Lilac top with a crochet butterfly. Butterfly crochet patterns Topic butterfly crochet pattern

Top size: 44 - 46.

You will need: 200 g of fine yarn (100% cotton) of lilac color, hook No. 2.5.

Knitting density: 10 cm corresponds to 21 loops of the pattern.

Patterns and types of loops.

Chain stitch, single crochet, double crochet, double crochet, double crochet, tie stitch.

Fantasy pattern: according to scheme 1.

Butterfly, flowers and assembly: according to scheme 2.

Armholes and neckline: according to scheme 3.

Finishing: according to scheme 4.

Top knitting density: 10 cm corresponds to 21 loops of the pattern.

Description of knitting a top with a butterfly

We start knitting the top from the back.

For the lower part, cast on a chain of 96 air loops and knit with a pattern according to scheme 1.

At a height of 30 cm, to align the edge, perform the last row indicated in the diagram and finish knitting.

For the upper part, according to scheme 2, tie a butterfly, 2 floral motifs, connect them together and attach to the upper edge of the lower part, as indicated in this diagram.

Dial a chain of 96 air loops and knit with a pattern according to scheme 1.

At a height of 30 cm, perform armholes on both sides according to scheme 3, at a height of 7 cm from the beginning of the armhole, cut the neckline according to the same pattern and continue knitting 9 loops of each strap separately.

At a total height of 55 cm, finish knitting.

Top assembly.

Prick the details on the pattern, moisten and let them dry.

Sew on the edges of the straps and complete the side seams.

Tie the armholes and neckline before finishing according to scheme 4.

A master class on crocheting a top for a girl with a motif on the back "Butterfly".

Dimensions: Og \u003d 67 cm, About \u003d 72 cm, From \u003d 59 cm.


  • Yarn Alpina "Oscar" (100% cotton. 50g/115m) - 150 grams
  • Hooks #3 and #5
  • big eye needle

Description of knitting topic

Butterfly motif

I started knitting with a butterfly according to the pattern below. Hook number 3. For my yarn, the manufacturer recommends hook No. 4-4.5. I took less so that the butterfly was denser.
First the body, then one side with wings, then the second is symmetrical. Steam off.

The dimensions of the butterfly turned out to be 25x28 cm in protruding parts.
Initially, a crop top was planned, so I tried on a short top.

Pattern for knitting a butterfly:

Top base

Hook number 5. I scored 140 loops, closed in a ring.
1 row: 3 vp, * 1 air. p., 1 st s / 1n *.

I folded it in half, visually determined the side seams. Before them, from the butterfly, she knitted with a net (to save yarn), and in front - completely columns with one crochet.
Row after row, moving up, attached the butterfly along the contour.

After the 8th row, I switched to hook No. 3 for fitting. Even in the waist area from the side, I reduced 1 column on both sides in rows 10 and 13.
Then added 1 tbsp. in 19 and 24 rows (although it was possible not to add).
For bevels, the armholes began to decrease from the butterfly along the sirloin net in each row from the 20th.

From the 27th row on the front from the cent I knitted a small openwork again with a sirloin net.
The width of the neck was determined by fitting.
39 rows to the top of the corner.
Density: 1 cm - 1 row, 2 st.s / 1n - 1 cm in width.

From below, it is also desirable to fix the butterfly, tied the mesh (* st. s / 1n, 1 air p.) - 6 rows.
Hide all ends.

Since the yarn remained, it was decided to lengthen the top.
I knitted 7 more rows, look at the photo from the white line up.
1, 3, 5, 7 rows - all columns with one crochet.
2, 4, 6 rows - * 1 air. p., 1 tbsp. s/1n*
From the sides, add 2 columns for a small expansion.

For edging the front, armholes and straps, she tied caterpillar cords.
For the neck - 23 cm, for armholes and straps - 30.5 cm each.
I sewed it with a thread in tone from the inside out, pulling it a little.

Good afternoon dear friends!

Today we have a summer theme dedicated to butterflies, but not alive, but knitted. I have collected crochet butterfly patterns for you from various sources on the Internet, from simple small butterflies to interesting openwork ones, for both experienced and beginner needlewomen. For the latter, I made a short description.

Butterflies always symbolize a certain airiness, lightness, love and joy, beauty and longevity.

We always enjoy watching them in nature, and many decorate their homes with artificial butterflies.

The use of crocheted butterflies

Just like paper and textile, crocheted butterflies can be decorated with:

  • sofa cushions
  • napkins, while you can give the napkins a different shape: square, triangular, and oval
  • chair covers
  • bags
  • curtains
  • lampshades
  • room walls

Butterflies can be hung from a ceiling lamp, planted on a large indoor flower, made a panel of butterflies.

Here, for example, is the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba luxurious curtain with crochet fillet butterflies and hanging separately knitted butterflies. I am attaching the diagrams.

It is better to knit butterflies from cotton or linen with a hook corresponding to the thickness of the thread. Use bright threads of different colors.

Crochet little butterfly

I wanted to note this interesting scheme of a very simple little butterfly. She looks like a bow.

According to this pattern, the butterfly is knitted in just two rows.

Knitting in a circle, as napkins are usually knitted.

We start with 4 VPs closed in a ring.

In the 1st row: four times 3 columns with one crochet and arches of 14 air loops between them.

In the 2nd row, the arches from the VP are tied with columns with one, two, three, four and five crochets, and then in the reverse order.

Separately, we knit a mustache: a chain of air loops and a number of half-columns on it.

Scheme and description of crocheting a tight butterfly for beginners

If you want to get a dense butterfly of a small size, this proposed scheme will suit you.

  1. 3VP, 7S1N
  2. 3VP, 7S1N
  3. 3VP, 3S1N, 2S2N, 2S1N, 2VP we connect with a half-column to the 8th loop of the base, 2VP, 2S1N, 2S2N, 1S1N

We finish knitting the upper and lower wings separately. Here you can attach a thread of a different color.

upper wing

  1. 3VP, 1S1N, 2S2N, 1S1N, 1SBN
  2. 3VP, 4S1N, 1S2N, 2S2N, knitted together

lower wing

1VP, 2Sc, 3 times 2Sc, 1Sc.

  1. 4 half columns
  2. 4VP, 3S2N
  3. 3VP, 1SBN, connect with the head

Crochet patterns for openwork butterflies

I will no longer analyze each pattern for crocheting butterflies, but I will describe the basic principles.

According to some patterns, butterflies are knitted in a continuous way without tearing off the thread, starting from the center, in turning rows, both left and right wings at once. Only the tips of the wings can be tied separately.

According to other patterns, knitting begins with the body of a butterfly, and then the wings are knitted separately, attaching them to the body.

And we have already considered one more way of knitting a butterfly in a publication about napkins with voluminous butterflies. Such butterflies are knitted like a small round flower and folded in half, they turn out to be double and, as it were, fluttering.

Choose any crochet butterfly pattern you like or several patterns for your creativity.

Happy needlework and good mood!

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