Juraba schemes. We knit jurabs with knitting needles with our own hands master class

Jurabs are bright and beautiful stockings and socks that are easy to knit. Specific colors and a special way of knitting give a great mood in the process of working on them.

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Knitting jurabs is easy to handle, even if you have just begun to discover the wonderful world of needlework. You will quickly find out what's what, and soon you will be able to please your loved ones with such ethnic style socks. Or you can make your jurabs in the form of knee-highs - it's up to you how they turn out in the end.

Jurabs are a traditional element of clothing of the peoples of Asia Minor and Central Asia, as well as the Caucasus and the Pamirs.

Jurabs are very multifunctional. If you knit them from dense woolen threads, they will warm even on the coldest evenings and nights. You can even sew a leather sole on them, and wear them as creative felt boots. And if you use thinner threads for knitting - for example, acrylic, then it is good to wear them at home when it gets colder. You don't even have to wear slippers if your knitted jurabs are very dense.

In addition to the colorful and cheerful look, jurabs have one more difference from ordinary knitted socks. The technology of knitting jurabs is completely different.

For example, traditional Pamir jurabs are crocheted. The result is a light product with a high density. In addition, they are quite warm. And the Afghan and Dagestan jurabs are somewhat similar, and differ only in how the toe looks in the end - it can be round or sharp.

Drawing on jurabs is not only one beautiful image. In the traditions of the eastern peoples, a special, sacred meaning was laid in the ornament of the jurabs. Jurabs acted as a specific amulet.

For him, images of various flora and fauna were often used. In addition, some types of insects were also clothed with a protective meaning - for example, scorpions. Also significant were the ornaments, which included images of the pyramids, or even the solstice.

It was believed that before starting to knit jurabs, women needed to concentrate. For this, thoughtful and long contemplation of cow's eyes was best suited. Later it turned out that their outlines appeared on jurabs. Ideas for ornaments were taken from everything that was around. Life and life repeatedly threw up options for images. The long time spent in the kitchen was the catalyst for images of fire to appear in the ornament - it is difficult to keep from depicting the flame when you often look at it. Symbolism in most cases was drawn from nature.

The craftswoman had to create a unique ornament. After all, a special meaning was invested in the creation of a thing - the jurab had to not only benefit a loved one, but also protect him. It was also believed that the craftswoman used not just drawings that contained certain meanings. In addition to them, she also wove a piece of her soul into the jurab. Each loop had to be saturated with a special positive energy, so that in the end the jurab would bring as much benefit as possible.

In those days, the secrets of wool processing were not publicly available. They were carefully guarded, as were the principles of yarn manufacturing. Knowledge about dyeing was also not open to everyone: hereditary knitters passed them on exclusively to their daughters and granddaughters.

In order to obtain the highest quality wool for knitting jurabs, the Pamiris have developed a special approach to the care and diet of cattle. Frequent bathing, careful feeding and constant combing of wool had a beneficial effect on future yarn. It was especially strong, surprisingly silky, and also incredibly soft and very durable.

After all, it was very disappointing if the jurab knitted for a long time, and after a short period of time it fell into disrepair. In addition to the fact that it was impractical, the knitter could begin to be suspected of ill intent. Then it was believed that there could be no accidents, and if the jurab was torn, then this, apart from low-quality yarn, could have another explanation. It was also possible to listen to reproaches that the yarn was not created very carefully and carefully. Negligence and laziness negatively characterized the needlewoman, and her status in society could significantly decrease. It depended on how traditional people were.

Traditional jurabs were made using yarn of the following colors: purple, red, yellow, black and green. Since ancient times, the Pamirs received such colors after natural dyeing of yarn.

Paints were created from certain combinations of hazel bark, henna of plant origin, as well as other plants that grew on the ground. Such colors symbolized the clear moon, black night, mountains and the sun, as well as the earth and sky.

According to tradition, jurabs are knitted from sheep wool. Such products are very warm, and are designed for a variety of low temperature ranges. Since earlier yarn was created not only for knitting socks and other clothes, but also for weaving carpets, the threads had to be quite thick. Their thickness could fluctuate between three and four millimeters. For such threads, the corresponding knitting needles were selected: the thicker the thread, the thicker the knitting needle.

Circuit examples

Now, jurabs knit, putting into them not only a sacred meaning. They have become a cozy home accessory that pleases the whole family with its unusual and bright look. There are much more ornaments - and you can not take ready-made ones, but come up with something new. Of course, if you just want to learn how to knit jurabs with your own hands, then it’s better to follow the pattern and the method described below for creating such a specific sock. If the house is cold, then you can tie a sock and higher. It all depends on your desire and strength. And also on the number of threads.

Do-it-yourself Jurabs: master class.

Buy the necessary threads, decide which knitting needles you will need, study the pattern and start knitting.

The diagram already indicates where to start such an exciting work.

The peculiarity of jurabs is that they need to be knitted from the toe. Regular sock starts at the ankle. Dial the loops according to the scheme in double the number from the word "beginning". In the same place, there will later be a place where the knitted fabric will expand.

Then distribute the loops so that they are on the knitting needles in this way: through one on two knitting needles.

The video shows a slightly different approach to typing the first row. The following is a visual demonstration of how to correctly add and distribute stitches on all four knitting needles.

Loops can be dialed in another way - a figure eight. In this case, you need to wind the threads on two knitting needles in a figure eight. No need to fasten. But be careful: with this method, the knitted fabric will “fall apart” in the first row. It will be necessary to apply additional forces to create the same thread tension, and at the same time make sure that the size of the loops is the same. In the way that is shown in detail in the video, such problems do not arise.

Then you need to knit using the pattern of narrow stripes. Between these stripes, you need to start adding to other knitting needles to get a toe loop. It will be optimal if you collect three pieces at once. You can start from the first loop. In this case, the nose will be sharp. Next, you need to knit in a circle, and sequentially add one loop at the edges of the strips. This must be done until the width of the mortar is obtained, for which the jurab will subsequently be calculated.

Leave room for the heel in the same way as when knitting a finger for a mitten. Then the heel itself needs to be knitted with a toe. Keep in mind that here the decrease of loops begins: you need to remove every four loops through each row. The very number of loops that will be added and decreased depends on the length of the product you plan to knit. It also depends on how thick the yarn was. The entire knitting sequence described above was written taking into account the fact that thick yarn was chosen.

These are the jurabs that should turn out as a result:

If you are knitting a jurab for the first time, then it is better to take thick threads and knitting needles suitable for them - at least 2.5. This will make it faster and less hassle. A relatively quickly knitted jurab will give an incentive not to abandon this business, but to knit a few more, gradually experimenting both with patterns and with the thickness of threads and knitting needles.

We knit jurabs with knitting needles: a photo master class with diagrams and descriptions

We knit jurabs with knitting needles: a photo master class with diagrams and descriptions

Many craftswomen who see jurabs for the first time fall in love with them at first sight. And this is understandable, because these incredibly warm knitted socks or slippers are very durable, beautiful and elegant.
Today we invite you to study a master class on knitting stylish jurabs. We hope that thanks to a detailed description of the knitting technique, you will be able to knit unusual bright socks that will warm you in the cold and protect you from diseases.

We knit jurabs

Jurabs attract needlewomen not only for their brightness and beauty, but also for their incredible strength. Unlike ordinary socks, this product is considered to be more wearable and warmer. In order to tie such wonderful jurabs you will need:

  • knitting needles number 2;
  • 100 g of wool;
  • markers;
  • hook;
  • scheme.

The following abbreviations will be used in the master class:

  • p. - loop;
  • R. - row;
  • out. - purl.

Description of the technique of knitting jurabs with two knitting needles. Before you start knitting, you need to make all the calculations. In a product of size 35, the width of the pattern is 29 p. The border is approximately 5-6 p. You can knit a border according to any of the proposed patterns. Or, if you wish, you can search for a suitable drawing on the Internet yourself.
According to the description, the border must be knitted 2 times. In this master class, to create jurabs, a simple 5-point border was used with alternating 3-1 red loops, as well as 2 edge loops. Description of knitting: red - 1 p., Border - 5 pcs. - 2 times, 29 p. of the main pattern, border - 5 pcs. - 2 times and 1 red loop. The result is 51 p.

When the calculations are done, you can start knitting. To do this, you need to dial with knitting needles 51 p. of the main, that is, dark color. Then we will knit an elastic band in any form. In this case, the edge at the end of each river. knitted, and at the beginning - just removed. Having finished the gum, we begin to knit the main ornament. First we knit 2 rows of black. Then we proceed to jacquard. In the photo, the border is marked with blue markers.

Without changing the scheme of actions, the sock must be tied up to the ankle. Then you need to calculate the pattern on the heel. To do this, you first need to measure the width of the border and add to it a certain number of rows from the main pattern. In this master class, the pattern starts from 56 p. Knitting is carried out strictly according to the scheme. After 35 p. it is necessary to start rounding the pattern as in the diagram at 55 p. To do this, part of the border - 6 points must be removed on pins. And then dial in this part of the air loops.

Now, according to the same pattern, we knit to the thumb. From 5 to 60 rubles. We perform reductions for the toe from the main pattern. For this, in each r. knit 2 sts at a time. 3 p. at the end of the river. we also knit together. This last triple loop separates the border on both sides. Next, at the same time, you need to knit the central p., As well as 1 p. On both sides of the border. As a result, according to the description, 1 p.
At the next stage of the master class, we begin to knit the foot. First, we collect 3 black stitches with knitting needles and knit with facial stitches. Then we add 1 p. on both sides, while pulling out the thread from the broach of the next edge in a row. We knit inside out. In the new river remove the first loop. Pull the second p. out of the bottom broach. In this r. pattern formation begins. In each subsequent r. shift two red points to the middle. At the end of the row, we pull out 1 black stitch from the bottom broach, and drag the second loop from two threads at the same time. Next row: remove the red-black stitch, knit according to the scheme, form 1 out of the lower edge stitch, make 1 purl two-color stitch out of the edge stitch. According to this scheme, we knit up to 29 p. Then we knit according to the scheme directly, without increments.

At this stage of the training master class with a detailed description of all actions, it is important to ensure that the number of loops does not increase. Having tied up to the ankle on both sides, we collect border loops: 6 pcs. with air and 5 pcs. from a pin. There should again be exactly 51 sts on the knitting needles. To understand why you need to separate the border, you can look at the photo.

Now, according to the earlier calculation of the number of rows for the height of the heel, we knit 5 p. straight stripes. We decrease the central loops in the pattern in the same way as on the toe. Connect the edges of the border to 1p.
We turn over the jurabs. We continue to knit the heel in the same way as the foot. In the figure, the scheme goes from 73 p. up to 22 p. It turns out that we need to move in the opposite direction. First, with black threads, we form 2 p. Then we make a rubber band. After that, we tie the edge of the product with a crustacean step using a hook. Pay special attention to the fact that knitted jurabs should be freely worn on the leg, so it is not recommended to tighten the edge of the product.

On this, our training master class can be considered completed! The second sock is knitted in the same way as the first.

In this master class, we talked about how to knit size 35 jurabs. If you wish, you can easily make a product of any size you need. To do this, you just need to correctly calculate the number of loops for the selected pattern.

Video: We knit jurabs from special yarn

Patterns for knitting


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Jurabs are knitted from thick warm yarn of several colors with knitting needles of the appropriate size. The principle of knitting jurab different from the usual knitting socks. To do this correctly, we offer beginner needlewomen to watch a master class on how to knit jurabs with photos and videos.

The knitting process begins with the toe of the juraba in several colors at once according to the corresponding pattern. On the sides there are usually strips of the same width separating the top and bottom of the juraba. The order of work is well represented in the photo.

The dots indicate the places of addition, so as not to change the width of the bands, the increase is performed only on the upper and lower parts.

Since the work starts from the bottom, the ornament scheme must also be read from the bottom from the central part. In this case, half of the symmetrical pattern is proposed, so work begins on the left side, where the side stripe pattern goes (in the photo it is indicated as the beginning).

From the materials you will need:

  • woolen yarn of several colors;
  • stocking knitting needles of the required thickness.

When the scheme is selected and the materials are ready, we proceed to the master class.

  1. Knitting needles dialed 20 loops. The photo shows only 10, but this is half the scheme, so twice as many are typed. You can type in the usual way, or you can use the video tutorial, which describes the set using a special method for juraba.
    If the set was made in the usual way, then they are divided into two knitting needles through one.
  2. 1 circle is knitted on both sides, while following the pattern according to the pattern (you can make two or three circles if the pattern requires it). Then the 3rd and 4th knitting needles are put into operation, for this, the thread is raised with knitting needles in the interloop space - 3 pieces each. from each side. If you lift one, then the nose of the juraba will be sharp. Important - the number of loops on these segments should be odd.
  3. Next, additions are made along the edges of the upper and lower sides as follows:
    for a pointed toe - increases are made through a row of the 1st loop on each side at the top and bottom;
    for a rounded toe - also, only in each row. Such an increase is carried out to the required leg width or to the required number of loops according to the scheme, while not forgetting to follow the colors of the threads and knit according to the scheme.
  4. When the width reaches the required value, in this case it is 62 loops in a circle, it fits exactly to the middle of the heel. The size from toe to heel is determined by trying on.
  5. The master class continues: now you need to remove half of all loops on a pin, the entire lower part is removed - the sole, and half from the side stripes, only 31 pcs. Instead, the same number is recruited again. And you need to pay attention to the pattern. Often a different pattern is knitted on the heel, and a third pattern is knitted on the top, but everything can be done with the same ornament. This issue must be resolved before a set of new loops in order to enter the desired thread colors in the right place.
  6. After that, the knitting of an even canvas for the bootleg continues. You can choose a different ornament for it, the main thing is to choose the right scheme so that it fits the available number of loops and has a complete drawing.
    It is also important to make a beautiful transition from one pattern to another, for this you can make a strip of one color of thread and then enter others in the required order. The length of the top completely depends on the desire of the needlewoman. For juraba, it is mainly required to knit to a length above the middle of the lower leg.
  7. The upper border is made either with an elastic band 1 front x 1 wrong side, or a garter stitch is knitted, alternating all the colors used in the scheme. You can also select a separate border scheme. And knitting is completed.

Video: How to knit jurabs with knitting needles

Description of jurab heel knitting

Video: Jurabs and jacquard knitted socks

Judging by the search queries of the blog, many are interested in HOW TO START KNITTING JURABS.
We asked - we answer.

Jurabs are knitted from the toe, and not from the ankle, as is customary in European socks. Usually in jurabs they make a side strip with a pattern, it goes along the foot on both sides, and, as it were, separates the upper and lower parts of the foot. Having reached the heel, this strip can be divided into two halves: one will go further to the ankle, and the second will go to the heel. Or it may not be divided, but completely go either to the heel or to the ankle, it depends on the design of a particular model.

Here you can clearly see the side strip, it is shown by an arrow:

So, jurabs begin to knit from this side strip. First, only stripes are knitted. It does not change its width, it remains constant all the time. And already loops are added to this side strip to form the upper and plantar parts of the foot.. In my drawing, these loops of the sole and upper are indicated by bold dots.

How to dial loops?

There is a beautiful and clear video made by Garnstudio.com (a famous DROPS design website).
I strongly recommend watching and repeating this set right under the movie.

Sometimes in the literature there is a method of dialing in the "eight", when you wind the threads on two knitting needles with a figure eight, without fixing them in any way. This can also be knitted, but in the first row such knitting will fall apart in the hands, and additional efforts will be required to keep the same thread tension and the same size of the loops. And the method suggested in the video will just help to avoid these problems.

When you cast on the loops, you got this:

This is the very beginning of knitting, the center of the toe, the center of the side strip.
We leave the tail aside, then it will need to be properly fixed.
And we knit one full circle, we knit all the loops on the knitting needles, sequentially on one and then on the second.
Here's what should happen:

You can repeat the full circle one more time, in some models they make three circles.
After that, you can start adding sole loops:

This is where the fourth knitting needle comes into play, just pry the interloop threads with it, and form loops.

We continue to knit from the next knitting needle, and we introduce the fifth knitting needle, with it we form the loops of the top of the foot:

And this is what it looks like if we superimpose our beginning on the diagram:

You now have all the sts on the side stripes and the initial sts on the top and bottom of the foot. Now they are distributed as follows: 6 loops - side strip, 3 loops - bottom of the foot, 6 loops - side strip, 3 loops - top of the foot.

Foot loops are also added in different ways. For a sharper nose, add in every second circle. For rounded - in each circle.
I do this and that, depending on the design and the shape of the leg.

Cast on the loops as shown in the video, knit two full circles, and then add loops for the foot.

Stay Tuned! Next time I will tell you how to start the Iranian jurab (aka Caspian, which is the same thing), that is, how to knit the beginning with two colors at once. Who does not want to wait, try it yourself, here is his complete scheme (click to enlarge).

My socks are knitted with wool 350m/100g for size 35.
Needles number 2.

Description of knitting jurabs on 2 knitting needles

First you need to calculate the scheme according to the figure. I took the mittens scheme as the basis of my model (see below).
The width of the main pattern is 29 loops, the border is on average 5-6 loops. The border pattern can be chosen arbitrarily. I have given several options for border schemes.
We knit the border twice.
In order to be clearly visible on the product shown, I took a simple border on 5 loops, where three or one red loops + 2 edge loops alternate in the center.
We got it like this: 1 cr. p. + 5 p. border + 5 p. border + 29 p. of the main pattern + 5 p. border + 5 p. border + 1 cr. p. = 51 loops.
I give this calculation taking into account the thickness of the threads and the size of the future sock.

We collect 51 loops of black color (main). Next, we knit an elastic band arbitrarily, as you like. We knit the edge loop at the end of the row, remove it at the beginning of the row.
We turn to knitting the main pattern. 1-2 row is the main color, then comes the jacquard. If you can’t get an even jacquard around the edges, then you can knit the hem with both threads at the same time. I marked the border with blue markers.

We knit the length of the sock to the ankle. Next, we calculate the pattern for knitting the height of the heel. We measure the width of the border and add the number of rows from the main pattern. We take into account that the pattern will decrease as on the toe 60-73 rows of the scheme. It turned out that on the heel the pattern should go from the 56th row of the scheme. I do not recommend taking many straight rows, the heel will be deep and uncomfortable. We finish the drawing as on the 55th row of the diagram. On my sock it is 35 rows.
We remove one part of the border on pins - 6 p., And at the same time we collect this part with air loops.

We continue knitting with a pattern for a length equal to the length from the ankle to the thumb, just above the base of the thumb. From 5 rows to 60 rows according to the scheme.

We make reductions on the toe not from the edge, but from the main pattern (29 loops). To do this, we knit two loops together in each row. Knit the last 3 stitches together. The border on both sides is separated by this 1 loop, then we knit the middle loop at the same time and one on each side of the border. There should be one loop left. Drawing from 56-73 row.

We knit the foot. We collect the first three loops with the main color - the front row, the second row we add 1 loop on both sides, pulling the thread from the broach of the next edge loop - the wrong side. In the next row, remove the first loop, then pull out the second loop from the bottom broach. From this row we knit a pattern for the foot.
I shifted 2 loops of red color (additional) to the center in each row. We finish the row by pulling out 1 loop from the bottom broach with the main color, and we pull out the second loop from the broach for this row with both threads at the same time. We knit the next row as follows: slip 1 loop (consists of both threads), drawing, 1 purl loop from the lower edge loop (previous row), one loop of threads of two colors of the wrong side from the edge loop for this row, repeat until up to 29 loops.
It turns out that we added 1 loop on both sides in each row. Then we switch to straight knitting without increments, not forgetting to knit together at the end of each row a loop of two threads and the penultimate loop. The number of loops should not increase.
Tied up to the ankle, we collect on the knitting needles on both sides of the border loops: 6 loops from the typed air, 5 loops from the pin. Now we will get the original 51 loops on the knitting needle.

This photo shows why we divided the border:

Now we need to calculate the number of rows per heel height, which we did at the 2nd stage of knitting the sock. We had it from 56 to 73 rows. We knit with straight knitting for 5 rows and reduce the middle loops of the foot pattern as on the toe. We connect both edges of the border to 1 loop.

Turn over the basic knitting pattern. We continue to knit the heel, as we started knitting the foot. The diagram in the figure will go from 73 rows to 22 rows. Those. in the opposite direction.
Two rows in the main color, the number of rows of elastic. The edge can be crocheted with a crustacean step. It is impossible to tighten the edge so that the jurabs can be freely put on.
The second sock is knitted similarly to the first.

For this model, yarn from 250m / 100g to 320m / 100g is suitable. Large run-up due to what size you want to knit the sock. For the 40th size and above, it is necessary to add 10 more rows of the main pattern in length. And 10 rows in the opposite direction on the foot. For jacquard, you always need to take into account the thickness of the thread and the number of rows of the pattern in order to get exactly the right size.

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