Who is a gynecologist? How can a woman prepare for a visit to the gynecologist? Who is a gynecologist and what?

Prevention of reproductive diseases is much more effective than treatment. It does not require a lot of money, time and effort, does not cause inconvenience or pain.

Among the preventive measures with which you can monitor your health, an appointment with a gynecologist stands out - despite the fact that it needs to be done once a year, many women neglect this rule.

However, regular examination by a specialist will help to detect pathology in time and begin adequate treatment. In this article we will look at how to prepare for the examination, what to take with you to the appointment.

How to prepare?

Women have the following questions: is it right not to have sex, is it necessary to empty the bladder before entering the office?

IMPORTANT! Self-medication is never a good strategy and can make the doctor's job more difficult. If there is no real need, it is better to wait until your appointment and then purchase medications prescribed by a specialist.

What to take with you?

This is the first and undoubtedly troubling question that arises for a patient going to see a gynecologist for the first time. Depending on the clinic, the list of requirements may vary. The inspection kit may include:

In private clinics, everything is provided as needed. In free clinics, before going to the gynecologist, you should ask the receptionist what exactly you will need and whether there is a pharmacy in the area where you can buy everything you need. After use, used disposable materials can be thrown into a special bin.

How to prepare the intimate area?

This question usually comes second. What preparation is needed? Do I need to shave? Do I need to wash myself? Maybe do a douche? If this is a girl's first trip to the doctor, this can seriously worry her. Let's look at each question in more detail.

Too aggressive hygiene is never good.

You always need to stick to the golden mean, not only before going to the gynecologist - wash your face not too often and not too rarely, do not use antibacterial soaps, do not wash every half hour during menstruation and, preferably, limit yourself to special care products for the intimate area.

How to behave in a doctor's office?

Girls and women may remain some nervousness due to uncertainty - what to say, how to sit, whether the doctor will judge you. It dissipates once you find out how a standard gynecological examination goes.

When all the necessary manipulations have been carried out, the doctor makes an entry in the chart, records the results of the examination and the date of the last menstruation,, if necessary, prescribes additional tests and says goodbye to the patient until she comes again for a scheduled visit.

Doctors such as pediatric gynecologists observe, monitor, and prevent childhood diseases. It is quite important to find a doctor who can protect and prepare a girl for the adult life of a woman from childhood. Even from birth, some children have health problems, and girls may have congenital gynecological diseases. Pediatric gynecologists examine the girl’s genitals, monitor congenital diseases, treat and give advice regarding puberty and maturation. You can undergo an examination by a pediatric gynecologist and take all the necessary gynecological tests in a children's clinic, a gynecological consultation at your place of residence, or for a fee in an aesthetic medicine clinic.

A pediatric gynecologist examines:

  • Fallopian tubes and uterus.
  • Vagina.
  • Vagina.
  • Thyroid.

Pediatric gynecologist. Treatment of such diseases:

  • Tumor of the uterus, vagina and other genital organs.
  • Cystitis: prevention and treatment.
  • Inflammation of the uterus and appendages.
  • Treatment and prevention of thrush: advice on personal hygiene, preventive measures.
  • Delayed menstruation, cycle disruptions. Increased bleeding.
  • Vulvovaginitis.
  • Endometriosis is the formation of nodes outside and inside the uterus.

In addition to treatment and observation, a gynecologist can give practical advice on personal hygiene and can talk about upcoming changes in a girl’s life. The gynecologist will correctly present and explain to the girl about menstruation: what it is, how important it is to take care of yourself during this period, what products to use, pads or tampons. The doctor also explains how important it is to take a bath and shower, change and keep your underwear clean, care for your genitals, and give other advice. What soap or gel to use, what ointments to use for prevention. In addition to the data, the pediatric gynecologist gives advice on caring not only for intimate organs. The doctor will talk about caring for the breasts and armpits, and give advice to a teenage girl about depilation: how to do it correctly, when you can start doing this procedure, what products are best to use, etc.

You should contact a gynecologist when:

  • Hormonal imbalances, both in newborns and in girls during adolescence. Babies experience such disruptions when maternal hormones enter their body, including through breast milk. A crisis can manifest itself in the form of discharge from the genitals, pain in the area of ​​the mammary glands.
  • Disturbances and disruptions of the menstrual cycle, puberty. Symptoms appear in the form of changes in mood, delay or frequent menstruation. Also: increased sweating, sudden weight loss and vice versa. The doctor will tell you how to eat, take care of your figure and personal hygiene.
  • Inflammation of the genital organs. Older girls may experience itching in the intimate organs, mild pain, and redness. Infants may also develop inflammation: unsuitable diapers, cream, soap or milk, mother’s hands not being clean enough, etc.

Regular visits to the gynecologist are one of the main procedures aimed at maintaining women's health. A gynecologist is a doctor specializing in diseases of the female reproductive system.

The first examination of girls by a gynecologist is carried out at school, as part of a medical examination. Also, a visit to a gynecologist is required after the start of sexual activity and a change of sexual partner.

Even in the absence of sexual activity or complaints, every girl over 18 years of age needs to visit a gynecologist once a year for preventive purposes.

Preparation for inspection

A visit to the gynecologist should be scheduled before menstruation or in the first days after it ends. It is necessary to stop douching and sexual intercourse 1-2 days before the examination, and immediately before the visit, take a shower and put on clean underwear.

Important! You should take a clean diaper and socks with you. The diaper is placed on the gynecological chair, and socks are worn during the examination.

Doctor visit

The reception begins with a survey. Be sure to remember the start date of your last menstruation and the duration of your cycle. The gynecologist will ask about menstruation, sex life and sexually transmitted diseases.

It is necessary to answer as accurately and honestly as possible; doctors maintain confidentiality and use information only for diagnostic purposes.

An examination by a gynecologist includes examination of the mammary glands and reproductive organs. The genitals are examined on a special gynecological chair.

When the woman is in a chair, material is collected for smears and examined using gynecological mirrors and an optical device.

The procedures are painless and are performed using sterile instruments. If the presence of diseases is suspected, the doctor will prescribe additional diagnostic tests and give the necessary recommendations.

An appointment with a gynecologist lasts no more than half an hour; if there are no pathologies, the next examination should be scheduled in a year.

Important! If symptoms of the disease appear, you should visit a doctor immediately.

Disorders of the female reproductive system have a variety of symptoms. Signs of the disease include disturbances in menstrual, sexual and reproductive functions, pathological secretion and disturbances in the functioning of adjacent organs.

Menstrual dysfunction

Menstruation is bleeding from the uterine cavity in women, which is a normal physiological process. The first menstruation appears at the age of 11-15 years. The first day of the cycle is the first day of bleeding.

The menstrual cycle lasts 21-30 days, bleeding lasts for 2-7 days. The amount of blood lost is 200-250 ml.

Menstrual dysfunctions include:

  1. More early or late the beginning of menstruation.
  2. Amenorrhea- absence of menstruation for more than 6 months.
  3. Hypomenstrual syndrome- weakening, shortening or slowing of menstruation.
  4. Hypermenstrual syndrome- frequent, prolonged and heavy menstruation.
  5. Menorrhagia- bleeding that occurs during the menstrual cycle.
  6. Metrorrhagia- bleeding that occurs outside the menstrual cycle.
  7. Algodismenorrhea- painful menstruation.

Sexual dysfunction

Sexual intercourse is genital contact between a man and a woman for the purpose of obtaining pleasure and pregnancy. The optimal age for a woman to begin sexual activity is 18 years, and the frequency of sexual intercourse is 2-3 per week.

Women feel attraction to their partner, and during sexual intercourse they experience physiological and psychological orgasms, which determine satisfaction after sexual intercourse.

Sexual dysfunction is characterized by:

  • too early start of sexual activity;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • lack of satisfaction with intimate life;
  • pain during sexual intercourse.

Fertility disorders

Pregnancy is a physiological process characterized by fertilization and subsequent development of the fetus in the woman’s reproductive organs. Fertilization occurs when germ cells fuse during sexual intercourse.

A woman becomes pregnant during the first year after the start of sexual intercourse with a man without the use of contraception.

To disorders of reproductive function include:

  • miscarriages;
  • absence of pregnancy for more than 1 year against the background of regular sexual activity without the use of contraception;
  • infertility.

Pathological secretion

Normally, women have vaginal discharge. The discharge is insignificant, liquid in consistency, light in color, free of blood, and has no distinct odor.

Pathological secretion includes:

  • copious discharge;
  • foul-smelling discharge;
  • foamy discharge;
  • brown (yellow, green) discharge;
  • discharge mixed with blood.

Disorders of related organs

A healthy person feels comfortable and does not experience discomfort.

Indicators of the presence of the disease are:

  1. Soreness and hardening of the mammary glands.
  2. The appearance of rashes on the skin and genitals.
  3. Pain in the genital area or abdomen.
  4. Itching in the genital area.
  5. Frequent or difficult or painful urination.
  6. Urinary incontinence.
  7. Constipation.
  8. Pain during bowel movements.
  9. Diarrhea.
  10. Incontinence of gases and feces.

All of the listed signs may indicate a malfunction of the woman’s reproductive system and possible pathologies, which cannot be ignored.

Self-treatment is unacceptable; only a doctor can determine the exact cause of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment. A timely visit to a gynecologist and correct treatment will help maintain a woman’s health and fertility.

“I’m afraid to go to the gynecologist!” – this phrase is often uttered by young girls, feeling excited. In addition, girlfriends scare you with horror stories about how you can lose your virginity at the doctor. We hasten to assure you that all this is nothing more than fables. Of course, a gynecological examination is not an entirely pleasant procedure, but your fears are completely unfounded.

How to prepare for a visit to the gynecologist?

  1. You need to go to the doctor clean. Shower or bathe as usual and put on clean clothes. It is also advisable to shave your pubic area. No overly thorough cleaning is necessary. This will blur the real picture of the state of the vaginal microflora.
  2. Before visiting the gynecologist, go to the toilet.
  3. According to the rules for visiting a gynecologist in a public clinic, the patient must have with her a disposable gynecological kit, a diaper or towel, shoe covers or clean socks.
  4. Try to wear comfortable clothes. It takes a long time to take off trousers and jeans, and then many are embarrassed to be half naked in front of a doctor. Better wear a dress or skirt.

It happens that it is morally difficult even to sit in line and stress yourself out and worry. Ask a friend or older sister to come with you. However, it is better to go into the office yourself. It’s not often that girls can answer intimate questions to the doctor openly in front of their mother. But in this case it is simply necessary to be honest. When visiting a gynecologist, you will need to answer the doctor’s questions about the beginning of the first menstruation, as well as what date and month the last one began. To avoid confusion, it is better to keep a special calendar, regularly marking the first day of the cycle every month.

What does a gynecologist do during an appointment?

The doctor needs to be honest about whether you are sexually active. The type of inspection will depend on this. If you have already had sex, then the examination is carried out using a two-handed method, when the doctor inserts two fingers into the vagina and carefully feels the abdomen with the other hand. Girls who are sexually active can also be examined using mirrors. If you are a virgin, then the doctor will simply visually examine the external genitalia for the absence of pathologies. The ovaries will be examined through the anus - the doctor inserts a finger there and feels their condition. Of course, it is unpleasant, but completely painless. In general, if everything is fine with you, then no examination will cause pain and you should not worry about it.

Many girls do not know what a gynecologist does during an examination besides checking the condition of the genital organs. But an important part of the examination is also checking the mammary glands - the doctor will palpate them for the presence of lumps. Many doctors teach how to properly independently examine your breasts in order to timely detect alarming symptoms and tumors. This is very valuable information.

So what should you do at the gynecologist?

  1. Talk about what's bothering you. If you have observed an unusual smell from the vagina, itching, or felt a burning sensation, you need to tell your doctor about all these facts - he will solve these problems and tell you why these symptoms appeared.
  2. To ask questions. Perhaps you are embarrassed to ask your mother some things, and it often happens that parents are not entirely competent. It is best to find out the answers to the question that concern you from a professional, and not from your girlfriends.
  3. Undergo a gynecological examination and check the condition of your breasts.

Why go to the gynecologist if everything is fine with your health?

Many girls do not visit a gynecologist if there are no complaints and neglect preventive examinations, although this is even more important than a preventive examination at the dentist. Yes, nothing seems to hurt or bother you, but many diseases are asymptomatic at first and only a doctor can detect the problem during an examination. Erosion, cysts and other problems may appear, the existence of which you will only find out about when the disease develops and it is no longer easy to cure. So it’s better to take care of your health and visit a doctor once or twice a year.

Which gynecologist is better?

  1. Professional. If the girl is under 16 years old, then you can go to a pediatric gynecologist accompanied by her mother.
  2. Tactful. Most often, in public clinics you can sometimes find rude specialists. If you have an antipathy towards the doctor, then it would be better to go to another specialist. A professional will not lecture you or evaluate your moral qualities - it is important for him to take care of the patient’s health.

Many girls experience feelings of embarrassment and shame in front of a female doctor, but what to do if the gynecologist is a man? If you are overly embarrassed by this moment and find it difficult to be frank and talk about your complaints, then it would be better for you to choose a female doctor. In fact, some women believe that male doctors are more understanding and caring in their treatment of their patients. If you have no choice, remember that this is a doctor and only your health is important to him.

After visiting a gynecologist, follow all his recommendations. This is how you can protect yourself from sexual problems.

Many people mistakenly believe that since a gynecologist is a female doctor, then he must have the appropriate gender. In fact, this is not true. Men also work as gynecologists (as well as women). And they often do their job very well.

A gynecologist is a doctor who has completed an internship or residency in the specialty “Obstetrics and Gynecology.” He deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of various disorders and diseases of the female reproductive system.

When should you contact a gynecologist?

What can a woman expect at an appointment with a gynecologist?

First the doctor with the patient talking. At this stage, you should answer all questions very honestly. You need to remember once and for all that the doctor is concerned about the woman’s health and, if necessary, can really help.

Then the gynecologist examines the mammary glands.

The final stage of the preventive visit is examination on a gynecological chair And taking a smear. If the gynecologist at the appointment discovers any indications for additional studies, he can prescribe them or conduct them himself.

When to come for an appointment

  • Twice a year, starting at age 18, in order to conduct a complete preventive examination.
  • Before marriage for health assessment and advice on family planning.
  • If a new sexual partner has appeared, a month after the start of an intimate relationship. A visit is necessary in order to make a smear and determine the state of the microflora of the genital tract.
  • If you are planning to have a baby. In this case, the gynecologist will help prepare the mother’s body for a future pregnancy and determine the favorable moment for this.
  • When menstruation is delayed for 7-10 days.
  • During pregnancy, starting from the moment it is determined and as prescribed by a doctor.
  • After 4-5 weeks after childbirth, abortion, miscarriage, at bleeding and others disorders of the reproductive system.

You should immediately contact a gynecologist in the following cases:

A gynecologist diagnoses and treats the following diseases:

  • inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs (vaginitis, vulvitis, colpitis, endometritis, etc.);
  • non-inflammatory diseases of the uterine cavity (polycystic disease, endometriosis, etc.);
  • female infertility and problems with conception;
  • infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted (genital herpes, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis);
  • menstrual irregularities, hypomenstrual, hypermenstrual menopausal syndromes, dysmenorrhea ();
  • performs obstetric and gynecological examinations (with a vaginal sensor);

Gynecologists are different...

A doctor who manages a pregnancy and delivers a child is called obstetrician-gynecologist. In childhood and adolescence, monitors the proper development and formation of the reproductive system pediatric gynecologist. Deals with disturbances in the proper production of hormones, which can cause many gynecological diseases. gynecologist-endocrinologist.

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