Reed tanning: what is it? Instant tanning: features of the procedure How long will the tan last?

A tanned body is very aesthetically pleasing. In addition to the fact that a chocolate skin tone will make you sexy and attractive, a tan will visually make you slimmer. Today it is not necessary to lie in the sun for hours on end, because there is an excellent alternative - an instant tan.

The procedure has numerous advantages, which cannot be said about traditional sunbathing and solariums. We will tell you everything about this new product, from the preparatory stage for the procedure to the time that the instant tan lasts on the skin.

The essence of the instant tanning procedure

In America, instant tanning has been popular for quite a long time, but it came to us quite recently. The procedure involves special equipment for instant tanning, with the help of which tiny droplets of lotion are sprayed onto the skin. The active component of the lotion is dihydroxyacetone. The substance is extracted from sugar cane, which is why this service is also called cane tanning. Cane tanning is also known as bronzing. To understand why the service is so good, we invite you to compare it with existing alternatives.

When sunbathing or visiting a solarium, your skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays. Scientists are conducting a lot of research to establish the connection between sunbathing and skin cancer, but to talk about the dangers of sun rays you don’t even have to delve into medicine. Surely, you have been burned in the sun at least once and know what kind of torment, not to mention the lack of aesthetics, such burns can cause. The sun's rays will give you a longer-lasting result completely free of charge, but an instant tan will turn you into chocolate in a matter of minutes, whereas you will have to lie under the sun for several days.

Reed tanning vs solarium

Solarium and instant tanning have one thing in common - both are salon procedures. But few people do not know about the dangers of solarium: it promotes dehydration and, as a result, aging of the skin, worsens the condition of your hair, and can lead to skin pigmentation. Among other things, to get a chocolate skin tone, you will need to visit the solarium several times. Solariums have many contraindications, which include gynecological diseases, pregnancy, lactation, heart disease, taking antibiotics, and hormonal medications. Reed tanning has no contraindications, unless you have an individual intolerance to the lotion components.

Instant tan vs self tanning

In their principle of action, instant tanning lotions are similar to. But you are unlikely to be able to apply self-tanning as evenly. Even if you use the most expensive product, the advertising of which promises perfect application and an even shade, you are unlikely to be able to avoid spots and color transitions. Special equipment for instant tanning allows you to evenly spray the lotion over the surface of the skin. But compared to self-tanning, reed tanning is more expensive and you cannot do the procedure yourself at home, although many tanners work from home.

Benefits of bronzing

To summarize, it is worth noting the benefits that you will receive if you decide to buy an instant tan:

  • The innovative method is suitable for any skin type.
  • This is a real find for fair-skinned girls who are not very fond of the sun.
  • In a matter of minutes, you will get a uniform dark skin tone, which is something that none of the alternative methods described above can boast of.
  • The tanning lotion used in the procedure consists of 70% natural ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the health of your skin.

The disadvantage of the procedure is that the lotion can stain clothes and bedding during the first week.

Getting started with the reed tanning procedure

You can treat the entire body and face, or just certain areas, such as arms, legs or back. If you want to do bronzing before a special event, it is recommended to perform the procedure 1-2 days before the important event so that the shade is completely fixed on the skin and the excess lotion is washed off.

Preliminary preparation before bronzing

Undoubtedly, some preparation is needed before the procedure, but it is elementary. Without this step, the result may disappoint you.

  • First of all, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed; it is better to use a body scrub. Typically, an instant tanning studio provides shower cabins where you can perform this procedure. If there are no such cabins in the cabin, you need to take a shower at home.
  • You should not be wearing any cosmetics. Otherwise, the tanning lotion will apply unevenly and may come off prematurely. If you are having a procedure, do not use body cosmetics, creams, lotions, or even perfumes. The area of ​​skin on which the cosmetic product is applied may change color.
  • In addition, a couple of days before going to the salon, you need to remove unwanted hair from your body. Then, by the time of the procedure, all products used for hair removal will be washed off the skin. If you epilate after bronzing, your skin tone may be uneven.

Step-by-step diagram of the bronzing procedure

The procedure takes from 5 to 15 minutes, the step-by-step scheme looks like this:

  1. If the instant tanning studio you choose provides for this, you will peel the skin; if not, this will have to be done at home.
  2. The specialist will offer you a protective cream for your palms, because as you know, they do not sunbathe, and if the spray gets on them, it will look unnatural.
  3. After this, the technician will use a special sprayer to apply tanning lotion to your body, including your face. You will feel a stream of warm air blowing across your body. When the specialist begins to treat your face, hold your breath so as not to inhale the lotion.
  4. Your skin will only darken slightly at the end of the procedure.
  5. Do not wear clothes for another 5-7 minutes until the lotion is completely absorbed.

The procedure is complete, but you will see the final result in 4-8 hours. During this time, it is not recommended to take a bath, exercise, or otherwise impact the skin. The lotion should be thoroughly absorbed, then you will get an excellent result that will please you for 1-2 weeks, depending on your skin type.

Negative reviews are quite common online about any service, and instant tanning is no exception. To ensure that your result pleases you with an even skin tone for as long as possible, follow these simple recommendations:

  • When you go to bronze, wear dark, loose-fitting clothing. Girls often complain that the lotion does not have time to dry and, upon returning home from the salon, they are disappointed in the form of streaks on the skin. Clothes should not be tight, then there will be no problems.
  • The first shower can be taken 8 hours after the session. It should be quick, without scrubs and hard washcloths. Do not dry yourself with a towel, but lightly blot your skin with it.
  • Use body moisturizing creams daily, then the results will last longer.
  • Do not apply products containing alcohol to your body. Apply eau de toilette to your hair or clothes, but not to your skin.
  • Don't skimp on the procedure. Remember that the result of bronzing, like the result of any other manipulation, depends on the level of professionalism of the master. Don't go for cheap!

Reed bronzing cost

Reed tanning is a salon procedure, but today many artists prefer to work at home and this service was no exception, because buying equipment and a bronzer is not a problem today. The cost of a session in a salon is about 1000 rubles, the price of a session at home is from 300 rubles to infinity, depending on the qualifications of the specialist and the quality of the lotion.

Rave reviews from girls with chocolate bodies strongly recommend trying reed tanning. If you want to get a beautiful tanned body, follow all the recommendations we described.

Cane tanning, instant tanning, Hollywood tanning, California tanning - all these are different names for the same tanning method, which is based on the interaction of sugar cane extract with skin cells.

Instant tan, reed tan is a professional application of pigment by spraying. It is done only in specialized centers that exist both in Russia and in other countries. Manufacturers and suppliers of medical equipment. Do not confuse reed tanning with self-tanning; the instant tanning pigment does not clog pores at all and goes on very smoothly. In addition, this pigment contains substances that tone the skin and tighten pores, that is, it also has a therapeutic and preventive effect.

Instant tanning is a procedure for those who absolutely cannot be in the sun or visit a solarium, for those who are always thinking about how to maintain youth and health, and also if you need to get a bronze golden hue in a short time.

This tan is a real salvation for people with sensitive skin, as well as for pregnant women, because in any position you want to get a beautiful tan.

Beautiful tan: what is it based on?

A beautiful tan has become a cult favorite in Europe and the USA. Because it’s inexpensive, fast, absolutely safe and incredibly attractive!

The technology of instant tanning, which does not involve ultraviolet radiation, was developed by scientists from the USA. Thanks to the use of special tanning cosmetics, a magnificent chocolate-golden skin color is obtained. And in addition to the fact that you get a beautiful tan, your skin becomes well-groomed and healthy.

The effect of reed tanning appears after 5 - 10 hours, but the maximum effect should be expected within a day. And then, within two weeks, the skin takes on a unique look.

The effectiveness of this technology is guaranteed by two components. One of them is that the bronzer sprays used for such tanning are applied to the skin using a special spray unit, which is equipped with a device for controlling the direction of the jet. Thanks to this, the skin will tan evenly, without any streaks.

The second factor is that the bronzer spray has a special composition. The bronzer spray substance penetrates deeply into the skin without clogging the pores; in addition, it contains a special vitamin complex that helps moisturize the skin. Due to the fact that instant tanning tightens pores, there is a slight lifting effect. Also, the bronzer spray helps improve the condition of problematic, oily skin, masks its imperfections and eliminates the need for foundation.

People can get a beautiful tan without the sun, using special cosmetics. This cosmetic product contains the substance dehydroxyacetone (DHA), which is extracted from sugar cane. It is this substance that, when reacting with amino acids in the outer layer of the epidermis, colors the surface layer of the skin. After 4 - 5 hours, a tan appears on the skin.

In order for the tan to turn out natural and beautiful, two more components take part in its chemical process - an enzyme bioactivator and a complex of amino acids - tyrosine. It is upon contact with each other that the substance melanin is formed, which causes changes in skin color. The top layers of instant tan must be renewed every two weeks.

A tan makes your body look well-groomed and attractive. Fans of tanned skin know: today it is not necessary to wait for a summer vacation to get a seductive skin color, because modern cosmetology allows you to “tan” at any time of the year - with the help of a solarium, self-tanning and other types of artificial tanning. In this article we will tell you about the safest way to quickly and effectively tan for a while - instant tanning.

Instant tan

Instant tanning (glaming) is a cosmetic procedure for bronzing the skin, which allows you to get a natural, even tan in one session.

This type of artificial tanning is achieved using a special lotion sprayed on the surface of the skin. The product contains sugar cane extract, water, oils, seaweed extracts, tea, aloe juice, citric acid and other natural ingredients. Sugar cane contains the monosaccharide dehydroacetone (dha), which, when it comes into contact with the epidermis, interacts with skin cells, resulting in its characteristic color.

Reed spray allows you to tan without a solarium in one procedure, and you do not need to worry about side effects such as uneven tanning, burns, hyperpigmentation, etc.

Instant tanning without ultraviolet light is considered the safest type of tanning and has a purely cosmetic effect. It can be used as an alternative to self-tanning, solarium, and tanning in the open sun.

This tan does not provide long-lasting color, however, a beautiful, tanned body will delight you for at least a week.

What problems does instant tanning solve?

Today, the instant tanning service is very popular in Russia, as the technology provides a quick effect, as a result of which you get a real Hollywood tan without a solarium.

Who is suitable for instant tanning?

  • Reed tanning evens out skin color, which means it is ideal for those who have the problem of vitiligo.
  • This tan is the best way to quickly tan before a corporate event, date, party or wedding, when there is absolutely no time to go to the solarium. It will be a real find for the bride who wants a snow-white dress to seductively highlight her slender, tanned body.
  • An instant tan is indispensable for dancers who often perform in competitions.
  • The service is useful for those who have a busy work schedule all year round, but at the same time want to look stylish and attractive in the summer.
  • Instant tanning is absolutely harmless, so it can be safely used by children before performances.

Which artificial tan is better: in a solarium, self-tanning or glamping - everyone decides for himself; in any case, it is worth considering that reed tanning is considered the safest and can be applied to both the body and face.

How to choose the right color?

Instant tan evenly colors even the lightest and palest skin. To make your tan look as natural as possible, the specialist will offer you a choice of several shades that suit your skin type.

The spray provides different shades due to the concentration of active ingredients. For example, a product with 8% dehydroacetone content is recommended for use for light skin, and 18% for dark skin.

In addition, lotions may also contain erythrulose, a monosaccharide that provides a gentle tan with a slight “sunny” tint.

Procedure: preparation, execution

Instant tanning is a short-term and simple procedure, however, you need to do some preliminary preparation before it. It is necessary so that the tan “lays” evenly on the skin and lasts as long as possible.

  • a day before tanning you need to wash your hands and other open areas of the body where there is vegetation;
  • Before a tanning session, you should take a shower using. After peeling, you should not use cosmetics or care products so that the quality of your tan does not suffer;
  • If you do not want your palms and feet to become stained, you need to cover them with cream before directly spraying the spray.

How is the procedure done?

Let's look at how a professional instant tan is done in.

The procedure is carried out by specialists in a closed cabin, where cane lotion is directly sprayed onto the skin. The product is applied to the body using special equipment equipped with a turbine or compressor system.

People “sunbathe”, as a rule, in a swimsuit or disposable underwear, but if you want to cover your body with a full tan, you don’t have to wear it. A protective cap must be worn on the head.

Instant tanning also allows you to decorate your body with temporary tattoos. The technique of applying a sketch is simple: before entering the cabin, the master will attach a stencil of a pre-selected design to the body, after which he will carry out the spraying procedure.

The product is sprayed first from the front, then from the back, and then to the sides. The spray is applied to the face last.

The total time for applying an instant tan is 15-20 minutes.

By the way, if you don’t have time to go to the salon, the master can carry out the procedure at home. Portable turbine equipment, with the help of which an experienced specialist will perform the procedure, allows you to get a tan that will be in no way inferior to the result obtained in the studio.

This video shows how the procedure is carried out in a salon setting.

Rules of conduct after the procedure

Over the next 5-10 minutes after spraying, the composition will be absorbed into the skin, so you need to stay in the cabin during this time. After the liquid has dried, you can safely put on clothes and go about your business. The pigment is finally absorbed into the skin within half an hour, so on the day of the procedure you should wear loose clothing to allow the lotion to stick to the body as much as possible.

Color Development

The final tan color appears on the body 6-10 hours after applying the spray.

In these before and after photos you can see the effect of an instant tanning salon procedure.

Post-procedure care

So, within 6-8 hours after cane tanning:

  • you cannot wash or use cosmetics;
  • you cannot play sports, as sweat will not allow the lotion to be evenly distributed on the skin, and the body will become covered with light spots;
  • 2 hours after the procedure, the skin should be moisturized with lotion, then twice a day.

After 10 hours, you can take a warm shower, but only without a sponge.

It is important to know! After applying an instant tan, you should not use a body scrub, go to the sauna, swimming pool, or swim in salt water, as this will shorten the duration of the effect!

Instant tan durability

An instant tan lasts on the skin from 7 to 14 days, in rare cases it lasts for three weeks.

It is worth knowing that the maximum amount of sprayed lotion that the skin can absorb is no more than 85%. The remaining 15% can be easily washed off when taking the first shower after the procedure.

The instant tan fades gradually. As a rule, the pigment is evenly washed out from the skin during water procedures.

How to extend the durability of an instant tan?

In order to maximize the tanning effect, in addition to the recommended care after the procedure (see point 3), experts advise against using whitening, regenerating cosmetics and creams with fruit acids. It is advisable to apply perfumes and eau de parfum only to hair or clothes.


Like any cosmetic procedure, instant tanning also has its pros and cons. Its main advantages are safety and quick results. If your body is healthy and your skin is well-groomed, the procedure will not harm you, and the tan itself will look absolutely natural. Contraindications to instant tanning are minimal.


  • fresh wounds;
  • allergy to the components of the drug.

Compatible with other types of tanning

With an instant tan, you can freely sunbathe in a solarium, and you don’t need to be afraid that stains may appear on your body. The fact is that during sessions, the reed tan gradually brightens and is evenly replaced by a persistent color.

Pros and cons of the procedure


  • harmlessness;
  • instant results in one session;
  • natural tanning effect;
  • suitable for any skin type;
  • can be used at any age.

People often ask on beauty forums whether the procedure can be done for pregnant women, while breastfeeding (breastfeeding) and during menstruation? You can, since the tanning spray contains only natural ingredients. However, before the procedure, it is necessary to conduct a test for possible allergies.

Among the advantages of reed tanning is the fact that it makes aesthetic skin imperfections such as post-acne, scars, and vitiligo spots less noticeable. This, in any case, is evidenced by the reviews left by fans of artificial tanning on beauty forums.


  • short-term effect;
  • uneven pigmentation in case of excessive physical activity, frequent water treatments;
  • dyeing clothes and linen in the first few hours after the procedure.

Instant tanning is a worthy alternative to going to a solarium and self-tanning. You can get a luxurious Hollywood tan at any time of the year, and you will have to spend a maximum of 30 minutes in the salon.

The procedure is safe, has no significant contraindications, and can be used even by pregnant and breastfeeding women. The disadvantage of reed tanning is that it provides a short-term effect.

We invite you to read the article on the topic: “seductive reed tanning at home” with comments from our expert. You can ask all questions in the comments.

  • Seductive reed tan at home

    Reed tanning is a unique system that was developed by American specialists to apply an even and beautiful bronze tan. This type of tanning has become widely known and popular among Hollywood stars, and is therefore sometimes called a Hollywood tan.

    This system is based on cane powder; it is the main natural component that has no contraindications and is absolutely safe.

    This type of tanning has a number of advantages:

    • Even application and instant results that last for more than ten days;
    • Safety. Reed tanning does not cause allergies and does not create burns, and therefore is also suitable for those with delicate and sensitive skin;
    • Applies easily and evenly, leaving no streaks or stains;
    • The tan lingers exclusively on the skin and does not stain clothing like self-tanning;
    • It has a fairly wide palette of shades.

    A correctly selected shade will allow you to create a spectacular tan that visually corrects your figure, demonstrating its advantages. Reed tanning is absolutely safe and can be applied both with the help of specialists in a beauty salon and at home.

    Is cane tanning possible at home?

    You can easily give your body a beautiful and impressive reed tan at home. To do this, you will need a special reed tanning machine, which includes an easy-to-use sprayer that evenly applies the product to the skin. In addition, the kit of such a device includes a turbine, a special hose and a container for lotion.

    Understanding the operation of the device is quite simple; it does not require training or special knowledge. The principle of operation of this device is as follows: under a strong stream of air, the lotion with the desired shade of reed tan is evenly distributed and upon contact with the skin instantly turns into a tan. At the same time, there is no need to worry about streaks and stains, they simply won’t happen.

    The spray penetrates deeply into the skin, creating an instant tan, but does not clog the skin, which is a definite advantage. Before proceeding directly to the cane tanning procedure, you should cleanse your skin with a deep exfoliation of your face and body. Creams and other moisturizing and nourishing cosmetics should not be used before application, since the skin must be completely degreased. It is recommended to remove all jewelry and not use perfumes or various deodorants. The exceptions are the palms, feet, nails, knees and elbows, which should be covered with a layer of protective cream.

    After the procedure, it is important to avoid absolutely any contact with water. It is undesirable not only to come into contact with water, but also to drink it, and it is also better to avoid any activity so as not to sweat. After 6-7 hours, the remaining bronzer should be carefully washed off with warm water without using detergents or washcloths. It is important to remember that epilation should be done before applying the reed tan or after the tan has completely washed off.

    A beautiful and even tan can be obtained thanks to lotions, the main component of which is dihydroxyacetone (DHA), obtained from sugar cane. This is a completely harmless substance that does not cause addiction, allergic reactions, and does not penetrate the blood. The lotion has a direct effect on the surface of the skin. When the lotion interacts with proteins and amino acids of the skin, a tan of the desired shade is obtained without any spots or streaks. It is worth noting that the intensity of the tan does not appear immediately, but a day after applying the lotion with the selected shade to the skin.

    To choose the right shade, it is better to take the advice of professionals who take into account your phototype and natural skin color. Depending on the concentration of the DHA component in the lotion, which ranges from 8% to 18%, the shade is selected taking into account the natural color.

    Reed tanning lotion can be easily selected not only for light but also for dark skin. In addition, you can choose a lotion with an immediate effect or with a gradual development of a reed tan. In most cases, extracts of various plants are added to the lotion to ensure that the skin looks moisturized and the tan is applied evenly.

    Reed tanning is an ideal solution for fair-skinned and red-haired girls, whose skin almost always burns in the sun, becomes red and peels off after a while. Using an instant reed tan, after 20 minutes you get a perfectly even and beautiful skin tone that lasts for quite a long time.

    Reed tanning is very easy to apply at home and is a salvation if you don’t have time to sunbathe on the beaches, but want to look luxurious in an open evening dress at a gala evening.

    Hello! In this article we will talk about reed tanning. This is the safest and most harmless tanning of all existing ones. It may be called a Hollywood tan, instant tan, or DHA tan.

    If you want to attract the admiration of others with your tempting chocolate skin color, you just need to become the owner of a reed tan. The secret of its uniqueness is that a lotion is applied to the skin, the main component of which dihydroxyacetone (DHA) . It can be either natural or synthetic; it is extracted from sugar cane, which is what its name is associated with. After American scientists came to the conclusion that DHA can be used for instant bronzing of the skin, it began to be called not only reed, but also instant. He immediately won the love of famous actors and musicians, which is why the alternative names are Hollywood or California tan.

  • Autumn will soon come and all that will remain from summer are memories and a tan... But winter has passed and spring is coming again, and you want to look like summer, tanned and rested. Instant tanning will come to the rescue - a new service in the beauty industry that has won many fans in a short period of time.

    In this article you will find the most interesting information: how to do instant tanning in a salon, features of the procedure, pros and cons, as well as answers to the most popular questions.

    Instant tanning is a cosmetic procedure where, in one visit to a beauty salon, the skin is covered with bronzer, acquiring an even and natural golden hue.

    This type of tanning is considered the safest - the skin acquires a golden hue not under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, but due to its coating with a special composition.

    Instant tanning is also called reed tanning, bronzing or glamping.

    How does it differ from self-tanning or tanning obtained in a solarium?

    Instant tan represents body application procedure specially selected brown pigment by spraying, a is a decorative cream that is washed off after the first shower.

    Indications and contraindications


    Regarding the indications for the use of instant tanning, experts are of the same opinion - it is indicated for everyone who is over 18 years of age and wants to get a beautiful skin color.

    Often, an instant tan is done before important events when you need to look 100%, for example, a wedding, birthday and other events.

    Instant tanning before a wedding or other important holiday should be done in a good salon by a trained and experienced specialist. In this way, you can get perfect skin and enjoy the celebration.


    Like any other cosmetic procedure, this one also has its limitations:

    • Fresh, open wounds on the body that have not closed or healed.
    • Allergy to a component of the composition used.

    It is not advisable to use this procedure. If there is a need for a procedure, you must first consult a doctor!

    Pros and cons of instant tanning

    Any cosmetic procedure has both positive and negative sides. It is worth noting what the pros and cons of instant tanning are:

    Pros of the procedure

    The procedure is done quickly and gives an excellent and harmless result. The skin acquires an even and natural tan - due to the uniform application of the composition, there will be no streaks and spots on the skin, like from self-tanning or that can bother you after a solarium.

    Suitable for any skin color and without age limit (after 18) - you will look luxurious at any age.

    Among other things, it is able to hide minor skin imperfections - scars and post-acne, and when diagnosed, it is an excellent option to hide such a nuance in appearance.

    Disadvantages of the procedure

    Instant tanning has one main disadvantage: the effect of the procedure is short-term. And with frequent visits and excessive physical activity, uneven pigmentation may appear on the body.

    It is also worth noting that in the first hours, underwear and clothing may become stained from the composition applied to the body.

    Application procedure

    This procedure is simple and does not take much time, but in order to get an even and high-quality tan, you should prepare for it correctly:

    • 48 hours in advance - do waxing to remove unwanted hair from your body.
    • Before the actual session of applying the instant tanning composition to the body, exfoliate - this will allow the pigments to better “grab” the skin.

    How does the procedure work?

    How is instant tanning done in a salon? The procedure is carried out in a closed booth, where a special lotion composition is sprayed onto the body. In this case, the body can be completely naked or you can be in disposable underwear. In any case, a disposable cap must be put on your head.

    If you don’t have time to visit the salon, the master can come to your home, since this procedure is carried out using portable equipment that is easily transported, and the result will not be inferior in quality to that obtained in a beauty salon.

    The instant tanning procedure requires following certain actions. When the composition is applied to the prepared skin of the body, in the next 10-15 minutes the pigmentation will be absorbed into its upper layers and all this time it is best to stay in the booth.

    At the end of the session, put on spacious clothes made of simple fabric and return to the usual rhythm of life and your business.

    Do you want to consolidate the result?– after the procedure, it is forbidden to wash for the next 7-8 hours. After this time, you should not be afraid that the lotion will be washed off - no more than 5% of the composition will leave the body.

    Be sure to moisturize your skin with cream after the bath, but do not use one that contains fruit acids or bleaching ingredients.

    The main thing is not to take a hot bath - limit yourself to a warm shower and without using alkaline compounds.

    Answers to popular questions

    How long does an instant (reed) tan last on the skin?

    As cosmetologists themselves note - the result on the body lasts from 10 to 14 days, although in this matter everything is individual.

    How long an instant tan is enough depends on the individual characteristics of a person’s skin, on the body’s ability to quickly regenerate and renew itself.

    With the right actions and proper care after the procedure, the effect will last longer.

    Taking baths also plays a role in how long an instant tan lasts. The lifespan of your artificial bronzer depends on how often you take a bath.

    Is it possible to sunbathe with an instant tan?

    You can visit a solarium, sunbathe on the beach and absolutely not worry about the fact that the tan will be uneven and dark spots will appear on your body. It is not forbidden to visit the beach and apply self-tanning - it all depends on your desires and habits.

    Instant tanning before a trip to the sea – is it worth doing?

    The answer is definitely possible! And against the general background of tanned vacationers, you don’t want to look like a white northerner whose body saw the sun for the first time.

    Don't be afraid to combine an instant tan with a subsequent trip to the sea.

    Everyone knows very well this peculiarity of being under the sun - the skin first and only then becomes covered with a golden hue. An instant tan applied to the body before the sea will hide such an annoying feature.

    Don't forget to use sunscreen on the beach!

    Where to get an instant tan?

    An instant tan can be done in a beauty salon. But unfortunately, not every such institution practices this procedure. Therefore, you can call the salons closest to your home and ask if they offer instant tanning. Or look on the Internet for a list of salons in your city that provide this service. Reviews will help you choose the best salon.

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