Hairstyles for girls bun with pigtail. How to braid beautiful hair for children: photos and tips

Braiding hair was once a ritual practice and was common to most cultures. Over time, hairstyles with braids became more complex and acquired a festive character. Long hair is both a pride and a problem for girls. A mop below the shoulder blades can hardly be styled, and braided hairstyles are a salvation.

Three-strand braid. Video lesson for beginners

Video lesson from Elvira Alexandrova's Braiding School for beginners. The three-strand braid is the simplest and is the basis for many types of braids. The author shows how to braid a French braid. The video shows a technique for adding volume and elegance to a hairstyle by pulling out interlaced strands.

Braiding girls' hair

The video master class clearly shows how easy it is to learn how to independently weave beautiful braids for girls at home. This skill will be useful for hairdressers, stylists and mothers.

Dutch braid

The advantage of Dutch braiding is its uniform volume and texture throughout the entire braid from start to finish, even with low hair density. The technique is suitable for beginners who have difficulty performing accurate pick-ups. The secret of extra volume is in double braiding: a Dutch braid on top of a French braid. Weaving is called “reverse” because the strands are alternately laid out under each other. In profile, the hairstyle looks like a mohawk and is suitable for everyday life and festive occasions.

Circular weaving

Weaving, popular among schoolgirls, is called differently: “baskets”, “crown”, “cobweb”. The braid is performed using the pick-up method, taking all the hair in a circle. The result is a comfortable hairstyle that can be worn for several days, with virtually no need for straightening or adjustment. For an accurate result, you will need a comb with a fine tip to separate strands, a thin elastic band and bobby pins.

Fishtail braid with extra strands

A “spikelet” or “fishtail” braid is made from two strands. The training video shows the method of weaving with tiebacks. The pigtail looks good made from a regular ponytail, without tiebacks. Braiding is suitable for ladder and cascade haircuts: due to the tight braiding of small strands, the hairstyle is held firmly and eliminates sticking hair.

Combined braid. Three braids technique

The hairstyle is based on the “reverse braid” and “fishtail” techniques with lifting and pulling out strands. Weaving begins with two parallel braids with a peculiarity: free strands are left on the inside of each braid. A central braid is woven from the remaining strands. The activity requires developed finger motor skills and skill in working with basic braids.

Braid with elastic bands "Feather"

A braid that resembles a feather in shape looks interesting on long straight hair. The hairstyle looks voluminous and has a 3D effect. The technique is quite complex and painstaking: we recommend starting with simpler weaving options. Based on weaving, you can create creative hairstyles using ribbons, decorative pins and other decorations.

Easy braiding technique for medium to long hair

Weaving braids on your own hair requires skill, experience and strong hands. The video tutorial demonstrates a quick way to get a beautiful hairstyle on the first try. The result is an original hairstyle for every day. The braid can be adapted for a celebration by decorating it with hair accessories. Please note: braiding is suitable for haircuts with long strands near the face, 10 centimeters below the chin.

Hollywood wave braid

“Hollywood curls” and “Hollywood waves” are classic hairstyles for elegant and romantic ladies. Often, long straight hair, due to its impressive weight, weakly holds such shapes. A godsend in such a case is the braided version of the Hollywood wave. The author of the video tutorial recommends practicing your hair several times before final braiding. Beginners will find useful tips on how to make weaving stronger.

If a girl goes to kindergarten or school, it is very important that she has a beautiful hairstyle. A simple braid or ponytail is no longer enough, especially if your hair is long and thick. Therefore, it is important to know how to learn how to braid a child’s hair, especially since it is not at all difficult and is accessible even to beginners. An intricate hairstyle can be not only festive, but also used as an everyday option and significantly save the family budget.

Basic Rules

Before creating a beautiful hairstyle on your child’s head, it is important to follow certain hair styling rules:

  1. Basically, we braid children's hair when we send them to school, to classes or to the sports section. Comfort should come first. Hair should not be over-tightened, as this can lead to headaches. To avoid this situation, you should not allow the braids to be braided with excessive density.
  2. You should not give your child a complex hairstyle in the morning before the start of the school day, as this is unnecessary. There is not much time to do your hair during this period, just a few minutes. You need to meet them without wasting unnecessary nerves.
  3. It is best to braid children's braids from hair of approximately the same length. In the case of a multi-layered hairstyle, it is better to use hairpins and bobby pins.
  4. You shouldn't wait until the end of the braid to start weaving in ribbons, bows and laces. This will make your hair look fuller and thicker.
  5. To separate the strands, it is best to use a fine-toothed comb. For easier styling of strands, the hair must first be wetted.

Helpful advice: in order for the braids to remain neat longer, after braiding is completed, the hairstyle should be sprayed several times with a spray bottle. This way the braid will be more intact, since hairspray is highly not recommended for children.

Before learning how to weave braids, it is important to prepare the necessary tools:

  • Tape, if necessary;
  • Multi-colored elastic bands of small sizes;
  • Spray bottle filled with water;
  • A comb with rare teeth.

Hairstyles for short hair

For short hair, the following braided hairstyle options are available:

  1. Make a straight parting and braid two braids in the shape of spikelets. Use rubber bands or beautiful ribbons.
  2. Divide your hair into a couple of parts, making a low ponytail for each of them. If you wrap the strands near the place where they are tied with an elastic band, you will get two small buns.
  3. After dividing the hair into 5-6 parts, braids are braided in each of them. As a result, a tail is assembled from the braids, which can be higher or lower than usual.

Snake scythe

Ideal if the girl has long curls. Weaving technology:

  • The hair needs to be combed well and then parted;
  • A small area is combed closer to the face, and the remaining strands are thrown back;
  • Weaving begins after separating a small section;
  • Laying the strand from the side is done on the middle section, up to the final weave;
  • The originality of the hairstyle is that the direction of the braids is constantly changing, and the braiding must be carried out to the end;
  • The remaining mass of hair is pulled into one or 2 ponytails.

Braids for medium hair

There are many options for hairstyles for children's hair of medium length. Here is a simple option that will clearly tell you how to braid children’s hair for beginners:

  • The curls will need to be gathered into a ponytail;
  • The hair mass is then divided into two sections;
  • Each section is twisted into a tourniquet;
  • Each of the strands is intertwined with each other and then secured with pins.

Helpful advice: to avoid brittle and split ends, we urge you not to use hairspray. As in the previous case, to preserve the braid you will need to lightly spray your hair with water from a spray bottle.

Hair waterfall

The appearance of a child's hairstyle is quite beautiful, but due to the complexity of its implementation, it is not suitable for everyone. Let's look at the execution of this hairstyle step by step:

  • First, you should comb your hair and make a side parting;
  • After selecting a small area, divide it into three parts and braid, leaving new strands hanging, as shown in the photo below:

Long hair braids

There can be many options. It is possible to braid not only braids, but also beautiful plaits and buns. Some mothers may even attend special weaving courses. In this section we will present several popular and accessible techniques that beginners can do.


The hairstyle consists of braids consisting of four strands, and is great for long and thick hair.

Performance technique

  • Carefully combed strands are sprinkled with water. The curls should not be excessively wet;
  • Next, you will need to make a parting, highlighting the area next to the temple, which, in turn, is divided into four components;
  • The outermost section on the right is transferred to the third section. After which the second section is transferred to the third section. This process is similar to weaving traditional braids;
  • Why do you need to place the first strand under the next one from below;
  • Similar manipulations are repeated in relation to the three right sections;
  • Choose the direction in the middle in relation to the back of the head;
  • A similar design is made when weaving on the other side;
  • A bow and an elastic band are used for tying.
  • As a result, we get a universal option that is quite interesting and can be used by children every day.


Execution diagram

  • Make a high ponytail;
  • Next, a small area is selected and secured with a hairpin;
  • The remaining mass is divided into three parts, after which step-by-step weaving occurs inside out;
  • During the weaving process, several hairs are pulled from each strand;
  • An elastic band is used to secure the resulting braid;
  • Now work begins on the area left initially;
  • The section is divided in half, after which it is twisted into a bundle;
  • Next, the braid and the tourniquet are carefully fastened together;
  • The strands are carefully pulled out, resulting in a voluminous hairstyle.

Another option for a simple hairstyle with plaits:

Another option is a fishtail, the design of which is quite simple.

  • First you need to comb your hair and then divide the parting into 2 main parts.
  • Separate a small section, then place it on top of the main part. Then place it under the right side and continue weaving until the end. The strands should be uniform and thin.
  • Secure the resulting braid with an elastic band.

Headband of curls

This headband looks quite impressive and is a wonderful alternative to the usual headband, since it reveals the face. The rest of your hair can be curled. This hairstyle is ideal for a graduation party in kindergarten.

Step-by-step execution

  • The hair is combed and curls are released from the forehead. The rest of the hair is pulled into the ponytail;
  • The strands in front are thrown to one side, and weaving of a regular spikelet begins;
  • At the end of the weaving, regular braids are made;
  • In order to hide the tip, loose curls are used. To make it hold better, invisible ones are used to secure it.

  • Long hair gets tangled quickly. In order to avoid this, special means are used, for example, various serums. Thanks to them, the hair becomes softer and more manageable. It is better if the serum or cream for children has an unobtrusive aroma.
  • Unusual braids can be done even on thin hair. The hairstyle will be visually more voluminous if it is loosely braided.
  • To give your hair a festive look, use bright ribbons or beautiful hairpins. Modest braids in your hair are an ideal option for school everyday life. If a holiday is planned, original weaving will be required.
  • Don't be discouraged if something in braiding doesn't work out the first time. Practice and mastery will definitely come with experience and patience.

How to properly braid a child’s hair: simple patterns

Voluminous braid “Jasmine”

This hairstyle is very beautiful, and with it the girl will resemble the princess from the cartoon about Aladdin. It adds volume to thin hair, so it is most suitable for them.

  • After combing, the hair is gathered into a classic ponytail.
  • Small strands are separated from each side of the hair and connected using a small elastic band.
  • To comb braided hair, use a fine comb to create volume.
  • The following strands are selected in a similar way, then secured with an elastic band and combed.
  • Each element is repeated in a similar way, after which the tip is secured with an elastic band.

“Loving Heart” and “French Braid”: 2 in 1

This hairstyle will look appropriate on any occasion. The execution technology is as follows:

  • Hair should be horizontally divided into 2 parts;
  • The lower part is pinned with a working hairpin and left alone for now;
  • The upper part is divided into two parts by an even parting;
  • Identical ponytails are made on the base of the two upper halves, braided in a classic manner and attached to the tip with thin bobby pins. The braids should remain convex and not fit too tightly to the head;
  • The braids curved to the outside are attached with bobby pins, so that the hairstyle takes the shape of a heart;
  • The lower part of the hair can be left loose or braided into simple French or;

A creative approach is always beneficial, even if it has to do with how to braid a girl’s hair beautifully and simply. A little fashionista with a similar hairstyle will not go unnoticed, showing a true example of style, encouraging others to master this art. Moreover, there are plenty of ways to do this, regardless of hair length. Thus, braids on girls’ hair remain a neat and convenient option. Remember that a girl who looks beautiful from childhood grows up to be a confident, well-groomed woman!

Pull your hair into a high ponytail. Divide it into three parts and braid it. Wrap it around the base and secure the bun with an elastic band, leaving a small tail. Decorate your hair with a bow.

2. High voluminous ponytails with elastic bands

YouTube channel Lizas Braids

What do you need

  • Comb.

How to do

Divide your hair in half, making an even parting. Pull them into two high ponytails.

A little below the base, tie the tail with an elastic band. For volume, straighten your hair between two elastic bands. Decorate the entire length of the ponytails in the same way.

YouTube channel Lizas Braids

What do you need

  • Comb.
  • 1 regular elastic band.
  • Thin scarf.
  • 2 thin invisible elastic bands.
  • Several hairpins.

How to do

Pull your hair into a high ponytail. Tie a folded scarf over the elastic so that the knot is located under the tail.

Divide your hair into two parts. Twist each of them with half of the fabric - details are in the video. Secure the ends of the resulting strands with thin elastic bands.

Twist the hair around the base of the ponytail and bun with pins.

What do you need

  • Comb.
  • 1 regular elastic band.
  • 2 thin invisible elastic bands.
  • Bow hairpin.

How to do

Pull your hair into a high ponytail and secure with an elastic band. Separate a small strand at the top of the ponytail, braid it and tie the end with a thin elastic band.

Braid the remaining hair into a braid and style it, pulling the strands to the sides. Tie the ends of the two braids together with an elastic band and attach a bow on top.

YouTube channel ChikasChic

What do you need

  • Roller for creating a bun.
  • 4 thin elastic bands.
  • Comb.
  • 2 regular rubber bands.
  • Several hairpins.
  • Hairspray is optional.

How to do

Give the roller a heart shape using elastic bands, as shown in the video. Gather your hair into a ponytail and secure with an elastic band.

Thread the hair into the roller and distribute it around it, smooth it out and put on another elastic band.

Wrap the remaining hair around the bun, securing it with bobby pins. Straighten the bun and fix it with varnish if necessary.

What do you need

  • Comb.
  • 4 rubber bands.
  • 2 bow clips.

How to do

Divide your hair in half with a straight parting. Make two thin ponytails on the sides on top, and two thick ponytails on the bottom.

Braid the top ponytail, remove the elastic from the bottom ponytail and secure your hair with it. Make another braid in the same way and connect it to the second ponytail. Decorate with bows.

YouTube channel hair4littlegirls

What do you need

  • Comb.
  • 8 thin invisible elastic bands.
  • 2 bow clips.

How to do

Gather the top of your hair into two ponytails. Tie an elastic band just below the base of one ponytail. Divide your hair in half between the elastic bands and pass the lower part of the ponytail there, as shown in the video. Repeat one more time.

Do the same with the second tail. Pin both sections of hair at the bottom together. On the resulting ponytail, repeat the pattern with elastic bands twice more. Decorate your hair with bows.

YouTube channel Easy Toddler Hairstyles

What do you need

  • Comb.
  • 3 rubber bands.
  • 2 bow clips.

How to do

Make side partings on top and separate the strands. Secure it temporarily with an elastic band so it doesn’t get in the way. Divide the rest of your hair into two parts and gather it into ponytails.

Divide the strand on top in half as well. Twist each part and connect it to the opposite ponytail. Decorate your hair with hairpins.

YouTube channel Silly Avacado

What do you need

  • Comb.
  • 1 elastic band.
  • Several invisible ones.

How to do

Gather the top of your hair into a ponytail. On the last turn of the elastic, do not pull the hair completely out.

Divide the resulting loop in half and spread it apart, as shown in the video. Secure your hair with bobby pins so that it looks like a bow.

Take a small strand from the middle of the tail, wrap it up and attach it with a bobby pin. Trim your hair.

YouTube channel hair4littlegirls

What do you need

  • Comb.
  • 10 rubber bands.
  • Crab hairpin.

How to do

Divide your hair in half at the top. Make a thin ponytail on one side. Separate another strand underneath, add the tail you made to it and secure with an elastic band. Tie up your hair with an elastic band and a crab so that it doesn't get in the way.

Repeat three more times until all are collected. Make a pattern on the other side of the head in the same way. Lightly straighten your hair between the elastic bands to add volume to the design.

YouTube channel Brown Haired Bliss

What do you need

  • Comb.
  • 3 rubber bands.
  • Bow hairpin.

How to do

Separate a small strand at the top right and gather it into a ponytail. Secure the rest of the hair with an elastic band at the bottom of the same side.

Divide the upper ponytail in half, twist each part separately, and then together. Connect with the bottom ponytail.

Also separate the rest of your hair into two parts, twist it into a rope and tie it with an elastic band. Decorate your hair with a bow.

YouTube channel hair4littlegirls

What do you need

  • Comb.
  • 4 rubber bands.
  • Crab hairpin.
  • Bow hairpin.

How to do

Divide the top section of your hair into two equal sections and make ponytails. Pull the rest of your hair into a low ponytail. To keep the top ones out of the way, secure them with a hairpin.

Divide the top ponytails in half. Twist those parts that are closer to the center and make a tourniquet out of them. Attach it to the lower tail with a crab hook.

Divide the remaining strands of each ponytail in half and twist. Tie all the flagella and tail with an elastic band and decorate it with a bow.

YouTube channel Mania de Penteado

What do you need

  • Comb.
  • Hairpin or bobby pin.
  • Several elastic bands (depending on hair length).

How to do

Make a high ponytail. Separate a thin strand from the side, wrap it around an elastic band and secure with a hairpin or bobby pin.

Separate a small strand from the top and fold it up. Tie another elastic band a little lower on the tail. Separate a small curl underneath and fold it up in the middle of the first strand. Divide it in half and connect it with an elastic band with the rest of your hair.

Continue doing this in the same way until you reach the end of the tail. In the process, carefully pull the strands to the sides and straighten them.

YouTube channel hair4littlegirls

What do you need

  • Comb.
  • 12 rubber bands.
  • Crab clips.
  • Several hairpins.

How to do

Divide your hair in half with a straight parting. Then divide them into six parts and gather them into ponytails as shown in the video. To keep your hair out of the way, choose ready-made tails like crabs.

Divide the lower left ponytail into two parts and twist them together. Bring a section of hair up to the middle right ponytail and secure with an elastic band. In the same way, tie the lower right ponytail to the middle left one.

Then make a cross pattern of medium ponytails in the same way. But when connecting them to the top ones, do not pull out the hair completely, but only a little.

Wrap the remaining hair around the buns and secure with elastic bands. Trim the buns with bobby pins.

YouTube channel ChikasChic

What do you need

  • Comb.
  • 4 rubber bands.
  • A hair loop is a special tool for pulling strands through (you can do without it, but it will be easier and neater).
  • Several hairpins.

How to do

Comb the top of your hair into a ponytail at the nape of your neck. Pull a loop under it with the sharp end up, pass the tail into it and pull it out. Details are in the video.

Divide the ponytail in half and braid two reverse braids. Pull it up and form a heart shape, securing the hair with bobby pins. At the bottom, tie the braids together and remove the excess elastic bands.

Insert the pointed end of the loop into the junction of the braids. Separate a thin strand from the back of the ponytail, wrap it around an elastic band and pull it through a loop.

First of all, a hairstyle for school should be practical and sustainable. If the hairstyle is loosely secured or very light, then after a couple of hours there will be no trace left of it, especially if there is also a physical education lesson. At the same time, the hairstyle should not tighten the hair too much so as not to interfere with blood circulation, because the head will hurt and the child will get tired quickly. And the main requirement for a school hairstyle is that it does not take much time to create.

We offer hairstyle options for different hair lengths that will complement and individualize the look for both little girls and older girls.

Even if the hair is short, it still needs to be braided so that the hair does not hang down, because it will interfere and distract the child from activities. The hairstyle should be neat and practical, but with short hair there are not many hairstyles that can be done for school. But, you can still play with the parting and different elastic bands. A short haircut can be complemented with a hoop or a beautiful hairpin.

For short hair, you can also make ponytails or braid a spikelet along the hairline from the bangs.

Medium hair length is the most practical for creating a comfortable and beautiful school hairstyle. You can make a wide variety of hairstyles: braids, braids, ponytails, buns and much more.

Beautiful bun for school

A bun is perfect for school, and it’s not at all difficult to make; you first need to make a tail and secure it with a good elastic band. We put on a bagel, and leave one thin strand for braiding. We distribute the hair that remains in the donut evenly and begin to weave a braid. Then wrap the remaining braid around the bun and secure with hairpins. You can decorate the bun with a bow or a beautiful hairpin.

Bow hairstyle in five minutes

First, comb your hair well and make a high ponytail, and when you scroll it the last time with an elastic band, do not stick the ponytail out to the end (photo below). Then you divide the hair into two parts and make a bow from the remaining hair, secure it with a bobby pin and the hairstyle is ready. Don't forget to secure your hair well so that the bow doesn't fall apart.

Another option for a bow is to make it on the side, so the hairstyle looks more playful.

Low bun

Comb your hair well, gather it in a ponytail at the back of your head and tie it with an elastic band. Divide your hair in the middle above the elastic and pull the ponytail into this hole from bottom to top. Then gather the rest of your hair into a bun and secure it with hairpins; you can also decorate it with a beautiful hairpin.

Volume big bun in 5 minutes

Comb your hair and make three ponytails at the back of your head. When twisting the tail for the last time, do not pull it out to the end (photo below). Then we fluff out the ponytails and secure them with hairpins to create one large, messy bun.

Hairstyle for long hair for school

The most practical hairstyle for long hair for school is a braid or ponytail. But, you can refresh these options in different ways and with unexpected details.

We offer to beautifully beat the tail and make it interesting.

You make a regular ponytail and secure it with a good elastic so it can last all day. Then you make an unusual braid from the tail using elastic bands (step-by-step photos below) along the entire length, at the end you straighten the hair a little and you can also decorate it with a bow or a hairpin.

Second tail option: make a ponytail, but not high, take a strand of hair and circle it around an elastic band, secure with hairpins. Then take thin transparent elastic bands and tie them to the tail, at approximately the same distance. Fluff your ponytails a little to create volume.

Beautiful braiding for long hair

Braids will look beautiful on any hair, but you can create masterpieces on long hair. You can decorate ponytails, buns and simply loose hair with braiding. Braids can be located anywhere - on the bangs, on the top of the head, on the back of the head.

These weaves can't be made in five minutes, but they look absolutely amazing.

Hairstyle of Anna and Elsa from the cartoon

The hairstyles of the main characters from the cartoon “Frozen” were loved by many; almost every girl who watched the cartoon wants a hairstyle like Anna and Elsa.

A hairstyle like Anna's is ideal for long hair. A braid is made of three strands, to which new strands of hair are gradually added from the sides, only the strands should be equal in thickness.

A selection of stylish and simple school hairstyles for teenagers:

Comb your hair well, tilt your head down and start French braiding from the bottom hairline. Finish the braiding at the crown and gather all the hair into a ponytail. Take a donut and twist a voluminous bun, secure it with hairpins.

Make a ponytail, but a little sloppy. Then braid two braids, loosen them a little and braid them into a bun.

For every modern woman, memories of childhood and school years are the most reverent. At that time, there was no need to follow fashion trends, spend a long time near the mirror, select shades of cosmetics to create daytime and evening makeup, and create exquisite hairstyles.

This period of adolescence is entirely aimed at wearing braids. The hairstyle is simple in execution, and most importantly, it is very convenient in everyday life. Since then, braids have not lost their influence and have even undergone some modernization.

Not a single modern mother will send her child to school or kindergarten with regular hair braiding. Various decorations, hairpins, ribbons, and rubber bands will definitely be added. In addition, a huge variety of braiding methods has appeared, for example, the French technique, a braid along the edge of the head. The most difficult option is to create a four-strand braid.

No matter how difficult the hairstyle may be, any mother will try to give her one hundred percent so that her daughter is the most beautiful and does not feel any discomfort.

Hairstyles for school

For a long time, the braid has been considered the most common and easiest hairstyle for little girls. But in the modern concept of fashion, it is no longer possible to surprise anyone with the usual weaving of a spikelet. Therefore, you have to make some changes, complement the hairstyle with various elements, for example, hairpins or bows.

Today, braids such as: French waterfall with multi-level braiding and hair collected in a bun, limited by thin spikelets. On the one hand, performing such hairstyles may seem impossible for the average person, but in fact, not everything is as difficult as it seems.

Before you start braiding, especially for the first time, you should familiarize yourself with the basics of technology.

  • Before you start styling your hair, you need to comb your hair. Even a small knot can harm the styling, especially when performing the French weaving technique.
  • In the process of weaving spikelets, you do not need to tighten the strands very much. The girl will have to wear this hairstyle throughout the day. If the strands of the braid are tightened too much, the child may experience a migraine, which will cause a feeling of discomfort and a loss of interest in acquiring new knowledge.
  • When braiding a braid, it is very important to ensure that the ends of the hair do not stick out from different sides of the finished spikelet. The main task of creating a hairstyle is not only to weave a beautiful braid, but also to make it neat. If the effect of sticking hairs still occurs, before braiding, you should moisten the curls with conditioner or mousse. For manageable and supple hair, just lightly sprinkle with water.

  • Quite often in the morning there is absolutely no time to create complex weaves on the child’s head. That is why you need to study in advance several simple, but rather unusual options for braided hairstyles. The initial execution should be carried out the night before, so that in the morning you understand where to start and how to quickly finish.
  • Girls wear hairstyles created by their parents throughout the day. Active games, children's fun and exercise can negatively affect the neatness of styling. Therefore, to secure your hair and additionally decorate your braid, you need to use various hairpins, barrettes, bobby pins, and elastic bands. It is important to note that fasteners for children's hair must be made of plastic material.

The structure of metal negatively affects the health of the child’s scalp. And for safety reasons, plastic is a more reliable material.

It is important to know that any hairstyle created on the basis of braids has a wide range of advantages.

  • Classic styling options used for daily wear can be applied to an image created for going to a serious event or a holiday party.
  • The structure of the braid looks very elegant and neat. In addition, it does not interfere in any way when playing sports.
  • Modern girls leading an active lifestyle will appreciate braided braids, since the curls collected in a spike do not cause a feeling of discomfort.
  • Any mother who wants to emphasize the individuality of her little daughter can master the technique of braiding.
  • Today, there is a huge selection of braiding options, thanks to which the extraordinary image of a little girl is emphasized. Moreover, each individual type of styling is used for going to school or for a matinee in kindergarten.
  • A braid is a unique hairstyle. It matches perfectly with any child's look.

If you find an approach and learn how to braid, you can create unusual and bright hairstyles for every day from an ordinary spikelet. On the one hand, it is clear that the art of braiding is a complex and rather difficult science.

But if you think about it, this type of art is accessible to every person - not only mothers, but also young fathers.

Before you start creating your own hairstyle, you should prepare some tools that should be on hand.

  • Comb. It is best to use models with small teeth and a sharp tip for easy separation of strands. In addition, you should stock up on a regular brush to comb your hair along the entire length.

  • Fastening elements. Their sizes must be selected depending on the hairstyle being performed. For small spikelets, it is best to use pin clips, especially when creating a French braid.

  • Decorations. This refers to elements that can be woven into a braid or pinned on top of a finished hairstyle.

  • Cosmetic set for hair care. Various varnishes, gels, mousses that can fix the hairstyle for a long time.

Having familiarized yourself with the basics of weaving and the necessary tools, you should begin to create your first hairstyle. Training is best done on standard weaving of classic three-strand braids.

  • First, you need to gather your hair in a low ponytail, comb it along its entire length, and get rid of tangles and knots.
  • The collected tail must be divided into three equal parts. It is necessary to carefully carry out the division so that the thickness of each individual strand is equivalent to the remaining two.
  • The left strand is placed over the middle part of the separated curls. After which the right strand lies on top of the left, which after the initial actions turned out to be central. Thus, the right and left strands gradually change. This is how you should braid to the tip of your hair.
  • The end of the braid must be secured with a strong elastic band. To prevent your hair from coming out in different directions during styling, you should first moisten it with plain water or moisturizing mousse.

The classic method of braiding, discussed above, was quite widespread in the 70s and 80s. For schoolgirls this was the most common hairstyle. Only the ends were decorated not just with hair ties, but with real big bows. It is worth noting that this weaving method was used not only for dense, but also thin hair.

In the modern world, braiding hair for schoolgirls is much more difficult. But if you get used to it, even the father of the family can cope with this task.

The main thing is to follow the step-by-step instructions so as not to stray from the intended path and achieve a positive result. Then try to create this hairstyle again, but without using tips.

Modern schoolgirls today want to have more than just an unusual haircut. It is important that it is refined and does not interfere with everyday life. Therefore, it is proposed to study the technique of weaving a French braid.

  • First, you need to comb a strand of hair in the frontal part of your head, then divide it into three separate strands.
  • From the resulting strands you should start weaving a regular classic braid.
  • Now you need to be careful. The beginning of weaving proceeds according to classical technology, but after two weaves it is necessary to begin adding a small curl to each strand from the sides.
  • You need to braid your hair until you run out of curls. Once the hair is completely gathered into a single ponytail, the braid should be secured, and the remaining tip should be braided like a regular classic braid.

How to braid in kindergarten?

When preparing a child for kindergarten, every mother calculates all possible risks - this includes a change of underwear, spare socks, comfortable shoes, and, most importantly, a hairstyle that will decorate the little girl’s head throughout the day and not cause a feeling of discomfort and anxiety.

For an active child, it is very important that the curls do not dangle in different directions. An athletic girl runs, jumps, and plays, so her hair can become disheveled by lunchtime. Hair will constantly get into your eyes and get in the way. That is why it is suggested to learn how to weave a basket braid. The result will be two braids intertwined from the sides around the head.

  • The first thing you need to do before creating this hairstyle is to comb your child’s hair. Then, using a comb with a sharp end, divide the hair into 2 equal parts along the parting.
  • On the front side, you need to separate a small strand between the frontal lobe and the ear. Now you can start braiding using French technology.
  • Weaving occurs gradually, with each weaving of the spikelet it is necessary to add curls on the right and left sides. Having reached the neck area, the braid must be secured. The same pattern is used to weave the ear on the other side of the head.
  • After the braids meet near the neck, the right braid goes to the left side, respectively, the left braid goes to the right side. To secure, use bobby pins or bobby pins. Fixation should occur when connecting the braids in the neck area and at the very end.

This braiding method is reminiscent of the classic version of the 70–80s with two braids on the sides. But thanks to some modernization and the introduction of additional fastening elements, such an unusual basket is obtained.

Since the hair is tightly fixed, the curls do not fall apart during play or come out from different sides.

A fishtail braid has become a fairly popular hairstyle for girls of kindergarten age. As the name suggests, performing this hairstyle is a rather complex process, beyond the capabilities of novice “stylists.” But everything is not so scary, the main thing is to correctly distribute the sequence of actions.

  • First you need to comb your hair along the entire length. Then gather them into a high ponytail and tighten with a silicone elastic band so that it does not stand out or catch the eye.
  • A small strand is taken from a solid ponytail and wrapped over a fixing elastic band, then secured with a bobby pin. The rest of the collected hair needs to be divided into two parts.
  • A thin curl is separated from the right strand of the tail and transferred to the left side. A small curl is also separated from the left strand and transferred to the right side. Weaving occurs according to this pattern. It is very important that the separated curls of the strands are the same size. Once you have completed your hairstyle, secure the tip of your ponytail with a regular rubber band.

Holiday options

Everyone knows that every kindergarten and school attaches great importance to festive events. Any public holiday is accompanied by matinees, where children must appear dressed up. Every mother, having learned about such a festival, begins to prepare her daughter in advance. Comes up with an image and a decent hairstyle. For example, for the spring holidays, a ribbon cascade looks quite relevant. The main thing is that an adult has enough patience to perform this step-by-step hairstyle. Although any parent will give one hundred percent so that his child turns out to be the most beautiful.

  • Before you start weaving the cascade, you need to weave the ribbon into your hair. It can be carefully pinned with a bobby pin or tied to the first strand. In general, fix it in the most convenient way. In addition, options for fixing the ribbon must be considered taking into account the thickness of the woven decoration. The ribbon should be folded in half at an approximate distance to the first strand at the temple, approximately 3-4 cm from the line where the hair begins to grow.
  • Three strands need to be separated near the forehead. They should be positioned so that the woven ribbon is the third one on the left side. It is this strand that first enters into weaving; it is held under the first selected curl, then over the ribbon strand.

  • The last strand is laid out on the one that preceded it, and then passes under the ribbon strand and is placed under the outermost curl. Then the curl is folded onto a strand with a ribbon and passed under the outermost strand on the right side.
  • Next, you need to grab a small part of the hair and add it to the side curl. The resulting thickened strand of hair passes under the curl with the ribbon, then under the left strand.
  • It is important to note that this hair braiding technology should flow diagonally, due to which all loose hair will be collected into a single braid.

  • Almost at the very end of creating a hairstyle, weaving ends with intercepting loose curls. The tip of the resulting tail must be secured with a transparent rubber band. The remaining length of the ribbon is wound over the silicone fixation and tied into a bow.

This braiding method is quite complicated and you won’t be able to create a high-quality hairstyle the first time. But after several attempts, the result will exceed all expectations.

Quite often, when preparing their daughter for a festive event, parents buy beautiful elegant fluffy dresses with a small neckline. Such costumes look especially good on girls with graceful long necks. To emphasize this dignity, it is necessary to use not only jewelry made of pearls or silver. You need to choose a special hairstyle. In this case, the ideal option would be to lay the spikelet upside down.

  • First, you need to sit the child in such a way that the head is tilted slightly forward and the hair hangs freely down.
  • Loose strands must be thoroughly combed and slightly moistened with plain water or conditioner.
  • At the base of the neck, a large strand of hair is separated and divided into three separate sections.

  • Next you need to start weaving a French spikelet.
  • As soon as the braid reaches the level of the back of the head, and all the hair is already woven into the spikelet, you will need to carefully secure the ponytail.
  • If the ends of your hair are thin, it is best to use a foam “donut”, with which you can create a voluminous bun. “Bagels” are divided into different types, thereby making it possible to choose the most suitable size.
  • This same “donut” is put on the resulting ponytail, then wrapped around it with hair. The tip is hidden under the base of the donut.

When creating this hairstyle, you can use ribbon weaving. And when fixing the “donut”, use the remaining ends to tie a bow.

Unusual ideas

Every parent wants his child to always be bright and memorable, to attract the admiring glances of others. That is why every mother works on the image of her daughter every day. This applies not only to clothes, but also to hair styling.

Of course, you can make regular ponytails and decorate them with brightly colored hairpins and elastic bands that will catch your eye. But these elements will not emphasize the baby’s individuality. That is why parents use different hairstyle techniques that can decorate the extraordinary image of their beloved child.

The “angel heart” option looks quite interesting. In principle, this hairstyle can be done by schoolgirls, but it is best to create this style for everyday wear, for example, during the holidays. It is worth noting that with such a hairstyle, every girl turns into a real angel.

  • First you need to comb your hair. If necessary, moisten slightly with water.
  • An even parting is made in the center of the head.
  • On the right and left sides, you need to retreat approximately 12 cm from the beginning of the hairline. The strands are divided into lines, thereby creating the upper part of the “heart”. The shape of the bends can be created at your discretion.

  • After preparing the base of the curls, you can begin weaving the first braid. If the rest of the hair does not interfere, it should be pinned with a bobby pin.
  • The braid is made using the French braid technology, only the new parts of the curls are grabbed not from the sides, but from the bottom.
  • As soon as the braid has reached the back of the head, it must be secured with a transparent elastic band, after which you can begin weaving the second side.
  • The braids that meet on the back of the head must be connected into a single ponytail and brought to its logical conclusion in the same way with a triple spikelet.
  • The resulting hairstyle is secured with a beautiful hairpin or bow. In some cases, you can twist the ponytail into a bun to create a heart shape with a blunt end.
  • To get the volume of your hairstyle, the braids along the entire length need to be fluffed up a little. To do this, lightly pull the surface strands of the spikelets.

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