The man does not work but wants to get married. There will be no wedding

The most popular question among women, after problems with excess weight and lack of money, is why a man does not want to get married. Many couples have been dating for years, many live in a civil marriage for a long time, run a joint household, vacation together and make large purchases, but few get to the point of formalizing the relationship. Experts say that men’s reluctance to get married is nothing more than a real phobia, a fear of legal marriage, which occurs in almost every tenth representative of the strong half of humanity. What frightens men so much about marriage and can it be fixed?!

Civil marriage: psychology of relationships

A woman is ready to patiently wait for the moment until her beloved “ripes” to the registry office. But a civil marriage suits her only up to a certain point. Until the limbo, incomprehensible social position begins to depress, and the question of having a child arises. Until a woman begins to catch herself thinking that she is sincerely jealous of her married friends. Until there is a strong feeling that she is simply being used. A man can laugh it off, keep silent, make excuses, or brush aside questions about marriage as much as he wants.

The only argument he gives to his beloved is: is it really bad for us to live together?!

For a man, a civil marriage is convenient in all respects. When living together, a young man receives care and attention, attention and support, clean socks and hot food, sex and gifts, a warm, cozy home and the devoted, loving eyes of a girlfriend. A man is comfortable in such a situation, nothing weighs on him subconsciously, he has a minimum of responsibility and obligations. Moreover, in a civil marriage, all men feel like free birds, and as you know, the fear of losing one’s own freedom is the most important obstacle on the way to the registry office.

Why don't men want to get married?

Psychologists have identified several reasons why young people are in no hurry to propose and are afraid to formalize the relationship. This may be an unpreparedness for the eternal problems of everyday life and getting used to other people's habits, an unwillingness to make concessions and find compromises, and take responsibility. Here we can add the pathological male fear of losing forever freedom in actions, in actions, in relationships with others, fear of eternal control. Especially if in a civil marriage the girlfriend dominates the relationship and seeks to command and control the actions of the partner.

Another reason why a man does not want to get married: negative experiences associated with his parents’ family relationships. Often this situation is observed when young people get married because of pregnancy and then live for a long time for the sake of the child, believing that they are sacrificing themselves for the sake of the baby, but in fact, instilling in their son the wrong idea about family life. From childhood, a child grows up in a tense environment, witnesses parental scandals, reproaches, insults and insults. Naturally, having matured, a young man will not rush to choose a life partner and start a family.

The man does not want to marry a second time

Another reason for an “allergy to Mendelssohn’s march” may be a man’s own negative experience in a previous marriage, or an unsuccessful example of the family life of married friends. Men are afraid that the same transformation will happen to them. And they will be forced to report to their spouse for every step, hand over their entire salary and ask for money for cigarettes, take time off to go to the bathhouse or go fishing, as family members do, go shopping, go to their mother-in-law for Sunday lunches, babysit the children, and more. a lot of things that are not a very pleasant pastime.

What to do if a man does not want to get married?

Living together is not only exciting events, but a serious stage in life that requires a responsible and thoughtful approach. Sometimes a man cannot decide to get married and take responsibility for creating his own family due to his upbringing. If parents have raised a child to be a hyper-responsible person, then in order to do something important and serious, he needs time to study the features of what is happening and the future. It is impossible to influence a man in this situation. All that remains is to wait until the chosen one makes the final decision. But there is no doubt that it will be thoughtful and correct.

A man wants to marry his partner

Often a man does not want to get married due to disappointment or lack of faith in a happy family life. One’s own divorce or the unhappy life of one’s parents, the unsuccessful marriage of a friend who, after separation, is not allowed by his ex-spouse to meet with his children - all this suggests that quiet family happiness is an invention of writers and creators of television series. Therefore, in a new relationship, a man behaves carefully and carefully, takes his time and postpones the anxious moment, fearing that one day his sweet and gentle partner will turn into a capricious and quarrelsome bitch. In this situation, a woman needs to show remarkable patience and delicacy.

It happens that a man loves, but does not want to get married, if the reason for this is often a dramatic past, then you will have to gently change his point of view. This will require not only tenderness, affection and care, but also real positive examples of family life. You can visit family friends more often, travel with them or go on nature trips, let your other half go fishing or play football with friends. To influence a man, it is important to make it clear that his personal space, actions, freedom and opinions are respected. Under such circumstances, the partner will quickly come to the decision that losing such a woman is unacceptable and will propose. But in this situation it is absolutely forbidden to put pressure on a man, rush him and accuse him of weak character.

Why don't men get married? Why doesn't a man propose marriage? What is the stumbling block?

This article is like an x-ray of male thinking. And most importantly, you will understand where the roots of this very thinking are.

In this case, the broad topic is how to get married. One of its aspects is why men don’t get married, why men don’t propose marriage.

And here we will look exclusively at the causes and causes of this one aspect. I'm sure it will be useful to many.

Well, in the following articles I will cover other aspects of the exciting topic of how to get married.

Let `s start?

Doesn't propose marriage


  1. Example of others

Starting with the family in which the man grew up. What is the relationship between the parents? This is the first thing a future man concludes about marriage. If relationships in the family were not harmonious, then an understanding arises in his head: why get married at all if everything will be just as bad later?

And vice versa, if the parents were doing well in their relationship, then the man views marriage adequately.

In terms of the power of influence, the following is the example of friends, TV, films, etc. We often hear jokes that marriage is difficult, it’s work, don’t get married under any circumstances, why do you need these problems... All this has a huge influence. And I would even say - suggestion.

  1. Fear of responsibility

Screenshot from Wikipedia:

Most men associate the concept of responsibility with negative emotions.

A 9-year-old boy, Seryozha, decided to help his parents carry one of the heavy bags from the supermarket. As a result, the package was torn out of the son’s hands and a glass bottle of milk broke.

His parents scolded him. After all, milk is very necessary for preparing breakfast the next morning.

Will Seryozha want to take on [so far minor] responsibility again? Hardly. After all, on a subconscious level he now has a connection: responsibility = criticism, negativity, etc.

It’s better not to take responsibility at all, then they won’t scold me.

No responsibility = everything is fine.

If the parents reacted calmly, allowing their son to correct the situation himself, then this is already .

A man is not one who does not make mistakes, but one who takes responsibility, acts, makes mistakes, corrects himself and moves on.

How do you think most boys [without realizing it] were raised in the Russian-speaking space? This is where the legs grow.

Men don’t want not to get married... They don’t want to take responsibility.

  1. It is too early

Or hyper-responsibility.

That is, the man clearly understands that he is responsible for the prosperity of his family and future children. And he thinks that it’s too early: he hasn’t made money on Porsche, he hasn’t bought an apartment.

“When I reach a good level of development, then I will boldly get married.”

For example, I have similar fears about children.

I grew up with a lack of material things (although this is far from the main thing). Because of this, parents often quarreled. And until I get reinforced concrete confidence that my children will live without needing anything, it will be a difficult step for me to have a child.

Looking ahead, I will say that a woman can “turn” this male fear into a woman’s favor.

  1. Fear of losing freedom

It is extremely important for men to be needed. And at the same time feel freedom (instead of a “cage”). Often women go overboard with showing need and giving love.

It turns out like this:

“Strangled with my love” (c)

Most men associate marriage with loss of freedom. With some restrictions. He will no longer be able to spend so much time with friends, devote to his hobbies and development.

After all, now there will be an official wife who has the right to encroach on men’s freedom. And then there are the children.

And if a woman already limited a man’s freedom during a relationship, then what will happen after marriage?..

Why didn't you answer the phone?

I don't want you to go with your friends.

The more a woman limits a man, the more a man wants to “break the rules.”

  1. Fear of making mistakes

A man gets married, time passes, and then it turns out that it was in vain. That is, initially the man doubts and thinks that he can meet someone better.

Because for a man, getting married is a choice for many years, and maybe for life. And I absolutely don’t want to realize after a couple of years of marriage that I made the mistake of my decision.

A man considers it normal for a couple to live together in a civil marriage and “look closely” at each other. Another thing is that this often drags on for N periods of time and develops into the next reason No. 6.

  1. Doesn't see the difference

If women perceive marriage as receiving guarantees from a man, then for some men it is just a stamp in their passport.

“Everything is fine with us,” says the man. “Why then this formality, wedding, etc.?”

In other words, the man is already comfortable, and everything is great.

Now comes my favorite part of asking questions.

Women! You have learned about the main reasons why men don't get married.

Now answer yourself, or even better, write in the comments under the article:

Your behavior with a manbrightens or aggravates these same male doubts, fears, thoughts about marriage?

Do you always allow a man to make decisions and take responsibility?

If a man makes a mistake, how do you behave?

Is the man next to you growing financially?

Are you limiting a man's freedom?

What are his hobbies?

How much time does he spend with friends?

The most interesting articles by Yaroslav Samoilov:

This situation is familiar to many: a man and a woman have been together for several years, but the relationship is not formalized, even if they live under the same roof. Most often, the opponent of marriage registration is a man. Why does the “stamp in the passport” scare him so much and what should you do if your opinions about civil marriage differ?

In the movie Sex and the City, it took the heroine and the man of her dreams 8 years to realize how much they loved each other.

After living together for a year, they finally decided to get married, but the groom ran away from the bride right on the wedding day.

In the film, the story ends well, and the heroes finally seal their union officially. But in real life, happy endings of this kind are rare.

Why does it happen that, despite the fact that you love each other and even live in the same apartment, the thought of marriage brings a woman into joyful excitement, and a man into horror?

What to do if you have been together for a long time, and he has never proposed to you? Is it possible to change the situation and is it necessary to do so?

Pros and cons of civil marriage

Civil registry office or civil marriage?

civil marriage

When people meet, they gradually go through different stages of the relationship, the main stage of which is marriage.

If they marry without having lived together, they may experience disappointment.

The result of such disappointment can be either divorce or a long and painful existence next to a person who is not at all suitable.

Sometimes people decide to live together first and then get married. In this case they get to know each other better, and if this knowledge does not lead to disappointment, they enter into legal marriage.

But it also happens that one of the couple (or both) constantly postpones the procedure for registering a marriage.

There is nothing wrong with this - society has changed a long time ago, and people themselves choose the most convenient forms of relationships for themselves. Everything is fine if this choice is mutual.

But what if one of you believes that the official registration of a relationship is very important and is a confirmation of the seriousness of intentions, and the other has a completely different point of view?

“We have been living together for 5 years, but he has not proposed to me. He says that he is happy with everything anyway, and that the stamp in the passport does not solve anything. But I think that if he loved me, he would marry me.”

This is the most common complaint of women living in so-called "civil marriage".

Maybe the decision to live together before marriage is wrong and living together without a stamp in the passport does not contribute to the formalization of the relationship at all?

To answer this question, we need to understand the pros and cons of cohabitation.

Why is a civil marriage needed?

It is very easy to avoid problems if you spend only a few hours together on weekdays and communicate intensively on weekends.

If in the early stages of dating people spent side by side 24 hours a day, then many unpromising unions would break up.

Even a joint vacation with your best friend can become a real hell due to the difference in habits and characters. But a future husband is much more serious!

Maybe it's better to live together and check your compatibility?

How to live in a civil marriage?

Despite the existing dangers, still It’s better to live with your chosen one, but only if you both firmly decided that your goal is marriage.

You need to clearly tell your loved one about this and make sure that he is of the same opinion.

Otherwise, misunderstandings may arise in the future due to the fact that some of you think that you should get married soon, and someone thinks that you are just having a good time.

Necessarily agree that after a certain period of time - in nine months, in a year - you will analyze your relationship and decide whether you are ready for marriage.

If at the time of living together one of you is not even thinking about family life, give up the decision to live together.

Don't live with your partner if you're not sure what you want for him. marry, and if they did not ask him whether he wanted it later.

He doesn't want to get married... What should I do?

Pros and cons of living together


civil marriage

1. You will learn those aspects of your partner’s character that can only be learned by living together.

It is impossible to know a person well if you do not live with him. It will no longer be possible to hide habits, passions, and beliefs. You see your partner in their natural environment - at home.

2. It's easier for you to understand how compatible you are. You can love a person, and at the same time not want to live with him under the same roof.

It is possible that you will find that your partner's lifestyle is incompatible with yours.

Some people are great to spend time with, but communicating more meaningfully with them can be a nightmare.

3. You will be able to check if your partner is ready for marriage.

Only after you jointly make important decisions regarding money matters, food, distribution of household responsibilities, shopping, etc., will you be able to judge whether you and your partner will make one team.


1. You can ruin love because you put too heavy a load on her when she is not yet mature enough for this.

Living together is a very useful experience, but only at a fairly advanced stage of the relationship. If you start living too early, you are making a mistake.

Living together can lead to the breakdown of a love relationship if it begins too early, when the partners have not yet reached sufficient maturity, emotional stability and do not have the proper determination.

The danger is not only that people can break up, but also that they - even after realizing that they are not suitable for each other! - can continue to live together for years.

It is precisely this position that will never lead to marriage: on the one hand, one of the partners (or both) realized that the other does not correspond to his concept of the ideal. But they are already accustomed to each other, and habits are very difficult to change.

So they live together, expecting that someday they will meet a real ideal and live with him happily ever after, leaving an unsuitable and rather boring partner.

2. You relax emotionally. Your goal is achieved and both of you (or one of you) become lazy.

In addition, some people, after starting to live together, begin to pay much less attention to their partner, believing that there is nothing to stand on ceremony - after all, the partner is already nearby.

3. Everyone knows the English proverb: “Why buy a cow if you have free milk.”

Many people say: “If a man lives with you and gets all the pleasures of family life, why would he get married?”

To some extent this proverb is true, because in some cases men and women use cohabitation to create the appearance of a family, without entering into a marriage that deep down they fear.

Perhaps they already had a negative family creation experience or a negative example of parental families.

Leaving: the path to salvation or the road to nowhere?

What if he doesn't want to get married?

civil marriage

Marriage is not a wedding or an official document. This is not a ring, not photographs from exotic countries where you spent your honeymoon.

Marriage is a daily affirmation of your decision to love, respect and please your partner.

Are you ready to get married if all this does not happen - no wedding, no gifts, no admiring relatives?

Imagine that you just signed and that’s it - no celebrations. Do you still want to get married?

True marriage takes place not in a church, not in a registry office, not in a banquet hall, but in your hearts.

Marriage is a choice you make over and over again. This choice manifests itself in how you treat your partner.

Find out as early as possible whether your partner experiences pre-marital prejudice. Don't shy away from discussing this issue.

If a person refuses to move to the next level of the relationship, you may well break up.

Only if you are truly confident that you yourself are ready to move to the next level.

If your partner says that he is serious about your relationship, but that he is not ready for marriage yet, it makes sense ask him a question why he is not ready? You have the right to know what to expect from a relationship.

Explain that you do not agree to maintain a relationship that has no future. Ask your partner when, in his opinion, and under what conditions he will be ready to decide on marriage.

You can make your own list. For example: “I will be ready for marriage when I have my own home,” “when I have a hundred thousand dollars in the bank,” “when I have seen at least one happy marriage,” “when I am confident in my partner.”

People whose parents are divorced or who themselves are divorced are often afraid of marriage.

Based on these answers, you can judge the prospects of your union, or debunk your partner’s fears.

You can Explain to him that you don’t need a lavish wedding, an expensive trip, etc. (if the problems are material).

Tell me, if you already live together, despite his financial situation, what else should you expect?

Problems of this kind can be easily resolved if there is mutual understanding between the partners.

Therefore, the main thing you can do to bring your happiness closer is to establish a trusting relationship with your partner. This is the basis of a happy union.

If your partner is stalling for time and doesn’t explain why he doesn't want to get married Most likely, your relationship is hopeless.

Sometimes there comes a time in a relationship when it is necessary issue an ultimatum or leave. But only when all means have been exhausted.

The ultimatum must be clear and clearly formulated. The partner must clearly know why you are leaving, what you want, and under what conditions you will return again.

If your chosen one continues to think about your words, then follow through with your threat.

Why is leaving better than staying?

If he changes his mind, you will be the mistress of the situation. You will be able to dictate terms rather than accept them.

5. If he does not change his mind, you will leave useless expectations in time.

If you left a man, after which he agreed to marry, and you returned to him, be sure to achieve what you promised.

Don't let him think that he has you back and can go back to his old commitment-free life.

Many women believe that as soon as they get married, a wonderful life will immediately begin.

But marriage is a large magnifying glass that greatly magnifies all the pros and cons that existed before. Therefore, try to resolve any disagreements that arise before the wedding.

In fact, Cohabitation and official marriage are not the essence of a love relationship, but only their external manifestation.

People can live happily without getting married and without even thinking about it, or they can have all the attributes of a “real family” - a stamp in their passport, a beautiful wedding, and even children - but with all this they can only be cohabitants, each in their own parallel world, which never intersect.

civil marriage

“Previously, when a girl got married, she received official confirmation that she would now be provided for; she went to her husband’s house, under his care.

Nowadays, people often simply move into one apartment - or rent and run a common household.

The only bonus for a girl is a wedding, peace of mind for her family, if they think that marriage will change something in her life.

Actually, the relationship remains the same. A man understands this, a girl does not. The girl thinks that the stamp guarantees her the love of her partner, but everyone knows that this is not so.

Many men guess that a girl who is preoccupied with marriage, talking about how humiliating her situation is, how surprised her relatives are, is not thinking about him, not about both of them, but about sheer nonsense, and it is clear that he wants to weigh whether it is worth it to get involved with a person who is so obsessed with prejudice.

But if you feel that after many years of living, you are ready to cement your relationship before God and people, that there is simply no other option, because you see fifty years of your common future, and your partner is still thoughtful... On in my opinion, this is a bad partner.

Many of my friends got married after 8, 10 years of relationship - and this decision was mutual. No one persuaded anyone, did not weave intrigues.

I don’t even understand what kind of life this is with a person who doesn’t see your relationship the same way you do. There can be only one conclusion here: this person is not suitable for you. He's on a different wavelength."

Women are often perplexed: why does a man delay with a legitimate proposal? What is he afraid of? (taking it “weakly” is a well-known female tactic). He loves her, they have been together for a long time - what the hell else does he need? I think it will be difficult for men to answer this question: unlike women’s, men’s brains are not so deftly oriented in interpersonal relationships and all sorts of twists of the human soul. They slow down a little, since everything has to go through a man’s consciousness, put into clear, convincing formulations. Well, I will help my brothers.

A woman determines whether this man is right for her within the first few minutes of meeting her. Theoretically, after these minutes, it can already be taken to the registry office. A man delays and delays with a proposal because most often he does not have the psychological and intellectual resources to immediately and clearly understand why this lady is ready to be with him. Men actually have intuition, but most often it is suppressed by rationality. Now his chosen one seems to love him. But what happens then, after the birth of the child? Will the mere sight of him make her sick, as young mothers write on forums? Will it happen that she will immediately - and forever - switch to the child? Will they definitely remain one team with the same leader? Or will no one be interested in him now? With all his problems, with his whole life?

The brain of a normal man processes all this very slowly. No special training. The majority do not even have the necessary categorical apparatus. From childhood, men accustomed to responsibility - I mean normal, not mama's boys, and also not teenagers suffering from sperm toxicosis (some remain both until old age) - have firmly learned one thing: you give your word - keep it. Otherwise, you risk losing your self-respect. The classic female excuse “I promised because I was in such and such a mood, it’s not my fault that it’s different now” doesn’t work here. It is too serious for us to be responsible for those we have tamed. You can't go wrong from the start.

The classic female excuse “I promised because I was in such and such a mood, it’s not my fault that it’s different now” doesn’t work here.

I’ll say it sincerely: we don’t need this male freedom for nothing. At least for those who have already turned 30. But how not to get into trouble? How can we find out more precisely whether this woman really needs him - his appearance, his calling, his unique soul? Or maybe she is contacting him just because “he suits her” - like some average husband? Like, he earns decent money, drinks little, loves animals, and the living conditions are quite good... How does a wife constantly push her husband around, calling him disparagingly “mine”? How do aunts spoil the bones of their husbands on forums, savoring (most often minor and quite forgivable) their shortcomings? It is not enough for a man to simply “suit” someone. He wants to be unique, unique, and - which is no less important for him - respected. Respect is not a woman’s instinct “in the first minutes of acquaintance.” It will take some time to decide on it. Most often, it is this situation that men do not know how to sort out.

A man endures marriage out of love for a woman.” A woman gets married because she wants to. But a mature man no longer lives by desires alone. He thinks, evaluates the current situation and possibilities, and strives to comprehend the future. But comprehension is not done quickly.

And the fact that “women are often perplexed” is most telling. It would seem that all such advanced psychologists are so well versed in relationships, they can talk about them for hours, procrastinate on every aspect of them... And when it comes to the most important thing in which we live, they suddenly find themselves at a loss. Is this a coincidence?

And I’ll tell you what: women do not understand the inner world of men. All these categories, concepts that we have been building in our lives for years, even decades (views, value system, self-respect, vocation, sense of responsibility, the demand for our abilities by society, duty to loved ones, friends and the Fatherland) - they are not tender for women. Because they live completely differently. I looked into the eyes, smelled the smell, heard the timbre of the voice, and the decision was ready, “suitable or not suitable”...

Subconsciously, men feel that often, even too often, their chosen ones just allow themselves to be loved. This is the nature of things. And if we are to part with freedom, then it will be out of mutual love. That will be fair. This is how male slowness is deciphered.

And we have never been cowards. They always knew how, and even loved to take risks. Unlike.

There are objective reasons. For example, a banal lack of money. Sometimes women are so eager to dress up in a white dress that they are ready to get into debt and credit history for this. Men have a more rational approach in this regard. They try to have a certain amount of money at their disposal for their honeymoon. If this is the reason, start saving money for the wedding together. Let this become your common cause.

Often men are afraid of marriage if they have already had the experience of an unsuccessful marriage. And here they can be understood, because some women, after the cherished wedding ceremony, relax and show their true colors. Your man is probably afraid of a similar scenario happening again. Or maybe he just grew up in a family where there was enmity instead of love between mom and dad.

That is why, before making an informed decision about a man and a woman, it is important to live with each other in order to understand whether they are suitable for each other in everyday life. As a rule, conflicts begin 3 months after the start of life together. If they can be repaid, the next crisis stage begins in a year. If the partners managed to maintain bright feelings for each other for a year and a half together, the man is usually ready to become a husband himself.

Marriage must be approached with full responsibility. Therefore, you should not blackmail a man (“It’s either the wedding or I’m leaving”), or try it on yourself according to popular advice with the help of a child. What if he doubts the need to get married because he’s not sure that he wants to live his whole life with you and raise children together? Think about whether you want to raise a child alone or in a family in which there is no mutual love?

Don’t look back at your friends, don’t envy that many of them are already... On the surface, almost every family seems ideal. Remember that getting married is a simple matter; it is much more difficult to wake up every morning in a great mood because there is a truly loved one next to you, with whom you always want to be together, in times of trouble and in joy.

Any relationship should develop, reaching a new level and lead to a mutual desire to enter into legal marriage. Often a man is in no hurry to conquer new levels and offer his chosen one his hand and heart. A loving woman must understand the reason for this behavior and try to lead the man to make a final decision.


Psychologically, a man is ready for legal marriage if he has firm confidence that he can provide for his family and give his woman everything she needs. Most often, it is the material side of the issue that does not allow one to enter into a legal marriage. The harsh reality of the modern world does not allow us to hope for paradise in a hut.

Try to gently, without much persistence, explain the financial side. Explain that by creating a family, you can jointly achieve all material benefits. If you are running a joint household, start saving money for your wedding.

A man values ​​freedom and does not want to tie the knot. Prove that you do not claim it at all. Do not interfere with his communication with friends, do not limit the man in anything. The majority of representatives of the stronger sex, having realized that no one claims their freedom, are not at all against legal marriage.

Establish trusting partnerships. More often than not, a man is not attracted to the woman for whom he feels strong passion. A long-term marriage is based on love, but mutual interests, friendships, and common goals play an important role. And it’s unlikely that a man will want to lose it.

Do not hurry. Try living together. Romantic meetings and living together are completely different things. Domestic relationships over the course of one year clarify a lot. You and your man will finally understand whether you need marriage or not.

If your main goal is the absolute desire to get a stamp in your passport, give the man a choice - either you break up, or your relationship logically moves to a new stage. Most representatives of the stronger sex become more active and begin to act only in extreme situations. If he loves you and his plans do not include separation, this will certainly lead you to the registry office, and you will definitely spin to the famous Mendelssohn wedding waltz.

Video on the topic

Of course, he is crazy about you, but this does not mean that he is ready to propose. The results of recent studies suggest that men are now increasingly in no hurry to get married. There are several reasons for this. And here are the main ones.

Men want to build a career, become financially stable and only then start a family. And the more complex the career goals of your chosen one, the longer he will not think about marriage.

The second reason why he doesn't want to get married is that you already live together. You share a roof over your head, sleep in the same bed, spend time together, have a common wallet and are essentially no different from married people. For many men in such a situation, the meaning of marriage disappears altogether.

So what should women who dream of a family do? Have an honest conversation with your man. Ask him how he sees your relationship in the future, whether he thinks about children. Let him understand that marriage is not just a shared bed and wallet, but a sign that you are ready to take responsibility for each other and for your offspring. Of course, you are unlikely to receive a marriage proposal right away. But your loved one will probably think about your future together.

Unfortunately, there are categories of men who, regardless of the circumstances, are absolutely not ready to get married. Look, maybe your boyfriend belongs to one of them?


Do you spend weekends apart from each other, go on vacation separately, do you have no common friends and interests? Do you guys do anything together at all? No matter how different people are, there always comes a moment when they stop associating their affairs and actions only with themselves and begin to think about their other half. If this has not yet happened in your couple, this is a sure sign that the man is not at all ready for marriage.

He avoids everything that causes discomfort

Not all men are happy with the prospect of having dinner together with the girl’s parents, but they sacrifice their comfortable state for our sake. After all, getting to know your parents is an integral element in building relationships. If your

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