Correct and effective hair coloring with basma at home. Natural hair coloring with basma Dyeing with basma salt

Artificial dyes for coloring strands have many advantages, but their main drawback is the harm they cause to the hair. It makes girls pay attention to natural dyes. One of the most common products for dyeing hair in dark colors is hair basma.

It is sold in almost every cosmetics store, is cheap, and its benefits for the structure of strands are invaluable. Coloring with basma is not difficult, which is why this drug has many adherents. It allows you to get different shades, which makes it possible to experiment with color.

What is

Basma for hair is made from the Inidgosphere plant. To prepare the coloring powder, the dry leaves of the plant are ground. The powder has a green-gray color. If you dye at home only with basma, your hair will turn bright green or blue. In combination with other substances, it gives beautiful shades. It is mixed with henna, hibiscus and other coloring products.

Dyeing with the drug gives a long-lasting color; the paint does not wash off for a long time. Only over time the strands may become a little lighter.


Iranian basma is most often found on shelves, but Indian basma is not always on sale.

If natural basma is quickly washed off and the strands lose color, it means the coloring powder is of low quality or the product’s expiration date has expired.

Harm and benefit from use

The benefit of the product is that it contains a huge amount of minerals. They strengthen curls and restore hair structure. The composition has a beneficial effect:

  • The benefit of natural resins and wax is to nourish the hair follicles. Thanks to them, aloception decreases and the rate of hair growth accelerates.
  • Tannins prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes and heal wounds.
  • The vitamins that are in the preparation are of great benefit: they strengthen the curls, make them smooth, bouncy, and elastic.
  • Minerals have a restorative effect, eliminate the causes of dandruff, and fight bacteria.

The benefit of the product is that it makes the hair thick and gives it volume, which is important for those with thin hair.

The natural composition of the drug reduces the risk of allergies during coloring.

Like other coloring agents, basma can harm the health of the hair:

  • To dye your strands blue or swamp green, it is important to know how to dye your hair. The instructions on the packaging help you understand the exact preparation of the product.
  • Frequent use of the drug dries out the hair, thinning its structure.

In order not to cause harm to your hair, you need to clearly know how to dilute the drug and how to apply the dye correctly.

If a woman wants to switch from a natural dye to a chemical composition, then she needs to wait until the dye is completely gone from her hair. If you apply a dye after natural preparations, great harm will be done to the curls. The resulting color after all the manipulations will be an unpleasant surprise, since it is impossible to predict it. The result that such coloring gives takes a long time to wash off.

How to get the right color

By combining basma with other natural products, the benefits of the procedure increase and it becomes possible to choose the color of your hair.

To mix the ingredients correctly, you need to immediately decide what color you need:

  • If you mix the product with henna in equal proportions, the result will be a light brown shade of the strands. The procedure time is half an hour.
  • If the drug and henna are mixed in the same amount, and the dyeing takes 1 hour, then the woman will get chestnut hair color.
  • To become the owner of black braids, you must first dye with henna for 1 hour, then wash off the dye and apply basma for 1-2 hours.
  • The brown shade is obtained by mixing 1 part henna and 2 parts basma.
  • If you want to get chocolate-colored braids as a result, then mix 1 part henna and 2 parts product. Keep the substance on the strands for 1-2 hours.

You can get other shades by adding various natural ingredients to the product.

Independent use

You can dye your hair with basma yourself at home. To do this coloring:

  1. Wash your hair.
  2. Comb your strands.
  3. Prepare the coloring composition. If necessary, add hibiscus, henna or coffee to the product.
  4. Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly or moisturizer to your scalp along the partings to prevent damage.
  5. To avoid damaging your clothing, place a towel over your shoulders. (Keep in mind that basma stains cannot be washed off).
  6. Start coloring from the back of the head. Apply the dye to the strands, distribute it along the entire length.
  7. While dyeing, wrap your hair in plastic and insulate your head.
  8. Rinse off the dye with warm running water.

The benefits of using the drug will increase if you add 1 tablespoon of olive oil to the composition.

  • Add a few drops of ammonia to the dye to prevent the paint from fading quickly. In this case, the time of exposure to strands using basma is reduced by 2 times.
  • If the shades on the strands are too bright, wash your hair with water and lemon juice or vinegar. The paint from this rinse aid is washed off quickly.
  • If after dyeing at home, your hair becomes stiff, use masks and balms. Their use is allowed 2 days after the procedure.

Dyeing your hair using natural means is relevant, women have no questions about why this happens: less damage is caused to the curls, no large investments are required. The benefits of using a natural product are visible after the first coloring.

Today it is difficult to find a representative of the fair sex who has never dyed her hair in her life, and for every second woman this procedure has become as familiar as, for example, cutting or styling. The reason for changing the color of hair can be anything: dissatisfaction with the “native” shade inherited from nature; the desire to disguise gray hair or simply bring newness and freshness to your image.

Modern manufacturers of hair dyes constantly compete with each other, creating more and more new palettes of shades and enriching their products with various components designed to provide durable and at the same time the most gentle coloring. But in reality, not a single one, even the most expensive and high-quality chemical paint, can be considered completely safe; after all, the substances included in its composition not only destroy pigments, but also change the structure of the hair, making it porous and fragile. As a result, once healthy and beautiful curls become thinner, brittle and dull.

Of course, this does not mean that you need to give up hair coloring forever; it’s just that for these purposes it is better to use natural dyes, rather than synthetic ones, of natural origin. One of them is basma, a grayish-green powder made from the dried leaves of the tropical indigo plant. Initially, basma was used to make ink and dye fabrics bright blue, but later it was used to give dark shades to hair. What is the benefit of this product for curls and how does it differ so favorably from synthetic dyes?

Advantages of basma over chemical dyes

The benefits of basma for hair are difficult to overestimate, because in addition to coloring pigments, it contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the structure of curls, as well as tannins that have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. In addition, indigo leaf powder contains waxes and resins that smooth the hair and give it a dazzling shine. Another feature of basma is that it can increase the volume of hair, which ladies with thin and sparse hair will really like. Unlike synthetic dyes, which destroy the natural pigments of curls and damage their structure, basma:

  • nourishes the scalp and hair follicles with vitamins;
  • strengthens the hair structure and accelerates its growth;
  • prevents hair loss;
  • gives the hair additional volume and beautiful shine;
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminates scalp irritation and helps fight dandruff.

It is equally important that basma is hypoallergenic, that is, it can be used even by pregnant and lactating women, as well as those whose skin is highly sensitive. However, having made your choice in favor of this dye, you should know that it, like other products, has a number of disadvantages: firstly, when using basma in its pure form, dark hair can acquire a blue tint, and light hair - green; secondly, failure to comply with the proportions when making the coloring composition will not allow achieving the desired effect; thirdly, frequent dyeing often leads to drying out the curls and fourthly, if you do not wash your hair well after the procedure, it will look untidy, and the color of the strands will most likely be uneven.

Video recipe for the occasion:

Basma for hair coloring is usually used not in its pure form, but in combination with other components: for example, with henna, tea leaves or natural coffee. In order to decide on the proportions, you need to think in advance what color you want to get in the end. If you dilute basma and henna 1:1, you will get a rich chestnut shade, if 1:2 (1 part basma to 2 parts henna) is brown with a bronze tint, and 2:1 (2 parts basma to 1 part henna) is bluish. black. Gray hair, when dyed with basma, acquires a light chestnut or red color. The final result is also influenced by: the thickness and thickness of the hair, its initial color and the dye exposure time - the longer the mixture is on the curls, the darker the resulting color will be. So, how to properly dye your hair with basma:

  • It is not necessary to wash your hair before dyeing, unless you have used hairspray or other styling products that create a film on the hair that prevents the penetration of color pigments.
  • Be sure to lubricate the hairline (near the forehead, temples and back of the head) with a rich cream to avoid staining the skin. When applying the cream, try not to touch the hair, otherwise the roots will remain unpainted. Please note that basma is a very resistant paint, so take care in advance to protect your clothing and exposed areas of the body (including hands).
  • Prepare the coloring mixture. Take basma and henna in the required proportions (depending on the desired color) and pour into a ceramic or glass container. Dilute the resulting mixture with very hot (but not boiling) water and stir until smooth (the finished mixture should resemble thick sour cream in consistency). Those with dry hair are advised to add a little olive or almond oil to the prepared mixture.
  • Using a brush, apply the color mixture to your hair, starting from the roots and gradually spreading along the entire length of the strands. Try to do everything quickly so that the composition does not have time to cool, otherwise the color may turn out uneven.
  • Raise the treated curls at the top of the head and secure with a plastic clip. Warm your head with cling film and wrap it in a warm scarf or towel.
  • The exposure time of the dye on the hair can vary from 15 minutes to several hours (depending on how rich the shade you want to get). To accurately calculate the time that you may need to purchase a particular color, it is better to conduct a test on a separate strand in advance.

After the procedure, wash off the paint with warm water without shampoo. You need to rinse your hair until the water becomes clear. Keep in mind that the true shade after dyeing with basma does not appear immediately, but only after a few days. To avoid distorting the result, try not to wash your hair for 72 hours.

How to get different shades using basma

When dyeing your hair with basma, you can achieve different shades. To do this, the main component is mixed in certain proportions with henna or other natural dyes - berry juices, wine, strong black tea, ground coffee and others. Next, all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair. The most popular colors that can be obtained using basma include the following.


To give your curls a rich chocolate shade, you must first dye them with henna (hold for about an hour and a half), and then apply basma for 2–2.5 hours. The amount of both components is determined individually, depending on the length, thickness and initial shade of the strands. Light colors lend themselves best to dyeing - light brown, light chestnut or red.


It is not difficult to achieve a pleasant copper shade with the help of basma. To do this, you need to mix it with henna in a 1:2 ratio (1 part basma to 2 parts henna). On very dark hair the effect will be weak.


In order to dye your curls the color of a raven wing, you need to prepare a mixture of 2 parts basma (if your hair is light, you should double the dosage) and 1 part henna.


A rich dark chestnut color with a pronounced reddish tint is achieved by mixing 2 parts of henna, 1 part of basma and hot red wine (natural), taken in an amount sufficient to obtain a paste-like consistency. Instead of wine, you can also use strong brewed hibiscus tea.


To get a dark brown shade with a purple tint, you should mix basma with henna in a 1:2 ratio and brew it with a strong decoction of onion peels.


Classic chestnut color can be obtained by mixing basma with henna in equal proportions. In order to avoid the appearance of a red tint, it is recommended to add ground coffee to the dry mixture (1 part coffee to 5 parts of the mixture). You need to dilute this paint with hot water to the consistency of sour cream.

Despite the fact that basma has a fairly high durability, the shade acquired with its help gradually loses intensity. In order to preserve the result as long as possible, it is advisable to use a special rinse made from a mixture of henna and basma (25 g each) and one and a half liters of hot water. The finished solution must be filtered, cooled and applied to the hair. It is recommended to carry out such procedures 1-2 times a month. For additional care of colored curls, it is recommended to use whey, kefir or yogurt when washing. After natural dyes, it is undesirable to use synthetic dyes and perm, since the result of such manipulations can be unpredictable.

How to dye gray hair with basma

Basma covers gray hair well, but only if used correctly. If there are few gray hairs, you can use a mixture of basma and henna, taken in equal proportions (dyeing must be done in several stages), and in the case when gray hair occupies a large proportion of the curls, it is recommended to do the following:

  • first you need to dye your hair with henna alone, keeping the dye on your head for at least 60 minutes;
  • then you need to thoroughly rinse your hair and repeat the procedure again, reducing the exposure time to 30–40 minutes;
  • Next (if the desired result has not been achieved), you should dye the curls with basma mixed with henna in a 2:1 ratio (2 parts basma to 1 part henna).

If the color turns out uneven, re-dye your hair, but not immediately, but after a day. Prepare a portion of a mixture of basma and henna (select the proportions yourself, depending on what shade you want to get), apply the finished mixture to your hair and leave for 2-3 hours.

Creating your own unique image is a complex process, but very exciting. A little patience and the desire to experiment - and your hairstyle will be perfect. And if you still have doubts about the use of natural dyes or it is difficult for you to independently choose the right proportions for making mixtures, consult a specialist.

Today, a fashionable trend is the use of cosmetic products based on natural ingredients, since the substances contained in their composition have a beneficial effect on the body.

The modern cosmetology industry offers a variety of hair coloring products; if you believe the advertisements, the current dyes heal, moisturize, nourish, protect, and restore.

However, even the most expensive paints contain a lot of substances that have a detrimental effect on the skin and hair. Therefore, many women preferred natural dyes. One of the most popular natural dyes is basma.

Basma is a natural product made from the Indigofera tinctifera plant, which grows in tropical countries. Indigofera tinctifera is known for the following properties:

Basma has a positive effect on hair and scalp:

  • Deeply nourishes hair;
  • Intensively moisturizes the scalp;
  • Treats dandruff;
  • Eliminates itching and flaking;
  • Gives hair a beautiful shade and covers gray hair;
  • Activates healthy hair growth;
  • Restores the structure of damaged hair;
  • Strengthens hair follicles;
  • Protects the hair from the aggressive effects of thermal, climatic, and chemical factors;
  • Gives natural shine and natural volume.

The effect is achieved thanks to the composition of the product, which contains:

  • Natural resins;
  • Tannins;
  • Mineral components;
  • Vitamin complex;
  • Plant extracts.

Despite the positive properties, there are contraindications:

  • Recent professional paint job;
  • Perm;
  • Too light hair;
  • Individual intolerance.

Proportions for using basma and henna to achieve the desired color

Basma is a permanent dye that gives a rich blue or green color, which is why the natural product is usually used with henna.

To get the desired shade, mix henna with basma correctly, in proportions:

  • Light chestnut – 1:1;
  • Copper – 4:1;
  • Bronze – 2:1;
  • Dark chestnut – 1:2;
  • Dark chocolate – 1:3;
  • Black – 1:4.

In addition to the above colors, you can get other shades with the addition of the following products:

  • Chamomile decoction for golden-red tone;
  • Red wine – for the color “Mahogany”;
  • Strong black tea - for chestnut tones with a red tint;
  • Natural coffee - for a chocolate shade;
  • Beetroot juice – for “Dark Burgundy” color.

No less attractive tones are obtained by adding tinctures and decoctions of oak bark, saffron, onion peel, as well as cocoa powder, cloves, turmeric, cinnamon, and freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables.

The amount of henna and basma depends on the length of the hair:

  • Up to 70 gr. henna and basma - for short hair;
  • 100 g – for hair up to the neck;
  • 150 g – for shoulder-length hair;
  • 200 g – for hair up to the shoulder blades;
  • 250 g – for hair up to the waist.

If you follow the proportions of basma and henna, you will definitely get a beautiful hair tone.

You can read more about dyeing hair with henna.

A classic recipe for making paint based on basma and henna

To prepare natural paint, stock up on:

  • Basma (the amount depends on the length of the strands and the desired tone)
  • Henna (the amount depends on the length of the hair and the desired shade)
  • By water

In a ceramic, glass or plastic container, mix basma and henna (the amount depends on the length of the hair and the desired tone). Heat the water to 90 degrees. Pour henna and basma with water, stir the mixture thoroughly until it becomes a paste. If desired, you can add other natural dyes. Cool the natural paint. The hair coloring product is ready for use.

Rules for the procedure

To ensure successful hair coloring, follow the rules:

Apply natural paint once every 2-3 months.

Following the advice of experts, basma will give an attractive tone without harm to the skin and hair.

Basma is a wonderful product that will not only color your hair, but also heal it, giving it strength, vitality and beauty.

Basma Natural dye (grayish-green powder), which is obtained from the dried leaves of the tropical indigofera bush. Two main dyes are obtained from this plant - indigo (bright blue dye), which has been used to dye fabrics and basma since ancient times.


You need to be careful when dyeing your hair with basma

Basma in its pure form, used without henna, can give the hair an unwanted blue or green tint. It is especially pronounced on light hair.

It is not advisable to put basma on blond hair. Damaged or bleached hair is very intensely colored. Thin, soft and dry hair is dyed much easier and faster than thick and coarse hair.

Basma is a fairly potent coloring agent. After the first dyeing, you may end up with an unpredictable color, which will then be very difficult to wash off, and in some cases, if the dye is firmly attached to the hair, it will not be possible at all.

The proportions of vegetable dyes and the duration of dyeing are very difficult to establish, since they depend on so many factors - the desired intensity of the shade, the thickness, length and color of the hair, as well as the ability of the hair to be dyed.

Basma coloring usually lasts for several months, but can gradually acquire a red or blue-violet tint, so to maintain the desired color, it is necessary to tint your hair in a timely manner.

The natural basma dye must be completely washed off before dyeing your hair with a synthetic dye composition, otherwise you may get a rather unpredictable result - a blue, green, even pink tint. Therefore, in order to avoid a chemical reaction with the vegetable dye, you should wait at least a month after dyeing with basma or have your hair treated by a specialist during the pickling procedure.

Basma can dry out hair if used very often. Due to the presence of acids and tannins in it, the hair composition turns out to be very dry, while the hair requires hydration in any case. Some complain that the hair becomes stiff and unruly and difficult to comb, but this still depends on many factors, including the condition of the hair before dyeing, the individual sensitivity of the structure, the quality of the basma, and the correct application of the composition.


Benefits of basma for hair

Basma is an environmentally friendly product containing biologically active substances and vitamins. Basma, like henna, contains tannins, minerals, resins and wax, vitamin C, which have anti-inflammatory, astringent, wound-healing effects, providing a healing effect on the hair and scalp.

Thanks to these cosmetic properties, dandruff disappears, and the hair itself stops falling out. Basma not only heals wounds and relieves inflammation, it fights the harmful bacteria that cause it. These properties of basma make it a wonderful product for coloring and at the same time treating hair. It can be used in the form of infusions, rinses, and gruels.

Basma nourishes the scalp, strengthens its roots, thereby stimulating hair growth and preventing hair loss.

In addition, basma significantly increases the volume of the hair, which is especially good for owners of thin and not very thick hair. For dry, brittle hair or skin diseases, use vegetable dyes.

Basma is a natural remedy, so it is especially suitable for those with increased sensitivity to the chemical components of synthetic hair dyes.

It is advisable to use basma for hair no more than once a month. In particular, basma should be used carefully (often without getting carried away) by those whose hair is prone to dryness, adding a little of any cosmetic oil (olive, almond, jojoba, grape seed, etc.) to the dye for moisturizing.

You need to buy only natural basma, without additional dyes. Some manufacturers confuse consumers with names like “black basma” - but it has nothing to do with natural indigofera powder. Therefore, it is always worth checking the true composition of the product.

Basma and henna: proportions

The proportions of basma and henna are selected depending on the desired tone and intensity of the shade.

  • If the powders are diluted in a 1:1 ratio, you will get a rich chestnut shade.
  • Blue-black hair - the proportion should be 1:2 (henna: basma)
  • To obtain bronze shades, you need to change the proportion of the constituent components to (1:2 basma: henna).

It is best to conduct a test on one strand before dyeing your hair - this will allow you to accurately determine how long the solution should remain on your hair. The lighter the hair, the faster the dye works.

Hair coloring with basma and henna

The process of dyeing with basma is the same as when dyeing with henna. Only after applying the composition is there no need to cover your head with an insulating cap. After the allotted time has passed, rinse your hair with water without shampoo.

The basma mass must be freshly prepared. Long-term storage is not allowed, since the mixture oxidizes in air and can give an unpredictable result.

Basma dye drips off easily, especially from short hair. Therefore, you can add a binding component to it, for example, a decoction of flaxseed, glycerin, oil, etc. - such a mixture is better retained on the hair and is easily washed off, in addition, the oil will prevent the composition from drying out.

Before dyeing your hair, so that the dye does not stain the skin, you can wrap your neck with a napkin or cover it with cotton wool, and lubricate your forehead and temples with Vaseline or any greasy cream, which will protect the skin from dyeing. But make sure that the Vaseline does not get on your hair, because areas covered with grease will not be colored.

The dyeing process can last from a few minutes to two hours or more - it all depends on the desired shade and its intensity. Some leave the mixture on their hair overnight - those who practice this claim that the color then becomes more saturated.

Dyeing with basma black

  1. First apply henna to your hair and leave for 1 hour.
  2. Then rinse and dry your hair.
  3. Then apply basma and leave for 30 minutes for light brown hair; 1.5 hours for brown hair; 3 hours for black hair.

You can enhance the effect of basma (for example, if the basma is stale) by adding a few drops of ammonia to it, but then you need to reduce the time the basma stays on your hair.

The solution is washed off with warm water without using shampoo or other detergents until the water becomes clear. During the first six hours, the hair will darken. At first there may be a slight greenish tint, but it will disappear in a day or two when the basma oxidizes. After 2 days, the hair will turn completely black. The process of coloring the hair structure under the influence of oxygen continues for about another day.

But if waiting was not part of your plans, you can wash off the dye with shampoo. Or, if you don’t get the desired result, you can squeeze lemon juice onto your hair and rinse with water after 5-10 minutes.

The shades can vary depending on what natural dye it is mixed with - cocoa, coffee, tea, beet juice, etc. For example, a deep and rich chocolate color is given by a mixture of henna, basma and tincture.

Hello dear readers. Any dye that is used to give the hair the required shade not only makes the hair beautiful and shiny, but also causes harm. There are dyes whose negative impact on hair is reduced to zero, but they are incredibly expensive and practically inaccessible to a wide range of buyers. In these conditions, it is worth paying attention to natural dyes, one of which is basma. Today we will look at hair coloring with basma. In the previous article we looked at

Basma is a dry powder that was obtained after grinding the leaves of the indigosphere growing in the tropics. This dye has been used for several thousand years in India, China, Greece for coloring hair and animal fur, for cosmetic purposes in the form of a mask to nourish the scalp, strengthen hair and restore its vitality. This gray-green mixture gives a blue or green color when dyeing hair, so the product is most often used in combination with henna.


The natural composition of basma has a positive effect on the scalp:

  • eliminates irritation, inflammation, heals wounds,
  • The resins contained in the composition promote hair growth and reduce
  • the elasticity and firmness of the hair is restored,
  • the water-fat balance of the skin is restored and eliminated,
  • the use of basma does not cause allergies,
  • As a result of the treatment, the hair gains volume.

Features of application

Basma is a natural dye; dyed hair retains its color for a long time; gradual changes occur from a week to several months. As a result of dyeing, light hair acquires more saturated colors, dark hair can only change shade.

Basma reacts to styling products previously used on hair and their interaction can lead to chemical reactions that change the structure of the hair or affect the color. Therefore, when washing off paint, you should not use shampoos or other detergents.

Using only one basma gives the hair a blue or green color. To tone down the blue tint, henna or coffee is added to basma. The first option has found greater use.

There are two options for applying basma:

  1. With the two-phase method, double coloring is performed, first with henna, and then with basma. The result will depend on the exposure time of each dye.
  2. In the mixed version, coloring is performed with a mixed composition of henna and basma, the result depends on compliance with the proportions.

Two-phase dyeing method

Consists of several stages:

  • Henna is diluted with hot water immediately before dyeing. In a water bath, the mixture is gradually heated and stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Begin to apply paint gradually from the back of the head, moving forward. Henna must be left on the hair for at least half an hour. For dark hair, the time is increased. The paint is washed off without using shampoo.
  • During the cooking process, basma must be brought to a boil. While stirring, gradually add hot water because the mixture quickly becomes thick. It is not recommended to keep it on your hair for a long time. 15 minutes is enough. When rinsing, do not add shampoo to the water.

Mixed paint application

In a strictly defined ratio, henna and basma are mixed and diluted with water heated to 90 0 C. After cooling, the mixture is applied to the hair. Application is performed on each strand separately, starting from the roots of the hair. Depending on what color you want to have, keep the paint on for 20 minutes to 2 hours. For greater effect, the hair is covered with polyethylene and wrapped in a towel.

A mixture of henna and basma in a proportion of ½ will help you dye your hair black. Lighter colors are obtained with more henna. In order to dye your hair chocolate or bronze, you take twice as much henna as basma. The chestnut shade will come from an equal amount of natural dyes.

Useful secrets

The following tips will help you use basma correctly at home:

  • Basma should not be stored for more than a year, much less in the refrigerator, as this affects its coloring ability.
  • After the basma is diluted with hot water, it is allowed to stand for 15 minutes and change color from green to black.
  • After dyeing with basma, the hair changes color for a few days. The final shade will appear only after four days.
  • To obtain bright and rich shades, add ammonia or a teaspoon of salt to the paint.
  • Using familiar products, you can add additional shades to your hair. As natural dyes, a decoction of onion peels, beets, chamomile, wine, and coffee is used.
  • When painting, it is necessary to take measures to prevent paint from getting on clothing and interior items.
  • Very bright color can be softened by thoroughly rinsing the hair with water and lemon juice.
  • In order to soften your hair after coloring, you can use conditioner. But it can be used no earlier than two days after applying the paint.

A successful dyeing procedure and a beautiful, rich color. If the article was useful to you, share it with your friends, press the social network buttons.

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