How to make seed envelopes. How to make beautiful paper seed bags

Beautiful aged paper seed bags

A friend of mine makes amazing aged paper seed bags. I asked her to show how she does it and filmed her master class in making such bags. And also, I wanted to invite you to see how else you can make beautiful seed bags in other ways. In this article you will find 3 ways to make paper bags yourself and a video with a master class from Karina at the end of the article.

Own seeds - have always been considered much more reliable than seeds bought on store shelves. If you follow all the storage conditions and collect the seeds according to the rules, then the seeds often sprout better, and the plants will sprout exactly the same color that was planned.

Seeds are harvested according to the state of maturity, the most important thing is not to overlook this point in time. In most annual flowers, the seeds ripen unevenly, then they are blown by the wind. But there are some tricks here.

It is necessary to make bags of thin interlining, put them on the inflorescences and pull the bags from the bottom not very much. This technique isolates and preserves excellent first seeds. Seeds that are not blown so much by the wind are best collected immediately in paper envelope bags.

I really want to store the seeds not only correctly, but also beautifully.

These paper bags are easy to make with your own hands.

How to make seed bags. Method 1.

How to make a bag. Scheme 1.

1-2. Make a triangle out of a square.

3-4. Fold the corners of the triangle on top of each other, as if the triangle of the hand had folded.

5. Pour the seeds :)). Bend the upper corner and insert it inside the corner on which the number 5 is written on the diagram.

6. Sign the bags.

Method 2.

Ribbon sachet

Such a neat beautiful bag is made according to the scheme:

Scheme - 2

If this method is incomprehensible, then you can watch the video in the article about decorating gifts for Halloween,

According to the same scheme, such unusual bags are made:

Honeymoon Seed Packets

I found information that such bags, or others, but always beautiful, are filled with seeds of various plants and given to young people for a wedding. This is a good gift with value! The newlyweds must plant these seeds and take care and sprout together. This first common cause will help them unite and strengthen their family at first.

Method 3.

Fold a piece of paper as shown in the photo:

Roll up a piece of paper
simple seed sachet

Well, now the promised master class, which is given by my friend, a charming girl Karina. She makes all sorts of wonderful things out of paper, helps her mother make beautiful decorations from natural stones and plastic, creates lovely things using decoupage technique. Well, today, a master class on how to make beautiful paper bags from aged paper for seeds:

Packing and packaging is a rather time-consuming and tedious procedure, familiar to everyone involved in the sale of seeds. Proper packaging of all types of seeds - flower, vegetable, fodder crops ensures the safety of this delicate product that requires special conditions of detention.

It all depends on how many seeds we sell. For retail, small paper bags are suitable. These can be seen on shop windows, which usually have an image of the future harvest. Retail sale of seeds provides for calculation both in grams and by the piece, especially for coated seeds.

Packaging manufacturing: paper bags for seeds

Our printing house produces custom-printed paper bags for seeds for vegetables, cereals, flowers, berries and other types of plants.

Before making a bag for seeds, we discuss with the customer the size of the product, the design of the image on the bag and the varnish image on the package.

We offer several types of lacquer coating: lacquer can be water-dispersed or ultraviolet, applied selectively or completely covers the surface of the paper bag.

Paper bags are made using two technologies: coated or laminated paper. The first technology involves applying offset printing to sheets of thick coated paper, then the paper is cut, and bags with a characteristic flap, which is found on envelopes, are manually formed from it. Packing packages is done manually or using a special machine.

The second technology on which our technology works is the production of bags from laminated paper, on which an image is applied. Such paper is contained in the form of rolls, which are installed in special filling machines, which themselves pack and pack the seeds in colorful bags.

The main advantages of this technology are significant savings in labor costs, as well as high tightness of laminated paper bags and moisture protection, which ensures long-term storage of seeds.

Printing bags in the printing house "PRESTIGE"

Please note that high-quality seed packaging necessarily contains information about the manufacturer:

1) All coordinates of the organization selling the seeds: address and work phone number;
2) Name of seeds in accordance with the register;
3) Standard of sowing and varietal qualities;
4) Product batch number;
5) Weight or total number of seeds in a pack;
6) Date of production of products;
7) Expiry date;
8) Tips for growing crops;

Our printing house will make a colorful application on the packaging and make your brand recognizable, attracting potential buyers. When developing the packaging design, we will take into account all your wishes so that your seeds stand out on the product market.

If you want to order full-color printing on paper bags from us, leave a request on our website or contact the printing house by phone. Order our packaging and make your brand truly recognizable and attractive!

seed bags

seed bags

seed bags
from 7.5x9 cm to 7.5x11.5 cm

packages without printing

Seeds are a natural product that should be stored only in high-quality packaging. Packages that are not sustainable will not be able to keep the seeds in good condition. When landing, you simply will not see the desired result. The harvest will be poor, if at all.

The demand for vegetables is constantly growing, and at the same time, the requirements for products are also growing. Nobody wants to buy a product stuffed with various additives that destroy the taste of a natural vegetable.

The variety of seeds is quite large. The choice is huge. But how do you choose what you need from the multitude? First of all, you should take into account the manufacturer, the packaging of the seeds and the expiration date.
What should be the packaging for seeds?
There are an awful lot of packages for seeds! When buying seeds, the first thing you pay attention to is the packaging. Marketers spend months studying consumer tastes. They are trying to create a design so that it is impossible to walk through and not buy products. But is this very design really important?
Ordinary paper seed packages can keep their contents for no more than 1 year. They are quite cheap and at the same time very environmentally friendly - no chemistry: just familiar paper. Double seed packaging made with airtight materials is more expensive, but seeds can be stored for more than 3 years. To give the packaging a more attractive look, VD varnishing is used.
It does not spoil or overpress paper sheets. A glossy or matte water-dispersion varnish is applied to the material. Another varnish is also applied to the seed packages - UV. It is used to give gloss to the names and the packaging looked advantageous. Seeds must be in sealed and airtight conditions.
Note! On high-quality packaging, there should always be detailed information about its contents and about the manufacturer, as, for example, on the products of the Agro-Pak company:

  1. address, phone number and name of the organization that sells the seeds;
  2. the name of the seeds must be exactly as in the register;
  3. the standard for sowing and varietal qualities should be indicated;
  4. lot number;
  5. weight or number of seeds in the package;
  6. date of manufacture;
  7. growing recommendations.

What should be the packages for seeds?
Seed bags should carefully preserve their whimsical contents. Therefore, they must be not only environmentally friendly, but also quite durable. For paper versions, this means that the paper must be thick enough. From additional pluses - packages are made quite quickly. Under the lamps, the varnish dries almost instantly: in one to two seconds.
A reliable manufacturer always pays attention to reliable gluing of the package. Package sizes depend on the number of seeds. They can be from 70x105 mm to 105x168 mm. If the bags have a hole, then the dimensions will be as follows - from 74x113 mm + hole to 105x160 mm + hole. The production of packages for seeds is the main activity of Agro-Pak. We can produce cheaper or more expensive options, it all depends on the wishes of the customer.

Paper bags for vegetable and flower seeds

Many gardeners and flower growers prefer to collect the seeds of cultivated crops themselves, which, compared to purchased ones, have guaranteed germination and exactly match the variety.

The most convenient containers for storing seeds of vegetables and flowers harvested in large quantities are fabric bags. They are easy to sew from scraps of matter from old things.

Usually, large quantities of seeds for sowing vegetables and flowers are not required on a personal plot. Small amounts of seeds at home are very convenient to store in paper bags that you can make yourself according to a template.

Appearance of the bags

To make bags with your own hands, ordinary paper for printers is used. The sachet templates are drawn in a Word document, opening which, you need to type the name of the plant in the upper text field, and indicate the year of collection of vegetable or flower seeds in the lower text field.

Then the blanks are printed, cut out along the contour, the lower and side protrusions are bent inward and the back wall is glued to them. After packing the seeds, the top valve is closed and clamped with a paper clip. Although the valve can be glued - there will be a bag like from a store.

sachet template

Storing seeds at home

Paper bags with seeds of vegetables and flowers, both homemade and purchased, can be fastened together in several pieces with a rubber band or put them in cardboard boxes cut in half from bulk products.

Ribbed stacks, sachet boxes and fabric seed bags are placed in a corrugated cardboard box. Corrugated cardboard boxes are ideal for winter storage of seeds at home.

Plant protection products can also be stored in the same box, only new, in an unopened container, additionally packed in plastic bags. Opened plant protection products are best stored in non-residential premises or, in extreme cases, take care of their additional sealing.

Seeds of vegetables and flowers in paper bags and fabric bags, packed in a corrugated cardboard box, are perfectly stored at home at room temperature.

How to make beautiful paper bags for seeds.

Beautiful aged paper seed bags

In this article, you will find 3 ways to make paper bags yourself and a video with a master class at the end of the article. Own seeds - have always been considered much more reliable than seeds bought on store shelves. If you follow all the storage conditions and collect the seeds according to the rules, then the seeds often sprout better, and the plants will sprout exactly the same color that was planned.

Seeds are harvested according to the state of maturity, the most important thing is not to overlook this point in time. In most annual flowers, the seeds ripen unevenly, then they are blown by the wind. But there are some tricks here.

It is necessary to make bags of thin interlining, put them on the inflorescences and pull the bags from the bottom not very much. This technique isolates and preserves excellent first seeds. Seeds that are not blown so much by the wind are best collected immediately in paper envelope bags.

I really want to store the seeds not only correctly, but also beautifully.

These paper bags are easy to make with your own hands.

How to make seed bags. Method 1.

How to make a bag. Scheme 1.

1-2. Make a triangle out of a square.

3-4. Fold the corners of the triangle on top of each other, as if the triangle of the hand had folded.

5. Pour the seeds :)). Bend the upper corner and insert it inside the corner on which the number 5 is written on the diagram.

6. Sign the bags.

Method 2.

Ribbon sachet

Such a neat beautiful bag is made according to the scheme:

Scheme - 2

According to the same scheme, such unusual bags are made:

Honeymoon Seed Packets

I found information that such bags, or others, but always beautiful, are filled with seeds of various plants and given to young people for a wedding. This is a good gift with value! The newlyweds must plant these seeds and take care and sprout together. This first common cause will help them unite and strengthen their family at first.

Method 3.

Fold a piece of paper as shown in the photo:

simple seed sachet

Well, now the promised master class, which is given by my friend, a charming girl Karina. She makes all sorts of wonderful things out of paper, helps her mother make beautiful decorations from natural stones and plastic, creates lovely things using decoupage technique. Well, today, a master class on how to make beautiful paper bags from aged paper for seeds:

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