Laundry soap for bruises and bruises. Remedy for bruises - elimination of bruises with folk remedies at home Treatment of hematoma at home with laundry soap

About the same, dark, almost black laundry soap, or how it saved me from bruises.

Laundry soap should be the same, dark and with a specific smell, many people remember it. Now it is already difficult to find, I was lucky, I begged for 3 pieces.
The aroma is beyond words.
She asked for it, put it in a locker, wrapped it in several layers of film and forgot about it.
Until the fall happened to me. From the height of her 170 cm height, she collapsed onto the frozen ground and straight with her nose.
To say that sparks flew from the eyes is to say nothing. The lightning bolt just blew half my face off. She sat on her knees on the ground and did not see the white light from the pain. When the pain subsided a little, I removed my hands from my nose and realized from the expression of passers-by that not everything was in order with my face, and my hands were covered in blood. I don't feel like my nose has fallen off.
I came home somehow, went to wash my face, and then a piece of the same soap caught my eye, black and very "fragrant". And all the recipes of granny from distant childhood surfaced at once. When she treated our broken arms, legs, foreheads with such soap and onions.
I remembered and let's make such a magic mask from bruises and bruises and to save my nose.
Made and applied ointment on the nose and bridge of the nose, changing the bandages every 30 minutes.
When the son came home from work in the evening, the first thing he said was "I was afraid to go home, I was afraid to see your broken blue face, and your nose just swelled up a little."
Such a magic ointment can be prepared from soap, and by adding onion to it, you can get an ointment not only from bruises, but also from boils and abscesses
Well, now the recipes. I wish that they are not useful to you, but let them be in your home piggy bank just in case.
1 prescription ointment for boils,
laundry soap, sugar and grated onions are mixed in equal parts. Some insist that it is better to take a baked onion. I can't comment on this, I haven't tested it. I just take onion gruel.
The ointment is laid out on an abscess in the evening and fixed, by morning the wound is practically cleared.
This ointment is very effective for pustular-inflammatory skin diseases, acne, boils, carbuncles and other boils.

Important! Do not apply this ointment to open purulent wounds.

2 recipe It helps with abscesses, dissolve or collect pus under the skin in one pile, so that in extreme cases you don’t cut the whole ass, for example, in search of pus. Saved more than one child and adult ass, punctured by injections, from operations
We take 1 tbsp of onion gruel, machine oil for sewing machines, laundry soap. We drown all this in a water bath and put it warm on the ass and wrap it up. In the morning, everything that is bad accumulated under the skin is collected in one place. They make an incision, everything comes out and the temperature and inflammation disappear. Or it simply resolves if the inflammation is not neglected

Well, 3 recipe that saved me from pain and bruising. Everything is very simple, but very effective. The simplest thing is to lather a cotton wool with black laundry soap and put it like a compress. And ideally, you need to mix the gruel of onions, potatoes on a grater and, again, soap and apply a compress on a rag, change every half hour or hour. Well, I also added heparin ointment on my own. She applied it in a thin layer on a bruised nose, and on top there was already a compress with homemade ointment.
Be healthy!
I liked the recipes, do not forget about the green arrow.
In general, I personally try to always put an arrow, especially if I took it to my favorites. Once I took it, it means I like it, so I must say Thank you to the author. I feel so right

Mankind is literally divided into 2 camps, where one half promotes traditional medicine and does not see anything wrong with its practice, while the other represents a fierce opposition for one reason or another: it does not work, it is not so effective, it is difficult to find, side effects and much more . But who is right in reality or is there a golden mean?

Real recipes and myths about folk remedies

Before trusting any folk or medicinal remedies and their magical properties, one should refer to the composition and study the benefits and harms, as well as the direct effect of certain components on the body.

Potato lotions or why does starch relieve irritation and redness?

And the point is not at all in the root crop itself, but in the starch contained in it. Potato starch has a beneficial effect on damaged tissues. It is useful to have such a tool available in case of thermal burns in order to prevent the formation of blisters on the injured area of ​​​​the skin.

What's the secret?

1. High content of vitamin C, which is responsible for the accelerated regeneration of damaged cells, and is also responsible for inhibiting the processes that generate free radicals. In simple words, it does not allow a bruise or hematoma to “spread” over the skin.

2. Anti-inflammatory vitamin B1 soothes irritated tissues, and B6 will prevent fungal infections from settling in an open wound.

3. Starch of plant origin is actively used in medicine as a lifting agent, hence the rapid healing and smoothing of the dermis.

Note. For cosmetologists, the content of other “B” (niacin, pantothenic acid), “E” (tocopherol, responsible for skin elasticity) and trace elements (for example, iron, potassium) is also important. When treating bruises, this is the last thing a person thinks about, but together the remedy has a positive therapeutic effect.


1. A simple but effective way is the grated mass raw potato, evenly distributed over the injured area of ​​the dermis. Such a compress is left for half an hour, after which it can be washed off with water at room temperature.

2. Alternatively, you can use potato starch: apply and evenly distribute starch on a bandage or gauze bandage, fix it on the body and leave for several hours.

3. Ointment for bruises and sprains: starch, glycerin and tar mix in a ratio of 30:5:4. With proper storage, the shelf life of the ointment varies between 6-8 months.

The use of apple or table (9%) vinegar and vodka in folk medicine against bruises

The use of apple or table vinegar is possible when eliminating high body temperature, but it is not as effective as a folk remedy for bruises. Vinegar is able to draw heat from the body, and therefore such lotions, diluted with water at room temperature in proportions of 1 to 2, can relieve redness in the bruised area.

Note. With an open wound or any other scratches, it is better to refuse to use vinegar, as it will only irritate the wounds.

As in the case of vinegar, vodka or 2:1 diluted alcohol can relieve intense heat and such compresses can get rid of a fever in half an hour or an hour. But among other things, vodka also allows you to quickly get rid of hematomas and bruises.

The recipe for making a compress is simple:

1. heat vodka to 38-40 degrees;

2. moisten a piece of cloth or a gauze bandage folded in several layers in a hot liquid;

3. apply to the bruised place;

4. cover with plastic wrap;

5. fix with a plaster or elastic bandage.


Every child knows about the miraculous properties of plantain from an early age. Plantain juice relieves swelling and pain, removes hematomas. The leaves of the plant contain vitamin C, which is responsible for the regeneration of the skin, as well as a full range of microelements, including carotene, potassium, a high content of citric and oleic acids, which are responsible for accelerated regeneration, removing the inflammatory effect, itching and redness.

There are two ways to treat bruises with a folk remedy:

1. Use of plant juice.

2. Using the leaves of the plant.

In the first case, use:

Leaves and stems of plantain (juice);

Distilled water;

Fixing bandage.

The ingredients are mixed in a glass or ceramic bowl in a ratio of 3 (plantain juice): 1 (water). In the resulting solution, moisten a small piece of cloth, squeeze out excess moisture and apply to the bruised area for 10 minutes. For convenience, it is recommended to fix the compress with a gauze or elastic bandage.

The second way to treat bruises is familiar from childhood:

plantain leaves;

Fixing bandage.

The first thing to do is to wash the leaves from dust. It is especially necessary in the presence of open wounds and abrasions in order to prevent infection and the development of fungal infections and suppuration. It is also necessary to clean the skin around the formed hematoma as much as possible if there are abrasions on the damaged dermis. A freshly picked plantain leaf must be rubbed with your hands so that the juice comes out. Next, an impromptu compress is applied to the damaged area and secured with a bandage, a thread twisted from gauze or other analogues. In order for the blood to stop, it is enough to hold for about 5-10 minutes, but in order to achieve a greater effect and remove part of the bruise, it will be necessary to replace the plantain leaf with a fresh one several times.

Top 4 Incredible Folk Remedies for Bruises

Usage banana peel in folk medicine it may seem like another fictional myth, however, as medical studies have shown, it is enough to apply a banana skin with the inside to the site of injury 3 times a day for 10 minutes and the hematoma will resolve twice as fast. It's all about the composition of the banana peel, which contains a rich supply of minerals such as potassium and manganese, which are responsible for the lifting effect and decontamination.

Note. Due to its beneficial properties, banana peel is also a wonderful analogue of teeth whitening along with strawberries and strawberries.

Different types and varieties of oils(including essential ones) is another amazing way to deal with redness and get rid of a bruise that has spread over the bruise in a matter of days. It is enough just to wipe the skin several times a day with a cloth soaked in oil and the effect will not be long in coming. Contraindications can be both personal intolerance to any type of oil, and the presence of any unhealed lesions on the skin.

With the consequences of bruises, the usual laundry soap. In household stores, it is sold for a penny, while it must be present in the first-aid kit of folk remedies. It's all about the composition - about 70% is given to the content of fatty acids in the composition, which play an important role in restoring the dermis. Laundry soap perfectly copes with microbes, which, in combination with egg yolk and a small amount of water, is a disinfectant and soothing agent.

Note . Laundry soap is used for washing people with problem skin with a pronounced shine. But it should be borne in mind that in the presence of diseases such as dermatitis, eczema and the like, the use of tar soap must be abandoned - it dries the skin, which in the case of the above skin diseases will give a side effect (deterioration of the skin condition, new formations of dried areas, rashes and redness).

Cabbage- this is not only a low-calorie product, but also a remedy that relieves swelling, redness and pain from bruised areas. To do this, you need young cabbage, namely healthy, not withered leaves. Before applying the cabbage leaf to the site of injury, you need to knead the leaf with your hands so that the cabbage juice comes out. And then fix with a tape, elastic bandage or gauze bandage. To improve the therapeutic effect, medical experts recommend mixing 100 ml of cabbage juice with a teaspoon of honey, apply to the damaged area, wrap with polyethylene and leave an impromptu compress for half an hour.

Original taken from netrmed in

Laundry soap is successfully used to treat inflammatory processes(up to the beginning of gangrene).
Laundry soap successfully treats even gynecological diseases(in some maternity hospitals, it is used to clean the floor in the departments where the newborns are).
Surgeons know about the amazing ability of laundry soap to replace surgical gloves (if it is lathered on hands and left to dry) - they say that then even with a cut during surgery, the risk of infection is minimal.
Laundry soap is also an antiviral agent.. And with this appointment, it is successfully used in the intimate sphere for the prevention of various diseases.
Washing your head with laundry soap, you can ensure that the hair becomes thick and healthy (and dandruff and brittle hair disappear). True, so that the scalp is not overdried after such a wash, you still need to then rinse your head with an acidic solution based on vinegar or lemon juice.

It is advised to wash with laundry soap - at least 2 times a week - so that the skin always looks young. After washing, you need to lubricate the skin with an ordinary baby cream. Moreover, the effect of such washings, as those who have tried it, is better than from the use of expensive professional cosmetics.
Washing in the steam room with a birch broom cleans the skin very well, soaked in a solution of laundry soap: the skin is remarkably cleansed and then, as it were, glows from the inside.
Can be cured with the help of laundry soap from the beginning runny nose. You need to make a soapy solution, dip a cotton swab there and treat the sinuses. Then (although it will pinch a little at first), the nose will never be blocked, and after 2-3 such treatments you will forget about a cold for a long time.
When bitten by a dog to prevent infection from entering the wound it is advised to let the blood drain from the wound (it will also wash out the bacteria), and then either apply gauze or bandage it with a bandage dipped in a solution of laundry soap.
Laundry soap successfully copes with the treatment of fungal diseases of the feet. It is advised to thoroughly wash the affected areas on the skin with soap and a brush, and then treat the surface of the skin with iodine.
Laundry soap treats the skin with light burns(for example, a household burn in the kitchen).
After depilation, in order to eliminate redness of the skin in sensitive areas, people also use laundry soap. It is enough just to lather once and there will be no irritation.
Laundry soap successfully treats thrush and prickly heat. They wash well, it kills all bacteria and fungus such as thrush. With thrush, it helps a lot to soap the ring finger and smear the vagina as far as the finger will fit, as experienced doctors with many years of experience in maternity hospitals advise. from sales of prescribed drugs...)
If there are any problems in the oral cavity, you can treat the toothbrush with a solution of laundry soap and leave it overnight. By morning, you will be sure that your toothbrush is completely disinfected.
There are a lot of alkalis in laundry soap, which quickly and efficiently dissolve dirt and also have an antimicrobial effect. No wonder in medicine coarse laundry soap is still used as an antiseptic.
Laundry soap is an excellent remedy for swelling. To do this, it is enough to dilute the soap in water and rub the bruise with the resulting solution. It is necessary to perform the procedure several times a day.

Anti-acne remedy:
Cut laundry soap into a bowl, add water and beat it with a shaving brush into foam. Now take 1 tbsp. l. the resulting foam, 1 tsp. salt "extra" and mix. Apply this mixture on a well-washed face. I warn you - it will pinch a lot, but this just means that the healing process is underway. Keep the mask for half an hour. Dry salt will remain on your face, brush it off and wash yourself first with hot and then cold water. Do this procedure 2-3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.
Remedy for boils. Mix in equal parts grated onion, laundry soap and sugar. Apply this ointment on an abscess and bandage it. You need to do this at night, in the morning you will see that the wound has completely cleared.
Doctors recommend washing with laundry soap once every two weeks: you will protect yourself from viruses and bacteria.
From cracked heels and corns make a bath of 2 liters of hot water, 1 teaspoon of soda and 1 tablespoon of planed laundry soap.
Laundry soap and rainwater will get rid of hair loss forever. Use only dark laundry soap for soaping hair. Do not use any other detergents. Hair should be washed 2 times a week. I did this for two months. The result is wonderful.
If you anoint the bruised place with laundry soap, there will be no bruising..
Home peeling:
Apply a lather of laundry soap and a cotton swab moistened with calcium chloride to the wet skin of the face, wipe the face along the massage lines. The skin is very well cleansed. No need for acid peels.
Laundry soap - a remedy for burns. If you burned your hand or something else (in the kitchen, for example, with fire or boiling water), immediately lather the burn area with laundry soap and let it dry. Not only will there be no blisters from the burn, but there will also be no redness! Checked!
Cut from laundry soap 3-4 cm thin "candles" used rectally are an effective emergency laxative for pregnant women and the elderly.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used household brown soap: they washed, washed, washed their hair and even used it for treatment. And now, despite the variety of soaps, cleaning products, laundry soap is still relevant.

Laundry soap contains up to 72 percent fatty acids and some alkalis, so it removes even old and stubborn stains. When cooking laundry soap, vegetable and animal fats are used.

Laundry soap is a universal remedy, not only effective for removing impurities, but also used for treatment. Let's talk today on the topic "Folk treatment with laundry soap."

Treatment with laundry soap is quite effective, but we must not forget that the composition contains alkali that can cause burning and irritation.

Laundry soap is a unique product with properties that are not inherent in other detergents.

  1. This is a natural, environmentally friendly product that does not contain additives and dyes.
  2. Harmless, does not cause allergies, so you can wash things for small children.
  3. It has antibacterial and disinfectant action.
  4. Brown soap can even heal wounds and cuts, burns, and heal skin diseases.

Laundry soap has a strong smell, so many manufacturers try to add additives, fragrances, bleaches, but this soap is not suitable for treatment. Therefore, traditional brown laundry soap is used for treatment.

How is laundry soap used for medicinal purposes?

  1. If scratched, cut, lather the diseased area with laundry soap and let it dry. This will speed up the healing and no infection will get in.
  2. If you are hurt, immediately lubricate the sore spot with soap. This will prevent bruising and swelling.
  3. Laundry soap is an excellent remedy for removing swelling. Dilute the soap in water and rub the area of ​​swelling. Do the procedure several times a day.
  4. If suddenly you get burned, for example, in the kitchen, immediately smear the sore spot with laundry soap and let it dry. There will be no redness or blisters.
  5. Laundry soap foam can relieve itching from insect bites and repel mosquitoes.
  6. If you catch a cold and have a runny nose, soak a swab in soapy water and clean your sinuses. The procedure is certainly not pleasant, it will pinch a little, but it is effective. This is a great way to prevent flu and colds.
  7. For fungal diseases, rub your feet with a soapy brush, let dry and treat with iodine.

Laundry soap treatment recipes

From cracks and corns, baths with soap help well.

Pour 2 liters of water, add a spoonful of grated laundry soap and a teaspoon of soda.

After a 15-minute bath, grease the legs with cream and put on cotton socks. It is better to do baths at night.

With weakness, frequent dislocations of the ankle joints, you need to lower your leg into a bucket of hot water and massage the sore spot with soap for 20 minutes, adding hot water all the time. Then take gauze, soak in egg white, apply a bandage on sore joints. Let it dry. Do it every day all week.

To get rid of acne and pimples, prepare a recipe:

Take a small bar of soap, pour hot water and lather, add a teaspoon of salt and apply on face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm, then cool water. Make a mask 3 times a week for a whole month.

In case of hair loss and dandruff, wash your hair with laundry soap foam. Then rinse with water with vinegar and citric acid. If the hair is dry, then you do not need to wash your hair with laundry soap, as it contains alkali, which irritates the skin and dries out the hair.

Laundry soap treatment - ointments based on laundry soap

In folk medicine, ointments based on laundry soap are used.

Ointment for abscesses and acne:

  • 10 g beeswax;
  • 50 g of grated soap;
  • 10g propolis;
  • 2 tbsp honey.

Put the mixture in a water bath to soften. In 10 ml a little less than a tablespoon, dissolve 2g and add to the total mass. Transfer the ointment to a glass dish and store at room temperature.

For abscesses, spread the ointment on the affected area, cover with a film, stick a patch. The abscess must break through. Apply the ointment frequently 5-6 times a day. But do not apply ointment to open wounds!

From abscesses, inflammatory processes, mix in equal amounts:

  • grated laundry soap;
  • sugar.

Apply ointment and bandage, by morning there will be no pus.

For boils, burns, abscesses, mix whipped protein with grated soap and apply to the sore spot, bandage it when it dries. Apply until cured.

From boils, mastitis, lipomas, panaritium you will need:

  • grated laundry soap, somewhere the size of a matchbox;
  • one and a half glasses of water.

Cook, stirring constantly to thicken. Make dressings with ointment on the affected areas. With mastitis, massage, express milk, then apply a bandage.

From varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, mix in equal amounts:

  • millet;
  • old fat.

Grind everything, add water to the state of ointment and leave for a day.

Before going to bed, make dressings for varicose veins, covering them with a film on top and wrapping them in a warm scarf. Wash off in the morning. Do 10 days break 5-7 days and repeat again.

From sinusitis, take equally:

  • soap;
  • alcohol;
  • vegetable oil;
  • onion juice.

Heat in a saucepan, stirring constantly to get a homogeneous mass. Pour into a glass dish and store in the refrigerator. Before use, warm the ointment and insert tampons lubricated with ointment into each nostril. 3 times a day for a week. For the treatment of chronic sinusitis, repeat the treatment after 10 days.

When you come home, be sure to treat your nose with laundry soap foam, and then you will not be afraid of viruses and colds.

Conclusion: Laundry soap perfectly removes dirt, is a natural product, so you can wash dishes with it without harming the body, and of course, do not forget about the treatment with laundry soap.

Best regards, Olga.

The best in terms of microbiological indicators turned out to be ... laundry soap.

This brown substance washes even fuel oil - where can bacteria be.

Chicken, legs before cooking necessarily with households. wash with soap.

Thick hair and absolutely no dandruff!

A classmate (it was a long time ago!) Had a thick, luxurious head of hair below her buttocks. Such that she could not comb herself. Everyone gasped after her, but I could not resist and asked how she was caring for them. The first wash - with shampoo (we wash off the main dirt), then - households. soap. I tried! Six months later, instead of three thin hairs - cool hair and 0 dandruff.
One of the acquaintances, on the advice of the educator, saved the child from the onset of serious inflammation on the leg with the help of laundry soap.

Laundry soap is successfully used to treat inflammatory processes (up to the beginning of gangrene).

Even gynecological diseases are successfully treated with laundry soap (in some maternity hospitals it is used to wash the floor in the departments where newborns are located).

Surgeons know about the amazing ability of laundry soap to replace surgical gloves (if it is lathered on hands and left to dry) - they say that then even with a cut during surgery, the risk of infection is minimal.

Laundry soap is also an antiviral agent. And with this appointment, it is successfully used in the intimate sphere for the prevention of various diseases.

Washing your head with laundry soap, you can ensure that the hair becomes thick and healthy (and dandruff and brittle hair disappear). True, so that the scalp is not overdried after such a wash, you still need to then rinse your head with an acidic solution based on vinegar or lemon juice.

It is advised to wash with laundry soap - at least 2 times a week - so that the skin always looks young. After washing, you need to lubricate the skin with an ordinary baby cream. Moreover, the effect of such washings, as those who have tried it, is better than from the use of expensive professional cosmetics.

Washing in a steam room with a birch broom soaked in a solution of laundry soap cleanses the skin very well: the skin is remarkably cleansed and then it seems to glow from the inside.

You can be cured with the help of laundry soap from the beginning runny nose. You need to make a soapy solution, dip a cotton swab there and treat the sinuses. Then (although it will pinch a little at first), the nose will never be blocked, and after 2-3 such treatments you will forget about a cold for a long time.

When bitten by a dog, to prevent infection from entering the wound, it is advised to let the blood drain from the wound (it will also wash out the bacteria), and then either apply gauze or bandage it with a bandage dipped in a solution of laundry soap.

Laundry soap successfully copes with the treatment of fungal diseases of the feet. It is advised to thoroughly wash the affected areas on the skin with soap and a brush, and then treat the surface of the skin with iodine.

Laundry soap is used to treat the skin with light burns (for example, a household burn in the kitchen).

After depilation, in order to eliminate redness of the skin in sensitive areas, people also use laundry soap. It is enough just to lather once and there will be no irritation.

Laundry soap successfully treats thrush and prickly heat. They wash well, it kills all bacteria and fungus such as thrush. It helps a lot with thrush.

If there are any problems in the oral cavity, you can treat the toothbrush with a solution of laundry soap and leave it overnight. By morning, you will be sure that your toothbrush is completely disinfected.

There are a lot of alkalis in laundry soap, which quickly and efficiently dissolve dirt and also have an antimicrobial effect. No wonder in medicine coarse laundry soap is still used as an antiseptic.

It is easy to cure the fungus on the feet with laundry soap - for 1 week in the morning and in the evening you wash your feet in cold water with laundry soap and the fungus is gone!

In case of inflammation of the skin, rub it with small chips, add onion juice and apply all this to me on a sore spot for a day.
Laundry soap is an excellent remedy for removing edema. To do this, it is enough to dilute the soap in water and rub the bruise with the resulting solution. It is necessary to perform the procedure several times a day.

Anti-acne remedy. Cut laundry soap into a bowl, add water and beat it with a shaving brush into foam. Now take 1 tbsp. l. the resulting foam, 1 tsp. salt "extra" and mix. Apply this mixture on a well-washed face. You will have to pinch strongly, but this just means that the healing process is going on. Keep the mask for half an hour. and dry salt will remain on your face, brush it off and wash yourself first with hot, and then with cold water. Do this procedure 2-3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

A remedy for boils. Mix in equal parts grated onion, laundry soap and sugar. Apply this ointment on an abscess and bandage it. You need to do this at night, in the morning you will see that the wound has completely cleared.

From cracks in the heels and corns, a bath is made of 2 liters of hot water, 1 teaspoon of soda and 1 tablespoon of planed laundry soap.

Laundry soap and rainwater will get rid of hair loss forever. Use only dark laundry soap for soaping hair. Do not use any other detergents. Hair should be washed 2 times a week. The result is wonderful.

If you anoint the bruised place with laundry soap, there will be no bruising.

Apply home peeling on wet skin with a foam of laundry soap and a cotton swab moistened with calcium chloride, wipe the face along the massage lines. The skin is very well cleansed.

Laundry soap - a remedy for burns. If you burned your hand or something else (in the kitchen, for example, with fire or boiling water), immediately lather the burn area with laundry soap and let it dry. Not only will there be no blisters from the burn, but there will also be no redness!

Cut from laundry soap 3-4 cm thin "candles" used rectally are an effective emergency laxative for pregnant women and the elderly.

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