What is galvanization in cosmetology. Application of galvanics in cosmetology

Galvanotherapy or galvanization is one of the modern effective methods of skin rejuvenation and healing used in cosmetology. The method is based on the effect of galvanic current on the skin in combination with active substances, which is carried out using special equipment.

Galvanic current - This is a direct electric current with a voltage of 30 to 80 V and a force of up to 50 mA. Galvanic current enters cellular tissues through the use of passive and active electrodes, as a result of which certain physical and chemical processes begin to occur in the body. Charged ions of directed action are formed between the negative and positive electrodes, which, moving in tissues, accelerate metabolism and the processes of recovery and regeneration in the body.

Under the influence of galvanic current, blood vessels dilate and histamine, heparin, endorphin, serotonin and other active substances begin to be produced. As a result of these processes, the supply of micronutrients to skin cells is facilitated, the functions of the sebaceous glands are normalized, cell permeability and the protective functions of the skin are increased.

Galvanic current has the most beneficial effect on the skin in combination with medications. Beneficial substances, in interaction with current, are deeply introduced into the skin without injuring it. At the same time, their activity and duration of exposure increase even at small doses.

Galvanization can be called a powerful biostimulator of the whole organism. It not only affects the skin, but also penetrates into the deep layers of cellular tissue. The procedure improves blood circulation, carbohydrate and protein metabolism, triggers the body's recovery processes, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. In cosmetology, two types of galvanotherapy procedures are used: iontophoresis and disincrustation.

Iontophoresis- This is a skin healing procedure using galvanic current. in combination with cosmetic preparations. Cosmetics undergo a polarization process, are charged and injected into the skin in the form of an electrolyte solution. Passing through the healing solution, the galvanic current causes the active movement of nutrient ions, which, accumulating in cellular tissues, enter the lymphatic and blood vessels.

Due to the property of galvanic current to increase tissue permeability, iontophoresis makes it possible to introduce nutrients into the deeper layers of the epidermis. In addition, the injected substances are most active and effective under the influence of current. The special value of the iontophoresis procedure is that it increases the skin’s ability to retain moisture in its cells, the lack of which is the main cause of wrinkles.

The possibilities of iontophoresis in rejuvenating and healing the skin are very extensive. The goals of iontophoresis are:

  • Removing toxins from cellular tissues.
  • Increasing skin elasticity, moisturizing, rejuvenating, and smoothing wrinkles of the face and neck.
  • Increased access of oxygen to cellular tissues.
  • Lymphatic drainage, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Increasing skin resistance to stress and adverse environmental conditions.
  • Improving blood circulation and stimulating energy processes in the skin.
  • Stimulation of collagen and elastin production.
  • Help in getting rid of cellulite.
  • Treatment of various skin problems: swelling, age spots, dry skin, acne.

Medicines are selected individually by a cosmetologist. The nutritional compositions use active ingredients such as vitamin C, nicotinic acid, hyaluronic acid, aloe juice, salicylic acid, zinc paste, placenta, orange, chamomile, mint, parsley, echinacea and other medicinal substances.

Disincrustation- a facial cleansing procedure that combines the use of galvanic current and an alkaline solution. Galvanic current, acting on the solution, causes chemical reactions called “saponification”. As a result of this process, the fatty acids of the sebaceous glands, reacting with alkalis, are saponified and converted into soaps, which are easily washed off from the skin, thereby cleansing it. The skin is loosened and the secretion of the sebaceous glands is removed from its pores. As a result of the deincrustation procedure, skin pores are cleaned and restoration processes are accelerated.

Solutions of sodium bicarbonate (1 - 3%), sodium chloride (3 - 5%), and sodium carbonate (5%) are most often used as alkali.

Advantages and disadvantages of galvanotherapy



  • The need for several procedures for a stable result.
  • Redness of the skin after the procedure, which quickly passes.
  • There is a possibility of not very pleasant sensations both during and after the procedure.
  • There is a possibility of a metallic taste in the mouth after the procedure.
  • Large list of contraindications.

Galvanotherapy procedure

The patient takes the galvanotherapy procedure, sitting or lying down, in the following sequence:

  • The skin is pre-cleansed and degreased using enzyme peeling, brushing or scrub.
  • Next, a gauze tape soaked in the drug or a conductive gel with healing substances is applied to the skin.
  • After this, the specialist begins to smoothly treat the skin with an electrode. The procedure uses two electrodes: active and passive. The active electrode affects areas of the skin, and the patient holds the passive electrode in his hand.
  • Next, the patient’s skin is wiped with a tonic lotion, a nourishing soothing mask is applied to it, and then a nourishing cream is applied.

The iontophoresis procedure lasts from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the area of ​​the treated area. The duration of disincrustation is from 1 to 3 minutes.

During the session, the patient may feel a slight tingling sensation, which is quite tolerable. Sometimes you may feel a metallic taste in your mouth, which goes away after a while.

The galvanotherapy procedure should be carried out twice a month. The full course consists of 4 or 6 procedures. The course can be repeated after two or three months.

In galvanotherapy, such stationary devices as Potok-1, AGN-1, Potok-Br, AGN-23, Elfor-Prof and other domestic and foreign equipment are used. All devices consist of the following elements:

  • AC rectifier.
  • Two electrodes, which consist of lead plates from 0.3 to 1 mm thick, a cord and flannel pads.
  • Control and adjustment devices.

Indications and contraindications


  • Oily, dry or sensitive skin.
  • Flabby aging skin.
  • Fine and deep wrinkles.
  • Pigmentation.
  • Acne, post-acne, rosacea, rosacea.
  • Muscle hypotension.
  • Preparing the skin before plastic surgery.
  • Comedones, pimples, acne scars.
  • Swelling and dark circles under the eyes.


  • Individual intolerance to currents.
  • The presence of skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis.
  • Impaired integrity of the skin at the sites of electrode exposure.
  • Systemic blood disease, tuberculosis, neoplasms, thrombophlebitis.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Acute purulent inflammatory process.
  • Presence of mental disorders, epilepsy.
  • Atherosclerosis, heart disease, presence of a built-in pacemaker.
  • The presence of pins, fillers, gold threads and metal prostheses in the treated areas.

Galvanotherapy (iontophoresis) at home

Currently, galvanic therapy is also available at home. Many portable models have been developed for the procedure. They differ in size, technical characteristics, area of ​​application and possible operations. Devices for home use can perform one galvanizing function or be a mixed-action cosmetic processor.

How to choose a device for galvanotherapy (iontophoresis)

To get the greatest effect from a home procedure, you should carefully choose a galvanotherapy device. First, you need to decide what problems you would like to eliminate using the device. Secondly, it is recommended to buy a device made by a time-tested manufacturer. Thirdly, the device must have a sufficient number of positive reviews about its work.

There are several devices for home galvanotherapy that have proven themselves in the domestic market:

It should be remembered that the device is only a tool in the struggle for beauty. For the effectiveness of the procedure, the correct choice of gel for galvanotherapy is no less important. High-quality gels are produced in the form of specially charged water-based complexes and do not contain oil or alcohol.

Each of the cosmetic gels is designed to work with either a positive or negative current charge. As a rule, this is indicated on the packaging of the product. Gels with a minus charge cleanse and moisturize the skin, and also increase its tone. Preparations with a “plus” charge remove puffiness, whiten the skin, and carry out soothing procedures.

Gels for galvanotherapy

Cosmetology is developing at a fast pace, which is explained by the high demand for such procedures. Among hardware techniques, galvanization is popular. It is suitable for both women and men. To conduct a session, a special device is required that generates a constant electric current.

Galvanization has both indications and contraindications, so not everyone can do it. It should be borne in mind that the technique involves exposure to electric current. The procedure can also be performed at home. For this purpose, there are mobile devices that can be purchased in specialized stores.

What is galvanization?

Initially, galvanization was used as a method of physiotherapy. Later, experts noticed its positive effect on the skin of the face and suggested using the same devices to treat dermatological problems. This is how this technique came to cosmetology.

During the procedure, biologically active components penetrate the skin due to the assignment of an electrical charge to them. For this purpose, the action of direct current is used. Its power may vary depending on the condition of the body, the desired effect and existing problems.

Under the influence of current, not only substances enter the skin, but also stimulate their synthesis in the body itself. In this case, endorphins, acetylcholine, heparin, histamine, prostaglandins and other active compounds are released. They act on skin vessels, expanding their lumen. Due to this, more blood flows to the tissues, which provides them with nutrition and accelerates gas exchange.

As a result of galvanization, the skin looks healthier and more rested. This is ensured by several effects:

  • expansion of pores and removal of toxins and impurities from them;
  • removal of dead cells of the upper layer of skin;
  • local acceleration of blood circulation;
  • reduction in the amount of sebum produced;
  • getting rid of comedones by saponification;
  • increase in skin turgor.

The action of the current is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations, unlike mechanical methods of cleaning pores. In this case, no injuries appear on the skin, which means the risk of infection tends to zero.

Since galvanization creates a depot of useful substances in the body, healing does not stop after disconnecting the device from the network.

The positive effect after the procedure continues to appear for several days.

Mechanism of action

The operation of galvanizing devices is based on the principle of electrolysis. This is a type of redox reaction in which an electrolyte breaks down into ions. In this state, they can pass through the lipid barrier of the epidermis, which protects the skin.

Galvanization allows charged particles to penetrate up to 1.5 cm into the skin, where they accumulate. In this way, a depot of active substances is formed, which the body will gradually use for its needs. Their components trigger the formation of new cells, regulate sebum synthesis, accelerate metabolism and have a positive effect on blood vessels. These effects are called local, because they are localized in a limited area of ​​the body.

The most important systemic effect is considered to be the removal of toxic substances from the body, acceleration of metabolism, and toning of muscle fibers.

This leads to improved skin color and increased skin turgor, as well as smoothing out fine wrinkles. In addition, the current has a massage effect, which provides a lymphatic drainage effect, helps smooth out unevenness and significantly improve the appearance of the skin.


Galvanic current has found application in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases. But in cosmetology it is used to solve problems with facial skin. These include:

  • the presence of small wrinkles;
  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • the presence of a large number of acne;
  • excessive sebum secretion;
  • scars and cicatricial changes;
  • uneven complexion, excessive pigmentation;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • liquid or thick seborrhea;
  • vessels visible through the skin;
  • contraindications to mechanical cleaning;
  • melasma;
  • post-acne.

If there is one or more indications, the cosmetologist may recommend taking a course of galvanization. But before the session, you should clarify whether this technique can be used in a particular patient.


Galvanization is not suitable for everyone, as it is carried out by exposure to electric current. Its use is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • the presence of an oncological process;
  • period of bearing a child;
  • epilepsy, neurotic pathologies;
  • intolerance to the action of electric current on the skin;
  • pathologies of endocrine organs;
  • the presence of a pacemaker or other electrical prostheses in the body;
  • pathologies of the heart and vascular system;
  • the presence of an infectious process in the body, including acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza, herpes;
  • metal implants located at the site of current action;
  • the presence of reinforcing threads in the body;
  • pathological blood clotting;
  • some dermatological pathologies (molluscum contagiosum, vitiligo, dermatitis, eczema, rosacea);
  • fever of any origin;
  • damage to the skin in the area of ​​the device;
  • bronchial asthma.

If there are contraindications, the procedure should be postponed until they can be eliminated. Most of them are temporary, so after they disappear, galvanization can be carried out as usual.

Side effects

If the rules for working with the device are not followed or galvanization is carried out if there are contraindications to it, undesirable effects may occur. These include:

  • swelling of the face;
  • long-lasting redness of the skin in the affected area;
  • an increase in the amount of sebum released (due to a reduction in the duration of breaks between procedures);
  • dry skin, accompanied by itching and flaking;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • the appearance of an iron taste in the mouth;
  • exacerbation of dermatological pathologies.

To avoid complications, you must strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist and carry out the procedure only in cosmetology clinics or after consultation with a doctor.

Methodology of the procedure

To achieve the maximum cosmetic effect, you need to perform the procedure correctly. It consists of several stages:

  1. Pre-cleansing of the skin (with micellar water, hydrophilic oil or washing gel).
  2. Toning (using a toner suitable for your skin type).
  3. Conducting enzyme peeling to remove the coarsest top layer, which will ensure the best penetration of beneficial substances.
  4. Application of the preparation for the procedure to the skin or gauze (selected individually after consultation with a specialist).
  5. An electrode with a positive charge is stationary and is attached to the forearm on the right side of the body (to prevent the effect of current on the heart muscle).
  6. The anode is considered labile; the cosmetologist treats the client’s skin with it, moving it over all areas, paying special attention to the most problematic ones.
  7. Removing released toxins and the result of saponification of sebum and comedones by washing in several stages.
  8. Covering the skin with a moisturizer with an anti-inflammatory effect.
  9. Before the lotion is absorbed, a final treatment of the skin with a cathode is carried out to stimulate metabolism and tighten pores.
  10. Using a mask selected according to your skin type.
  11. Applying tonic and cream that protects the skin from drying out and external factors.

The procedure may be accompanied by a feeling of a metallic taste, but it goes away immediately after the device stops working on the skin. Cleaning duration is up to 20 minutes. Galvanization is carried out in courses of 5-10 sessions. The rotation period is selected individually. It can be every other day or once every 2 weeks.

A noticeable result is achieved after 3-4 procedures. Galvanization has a cumulative effect, so the condition of the skin improves every day. It is recommended to repeat the course no more than once every six months.

Devices used

There are several devices for galvanization. All of them are divided into stationary and portable. Devices of the first type can only be used in cosmetology clinics. Mobile devices are suitable for use at home.

The most popular devices include Potok-1, Potok-2, Potok-Br, AGN-23. All of them have a fixed electrode and a labile one. They come with special hydrophilic gaskets. The device must also have a monitoring and recording device and a current rectifier that converts alternating to direct.

A special gel or isotonic solution acts as a conductor. Various vitamins and active substances are used as preparations. In each case, an individual remedy is prescribed, suitable for the problems of a particular client.

Galvanization can help relieve a variety of dermatological problems. But do not forget about contraindications and restrictions for use. If you decide to carry out the procedures yourself at home, it is better to consult with a specialist about the required current strength and medications. Otherwise, complications may arise, and the harm from exposure will significantly exceed the benefits.

The most important component of skin care is cleansing, because this is the only way it can maintain elasticity and a healthy appearance. One of the most effective modern methods to rid the skin of blackheads and impurities is galvanic facial cleansing. This procedure has quite a lot of advantages and positive reviews, so it is worthy of attention.

The article will tell you in more detail about what galvanic facial cleansing is. Reviews, a description of the procedure itself, as well as possible side effects after it are discussed below. This type of cleansing is rapidly gaining popularity, even though with the development of innovative technologies there are more and more other ways to improve skin condition.

Today, in many cities there are specialized salons where galvanic facial cleansing is professionally carried out. Chelyabinsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Voronezh are the most “advanced” cities in Russia in this area.


Initially, a procedure of this type was called disincrustation, as it is still called by professionals. But the phrase “galvanic facial cleansing” is more accessible to ordinary people. This is how this procedure began to be called due to the use of a special current that affects human skin.

Galvanic current is the most common electric current, but it does not have too much voltage. A special alkaline solution is applied to the skin, and then the specialist begins to move the electrode over this area. There is no need to be afraid of this procedure, as it does not cause any pain or discomfort. Thus, a hydrolysis process takes place, after which lumps of sodium hydroxide are formed from a pre-applied alkaline solution. They enter into a chemical reaction with subcutaneous fat, which is called saponification. As a result, the most ordinary soap base appears on the skin, which is easily washed off with water along with the impurities.

Facial cleansing with galvanic current is carried out on the T-zone, as well as on other areas that need it. For example, the procedure can be easily performed on the back, décolleté or shoulders. Thanks to the effect of current, metabolic processes in cells improve, and their recovery is significantly accelerated.


Galvanic facial cleansing at home or in special salons is recommended for people with the following problems:

  • oily or combination skin;
  • enlarged pores and oily shine;
  • acne (without obvious signs of inflammation);
  • dense comedones or blackheads that cannot be removed by mechanical cleaning;
  • dull skin tone;
  • minimal elasticity of the skin and small facial wrinkles;
  • pigmentation.

If the skin is too dirty and the pores are very clogged, then disincrustation will act as a preparatory stage before deeper cleaning procedures (vacuum, manual, and so on).


Galvanic facial cleansing, of course, has special advantages, thanks to which it is very popular, but you should not expect any incredible effect from it. The procedure is designed to cleanse the skin, but not to rejuvenate it, so deep wrinkles cannot be smoothed out. The main advantages of disincrustation are:

  • no pain during the cleaning process;
  • does not need to spend a lot of money, since instead of an alkaline solution, a 10% soda solution is perfect;
  • improves the secretion of sebaceous glands;
  • ideal for sensitive skin that remains irritated for a long time after other similar procedures;
  • Due to the work of blood circulation, small wrinkles are smoothed out.

Galvanic facial cleansing: description of the procedure

To properly carry out cleaning, you need a special device that supplies galvanic current. Today, Aurora Ceutical G7, Ionic-ultrasonic, and Beauty Iris are recognized as the most high-quality and effective. The cost of each of them starts from 5 thousand rubles, so a pretty good model can be purchased for home use.

The procedure itself is carried out in several stages:

  1. Using a tonic, the skin is rid of dust and decorative cosmetics.
  2. A disincrustation agent is applied (it may contain plant extracts and other auxiliary substances).
  3. One electrode is in the client’s hand, and the second is used to treat the face. The device is moved strictly along the massage lines (photo below), without stretching the skin.
  4. An electrode with negative polarity is applied for 5-10 minutes. At this time, the pores pass through an alkaline composition, which is converted into soap and frees the pores from impurities.
  5. The electrodes are swapped and the skin is treated for about 7 more minutes.
  6. Regular water washes away the remnants of the alkaline product from the skin, as well as the dirt released from the pores.
  7. A moisturizing cream suitable for this skin type is applied to the treated area.

Cleaning Frequency

Galvanic facial cleansing can be carried out as a separate course of treatment for pronounced comedones (from 3 to 10 procedures). As a preventative measure, it can be performed no more than once every two weeks. And after completing the course, it is recommended to regularly maintain cleanliness and carry out disincrustation once every month and a half.

Side effects

Like any procedure using innovative technologies, cleaning of this type has certain side effects. They are observed quite rarely, but you should still familiarize yourself with them before visiting a cosmetologist. So, after galvanic cleaning you may notice:

  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • slight and short-term redness;
  • tingling in the area where the current was applied;
  • increased dryness of the skin.


The price of a procedure in any salon will directly depend on the pricing policy of this place, as well as the professionalism of the specialist. In general, the cost varies from 300 to 1500 rubles in any city in Russia.

At home

Quite often, women look for the opportunity to carry out disincrustation on their own, at home. This will not be so difficult to do, because the stages are not very different from salon cleaning, and the modern market offers many high-quality galvanic devices.

A ready-made conductor can easily be purchased at a specialized store or pharmacy at a fairly reasonable cost. If desired, this remedy can be quickly replaced with a soda solution (10 grams of soda dissolve in 200 grams of mineral water).

Before and after galvanic cleaning, both electrodes must be thoroughly disinfected. After getting rid of impurities, the skin of the face should be washed with water and lemon so that the pores close better and do not become clogged again.

In addition to thoroughly washing your face after cleansing, you can make a mask that has restorative properties. The maximum effect will be obtained after using clay masks (they can also be purchased at the pharmacy in ready-made form).

After galvanic cleaning, the pores will not close too quickly - it will take them about a day. Therefore, during this period you should not use decorative cosmetics.

Galvanization as a physical therapy has been used in Russia since 1801. Thanks to scientists Galvani and Volt, the process of electron movement was discovered. Now this discovery is used in cosmetology as a strong biostimulant.

In hardware cosmetology, with the help of galvanization, rehabilitation procedures are carried out in case of health difficulties. One of the methods of rehabilitation is galvanization - exposure of the human body to direct electric current of low voltage and strength.

Galvanic current, passing through the cells of the body, enters various tissues and organs, influencing the course of natural biological processes. Activates intracellular synthesis, blood circulation and the formation of the physical and chemical work of the endocrine system. It has a profound effect on both the skin and the entire body as a whole.

The procedure is painless. For the therapeutic and cosmetic work of galvanization, wherever it is performed: on the head, neck, torso or limbs; The physiotherapist is closely observing. Before entrusting the problem area to the doctor, you should remove all metal parts of the wardrobe and expose, if necessary, the part of the body that will undergo treatment.

Afterwards, it is advisable for the patient to rest for about 30 minutes, and the doctor will observe the body’s response to the influence of electrical signals.

Actions of galvanic current

A direct electric current, with a voltage of 30 to 80 V and a force of up to 50 mA, penetrates into cell tissue using active and passive electrodes. Charged ions are created between these electrodes and, moving, they enhance metabolism and regenerative functions in the body.

This flow of ion movement contributes to the occurrence of certain chemical reactions in the human body. The composition of glands, fluids and muscle tissue includes: proteins, colloids, glycogen, salts and so on. It is their molecules that the current causes to disintegrate into charged ions. This causes irritation of skin receptors, as there is a jump in ion saturation.

The impulses arising in this case are rapidly transmitted to the central nervous system, and the body’s overall positive reaction does not take long to occur.

The action of galvanic current shows excellent results in combination with medications. By reacting with each other, they increase efficiency and increase the positive outcome of the procedure. Basically, two methods of galvanization are used.

Types of galvanization (iontophoresis, disincrustation)

Galvanization in cosmetology involves procedures such as: disincrustation and electrophoresis or iontophoresis.

Disincrustation is a procedure in which the face is cleansed using an alkaline solution combined with galvanic current. In the pores of the skin, saponification of sebum occurs, which leads to loosening of the skin and its cleansing.

When disincrusting, solutions of sodium bicarbonate up to 3%, sodium carbonate 5% and sodium chloride up to 5% are used.

Electrophoresis or iontophoresis. In this case, charged cosmetics are injected using electric current. Thanks to the properties of the current, as well as ionizing agents, the active particles penetrate the epidermal barrier and affect the lower layers of the dermis and epidermis.

Using iontophoresis, a large concentration of cosmetics is created in the desired area of ​​the skin, which accumulate in the cell tissues and move into the blood and lymph vessels. There is a kind of process of organized storage of drugs in a given area of ​​skin healing.

Advantages and disadvantages

This method of treatment is gentle and non-traumatic; there are positive and negative aspects.

The positive ones include:

  • The procedure is not accompanied by pain or discomfort;
  • Injury and infection of the skin are excluded;
  • Without the intervention of a surgical scalpel, a quick and positive result is achieved;
  • Side effects and possible complications are eliminated.

Unpleasant nuances of the effects of galvanic current:

The effect that galvanization has on the body is usually accompanied by excellent effects and positive results.

Galvanization efficiency

A clearly and correctly performed galvanization procedure entails a train of positive effects:

With the help of such sessions, many people said goodbye to their illnesses.


Galvanization in cosmetology is used to improve appearance and for many diseases.

Indications for electric shock treatment are extensive:

  • Organ damage;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Fading skin that has lost its tone;
  • Pigmentation;
  • Scars, comedones, acne;
  • Rosacea, acne, seborrhea;
  • Muscular hypotonia;
  • Wrinkles;
  • Damage to nerve endings;
  • Injuries to various membranes (mucous membranes, ocular membranes).

Unfortunately, there is another side to the coin.


Galvanization can be harmful if some contraindications to such a procedure are neglected.

First of all, you should pay attention to individual intolerance to direct current, as well as:

Despite the effectiveness of the procedure, contraindications cannot be ignored, otherwise there will be no benefit, but only harm.

Are there any side effects?

No complications or side effects occur if the conditions are met. Otherwise, you can burn deep tissues, and such damage will not heal soon, causing discomfort. Discounting an illness of a viral or infectious nature, the likelihood of a surge in this disease in a severe and protracted form increases.

Is it possible to combine galvanization with other procedures?

The combined effect of the procedures enhances the restorative effect in the body. The positive effects of physiotherapeutic sessions add up to the restoration of balance lost during illness. Or the effect of one procedure, completely or partially, neutralizes the effect of another.

The combination of procedures depends on the nature, course and stage of the disease. The general and functional state of the person is taken into account.

After galvanization on the same day it is not advisable to do:

  • Mud applications;
  • Radon, sulfide and carbon dioxide baths;
  • Darsonvalization is undesirable;
  • Use a high pressure shower.

Galvanization can be safely combined with other procedures:

Do not forget that many procedures are not the key to a speedy recovery of health, sometimes it turns out the opposite.

Preparations for galvanization

When galvanizing in medicine and cosmetologists, they use solutions of elastin and collagen in ampoules. All medications are prescribed individually by a cosmetologist. Herbal infusions demonstrate good effects.

Biogenic stimulants prepared from:

  • Tissues of animal organisms;
  • Plant extracts;
  • Estuary mud.

Acids used:

  • Ascorbic acid. Takes an active part in the creation of procollagen, collagen, improves permeability in capillaries;
  • Salicylic. Acts as a distracting, irritating and antiseptic substance;
  • Nicotine. Shows vasodilating and stimulating effects;
  • Caffeine. Breaks down fats into fatty acids under the influence of the enzyme lipase.

Various special-purpose buffer solutions, medications and serums are used. The result from such procedures is much more effective than from regular application of cosmetic substances to the skin.

How does the galvanization procedure for the face work?

There are no difficulties in carrying out the procedure.

But there are certain rules that should be followed:

During the session, the patient holds a neutral electrode in his hands, which is necessary for the current to occur. After the procedure, it is advisable not to use cosmetics for 10–12 hours. For about 5 days, the skin will be sensitive to both mechanical and chemical influences, as well as ultraviolet rays.

For speedy skin regeneration, it is necessary to use restorative, moisturizing masks and creams.

In cosmetology, such procedures are not accompanied by painful sensations. Mild tingling and stinging is possible. The next session is best done in a week. A total of 4 such sessions will be needed, depending on the condition of the skin.

Is it possible to carry out the disincrustation procedure at home?

Galvanization at home is no different from procedures in a beauty salon. To do this, you need the device itself, strict adherence to the instructions and a disincrustation gel. You can use a soda solution. The number of sessions depends on the condition of the skin and the result of the procedure.

The use of iontophoresis for the treatment of hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet

In cosmetology, iontophoresis is used to treat sweating of the hands and feet. During the session, current flows through the first electrode into a bath of water. The patient immerses his arms and legs in the bath, and a second electrode is attached to his body. Thus, a person acts as an electrical conductor for about 30 minutes.

Water for such events is taken from the tap. But if it is soft, then add a little soda or anticholinergic drugs to the bath. To treat underarm hyperhidrosis, characteristic pads are used that should be held in place during the procedure.

Body application against cellulite

If you don’t adhere to your diet and don’t drink enough water, even the best galvanizing machine will not help you achieve the desired result.

In the fight against cellulite, galvanization helps:

  1. Supporting skin tone;
  2. Eliminates fading;
  3. Deprives her of excess fat.

Drugs are injected into the skin of the problem area. Under the influence of galvanic current, they penetrate deeply and are deposited, producing a lipolytic effect. The procedures last half an hour, every other day.

Devices for home use

To carry out galvanization at home, try to use a compact and effective device.

There is a wide choice on the market of galvanic devices:

Today, the action of direct electric current is the most common lifting method.

As a result of aging and wear and tear of the body, all processes occurring in the cells are slowed down, which affects the state of health and appearance. Galvanization will help restore the previous biological rhythm, heals and rejuvenates the entire body.

Thanks to the use of galvanization in cosmetology, the path to solving many problems is shortened, without painful procedures at minimal cost.

Video: electroplating in cosmetology

What is galvanization:

Microcurrent therapy (galvanization) in cosmetology:

The method we will discuss is one of the oldest in physiotherapy. About 200 years ago, the Italian physicist A. Volta, satisfying his immense curiosity, created a continuous current generator. Luigi Galvani first studied its effect on frogs. Very soon, galvanic current, as an undoubted “high tech” and the newest word in science of the 19th century, began to be used in medicine. It turned out to have a good effect. And for about 100 years, galvanic current has faithfully served cosmetologists.

The use of galvanic current is quite varied. In modern cosmetology, the following procedures are distinguished: galvanization, iontophoresis, disincrustation, etc. Let's try to understand the terms.

The current used for the procedures has traditional, established characteristics: (constant continuous, voltage 60-80 W, current up to 50 mA). This current is called galvanic. Because of this, the very effect on the body of such a current through various electrodes is called galvanization.

The administration of various medications and cosmetics using electric current is called electrophoresis. Electrophoresis can be carried out using direct (galvanic) current, as well as using some types of pulsed currents.


In cosmetology, electrophoresis drugs are more often called iontophoresis. The term is not entirely accurate, but is already familiar.
Thus, technically, iontophoresis differs from galvanization only in the presence of a medicinal substance under the electrode.

Electrophoresis (iontophoresis) saponifiers in combination with the action of the negative pole of galvanic current are used in cosmetology for saponification of comedones. The procedure is called disincrustation, or galvanic cleaning.

The ability of galvanic current to deliver medicinal substances deep into the skin is used in the procedure of ionic mesotherapy, or ionotherapy. In essence, this is electrophoresis of medicinal substances using stationary electrodes. The procedure is carried out without injections. Indications, treatment tactics and cocktail recipes correspond to the schemes accepted in mesotherapy, adjusted for the phoretic nature of the drugs.


  1. Galvanization = therapeutic effect of direct current
  2. Iontophoresis = galvanization + medicinal substance
  3. Ionic mesotherapy = iontophoresis with stationary electrodes
  4. Disincrustation = iontophoresis of saponifiers

Mechanism of action of the galvanization method

The action of direct current is based on the process of electrolysis. Substances located near the electrodes disintegrate into ions. Ions move under the influence of current. Water molecules break down into H+ and OH- ions. Near the electrodes, ions interact with water, forming electrolysis products - acid and alkali.

Electrolysis products can cause chemical burns at the site where the electrodes are applied - alkaline burns under the cathode and acid burns under the anode. This is especially true for stationary electrode placement. To avoid this, the electrode is separated from the skin with a hydrophilic pad. After the procedure, the gasket must be washed or replaced.

A change in ion concentration leads to irritation of skin receptors, resulting in a slight burning and tingling sensation. The passage of current through tissue causes polarization - the accumulation of ions on biological membranes. At a certain concentration of ions, cells enter an excited (electrically active) state. Cellular and tissue metabolism and cell excitability change.

At the same time, the passive transport of large protein molecules and other substances that do not carry a charge (electrodiffusion) and hydrated ions (electro-osmosis) increases. This means acceleration of cellular and intracellular renewal: rapid supply of building materials, nutrients and regulatory substances, as well as timely removal of metabolic products from the cell.


Galvanization is carried out stationary, movable electrodes or using baths. A saline solution or conductive gel is used to conduct the current.

The choice of active electrode depends on the indications. Negative and positive electrodes have different effects on tissue:

Indications: all types of seborrhea, dry aging skin, post-acne scars.

How do substances penetrate the skin using current?

  • A constant electric current causes the movement of ions.
  • Using direct current, both small and larger particles of medicinal substances carrying an electrical charge can be injected through the skin and mucous membranes.
  • The method of introducing medicinal ions through the skin and mucous membranes using current is called electrophoresis (iontophoresis).
  • Charged particles are repelled from the electrode of the same name and go deep into the skin.
  • Thus, negatively charged ions are introduced from the negative electrode.
  • The greatest mobility of medicinal substances dissolved in water.
  • The administered medicinal ions penetrate the epidermis and accumulate in the upper layers of the dermis. With iontophoresis, substances go to a depth of 1.5 cm.
  • After the procedure, a depot is formed in the affected area, from which the drug gradually penetrates into the cells. The period of action of the medicinal substance ranges from 3 hours to 15-20 days.

Technical terms

  • To carry out the procedure, two electrodes are always used - positive and negative.
  • The negative electrode is called the cathode. Usually all wires and connections from the negative pole are made in black.
  • The positive electrode is called the anode. It is marked in red.
  • The electrodes used in the procedure can be of different sizes. On a smaller electrode, the current density is higher and its effect is more pronounced. The smaller electrode is called the active electrode.
  • An active electrode is applied to the problem area.
  • Passive (indifferent) - electrode with a larger area. It is usually held in the patient's hand or attached to the body.
  • A passive electrode can also carry a therapeutic load. Bipolar iontophoresis can be carried out - negatively charged ions will be absorbed from the negative electrode, and positively charged ones, respectively, from the positive electrode.
  • If the electrodes are equal in area, more pronounced sensations occur under the negative electrode.
  • The polarity of a substance is the charge of its active particles. Ions of the same name are repelled from the electrode and go deep into the tissue. Therefore, negative ions are introduced from the negative electrode.

Types of electrodes for electrophoresis

  • Three main types of electrodes are used for procedures: labile, stationary and electrodes for galvanic baths.
  • Labile electrodes are used for sliding treatment of the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté. These are metal electrodes of different shapes. The form is selected for ease of use.
  • A conical electrode is usually used to treat the area around the eyes. Spherical or roller electrode - for cheeks, neck and décolleté.
  • Labile electrodes must slide over a gel or aqueous solution. Drying of the solution reduces skin conductivity and unpleasant tingling sensations appear.
  • Stationary electrodes are conductive plates that are attached to the skin. Stationary electrodes come in metal (lead or other metal plates), rubber (conductive latex) and graphite (disposable graphitized paper plates).
  • The stationary electrode is on the skin for 10-30 minutes. Therefore, under the electrode there must be a pad of fabric or paper 0.5-1 cm thick. The pad is moistened with water or saline solution. When performing iontophoresis, the pad is moistened with a solution of the medicinal substance.
  • The purpose of the gasket is to improve the conduction of current and protect the skin from irritating substances that are produced at the electrodes.
  • The gasket must be washed or disinfected after each procedure. It is convenient to use disposable napkins.
  • Electrodes for galvanic baths are graphite plates that are placed in a container with water. In this case, all the water or solution behaves like an electrode. Absorption of medicinal substances into the skin occurs from water.

Contraindications to galvanization

Common to electrotherapy: oncological and pre-oncological diseases, febrile conditions, purulent processes, extensive violations of the integrity of the skin, systemic skin diseases, chronic heart and renal failure, pregnancy, the presence of a pacemaker, individual intolerance to current.

Specific (when working on the face): rashes, eczema, tooth sensitivity, dental cysts, thyroid diseases, cysts and tumor diseases of the breast.

Contraindications to iontophoresis

Contraindications to iontophoresis are all contraindications to galvanization plus intolerance to the administered substance.

More information about the technique of iontophoresis and galvanization in cosmetology and about the substances that are used for this is in the methodological manual “”, in the book by N. Bakhovets on hardware facial cosmetology and ours.

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