Which dress is suitable for a triangle figure? How to determine your body type and how to live with it

Properly selected clothes can make absolutely any figure proportional, harmonious and very beautiful. Today, the stylists of our fashion site will tell and show how to dress correctly for girls with an inverted triangle body type in order to hide their modest flaws and emphasize their undeniable advantages.

The inverted triangle or “carrot” body type, as it is sometimes called, is characterized by fairly broad shoulders, a pronounced ribcage, a hidden waist and narrow hips. Sound familiar? Then our advice on choosing clothes you will need it!

Your aim: visually reduce the upper body, in particular making the shoulders and chest more graceful. Add volume to the hips and highlight the waist, placing the right accents in the image.

What girls with an inverted triangle figure should not wear

First of all, we suggest that you immediately decide what things you absolutely need to give up with such a physique. Study our list, these are the most important taboos!

1. Jackets, cardigans or coats with clearly defined shoulders. There should be no shoulder pads, decorations, pagons, spikes or embroidery on the shoulders.

2. Any blouses, dresses or blouses with a square or boat neckline. These shapes will once again emphasize your shoulders and chest, visually increasing their width.

3. Bright colors and large prints on the top of the clothing. Your task is to remove attention from the top, placing more emphasis on the lower body.

When composing an image, always try to follow a simple rule: the top is calm, monochromatic, preferably dark. The bottom is light, bright, with prints.

4. Jackets, blouses or tops made of shiny fabrics. They also draw unnecessary attention to the upper body.

5. Horizontal stripe at the top of the look. It visually expands the silhouette, so we abandon it first. But it is perfect for the bottom of a dress or skirt.

6. Any drapery in the chest and neck area draws attention to the shoulders and chest, adding unnecessary emphasis to them. Here we include flounces, ruffles, and embroidery. We exclude everything that emphasizes and makes the chest and neck voluminous. This, by the way, also applies to the pockets on the chest. Therefore, try to choose all shirts and blouses without pockets at the top.

7. Very short sleeves and puff sleeve. Both will visually increase your shoulders.

8. T-shirts and tops with thin straps. In contrast with thin straps, your shoulders will look even more massive.

9. Things that are too tight and too loose. The former will emphasize the imbalance of your figure, the latter will make you look like a closet. Your task is to choose fitted, slightly tight-fitting items.

10. Tight skirts, especially pencil skirts. This will elongate your lower body, creating even more contrast between your shoulders and hips. If you decide to wear such a skirt, then complement it with a jacket with a peplum, or choose the skirt itself with a peplum.

How should girls with an inverted triangle figure dress?

Now let's figure out which styles, silhouettes, colors and prints will most successfully emphasize the advantages of the “carrot” figure and hide its shortcomings.

1. Any items with an American armhole, V-shaped, deep oval or any other elongated neckline. The elongated shape of the neckline will visually elongate the neck, remove the emphasis from the shoulders and make the chest more graceful.

2. Items with vertical stripes. Everyone knows that stripes visually elongate the silhouette. And this is exactly what you need! Cardigans, jackets, shirts, blouses or sweaters with vertical stripes will elongate the upper body, making it more neat.

You can also use the vertical stripe effect when wearing items with a zipper or buttons.

3. Japanese style clothes. Most often, Japanese style clothing uses a very interesting cut in the shoulders. It's like he's going diagonally. This visually “cuts” the shoulders, making them visually smaller.

4. Your safest option is to choose clothes of a plain, calm color on top (preferably dark) and light or rich on the bottom. Try to keep all catchy accents in the form of bright colors and prints down.

5. Your ideal form of clothing is long models, at least to mid-thigh. Fitted, semi-tight items.

6. Outerwear - and fur coats should not have a large collar, especially made of fur. The silhouette is slightly fitted, knee length.

7. To balance the lower body, focus on it. Bright wide trousers, full skirts with prints, light colors, embroidery, jewelry, shiny fabrics are the best choice for the bottom.

8. Wide belt on the hips - stretches the upper body, enlarges the hips, making the figure balanced.

Dresses and skirts

So, your ideal dresses should have a V-shaped or any other elongated neckline. Preferably a flared hem with a slightly high waist.

Shift dresses will also look good on you. True, the main thing here is to find a middle ground. The dress should not be too voluminous and wide, but at the same time not tight, but a little loose.

A dress or skirt with a peplum to add volume to the hips. In this dress you will be able to balance your figure as much as possible, making it look like an hourglass. In this case, the peplum can be quite voluminous.

Dresses with a loose and full skirt, diverging towards the bottom. This dress or skirt will perfectly balance the silhouette.

Dresses in the Greek style perfectly hide all flaws and highlight advantages. If you have beautiful slender legs, then you can safely wear short Greek dresses.

Blazers, jackets, cardigans

Straight or slightly fitted, with peplum, vertical buttons, classic collar. Elongated options with pockets lowered to the bottom will also look good on you.

Trousers and jeans

Choose wider trousers, flared from the hip or boyfriend style, for example. Typically, girls with this type of figure are advised to avoid skinny jeans. But owners of slender legs sometimes want to show off in such fashionable jeans. You can wear skinny jeans, but try to choose lighter colors, perhaps even with a pattern or embroidery. And of course, in this case, your top should be visually elongated as much as possible.


Your ideal accessory is a thin, long scarf made of soft fabric that hangs freely to create a long neckline. Beads or pendants on a thin chain. Neat carnations or long dangling earrings.

Inverted triangle figure: your fashionable images

If your body type is an “inverted triangle,” then you probably dream of looking more feminine. And this can be achieved if you choose the right diet and exercise.

Characteristic features of the figure

The main features of the inverted triangle body type are narrow hips and pelvis and broad shoulders. That is, the upper part is noticeably larger than the lower, which makes the body look like a V or an inverted triangle. Because of this, it looks athletic and fit, like professional athletes, but not quite feminine.

It is worth noting that women with the body type in question are often not inclined to be overweight and do not have problems with excess weight if they lead a fairly active lifestyle. When the mass begins to increase, the fat deposits are localized in the upper part of the body, namely in the chest, arms and shoulders. Next, the waist comes into the process, and the body type can change and turn into the so-called “apple”. Legs always remain slender, and this is undoubtedly a big plus.

Celebrities with this body type

Don't think that you are the only one facing this problem. In fact, many women have a similar body type, and among them there are famous and successful ones, and this once again proves that if you believe in yourself and present yourself favorably, then everyone will think that you are magnificent. For example, Cameron Diaz, Madonna, Elena Isinbayeva, Angelina Jolie, Catherine Zeta Jones, Sienna Miller, Segurney Weaver, Demi Moore and many others have a wide upper body.

What challenges are you facing?

Your main task is to make your figure more feminine. This can be achieved, first of all, by increasing the lower body. But it should not be carried out by increasing the amount of fat consumed, because in any case they will be deposited in the wrong place, namely at the top. Therefore, the only sure way is specially selected physical activity.

As for the upper part of the body, it is unlikely that it will be possible to reduce it, because it is wide not so much because of fat deposits, but because of the peculiarities of the constitution. And even the volume of muscle tissue in this area can be quite normal.

It's just the way your skeleton is designed, and there's nothing you can do about it. But if you do not increase the loads placed on this part, it will not increase, that is, problem areas will become almost invisible (provided that other areas are worked on).

Proper weight loss

How to lose weight if you have an inverted triangle body type? The peculiarities of losing weight are determined by the fact that almost all owners of this type have a good metabolism, that is, their body quickly processes incoming fats, and if their intake is controlled, then the weight will not increase. In addition, all girls and women are quite athletic and athletic, so they have very prominent muscles.

But this is exactly what can turn against them if some rules are not followed. If you act thoughtfully and comprehensively, then the shortcomings will become invisible, and the advantages will favorably emphasize your appearance.

How to eat?

The first place to start on your path to an ideal figure is proper nutrition. And it should be based on the following principles:

  1. Fats can be included in the diet, but only healthy ones and in moderation. They are found in fatty varieties of sea fish, as well as in vegetable oils. But consume the latter fresh; frying them is not recommended.
  2. The amount of protein should be sufficient, but not excessive. Your diet may include fermented milk products (for example, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese), low-fat fish and poultry (turkey, chicken).
  3. You just need carbohydrates, which are easiest to get from cereal products. So your menu should certainly include various cereals, and you can and even need to add fruits or berries to them. Also prepare side dishes from cereals, for example, rice (preferably brown), buckwheat, bulgur, and so on.
  4. Focus on vegetables. Firstly, they are low in calories, and secondly, they contain a certain amount of carbohydrates.
  5. Fruits and berries are also very good for you, because they are a source of carbohydrates and also contain a lot of minerals, vitamins, macro- and microelements.
  6. Drink about 1.5-2 liters of water, but no more. When the amount decreases, metabolism may slow down, and exceeding the norm threatens the appearance of edema.
  7. Control your salt intake, because its excess will inevitably lead to fluid retention, and in your case it will be localized in the upper part of the body: on the arms, face.
  8. Hot spices are also undesirable for you, so replace them with aromatic seasonings, but add them to dishes in moderation.
  9. Exclude from the menu smoked, spicy, salted, pickled, carbonated drinks, high-calorie confectionery and baked goods (marshmallows, bran bread, marshmallows are allowed), as well as semi-finished products and fast food.

How to play sports?

Physical activity is also useful and necessary, but properly selected.

The following exercises will help you make your lower body more voluminous:

  • , because they allow you to work out your buttocks and thighs, increasing muscle mass in these areas.
  • Cycling is for you. At home or in the gym, you can exercise on an exercise bike. An elliptical one will also come in handy.
  • If you want to work out with a trainer, then sign up for step aerobics. These are dynamic workouts that will make your legs and buttocks more prominent. The upper body is minimally involved, but, for example, the abs are also actively worked out.
  • Lunge forward. Starting position: standing straight, legs together, and hands on your waist. Next, take a wide step forward with your right leg, bend your left knee, touch the floor with it and lower yourself as low as possible. Repeat for the other leg and perform the exercise about 30 times.
  • Jogging or running on a treadmill will help. But to achieve results, it is better to train daily and for at least fifteen to twenty minutes, trying to maintain an active pace.
  • To acquire a beautiful waist, you can twist the hoop and: lift or tilt the body.

Some useful tips for girls with an inverted triangle body type:

  1. Remember that a woman who is confident in herself simply cannot have flaws. And if they exist, then others know nothing about them. So if you feel like a goddess, others will feel the same way about you. Therefore, wear yours with pride.
  2. Don't slouch or roll your shoulders! At first glance, it may seem that this technique will help narrow the upper part, but this opinion is wrong. You will look extremely ridiculous, uptight and completely unattractive. It is better, on the contrary, to straighten your shoulders and push your chest forward.
  3. To look sexier and more feminine, review your wardrobe and start dressing correctly. Focus on the lower part of the body and try to increase its volume. Wear full skirts and tapered trousers in bright colors. But try to transform the upper part so that it becomes more miniature. It is not recommended to open both shoulders and wear bustier models (although asymmetrical items with one sleeve are quite acceptable); it is better to choose blouses with rounded deep necklines, T-shirts with straps close to the shoulders, as well as pullovers with slightly lowered shoulder lines. And wear clothes with vertical prints on the top and horizontal prints on the bottom.

Remember: you can look stunning with any figure if you have confidence in yourself!

The inverted triangle body type is characterized by broad shoulders and narrow hips. The waist, as a rule, is not very pronounced (the difference between the waist and hips is small), although variations are possible.
Often, owners of this type of figure wear a larger “top” than their “bottom.” The chest may be L while the hips are S, and this is not surprising.
An inverted triangle is a very toned figure, typical of athletes; many models and celebrities also have broad shoulders and narrow hips (and slender legs to boot). However, in order to look more feminine (broad shoulders and a narrow pelvis, especially in the absence of a pronounced waist, are still more valued in a male figure than in a female one), it is important to be able to balance the upper body with the lower and create smooth curves where they are No.

We will look at several famous girls with an inverted triangle figure and try to figure out how the outfits they chose work.

Demmy Moor
Forever young Demi is a bright representative of the body type in question.
Well, what else could Soldier Jane be?

It is worth giving credit to Demi - basically she presents her figure in an advantageous light; unsuccessful outfits were much more difficult to find than successful ones.
For example, a deep neckline (V-shaped or round) + volume in the hips distracts attention from the shoulders and perfectly balances the figure:

Open shoulders, plus volume in the hips - and the figure is balanced, and the shoulders are beautiful:

By the way, Demi’s long hair plays an important role here; it disguises the width of her shoulders and creates vertical lines in the upper body.
But what happens when there is not enough volume in the lower body, and the emphasis shifts to the chest/shoulders area:

(1) The cowl collar creates unnecessary emphasis on the upper body, there is not enough volume in the hip area, plus a too wide belt shows a lack of waist.
(2) Horizontal at chest level + an accent in the form of a ring draws the eye to the shoulders, there is no volume below (although draperies are implied, but the fabric is too flabby and does not hold its shape), again a wide belt.
(3) The deep neckline creates a horizontal line, but the worse thing here is that the top is too tight to the figure and shows an almost complete lack of difference between the hips and waist.

Other ways to widen your shoulders (horizontal, extended shoulder line, puffy sleeves):

Anna Kournikova
From her tennis past, Anna has very athletic shoulders and slender legs.

What happens in clothes?
Two off-shoulder dresses:
- on the left, the excessive fit and lack of volume in the hips demonstrate in all their glory the lack of curves in the waist (and yes, thin straps make the shoulders visually wider);
- on the right, the upper and lower parts of the body are balanced due to the voluminous skirt.

More dresses:

On the left is a grenadier's shoulder span: narrow dress straps, excessive fit at the waist and hips.
On the right, everything is very feminine: the diagonal “one shoulder” elongates the upper body, the drapery at hip level balances the figure.

And here are two options with the same deep neckline (which usually distracts attention from the width of the shoulders):

Only on the left is a sleeveless T-shirt with narrow straps and very tight trousers, as a result at the hip level there is no volume as a class, and all this together makes the shoulders huge.
And on the right we see: a vertical fastener, long sleeves and, finally, shorts that create a horizontal line in the lower part of the body. The figure is balanced.

"Active" top of a striped blouse against the vertical created by a black jacket:

And the point here is not the horizontal stripe, which supposedly makes you look fat (we wrote about visual illusions associated with a slimming horizontal plane ) .
The point is that if you focus your attention on an object, it appears larger. In the case of prints, this means that the printed item usually appears more solid. And here it is exacerbated by tight black leggings.

But on the right there is a deep narrow V-neck, a vertical jacket, a long white blouse that draws attention to the central part of the figure, and shorts - you’ll never guess what your hips really are.

And Anna is also good at a distracting maneuver codenamed “I’m with Enrique” :)
Broad shoulders? Lack of waist? We haven't heard, we don't know!

Angelina Jolie

Two outfits in the same color scheme:

Only on the left the narrow hips are in no way balanced with the exposed broad shoulders, but on the right it’s the other way around: at the top instead of horizontal there is a wavy line + diagonal, at the bottom there is drapery at the level of the hips, adding volume. And although, most likely, there was a corset at the waist, the figure acquired feminine curves, and the shoulders do not seem to be the widest part of it.

Two dresses:

Several options for the “correct” skirts and dresses:

And here in the hips I want to add a little volume:

Left: Pairing a loose white boat-neck blouse with skinny black trousers will make your shoulders appear wider, your legs appear thinner, and the difference between the width of your shoulders and hips more noticeable.
Right: The V-neck, vertical zipper, loose fit at the waist and slender legs in eye-catching jeans perfectly balance the figure.

To summarize, there are several recommendations for inverted triangle shapes:
- Elements that attract the eye to the central part of the figure and the face;
- Vertical and diagonal lines;
- Long beads and scarves;
- No excessive volumes or details on the shoulders (epaulets, puffy sleeves, etc.);
- Soft shoulder line;
- Dropped shoulders;
- Set-in sleeves, raglan sleeves;
- Deep V-shaped or round necklines (avoid cowl collars, square necklines);
- Elements that draw the eye to the hips to balance the shoulders.

In this case, of course, it is important to remember the overall proportionality, scale and other individual features.
Dear Inverted Triangles, good luck to you in finding your own styles and stylish things! :)

Your Atelier of stylish ideas.

Among the many types of female figures there is no “right” or “wrong”, beautiful or ugly - it is the individuality and uniqueness of each woman that makes her attractive. The opinion that only the hourglass figure is ideal, and all others are imperfect, is wrong. Many universally recognized beauties - Angelina Jolie, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Demi Moore, Cameron Diaz - have inverted triangle figures. It’s easy to highlight your beauty and hide the imperfections of this type of figure with the help of a properly selected wardrobe; you just need to know a few tricks. By choosing the dresses, tops and jackets that suit you, you will create a bright and unique look.

Owners of the “Inverted Triangle” type

You can safely classify your figure as an “inverted triangle” type if it has the following features:

  • straight, fairly broad shoulders and/or ample chest;
  • wide strong back;
  • not too pronounced waist;
  • narrow hips and long slender legs.

This type of figure is also called a “carrot” or “wine glass”; these words most accurately convey its main feature: the combination of a fairly massive upper part and a light and thin lower part. The inverted triangle body type is one of the most common among the fair sex; its undoubted advantages include the fit and upward direction of the entire silhouette. Very often, women with such a figure can boast of long, straight and slender legs, toned hips and buttocks, but many of them will name broad shoulders and a massive torso as their “problem” area.

Fitness and nutrition

Of course, proper nutrition and proper physical activity are the key to a slim figure. If you tend to gain weight, we try to indulge in sweets for up to 12 hours. Use fractional meals and exclude “bad-tasting” foods: mayonnaise, chips, packaged juices, carbonated drinks, fried foods. More fruits and vegetables!
Sports should be regular and aimed at building muscle mass in the lower body: thighs, buttocks. To do this, we use dumbbell exercises for these muscle groups, but not more than 3 kg each. Exercises for the upper muscle groups: arms, shoulders, chest - should keep your figure in good shape without building muscle mass, so we don’t use dumbbells.

A wardrobe tailored to your individual needs

Properly selected clothing and accessories will help eliminate a slight imbalance between the top and bottom. By wisely combining colors and textures, taking into account the silhouette of a dress or top, you can create a harmonious image that will highlight the features of your figure most advantageously.

Images of Charlize Theron

Here are some general rules for the wardrobe of those with an inverted triangle figure:

  1. Do not accentuate broad shoulders and a full bust with unnecessary details: avoid puffed sleeves, ruffles and voluminous bows on the chest;
  2. Boat neckline, stand-up neckline, cowl neckline, American armhole and too short sleeves visually expand the upper body, so clothes with such elements should be avoided;
  3. Short, tight skirts and shorts are prohibited - they will only emphasize the imbalance of the figure;
  4. Clothes made of light, flowing fabrics lighten the entire silhouette as a whole.

Strictly prohibited: shoulder pads and shoulder pads, decorative epaulets and voluminous asymmetrical collars.

We select tops, blouses, jackets

For those with an “inverted triangle” silhouette, the “white top - black bottom” rule should be exactly the opposite: darker tones of tops and blouses hide the excessive bulk of the chest and shoulders. Avoid small prints, as well as large details: bows, massive brooches, ruffles and ruffles will not suit you. Strict geometry of the cut, bright but laconic colors - such clothes look perfect on those with a V-silhouette.

The most suitable models can be safely called:

  • tops, blouses and pullovers with a deep V-neck,
  • blouses with wrap effect,
  • single-breasted jackets mid-thigh length, with classic lapels, with one or two buttons,
  • blouses-shirts in men's style with narrow vertical stripes.

Cameron Diaz images

Your dress

Dresses will help make your figure more harmonious and feminine. Choose solid-color models, or opt for fabrics with graphic prints. Avoid wide horizontal stripes, especially in the chest area. The following look most impressive on women of this build:

  • shirt dresses,
  • classic wrap dresses in the style of Diane von Furstenberg,
  • fitted, with a flared or A-line skirt to the knee and below.

Dress options

Accessorize the dress with a wide belt to highlight your waist.

Selection of trousers and skirts

Skirts and trousers made of light, light fabrics will help balance your figure. You should not give up classic shades (black, gray, deep blue), but in this case it is not recommended to choose too tight models. Skirt silhouettes

For our type, emphasis on the wide line of the trunks at the hip:

Swimsuit options

Here are just a few simple rules for choosing a wardrobe for women with an inverted triangle silhouette. The right clothes will help you balance your silhouette, and by adding bright accessories (a long necklace, a wide belt on the hips, a light flowing scarf), you will create a complete look that will best highlight your unique beauty!

How can you tell if your body type is an inverted triangle?

  • Your shoulders are significantly wider than your hips;
  • If you are gaining weight, weight gain first occurs in the shoulder area;
  • You have narrow hips and possibly flat buttocks;
  • Your legs are slender or even slightly thin, especially at the bottom.

How should women and girls with an inverted triangle figure dress?

The main task is not to hide the width of your shoulders, but to balance your figure as much as possible and bring it as close to ideal as possible. We wrote about ideal proportions, as well as how the cut and style of clothing, color and lines on the fabric affect a beautiful female image in the article.

Blouses, shirts, jumpers and cardigans (sweatshirts) for women and girls with an inverted triangle figure

For those with broad shoulders, we we recommend wear tops with V-neck And we do not recommend– with a cutout in the form pumps, because This neckline will visually make your shoulders even wider. High-waisted Greek-style blouses will suit you.

Make your upper body look slimmer, women with an inverted triangle body type should choose sweaters and jumpers with vertical or diagonal lines. Refuse from classic vests to jumpers and cardigans with dropped armholes: they will visually expand your shoulders and chest. Broad-shouldered girls and women should not wear blouses with decorative elements in the neckline in the form of pockets, bows or draperies.

Wide belts often look great on girls and women with narrow hips.

Skirts and trousers for women with an inverted triangle body type

Your task is to use clothing to create the appearance of volume in the hips and buttocks area. Pencil skirts are suitable and not suitable for this (if they are without peplum).

In the photo there is a long skirt with a geometric pattern:

Loose-cut shorts combined with a long peplum top are suitable for a young woman or girl with narrow hips and a wide chest, see photo:

The photo shows another ideal trouser style for women and girls with narrow hips:

We recommend that girls and women with an inverted triangle figure avoid tight trousers and skinny jeans, because... they will only draw attention to the imbalance.

The ideal color combination for girls and women with wide shoulders is “dark top - light bottom”.

But, as we have already said, light fabric can work as dark fabric, i.e. visually reduce the size of the proportions if combined with printed fabric. Therefore, if you want to wear, say, a white blouse, then it is better if your dark skirt is either with a fashionable pattern or in a checkered pattern.

Remember that bright contrasting designs or prints visually increase horizontal volume, so do not wear them in the neckline.

Dresses for women girls with wide shoulders and narrow hips

The photo shows approximate styles for dressy women and women with an inverted triangle figure. All proposed styles visually stretch and “slim” the upper body and add volume to the hips:

The photo shows suitable coat styles for women and girls with an inverted triangle figure:

Swimwear for girls and women with narrow hips and large breasts

The rules for choosing a swimsuit are the same as for clothes. It is advisable to have a print or light tone on the bikini (see photo on the left).

When choosing a bikini, you can also opt for a plain one. To visually correct narrow hips, choose a bikini so that a wide horizontal line on the hips visually enlarges the hips (pictured on the right). On the tops of both swimsuits we see vertical converging lines that visually narrow the chest:

A one-piece swimsuit with a V-neck is suitable for plump girls and women with an inverted triangle body type:

How to choose a bag for a woman or girl with an inverted triangle figure?

The bag is essentially part of the silhouette, so it is advisable that it hangs at hip level. The bag should not be very small or very large. For girls with narrow hips, a medium-sized clutch is also suitable.

Kate Middleton - inverted triangle!)

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