you from burns in the first months of solar activity. If you regularly apply a couple of drops of this product to yourself after a shower, the pigmentation will remain for at least a couple of months longer than usual.

Tips for proper tanning and to avoid skin peeling for a long time:

  1. Wash in running water without adding chlorine. Chlorine is a chemical element that whitens skin;
  2. Always after sunbathing and swimming in salt water, hurry to wash off in a fresh source, otherwise the epidermis will begin to dehydrate and peel off;
  3. Proper care will help you get a beautiful tan and maintain it. Always use protective creams in the sun (the factor is selected according to your skin type), do not sunbathe between 11 am and 2 pm, and use moisturizing lotions after showering.

All women love summer. And how can you not love the long-awaited holiday season, when you can soak up the sandy beach under the gentle rays of the sun, show off your well-groomed bodies to the whole world, dress up in new fashionable things every day, relax and be the happiest. And, of course, every woman loves flattery and compliments. How nice it is to return from vacation and come to work with a beautiful, even “southern” tan. However, soon many women begin to notice that the intensity of the tan is fading away. What to do in this case? How to maintain a tan after the sea for a long time?

Diet for maintaining a tan

It should come as no surprise, but what you eat will greatly influence the duration and intensity of your tan. First, you should understand that you will need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. In no case should you deprive your skin of the amount of fat it needs, which can be found in fatty types of fish, for example, mackerel, sardines, tuna, salmon, vegetable fats, etc. In addition, these fatty fish contain the amino acid tyrosine, which can maintain dark skin pigments.

Vitamins E, C and A will also help maintain your tan; they work simultaneously in two directions: they protect the tan and negate the negative effects of ultraviolet doses. In addition, these vitamins help speed up the absorption of selenium, which itself is considered a powerful antioxidant.

In addition, it is imperative to increase the consumption of provitamin A or beta-carotene, which can stimulate the production of melanin. It is also one of the most powerful natural activators, as well as fixers of the coveted tan. A huge amount of it is present in simple carrots. The champions in beto-carotene content are watermelons, mangoes, apricots, melons, peaches, and spinach.

The necessary vitamin C can be found in summer fruits and vegetables, freshly squeezed juices, and herbs. The most serious sources of this substance include black currants, tomatoes, all citrus fruits, strawberries, peppers, and watercress.

Vitamin A is found in egg yolk, milk, spinach, apricots, beef liver, carrots, butter, fatty fish, tomatoes, and various cheeses. However, you should know that this vitamin is absorbed only together with fats, so it is best to eat grated carrots with sour cream or fatty vegetable oils. If you are interested in the question of how to maintain a tan after the sea for a long time, then you will have to pay special attention to your diet.

Moisturizing and cleansing the skin

Remember that when a person’s skin gets tanned, it becomes much rougher. That is why her natural desire may be to restore the elasticity of her upper layer. In order to prevent the tan from “peeling off”, that is, peeling off, it is necessary to constantly moisturize the skin. There are a lot of products for this, which include milk, creams, lotions. Just when choosing your products, carefully study the composition. Thus, the composition should not contain substances that are usually used for skin whitening, for example, lemon extract, cucumber extract, etc.

Don't forget about cleansing your tanned skin. Of course, the skin should be clean, but for this purpose you should not use rough washcloths or scrubs, as such products will quickly deprive your skin of the shade you want. Cleansing should be done using soft shower gels or creams. If you like to take baths, then during the process you can add a little thickly brewed coffee or tea to the water. They contain special dyes that will not only increase skin tone, but also give it the coveted dark tone.

Home Recipes

1. Freeze strong brewed black tea. Use one ice cube daily to wipe your facial skin. This technique will give the skin a slight coloring effect. In addition, ice from the tea will invigorate the skin and give it a rested, fresh look.

2. After drinking your favorite coffee in the morning, you don’t need to throw away the grounds in a hurry. Use it as a cleansing mask. To do this, add a small dose of olive oil to the grounds. Keep the mask on your body or face for about 15 minutes. This method will also provide additional intensity to the skin color.

3. A simple tomato mask will also give temporary darkness. To prepare it, take a couple of tomatoes, mash them, season them with one tablespoon. olive oil and 4 tbsp. fat cottage cheese. Apply the mask to the body and leave for a third of an hour. After this, rinse your skin under a contrast shower (that is, first with cool and then with warm water).


In order to maintain their natural tan, many women turn to beauty salons, where they have the opportunity to use solarium services. This is the fastest and most reliable way to maintain your skin tone. The frequency of visits and duration of sessions can be determined by a specialized salon worker.

As you can see, there are many ways to maintain your tan at the proper level. Choose the one that suits you best and act!

Luxurious brown skin color is the dream of almost every second girl. Since it is not easy to maintain a tan after the sea for a long time and not peel off, you need to be patient and use numerous folk and professional remedies.

What not to do

The most important thing in maintaining a tan is getting it right. If the skin is burnt, then it will certainly begin to peel off soon; this cannot be prevented. In essence, tanning is the body’s protective reaction to exposure to ultraviolet rays. In the surface layer of the epidermis (also called the spiky layer), active cell division begins, exceeding a certain norm of which can develop into oncology. To slow down this division, the body begins to produce melanin, which colors the body in pleasant shades of brown.

Therefore, the first thing you need to know in order not to peel off and maintain a tan after the sea is to try not to get sunburned. The body peels off when it lacks certain substances or only dead cells remain on the surface. The reasons can be distinguished by the type of layer being removed:

  1. If the epidermis simply peels off or looks dehydrated, then the problem is a lack of nutrients and moisturizing substances;
  2. If it peels off in large pieces, then the body is freed from problematic keratinized cells.

Peeling method

  1. Use products with deep moisturizing properties. First of all, these are special creams or after-sun creams. They are saturated with natural ingredients and chemical elements that retain moisture in the skin even in the hottest heat. Do not use glycerin - it will “suck” moisture from the deep layers of the epidermis and speed up the process of removing the outer shell;
  2. Use mild soap or shower gel, do not use chemical or cheap detergents. In most cases, good gels contain effective moisturizers: oils, extracts, extracts. They will help nourish and protect the body from tissue keratinization;
  3. Special masks and wraps will help preserve your tan. For example, from seaweed or honey.

But, at the same time, if peeling begins on the face, then the process is irreversible, you need to get rid of the cause and moisturize. At home, a scrub made from sugar or coffee will effectively remove scales. Under no circumstances use chemical or acid peels in the summer - they can affect natural pigmentation. Wash your face several times a day with chamomile infusion or rose water and be sure to apply a cream with a good UV filter (from 25). This will help maintain a dark complexion at first. In the future it will simply light up again. As an analogue of creams, you can make a carrot mask every morning, but this method is only suitable for dark-skinned girls.

Photo – Tanning creams

The most important thing for blondes and redheads to remember is how to maintain their tan longer. In girls of this type, the sun “sticks” the fastest and lasts the least on the epidermis. Even an instant burn can be turned into a gorgeous tan if you apply shea butter to it. It is not only a natural antioxidant, but also an excellent natural pigmentation enhancer. You can also use cosmetics with coconut or shea butter additives.

The Crimean southern tan always catches the eye, it even differs in shade from that obtained in central Russia. It also lasts the longest, but it can be extended, if you are burned, literally until the next season:

  1. Apply vitamin E, A, or beta-carotene to yourself both before and after sunbathing. These substances will not only help improve the quality of pigmentation, but also help protect the resulting pigment;
  2. Do not steam yourself in the bath or bathhouse - otherwise your body will peel off very quickly;
  3. Bathe in herbal infusions; for example, nettle, string or chamomile have proven themselves to be excellent activators.

Photo – Vitamin E

The next rule is to draw up the main menu. According to research from leading beauty companies, girls who regularly eat peaches, watermelons and carrots stay tan longer. This is due to the presence of a certain substance in these fruits that affects the amount of pigment produced by the body. Olives and black olives have proven themselves to be excellent enhancers.

And the most basic rule for prolonging a tan is quality sunbathing. The fact is that if you initially tanned incorrectly, then the dark skin color will not last long. Therefore, prepare in advance for going to the beach.

Video: useful tips for maintaining a tan

How to tan properly

You can maintain a southern tan longer after your vacation if you scrub thoroughly before going to the beach. Otherwise, dead cells will dry out and begin to take moisture from healthy ones, this will lead to peeling and varying degrees of pigmentation (colored spots on the body). For home scrubbing you can use:

  1. Salt or sugar;
  2. Coffee;
  3. Professional scrubs or shower gels with special additives.

If you don’t have anything like that at hand or you’re already on the beach, then just wipe yourself with sand. By the way, this is an excellent prevention of cellulite and ingrown hairs after depilation. Only contraindicated for wounds and cuts.

Photo – Coffee scrub

Next, you need to choose the right creams for sunbathing. You should use cosmetics with UV filters even in winter; this will help maintain your summer tan and prepare your epidermis for the new season. An excellent activator is olive oil. It can be used on both the body and face. Olive ether will also help protect you from burns in the first months of solar activity. If you regularly apply a couple of drops of this product to yourself after a shower, the pigmentation will remain for at least a couple of months longer than usual.

Tips for proper tanning and to avoid skin peeling for a long time:

  1. Wash in running water without adding chlorine. Chlorine is a chemical element that whitens skin;
  2. Always after sunbathing and swimming in salt water, hurry to wash off in a fresh source, otherwise the epidermis will begin to dehydrate and peel off;
  3. Proper care will help you get a beautiful tan and maintain it. Always use protective creams in the sun (the factor is selected according to your skin type), do not sunbathe between 11 am and 2 pm, and use moisturizing lotions after showering.

Almost every woman, basking on the beach in the summer, dreams of a beautiful and even tan, with which she can surprise her friends for a long time. And women themselves, frankly speaking, enjoy a dark skin tone. However, unfortunately, over time, any tan begins to lighten, fade, and as a result, no trace remains of the dark shade. Therefore, women worry: how to maintain a tan longer, how to make it more durable?

To begin with, it should be noted that the duration of the tan is affected by where exactly you got it: in the country, in the village or in the south, near the sea. It is known that sea tans tend to fade faster than northern tans. A tan that is properly formed within fourteen days lasts on average about 60 days on dark skin, up to 45 days on light skin, and only 20 days on almost white skin. Of course, the intensity of tanning also varies depending on skin type. But in any case, there are some methods for preserving it.

Basic rules for maintaining a tan

Add vitamin A to your diet

Due to sun exposure, the skin becomes dry, so it needs to be nourished with vitamin A from the outside and inside. To do this, after a shower and bath, it is recommended to use various body oils and apply a drop of retinol palmitate internally on a piece of black bread daily (you will find this remedy in almost any pharmacy).

Watch your diet

The menu should include eggs, milk, carrots, spinach, beef liver, apricots and various vegetables and fruits in red and yellow colors. Be sure to increase your intake of beta-carotene, which stimulates melanin production. Beta-carotene is one of the strongest natural tanning activators and fixers. Make it a rule to drink one glass of carrot juice every day, starting before sunbathing - this will help the tan “lay on” your skin more intensely and last longer.

Don’t forget about nourishing your skin with a sufficient amount of fats contained in food - for this you should eat fish (especially tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardines), as well as vegetable oils. In addition, these products also contain tyrosine, an amino acid that maintains dark skin pigment.

Provide skin with hydration and protection

Be sure to apply moisturizer to your skin. As a rule, after tanning, the skin becomes very dry and therefore begins to peel, as a result of which you can forget about tanning. Moisturized skin retains its tan longer.

If you are interested in how to maintain a tan after the sea, use special after-sun products. They are used immediately after sunbathing, but you can continue to apply them after vacation, as they help to maintain a long-lasting tan.

Also, prolongators, or simply fixers, will come to your aid - special cosmetics that fix the tan and preserve it for as long as possible. As a rule, these are rich moisturizing complexes that restore and tone the epidermis, and also provide a skin rejuvenation effect. Some prolongators contain special components that give the skin a seductive shimmering shine.

Don't forget about gentle peeling

Over time, your skin tone becomes less attractive, which means it's time to update it. Of course, you want to constantly maintain and improve your tan, so many people resort to using a solarium. However, visiting it too often leads to dry skin. For this reason, it is better to lightly exfoliate a few weeks after your vacation and apply a moisturizing lotion with a toning effect to your skin - this will help your tan look fresher and your skin well-groomed.

Refrain from visiting the bathhouse

You should avoid visiting the sauna and bathhouse for a while, since the tan “comes off” from steamed skin very quickly. Also refrain from using scrubs.

As for the bath, it should not be taken for very long. A bath with vegetable oils and sea salt will be especially beneficial for the skin, and in particular for tanning.

Folk remedies for maintaining a tan

There are a lot of effective recipes for those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to maintain a tan for a long time using traditional methods. One of these is rinsing or rubbing the skin with tea or coffee. Tea, moreover, perfectly moisturizes the epidermis and tightens pores.

Another way to maintain a tan is to rub the skin with chamomile or chamomile infusion. Pour 8 tablespoons of dried flowers into a liter of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 2 hours. This product is recommended to be used daily during morning procedures.

A carrot mask will also help maintain a dark skin tone. Grate the carrots on a fine grater or squeeze out a small amount of carrot juice and mix with olive oil, apply to the skin for 20 minutes, and then rinse. But it is necessary to take into account that such a mask is contraindicated for skin that is too pale - it may not acquire a dark tint, but turn yellow.

Freshly brewed coffee crab will help cleanse your skin of impurities and maintain a tan.

A tomato mask will help prolong the temporary darkening of the skin. Mash two tomatoes, mix with one tablespoon of olive oil and four tablespoons of full-fat cottage cheese, apply to the skin for 20 minutes, and then rinse off first with cold and then warm water.

Cucumbers, lemons, and milk should be temporarily excluded from the diet, as well as the list of products that help take care of the skin, as they whiten the skin.


How to get a beautiful tan and maintain it for a long time - this is what today’s article is devoted to. It contains the most effective tips, following which you can be proud of a beautiful tanned body even several months after your vacation.

To keep your tan as long as possible, you need to follow just a few simple recommendations. Before going to the beach, you need to do a soft peeling, with the help of which all dead skin particles are removed, and the tan lays down in a more even layer. Of course, sooner or later the tan will gradually fade, because skin cells are being renewed. But there are a few secrets to extend the life of your delicate golden hue.

In fact, tan and tan are different. Its duration directly depends on where and how it was received. For example, it is generally accepted that a southern tan fades much faster, while a tan acquired at a summer cottage lasts much longer. The most interesting thing is that this is actually true. The only problem is that to get such a “long-lasting” tan you need to constantly be under the scorching rays of the sun.

It is also worth considering that our skin is simply not prepared for the very aggressive action of the sun in hot southern countries. Therefore, even if you sunbathe according to all the rules (visit the beach in the morning and evening, regularly use sunscreen), your delicate skin begins to suffer. Minor burns appear on its surface, which disappear as the cells renew themselves. The tan goes away along with them.

How to get a good tan

To get an even golden skin tone, just follow these tips:
  • It is best to tan in the morning, as well as in the late afternoon, when the sun is not so active and does not act too aggressively on the skin. Of course, not everyone can get up early in the morning to go to the beach. Or they don’t find time for sunbathing in the evening. But do not despair, even from this situation there is a way out. You can sunbathe during the daytime, but only in the shade so that your skin is not directly exposed to the sun. As a result, the tan lays down evenly and will not disappear quickly, since burns will not appear on the skin.
  • Before going to the beach, you must use special sunscreens that have a high level of protection (at least 30). After all, everyone knows that as a result of prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, premature aging begins. This way, your skin won’t take on an unhealthy red color, and when you return from the beach, you won’t look like boiled crayfish.
  • After returning from the beach and taking a shower, you must apply lotion, cream or after-sun oil to your skin. These products not only fix the golden tone of the skin, but also pleasantly moisturize the body.

How to maintain your tan after vacation

The most important thing is to properly prepare the skin. This includes visiting a sauna or steam bath; other water procedures are also perfect, during which special exfoliating agents will be used. During such procedures, the skin is perfectly steamed, all dead particles and impurities are removed. A simple bath with the addition of sea salt or vegetable oils is also perfect. Thanks to these simple preparatory procedures, the tan will lie evenly and last much longer.

Special cosmetics are no less effective. After sunbathing, it is mandatory to use various moisturizers that are designed specifically for the care of dry skin. Exposure to ultraviolet rays triggers an accelerated regeneration process, as a result of which the upper layers of the epidermis will peel off much faster. Thanks to regular moisturizing, this process slows down significantly, and the golden tone of the skin will remain for a long time.

Such products intended for skin care after sunbathing have a very large number of necessary and truly useful functions that help maintain the acquired shade. Such preparations effectively moisturize and have a calming effect even after strong ultraviolet exposure. But you need to use only high-quality cosmetics.

After tanning, it is strictly forbidden to use products that have a whitening effect, because all efforts will be in vain and very soon the tan will completely disappear. This rule applies to various creams and face masks, as well as body products, decorative cosmetics and certain recipes for home remedies that contain substances that have a whitening effect. For example, this includes lemon, cucumbers, pumpkin seeds and a variety of fermented milk products.

Tanning Products

The daily diet should include various vegetable oils and fish (sardine, mackerel, salmon, tuna), since they contain fat necessary for the human body. In addition, these products are rich in tyrosine, an amino acid that helps maintain skin cell pigment.

Vitamins E, C, A are essential. These substances not only retain a delicate golden hue, but are also able to completely eliminate the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. They also ensure accelerated absorption of selenium by the body - this is one of the most powerful antioxidants.

It is imperative to increase your daily intake of provitamin A, or beta-carotene. This substance has an active stimulating effect on the production of melanin - one of the best natural fixers of a golden skin tone. The largest amount is found in carrots, which can even be consumed raw. Beta-carotene is also found in spinach, watermelon, peaches, mangoes, apricots and delicious melon.

Almost all fresh summer fruits contain vitamin C. The main thing is that all fruits should be eaten only raw, but you can sometimes make fresh natural juices. This valuable vitamin is found in watercress, currants, strawberries, peppers, tomatoes and citrus fruits.

No less useful is vitamin A, which is found in large quantities in egg yolks, milk, spinach, apricots, fish (only fatty varieties), beef liver, butter, carrots, cheeses and tomatoes. Together with fats, this vitamin is perfectly absorbed by the body, so it is recommended to take raw carrots, peel, grate and season with a small amount of any oil. Sour cream is also suitable for dressing.

Fresh vegetables, red and yellow fruits, as well as lettuce will help you maintain your tan for a long time. If you wish, you can buy a solution of vitamin A and take it as is. However, in this case, you will need to consult a therapist who will help establish a safe dosage of the vitamin and duration of its use.

The diet should also include vegetable oils (corn and sunflower), since they contain valuable vitamin E. Other sources of the vitamin are almonds and fresh vegetables.

How to maintain a tan at home

Folk remedies are no less effective and are much more useful than modern skin care cosmetics. After tanning, the skin should be rinsed with coffee, tea or cocoa, which helps maintain a beautiful golden hue for a long time. One of the advantages of rinsing the body with tea is that it not only perfectly moisturizes, but also helps tighten enlarged pores.

To maintain a tan on your face, you need to periodically wipe your skin with a cotton pad soaked in an infusion of chamomile or chamomile - exactly 8 tbsp per liter of boiling water. l. dry raw materials and infused for several hours in a glass container with a tightly closed lid. This remedy can be used every morning.

A carrot mask is also ideal for the face - carrots are chopped on a fine grater (you can also use fresh juice), mixed with olive oil and applied to the face for 15 minutes. Then you need to wash your face with cool water. However, this mask is strictly forbidden to be used by those with very pale skin, since the face may acquire not a pleasant dark, but a sickly yellow tint.

A coffee scrub, which should only be made from a fresh drink, also has the desired fixing effect. This product not only helps to cleanse your face of impurities, but also helps maintain a pleasant golden hue. The most important thing is that these techniques are used regularly.

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