What happens to mom and baby at the eighth week of pregnancy, what does a woman feel and why does her lower abdomen hurt? The condition of the woman and the fetus at the eighth week of pregnancy 8th week of feeling in the lower abdomen.

You are in a great mood, you never cease to rejoice at your position ...

And the baby is already forming salivary glands. His digestive system will begin to work very soon. The small ventricle is also almost ready for this significant event: its structure is almost ready, the intestine has become much longer.

8 weeks pregnant
- a period of active development in the crumbs of their own cardiovascular system: the formation of all parts of the heart is completed, its internal partitions become stronger, there are already the largest vessels and main arteries. Not only bones develop, but also joints. AT 8 weeks pregnant on the a photo the legs and arms of your child look quite human: the webs between the fingers have disappeared. 8 weeks pregnant and the baby is already doing exercises! Makes his first spontaneous movements! But you still don’t feel his movements - his height is only about two centimeters, and his weight is 3 grams.

Held in 8 weeks pregnant ultrasound, helps to distinguish: where is your baby's back, and where is the tummy, you can even see the spine and eyes. also in 8 weeks pregnant the pelvic and head ends of the embryo differ.

Of course, it is still impossible to say who the baby looks like, but future facial features are already being drawn: the eyes are drawing closer, eyelids appear above them, the tip of a curious nose is visible, and under it is the upper lip. 8 weeks pregnant turns it into a unique creation!
8 weeks pregnant important for boys - at this time their testicles are formed.

your baby in 8 weeks pregnant and it sounds good already. The baby's heart rate is about 130 beats per minute! Fetal heart rate is one of the main indicators of the viability of babies - not only in 8 weeks pregnant. Any unfavorable situation is instantly reflected in the heartbeat. That's why doctors will carefully monitor your baby's heart function throughout your pregnancy.

In the antenatal clinic, you may be assigned to take an analysis hcg at 8 weeks pregnant. This is done in order to track its course. Low levels of hCG (chorionic gonadotropin) indicate pathology, and high levels can be observed with diabetes in a future mother, with multiple pregnancies.

If continues pregnancy 8 weeks, you still may not leave such symptoms like toxicity. In many women 8 weeks pregnant and toxicosis are walking, as they say, toe to toe. There are several theories of its appearance, but all doctors come to the conclusion: this is a normal reaction of the body of the expectant mother, it helps to protect the baby from all sorts of dangers that threaten him. You 8 weeks pregnant? Toxicosis "shines" you more likely if you have problems with the stomach, intestines, liver. 8 weeks pregnant must be protected from nervous overload, unbalanced nutrition. In this case, toxicosis can manifest itself very imperceptibly.

8 weeks pregnant
changes dimensions your uterus, it has already grown to the size of an average grapefruit. Its growth can cause it to start to hurt belly at 8 weeks pregnant. There may be slight pulling pains in the hips, in the lower abdomen. This will have to be put up with. After all, the uterus is already beginning to put pressure on the sciatic nerve, nearby aorta, vena cava and blood vessels. It is impossible to treat these painful sensations, but try to ease it, for example, by walking in the fresh air.

Pregnancy 8 weeks
is also characterized secretions. Most likely, this is a physiological process. But you need to beware when small bleeding begins. They can last more than one day, you can also feel cramping pains in the lower abdomen. These signs may be harbingers of a miscarriage. In addition to what the doctor will prescribe to the expectant mother, complete rest and bed rest are necessary. And then everything will fall into place. 8 weeks pregnant will continue.

To relax in 8 weeks pregnant from all the troubles, do more a photo. After all, this wonderful event in your life will not happen again. Even if you have many children, but pregnancy with this particular baby, exactly this 8th week of pregnancy- the one and only.

During the 8th week of pregnancy, hormonal changes, and in particular a significant increase in progesterone levels, contribute to general lethargy and sleep problems.

Feelings at 8 weeks pregnant

Feelings of dizziness and weakness at week 8 are associated with an increase in the amount of circulating blood in the body. In this case, frequent headaches can occur due to a sharp drop in blood sugar levels. It must be remembered that during this period, regular meals and eight hours of sleep are just as important for the body as the absence of increased physical and mental stress.

At week 8, bloating may be felt, it may even seem that the growth of the abdomen is not commensurate with the timing. Such changes are associated with the relaxation and expansion of the smooth muscles of the intestine and the retention of fluid in this area under the influence of the hormone progesterone.


In addition to the above symptoms of pregnancy, some women begin to notice a large amount of vaginal discharge at week 8. Unlike the discharge provoked by the disease, this milky-yellowish mucus does not cause discomfort and itching, and does not have an unpleasant odor. The role of such secretions is to prevent infection of the birth canal during pregnancy, and they occur under the influence of estrogens that stimulate vaginal secretion.

The discharge at the 8th week of pregnancy, which is brown, is extremely dangerous. They are sometimes accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, dizziness or weakness. Such discharge is usually provoked by the separation of the fetal egg from the uterine wall, resulting in bruising. This is an alarming symptom, it indicates a threat of miscarriage, so even small and painless dark discharge requires a mandatory consultation with a specialist.

Fetus at 8 weeks pregnant: weight and dimensions

Although the embryo is already moving from time to time, its tiny size does not allow the mother to feel it. The baby is already very different from the fetus, more and more acquiring human traits. Eyelashes appear, the nose, ears and upper lip begin to protrude, the neck is outlined, the phalanges of the fingers are born.

At week 8, the laying of the main internal organs is almost completed, after which they will quickly and actively develop, and some even function. So, the heart is already distilling blood through a small body, the valves of the pulmonary artery and aorta have begun to work, the connections of large blood vessels and the partitions between the atria become stronger.

At the 8th week of pregnancy, the optic nerve of the child is born, and the ovaries with eggs in the female fetus and the testicles in the male also begin to form.

The child grows at a rate of 1 mm per day. At the end of the week it will be mm long. The fingers and toes still have membranes. The amount of amniotic fluid is increased (by about 2 tablespoons every week), which provides a habitat for a rapidly growing organism due to the walls of the amnion and the renal secretion of the embryo. The diameter of the fetal sac with amniotic fluid averages about 30 mm, and the weight of the child varies between 0.9-1.3 g.

On ultrasound at 8 weeks of pregnancy, the following changes occur with the child:

  • the embryo is already much less like a reptile, it is becoming more and more human;
  • registration of the frequency of contraction of the heart muscles show that the heart of the embryo beats 2 times more often than the heart of its mother, up to 160 beats per minute;
  • gonads are almost completely formed into testicles or ovaries;
  • eyes and eyelids continue to form;
  • the child's eyes are still closed;
  • the upper and lower limbs become longer and stronger, and they can already be distinguished on ultrasound;
  • elbows are forming, and a raspberry-sized child is already hugging himself;
  • you can distinguish the tip of the nose;
  • the foundations of future teeth are formed in the gums;
  • the child begins to move, making pushes with his legs, and this is also noticeable on ultrasound, but, unfortunately, it cannot be felt.

Belly at 8 weeks pregnant: pulls, hurts

Abdominal pain appears in many women at 8 weeks and is very often associated with normal uterine contractions. In order to find out if the pain is serious, you need to lie down and relax. If everything is in order with the body, then the discomfort in the abdomen will quickly pass. If the pain does not subside or, even more dangerous, becomes more intense, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

This condition is especially dangerous if, in addition to pulling pains, dark or bloody vaginal discharge appears. Then, without hesitation, you need to go to the hospital, because in a matter of minutes a serious condition can become critical.

At week 8, pulling in the lower abdomen can be due to improper attachment of the embryo (for example, in the fallopian tubes). In such a situation, one cannot wait, because there is a threat to the life of not only the unborn child, but also the pregnant woman herself.

Drawing pains can also be provoked by hypertonicity of the uterus. This condition also cannot be ignored, since it poses a real threat to the life of the baby. In frequent cases, hypertonicity provokes a miscarriage or premature birth. However, proper treatment under medical supervision in most cases leads to a successful resolution of the situation.

Pain at 8 weeks of pregnancy is not always associated with the condition of the uterus. They can be triggered by malfunctions in the intestines or the accumulation of gases. Unlike uterine contractions, this kind of pain most often does not pose a threat to the health of the mother and child.

Malfunctions of the large intestine are characterized by pain in the lower lateral (right or left) part of the abdomen. At the same time, there is no tension of the uterus and a rumbling in the stomach is heard and that gases are leaving.

8 weeks pregnant stomach sensations

What's happening

In the mother's body, the concentration of the female hormone - progesterone, synthesized by the ovaries, continues to increase. It reduces the excitability of the uterus, promotes an increase in the mammary glands and performs other functions. However, an increase in its concentration reduces intestinal motility (the movement of contents through the intestines slows down) - constipation may begin at the tenth week of pregnancy.

The corpus luteum is a special temporary endocrine gland in the female body, which is formed after ovulation and produces the hormone progesterone, continues to play a dominant role in regulating changes in the woman's body. Its function is to maintain pregnancy and inhibit the formation of follicles (that is, new eggs do not mature).

Starting from the 8th week from conception, the blood supply to the female genital organs increases. Outwardly, this can be expressed by cyanosis (cyanosis) and a slight swelling of the external genital organs.

Discharge at 8 weeks pregnant

The eighth week is the time when around the vessels of the placenta there is an active reproduction of special cells - fibroblasts that synthesize collagen protein. A woman must definitely consume a sufficient amount of vitamins A and C. Their deficiency prevents the formation of collagen and can lead to spontaneous abortion. Symptoms of the latter are bloody brown discharge, discomfort or cramping pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, salivation, and other non-specific complaints.

Belly at 8 weeks pregnant

An increase in the abdomen is hardly noticeable to others. The size of the uterus during this period does not exceed 10 cm. However, the abdomen can be enlarged due to flatulence - increased gas formation in the intestines.

The eighth week of pregnancy marks the transition from the embryonic period to the fetal period, that is, the embryo at the 8th week of pregnancy turns into a fetus. At week 8, the fingers of the upper and lower extremities are formed in the child, the size of the head increases significantly (up to half the length of the body), and the umbilical cord (umbilical cord) is formed. At the 8th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus is 32–35 mm and weighs 5 grams.

Fat cells appear in the connective tissue of the fetus. The organ of gas exchange and excretion of the child - allantois, which has been functioning up to this point, begins to decrease. In the future, together with the yolk sac, it will become part of the umbilical cord. The formation of the latter is an important stage in the development of the child. Through this tube covered with membranes, arterial blood enters the fetus through two veins, and venous blood flows to the mother through the umbilical artery.

The child has already formed a four-chambered heart. The opening between the ventricles closes at week 8, but the opening between the atria remains until birth. At the eighth week from conception, the thymus gland is formed, which is necessary for the differentiation of T-lymphocytes (special cells of the immune system).


During this period, a woman takes several tests.

  1. General analysis of blood and urine. These tests are given before each visit to the gynecologist. Of particular interest to the doctor are the indicators of hemoglobin, erythrocytes and hematocrit (the ratio between plasma and formed elements). During pregnancy, the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin decreases. By the end of pregnancy, the latter drops to values ​​of 110-115 g / l at an initially normal level. If a woman initially has iron deficiency anemia, then the condition becomes threatening. Therefore, blood counts should be corrected before pregnancy, however, if necessary, treatment is prescribed at this stage.
  2. blood glucose. The doctor should timely identify gestational diabetes mellitus (first occurring during pregnancy).
  3. Blood type and Rh factor of mother and father. It is necessary to control the antibody titer in order to avoid miscarriage as a result of the Rhesus conflict.

Ultrasound at this stage of pregnancy is performed only if there is a medical indication. The ideal time for the first ultrasound is 9-11 weeks from conception.

Pain at 8 weeks pregnant

Pain can be a sign of both obstetric and somatic (general) pathology. Particularly dangerous signs are pain in the lower abdomen with the appearance of bloody discharge. When such pain occurs, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

Nutrition at 8 weeks

It must be high in calories. Avoid foods rich in carbohydrates. Eat dairy products, cottage cheese, meat, fruits. You need to limit the use of grapes (as they contain a large amount of sugar) and prunes (leads to constipation). Milk, legumes and cabbage are also not recommended, as these products contribute to gas formation.

  • General weakness, drowsiness and decreased body tone;
  • restless sleep;
  • Decreased immunity.

What happens in the mother's body at the eighth week?

  • Your uterus is actively growing and is now the size of an apple. You may feel slight contractions, as before your period. Now an important organ for you and your baby is growing in your body - the placenta. With its help, the baby will receive all the necessary nutrients, water, hormones, and oxygen.
  • A hormonal storm is taking place in your body, it is necessary in order to prepare your body for the further development of the fetus. Estrogen, prolactin, and progesterone dilate your arteries to deliver more blood to your baby. And they are also responsible for the production of milk, relax the ligaments of the pelvis, thereby allowing your tummy to grow.
  • Very often during this period, women feel a feeling of nausea, salivation increases, there is no appetite, and gastric ailments are exacerbated. you can feel all the signs of early toxicosis.
  • This week your breasts have become larger, tighter and heavier. And also the circle around the nipple darkened, the pattern of the vessels intensified. In addition, you will notice that nodules have appeared around the nipples - these are enlarged sweat glands.

What do they write on the forums?

I'm in storage, tomorrow for an ultrasound, I pray that everything will be fine. A week ago there was bleeding and severe pain, but on the ultrasound everything was in order. Girls, take care of yourself!

We are 8 weeks old, sick in the morning and slightly sipping on the lower abdomen, but these are all trifles. My treasure is growing in my tummy, isn't it worth it?

Today is the eighth week. There is no toxicosis, only appetite too, it appears only in the evening. The only thing that worries me is the constant desire to sleep. I can't wait to go on vacation and enjoy my position to the fullest.

Today I had an ultrasound, so waiting for this moment. All the time I was worried that everything would be fine. And now the doctor says that we correspond to 8 weeks. I am the happiest person on earth!

What tests should be done at this time?

If you haven't contacted the antenatal clinic yet, now is the time. At week 8, you need to visit a gynecologist and undergo an initial examination for complete control. You will undergo a standard examination in the chair, the doctor will ask you questions, find out how the pregnancy is going. In turn, you can ask the doctor about questions that concern you.

At week 8, the following tests await you:

  • Blood test (determination of the group and Rh factor, hemoglobin, rubella test, anemia test, general condition of the body);
  • Urinalysis (determination of sugar levels, for the presence of infections, general indicators of the state of the body);
  • Checking the mammary glands (general condition, the presence of formations);
  • Blood pressure (presence of hypertension or hypotension);
  • Analysis for TORCH infection, HIV, syphilis;
  • Smear analysis (on the basis of which later dates may be called);
  • Measurement of indicators (weight, pelvic volume).

Your doctor may refer you for additional tests.

In addition, you should be asked the following questions:

Are there hereditary diseases in your family? - Have you or your husband ever been seriously ill? - Is this your first pregnancy? - Have you had miscarriages? - What is your menstrual cycle?

Your doctor will create an individual follow-up plan for you.

Fetal development in the 8th week

This week, your baby is no longer an embryo, it becomes a fetus and now you can safely call it a baby. Despite the fact that the internal organs have already formed, they are still in their infancy and have not taken their proper places. Your baby is 1mm long and weighs almost 3g.

  • The embryonic period ends. Now the embryo becomes a fetus. All organs have formed and now they are only growing.
  • This week, the small intestine begins to contract.
  • The rudiments of male or female genital organs appear.
  • The body of the fetus straightens and lengthens.
  • Bones and cartilage begin to form.
  • Muscle tissue develops.
  • And in the eyes of the baby appears pigment.
  • The brain sends impulses to the muscles, and now the baby begins to respond to surrounding events. If he doesn’t like something, he frowns and shudders. But of course you can't feel it.
  • And the baby's facial features begin to appear. Lips, nose, chin are formed.
  • Constriction membranes have already appeared on the fingers and toes of the fetus. And the arms and legs are longer.
  • The inner ear is formed, which is responsible not only for hearing, but also for balance.
  • Now it is very important for you to tune in to a wave of positive and remain calm. Go to bed a little earlier and wake up a little later. Sleep is the cure for all ailments. Get enough sleep!
  • If you do not want others to know about your situation, come up with excuses in advance, for example, why you do not drink alcohol at a party.
  • It's time to rethink your fitness routine. Change it so that once again it does not irritate your already sensitive breasts. Avoid sudden movements, heavy lifting, as well as running. Gymnastics for pregnant women and yoga are ideal for you.
  • Throughout the first trimester, try to avoid alcohol, drugs, and any toxins.
  • Note: taking 200 g of caffeine per day, 2 times increases the likelihood of miscarriage. Therefore, you should refrain from coffee.
  • Don't be lazy to wash your hands throughout the day. This is the easiest way to protect against viruses and infections.

Pregnancy calendar, 8 weeks pregnant

If you have a period of 8 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, then new symptoms may appear. They can be regarded as a variant of the normal course of pregnancy, and as a variant of a complicated course. This is due to intensively occurring hormonal changes, as well as changes in the functional state of many organs and systems. So, the main sensations at the 8th week of pregnancy are as follows:

Manifestations of early toxicosis (nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, developing metabolic disorders);

Frequent urination, which normally should not be painful;

The appearance of bloody discharge from the genital tract is regarded as a formidable sign - termination of pregnancy at 8 weeks;

Purulent discharge from the vagina and cervix are considered as a manifestation of an infectious process in the female genital tract;

Minor pains in the lower abdomen on the right are associated with an intense increase in the uterus and sprain of the round ligaments (the right round ligament is shorter, so pain most often occurs on the right). These pains do not require any treatment;

Constipation during pregnancy (lack of stool for more than 1-2 days) is associated with a weakening of intestinal motility. Therefore, to combat this condition, it is recommended to consume a sufficient amount of fiber, which is an excellent stimulant of intestinal motility.

Thus, knowledge of the pathological symptoms that complicate the course of pregnancy will allow you to contact your obstetrician-gynecologist in a timely manner. This will prevent the development of serious complications.

If you lead your pregnancy from conception, then 8 weeks from conception is already 10 obstetric weeks of pregnancy. And the eighth obstetric week of pregnancy is the 6th week from conception.

Nailing, carbon walking and throwing daggers in the stomach

How does a pregnant woman feel at 8 weeks

At a period of 8 weeks, sensations are clearly associated with the manifestation of the main signs of pregnancy, which include:

Feeling of engorgement of the mammary glands and their increase in volume;

Changes in taste and smell preferences;

Increased drowsiness or insomnia, etc.

Intensively occurring hormonal changes explain all these signs of pregnancy at 8 weeks. Human chorionic gonadotropin and progesterone have a particularly great influence. It is the increased content of the hCG hormone during pregnancy that makes it possible to conduct a urinary pregnancy test. This is a qualitative method for the determination of choriogonin in urine.

8 obstetric week of pregnancy is the optimal time for this method of diagnosing pregnancy.

Many women have a smooth pregnancy with only mild symptoms of the condition. However, in some, nausea and vomiting can be very pronounced, which leads to the development of early toxicosis. This complication of pregnancy significantly disrupts the general condition of a pregnant woman. In order to diagnose early toxicosis, the following signs must be present:

Vomiting more than 2 times a day (up to 2 times is regarded as a variant of the norm);

Decrease in appetite until its complete loss;

The appearance of the smell of acetone in the exhaled air;

Acetonuria (detection of acetone in the urine), etc.

After this condition is diagnosed, the pregnant woman needs treatment. Therefore, she must be hospitalized in a hospital, where she will receive metabolic, infusion and antiemetic therapy.

Sex at the 8th week of pregnancy, however, like playing sports, is not prohibited if the pregnancy develops normally, and you have not had miscarriages in the past.

How does a baby develop at 8 weeks pregnant?

At 8 weeks of pregnancy, according to the obstetric calendar, further differentiation of the brain and spinal cord continues, their structure becomes more complicated. At this time, the cerebellum is formed as an organ that coordinates all the movements of the baby. As a result, this leads to the appearance of various movements performed by the baby. He can already bend and unbend his head, and also makes turns with his body to the side.

The rudiments of arms and legs are already clearly visible, the face acquires features characteristic of a human. The fingers are already formed. By this time, the thymus, or thymus, is formed. It immediately begins to be populated by lymphocytes, providing a minimum activity of immunity.

From the 8th week, a pigment already appears in the retina, which makes it possible to distinguish between light and dark. Therefore, the baby reacts differently to changes in light activity.

The 8th week of pregnancy is an important period in relation to the sexual differentiation of the child. It is determined by the presence of the Y chromosome in the chromosome set. If it is present, then the rudiments of male sexual characteristics are formed, and if it is not, then the female genital organs are laid. The main source of germ cells is the yolk sac, from where they move to the site of the laying of the genital gonads.

That is why the impact of adverse factors on the 8th week of a child's development can lead to anomalies of the genital organs. Such is the sad history of the use of diethylstilbestrol (a hormonal drug that was previously widely used for miscarriage), which was prescribed from this date.

Patients who received it in the prenatal period were subsequently at risk for developing cervical and endometrial cancer, since the frequency of these oncological processes was extremely high. Boys who received diethylstilbestrol were not adversely affected.

The size of the fetus at week 8 is quite small - the length varies from 1.4 to 2 cm, and the weight of the fetal egg is approximately 2 g.


At the 8th week of pregnancy, the tummy is completely invisible, since the uterus is the size of a goose egg. In some women, the belly really begins to grow, and this is due to excess food intake. The number of incoming calories increases the energy requirement for them. Therefore, the remainder is deposited in the form of a subcutaneous fat layer. This is how obesity develops. It carries certain risks, which are expressed in an increase in the frequency of the following obstetric complications:

Preeclampsia (characterized by increased blood pressure, edema and the appearance of protein in the urine); - anomalies of labor activity; - miscarriage is a spontaneous interruption up to 37 weeks; - the birth of large children (4 kg or more); - gestational diabetes, etc.

Therefore, it is very important to control weight gain during pregnancy. This will prevent the development of some complications of pregnancy and childbirth.

At 8 weeks pregnant, meals should be frequent, but without overeating. If you are interested in specific dishes, then take a look at our section of recipes for pregnant women. There you will find step by step cooking with photos.

Typical complaints and how to treat them

At this stage of pregnancy, some unpleasant symptoms may appear that indicate that the pregnancy is in danger. Most often we are talking about spotting and thrush.

Bloody discharge at the 8th week of pregnancy is a sign of spontaneous miscarriage. Very often they are accompanied by pain. In such a situation, the pregnant woman must be urgently hospitalized. Appropriate treatment (antispasmodic and hemostatic drugs) will be prescribed in the hospital. It is also necessary to evaluate the hormonal background. If it is broken, then it is corrected.

Thrush, or vaginal candidiasis, develops as a result of a decrease in immunity (immunosuppression is one of the physiological changes in pregnancy that ensure the normal development of the baby). It is manifested by the appearance of abundant curdled discharge, itching and discomfort in the vagina. For treatment, as a rule, local dosage forms are used, which are approved for use during pregnancy.


At 8 obstetric weeks, during an ultrasound without obstructions, twins can easily be detected. It is characterized by the detection of two fetal eggs in the uterine cavity. It is also necessary to estimate the number of chorions - one or two. This is necessary in order to determine how a woman will give birth, as there are absolute indications for a caesarean section in multiple pregnancies.

In some cases, visualization of babies can be difficult at this time. Therefore, it is required in dynamics (in 1-2 weeks) to conduct an ultrasound examination. Before the end of the first trimester, it is important to know the chorionic twins.

Risks of this obstetric period

The 8th week of pregnancy is one of the critical periods. This is due to the fact that the frequency of possible complications exceeds their frequency in other periods of pregnancy. Most often at the 8th week of pregnancy there may be the following pathological situations:

The formation of a retroplacental hematoma (a reliable sign of spontaneous miscarriage). However, do not rush to get upset, doctors will try to keep the pregnancy. If an ultrasound revealed a hematoma at the 8th week of pregnancy, then the patient should exclude any physical activity, lie down with pillows under her legs (so that her legs are raised), and also take all the necessary medications prescribed by the doctor. These can be droppers with magnesia, no-shpa in injections, utrozhestan, papaverine in tablets and suppositories, duphaston, dicynone, etc .; - ectopic pregnancy (most often interrupted at this time); - non-developing pregnancy; - fetal anomalies incompatible with life (chromosomal defects). Very often they become the cause of spontaneous miscarriages, that is, they are a variant of natural selection.

Thus, the eighth obstetric week of pregnancy is a very important period in the development of the baby. The main event of this period is the differentiation of sex and the laying of the primary gonads (genital organs). If you intervene in this process, then the development of various deviations is possible.

We invite you to watch the Pampers pregnancy video guide! 8 week, physical education, video:

Attention! No medical services are provided by the Site Administration. All materials are for informational purposes only. The same applies to the advisory section. No online consultation will ever replace face-to-face medical care, which is provided only in specialized medical institutions. Self-medication can bring irreparable harm! For any diseases and ailments, contact the clinic to see a doctor!

Stomach pain 8 weeks pregnant

and it will be so. she is growing!

I save myself with papaverine! but they didn’t say much, you need the ligaments to work!

Drink magne B6 and noshpa, papaverine at night

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The condition of the woman and the fetus at the eighth week of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a mysterious and responsible period in the life of every woman. The expectant mother is preparing for the birth of a child as a long-awaited miracle. It is important not only to purchase items for the care of a newborn, but also to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations for observing the diet, sleep and rest. Each week of pregnancy has its own characteristics and distinctive features.

The second obstetric month is completed by the 8th week of pregnancy, the woman's feelings allow her to understand that she is preparing to become a mother. The uterus increases in size, the muscle tissue of the organ contracts, so a pregnant woman who did not have time to visit a gynecologist begins to guess her position by physical sensations.

Physiological changes in a woman's body in the eighth week

It is difficult for close friends and relatives of a woman who is in her second month to assume that she is pregnant. It is almost impossible to notice any external signs, except for a slight increase in the abdomen above the bosom.

The uterus at the 8th week of pregnancy does not yet reach large sizes, the diameter of the organ is only seven to eight centimeters. Even an experienced specialist by palpation examination of the abdominal cavity will not be able to establish an accurate diagnosis. But the expectant mother herself begins to undergo some changes:

  • change in taste preferences;
  • excessive appetite, or its absence;
  • nausea or even vomiting (normally no more than twice a day); Read the article: Nausea during pregnancy>>>
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • an increase in the mammary glands and engorgement of the nipples (the breast at the 8th week of pregnancy acquires unusual sizes and shapes);
  • frequent urge to urinate (it is important that there is no pain, impurities or cloudy urine);
  • excessive irritability and attacks of aggression;
  • drowsiness, weakness, fatigue;
  • unpleasant pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the hip area;
  • the appearance of age spots, a change in the appearance of the skin.

Important! The body of each person is strictly individual, therefore, the above symptoms are purely subjective. They can be observed all at once, sometimes one or two of them appear, and it also happens that no changes are observed at all. All the numerous possible manifestations reveal themselves with quite different intensity.

The symptoms that appear sometimes cause concern in women. But in fact, there is no cause for concern. Each symptom has a reasonable logical explanation:

  1. Strange taste preferences and impaired appetite are associated with changes in hormonal levels. As a rule, by the end of the third - the beginning of the fourth month, everything returns to normal;
  2. Morning sickness and vomiting after meals are also explained by the restructuring of the endocrine glands;
  3. The instability of the emotional sphere is again associated with hormonal imbalance;
  4. Varicose veins of the vessels of the lower extremities are provoked by a violation of blood circulation, and are regulated by raising the legs during sleep and rest 15º above the level of the body;
  5. And to get rid of pain and discomfort in the hip area will help change position, for example, you can try to roll over from one side to another;
  6. Do not be afraid if the chest hurts at the 8th week of pregnancy. The body thus prepares the mammary glands for future feeding.

If there are other signs of pregnancy that are not characteristic of the appearance at the 8th week of pregnancy (a significant increase in the size of the abdomen, intense pain in the lower abdomen, mucous discharge), you should immediately consult a doctor.

Development of the child two months after the start of pregnancy

The first vulnerable period for the fetus is the 8th week of pregnancy, what happens to the baby, every expectant mother should know. During this period:

  • The development of the meninges of the embryo ends;
  • The placenta develops;
  • And the stage of formation of internal organs begins;

The child is very sensitive to external influences. Pathological influence can disrupt the growth and development of the fetus.

  • The embryo has a weight of only 3 grams, and the size is from 14 to 20 millimeters in length;

And even though it is still a very small embryo, it is already a completely full-fledged person. Ultrasound at the 8th week of pregnancy allows you to see that the fetus begins to take on familiar human forms and make the first movements.

  • His nose, auricles, upper eyelids are formed, facial features become noticeable;
  • The baby already has a functioning cardiovascular system;
  • An instrumental examination determines the fetal heartbeat, approximately beats per minute;
  • The musculoskeletal system acquires new elements: fingers appear (although also connected by membranes);
  • There are movements in the elbow and wrist joints;

Therefore, with an ultrasound examination, you can notice that the child moves the arms, the legs develop later. But the mother does not yet feel the movement of the fetus, this will happen a little later.

Interesting! Moreover, during the second pregnancy, a woman begins to feel movements at an earlier date than the first time.

  • It is noteworthy that this period is characterized by the improvement of the genitourinary and gastrointestinal systems;
  • There is a laying of salivary and endocrine glands;
  • Bile ducts, chewing muscles and taste buds are formed;
  • The active development of the central nervous system and the respiratory apparatus is an important detail in the overall development of the fetus;
  • The formation of testicles in boys and ovaries in girls is a characteristic sign for the sex of the embryo

Failure to comply with the basic rules and regulations can lead to serious violations. It is very important to read all the rules and follow all the doctor's prescriptions.

Basic recommendations for the diet and lifestyle of the expectant mother

Often, toxicosis at the 8th week of pregnancy makes its own adjustments to the diet of a woman. However, the main aspects of the menu should be observed:

  1. purchase only natural high-quality products without the addition of preservatives, dyes and flavors; Interesting article: Experience of a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy>>>
  2. exclude the use of semi-finished products, canned food, fast food;
  3. include vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, dairy products, fresh juices in the daily diet;
  4. food should be fractional (you can eat often, but in small portions);
  5. rationalize fluid intake;
  6. preferred food processing methods: stewing, boiling and baking (it is advisable to exclude fried foods or significantly limit them).

Tips for cooking and choosing food are just a small part of the main recommendations for leading a pregnant woman's lifestyle. We recommend reading the article: Nutrition during pregnancy>>>

How the 8th week of pregnancy proceeds, what happens to the mother and the child, what rules and regulations exist, the obstetrician-gynecologist will tell you at the next appointment. General recommendations are:

  • Spend as much time outdoors as possible;
  • Maintain a positive emotional mood, avoid stressful situations, stay in a positive mood;
  • Perform special gymnastic exercises;
  • It is imperative to get rid of bad habits, if any. Smoking, drinking alcohol and contact with chemical household preparations are strictly prohibited. It is important to know that negative impacts affect not only the child, but also the health of the expectant mother.

Important! A woman must be aware that alcohol-containing liquids penetrate the baby's body. The consequences of this are mental retardation, stunted growth and weight gain, changes in the structure of the face and skull, problems with hearing and vision, and other deformities of the fetus.

  • Buy comfortable clothes and shoes. You will have to forget about high heels and constraining elements of the wardrobe for the period of pregnancy. This also includes the purchase of a special bra, which is subsequently replaced by underwear for breastfeeding;
  • Heavy lifting and heavy physical exertion should be avoided;
  • Eliminate the influence of X-ray radiation on the body of a pregnant woman, try to avoid medical manipulations under medical anesthesia.

In case of unusual symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication for any concomitant infectious and chronic diseases is also not recommended.

Many drugs have a teratogenic effect on the fetus, so all medications that are acceptable for use should be prescribed by specialists.

You should visit a gynecologist on time, undergo all the necessary examinations, including laboratory ones: complete blood count, hCG at the 8th week of pregnancy, blood for HIV and RV, urine and feces tests.

Compliance with all recommendations minimizes the risk of complications in the fetus. It is also possible to prevent the pathological conditions of the child the earlier, the earlier the woman registers for pregnancy. Taking action as soon as possible to eliminate adverse factors will ensure the most favorable outcome.

Probable pathological conditions of a pregnant woman and methods of elimination

Custom Selections

  1. Normal discharge at the 8th week of pregnancy - moderate, light shades and with a sour smell. An increase in the amount, a change in color and the appearance of an unpleasant odor signal pathological processes in the body of a pregnant woman;
  2. Alarm signals are itching and burning, impurities of mucus or pus, painful discharge. In such cases, a woman should immediately seek help from a medical institution. Delay can be dangerous to the health of the woman and the fetus;
  3. Brown discharge at the 8th week of pregnancy may indicate the onset of detachment of the fetal egg. And if pulling pains in the lower abdomen, weakness and dizziness join, then the threat of miscarriage becomes quite real; Read the current article: pulls the lower abdomen during pregnancy>>>
  4. Sex at the 8th week of pregnancy is prohibited in the presence of pathological discharge and the threat of interruption. You should talk more specifically with your gynecologist about the subtleties and nuances of sexual intimacy in the second month.

Temperature at 8 weeks pregnant

A pregnant woman's temperature of 37º or slightly higher is not a deviation from the norm. A woman's metabolic processes are intensifying, which results in an increase in temperature to subfebrile figures.

Important! Some infectious and viral diseases occur with a temperature of 37 - 38º. Timely tests will help to recognize or exclude the presence of a pathology.

If suddenly the temperature rises to 38º, then you should consult a doctor. The high temperature of the fetus and its environment can lead to serious disorders. It is strictly forbidden to bring down the temperature on your own. Many antipyretics contain aspirin, which can cause bleeding and, as a result, lead to spontaneous miscarriage.

Do not forget that many medicinal herbs have an abortive effect. Therefore, the methods of traditional medicine should not be resorted to.

Stomach pain at 8 weeks pregnant

Physiological pains that do not pose a danger to either the woman or the fetus were discussed above. But there are also pathological conditions that require medical intervention.

For example, colic and spasms indicate indigestion. And if the stomach pulls strongly at the 8th week of pregnancy, aching and cramping pains join, then it can be assumed that the uterus comes into tone. It is dangerous at any time. A woman needs to be more attentive to the appearance of new sensations, and, so to speak, listen to her body.

Colds in the second month of pregnancy

At this time, there is an active formation of the fetus and the laying of internal organs. Colds of a woman pose a certain danger to the child. But the consequence of infectious diseases and hypothermia of the body is not a rare phenomenon.

The immune system of a pregnant woman is significantly weakened, so her body is susceptible to attack by viruses.

Know! If you get rid of a runny nose, cough and sore throat under the supervision of a specialist, and even better in a hospital, then the threat to the fetus is minimized. Remember, a cold is not a sentence.

The conditional milestone for a woman “in position” is the 8th week of pregnancy

  • A photo of the fetus taken at the first ultrasound examination will be a reminder of the upcoming motherhood. Future parents tell relatives and friends of the family the good news, pleasant chores begin to arrange the children's room and prepare the baby's wardrobe;
  • The fetus at the 8th week of pregnancy is very vulnerable. The outcome of all nine months of waiting directly depends on the quality of the course of the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • A favorable psychological environment and the right way of life for a woman is the key to the birth of a strong and healthy child.

Features of sexual life in the first trimester of pregnancy

  1. Sex during pregnancy is a constant topic of controversy. Previously, it was believed that sexual activity should be excluded during this period. Now the opinions of gynecologists differ. In any case, you must rely on your own feelings. After all, who, if not the future mother herself, can know what is dangerous for her child;
  2. There are norms that all couples must comply with when making love while waiting for the baby. A pregnant girl should not experience the slightest discomfort during sex. Therefore, you need to carefully approach the choice of position;
  3. The position when the girl lies on her back is excluded even for short periods. This can lead to squeezing of the vein responsible for supplying oxygen to the baby. In this case, hypoxia occurs, which adversely affects the development of the fetus;
  4. For the period of pregnancy, you will have to forget about all experiments in sexual life. All actions of partners should be completely deliberate, calm, exclude physical activity for a woman;
  5. Sudden movements in the early stages can cause miscarriage, and at the end of pregnancy lead to premature birth. There are indicators that indicate that it is better for a girl in a position to give up sex.
  • infectious processes in the body of a woman;
  • water leakage;
  • multiple pregnancy.

If one of the above factors takes place, then sex is allowed only after consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist. This will help to avoid many unpleasant consequences.

From a psychological point of view, sex has only a positive effect on a pregnant girl. This gives an awareness of unity with a loved one. A woman feels peace and tranquility from the fact that she is desired by her man in any position. And where better can a man show his pregnant wife sexual desire and affection than in a marital bed.

According to the physiological aspects, intimacy makes it possible to maintain a normal hormonal background. Gynecologists have also proven that a constant sex life has a positive effect during childbirth. The perineum in this case is less prone to tearing. In addition, since ancient times, obstetricians have advised sex as the best remedy for post-term pregnancy. The hormones contained in semen are a good catalyst for the onset of labor.

Pregnancy is just a state of the body, but by no means a pathology or disease. Therefore, do not deny yourself sex during this period. It is enough to follow the safety standards and recommendations of your doctor.

Everything that happens to your belly at 8 weeks pregnant!

Pregnancy is a state in which a woman's body undergoes major changes. Therefore, she constantly pays attention to her well-being. Abdominal pain is the most common complaint that changes the well-being of a pregnant woman.

The causes of pain can be very different. That is what this article will be about.

Causes of abdominal pain during pregnancy

If the stomach hurts at the 8th week of pregnancy, then this may be the result of the following processes:

  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • intestinal colic (spastic contraction of the intestine);
  • stretching of the round uterine ligament;
  • inflammatory process in the urinary tract;
  • stretching of the abdominal muscles.

However, the stomach hurts at week 8 in different conditions in different ways. It is important to distinguish one condition from another, as the treatment will also be different.

Differential diagnosis of pain syndrome during pregnancy

With a threatened miscarriage, the tummy at the 8th week of pregnancy pains in the form of cramping or aching pains. This condition may be accompanied by the presence of scanty spotting from the genital tract, but they are not always observed. Vaginal examination helps to clarify the diagnosis, as well as invaluable assistance is provided by ultrasound. Therefore, if at the 8th week of pregnancy the stomach pulls, then you should immediately contact your obstetrician-gynecologist. Otherwise, the pathological process progresses and there is a real chance of pregnancy loss.

The stomach at the 8th week of pregnancy can also hurt due to intestinal problems. In this case, the pregnant woman is also worried about nausea, vomiting, rumbling in the abdomen, stool disorders (or constipation, or diarrhea). Usually such pains appear after errors in the diet. Therefore, pregnancy is 8 weeks, the stomach hurts in which it requires adherence to dietary nutrition and treatment not only to a gynecologist, but also to a therapist. In some cases, these intestinal problems may be associated with acute infections treated by an infectious disease specialist.

8 weeks, the stomach can hurt even in the absence of a pathological process. Such pains are associated with the fact that there is growth of the uterus, which leads to stretching of the round uterine ligaments. These ligaments are located in the fundus of the uterus. Most often, for this reason, the stomach hurts at week 8 in the lower sections on the right. This is due to the fact that the right uterine round ligament is shorter than the left, and therefore it is stretched more.

However, pain in the right inguinal region should be differentiated from acute appendicitis. Pain associated with a sprain usually does not cause a violation of the general condition of a pregnant woman, that is, at the 8th week of pregnancy, the stomach pulls, as such there is no pain.

Appendicitis in pregnant women, of course, does not proceed in the same way as in non-pregnant people, but the pain reaches significant severity. Usually, in this case, the tummy at the 8th week of pregnancy begins to hurt in the epigastric region, and later the pain descends to the right sections.

Also typical is the appearance of nausea, vomiting, an increase in body temperature to insignificant values, diarrhea, the content of leukocytes in the blood increases and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate accelerates, that is, inflammatory changes appear.

With pyelonephritis (an inflammatory process in the pyelocaliceal system of the kidneys), which, as a rule, was even before pregnancy, the stomach at the 8th week of pregnancy can also hurt. In parallel with these pains, a woman complains of pain in the lumbar region. Characterized by an increase in body temperature, which can reach high values.

An objective examination of a pregnant woman reveals a positive symptom of effleurage. What does it mean? The doctor applies moderate blows to the lumbar region (separately on the right and left). A positive symptom of effleurage is considered if pain occurs.

Also, pyelonephritis is characterized by the presence of changes in the general clinical analysis of urine - leukocytes appear in large numbers, as well as bacteria. The stomach hurts at week 8 and with an inflammatory process in the bladder (this process is called cystitis). These pains are combined with frequent and painful urination. Urinalysis reveals the same changes as in the case of pyelonephritis.

Stretching of the abdominal muscles at 8 weeks gestation. My stomach hurts in this case too. Such pain is characterized by its intensification with various movements - turns of the body, flexion and extension.

Usually such pains are associated with the performance of various physical exercises that exceed the usual regimen. This leads to the fact that the muscles switch to obtaining energy by the method of oxygen-free oxidation of glucose. As a result, lactic acid (lactate) accumulates in large quantities. It is this substance that causes the appearance of pain in the tummy at week 8, as the nerve endings are irritated by lactic acid. Let's summarize. Pregnancy 8 weeks.

I have a stomachache. What to do? The answer is obvious - urgently seek medical help, no self-treatment, since only a specialist is able to figure out why the stomach hurts at 8 weeks. Basic examinations for abdominal pain What examinations will the doctor prescribe to clarify the diagnosis? If at the 8th week of pregnancy the stomach pulls or hurts, then the obstetrician-gynecologist will prescribe: a general clinical blood test; general clinical analysis of urine; routine smear analysis; ultrasound to assess the condition of the embryo; in some cases, a coprogram and its microbiological examination are required (if an acute intestinal infection is suspected). What treatment is carried out at 8 weeks?

The stomach eventually stops hurting if it is effective. The most commonly prescribed are antispasmodic drugs, antibacterial if there is a confirmed infection of the urinary tract or digestive system, uroantiseptic if the problem is in the urinary tract, etc. Thus, abdominal pain during pregnancy can be due to various reasons. Establishing the exact cause of the pain syndrome helps to conduct effective targeted treatment, and this is the key to a successful pregnancy and baby development.

The brain and nervous system of the child have formed, and he begins to make his first movements. If you get an ultrasound, you will see that the baby's face is very clear. You can see the nose, mouth, eyes, lips. Small fingers are visible on the hands, which the child periodically moves.

The bone tissue has also formed, the child's joints become mobile, and you can see that he is actively moving his arms and legs. Internal organs also develop: stomach, liver, intestines, pancreas. The conductivity of the nervous system increases, and the internal organs begin to respond to the activity of the child. The weight of the child reaches 3 grams.

The woman begins to feel that the uterus has increased significantly and is about to begin to rise. Pain may occur, such as contractions or sharp spasms. It is very good if these sensations arise, because this indicates a positive course of pregnancy. If pain bothers you, contact your gynecologist, he will advise you and prescribe several drugs.

Also, the gynecologist will prescribe the following tests for you:

  • General blood analysis;
  • HIV and RW;
  • Urinalysis to detect the amount of protein;
  • Analysis for chorionic gonadotropin.

You will be weighed and measured. The doctor will determine the average basal temperature, make a few smears. Passing a medical examination is very important, you can prevent possible diseases of the child and cure him even before birth.

Signs of pregnancy at 8 weeks

For a period of 8 weeks - pregnancy for the expectant mother is no longer a secret. By this time, many signs of pregnancy usually appear, which in different women can manifest themselves with different intensity. Thinking about the health of the unborn child, a woman should reconsider her life routine and immediately give up all bad habits. At this time, the influence of any negative factors on the development of the child is very large, in addition, they can worsen the condition of the expectant mother. Therefore, week 8 is included in the so-called "critical period of pregnancy."

At the 8th week of pregnancy, the use of alcohol, nicotine is strictly prohibited, weight lifting should be avoided. In addition, you should carefully monitor your diet, make it as healthy and balanced as possible. It is not recommended to do x-rays, as well as to use anesthesia for dental treatment.

Another sign of an "interesting position" at the 8th week of pregnancy is a significant increase in the breast. Sometimes blood vessels may even be visible. This occurs under the influence of hormones to prepare the mammary glands for lactation. Therefore, it is important to choose a comfortable bra during this period. Also, under the influence of hormones, the condition of a woman's skin often changes: sometimes it becomes more elastic and clean, has a healthier appearance, and for many, on the contrary, the skin becomes drier and more prone to peeling.

From the 8th week of pregnancy, it is better to give up high heels, do not overwork, do not put a lot of stress on your legs, and lift them higher during rest. This is due to an increased risk of developing varicose veins.

pregnancy symptoms

At a period of 8 weeks, most often all the signs of pregnancy are already very clearly manifested. However, it happens that the symptoms of pregnancy are not clearly expressed, which often worries the expectant mother, makes her worry about whether everything is going according to plan. The overwhelming majority of women, during this period, feel "all the delights" of their position in the brightest colors. The most common symptom is toxicosis. A woman in this state feels dizzy, nausea, accompanied by vomiting. It is normal to vomit once or twice a day. By adhering to certain dietary practices, you can overcome this symptom. But if the toxicosis is very strong, then it is better to consult a doctor, since frequent vomiting can have an adverse effect on the baby.

Feelings at 8 weeks

Toxicosis is not the only "companion" of a pregnant woman. Feelings of constant drowsiness, weakness, emotional instability and excessive irritability become real tests at the 8th week of pregnancy. In addition, swollen, enlarged breasts can cause some discomfort. It is better to come to terms with this manifestation, since there is still a long way of pregnancy and lactation ahead.

The body weight of the expectant mother at week 8 is practically unchanged, because. the baby is still very small. Many women, especially those who have experienced toxicosis, do observe weight loss.

Photo of tummies at 8 weeks

Pain at 8 weeks

The list of unpleasant sensations characteristic of the 8th week of pregnancy is quite extensive. In addition to banal toxicosis, which often disappears by week 12, a pregnant woman also encounters other not very pleasant symptoms. Irritation of the sciatic nerve due to the growing uterus can provoke pain in the pelvis and thighs. You can fight this phenomenon by reducing the pressure of the uterus on the nerve, for this you need to lie on the opposite side.

The bladder also experiences discomfort from the enlarged uterus, which leads to increased urination. At the same time, urination itself should not be painful, while urine should be clear and clean. If there are such sensations, you need to consult a doctor, since pain during urination may indicate cystitis or pyelonephritis.

Due to indigestion at this stage of pregnancy, heartburn may appear, which also causes certain discomfort.

Already at the 8th week of pregnancy, another source of pain may appear - false (training) contractions. True, at this time they are still insignificant. However, if the pain is quite strong, in the lower abdomen there are severe pulling pains, if they are accompanied by spotting, you should immediately seek help from a doctor, it is better to immediately call an ambulance.


Bleeding and any spotting at the 8th week of pregnancy indicate a threat of miscarriage, and possibly a miscarriage that has already begun. The amount and time of bleeding is directly proportional to the risk of miscarriage. Bleeding that lasts for several days (weeks), pulling pains in the lower abdomen, cramps similar to menstruation, back pain indicate a threat of termination of pregnancy (abortion). It is very important in this state to clearly follow all the recommendations of the doctor, to observe rest and bed rest, to protect the pregnant woman from all experiences and negative factors.

If at the 8th week of pregnancy there is increased bleeding with blood clots and tissue, this indicates the exfoliation of the fetal egg from the uterine wall, which means that the miscarriage has begun. The cervix dilates and contracts, leading to progressive contractions, causing the uterus to push the fetus out. Unfortunately, it is very unlikely to stop a miscarriage in such a situation.

Discharge at 8 weeks

At the 8th month of pregnancy, a woman has normal discharge. They should be moderate, light in color with a sour smell. Different color deviations, an increase in the amount of discharge, the appearance of mucus or pus signal an infection of the female genital organs. In addition, itching and burning, painful discharge can also become alarm signals. In such cases, it is simply necessary to consult a doctor for advice for immediate treatment.

The danger is brown discharge, sometimes combined with pulling pain in the abdomen, dizziness, weakness. Discharge of this color may indicate separation from the walls of the uterus of the fetal egg, which leads to blood leakage. Such symptoms should not be neglected, since in such a situation the threat of miscarriage is great. Timely seeking medical help will increase the chances of saving the baby.


In the normal course of pregnancy for a period of 8 weeks, the uterus has a size of approximately 7-8 cm (the size of a goose egg). The doctor can establish the process of growth of the uterus through a gynecological examination of a pregnant woman. It is not yet possible to determine the increase in the size of the uterus through the abdominal wall. The specialist will be able to confirm the presence of pregnancy by establishing that the uterus is soft, the isthmus is softened, and the external pharynx is closed.


Following the examination, the next step in establishing indicators and the health status of the expectant mother and fetus will be the prescribed tests. At the 8th week of pregnancy, the following tests are included in the list of mandatory tests: a urine test for protein, a complete blood count (erythrocyte and white blood cell count, Rh factor determination, absence of HIV), a general smear, a stool test, an hCG test.

Elevated levels of protein in the urine, identified during the tests, may indicate kidney disease in a pregnant woman. A complete blood count will help the specialist create a more complete picture of health indicators and the course of pregnancy. In particular, a decrease in the number of red blood cells indicates anemia or possible leukemia, and an elevated level may indicate lung disease. In turn, a low white blood cell count, detected using a general blood test, may indicate viral hepatitis, influenza or rubella, while an increased rate may indicate bacterial infections (tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, etc.)

The level of the hormone that is produced by the membranes of the fetus (chorionic gonadotropin) during the normal course of pregnancy is constantly increasing. Therefore, an analysis for hCG makes it possible to make sure that the pregnancy proceeds without deviations from the norm.

Photo ultrasound at 8 weeks

Ultrasound at 8 weeks

At 8 weeks gestation, the fetus is quite small, the size of a raspberry. More and more he starts to look like a little man. He can already move and move his legs. You can observe the capabilities of the baby through ultrasound. It is also possible to record the fetal heart rate, which will allow you to hear the baby's heartbeat. During this period, a small heart beats twice as fast as that of a mother: about 150 beats per minute.

8th week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby?

Despite the fact that the baby is already moving at the 8th week of pregnancy, the mother does not feel these movements, since the length of the baby from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 14-20 mm, and weighs about 3 g. He is becoming more and more like a person, acquiring characteristic features . Eyelashes appear on the now “more human” face, the nose, upper lip and auricles begin to emerge. The hands and developing fingers are clearly visible. Hands at the elbows and wrists begin to bend. The neck is well defined.

The laying of the main systems and organs is being completed, a period of their active and rapid development and functioning begins. The heart is already communicating with large blood vessels, the septa between the atria become stronger.

Active development did not bypass both the nervous and respiratory systems. The diaphragm begins to take shape, the bronchial tree grows. The stomach and intestines are already completely formed, they have taken their place. The production of gastric juice begins. The kidneys are also already excreting urine.

At the same time, sweat and salivary glands are just being formed. There is a rapid development of bone and muscle tissue. Taste buds begin to form on the tongue, and receptors begin to form in the nose, but so far the nasal passages are closed with mucus. During this period, the optic nerve is born, the eyes are still set very widely, but the eyelids begin to appear. If a boy is born, then now his testicles are being formed, and if there is a girl, then during this period the formation of ovaries and eggs takes place.


Science knows several different points of view about whether (and if so, how much) a pregnant woman can drink alcohol. The arguments may be different, but the undeniable fact is that when it enters the mother's body, alcohol penetrates the child. At the same time, it has a destructive effect on the cells of the baby: it destroys them, or makes them inferior. The formation and development of the fetus for a period of 8 weeks is very rapid, in particular the brain and nervous system. Therefore, during this crucial period, alcohol should be excluded, even in the smallest doses. Failure to comply with this indication can provoke the development of fetal alcohol syndrome, which can manifest itself in a delay in intrauterine development of a child according to all criteria, in a variety of anomalies and abnormalities at birth (delayed weight gain and growth, mental retardation, problems with vision, hearing and memory, changes in the structure of bones faces and skulls (small skull, disproportionately small eyes, distorted jaw, etc.)

Temperature at 8 weeks

The body temperature of a woman in the initial stages of pregnancy rises slightly, a little above 37 degrees is considered the norm. This situation is due to an increase in the rate of metabolic processes in the body of a pregnant woman. At the same time, one should not lightly attribute a significant increase in body temperature only to the presence of pregnancy. Perhaps there are inflammatory processes in the body that can be detected by conducting appropriate tests.

If the temperature has risen to 38 degrees, a doctor's consultation is necessary. The protracted state of a significant increase in the body temperature of the expectant mother is fraught with serious defects in the development of the child. The temperature of the fetus and the environment that surrounds it, as a result, rises and leads to damage to the tissues of the child. In addition, the consequence may generally be fading, and then termination of pregnancy. Therefore, you need to be vigilant and in no case self-medicate.

Bring down the temperature should be only after prior consultation with the doctor. It is better to first try to lower the temperature with rubbing and compresses with cool water. If the condition does not improve, resort to an antipyretic drug agreed with a medical specialist. Do not forget that it is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to take aspirin, because it has the property of changing blood clotting, and this leads to bleeding.

Cold at 8 weeks

Increased vigilance should be exercised so as not to get a cold in early pregnancy, in particular at week 8. A cold can be an extremely negative factor in the development of the fetus. A cold can disrupt the functioning of the placenta and lead to fetal hypoxia, and may even lead to miscarriage. Therefore, in such a crucial period for the development of the child, you need to protect yourself, and therefore him, from a possible threat by all possible means. Try to avoid large crowds, especially in the autumn-winter period, avoid contact with sick people, and dress appropriately for the weather.

If it so happened that you did not save yourself and still fell ill, treatment does not tolerate delay. Since commonly used medicines cannot be used, you will have to resort to "grandmother's methods". It is also not worth overestimating the harmlessness of folk methods, it is better to discuss them with your doctor.

Fighting a cold at the 8th week of pregnancy, it is necessary to observe bed rest, drink plenty of warm drinks, rinse your nose and throat. You can drink warm tea with honey, warmed milk with the addition of butter, linden and mint decoctions. Salt solution for washing the nose, you can gargle with a solution of soda or decoctions of herbs (chamomile, calendula). It is desirable to include fruits and vegetables, sour-milk products in the diet, while it is better not to eat meat.


Nutrition during pregnancy plays an important role, including at 8 weeks. The diet of the expectant mother should be varied and balanced. By following the simple rules of nutrition, a woman will help her actively growing child develop normally, as well as provide her body with the necessary elements. Meat is a source of protein, which is extremely important for the development of the child. It is important that it be low-fat varieties, steamed or boiled. Various meat variations: jerky, corned beef, etc. do not fit into the "right diet" very well.

Fish and seafood are very useful and necessary for the balance of nutrients. Fruits and vegetables will improve intestinal motility and prevent constipation. Do not forget about such a source of protein and calcium as dairy products. You can safely eat dried fruits, cereals, nuts.

Products from yeast dough, legumes, fresh bread lead to gas formation and flatulence, make it difficult for the intestines, so it is better to exclude them from the daily diet. It is not advisable to drink strong tea and coffee during pregnancy, as they contribute to the excitation of the nervous system.

You should not overload the stomach and liver with the “classic forbidden four” (fried, salty, spicy, fatty). Their use will lead to heartburn. On top of that, salty foods retain fluid in the body, and this is fraught with swelling.

sex at 8 weeks

The issue of intimate life, and most importantly, its safety for a growing organism, interests and even worries both future parents. Is there really 9 months of abstinence ahead? Of course not. With the exception of special doctor's contraindications (threatened miscarriage, twin pregnancy), sex does not pose a danger to the fetus. If a woman feels well, there is a sexual desire, sex at the 8th week of pregnancy is not something forbidden or dangerous.

It is important that the husband, taking care of the state of his wife, be attentive, listen to her feelings, because now the woman feels everything a little differently. You should not, of course, be overly active with sex, be more careful in choosing positions. After contact, a woman may experience a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen.

Keep in mind

In the event that you feel pulling pains in the lower back and lower abdomen, bleeding or “daubing”, contact your doctor immediately.

At the eighth week, a woman has an almost formed little man in her stomach. Only very tiny. Now that the primary formation has gone through, it only needs to grow and grow further.

  1. Treat your changed state and appearance calmly and wisely, find something pleasant in everything, enjoy life.
  2. If the doctor does not find any special problems, just watch your diet, emotional state, exercise and take vitamins.
  3. You can have sex if there is such a desire and it is better in certain positions.

See also with this article

Author of the publication: Svetlana Sergeeva

Mom, look - on my arms and legs

tiny fingers have grown, and I already know how to move them!

At the end of the second month of life, the baby receives a new name - according to medical concepts, it is now proudly called the fetus. Many systems of his little organism have already begun their work, despite the fact that there is still a very long way to go.

Fetal development at 8 weeks gestation

At the 8th week of pregnancy, the baby's tiny heart began to do its main work - like a small pump, it pumps blood through the already formed vessels and arteries. The atria have been formed, and now work is underway to strengthen the heart muscle.

The child already has most of the internal organs, which will continue to improve and increase in size along with the owner. The area of ​​​​the peritoneum becomes larger - soon all the organs of the baby will occupy their location like the organs of an adult.

The stomach began to work on the production of gastric juice, the kidneys also began to work in full, and now they perform the function of removing unnecessary substances from the body along with urine. Work on the creation of the intestines has been completed. The formation of the upper and lower limbs continues - palms and feet have appeared, on which sweat glands are now appearing, and phalanges are already being drawn on small fingers.

The respiratory organs continue to improve - a diaphragm appears, the bronchi continue to grow and branch.

The formation of the salivary glands begins, taste buds develop on the tongue, and the mouth and pharynx are actively developing. The nose has not yet completed its development - the passages have not yet formed and have not opened completely so that the baby can breathe, but very soon he will acquire a sense of smell.

The appearance of eyelashes, the upper lip and the beginning of the formation of the inner ear - such changes occur with the baby's face at week 8.

There is no intensive growth of the fetus this week - its size is about 14mm.

woman at this time. What's happening?

It's time to start thinking about changing your wardrobe. You can still pull on your usual trousers or skirts - in most cases, they still do not cause discomfort in the abdomen, but it is already recommended to remove the studs and platforms. Increased tension on the legs can provoke not only excessive fatigue, but also discomfort in the abdomen.

At the 8th week of pregnancy, it can reach its climax - very soon, intense hormonal changes will end and nausea will subside.

However, now other not very pleasant sensations may appear - in the muscles of the legs and abdomen, in the pelvic region - they are inevitably associated with the growth of the uterus and the pressure that it exerts on neighboring organs. You may still be annoyed by the increased urge to urinate, with complications may occur, increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, as well as possible skin pigmentation. In the early stages, mothers often experience acne, flaking or oily skin. But it is quite possible that you, on the contrary, will be lucky and your skin will improve.

Taste perversions still take place - you may be drawn to salty, sour, sweet, there is a desire to absorb those types of foods that you couldn’t stand before pregnancy. In most cases, a return to normal will occur after the end of the first trimester or towards the end of pregnancy.

Like last week, the expectant mother may be accompanied by sudden mood swings and emotional outbursts. She and her loved ones should be patient - soon everything will fall into place.

Belly at 8 weeks pregnant: pain

Often at this time, a pregnant woman may feel pain in the abdomen due to several factors. And if some are the result of physiological changes and are not dangerous for a woman and a child with anything other than unpleasant sensations, then others can be the reason for an immediate visit to a doctor.

Digestive problems can cause bloating or colic.

The growing uterus leads to stretching of the muscles and ligaments and can also cause mild abdominal pain. But if the pain is aching in nature and causes cramps in the lower abdomen, then this is a sign of increased tone. If such pains have intensified, and even more so, spotting has joined them, you should not postpone a visit to the hospital, but urgently call for help.

Increased tone is dangerous for a child at any time, and if after 30 weeks it can cause premature birth, now it increases the chances of abortion.


A sign of the onset and development of an infectious disease is the appearance of cheesy or foamy discharge with an unpleasant odor or a yellow-green tint. Treatment of infections should occur under the mandatory supervision of a gynecologist. Only he can correctly determine the diagnosis with the help of tests and prescribe the correct, effective and safe treatment.

The norm for vaginal discharge during pregnancy is not very abundant whitish leucorrhoea, which does not have a pungent odor and foreign inclusions. They do not pose a threat to the health of the expectant mother and can only cause discomfort.

As mentioned earlier, even the slightest drop of blood on panties is a sign of great danger. If any such discharge occurs, you should immediately contact your doctor.

Ultrasound at 8 weeks pregnant

As a rule, by this time, the expectant mother already knows about her interesting situation and most likely has already passed. Repeated studies at this time are carried out only in case of emergency for medical reasons or if the procedure was not completed at the previous stages.

If a couple of weeks ago our baby was similar in shape to a small bean or pea, now it is already a little man, and only its tiny size remained from previous comparisons. Small arms and legs have already begun to move, and you can see them on the monitor screen. The fetal heart rate is much more frequent than that of an adult and reaches 150 beats per minute - this is due to the fact that his heart is rapidly pumping blood through a tiny body. The heart rate is a very important indicator, by the value of which the doctor can judge the normal formation of the cardiovascular system and whether the future baby receives enough oxygen.

The main tips for expectant mothers are relevant at any time of waiting for a baby - proper nutrition, good sleep and emotional peace.

In order for your condition now to be as comfortable as possible, it is important to choose the right wardrobe for the expectant mother, try to follow the following recommendations:
  • ✔ Wear the most comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement, preferably from natural fabrics - synthetics can cause irritation and discomfort;
  • ✔ It is advisable to put high-heeled shoes in the closet until better times, wear shoes with a comfortable shoe - your legs already have to experience a double load. The expression that “beauty requires sacrifice” is inappropriate in this case.
  • ✔ It's time to take care of the breast - it has already increased enough in size and quite possibly requires increased support. It is advisable to choose underwear from natural fabrics, constraining and squeezing models with push-up effects, etc. - it is better to change to a comfortable bra for pregnant women
  • ✔ You should still be careful in - the baby has not yet fully formed and some medications may be dangerous for its normal development.
  • ✔ If the expectant mother has problems with blood vessels, there is a risk of occurrence - you need to consult a doctor and start preventive treatment - because the load on the legs and chest increases every day.
  • ✔ With the appearance of pain in the back, pelvic region, mild aching pain in the abdomen, rest is the first treatment. Sometimes just a little lie down is enough to normalize well-being. Of course, with the intensification of bad symptoms and severe discomfort, medical help should not be neglected.

8 weeks pregnant video

What do you feel at 8 weeks pregnant? How do you feel?

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