Is supplementary feeding with formula necessary when breastfeeding and how to do it correctly. The concept of supplementary feeding and complementary feeding

Introduction of complementary foods

The issue of nutrition must be approached very responsibly. It’s easy for young mothers to get confused about the rules for introducing complementary foods, supplements, and nutritional supplements. No need to be scared. We'll try to figure it all out.

If there is a lack of milk in the mother, supplementary feeding is prescribed. Supplementary feeding is a special infant formula for nutrition. There are a huge number of infant formulas (powdered, milk-based, ready-to-use, etc.). Ask your doctor which formula is best for your child. The main thing here is to follow one rule: supplementary feeding is given after breastfeeding.

Until one year of age, three complementary foods are introduced into the child’s diet. Lure- This is a replacement of feeding with foreign food.

Please note that when introducing complementary foods there are important rules that need to be remembered.

Lure– this is the first step towards developing the baby’s health, getting to know the variety of tastes and becoming able to eat food independently. From 4-6 months, mother's milk or its substitute cannot fully satisfy the growing body's needs for energy and nutrients. By 3 months of life, digestive enzymes mature. At 3-4 months, local intestinal immunity and swallowing mechanisms are formed. Complementary foods introduce your baby to different tastes and textures.

Start complementary feeding with single-component purees, juices and cereals, which do not contain flavor enhancers. Any new product should be introduced when the child is healthy. Introduce a new product in the morning before breastfeeding to monitor your reaction throughout the day. A new product should be introduced gradually, starting from? tsp and gradually increasing its volume by 10-30 g for 7 - 10 days. In case of poor tolerance, it is necessary to stop administering the product and try to introduce it again after a while. If a negative reaction occurs again, you should discard the product and try to replace it with a similar one. (for example, applesauce - pear). Feed your baby each new product for 5-7 days before introducing another, otherwise, in case of food rejection, you will not be able to understand which product provoked the negative reaction. If your baby doesn't like the dish, try offering it after a few days. Be patient when offering a new product up to 10 – 15 times. You should feed with a spoon, warming the product to 37 degrees Celsius.

BE SURE TO CONSULT WITH YOUR PEDIATRIC WHEN AND WHAT FOODS TO START COMPLEMENTARY FEEDINGS : single-ingredient fruit or vegetable purees, juices or single-grain cereals.

1. Complementary foods are introduced gradually. Start with one teaspoon. The dose is increased gradually. Do not rush to increase the amount of food. Give your baby a chance to get used to it.

2. Complementary foods are given before breastfeeding.

3. Complementary foods should be uniform.

4. Porridges must be alternated. Don’t be lazy to prepare different types of porridges.

5. It is better to give complementary foods during the second feeding. You shouldn’t start your baby’s day right away with foreign food.

6. Do not start introducing complementary foods when you are sick.

7. Do not introduce two new foods at once. The child must first get used to one dish, then to another.

8. Introduce all new dishes at your own time. If foreign food is introduced prematurely, the child’s body may not yet be ready to absorb it.

Complementary feeding schedule



3.5 Months

Monocomponent juices: apple, pear, plum with pulp.

4 months

Monocomponent fruit purees: apple, pear, plum, peach, apricot.

4.5 months

Monocomponent purees from vegetables: zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, carrots.

5 months

Juices and nectars from black and red currants, raspberries, cherries, quinces, cherries, blueberries, lingonberries (up to 20% berry juice)
Mono and multi-component fruit puree: black and red currants, raspberries, cherries, quince, cherries.
Mono- and multi-component vegetable purees: pumpkin, beets, white cabbage
Porridges: gluten-free: rice, buckwheat; corn mixed with buckwheat and rice, and gluten-containing: wheat, semolina, oatmeal, oatmeal, instant cookies.

6 months

Juices and nectars from citrus fruits, tropical fruits (pineapple), strawberries, wild strawberries, tomatoes (!!! Highly allergenic products - administer with caution and monitor the body’s reaction!!!)
Fruit - grain and fruit - milk (yogurt) puree, as well as with citrus products.
Vegetable purees with the addition of tomatoes.
Multi-component porridges (3 types of grain each).
Cottage cheese: This product is introduced into the baby’s diet gradually, starting from 3-5 years. By the age of one year, the amount of cottage cheese should be 50 g.

6.5 months

The yolk of a hard-boiled egg. The yolk is introduced very carefully. With good tolerance, by the age of one year the child can eat half the yolk per day.
Meat puree: beef, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey, rabbit.

7 months

Juices from papaya, kiwi, guava.
Vegetable purees with the addition of green peas.
Dairy products. The baby can try kefir and acidophilus mixtures first. Use only special fermented milk mixtures.

8 months

Vegetable puree with added spinach.
Meat puree with the addition of offal (liver, heart and tongue).
Fish-based products: Puree from cod, hake, pike perch, salmon, haddock. Fish puree replaces 2 meat feedings per week.

Over 9 months

Clarified grape juice.
Porridge like “Muesli” (for children)

First feedingBest given at 5 months of age. For bottle-fed babies, the first complementary foods can be given a little earlier, around 4 months. It is better to give vegetable puree as the first complementary food because... it contains microelements and fiber. To begin with, it is advisable to start preparing vegetable puree from some product. You can, for example, make it from carrots.

Then vegetable puree can be prepared from several products. Try to keep the potatoes to no more than half their volume. Mashed potatoes are too heavy food for a baby. You can use zucchini, pumpkin, turnips, cabbage. Focus on your baby's tastes. Like an adult, he may not like this or that product.

Second feedingadministered at 6 months. With artificial feeding from 5 months.

It is better to start the second feeding with 5% semolina porridge. To prepare it you need to take about 200 ml. cow's milk and add 70 ml to it. water. This mixture must be heated to a boil. When the mixture begins to boil, stirring, pour 10 grams into it. semolina. Cook the porridge for about 10 minutes. At the end of cooking, you can add 1 teaspoon of sugar.

Third feedingstart giving at 7 months. Formula-fed children at 6 months. The third complementary feeding begins with meat broth. Is it better to give pork or beef? Can be given before vegetable puree. In this case, do not give more than 30 ml so that the child does not lose his appetite. At 8 months (with artificial feeding at 7 months) you can give meat. You need to make minced meat out of it by passing it through a meat grinder twice. Cooked minced meat can be added to vegetable puree. At 9-10 months you can give fish. It can be boiled and mashed well. When cooking it, carefully remove it from the bones. Don't feed fatty fish.

Food additives include:

Juices. They begin to be given at about 3 months. Begin to give a few drops of juice, gradually increasing its amount. To find out how much juice you can give to your child. You need to use a simple formula. Your child's age needs to be multiplied by 10. The answer in milliliters will be the required amount.

For example, your child is 7 months old. Multiply 7 by 10 and get 70 ml.

It is advisable to give clear juices (apple, grape). Juices from citrus or red fruits can cause allergies.

From 2-3 months You can give grated apple. With it, the child receives vitamins and microelements.

From 3 months You can try giving the yolk. Do not give a child at this age more than a few crumbs. With the yolk, the child receives iron. This is very important for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia.

From 5-6 months. They give you cottage cheese. Do not give more than 20 grams. By 1 year this amount can be increased to 50 grams. With cottage cheese, the child receives protein and calcium.

Butter can also be given at 5 months.

When starting to give your child foreign food, keep in mind that the child must get used to it. Sometimes children eat a new product with pleasure, and sometimes they refuse. In this case, you should not force the child. Wait another 1 - 2 weeks and try again. Monitor your baby's reaction to foods. You may be allergic to something and get a tummy ache. Do not feed your child exclusively cereals. Avoid giving foods that are too sweet or fatty. Don't overfeed your baby. Do not be upset if your child does not eat the amount of food that he should eat according to calculations. If he gains weight normally, if he is healthy, cheerful, cheerful, active, then he eats the amount he needs.

Currently, there are a lot of disputes and disagreements about the rules and timing of introducing complementary foods. Basically, they begin to move away from the usual schedule of complementary feeding in favor of its later introduction. Of course, breast milk is undoubtedly a very important form of nutrition for a baby, but a healthy child cannot be satisfied with breast milk alone, even if its quantity is sufficient. There is a need to provide the baby with vitamins and other important elements, as well as to ensure sufficient caloric intake.

In this article:

Sometimes situations arise when supplementary feeding with formula becomes necessary. Unstable lactation, illness of the mother and insufficient weight gain by the child are common reasons for mixed feeding. Supplementary feeding is the introduction of an artificial formula into the baby’s diet, which should supplement the mother’s lactation on a temporary or permanent basis.

When is supplementation needed?

There are a number of reasons justifying mixed feeding. As practice shows, there are plenty of them against the backdrop of the modern rhythm of life.

Situations when supplementary feeding with formula is needed while breastfeeding:

  • Unstable or disrupted lactation . Sometimes a baby simply does not have enough breast milk, which affects his body weight.
  • Mom's illness . If a woman is forced to take medications that are not approved for breastfeeding, pediatricians recommend giving up breastfeeding and switching the baby to an adapted milk formula. This step will protect the baby from pathogenic microflora and drug metabolites that penetrate into mother's milk.
  • Rhesus conflict . Incompatibility of the blood of mother and newborn is an indication for artificial nutrition.
  • Time trouble . Not all women manage to take maternity leave for several years. Is it possible to supplement a breastfed baby with formula in this case? Yes, this is better than completely switching to artificial nutrition.

What products are used for supplementary feeding?

The composition for supplementary feeding of newborns should be as close as possible to breast milk. It is not difficult to purchase a high-quality product adapted to the needs of a baby - on store shelves there is a sufficient assortment of domestic and foreign baby food that can be offered to the baby from birth.

Milk from domestic animals - cows or goats - is not currently used in pediatrics. These foods have been proven to negatively affect a child’s immune system, digestive tract, and kidneys. There is also a risk of the baby becoming infected with Brucella and other pathogenic flora, which can be transmitted from sick animals. Supplementing a newborn with formula eliminates this possibility.

Mixture volume

If a baby does not have enough milk while breastfeeding, he must be supplemented with an artificial formula, the volume of which must be calculated correctly, but how to do this? There are two ways.

To find out how much breast milk the baby receives during the day, he is weighed before and after feeding. Based on the difference obtained and the child’s age needs in terms of food volume, an appropriate conclusion is made. This method helps to quickly and easily determine whether supplementary feeding is necessary and how much formula the child needs.

You can also find out whether the mother has a lack of milk by counting wet diapers. To this end, you need to give up disposable diapers for one day and swaddle your newborn the old fashioned way. On average, an infant urinates 12 times a day. If this happens less often, you should add 30 ml of the mixture to each feeding until the number of wet diapers corresponds to the norm.

There is no need to calculate the required amount of supplementary feeding “by eye”. Such actions can lead to digestive problems, increased stomach volume and excess body weight of the child if you make a mistake and overfeed the baby.

Choosing a mixture

After deciding on the need to introduce supplementary feeding for a newborn, a young mother is faced with the task of choosing suitable products. Modern adapted formulas are close in composition to mother's milk, so choosing high-quality baby food these days is not at all difficult.

How and what mixture to choose to avoid allergies and digestive problems? A good mixture contains unsaturated fats necessary for the full development of the nervous system and brain. Most products contain pro- and prebiotic additives, which eliminate the possibility of digestive problems in the baby. Nucleotides have a positive effect on the formation of immunity, and lutein is beneficial for the visual organs. It is also important that the infant formula includes iodine, taurine and other trace elements.

The child’s age and well-being also play a role when deciding which formula is best to supplement a newborn’s feeding. The composition of baby food changes in accordance with the increasing needs of the baby, so you need to pay attention to the product labeling. Usually, infants under 6 months of age are labeled with the number “1,” and older children with the number “2” and “3.”

If a child has digestive problems, such as colic or colic, it is better to choose fermented milk formula. For lactase deficiency, pediatricians recommend lactose-free products.

The tendency to frequent regurgitation can be eliminated by feeding an anti-reflux formula with increased viscosity. For babies with allergies, a hypoallergenic product is better suited, while a nursing mother should not forget about compliance.

Before purchasing the mixture, you need to read the instructions. It is important not only to purchase a quality product, but also to learn how to prepare and store it correctly. So, which formula should you choose for supplementary feeding? It depends on the age and needs of the baby.

How to introduce supplementary food?

Proper introduction of artificial nutrition into the baby's diet guarantees the success of mixed feeding.

  • Breast milk is the only true source of nutrition for a baby . It contains the entire necessary list of microelements, vitamins and salts that the baby needs during the period of growth and development. Therefore, supplementary feeding with formula during breastfeeding is possible only if the newborn has first emptied the mother’s mammary glands in full.
  • If the child does not finish the offered mixture, there is no need to force him . You can determine whether a baby is full by his behavior: he does not make sucking movements, turns away from the bottle or pushes it away with his hand. A breastfed baby should be supplemented with the same amount of the selected formula, without decreasing or increasing this volume, including before bedtime.
  • Babies eat better when they're in a good mood . If the baby is overexcited, cold or in pain, constant crying will interfere with normal eating. Therefore, first the mother must eliminate all unfavorable factors, and only when the child calms down should she be fed with formula.
  • The hole in the bottle should not be too large . Quick and easy saturation with artificial formula leads to the fact that the child will soon completely abandon the breast. If possible, it is recommended to replace the bottle with a dessert spoon.
  • Temperature The finished mixture should be comfortable for the baby - no higher than 38°C.

If you follow these simple rules, supplementary feeding with formula while maintaining breastfeeding will allow you to avoid a quick transition to artificial nutrition for your baby.

What to supplement with?

A bottle equipped with a nipple is a familiar attribute for every young mother. But pediatricians advise using it only under extreme circumstances. This method of supplementing newborns with formula is a direct threat to lactation.

Long-term observations indicate that children who try a pacifier for the first time begin to be reluctant to take the breast and soon categorically refuse mother's milk.

So, how to properly supplement formula feeding to a newborn with the help of simple devices?

A young mother can choose which method is most optimal for her:

  • Dessert spoon or teaspoon . This is the easiest option to feed a baby without threatening lactation. The child is supplemented with formula using a spoon, provided the volume of food is modest.
  • Pipette or syringe . This option is also suitable for supplementary feeding with a small amount of formula, that is, you should not feed your baby this way at night. In addition, the process itself takes a lot of time and effort from both mother and baby, but does not affect the process of producing breast milk.
  • Small cup . Another simple, but not very convenient method that allows you to supplement your baby with formula. In the absence of experience and skills, milk may partially spill out of the container, so it is quite difficult to determine how much the baby has eaten and whether he has eaten enough. But this method best demonstrates how to properly supplement your baby with formula at night.
  • Mom's finger . Feeding in this way is safe for lactation, but it is rarely used due to the length of the process. It is better to use a finger to awaken the sucking reflex in a baby.

If there is a need to introduce supplementary feeding while breastfeeding, the mother should make as much effort as possible to maintain lactation.

How to return to natural feeding?

With mother's milk, the child receives a maximum of useful microelements, hormones, protective antibodies and nutrients. If there is not enough breast milk, you can supplement the baby with formula, but at the same time the woman should think about whether she is doing everything to maintain lactation.

Frequently putting the baby to the breast, no matter how full it is, will help solve the problem. In this case, the woman receives stimulation of the mammary glands, and the baby realizes the sucking reflex in full. You should not limit the time he stays at the breast. Co-sleeping and giving up the habit of supplementing your baby with formula while breastfeeding can solve the problem of a lack of breast milk in 7 days.

Additionally, a woman can take herbal and homeopathic remedies aimed at improving lactation. We also must not forget about proper nutrition, maintaining a drinking regime and eliminating stress factors. Sometimes these simple recommendations free a young mother from worries and worries about how to feed the baby.

The relevance of the problem of mixed feeding does not lose popularity at any time. It can be solved only through an integrated approach, which necessarily takes into account such indicators as the state of his health, the presence and number of urinations.

How to choose a formula and introduce it into a child’s diet? A product suitable for age and individual needs should be administered carefully, preferably not from a bottle and without exceeding the norm. But even after the introduction of supplementary feeding, the young mother needs to make efforts to eliminate mistakes made during breastfeeding until lactation is restored.

Useful video about feeding a baby with formula

Breastfeeding is most preferable for a baby, and is especially important in the first months of his life. However, there are situations when a mother has to switch to mixed feeding- that is, add formula to breast milk. It should be remembered that mother's milk is unique in its composition and properties, so the decision to introduce supplementary feeding must be balanced. In any case, a woman needs to maintain lactation, since no formula in the world can replace a little bit of breast milk. So when does a baby need supplemental feeding?

This feeding option is called mixed feeding. when, in addition to mother's milk, the child receives at least 100-150 ml of formula per day. This option is more preferable than just breastfeeding, since it is possible to return completely to breastfeeding. Supplementary feeding is a milk formula that is prescribed to a child in case of a shortage of mother's milk (not to be confused with complementary feeding!).

The most common reasons for prescribing supplemental feeding are: lack of mother's milk (hypogalactia) and mother's illness (as well as when the mother is forced to take medications that can negatively affect the baby's health). It is also necessary to switch to mixed feeding when a woman and a child are in forced separation and there is not enough expressed milk. It should be separately noted that true hypogalactia (a condition in which the lack of milk is due to hormonal reasons) is observed in only 3% of cases. For the rest, the lack of milk is due to a violation of feeding technique (insufficient emptying of the mammary glands, a rigid feeding schedule “by the hour”, refusal of night feedings, problems with attaching the baby to the breast, etc.).

In addition, breast milk production can decrease due to stress, chronic lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and negative emotions in a woman.

How to determine when to introduce supplementary feeding to a child?

Body weight gain of less than 400 grams per month(in the first half of the year) may also indicate a lack of milk for the baby. However, you should first exclude possible diseases (for example, etc.).

Mixture selection

How to prepare and give formula milk?

Formula is prepared immediately before feeding. The ideal temperature is 36-37°C. It is better to use water either in special bottles (for example, Agusha, Frutonyanya) or boiled. After dissolving the mixture (for most manufacturers it is 1 scoop per 30 ml of water), try dropping it on your wrist - this way you can control its temperature.

It is better to give the mixture from a spoon. Supplemental feeding from a bottle is less preferable, since it is easier to suck on a bottle and the physiology of the sucking process changes. This may be a prerequisite for breastfeeding.

During feeding, the baby should be in a semi-upright position.

Health to you and your baby!

If you still have questions, you can contact us for help in the section.

    Given before breastfeeding.

    Start with 3 - 4 teaspoons (20 grams), gradually increase, and replace breastfeeding within 2 weeks.

    The dish should be homogenized, sufficiently liquid, and not cause difficulty in swallowing.

    You should switch to another type of complementary feeding only after the child has become accustomed to the previous one.

    If a child does not eat vegetable puree well, you can use 5% porridge as the first complementary food, and give vegetable puree for the second.

    Only one type of complementary food can be given per feeding.

    During the day, each complementary food can be given only once.

    New products are not introduced if the child is sick and during the period of preventive vaccinations.

9. Grain-based complementary foods should start with gluten-free cereals (rice, buckwheat, and later corn). Porridges can be dairy or dairy-free. The latter are diluted with breast milk and infant formula received by the child. In the future, gluten-containing porridges (oatmeal, barley, wheat, semolina) and porridges made from a mixture of cereals can be used.

10. Initially, vegetable puree should consist of one type of vegetable with delicate fiber, for example, zucchini. Next, it is advisable to use a combination of 3-4 vegetables.


Indications for transferring a child to mixed feeding is the presence of clinical signs of underfeeding and the results of control feeding.

Clinical signs of underfeeding include:

    restlessness of the child immediately after feeding, between feedings, at night;

    flattening of the weight curve (the child does not gain or does not gain enough weight);

    rare urination,

    the stool is thicker.

Control feeding is carried out to find out how much milk the baby sucks from the mother's breast. If the baby does not suck out enough milk and there is no milk left in the breast, the baby is transferred to mixed feeding. In this case, control feedings are carried out several times during the day. If the child sucks out little milk, milk remains in the breast (if the mother has difficulty milking, the nipple is tight, etc.), then it is recommended to express the milk and supplement the baby with it. This will be considered a type of natural feeding.

The most common reason why breastfeeding fails is hypogalactia(low amount of breast milk).

Hypogalactia can be primary or secondary. Primary is a consequence of the structural features of the mammary gland (lots of fat, little glandular tissue). Such hypogalactia cannot be treated, but it accounts for only 3 - 5%.

The bulk are secondary hypogalactia, the causes of which are:

    Maternal anxiety is one of the most common causes. According to WHO, 90% of all hypogalactias are the result of women’s nervousness, increased concern for the child, and lack of confidence in their ability to breastfeed.

    Improper daily routine, poor nutrition of pregnant and lactating women.

    Incorrect organization of breastfeeding.

Prevention of hypogalactia must start at antenatal period:

    Systematically conduct psychoprophylactic sessions with a pregnant woman in order to eliminate the fear of childbirth and instill confidence in her abilities to care for the child.

    Prepare the mammary glands for feeding: air baths for 10 - 15 minutes, washing, rubbing the nipples with a terry towel, pulling the nipples, wearing coarse fabric pads in the bra.

    3a 6 - 8 weeks before birth, massage the mammary glands. In front of a mirror, massage for 2 - 3 minutes with the whole brush without pressure, 2 times a day:

    from above - from the middle of the sternum to the shoulder,

    from below - to the armpit;

    circular stroking (without affecting the nipple and areola);

    clasp the breast with both hands, without touching the nipple, press it to the chest 2-3 times.

    A pregnant woman’s diet should include daily consumption of a serving (200 g) of fresh vegetable salad with herbs, pine nuts, seasoned with cold-pressed vegetable oil.

Fresh vegetables have an alkalizing effect on the body, neutralize free radicals, that is, they have an antioxidant effect (they reduce the sensitivity of tissues to oxygen starvation, which pregnant and lactating women experience).

Fresh greens are a source of folic acid. Folic acid contributes to the proper development of the fetus, pregnancy, and the preparation of glands for lactation.

First cold-pressed vegetable oil (linseed, olive, rep, corn, sunflower) is a source of vitamin E, necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system and lactation; vitamin E is also an antioxidant.

Pine nuts are a source of vitamin E and many microelements.

To correct nutrition, you can use Femilak I milk formula for pregnant women (WHO recommendation).

Prevention of hypogalactia in the postpartum period:

    On the 3rd day after birth, when the so-called “big milk” comes in, the breasts become swollen, dense, painful, it is necessary to properly pump the breasts until they are soft. This will ensure normal milk flow, and therefore its secretion.

    A nursing mother should sleep in a bra that ensures the physiological position of the mammary glands for the free flow of milk and the prevention of congestion.

    The only stimulator of lactation is the baby's sucking of the breast. It is necessary to put the baby to the breast as often as he asks, especially in the 1st month of life during the period of mutual adaptation of mother and child.

    If you have organized natural feeding for your baby, there is no need to pump. The mammary gland, responding to “requests” and “demands” from the child, produces as much milk as he needs.

    One of the most important concepts in organizing successful breastfeeding is CORRECT ATTACHMENT. The baby should grasp the entire brown areola - the areola - as deeply as possible. The areola grip radius is 2-3 cm from the base of the nipple. The nipple itself is located deep in the baby's mouth, without risk of injury.

Basic criteria for correct application:

Absence of breast pain in mother;

Certain external signs: at the moment of sucking, the areola is practically invisible, the baby’s lips are turned outward, ensuring a tight seal (and preventing air from entering the baby’s stomach), the chin is pressed to the chest, and the cheeks and nose touch it.

Correct attachment protects the nipples from injury, and due to the effect of high-quality emptying of the mammary gland, it prevents milk stagnation.

    After discharge from the maternity hospital, it is necessary to create a calm, friendly environment in the family. Maintain the correct regimen: sleep at least 8 hours a day, daily walks in the fresh air. A nursing woman should leave home for 1-2 hours every day and devote this time to her favorite activities (this helps relieve excessive anxiety for the child, normalizes the woman’s mental state, and therefore eliminates the most common cause of hypogalactia). And the father will stay with the child during the mother’s absence; this will contribute to a faster formation of a sense of fatherhood.

    A nursing mother should continue to eat a daily serving of fresh vegetable salad with herbs, which was recommended during pregnancy. WHO recommends nutritional correction with Femilak II milk formula.


Additional nutrition with milk formulas is called supplementary feeding

    Supplementary feeding is given after breastfeeding.

    Depending on the amount of breast milk, supplementary feeding is prescribed after each feeding, after 2-3 feedings, or in the form of independent feeding. In this case, you should adhere to the rule that the volume of supplementary feeding for 1 feeding should not be less than 30 ml.

    The baby should be put to the breast at least 3-4 times a day (otherwise lactation will decrease).

    If the volume of supplementary feeding is small (30 - 50 ml), it should be given from a spoon, if the volume is more than 50 ml - from a bottle with a nipple, which should be tight, with a small hole.

    A child should receive no more than 2 different formulas per day as supplementary feeding.

    Supplementary feeding is given immediately after feeding (if the child has not eaten, you should not give supplementary feeding again after a while).

Nutritional supplements and complementary foods during mixed feeding are administered at the same time and according to the same rules as during natural feeding.

Supplementing a child with formula is not a way to “make life easier” for the mother, but a necessary measure, since it rarely goes without consequences for her and the child. The minimum that can happen is a decrease in lactation and intestinal colic in the baby.

Supplemental feeding of a newborn with formula is introduced only after assessing the following criteria.

1. Weight gain. Weight loss after childbirth should not be more than 10% of birth weight. Children gain at least 500 grams monthly in the first 3-4 months of life.

2. The child’s behavior between feedings. A fed baby is calm, except when his tummy hurts. Doesn't ask for the breast every 1-2 hours.

3. Frequency of urination and stool. A healthy child on breastfeeding urinates at least 10 times a day, more often about 20 times. At the same time, babies usually have very frequent bowel movements, up to 7 times a day. But a normal number of urinations and rare bowel movements do not mean that the child is not eating enough.

4. Real shortage of milk. You can weigh your baby before and after feeding to see how much he is sucking. Information received within at least 24 hours should be considered relevant, that is, the total amount of nutrition the child received per day is important.

Refer to the following standards.
- 1/5 in grams of the actual weight at the age of up to 1 month should be eaten by a child;
- 1/6-1/7 - from 2 to 6 months, before the introduction of complementary foods.
For example, a child weighing 4 kg needs 800 grams of milk per day. When feeding on demand, that is, quite often, about 10 times a day, the child can eat a little. But in the end, he will still eat approximately this amount in a day and night.

If there are no problems with this, but it still seems to you that the baby is hungry in the evening, try supplementing with expressed milk. It is known that a woman produces the greatest amount of milk in the morning. Then you can express a little to give to your baby in the evening, when lactation subsides a little. This is a temporary measure to avoid introducing supplementary feeding with artificial formulas.

But these signs are not a consequence of insufficient lactation:

  • baby crying during feeding with legs tucked to the stomach (this is a symptom of intestinal colic; children can also often begin to suck and release the breast, screaming);
  • “empty” breast (if the baby is sucking and you hear him swallow milk, after the start of sucking there is a rush of milk - everything is fine), after the so-called establishment of lactation, the woman has almost no milk in the glands between feedings, all of it is concentrated in alveoli;
  • an increase of 500-600 grams in the first three months (you should not take as an example children who gain 2 kg per month, usually these are children who suckle almost all the time; those who eat on a schedule or sleep often usually gain less , it's not scary);
  • poor night sleep (children sleep poorly not only because of hunger, but also because the climate at home is too hot, low humidity, increased gas production, an uncomfortable crib, painful teething, etc.);
  • small amount of expressed milk - even very “milky” women cannot always express a sufficient amount of milk.

We repeat that supplementary feeding of a newborn in the maternity hospital and after discharge from it is a necessary measure. Lactase deficiency in the baby, intestinal infection in the mother, or lactostasis are not indications for this. Once every 3-6 months, mothers experience lactation crises. This is when the baby begins to require more milk, but the breasts cannot immediately begin to produce more. This time must be endured. Feed more often, and within a week everything will get better. Supplementary feeding during breastfeeding is not introduced in this case. It is possible that feeding not one, but both mammary glands will help. When a woman gives one breast until it is completely empty, and then the other.

Rules for introducing supplementary feeding

1. First, let the baby breastfeed, and only then offer supplementary feeding.

2. Give the child the mixture from a spoon in a small amount. For this purpose, you can use either a regular teaspoon or a special silicone or plastic one. The soft drinking spoon for supplementary feeding (Medela) has good reviews. This device does not lead to breast refusal in the future and is very convenient to use. True, it's not cheap. Another good option is supplementary feeding from a syringe without a needle. The measuring syringe that comes with some medications is ideal for this. For example, with the children's antipyretic syrup Nurofen. The breastfeeding system is very popular now. This is an ideal option for women who dream of maintaining and increasing lactation, without starving the child. This is such a simple device with which the baby sucks formula and at the same time sucks on the mother's breast. And, as we remember, the more the baby suckles, the more milk is produced. Medela's SNS supplementary feeding system, the most famous, is sold in pharmacies. As they say, the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe.

3. Breasts, even with a small amount of milk, must be given at least 3 times a day, otherwise lactation will very quickly come to naught.

4. If possible, give the baby the breast at night, and not formula, since the hormone prolactin is produced at night. He is responsible for breastfeeding.

5. The first supplementary feeding should be carried out with a very small amount of the mixture, no more than 10-30 grams. The child's body must get used to the new diet. If there is no gradualness, the baby will experience constipation and colic. Your pediatrician will explain how to supplement your baby with formula.

What will happen if, instead of formula, the child is given cow's or goat's milk, as they were fed before? Or introduce complementary foods earlier? Of course, this is not worth doing. Whole animal milk is the strongest allergen. It should not be given to babies under one year of age! But supplementary feeding with formula at 6 months can be replaced with complementary foods. For example, give porridge or vegetable puree at one of the feedings. Or perhaps even both, if complementary foods were introduced earlier, at 4 or 5 months. Supplementing your baby with cereal is recommended if the child is not gaining weight well. Usually they first give dairy-free porridges, and then, after 2-3 months, they begin to offer dairy ones. Everything is just from a spoon.
You need to understand the difference between complementary feeding and complementary feeding. Cereal porridge (buckwheat, rice, corn) is the second. And children are fed only with liquid artificial nutrition. Formula or breast milk must be present in the child’s diet until one year of age.

Which mixture to choose for supplementary feeding and why you need to preserve breastfeeding

The choice of mixture should be approached responsibly. Among the huge assortment of this product on the market, making the right choice is quite difficult. We will present the main criteria for choosing this product.

1. Composition of the mixture. It should contain the vitamins and microelements necessary for the baby in the correct proportions. This will make the food as close as possible to mother's milk.

2. Availability of a quality certificate, well-known manufacturer and brand.

4. Normal shelf life and guarantee of compliance with storage rules(you shouldn’t buy the mixture secondhand, even if the price is very attractive).

Based on their consistency, all mixtures can be divided into dry and liquid. Dry mixtures occupy more than 90% of the market for these products. Sold in powder form in sealed packaging. Before feeding, the powder is diluted with boiled water at a temperature of 37-38 degrees according to the instructions.

Liquid mixtures are sold ready-made. Immediately before use, they only need to be warmed up. The main disadvantage of liquid nutrition is its short shelf life.

According to the composition of the mixture, there are adapted, partially adapted and non-adapted.
Adapted ones are made on the basis of demineralized whey. They are perfectly digestible by babies, and therefore are considered the best option for feeding newborns. Supplementary feeding per month is carried out with just such mixtures.

In less adapted mixtures, the main component is casein, and demineralized whey is absent. This food is recommended for children over 6 months. The so-called two.

There are special formulas for premature babies and children with weakened immune systems. They are rich in protein and vitamins that the baby needs for proper growth and development. Promotes rapid weight gain.

For children suffering from iron deficiency, formulas with a high content of this particular trace element are sold. Not recommended for children under 4 months.

For intestinal problems, choose mixtures with probiotics. They reduce the risk of colic, constipation and regurgitation in the baby. For babies who suffer from frequent regurgitation, pediatricians recommend foods that contain thickeners in the form of starch.

For children prone to various types of allergies, hypoallergenic or lactose-free soy mixtures are suitable.

Supplemental feeding of a newborn with an incorrectly selected mixture can lead to intestinal upset and cause weight loss.

Considering that artificial nutrition is an expensive pleasure, you should not focus your choice only on advertising and cost.

But even if you managed to choose the formula well, remember that breast milk is the main and best food for a newborn baby. The main role of breastfeeding is an individual and balanced diet at any time. An important advantage of breast milk is that no equivalent analogue has yet been invented. Why is it necessary to leave GW in the maximum amount?

1. Beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora of infants.

2. Breast milk contains a large number of useful elements necessary for life and growth. Despite this, its digestibility reaches 90%.

3. The correct functioning of the tiny organism is facilitated by the presence of biologically active substances (enzymes, immunoglobulin, hormones, etc.) found in breast milk.

4. By observing basic hygiene rules, maximum sterility of feeding is achieved.

5. Mother's milk, available at any time, is at the ideal temperature for breastfeeding.

6. Each mother’s body individually adjusts the composition of milk to suit the baby’s needs, but on average it contains 88.1% water, 7% carbohydrates, 3.8% fat, 0.9% protein and 0.2% other substances.

7. The main component of milk is water, which allows you to avoid feeding the baby additionally.

8. The amount of protein is sufficient for ideal development and growth rate.

9. Lactose contained in the composition helps the absorption of iron and calcium and affects the development of the central nervous system.

Breast milk contains a large number of microelements that contribute to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, organ development, optimal growth, and protection from infections.

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