Navel in newborns: simple rules and recommendations for care and processing. When does the umbilical cord fall off in newborns?

During pregnancy, the baby receives oxygen and nutrition through the umbilical cord. This is a kind of thread that connects two organisms - a child and a mother. After the birth is over, the umbilical cord is still pulsating. Medical workers clamp it with a special clothespin, and after a while they cut it off.

If the birth went without complications, and the baby was born on time, the mother is discharged home after three days with the remainder of the umbilical cord. It is very important not to help it fall away, it should happen by itself.

On what day does the umbilical cord fall off in a newborn?

The umbilical cord in newborns usually falls off ten days after the baby is born. But there are times when the umbilical cord falls off much earlier or later. The norm is the interval from 4 to 14 days after the birth of the crumbs.

Immediately after the birth, the umbilical wound will be treated by health workers, and then the mother does it on her own. At first, many are afraid of such a procedure, but after a couple of days they become real professionals in this matter.

It is not necessary to try to accelerate the falling off of the umbilical cord of the newborn, because the remnant should fall off on its own. Free access of air to the healing navel of the child should be ensured, so it will dry out faster and fall off a little earlier. A wound then forms at this place, it is open and therefore requires careful and thorough care.

Umbilical wound care

After the umbilical cord falls off in a newborn, you need to continue to care for the umbilical wound until it heals. Doctors recommend doing this once a day after the baby is bathed. For processing, hydrogen peroxide, cotton swabs (sterile) and a disinfectant (usually a simple green stuff) should be prepared.

It is necessary to carefully drop the peroxide directly into the navel, you can use a pipette, and wait a little until it stops foaming. Next, you need to remove the crusts with a cotton swab, which may be yellow or bloody. The task of the mother is to remove all the crusts, because bacteria can accumulate under them. Then the navel is simply smeared with green paint. When the peroxide stops foaming, then the navel has healed.

Mom should also make sure that the wound remains open until the navel heals. Therefore, Pampers should be put on the baby so that he does not touch or injure the wound. Now you can buy diapers that have a special cutout for the navel. If it is not there, then you should unscrew (bend) the upper edge of the Pampers.

You also need to change it in time so that urine does not get on the wound. If, nevertheless, this happened, then the umbilical wound should be blotted with a swab dipped in an alcohol solution.

Many mothers ask if it is possible to bathe the baby until the navel has healed. Doctors agree that a newborn baby should be bathed every day. They also give some recommendations that should be followed until the rest of the umbilical cord falls off:

  • potassium permanganate does not need to be added to the water, because it greatly dries out the baby's skin;
  • it is recommended to boil water at first;
  • after bathing, the navel must be treated in the manner indicated above.

What to do if the navel bleeds?

The blood that appears in the navel is very scary for parents. But in fact, this is a very common occurrence until the navel has healed. It can appear throughout the entire period of wound healing. Bleeding can be caused by a diaper, careless movement of the mother, a diaper or clothes. Sometimes blood can appear with a strong crying baby. Even a decrease in immunity in an infant can cause its appearance.

Parents should know that a newborn baby who is under three months old should not be laid out on the tummy. This also contributes to the appearance of blood in the navel. If blood appears too often, and there is suppuration near the wound, then you should immediately show the baby to the pediatrician.

In any case, if bleeding occurs, the wound must be treated with peroxide and brilliant green in the same way as after bathing. But this procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to provoke re-bleeding.

Symptoms that should concern parents during the healing of the navel:

  • Prolonged and frequent bleeding.
  • Unstoppable bleeding.
  • Swelling in the navel or redness.
  • The baby has a fever.
  • Discharge from the wound yellow or gray liquid.
  • An unpleasant smell that comes from the navel.

If the navel does not heal within a month, then the parents should show the newborn baby to the doctor.

As you know, during the entire period of stay of the crumbs in the mother's tummy, these two organisms are interconnected by a kind of thread - the umbilical cord. It is through her that the unborn baby receives the nutrients he needs and, first of all, oxygen.

After childbirth, the umbilical cord still continues to pulsate. First, medical workers put a special clamp on it, and after a short period of time they carefully cut it off. In joint births, this is often offered to the newly-made father, so that he, thus, takes part in the birth of his son or daughter.

Most often, if the baby was born on time, and there were no complications during the birth process, the mother and baby are discharged home with a small remnant of the umbilical cord. This piece should fall off spontaneously, in no case should it be helped. In this article, we will tell you when the umbilical cord falls off in a newborn baby, and what to do after this happens.

When should the umbilical cord fall off in a newborn baby?

Most often this happens about 10 days after the birth of the baby. Meanwhile, in some cases it may happen a little earlier or, conversely, later. The acceptable range is from 4 to 14 days after the baby is born.

You should not try to hasten the approach of this moment, because this is a completely natural process, and it should proceed spontaneously.

The only thing you can do is to provide free access to the baby's navel of air. Thanks to air baths, the rest of the umbilical cord will dry out a little faster and, accordingly, will fall off a little earlier.

In place of the umbilical cord residue, the baby has a small open market, which is very important to properly care for.

What to do when the umbilical cord has fallen off?

The patronage nurse will definitely tell you how to properly care for the umbilical wound. You can also ask her all your questions and consult if you are concerned about the condition of the baby's navel.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Article last updated: 04/18/2019

The umbilical cord is an essential intrauterine connection between mother and fetus. Through it come all the substances required for the growth and development of the child. Immediately after birth, the newborn's body should begin to function on its own, so there is no longer a need for an umbilical cord. It is clamped with clamps in two places and cut off at a distance of 2 cm from the baby's abdomen. The rest is pinched with a paper clip or tied with silk thread. Rarely, when the umbilical cord falls off even in the hospital, most often newborns are sent for discharge with a paper clip.

Of course, young parents have a lot of questions about the navel. How to care for the wound when it becomes “normal”, is it possible to bathe a baby, etc.

Falling off the umbilical cord

First you need to find out when the navel falls off in a newborn. Of course, everything is individual - for someone on the second day, for someone on the fifth. The maximum period for the formation of the navel and the fall of the remainder is 10 days.

If on the tenth day the remnant of the umbilical cord is still in place, or you suspect some kind of pathological process, then you should immediately seek the advice of a pediatrician.

Sometimes this happens during a diaper change or baby changing. There is no need to panic - this is a normal situation. In place of the former umbilical cord, a small but rather deep wound remains, which must be properly treated. To do this, you will need a clean pipette, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green solution and dry, clean wipes.

First of all, you need to wash your hands well with soap. You can even treat it with some kind of alcohol solution. Everything must be done calmly and without sudden movements. The baby needs to be calmed and put on his back. If blood oozes from the wound, then it is necessary to press a sterile napkin against it for several minutes. When the blood stops, use a pipette to drop 3-4 drops of peroxide into the navel. Wait a while until it stops hissing and foaming (this is a normal reaction). Then it is necessary to carefully blot the remaining solution with a napkin, and apply a solution of brilliant green to the entire cavity of the wound.

If the remainder of the umbilical cord has not completely fallen off, then in no case should it be forcibly removed. It is treated in the same way as a regular umbilical wound.

Umbilical wound care

You need to try to keep the navel open as much as possible. For this purpose, you can tuck the edge of the diaper or use panties with a special hole. The healing navel should in no case be injured. Clothing in contact with this area should be well ironed and without seams.

You can not tear off the crusts, pick at the navel, put any bandage on this area or stick it with adhesive tape. At best, this will cause a long non-healing wound, at worst, it will lead to complications.

When the rest of the umbilical cord is still in place, the child should not be bathed so as not to infect the infection. But as soon as the umbilical cord falls off, water procedures can be carried out. Water should be boiled and warm. You should try to avoid direct contact of the umbilical wound with water. It is better to separately treat this area with a clean, damp sponge.

Each time you finish bathing, you need to re-treat the navel. This should be done as many times a day as water gets into the wound. As in the very first time, after the umbilical cord falls off, 3% hydrogen peroxide is first instilled, then brilliant green is applied.

All clothes, things and hands touching the umbilical wound should always be clean.

The healing process of the navel

How to understand the navel has healed or not? First of all, you need to examine the area of ​​interest. The skin around the umbilical opening should not differ either in temperature or in appearance from the surrounding tissues. Nothing should stand out from the wound. Touching the navel does not cause anxiety or crying in the newborn. On the Internet, you can find many photos of what a normally healed navel should look like. So parents have something to compare.

However, there are situations when the process is delayed or even complicated. The main reasons why this trouble happens can be:

  1. very thick umbilical cord;
  2. long umbilical remnant;
  3. improper care;
  4. prematurity.

When to sound the alarm

If the blood does not stop in a newborn when the umbilical cord falls off. This is a rather rare situation, since the umbilical vein no longer functions. But there are pathological conditions in which slight bleeding can occur. The first thing to do in this case is to press a sterile napkin to the navel and keep it until the doctor arrives.

The umbilical wound in a newborn is considered its most vulnerable place. Many parents are even afraid to touch her once again. To some extent, this may be correct, but then how to handle the navel of a newborn?

After all, such a procedure is an obligatory component of daily hygiene care in the first weeks of a baby's life.

What should a mother know and be able to do about this issue so as not to harm her baby?

How is an umbilical wound formed?

First, let's figure out how the umbilical wound is formed and why it is so important to properly treat it.

Until the moment of birth, the baby is inextricably linked with his mother with the help of the umbilical cord, through which several large blood vessels pass.

  • After the birth of the newborn, the umbilical cord is removed. It is tightly bandaged in the area of ​​the umbilical ring, and the cutoff is made a couple of centimeters higher, fixing this place with a clamp. Thus, a small piece of the umbilical cord remains, which after a few days should dry out and fall off on its own.
  • As a result of this, a small umbilical wound forms at the site of dressing, and it oozes or bleeds a little more. Until the navel is completely healed, it is necessary to treat the umbilical wound in a newborn daily, otherwise there may be a risk of infection.
  • Doctors do not always wait for the umbilical cord to fall off on its own. There is a method of surgical removal of this stump. This procedure is performed on the second day after childbirth with a scalpel or surgical scissors.
  • After cutting off, a sterile pressure bandage is applied to the place of the umbilical ring, which should be loosened after two hours. After a day, the bandage is removed, and the umbilical wound is provided with appropriate care.

The navel with the umbilical cord: when it falls off, how to handle it, what to do with the fallen umbilical cord?

Usually, first, all the procedures for caring for the navel of a newborn are carried out by a pediatric nurse. She will also teach you how to properly handle the umbilical cord of a newborn.

Attention! Some mothers try to tear off or “unscrew” such a stump, turning it several times in different directions. Under no circumstances should this be done!

Doctors point out that the shrinkage of the umbilical cord should occur naturally. Usually it disappears 3-5 days after the birth of the child. Sometimes this event occurs a little later, on days 6-10 (this may indicate intrauterine infection and requires more careful monitoring of the child). Until then, there is nothing left but to handle the navel of a newborn with a clothespin attached.

To do this, you must first lubricate the umbilical ring itself with an antiseptic, and then the entire umbilical cord residue. The clamp can be taken in hand to lift and facilitate access to the stump from all sides.

In the old days, a mother with a newborn was not discharged from the hospital until the umbilical cord fell off. Now this event often occurs at home. Whether to keep this fallen piece or throw it away is up to you. There are many tips for this.

The most interesting of them:

  1. Make a hole in the jamb of the door and, putting the umbilical cord there, cover everything with putty - it is believed that when the newborn outgrows this mark, all infantile diseases will pass;
  2. Keep until the baby is 6 - 7 years old, and then put in the pocket of his clothes when he first goes to school - then the child will study well;
  3. Some mothers decide to bury such an umbilical cord in the ground.

Navel without clothespin and umbilical cord: processing technique

From the moment when the umbilical cord residue disappears, the most crucial stage begins - the healing of the umbilical wound. The risk of inflammation or infection during this period increases significantly. There are no special differences in how to handle the navel of a newborn after the clothespin has fallen off. This process also consists of the following steps:

  • Disinfect the umbilical wound with hydrogen peroxide. In this case, it will be most convenient to drip a few drops with a pipette. The liquid should start to foam. This reaction will be observed each time until the wound is completely healed;
  • A few seconds after instillation, the crusts that form inside the umbilical ring will get wet and will be easily separated from the skin. Then they all need to be carefully removed using cotton swabs;

It is important to remember that it is impossible to tear off dried crusts by force, otherwise bleeding will open.

  • Next, you should gently blot the wound with a sterile napkin so that it becomes completely dry;
  • The treatment ends with lubricating the entire umbilical ring with an antiseptic. At the same time, you need to push its edges apart and handle it well inside the navel. It is important to try not to hurt the surrounding healthy skin.

It is worth paying your attention to what exactly it is recommended to process the navel. Previously, for these purposes, they used "brilliant green" or a strong solution of potassium permanganate. It has now been proven that such products are not very suitable due to their rich color.

Know! The fact is that this makes it difficult to timely notice the onset of inflammation of the umbilical wound. The redness that appears in this case on the skin simply will not be visible.

Modern pediatricians suggest using chlorophyllipt to treat the navel. This drug is a colorless alcohol solution based on an extract from eucalyptus. It very effectively copes with pathogens of staphylococcus, is an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. Chlorophyllipt can be replaced with an alcohol solution of calendula.

Hygiene of a newborn with an unhealed umbilical wound

Until the umbilical wound is completely healed, you need to observe the hygiene of the navel as much as possible. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to create complete sterility. In no case should you refuse to bathe a newborn during this period or close the wound with a sterile bandage. Such actions are wrong.

The navel should always be open, because this way it will dry out faster. While the bandage, especially if it becomes saturated with secretions that may ooze from the wound, will become a favorable place for bacteria to multiply.

It is important to show a sense of proportion in the question of how often to treat the navel of a newborn. It is enough to do it 2 times a day. Full treatment is recommended in the morning, and in the evening after bathing, only lubricate the wound with an antiseptic. If she is constantly bleeding, then such procedures can be carried out 3 times a day.

Important! More frequent treatment with alcohol can lead to a burn on the navel and provoke its infection.

Also, until the navel is completely healed, you will need to adhere to the following hygiene requirements:

  1. Before proceeding with the treatment of the wound, thoroughly wash and disinfect your hands;
  2. Several times a day, change the newborn's sliders and undershirts, even if they are dry;
  3. Iron all children's clothing.

Special attention should be paid to putting on a diaper. His belt should not touch the navel. It is recommended to purchase special models in which a cutout is made in the front in the center, or to "correct" ordinary diapers in the same way. You can also wrap the front edge of the belt outward or tuck a blouse into it.

When does the umbilical wound heal?

Complete healing of the umbilical wound occurs in 2 to 4 weeks. During this time, it is completely covered with epithelial tissue. You should be aware that in the period from 19 to 24 days, the umbilical wound may begin to bleed. If, after 3 weeks, the navel continues to get wet, you should seek the advice of a pediatrician. Especially you should be alerted by the appearance of concomitant factors:

  • Swelling and redness of the skin near the navel;
  • Putrid smell;
  • Discharge of pus;
  • Increase in body temperature.

In this case, a doctor should be consulted immediately.

The well-being of the baby largely depends on how parents take care of his hygiene. How to carry out these procedures correctly?

Until the moment of birth, the baby and his mother are connected by a special formation, which is called the umbilical cord. Its significance for intrauterine life of the fetus is enormous. But the baby was born and the umbilical cord was cut. To speed up the healing of the umbilical wound and minimize the risk of infection, proper care is necessary.

The umbilical cord is a union of three blood vessels - a vein (through which arterial blood, rich in oxygen and nutrients, flows from the placenta to the fetus) and two arteries, through which "waste" venous blood flows in the opposite direction - from the fetus to the mother. These vessels are surrounded by a gelatinous substance, which prevents their possible damage.

After the birth of a child, the need for communication between mother and baby through the umbilical cord disappears. The child acquires the ability to breathe independently, receive nutrition in the form of mother's milk, and excrete unnecessary substances through the kidneys and intestines. Therefore, almost immediately after removing the crumbs, a special clamp is applied to the umbilical cord, and it is cut. The blood flow through the umbilical vessels stops.

Treatment of the navel in the hospital

While the baby and mother are in the delivery room, the remainder of the umbilical cord is additionally processed. As a result, only a small section about 2 cm long remains from the umbilical cord. On the remainder of the umbilical cord is a plastic or, less often, a metal clip.

Some maternity hospitals now use open cord management. This means that a bandage is not applied to it, just every day before the baby and mother are discharged from the maternity hospital, the umbilical cord residue (and after it falls off - the wound) is treated with antiseptic solutions (as a rule, these are hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate - the so-called "potassium permanganate") .

Every day, the umbilical cord residue above the bracket becomes more and more dry, in other words, it mummifies. Daily processing also contributes to the drying of the umbilical cord residue. As a result, on the fourth or fifth day, in most babies, the umbilical cord looks like a patch of dry, dense, inanimate tissue. Soon, along with the clamp, this tissue "disappears". It remains a wound, which is called the umbilical. In babies with an initially thicker umbilical cord, the rest of it can dry out for quite a long time, for 6-7 or even more days.

In many maternity hospitals, a different tactic has been adopted for maintaining the umbilical cord, when it is usually cut off on the second day with a blade or sterile scissors. With surgical excision, the healing of the umbilical wound proceeds faster. A pressure bandage is applied to the wound to prevent bleeding, which is usually loosened after 1-2 hours and removed the next day during the treatment of the umbilical wound.

In some babies, the so-called "skin" is noted. With it, the skin, passing from the anterior abdominal wall, covers the umbilical cord, and the impression of a "long" navel is created. It should be noted that after the umbilical cord remnant falls off or is removed, the tissues of such a navel are retracted and, as a rule, the umbilical region does not differ in any way from the usual one.

The umbilical wound gradually heals, becoming covered with a hemorrhagic (dense "bloody") crust. If the child continues to be in the maternity hospital at this time, then the umbilical wound is treated in the same way as before the umbilical cord residue - once a day. With a wide umbilical wound, possible non-abundant sanious discharge, a doctor may prescribe more frequent treatment. As in the case of any wound, the hemorrhagic crust formed on the umbilical wound gradually disappears. If the healing proceeds safely, then after the thick crust falls off, there is no discharge from the wound. Sometimes, when a large crust falls off (this happens with a wide umbilical wound), there may be a release of droplets of blood, the wound "tints". Usually, in such cases, an additional (2-3 times a day) treatment with solutions of hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate is sufficient, and sometimes a special hemostatic (hemostatic) sponge, which in most cases is sufficient to be applied to the wound once.

Treatment of the navel at home

At home, the umbilical wound is treated for 7-10 days until it is completely healed daily 1 time per day after bathing. If the cord was surgically removed in the maternity hospital, it may take less time to treat the wound at home. Sometimes, for example, with a slow formation of a crust, the presence of small secretions from it ("weeping"), it is recommended to treat the wound twice a day or even more often. The wound is lubricated with an alcohol solution of brilliant green - "brilliant green". "Zelenka" at home is preferable compared, for example, with "potassium permanganate" due to the lack of the need to prepare this solution. It is sold in any pharmacy.

A 1% alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt containing a mixture of chlorophylls obtained from eucalyptus leaves may also be suitable for treating an umbilical wound. This solution is colorless, which allows you to identify signs of inflammation, since the wound is not painted over.

In order to avoid unnecessary traumatization of the skin with a chemical preparation (up to a skin burn!), You should avoid getting the solution on the skin around the wound.

If there is a crust on the wound that has already begun to peel off and does not hold firmly, it is better to remove it first by soaking it with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. A ready-made preparation of hydrogen peroxide can be bought at a pharmacy. It must be borne in mind that its shelf life is limited! You should not prepare the hydrogen peroxide solution yourself at home, since in this case it is difficult to achieve the desired concentration, and the sterility of the prepared preparation will be doubtful.

The crust, as a rule, after becomes softer, and it is easier to remove it from the wound. Of course, if this is a newly formed crust on a wide wound, then it is not worth making an effort to remove it without fail. It is convenient to treat the umbilical wound at home with cosmetic cotton swabs. When treating the wound with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, they press on the tissues near the navel so as to “open” the navel area as much as possible for inspection and more thorough processing.

When there is a prolonged "wetting" of the wound, bloody, purulent or other discharge from it, you should consult a doctor!

If you doubt the correct processing of the baby's navel, consult a nurse who should visit the newborn daily in the first days after discharge from the maternity hospital.

Many maternity hospitals now practice early discharge of newborns. Moreover, by the time the baby is at home, the umbilical cord may not yet fall off. If the pediatrician did not give other individual recommendations at discharge, then bathing a child with a “non-fallen” umbilical cord residue, as well as with an umbilical wound, can be done on the day of discharge from the maternity hospital. Before falling off, the umbilical cord residue is treated at home once a day with an alcohol solution of brilliant green.

For bathing babies, you need to use a baby bath. During the first two weeks, it is better to pre-boil the water used for bathing the baby, and then cool it to a temperature of 36-37 ° C. Until the umbilical wound is completely healed, a solution of "potassium permanganate" is added to the water until the water turns slightly pink. Remember that "potassium permanganate" must first be completely dissolved in a separate container, such as a cup, in order to avoid burning the baby's skin with grains of potassium permanganate.

What not to do with the navel

Do not be afraid to touch the umbilical cord or umbilical wound when processing them! At the same time, babies, of course, may experience some discomfort, but this does not hurt them. Care of the umbilical wound should be especially careful, as it can serve as an entrance gate for infection, as a result of which catarrhal and then purulent omphalitis may occur first - inflammation of the tissues near the umbilical wound.

In cases where there is a prolonged "wetting" of the wound (more than 2 weeks), bloody, purulent or other discharge from it, you should consult a doctor! Do not try to treat the baby yourself: it may be unsafe for him.

The wound should not be under a gauze or disposable diaper, as this makes it difficult for the crust to dry out, provokes weeping and thus prevents the wound from healing quickly and contributes to the possible attachment of an infection. Sometimes there is additional irritation of the skin of the umbilical region. To avoid this, you should bend the band of the disposable diaper so that the navel area remains open.

Usynina Anna, Neonatologist, Associate Professor of the Department of Neonatology and Perinatology
Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk


The doctor advised us so, but it's better to ask the doctor

02/06/2016 14:53:56, 245mp

We smeared with magnesia, that is, we moistened the cotton wool and applied and fixed it with a band-aid, several times a day we did this and so for 2 days and everything went away

02/06/2016 14:51:35, 245irrr

My baby is already 8 days old. Two days ago, when we were bathing a child, his navel began to bleed a little. Please tell us to do it, we have already made peroxide and brilliant green for 1 day, but it pedals to stop the blood, but it is very small

04/24/2015 20:47:24, Suzana

Comment on the article "Attention - the navel! Treatment of the navel of a newborn in the hospital and at home"

Caring for the navel of a newborn In the maternity hospital, the umbilical cord is clamped with a special terminal after crossing. But the baby was born - and the umbilical cord was cut. To speed up the healing of the umbilical wound and minimize the risk of infection, you need the right ...

Again about the navel. I unsubscribed here about a week ago - the navel of the youngest got out a lot. I assumed an umbilical hernia, the pediatrician, when I was at the reception at 2 months, confirmed my fears. She approved the sealing of the navel and advised to visit the surgeon as soon as possible.

Attention - navel! Treatment of the navel of a newborn in the hospital and at home. Sometimes, when a large crust falls off (this happens with a wide umbilical wound), there may be a release of droplets of blood, the wound "tints". But, since the baby is discharged home for ...

Attention - navel! Treatment of the navel of a newborn in the hospital and at home. Some maternity hospitals now use open cord management. It should be noted that after falling off or removing the umbilical cord tissue remnant of such ...

The doctor explained with a wide umbilical ring at birth and said that she should not be allowed to cry, that it could still expand and there would be a hernia and generally bad. Treatment of the navel of a newborn in the hospital and at home. How to properly care for the navel of a newborn.

NAVEL!!! Need advice! Medical questions. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. Attention - navel! Treatment of the navel of a newborn in the hospital and at home.

Treatment of the navel of a newborn in the hospital and at home. How to properly care for the navel of a newborn. As in the case of any wound, the hemorrhagic crust formed on the umbilical wound gradually disappears.

How to clean the navel in a child? parent experience. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. Tasyuni's navel is deep and "closes tightly." It's clear that everything accumulates there. And how do you get it out of there?

Section: Child care (the navel gets wet in a newborn). The baby's navel gets wet - how to smear? tell me, pliz, how do you treat the navels of children? Zelenka + peroxide does not help us. The hole inside the navel is somehow wet and red.

umbilical hernia. Medical questions. A child from birth to one year. Please, share your experience. We had an umbilical hernia about a month ago, our daughter is 2.5 months old. We had a surgeon, they sealed it with a plaster from one side to ...

Attention - navel! Treatment of the navel of a newborn in the hospital and at home. But the baby was born - and the umbilical cord was cut. To speed up the healing of the umbilical wound and minimize the risk of infection, proper care is necessary.

Attention - navel! Treatment of the navel of a newborn in the hospital and at home. Navel of a newborn: treatment of the umbilical wound, care of the navel. After the umbilical remnant falls off, the child has an umbilical wound.

Umbilical wound. Tell me how best to treat the umbilical wound, otherwise our kind nurse from the children's clinic only promises that you take a stick with cotton wool, dip it in peroxide Attention - the navel! Treatment of the navel of a newborn in the hospital and at home.

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Attention - navel! Treatment of the navel of a newborn in the hospital and at home. Treatment of the navel at home. At home, the umbilical wound is treated for 7-10 days until it is completely healed daily 1 time per day after bathing.

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