How to dye a T-shirt with different methods? How to paint a T-shirt in different colors with your own hands Is it possible to paint a T-shirt with acrylics?

Your favorite curtains have burned out, become faded - and you want to renew their color at home. How to dye the fabric? There are many options, you just need to choose the right method. If you master this procedure, your clothes will always look new and fresh. Not every housewife will look at the label on jeans or a T-shirt before washing. A new item, which can only be washed by hand in warm water, flies into the washing machine and loses its appearance. Take your time to take good clothes to the dacha - if the structure of the fabric is not broken, the color can be restored.

How to choose chemical dyes?

You can buy regular white T-shirts in the store, dye them in different ways and make a unique kit that others will mistake for design work. It is better for an inexperienced hostess not to take on difficult tasks: painting jackets, synthetic fabrics. Entrust this task to the experts in dry cleaning, and start your training with the ABC book yourself: change the color of your white cotton T-shirt. It is more difficult to paint colored things, it is better not to change their color, but simply to make it richer and brighter.

In the store you can find dyes of any shade. When buying a chemical, see what it can be used for. You can treat the curtains with any substance, and if you want to dye your clothes or bedding, the composition should not contain compounds harmful to the skin. If there is no label or label on the item, you can determine the composition of the fabric yourself. If you set fire to linen or cotton thread, it will burn with the smell of burnt paper. Burnt natural wool smells like burnt horn; a ball of combustion products appears at the end of the synthetic thread.

When choosing a shade of dye, the original color of the fabric must be taken into account. If you submerge a yellow T-shirt in blue pigment, don't be surprised if the result is a greenish tint. It is almost impossible to repaint a dark garment in light colors; you will have to use a very aggressive bleach that can destroy the structure of the fabric. It is better to dye faded dark clothes black, the pigment will return brightness and freshness to things.

Experts believe that any shade can be obtained with only 3 dyes: blue, yellow and red. Experiment and you can get a full range of colors by combining these three colors.

The most common colors can be obtained as follows:

  • yellow and blue will give green;
  • red and yellow turn to orange;
  • red and blue will give a purple hue.

There is paint in the kitchen: what are the natural pigments?

At home, it is better not to use harsh chemicals, but to use natural dyes. Everyone knows that eggs for Easter need to be boiled in onion skins, which give the shells a very beautiful and bright red-brown color. You can dye fabric, food, paper in the same way. There are a lot of natural dyes. You just need to learn how to use them correctly.

  • Onion peels, coffee, tea, cinnamon, henna give brown color.
  • Spinach, juniper berries, elderberry leaves will be dyed green.
  • Beets and wolfberries will turn things red.
  • Blue shades are obtained when using sage, ivan-da-marya flowers.
  • For yellow, use carrots, citrus zest, birch bark.

Natural dyes do not damage the fibers. They do not give such an intense color as chemistry, but they are safe for health. Please note that each substance requires a different approach. If chemical dyes of the same composition can be mixed with each other, choosing the desired color, then tea with berry juice or a decoction of the bark may be incompatible. Remember that natural dyes are weaker than chemicals. If you want to pre-discolor the fabric, add a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia to a liter of water, heat to a temperature that your hand can tolerate, and hold the fabric in the solution for several hours, stirring occasionally. Then rinse well. After such processing, after painting, a purer and brighter color will be obtained.

Materials made from natural fibers can be dyed with natural pigments. It is better not to tackle synthetics for a novice hostess - such things are treated with special preparations, there are special methods for dyeing fabrics for them. If you need to update the color of your acetate silk fabric or synthetic jacket, use a dry cleaning service. When you get some experience on simple fabrics, dyeing any material will become easy and familiar for you.

Preparatory operations

When using chemical dyes, be sure to read the instructions for them. Each manufacturer can make his own recommendations for the coloring process, but there are general requirements for both chemical and natural preparations. Items should be washed thoroughly, free from dirt and stains. If the dirt cannot be washed off, use a stain remover and then rinse the product well. Sometimes fruit and vegetable juices leave traces that cannot be removed. There is only one way out - paint the thing in a color several shades darker than the stain. Boil the starched laundry in a solution of soap and soda, then rinse. Peel off all decorative metal and plastic elements, they may lose their appearance when painted.

Sometimes things are planned to be altered after painting. In this case, all the seams must be ripped open in advance so that they are evenly saturated with pigment. If you decide to dye a lined jacket or raincoat, be sure to open the bottom seam. Air bubbles trapped between the lining and the base material will prevent the dye from spreading evenly onto the fabric.

Prepare all the necessary equipment in advance. First, find a tank in which the fabric will be completely submerged in the water and lie free. It is advisable to take an enamel container. A galvanized or aluminum container can be used if it is well descaled. Prepare two smooth wooden sticks with which you will stir and turn the product. Do not forget to buy rubber gloves, otherwise your hands will be painted in the most fantastic color for several days and you will have to hide them from others.

Now you need to prepare the liquid. It is advisable to use soft melt or rainwater. If you only have hard water, add a tablespoon of baking soda to the bucket of liquid. Dilute powder colorants first in a small container so that no grains remain. Strain the solution and pour into a spray tank.

Painting products

Place the container on the stove, immerse the product in the dye and heat, stirring continuously. Boil the laundry until it is darker than desired. The clothes will become lighter after drying. If using natural dyes, first soak the items in the fixative solution. If using berry juice, mix half a glass of salt with 2 liters of water. For the vegetable broth, pour 1 part vinegar into 4 parts water. Dip the cloth into the compound and place in the dye tub. When painting, do not immerse the entire product in the composition; first, experiment on a small piece of fabric.

If you want to dye the fabric not evenly, but with streaks, wring out the product, fix it in a twisted state and hold it in the dye composition.

Rinse the fabric well after staining. Change the water several times until the liquid is completely clear. When dyeing wool or silk, add a little vinegar to the rinse water. Dry in the shade at room temperature. It is very important that the product hangs evenly, without folds. Straighten it gently on a string or hang it on a hanger. Remember that things will shed heavily after the procedure. Perform the first few washings by hand, separately from other laundry.

You can also dye the yarn from which you are going to knit a sweater or scarf with natural pigments. Gather the thread into a skein and tie it tightly in several places so that it does not get tangled while stirring. Dry the skeins in a suspended state, fasten a small weight from below.

If the dyeing experiment is unsuccessful, the colors are stained, dilute the black paint and immerse the item in the solution. This pigment will lay down evenly and cover all blemishes.

Sometimes a smooth, even dyeing of the fabric is not required. You can make fabric with streaks, and use a brush, tea leaves to create stains. If you glue some areas with plaster, electrical tape or figures cut out of thick paper, you can get fabric with an interesting ornament from dark and light areas. To create small bright fragments, painting with oil paints is suitable.

Skillful housewives do not throw away old things until they are completely worn out. Faded, faded, yellowed things can be turned into new ones if they are painted correctly. Instruction is attached to store-bought pigments; when working with plant materials, you will have to rely on your intuition. Don't grab an expensive item right away; for a first experience, try freshening up old jeans and a T-shirt. Perhaps such clothes are not suitable for the city, but for work in the garden it will be just right. Collect all your old shirts, leotards, shorts and start experimenting. Until you master the painting process well, you will have time to be known as the first fashionista of the summer cottage village.

Are you tired of the shade of your curtains and tulle, the white T-shirt has ceased to please you because its shade is boring, but you don't want to buy a new one? There is a way out - painting things at home. In this article, we will tell you how to dye fabric with brilliant green and other natural dyes, as well as how to properly care for the dyed thing.

How to paint white fabric with brilliant green and other dyes?

Tulle and curtains are accessories that are noticed by people entering your room. Fabric curtains can both decorate and ruin your entire interior.

Painting the curtains in a different color quickly and without any special effort is one of the acceptable options for transforming the appearance of a room. By changing the color scheme of clothes for windows, as well as picking up cute little things to match, you can get a new solution for your home or work environment.

Do-it-yourself painting of tulle and curtains can help you if you do not have the funds, as well as time to renovate the interior and repair, and your soul asks for something new. The painting process is very economical in every sense, because:

  • no significant cash costs are required to purchase dyes;
  • it is not necessary to waste your time waiting, as well as to listen to the recommendations of the designer;
  • there is no need to go from store to store for a long time in search of new materials;
  • there is a possibility of re-staining.

Home conditions are suitable to independently give the window wardrobe a new look. Let's take a step-by-step look at the process of how to paint a fabric with brilliant green and other equally interesting improvised means. Moreover, this fabric can be both the basis of the interior decor and your clothes.

Dyeing process for tulle and white T-shirts

Preparing fabrics for dyeing is a prerequisite when choosing any of all kinds of dyes. By dyeing only a clean cloth, you will be able to get the desired result. Be sure to wait until the fabric is completely dry after washing, slightly damp tulle or a T-shirt will quickly absorb all the coloring pigments.

Important! The intensity of the dyeing of the fabric depends on how concentrated the dye is, and also on the time. Therefore, think about how vivid the result you are trying to get before dyeing the fabric with green paint.

Aniline dyes

If you have chosen this method of staining, do not experiment in any case. You can effectively paint the tulle in a different shade only by strictly following the instructions. The following options are possible:

  • Dissolve the dye in a small container until the dye is completely dissolved, and then pour it into the main volume of water, and then place the tulle there.
  • Add the dye immediately to the basin or to another container into which you have already poured warm water. Put the product you paint in the resulting solution.

Important! Quite often, dye manufacturers advise to salt the water with table salt to obtain a persistent color. The proportions of salt, water, and dye must be indicated in the instructions.

Good old brilliant green

Those housewives who want to see window curtains or T-shirts in a greenish shade should paint the fabric with green paint. The method of application is extremely simple:

  1. Dissolve a small amount of green pharmacy liquid in warm water. Determine the required volume of the medical solution yourself, based on the desired brightness of the final shade. On average, about 10 ml of brilliant solution (1 bottle) is taken for 5 liters of water.
  2. Stir the entire contents of the container evenly.
  3. Then place a damp cloth or T-shirt in there.
  4. Soak for 20-30 minutes.

Important! It is possible to paint clothes with green paint at home evenly, without streaks or stains, only if you periodically turn the product over in a container. The same rule is observed when you decide to change the shade of tulle, curtains, nylon mesh and any other textiles.


You need to paint your clothes with green paint if you want to get green. Everything is logical here. And if you want to give the fabric a soft pink hue, then feel free to take a similar medical solution called "Fukortsin". It is popularly called "pink brilliant green", since it is similar in its properties, but has a distinctive color.

The whole coloring procedure takes a very small amount of time, and the result will surely please you. The principle of staining is exactly the same as when using brilliant green.

Important! If you have powdered potassium permanganate in your home bins, it is an excellent analogue of "Fukortsin" to dye fabric. Feel free to use it.

Aromatic coffee and tea

In order to give your window curtains a beige or cream shade, you can use tea leaves or ground coffee. Dyeing fabric with tea at home is just as easy as with other natural dyes - 2 tsp. tea leaves or coffee is enough to prepare the coloring solution:

  1. Dip 2 tsp in 1 liter of boiling water. tea leaves or ground coffee.
  2. Wait until it is completely dissolved, then strain.
  3. After that, put the fabric to be dyed into the broth prepared by you.

Important! If the tulle is too large, then increase the proportions of tea or coffee and water.

Beetroot is a natural colorant

This product has excellent dyeing properties and is also capable of dyeing curtains and T-shirts in a different color.

To dye tulle at home:

  1. Cut the beets and fill them with alcohol or vodka in the proportion of one bottle per 1 kg of beets.
  2. Cook the beets until tender with the lid closed.
  3. Strain the juice, and dip your product in this strained juice.
  4. The “fabric bathing” time depends on how saturated you want the shade to be.
  1. The most important and main advice. Before proceeding with the actual dyeing of clothes, weigh the pros and cons. DIY painting is always a risk.
  2. Know the composition of the fabric, because the whole result of painting depends on the composition of the canvas:
    • if the fabric is natural, for example: cotton, linen, jeans, then, as a rule, the dyeing is excellent;
    • if the fabric is mixed, the color will come out a little paler, for example, it will not be blue, but light blue.
    • if the fabric is 100% synthetic, there is a very high risk that the fabric will not be dyed at all, because from synthetic fabrics, the paint flows off like from cellophane, and the product will remain exactly the same shade as before dyeing.

Important! Please note that, unfortunately, at the moment there are more cases when the composition that is written on the label does not coincide with reality.

  1. Decide on the color. We recommend dyeing in colors that are slightly darker than the original shade of the fabric. For example, blue is best painted blue or dark blue. Also, don't forget to consider the original shade of the item. Ideal if they are similar colors. But if you dye your white jeans black, you end up with gray or dark gray, but not black.
  2. Only evaluate the final shade on a carefully dried dyed garment, because wet garments are always darker.
  3. If color is very important to you, dye a test piece of fabric, which will be the same in composition, dry it and see the result.
  4. If you don't like the shade of the paint you have prepared, it is better not to risk it. In industrial conditions, the shades of paints are tested a large number of times, achieving the required color scheme. At home, you only have 1 try.
  5. Use gloves only. Wear gloves before opening the paint bag if you decide to use an industrial solution rather than the options we have proposed. In the case of working with medical solutions, also do not ignore gloves, so as not to think later about how to wipe the brilliant green or potassium permanganate from the skin.
  6. Dye things according to the instructions written on the packaging on the packaging when using industrial dyes.

Tips for dyeing fabrics in an automatic machine

Painting with a washing machine makes the whole painting process much easier, but it has its own peculiarities:

  1. Pour the diluted paint into the drum, and only into it.
  2. Choose a temperature of 60-80 degrees, according to the type of fabric, as well as the longest cycle, without using pre-soak.
  3. After painting, rinse the item separately in a solution of vinegar.
  4. After painting, turn the empty washing machine back to rinse mode to completely remove the paint from it.
  5. Do not wash white items immediately after finishing painting.

Proper care of the product upon completion of staining:

  1. Do not dry clothes in direct sunlight, otherwise the paint will burn out.
  2. Wash the first 2-3 washings separately from other items.
  3. During subsequent washes of clothes, after wearing, add a small amount of vinegar when rinsing.
  4. Use powder for colored fabrics, because powders contain bleaching agents for white laundry.

In this article, we have tried to collect all the necessary information that would help you paint any thing safely and with high quality at home. We hope you can competently use these recommendations and paint the fabric with brilliant green or any other suitable color means to get the desired shade of your decorative textiles or your favorite thing.

But on this we do not say goodbye, come back again!

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Many people have an old but favorite T-shirt in their closet at home, which is a pity to throw away. There are many ways to use old things - to put on rags or sew a toy, etc. But what if you want to wear a T-shirt, and there is a stain on it or it has lost color? Only paint! Anyone who faced such a problem wondered how to dye a T-shirt at home? In order to start the staining procedure, you need to find out about the methods of painting and other details. This is what we will do in this article.

Painting an old T-shirt

How to color a T-shirt using the tie-dye technique or decorate it with a beautiful pattern? T-shirt dyeing is not a laborious process, especially if you have all the necessary tools and materials at hand. To get started, you need:

  • White cotton T-shirt.
  • Dye.
  • Water.
  • Elastic.
  • A bowl.

Almost all T-shirts and T-shirts are made of cotton, so the dye adheres to them perfectly. The paint can be purchased at any store or market.

Important! If you do not trust chemical coloring compositions, you can use natural dyes (berries, onion peels, iodine, brilliant green).

Easy way to paint

We paint with natural substances:

  1. Bring a natural dye (for example, chamomile) to a boil and strain through cheesecloth.
  2. The T-shirt needs to be twisted into a tight bundle and assembled in such a way as to form a ball.
  3. Then we fix the product with rubber bands and place it in a container with a dye, leave it for at least an hour.
  4. Dry the thing indoors on a clean cloth.

Important! You can fix the T-shirt with elastic bands as you like - the harder you fix the elastic, the more interesting the pattern will be.

We dye a T-shirt at home

In order to paint a T-shirt at home, several manipulations should be carried out:

  1. Place the shirt in a bowl or other container.
  2. Use a syringe to apply dye to one side and then to the other.
  3. Rinse the item several times in clean water.
  4. Dry the dyed product.
  5. Iron the garment to secure the pattern.

Important! To make the drawing brighter and more colorful, spread the dye over the surface of the shirt with a brush.

We paint the T-shirt with acrylic dye

Acrylic paints are considered one of the best dye options for clothing. They penetrate perfectly into the fibers of the fabric and have a wide range of shades. In addition, now in the markets you can find pearlescent colors and shades that glow in the dark.

In order to paint a T-shirt with acrylic dye, you will need:

  • Acrylic colorant of the desired shade.
  • Synthetic brushes.
  • Sheets of cardboard.
  • A simple pencil.

Let's start coloring the T-shirt:

  1. Place a sheet of thick cardboard inside the shirt. This is necessary for high-quality drawing.
  2. Using the template, draw the outline of the pattern on the front side of the shirt with a simple pencil.
  3. Dilute the acrylic stain with water as it is too thick.
  4. Start coloring the drawing with dye using the brushes.
  5. Leave the item to dry completely.
  6. Iron the shirt through cheesecloth to secure the pattern.

Don't worry if you drip paint outside the outline of your drawing. Get creative and make an interesting pattern out of colorful spots.

Important! After applying acrylic paint, the item must not be washed for two days.

We make a T-shirt using the "Tai-Dai" technique

The Tai-Dai technique has gained popularity since ancient times in China and India. It represents bright extraordinary patterns on things. Today it is used by many global clothing brands.

In order to dye clothes using this technique, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • White shirt.
  • Plastic containers.
  • Water.
  • Dye.
  • Strong threads.
  • Salt.

After you have acquired all the necessary materials, start creating:

  1. Twist the shirt in a spiral and wrap it several times around its axis.
  2. Secure it with threads.
  3. Pour warm water into a plastic container.
  4. Dilute the dye and a tablespoon of salt with warm water.
  5. Apply paint to the shirt using a paintbrush.
  6. Leave the thing for a day so that it dries thoroughly.

Important! The shirt should be dried in a dry place away from moisture, as the pattern may not adhere.

Coloring the T-shirt black

One of the simplest methods of dyeing old T-shirts is to paint them a uniform (black) shade. To freshen up an old black jersey, you will need:

  • Enamel bowl.
  • Black paint.

Let's start painting:

  1. Place the paint bag in a small saucepan and add a little water.
  2. Stir until a paste forms.
  3. Pour the resulting paste with 500 ml of cold water.
  4. Stir everything and strain through a fine cloth.
  5. Pour the entire solution into a bowl, add water (temperature at least 50 degrees).
  6. Place the shirt in a bowl and place over low heat.
  7. After boiling, add one tablespoon of salt.
  8. When the water with the dye boils a second time, remove the container from the heat and put it in a dark place.
  9. Rinse the shirt several times with hot and then cool water.
  10. Dry the product and iron it well.

Important! The product should be kept in water with a dye for at least 30 minutes.

Making a multi-colored T-shirt

In order to decorate a T-shirt with different colors, you will need:

  • Dye.
  • Rubber bands.
  • Deep capacity.
  • Salt.
  • Protective gloves.
  • Clothespins.

First, you will need to wet the shirt, and then twist it around its axis - like a ball. Place the item in the prepared staining solution. Leave your shirt on for about an hour. After one hour, rinse the garment in cold water until the water runs clear.

There is hardly a person who has never tried to dye his clothes. With the help of industrial and natural dyes, it is easy to renew old worn jeans or make a faded blouse brighter and more expressive. The dyeing process will not cause any particular difficulties if you carefully observe the dosage of dyes and take into account the peculiarities of the composition of the material.

Preparation for painting

Before starting work, you need to prepare everything you need, namely:

  • things intended for coloring;
  • container and devices for turning the fabric;
  • dyes and rinses.

How to properly prepare clothes for painting

You will have to remove the accessories from the clothes before painting.
  1. First of all, you should wash your clothes thoroughly. If old or other stubborn substances remain on the fabric, you should definitely get rid of them. Otherwise, the fabric in this place will be painted unevenly, and there will be clearly visible stains, which will greatly spoil the appearance of the product.
  2. Then you will have to remove the accessories - cut off buttons and decorations, whip metal zippers, as the surface of these parts can be damaged during painting and subsequently become rusty.
  3. If it is decided to paint a new one or, it is necessary to remove the layer of starch with which the manufacturer usually impregnates such fabrics. To do this, prepare a soapy solution, add a little soda and boil the clothes for 25 minutes, and then rinse them thoroughly.
  4. When dyeing woolen yarn, you need to make sure that the threads do not intertwine with each other and do not get tangled. To do this, it is divided into small parts and collected in loose skeins, which are tied in two or three places with twine.

The choice of containers and accessories for staining

After the clothes are ready for painting, you can start choosing a container.

  1. Any clean dish will work, be it an enamel bowl or an aluminum pan. The main thing is that there are no traces of scale or carbon deposits on the inner surface of the metal.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to the size of the container. The pan should be of such volume that the thing to be painted is located in the solution freely, does not crumple and does not rise above the surface of the water.

You will need wooden tongs to stir and turn the product while working. If there is no such device on the farm, you can use ordinary wooden sticks, having previously cleaned the surface of knots and irregularities.

It is better to take soft water for the procedure, for example, rain or thawed water. If this is not possible, then ordinary tap water can be softened with baking soda, for which 1 tbsp. l. the powder is dissolved in 10 l of water.

How to paint a product yourself

The choice of paint depends on the composition of the fabric and the preferences of the owner of the garment.

Textile paint is available in the following form:

  • aerosol,
  • pastes,
  • powder.

It is suitable for use when painting by hand or in a washing machine. The choice of dye depends on the composition of the fabric and the personal preference of the wearer.

Before starting work, it is necessary to accurately determine the composition of the product. If the label is erased or lost and it is not possible to find out reliable information about the composition, you can set fire to the thread from the product. Synthetic and natural fibers emit different "aromas" when burning:

  • synthetics smells like chemistry;
  • natural wool or cotton emit the smell of burnt hair.

The easiest way is to repaint a thing made from natural materials. Synthetics are difficult to color and quickly lose their newly acquired shade.

The general rules for using universal fabric paint are the same regardless of which manufacturer the product is released by. However, when starting to paint, it will be superfluous to study the instructions attached to the product in order to know exactly the dosage and nuances of using a particular dye.

Important! All work with the dye must be carried out with rubber gloves.

If the dye does not require heating the water, then it is better to work in the bathroom, having previously protected easily dirty objects with a waterproof film. Then the following activities are carried out:

  • Pour paint into a container with warm water and stir thoroughly. The amount of water and dye is determined in advance depending on the weight of the garment and the dosage indicated by the manufacturer on the package.
  • The product is lowered into the solution and kept for half an hour, stirring occasionally and making sure that the fabric does not wrinkle.
  • As soon as the product acquires an intense black color, it can be removed from the solution and rinsed in cool water, adding 1 tbsp. l. vinegar.

Important! If you need to paint several items, paint them one at a time.

Often, according to the instructions, heating of the dye solution is required, then proceed as follows:

  • A container with paint dissolved in water is put on a slow fire and heated to a temperature of 60 ° C.

Important! When dyeing wool and silk, 50 ml of 25% vinegar essence is added to the solution.

  • The item prepared for coloring is immersed in a hot solution for an hour, maintaining a constant temperature of no more than 60 ° C and stirring occasionally.
  • After the allotted time, the product is washed in a machine or manually at a water temperature of 40 ° C and rinsed with the addition of vinegar.

In the future, wash and rinse black-colored clothes separately from the rest of the clothes, and add vinegar with each rinse.

Dyeing in the washing machine

For coloring in a washing machine, a washing mode is set in which the cycle duration does not exceed 30 minutes.

You can use a washing machine to dye your clothes. Modern dyes have compositions that are completely safe for the operation of household appliances, and the process itself is easier and faster than manually.

  • 0.5 l of hot water is poured into the container and one package of dye is poured. Mix thoroughly, trying to dissolve all grains of powder and get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Things are turned inside out and loaded into the washing machine. When painting, do not use washing powder and conditioner.
  • The coloring matter is poured into the machine. You can simply tear the paint bags and put them on top of your clothes.
  • When dyeing silk or other delicate fabrics, add 150 ml of 25% vinegar essence.
  • A washing mode is set in which the water temperature does not rise above 60 ° C and the cycle duration is no more than 30 minutes, including rinsing.
  • After the end of the staining, a second wash is carried out at a temperature of 40 ° C, which will allow the paint to adhere well.

The products are dried by spreading them out on a horizontal surface away from radiators and avoiding direct sunlight.

To completely clean the drum of the machine from traces of dye, it is necessary to carry out one cycle in the "rinse" mode using chlorine bleach.

Natural dyes

In addition to aniline and acrylic paints, there are natural dyes, which are normal products. You can repaint the product black with coffee, tobacco or hair dye:

  • Coffee will help restore the intense black color of the fabric that has lost its original appearance. For coloring, it is necessary to prepare so much instant or boiled coffee so that the liquid can cover the item to be painted. The stronger the drink, the brighter the color of the fabric will be. The coffee is brought to a boil, removed from the heat, and the item prepared for coloring is immersed in a saucepan for an hour. The more the fabric is in the solution, the more the fibers will be colored.
  • Instead of coffee, you can take tobacco. To prepare the coloring solution, 15 g of tobacco is poured into 1 liter of water and boiled, after which the product intended for painting is immersed in the container.

For those people who rarely paint things from their wardrobe, the helpful tips and tricks listed below can be very helpful.

  • If you have to paint the product for the first time, it is better to practice on an old unnecessary thing, which in case of failure you do not mind throwing away.
  • To accurately determine the correct amount of dye, the textiles must be weighed.
  • If the thing to be repainted is supposed to be altered, then it should be ripped apart in advance.
  • Uneven synthetic fabrics can be corrected by immersing the garment in hot soapy water.
  • Garments painted in black must be washed separately from other clothing. The fact is that they can shed and ruin all other things in the drum.

Dyeing your favorite clothes black, done at home, will not only return the products to a bright saturated color, but will also save time and money. The main thing is to buy paint from trusted manufacturers, follow the instructions and listen to the advice of experienced housewives.

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