Children's game learning to write download for Android. Copybooks for children writing letters

Before sending their child to school, parents try to prepare their child as much as possible, teach him to write letters, numbers, and also draw simple drawings. entitled “Copybooks for children: writing letters” can greatly simplify the life of not only parents, but also children. Because this game shows in the simplest way how to draw each letter of the alphabet, how to draw numbers from 0 to 9, and there are also many simple drawings.

The gameplay is presented in an interesting, interactive form, so that the child can immediately get used to it and start learning. To make drawing more fun, the game provides 4 funny assistants - a fish, a car, an airplane and a magic wand. Depending on which assistant was selected, the background image will change during classes. Before starting to draw, a task is announced, for example, “Drawing the letter B” and a hint is shown, according to which the child will immediately be able to draw his first stroke of the letter. Drawing takes place in several stages, which will allow the child to remember them without any problems, and even if he accidentally forgot them, he can always go through the levels not only on his favorite tablet, but also draw these letters on a piece of paper at the same time. For each level you complete, you receive a gold star (to get all the gold stars, you need to play for each of the assistants). In the “Complete the Draw” section, the child is offered a fairly simple drawing that has unfinished elements. The child only needs to run his finger along the already prepared contours to complete the drawing. The most interesting thing is that almost every drawing consists of simple geometric shapes and a child can easily draw the same drawing in an album using any available means. The controls in the game have been simplified to the minimum possible, but if a child is playing with a touch device for the first time, then the help of parents will be indispensable.

The graphics in the game will not leave anyone indifferent, because everything is drawn very colorfully, brightly and, one might even say, fresh. Another remarkable feature of this game is its amazing soundtrack, which is imbued with positivity, kindness and affection. Let's summarize: “Copybooks for children: writing letters” is a beautiful, convenient and easy-to-learn educational game that will help your child learn to draw letters, numbers and beautiful drawings. The game is distributed, but there are some restrictions, in the form of a limited number of levels that you can purchase for a very modest price. Have a nice game and don’t forget that learning together with mom and dad will be much more fun and much more interesting!

50 best children's apps for tablets

The child starts pointing at the tablet before speaking. So why not make the most of your time with him?

Pics has done its best and selected the 50 best educational apps for iOS and Android. Don't thank me :o).

Letters and counting


A classic game for teaching reading. The baby will be able to spell out the names of the animals. The letters are pronounced as, in fact, letters and phonetically, as a sound. This helps the child to better perceive and remember information.


This is perhaps the best educational application in Russian. The tasks are clear, but they do not have the oversimplification that is typical of other educational games. Very cute characters and nice animation. To find out the next letter you need to go through a whole adventure. Moreover, the game levels are interesting to go through even several times, they don’t get boring.

Introduction to mathematics

With this application you can start getting acquainted with the exact sciences. In a light playful way, the child will learn to read and understand numbers from 0 to 9, distinguish even from odd, gain skills in solving simple examples and learn the basic principles of mathematics.

Sweet math

With the help of simple (and tasty!) objects, your child will learn to count and perform simple mathematical operations. The application teaches attentiveness, develops logic and observation. Good for preparing for school.



A good app for learning the alphabet. Each letter is voiced and illustrated with a fun interactive picture. The child learns to recognize letters, remembers and masters their order in the alphabet.


A bright, colorful alphabet helps to remember letters and sounds and develops concentration. The application is illustrated with both hand-drawn pictures and photographs of animals, which is very useful for the development of the baby.

Photo safari

While playing, children learn the names of animals and the alphabet. You need to look for animals, photograph them, and collect your photo album. There are both domestic and wild animals here. Fully voiced application, clear interface, more than 50 animals.


Teach 123

The child will be able to correlate the number of objects with a number, build sequences of numbers and, in addition, learn to solve simple examples. The application develops memory and logic. It will be a good addition to a math textbook and will help prepare your child for school.


Five ducklings

A simple educational game with animated ducklings singing a fun counting song. A catchy melody, funny characters, interesting pictures - all this will easily hold a child's attention. Unbeknownst to himself, he will master not only simple, but also reverse counting.



The application teaches the child to tell time using a clock in a playful way. The baby will not only learn to navigate by arrows, but also to correlate events (getting up, breakfast, dinner, etc.) with a certain time and part of the day.


Let's learn the alphabet!

Cool app for learning the alphabet. Unlike many, it actually has very nice pictures and clear analogies. You can also play the alphabet! Every element is animated. And, by the way, hearing about letters and looking at cute forest (and other) characters will be interesting not only for your little one. For example, we ourselves became addicted to the application. For at least twenty minutes.

Educational games

Adventures of a Hedgehog

Educational game for children from four to six years old. The child, together with the main character, solves logic problems and performs various interesting tasks. The application trains attention, visual memory and spatial thinking.


Smart kid

The application includes a number of educational games. You can guess animals by silhouette, collect puzzles, solve riddles and much more. There are different themes to choose from: farm animals, cars, vegetable garden, etc.


Puzzles - Fixiki and Fixiklub

This game will especially appeal to young fans of Fixies. The child will collect puzzles of varying complexity with frames from his favorite cartoon. The application develops visual memory, fine motor skills and coordination of movements.


Collection of children's games

The name of the application speaks for itself. It contains a large number of different children's games that develop logic, memory, attentiveness, reaction, etc. Kids will learn to count, study different shapes, recognize new animals and remember the names of plants.


Sago Mini workshop

In this game, the child will be able to create one of 15 creative projects himself. There is a whole set of tools to help him: a saw, a hammer, a wrench and much more. During the game, the child will measure, saw off, hammer nails and perform a lot of other interesting tasks, and as a result will be able to show off his craft to his parents.


Robot Factory

This game will be interesting for children of primary school age. The child will be able to create his own robots and test them in action (whether he flies, walks, etc.) If something goes wrong, the robot will explode or break.



A simple game for little ones. The little one always enjoys putting together mosaics. There are a huge variety of them here, the pictures differ in complexity and number of elements. This is much more convenient than buying a child a bunch of plastic mosaics.



There are two options for the game: collect a pattern from cubes or find a pair. In the first case, abstract thinking develops, the ability to see the big picture from fragments, in the second - logic.


Nighty Night

A very kind and even touching game. The kid must put all the animals to bed and turn off the lights for them. Moreover, each character is unique, with their own funny emotions. How can you avoid going to bed yourself if all your friends have already fallen asleep?


Training from Olesya Zhukova. Learning to think

The application contains an educational game course based on the book “Teaching a Baby to Think” by child development specialist Olesya Zhukova. Includes mini-games to develop speech, logic, attention, thinking, etc. There are tasks even for children from six months.



A puzzle for children from two to six years old, created using elements of the Montessori method. The child will learn new words, letters, colors, planets and much more. The baby will be able to play without the participation of adults, developing self-confidence.


Science experiments for children

A simple way to tell and show your child about 500 facts from the world of science. The application will be interesting for children from 5 to 13 years old. Each experience is shown and explained in detail here. Some experiments are so incredible that they can be performed as magic tricks.


Mini-U: Riddles

A very cute animated book with riddles. Responses can be either audio or text with the ability to switch. If the child cannot solve the riddle, then just rub the special window and the answer will be there.

Human body

The application will help explain to your child the structure of the human body. Moreover, you can see the work of different systems in action. How food moves through the digestive system, how the heart beats, blood flows through the veins, etc.

We sculpt animals and fairy tale heroes from plasticine

The application contains detailed step-by-step instructions for modeling plasticine so that the result is small masterpieces. This is an excellent opportunity to captivate a child not with virtual, but with tangible art.


Children's situations

Here the child is offered different life situations and options for reacting to them. The kid must figure out what to do in each specific case. Essentially, this is the old game of edible - not edible, good - bad. There are topics such as communication with adults, friendship, help, behavioral stereotypes, etc.


Learning shapes

A simple game for preschoolers will help them easily learn geometric shapes. Bright illustrations and funny rhymes will make the learning process fun and enjoyable.


Star Walk

An application that both children and their parents will enjoy. Using geolocation, Star Walk determines which stars are currently visible in the sky. Simply raise the tablet into the sky and it will show the constellations that can be found in the sky.


Animals and plants

Jurassic Life

This fun game introduces children to dinosaurs that lived on earth millions of years ago. The kid will collect the bones of prehistoric animals like a real archaeologist. You can collect lizards, paint them, and read a lot of interesting things about them.


Pets' corner

Created by renowned artist Chris Neumann, this amazing app is a combination of fun animations and educational slides. The child will recognize new animals and watch how they react to his touch. What would an elephant do in the bathroom? Can a dog breakdance? All the answers are here!


Ocean MarcoPolo

The child will be able to build his own coral reef and explore the underwater world, heading from the coastline to the seabed. The child will study the habitat of different marine species and observe how they interact with each other.


Playing with animals

The application is suitable for the youngest users. It includes a whole range of exciting games: puzzles, hide and seek, hidden surprises. With the help of this toy, children will learn the names of animals, will be able to develop logic, as well as thinking and counting skills.



This is a playground and a zoo at the same time. The child will get to know different animals in their natural habitat. The child will also be able to play nine interactive games - they teach new words and counting.


Tobby: Animal World

An excellent application for studying the animal world. It will help develop the child’s attentiveness and logic, expand his vocabulary and expand his knowledge about animals. The kid will help Tobby the owl look for his family and along the way learn interesting facts from the life of animals.


What grows in the forest

A colorful encyclopedia describing the plants of the European forest. The child will go on a journey, simultaneously learning the names of flowers, berries, trees, mushrooms, etc. Then you can go into a real forest and test your knowledge in practice.


Find and show the animal - hide and seek with Rex

The child will help the cute puppy Rex look for animals in the forest, meadow and even in the sea. Here you can listen to poems about animals to get to know them better.


Let's explore the world

A good educational game for little ones. The child will be happy to look at high-quality, bright photographs and recognize new animals and objects. You can simply look at the cards or answer questions by choosing the correct picture.

New application " Letters» from the Kindermatika company will make the monotonous process of learning to write exciting and fun and will teach your child to write the letters of the Russian alphabet correctly.

The application is a set of tasks for writing each letter and fun mini-games as a reward for the child’s efforts. Bright and at the same time not overloaded with unnecessary details graphics, a pleasant voice of the announcer, funny characters and mini-games will captivate and teach even the most restless child to write letters!

So, let's start training. First of all, we choose a character - a snowflake or a caterpillar, depending on what your child wants to learn to write on: on glass with frosty patterns or on leaves and a juicy apple.

First, the announcer will name the letter and its corresponding sound, then the writing of the letter will be demonstrated on the device screen. For each letter there are three exercises that become progressively more difficult. In the first exercise, the child draws letters from the starting point indicated by the character. At the same time, if you lift your finger from the line or “turn off” the trajectory, the snowflake or caterpillar will stop and obediently wait for the little student to touch them again and continue writing the letter under the clear guidance of the character.

The second exercise is more difficult: you need to draw a line exactly from beginning to end without lifting your finger. If the child gets lost, he will have to draw the line from the starting point.

In the third exercise, the child must write the letter independently (only the outline of the letter will appear on the screen). If the child does not remember the order of the letter elements, the application will demonstrate how to write the letter correctly.

If your baby is just starting to write letters, you can set it to an “easy” mode. Here it is also suggested to carry out the letter 3 times, but the exercises do not become more complicated.

For efforts in any learning mode, the little student will receive a bonus - a fun mini-game (“Decorate a snowflake” or “Color a butterfly”). Every time new elements will appear for decoration or coloring. Thanks to this, the child will get a new original picture every time, which he can “photograph” as a keepsake.

For parents and teachers, the application offers a variety of functionality - from individual learning and game settings for each student, turning on/off sound, voice settings and sound, mode selection, letter order to detailed reports on mastered letters and mistakes made.

The order of the letters perhaps requires special attention. We are all used to learning letters in alphabetical order. Did you know that teachers recommend learning to write letters from simple to complex? First - letters containing elements that are simple to write (vertical and horizontal lines), then - complex ones (circle, semicircle). In “Bukvonyamki” you can choose either the usual alphabetical order of letters, or the one recommended by experts. In the second case, an individual regime for learning letters will be formed for the child: not only the complexity of the letters themselves is taken into account, but also the “progress” of each individual student. Unmastered letters will be repeated regularly so that eventually the child learns to write all the letters.

The developer promises to add new characters and mini-games, as well as lowercase and uppercase letters in upcoming updates to this application. And we hope that this application will teach kids not only to write letters, but also turn boring activities into an exciting game!

website The new application “Bukvonyamki” from the Kindermatika company will make the monotonous process of learning to write exciting and fun and will teach your child to write the letters of the Russian alphabet correctly. The application is a set of tasks for writing each letter and fun mini-games as a reward for the child’s efforts. Bright and at the same time not overloaded with unnecessary details graphics, pleasant voice...

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