The winner of the “dancing” show, Vitaly Ulivanov: “Miguel became my second father. The winner of the “dancing” show, Vitaly Ulivanov: “Miguel became my second father. Who became the finalist of the 4th season of dancing

29.12.2017, 21:20

The final episode of the show “Top Model in Ukrainian” season 4 was released on December 29 at 19:00 on the New Channel. Which of the participants won, read and look at Without Taboo.

In the final episode of the eighteenth week, the name of the winner was announced. The winner will go with Alla Kostromicheva to New York, where his big modeling career will begin. The winner of “Top Model in Ukrainian” season 4 was a 20-year-old Samvel Tumanyan from Gostomel.

Even Ukrainian Fashion Week would be jealous of the finale of the “Ukrainian Top Model” project. Cool screenings accompanied by live performances by top Ukrainian bands, luxurious gifts from sponsors and friends of the project. And during the last fashion show of Alla Kostromicheva and the two finalists of the project - Vika Rogalchuk and Samvel Tumanyan - excitement vibrated in the hall.

“The winner was the one who showed the greatest growth and the greatest transformation, the greatest progress in the project. Samvel was able to surprise us, he was able to turn from an athlete into a model. And I am very proud of him. And I am also sure that Vika has a bright future in the world of fashion. She is not just a model, she is a talented designer. And she will succeed!” said Alla Kostromicheva.

Before announcing the name of the finalist, Alla asked Samvel Tumanyan and Victoria Rogalchuk how they felt. Alla Kostromicheva made the finalists suffer - she took a long pause, and then announced the name of the winner of the mixed season “Top Model in Ukrainian”.

Samvel is a kind, worthy, not only a handsome guy who can adequately represent him abroad. He's ready to become a star.

Samvel Tumanyan

  • City: Gostomel
  • Age: 19 years old
  • Height: 183 cm
  • Weight: 87 kg

Samvel is Armenian. I was seriously involved in sports for 12 years. Champion of Ukraine in wrestling and combat sambo. The guy had to end his sports career after two operations.

10 guys competed on the show, but only Samvel Tumanyan made it to the finals! And this is not surprising, because he has almost ideal parameters. He is only 19 years old, his height is 185 centimeters, and his measurements are 110-70-100.

Samvel Tumanyan has been involved in sports for 12 years. That is why he can boast of an almost perfect body and texture. Samvel is the champion of Ukraine in wrestling and combat sambo. He had to end his sports career after injuries. He underwent two major surgeries, after which he was no longer able to play sports. But sports discipline completely helped him reach the finals of the show.

Samvel had no modeling experience at all, but he proved himself to be excellent even at the beginning of autumn, which influenced the judges’ decisions.

Samvel Tumanyan appeared during the fashion show of designer Serge Smolin. Also, as part of Ukrainian Fashion Week SS"18, Samvel presented a collection of the Ukrainian brand Komashnya.

In addition, Samvel Tumanyan graced the cover of the international publication Nvrmind, for which he won the right to a photo shoot during the show.

Finale Top Model in Ukrainian season 4 episode 18 watch online: How have the participants changed? - Part 1:

Finale Top Model in Ukrainian season 4 episode 18 watch online: The most spectacular fashion show of the project participants. - Part 2:

Last Saturday, the channel’s brightest stars gathered at a special TNT site as part of VK Fest in St. Petersburg, including the brightest participants in the “DANCES” project - Yuliana Buholts, Anna Tikhaya and Dasha Rolik. They gave master classes on the main stage. During these choreography lessons, the premiere date of the fourth season of the show “DANCE” was announced. The largest dance project on domestic television will start airing on August 19.

On December 30, 2017, the whole country will learn the name of the winner of the last season of the dance project “Dancing” on the TNT channel. There is very little left, because not only the dancer will win, but also his mentor.

The second number for Nadya and Zhenya was rumba - a hot, fiery dance that ends... in the bathroom. Music - Rihanna “Diamonds”.

In the finale of “Dancing with Stars,” each couple will perform several performances: the dance with which the participants came to the project, the audience’s favorite performance and a new number.

Today on TNT the finale of the 4th season of the show “DANCE” took place. Finally the name became known best dancer countries. It was 28-year-old hopper from St. Petersburg Vitaly Ulivanov. On the third attempt, he managed to pass the casting of the project, get into the TOP 20 and even get prize three million rubles. In the first season, Vitaly lost to Alexey Korolev at the last stage of the selection, in the second season he was eliminated in the middle of the qualifying competitions, he decided to skip the third season and prepare thoroughly. Participation in the project, as Ulivanov himself says, has become a global goal for the dancer. By his action, he wanted to prove to everyone that dreams can come true, even if not on the first or even on the second try.

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Despite the warm relations between the project participants, “DANCE” is first and foremost a competition. And according to the rules of the show, every episode you have to say goodbye to one of the participants. “To be honest, when someone leaves, we first exhale on stage, and then we begin to empathize with the person. You see how “emotional” he is, and you begin to feel his misfortune,” Yulia Gaffarova admitted to a Vokrug TV correspondent.

Each episode, star couples receive the theme of the next show and flow They spend weeks preparing to stage their dances through grueling training. In front of TV viewers and judges, they must demonstrate their dancing abilities and the skills they have acquired during the week's classes.

Kozhen episode“Dancing with Mirrors” is a tension-free and intriguing live broadcast, and you can get involved in the share of each pair! Take away from the non-performers and the emerging world of “Dancing with Stars” with us! Read the voting rules as you go.

Who won the season 4 dance? Recent events.

The project “Dancing with the Stars” first appeared in Ukraine and on Ukrainian television in September 2006 on the “1 1” TV channel. Its hosts were Tina Karol and Yuri Gorbunov. The first issue of the project was released on October 7, 2006. In Grigory Chapkis, Elena Kolyadenko, Alexey Litvinov. The next two seasons of the project took place in 2007, and after a four-year break, the project was broadcast on the STB channel, marking itself as season 4.

But as in any other competition, there is only one winner of Dancing with the Stars 2017, or rather, one couple. So, after great performances, the couple Natalya Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko became the ones who won Dancing with the Stars. Fans congratulate the winner of Dancing with the Stars 2017.

Season 4 dance winner. Detailed data as of 01/19/2018

In the fourth season of “DANCES,” mentors Miguel and the famous choreographer Tatyana Denisova, who replaced Yegor Druzhinin, who left the project, are responsible for the preparation of two teams. In previous seasons, viewers of the TNT channel could see Tatyana as a guest third judge. In “DANCES” 2014, the title of best went to Ilshat Shabaev. The winner of the show “DANCING Season 2” (2015) and the owner of the title “Best Dancer of the Country” and three million rubles was a dancer from Miguel’s team, Maxim Nesterovich.

The finale, according to tradition, collected in its concert all the best dance numbers of the 4th season, and only at the very end of the episode the places that the finalists took were announced. For those who don’t remember, four people reached the final of Dance on TNT (season 4): Yulia Gaffarova and Ildar Gainutdinov from Denisova’s team, and Miguel delegated Dima Bonchinche and Vitaly Ulivanov to the decisive stage of the project.

And for the first time, the stars will appear on the floor together with the finalists and will dance a bright opening performance, in which all 10 couples of the project will take part.

“DANCING on TNT Season 4” is a unique show in which dancers from all over Russia and neighboring countries who have passed the preliminary casting participate. They all strive for victory, because at stake is not only the title of best dancer, but also a large cash prize. In the previous three seasons, the amount that the winners received was 3,000,000 rubles.

Let us remind you that the project started on the TNT channel on August 23, 2014. The winner of the first season was Ilshat Shabaev from Egor Druzhinin’s team. The second was won by Maxim Nesterovich, Miguel’s ward. In the third, the victory again went to a member of Miguel’s team, Dmitry Shchebet. So far, never in the entire history of the project has a girl won. By the way, the winners, in addition to the honorary title of the best dancer in the country, also receive a cash prize in the amount of 3,000,000 rubles.

Mentors are also not made of iron. It is no less difficult for them to make a choice and announce that they will have to break up with someone. “Any member of my team deserves to win and at the same time can leave. Each performance of a contestant influences whether he remains in the project or not. In each specific case, I weigh the pros and cons and never know in advance who will leave next. I make a decision immediately after the reporting concert, having watched all the performances,” admitted Miguel.

Laysan Utyasheva passes the decisions of the jury through herself and is very worried about the participants. But as an athlete, she understands that sometimes someone loses and gives up mentally. “I can see when it’s really time for a participant to leave just because psychologically they might not be able to handle it. For example, a person is at a loss because certain life circumstances have arisen that interfere with participation in the project. It happens that I categorically disagree with the audience’s choice. Sometimes I sabotage and try to challenge the decision through Seryozha (Sergei Svetlakov - Ed.), but - alas and ah! – not always successfully,” Laysan Utyasheva told a Vokrug TV correspondent.

We will find out which of them became the winner and received the title of best in the “Dancing with Stars” project in a few hours.

Who won the dance season 4 2017 video. Urgent news.

The 4th season of the show “DANCES” on TNT is moving towards its end - on December 30 the finale will take place, where viewers will find out the name of the winner. And on December 23, the finalists and candidates for victory were determined.

The concert, which the audience saw last Saturday, can be called one of the culminating ones, because at it the main candidates for victory in the fourth season were identified. Of the eight participants, only four remained. And here's who:

Yulia Gaffarova

She already had experience participating in dance shows - we could see her in the “Dance!” project, as well as in the second season of the “DANCE” show. In addition, she is the current soloist and choreographer of the show ballet of singer Vera Brezhneva. Despite her extensive experience and victories in major dance competitions, Yulia at the very beginning was on the verge of dropping out of the project several times. Sergei Svetlakov has already saved her twice this season, but now, having secured the support of the audience, she is one of the main contenders for victory.

Vitaly Ulivanov

Vitaly tried to get into “DANCING” before the 4th season of the project, but he succeeded only on the third attempt. Now, thanks to his successful performances in the 4th season of the “DANCING” project on TNT, Vitaly Ulivanov is one of the most famous dancers to the general public. The main styles are breakdancing and hip-hop, as well as house, dancehall and jazz-funk.

Ildar Gainutdinov

One of the youngest participants in the project - he is only 17 years old. But he has already managed to take part in several dance shows, including “Dance!” on Channel One and the Ukrainian “Everybody Dance!”, in one of the seasons of which he won. Ildar started out in Alla Dukhova's ballet "Todes", after which he finally decided to connect his life with dancing.

Dima Bonchinche

Dmitry is one of the founders of the voguing house Bonchinche, in this style he achieved the greatest popularity, although on the “DANCES” project on TNT he showed himself to be a very versatile dancer. Dmitry was born in Belarus, but built a professional dance career in St. Petersburg.

Viewers will decide which of the finalists will become the winner of the 4th season of the show “DANCING” on TNT by SMS voting. Watch the final of the project on December 30 at 21.30 on TNT.

FINAL of the project "Dancing on TNT" season 4! A grand gala concert at which all participants will perform their best numbers. The finalists, who have been getting to this point for several months, and the mentors who led their teams to victory, will finally find out who became the best dancer in the country and who will receive the main prize - 3,000,000 rubles. Cheer for yours!

Introductory dance (MONATIK - That Which I'm Crazy About). The country's best dancers and finalists of the fourth season of the show Dancing open the final concert with a hot dance.

Sasha Goroshko. Sasha dances an attractive solo that expresses her wealth and growth on the project. Throughout her entire journey on the Dancing show, Pea has become a real decoration of this season.

Vitaly Ulivanov and Alexander Krupelnitsky. This time Sergei Svetlakov noticed that the dance turned out to be easy and especially fiery, apparently because the guys were relaxed, because the voting stage was now over.

Svetlana Makarenko. Sveta dances strip dance, but non-standard, but with deep meaning and elements of “smart choreography”. For the first time, Sergei Svetlakov caught himself thinking that for the first time on the strip he felt sad. Strip plastic with meaning. It turned out very beautiful.

Ilya Prelin and Sasha Goroshko. There were many interesting performances in the fourth season, but this one was especially memorable for the audience. Ilya and Sasha dance a very stylish, beautiful and sexy number.

Yulia Gaffarova and Yulianna Kobtseva. Yulia and Yulianna dance strip dance. Moreover, such that TNT can already be made into a paid night channel. The presenter noted that the number expresses the true beauty of femininity.

Wade Lyon and Theona. Stylish number from the original Teona and Wade. The mentors are very pleased, especially Sergei Svetlakov.

Dima Bonchinche and Daria Salei. This is the premiere of a number that no one has seen yet. Dima and Dasha dance a gentle and beautiful dance, which proves the fact that Dima is completely worthy of the final. Yes, and Dasha’s wound went astray, she’s also great.

Ayhan. Aykhan dances a cool solo, which once again proved to everyone that the guy was worthy not only of the final, but even of victory in the fourth season of the show Dancing on TNT!

Ildar Gainutdinov and Sveta Makarenko. The guys prepared a beautiful New Year's waltz. This time, fortunately, Ildar’s nose did not bleed.

Yulia Kosmina. Julia dances step. She came with him to the casting of the fourth season and will leave with him at the finale. After the performance, the girl gave a touching speech that touched everyone present.

Miguel, choreographers and all the participants of the season. This is exactly how enchanting the closing of the fourth season of Russia’s main dance show will be. Bravo, girls and their faithful choreographers! The fish of our dreams.

Announcement of the name of the winner of the fourth season of the show Dancing. In a few minutes, the whole country will know the name of the winner of the fourth season of the country's main dance show. The one who proved his superiority throughout the entire journey. The one who was hated and loved by millions of television viewers. The one who proved to everyone that achieving your dream is absolutely possible... The main thing is to believe in it!

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