An original gift for a boy coming of age. What to give a guy on the day of majority Surprise for his 18th birthday to his son

Eighteen is the age when a guy is full of all sorts of grandiose life projects, has an irresistible desire to assert himself, his dreams know no bounds, and he goes to achieve his goals with great enthusiasm and determination. Ahead is a whole life that is full of discoveries and the most risky deeds.

When site visitors ask what to give a guy for his birthday at 18, taking into account the coming of age, Super Helper always suggests dividing this question into three parts, by categories of those who are looking for a gift and taking into account the degree of maturity of the birthday man. The fact is that young men at this age differ from each other in their adulthood. Some are still quite children with boyish interests and hobbies, while others are already real men. But at the same time, every boy at this age can grow up very quickly, literally in one day.

So, by separating all potential donors, SuperHelper answers the first question: “What to give my son for 18 years?” The following ideas from:

A motorcycle is an expensive gift, from what to give a boy for 18 years, but if he is passionate and dreamed about it, then this gift will truly touch his heart and cause admiration;

A new laptop is another gift that is not cheap, but one that the birthday boy will definitely be happy with;

New mobile phone - we start adult life with new things;

Money is a great gift from parents from what to give a guy for his 18th birthday, especially since at this age there is always not enough money.

What to give a guy for 18 years? These questions are asked by girls looking for gifts for their boyfriends. They can be advised the following gift ideas for a guy for 18 years:

A horseback ride for two is a great gift that allows you to be alone;

A poster with your favorite performer - and if you still get an autographed star, then the gift will be super;

A beautiful leather belt or any other accessory - little things from a loved one always make you happy;

A photo collage of your common photos is a gift that will be received with tenderness by a guy;

A hand-made holiday cake is a gift that is always received with a bang, eaten by the company in an instant, but then, how many rave reviews later.

For a group of friends asking a question, what to give a friend for 18 years, "Super Helper" advises to join forces and donate:

Party fountain - a gift that can turn any party into a holiday;

A trip to barbecue with friends is a great gift, the main thing is that such gifts should be an absolute surprise for the birthday person.

TOP - 600 gifts birthday boy 18 years old

A universal selection of gift ideas for every occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Greetings to all readers of my blog! Agree that the topic of choosing gifts is one of the most acute. You can give gifts with love, receive with pleasure, but with their choice, many have great difficulties. Oddly enough, it is especially difficult to choose gifts for relatives and close people whom you seem to have known for a long time. Therefore, the question “what to give to a son for 18 years” sometimes becomes a real problem for parents.

I decided to help you and offer: inexpensive options, especially memorable surprises, gifts from dad and mom separately. You just have to choose what you like the most!

18 years old is a serious age

It is believed that at this age the child becomes an adult. Therefore, his birthday is not only large expenses and pleasant chores, but also new relationships.

Start spoiling the traitor from the very morning: prepare a festive breakfast, present a diploma of majority, filled out in a humorous style, in which you recognize the complete independence of your adult son. You can also prepare a few small pleasant surpriseswhich will logically lead to the main celebration.

If you decide to make a joint gift from your parents, then the ideal option would be a large amount of money placed on his personal account. Of course, a car or a separate apartment will please an adult child. But not everyone can give such gifts. But do not be discouraged and read the article further - there are still many interesting ideas ahead.

No less worthy, but more affordable gifts

It is best to make surprises to a young man, taking into account his hobbies:

  • Moto racing fans please scooter or moped and if possible, donate a motorcycle.
  • If your son is interested in technology and dreams of his own car, then encourage his desire and help him take the first step - pay driving school training. After successfully obtaining a driver's license, decide together what to do next: buy a car for your son or give away yours and buy a new one for yourself?
  • Travel lovers can give for 18 years tourist package or an educational tour - this will help him become more independent, gain a different life experience.
  • Some families have such a tradition: to give jewelry in honor of anniversaries. Why don't you do it too? Isn't it great if your son has his own golden, precious jewelry? By the way, you can make a personalized inscription on a gift or an engraving. As an offering, you can choose a chain, ring, bracelet or cross.

What to give so that the gift is remembered?

The most memorable gifts are always closely related to our children's hobbies. Therefore, buy what he needs right now or may need very soon.

  • Is your son into sports? Give him training apparatus, special equipment or a certificate to a sports store - let him choose what he lacks so much.
  • Young man wants to become a businessman? Choose a gift that suits the person business sphere: gold cufflinks, a leather briefcase, a gold-plated pen or, again, a certificate to a men's stylish clothing store.
  • The future musician will not refuse opportunity to record your song or a musical composition in a real studio, a new musical instrument, or attending a concert of your idol.
  • Many young people are attracted modern technology And there are plenty of gift options for them too. For example, the latest gadget model, digital technology, additions in the original design for a computer or laptop.

Of course, when choosing any of these gifts for 18 years old, try to find out what he really needs. You can consult with the seller or buy a gift right away with the birthday boy. This will no longer be a surprise, but it will definitely be the right present for 100%.

Gift from my beloved mother

  • Every loving mother of an adult son should understand that it is too late to buy him pajamas with elephants, and it is too early to buy a sweater with deer. And here is a convenient sport suit- just right.
  • Usually, the mother is fully responsible for preparing the festive table. And for that, your son will be very grateful. And if you still bake his favorite since childhood pie or cake- it will be the most expensive gift for him.
  • An elite men's perfume can be a nice addition, which will not be difficult to choose due to the wide range and the fact that mothers know the tastes of their sons best of all.
  • Present a cozy sofa cushion with a funny shape - this is the cutest manifestation of caring for your son.

Gift from dad - like a man to a man

A real father knows how to please his son, regardless of his age. And even more so for an adult! But besides material gifts, paternal support and a warm festive atmosphere are of great importance on this day. Try to give your son as many positive emotions as possible so that he will remember this birthday for many years.

Of course, it is from the father that the adult son expects a special gift for his 18th birthday. After all, most boys want to be like their dad. Therefore, they are sure that dad knows what is needed. True "father's" gifts include:

My friends who have adult children are often sad that they have grown up so quickly, they try to keep them near them as long as possible. Do not worry! Try to make their growing up as pleasant as possible so that they don't think that being an adult is hard and hard. And the coming-of-age day is one of the best opportunities.

On such a touching note, let me end my article. Don't forget to share with your friends and subscribe to blog news. See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

Choosing a gift for the age of majority of a child

Adulthood is the age at which a person is considered an adult from a legal point of view. But for a loving mother, her son always remains a child.

Therefore, the question sharply arises of what to give my son for 18 years, because childhood has already passed, and youth is in full swing. A mother's heart will always tell you what is best for her son. But having learned several options for modern and original gifts, it will be much easier to make a choice.

Creative notebook "Labyrinth" with engraving (blue)

The path of an idea from its inception to its implementation is a real labyrinth. In order not to get into a dead end, the son needs to train his thinking with the help of special tasks and techniques. To learn how to write with your left hand, comprehend the technique of origami, treat yourself to logic puzzles and much more, you just need to look into the creative notebook "Labyrinth". At the end, you can find the answers to the tasks to check your solution. If earlier a book was considered the best gift for 18 years old, now an original notebook.

Wall clock "Birthday"

Capture a moment of life in a photo and tame time with a watch. Such a gift will remind you of punctuality, the ability to use free time and will help you learn how to clock time intervals. Wall clock "Birthday" is a useful gift and a beautiful interior decoration.

Belgian chocolate in a gift box "For a real dreamer"

Everyone remembers from childhood that the more sweets, the better. And when Belgian chocolate candies, then this is a great gift. Incredibly delicate taste will immerse you in the sweetest thoughts and dreams. When else to dream, if not at the age of 18? The son will be pleased to enjoy a cup of Belgian chocolate assorted tea, and make even an ordinary weekday a holiday.

Photo plate "Holiday for him"

Give a personal present for the hero of the occasion. For example, a photo plate "Holiday for him." A photograph of your son printed on a plate will be a real surprise. Do you remember how in childhood “eat porridge and see a fairy tale”? In the same way, you can present a plate with the image of a birthday person, for example, replacing porridge with a cake, pizza or another favorite dish. Use as element or tableware… Leave this choice to the birthday person.

iPhone 6 Plus case with your photo

Let your son become the owner of a case that no one else has. Nowadays, finding an original thing that only you can find is a rarity. Moreover, there are such pictures that you want to look at endlessly. So let it become an iPhone case that will always accompany its owner.

T-shirt "Cat"

The age of a child is an important date for parents. Now the father can proudly say that he raised his son. And the son, in turn, expects a special gift from his parents on such a day, which he will remember for the rest of his life.

When choosing a present, you need to remember that having reached the age of 18, a guy becomes a real man and can make decisions himself and be responsible for his life.

Top 13 ideas for the best gifts for a guy for 18 years from parents

1. Payment for training in a driving school

At the age of majority, most young people dream of taking driving lessons and getting a driving license.

Therefore, parents, knowing about this dream, can give their son payment for training in a driving school. The son will definitely appreciate such a gesture.

2. Subscription for extreme driving lessons

If the guy already has a license, you can give a subscription to extreme driving lessons.

This will not only help the young man to let off steam, but also teach him to quickly navigate in the event of an emergency.

If, of course, funds allow, then you can give an adult guy a car for his birthday.

It doesn't have to be new and expensive. An older used car will do.

Buying an apartment is perhaps the most expensive gift. If there is such an opportunity, then it will greatly help an 18-year-old boy learn to live on his own. Otherwise, you can rent an apartment and, for example, pay the rent for the first year.

And agree that after the expiration of this period, the son himself will earn and pay for his housing. This will motivate you to look for a decent job.

For a lover of an extreme type of recreation, you can purchase a subscription for a parachute jump as a gift. Not every parent decides on such a gift.

But if the son has been dreaming about this for a long time, then the first jump to adulthood will be an unforgettable event.

6. New phone or tablet

In the modern world, more and more new and interesting models of mobile phones and tablets are constantly appearing. In this regard, for a guy of age, you can give him the last phone or tablet that entered the market.

Young people are very fond of various electronic devices, so the son will definitely not leave such a present unattended.

7. Tourist package abroad

Adulthood is a new life stage. Giving a tourist trip, for example, to Europe is a good idea. So that a young man is not bored, you can keep him company.

Such a holiday will unite the family and give everyone new unforgettable sensations. You can even celebrate a birthday on this trip.

8. Good camera

Even if a child is not fond of professional photography, he will still need a good camera in life. When buying, it is better to give preference to a mirror device. It costs more, but the image quality will be ten times better.

Such a gift can instill in his son a love of photography, and who knows, perhaps in the future he will become a famous and highly paid photographer.

9. Educational trip to deepen the knowledge of a foreign language

In addition to tourist trips, there are educational tours to other countries. They allow a person, being surrounded by native speakers, to deepen their knowledge.

If the son studied Italian, then you can send him, for example, to Rome. Finding such a tour is not a problem.

10. Gold decoration

Golden jewelry will become a memorable gift for life. You can give a boy a chain, bracelet or engraved ring. It is first recommended to ask your son what kind of gold he prefers, white or yellow.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you can take the birthday man with you to the jewelry store and choose a gift with him.

11. Wristwatch

Quality watches are a symbol of a certain status in society. On the 18th birthday, the guy will definitely be pleased to receive such a gift. You need to buy them clearly understanding what style the child prefers.

If he wears classic clothes, then it is better to pick up a watch in this style. If you prefer a sporty style, then buy a watch in casual style.

12. Sports simulator

So that your son is always in good shape and can play sports without leaving home, you can give him a sports simulator as a gift. It can be a treadmill, an exercise bike or a sports wall with horizontal bars and other equipment.

13. Certificate for classes in a yachting school

An unusual gift that will definitely surprise your son will be a gift certificate for classes at a yachting school.

There, the guy will be taught how to manage a sailing yacht in any weather.
At the end of the school, the graduate is awarded a yachtsman certificate, which gives the right to manage yachts of any type.

Son's coming of age is a special date. On this day, a teenage boy finally says goodbye to childhood and takes a confident step towards the world of adults. A young man on the threshold of his 18th birthday, remaining a child at heart, is already full of dreams and unrealized ideas related to his future. Therefore, a gift to a son for 18 years, one way or another, should be associated with the recognition of his status as an adult man and the realization of his dream. In this article, we offer several variations of the coming-of-age celebration.

Son is 18 years old - now he is a man!

You should not think that the participation of parents in the celebration of the son's coming of age should be limited solely to financial investments and the choice of a present. It would be nice to arrange this whole day for the now adult son so that he would be remembered by one continuous fairy tale. In the morning at breakfast in the family circle, you can solemnly present a beautifully designed and witty diploma recognizing your son as an adult and the obligation not to interfere in his personal life. During the day, it is necessary to improve the mood of the birthday boy with various cool gifts, preparing him for the evening banquet and presenting the main gift. A cool gift for a son on the day of adulthood can be a “Set of a real man” - a brick that will be the basis of the house, a shovel for planting a tree and a vest in which he will dress his future son. The fun of the birthday boy and the delight of his friends will be caused by a bottle of whiskey with an attached nipple and the inscription "The first one given by mom." For a celebration with friends and relatives, you can take a specially made photo book with different moments of your son's life from birth to adulthood and funny comments under the photos. In the same book, you can provide a place where each of the guests can leave a comment on any photo or a personal wish for the birthday man.

It's Time to Give Gifts The main gift is always the result of many days of parents' thoughts on the topic "What to give your son for adulthood?" The best option is the embodiment of any cherished dream of the son.

At present, almost all young people have a laptop or computer, netbook or PDA, smartphone or iPhone and other newfangled gadgets - it is difficult to surprise them with something like that. Even if at the moment the son dreams of an iPhone 4S, in six months or a year he will no longer remember it, and a gift for coming of age should be imprinted in memory for the rest of his life.

If he is seriously engaged in vocals and even is a soloist in a group he created, give him a meeting with a sound engineer and recording the first single or a home recording studio as a gift. A high-quality musical instrument will be a great gift if the son is one of the musicians of this group.

The son of a music lover will be delighted with tickets to the concert of his favorite artist and the cost of the trip. Performers with world-famous names usually do not tour all over the country, but give a couple of concerts in the capital. A trip with your best friend to the capital for a world-class show - what could be better than such a gift for coming of age?

If traveling around the country is not a novelty for your son, you can give him a tour of Europe or a trip to a particular country as a gift. A paid certificate for a thief trip during the holidays will be a suitable gift if the young man's birthday falls at the very height of the school year.

It is quite easy for parents of a rationally thinking and practical son to find the best gift option. For such a young man, an ideal gift would be a personalized bank account with a small starting capital and a Parker branded pen as a symbol of a future successful career.

Many young people at this age are sure that in the near future they will become car owners. It's time to help your son take a step towards his dream - to pay for his driving lessons. Of course, a car for an 18th birthday is every guy's dream, but if the family's financial resources are limited, driving courses will not only be a long-awaited gift, but also a good incentive to make your dream come true on your own.

In any case, parents should not forget that the main thing on the day of their son's majority is not a gift as a material equivalent of love. The main thing is the very love for this adult man, who some 18 years ago became a full member of the family.

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