Probability of sex determination at 18 weeks. Methods to determine the sex of a child with maximum accuracy

At the 18th week of pregnancy, the baby’s upper and lower limbs are already fully formed, and there are already fingers with a unique and individual pattern. The formation of the genital organs is complete and the gender of the baby can be determined. The fat layer and brain structures are intensively formed. The perfection of the immune system is achieved, it begins to perform the function of producing immunoglobulin and interferon, which allow the child to protect himself from viral and infectious diseases. By 18 weeks, the child begins to develop the rudiments of molars, which are located much deeper than the baby teeth.

A reaction to light stimuli that disturbs the baby appears, penetrating through the mother’s belly, despite the fact that the eyes are still closed. The expectant mother should not be in noisy companies. Now you should give preference to listening to lullabies, calm music, reading fairy tales out loud, and talking to your baby in a gentle and calm voice.

The size of the fetus at the 18th week of pregnancy depends little on the sex of the baby and is about 14 cm in length and approximately 200 g in weight. The little man still has no difficulty moving freely in his stomach, so he actively moves, waves his arms and legs, and tumbles. Active movements of the baby have a beneficial effect on the formation of the brain and muscle tissue.

Condition of the uterus

The growth of the uterus continues constantly, by the 18th week its fundus is located 2 cm below the navel. So, in addition to the pleasant sensation of the baby moving, the mother begins to experience discomfort. Discomfort consists of a feeling of pressure in the umbilical region from the inside. Now you can feel the uterus by placing your hands on the waist and moving them down 2 to 3 fingers. The size of the uterus is constantly increasing; at this stage of pregnancy, the size of the uterus already corresponds to a medium-sized melon.

Ultrasound examination at 18 weeks

Planned 2nd screening is carried out in the middle of the second trimester, at 18–20 weeks of pregnancy. With the help of a repeated planned ultrasound, you can determine the sex of the child. However, the purpose of this examination is to identify abnormalities and pathologies of fetal development, and not to determine gender. First of all, an ultrasound scan determines the presence of symptoms of Down syndrome, the risks of a heart defect or the development of intrauterine abnormalities in the formation of the vascular system.

The study of the 18th week already allows you to determine the sex of the child, however, the main purpose of ultrasound at this period is to identify cardiovascular and genetic pathologies

No less important is information about the placental attachment site. These data make it possible to assess possible risks and deviations from standard indicators for timely medical intervention if necessary. Ultrasound determines the circumference of the abdomen and head, the length of the shoulder, forearm, thigh and lower leg.

Normal ultrasound indicators

Standard values ​​for fetal size on ultrasound at 18 weeks correspond to the following data:

  • biparietal size: 36 – 46 mm;
  • fronto-occipital size: 48 – 58 mm;
  • head circumference: 130 – 160 mm;
  • abdominal circumference: 103 – 143 mm;
  • femur length: 22 – 32 mm;
  • humerus length: 14 – 20 mm;
  • forearm length: 18 – 24 mm;
  • shin length: 22 – 30 mm.

The formation of meconium, the original feces, begins in the intestines of the unborn child. Meconium is formed from amniotic fluid, which the baby constantly swallows, and other digestive products. The first act of bowel movement under normal conditions occurs after birth, usually on the second day. The intrauterine act of defecation, i.e. the release of the intestines from meconium contributes to the formation of meconium amniotic fluid, which in turn causes the development of a pathological condition of the fetus called asphyxia. If such a pathology during pregnancy is determined, the condition of the fetus is constantly monitored using unscheduled ultrasound procedures.

Ultrasound does not allow determining the color and quality characteristics of the amniotic fluid. To evaluate these parameters, a special procedure is performed - amnioscopy. Amnioscopy is a visual assessment of amniotic fluid through the surface of the membranes. The technique allows you to collect the necessary information without third-party interference.

Interpretation of ultrasound results

In male children, the formation of the prostate gland begins at this stage of development. It is not yet possible to visualize the prostate in male children on ultrasound.

Regardless of the sex of the child, normally he constantly moves, he waves his legs and arms, he can suck his fingers, and rub his eyes with his hands. The subtleties of development are easy to notice on ultrasound using 3D examination and 4D effect. When an ultrasound is performed at 18 weeks, the facial muscles are clearly visualized; this begins intrauterine training of innate reflexes for successful postpartum adaptation.

However, some developmental processes, regardless of the sex of the baby, cannot be monitored using ultrasound. So? the nervous system is not visualized, since the nerves are covered with a substance that ensures a high speed of impulse transmission between nerves. The formation of sensitive centers in the brain occurs. Vision, smell, hearing, and tactile sensations develop. The degree of hearing development in the fetus reaches its perfection. The fetus begins to respond with active movements to most sounds in the mother’s body, be it a male or female baby. This is how he hears the mother’s frequent heartbeat in alarming situations and reacts to hiccups or sneezing.

3D ultrasound is considered the most informative today, which allows you to track the child’s behavioral reactions, see his face and assess the degree of development of different parts of the body. Also during this period, the doctor takes fetometric indicators

Examination of pregnant women at 18 weeks

At the 18th week of pregnancy, only a general urine test is recommended, which allows you to evaluate the functioning of the urinary system. If the expectant mother is suspected of having an anemic condition, a blood test is prescribed to determine the hemoglobin level. The amount of oxygen the fetus receives depends on the level of hemoglobin in a woman’s blood.

To determine the possible risks of gene pathologies in a child, a so-called “triple test” is prescribed. As a result of a comprehensive blood test, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and unconjugated estriol (NE) are determined. Any deviation from the norm is a reason to assume that the child has a chromosomal abnormality or other defect. It is worth noting that the results of these tests cannot be considered the basis for making an accurate diagnosis, but they do raise the need for further examination.

Painful sensations during this period

The joyful moments of feeling the first movements of the fetus are often overshadowed by painful sensations in the lower back and a feeling of heaviness in the navel area. At this stage of pregnancy, pain is explained by a shift in the center of gravity and a significant enlargement of the uterus.

To relieve the increasing load on the spine, it is recommended to wear a special bandage, which is designed to support the growing belly. In addition, special physical training is prescribed to strengthen the back muscles and frequent rest to unload the spine. In addition, changes in body weight should be monitored during pregnancy.

Pain in the lumbar region may occur due to the development of urinary tract infections. Expectant mothers should constantly monitor the condition of the urinary organs and under no circumstances become overcooled.

During these weeks, you should be attentive to all pain. Stitching and pulling pains on the sides of the abdomen may be present when tendons and ligaments are stretched due to the growth of the uterus. If you experience cramping pain accompanied by bloody discharge, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, because such a clinical picture may indicate termination of pregnancy.

Now your baby already weighs two hundred grams and has grown to 20 cm in length. For several weeks in a row, we can talk about new values ​​​​by which a growing body is measured. This is the diameter of the head, and it is already 39.5 mm, the volume of the chest and abdomen is almost the same: 39.4 mm and 39.5 mm. The baby's legs and arms, his fingers are already fully formed and, in comparison with each other, are already more proportional than before. Foot length - 2.5 cm.

At this stage, many women feel fetal movement for the first time. Although they can be accurately recorded and counted only with the help of instruments. By this time, the genital organs of boys and girls are already fully formed, including the internal ones.

The thickness of the placenta by this time already reaches 21.2 mm. Thanks to hormones that are constantly released in the placenta, the state of pregnancy is maintained. Reducing the tone of the uterus allows you to carry the fetus, maintain the closure of the cervical canal in the desired position, and so on.

18th week of pregnancy: gender of the baby

If you can't wait to find out who you should expect - a boy or a girl, go for an ultrasound? Now the probability of seeing the gender of the child is already high. In addition to ultrasound, there are a dozen ways to determine the sex of a child. Some determine it by the shape of the belly, by the appearance of the mother, even with the help of a pendulum. Plus many more funny folk methods. You can use any at your discretion.

Did you feel your baby move for the first time? It was almost invisible, so you even doubted whether it was just your imagination. But after some time the movement repeated. In time you will even be able to count them.

Now about your and your baby’s weekly weight gain. According to doctors, ideally you should add half a kilo a week. Firstly, your baby is getting better - if you can say so about the process of building up his subcutaneous tissue. Secondly, the amount of water increases. Thirdly, the uterus itself continues to grow. You feel how your tummy is stretching, and in some places you even notice “stretch marks” - defects on the skin.

Now you feel lower back pain more often. To relieve tension, you can try to do slight bends forward. At least at this stage, the risk of kidney disease is considered lower. Although, you may notice swelling in your legs and arms. This is especially evident from the marks left on the body from elastic bands and fasteners on clothes. For severe swelling, it is recommended to consume a little less salt than usual. Still, salt retains fluid in the body. Although, on the other hand, in the summer, many pregnant women complain that they cannot get enough water. And to quench your thirst, on the contrary, you even have to add salt to the water.

If you experience vision problems during pregnancy, you should visit an ophthalmologist. Perhaps the dark spots before the eyes are temporary and will go away after pregnancy. But in some cases, eye strain can cause more serious problems. In some cases, with visual impairment, a cesarean section is even recommended. Such symptoms cannot be ignored.

18th week of pregnancy: vaginal discharge

At this time, the usual normal discharge may become more abundant. This is caused by excess progesterone. It causes increased mucus secretion. But don't let this scare you. Such secretions increase the vaginal protective barrier against various infections. If you notice pus or clots of mucus in the discharge, you should check with your doctor to see if there is any colpitis or inflammation of the vagina. Even thrush at this time requires urgent treatment.

Bleeding in the fifth month of pregnancy can also occur due to the low location of the placenta. As a rule, it is located almost at the bottom of the uterus. Under pressure from the placenta, blood vessels sometimes burst, resulting in bleeding. It is dangerous when the tone of the uterus increases, which is usually associated with the threat of miscarriage.

18th week of pregnancy: nutrition for a pregnant woman

You still remember that your menu, as before, should contain a lot of foods high in calcium. As well as other vitamins that facilitate its absorption. The same phosphorus, vitamin D. If you have symptoms of deficiency of certain vitamins, you will have to take additional vitamins. But it is better to coordinate their dosage with your doctor.

An ultrasound examination reveals a brain divided into two hemispheres, a two-chambered heart, and an almost fully formed face. The baby's head is already 130-160 mm in circumference.

Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to find out the sex of the unborn child in the early stages of gestation. Many people believe that doing an ultrasound is harmful. Doctors say the opposite and advise how to conduct the study without harming the baby.

Ultrasound allows you to determine not only the sex of the baby, but also provides information about the state of his health, which is very important in the early stages. When determining an incurable disease, the doctor can promptly offer the woman an abortion. For expectant mothers who still reject ultrasound examination, there are other methods that can be used to determine the sex of the child.

At what week can you find out the gender of the baby?

The gynecologist prescribes a routine ultrasound examination at 10–12 weeks of gestation. By this time, the fetus’s genitals are not yet well defined, but an experienced specialist will be able to discern the sex of the child under favorable circumstances.

In a situation where the baby is successfully turned and is not covered by the handle, you can determine its gender. The chances of finding out who will be born at this time are approximately 50 out of 100.

How to determine the sex of a baby without an ultrasound at home?

There are couples who use methods without ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby - Chinese or Japanese tables. These techniques assume that the sex of the child is determined by the day of its conception. The Chinese method gives almost 80% reliability in determining whether the baby will be a boy or a girl. The Japanese system has a more modest result - 56%.

Chinese table

There are 2 types of such tables. The first shows the dependence of the baby’s gender on the age of his mother and on the lunar month in which conception occurred. The probability of having a baby of a certain gender is indicated as a percentage.

Another type of table is based on the dependence of the child’s gender on the age of the expectant mother and the month of conception. It does not show the probability percentage, but the probability of having a child of a certain gender is marked with a plus or minus.

Japanese table

There are also 2 Japanese tables. They assume that the sex of the baby depends on the date of birth of the parents. If in the first table we find the month of birth of the mother in one column, and the month of birth of the father in the other, then at the intersection we will get a certain number.

Japanese table for determining the sex of the unborn child

In another table, based on the estimated month of conception and the number from the first table, you can determine the sex of the child. The Japanese method gives less accurate results, but since it does not have a negative impact on health, it is worth doing the calculations.

Gender of the child by date of conception

The date of fertilization of the egg plays a big role in determining the gender of the child. It's all about chromosomes. Women are united only in a bunch of type XX. Male couples can contain both types X and Y. If the egg receives the Y chromosome from the future father, then an XY pair will be formed and a boy will be born. When the XX couple is formed, the parents will have a girl in 9 months.

It is more difficult to conceive a boy. This is due to the fact that the male Y chromosome moves quickly, but does not live long. Its duration is no more than 24 hours. In this regard, if conception occurs on the day of ovulation, the likelihood of having a boy is greater than a girl. In the case where the parents were a little late and conceived a baby shortly after ovulation, most likely they will have a daughter.

The described rules can be used when trying to conceive a child of a certain gender, checking the date on the calendar. To give birth to a boy, you need to try to fertilize the egg on the day of ovulation.

The sex of the child is also affected by the frequency of sex. If dad abstains for a long time, then the possibility of having a boy is reduced. With regular sexual activity, this possibility increases dramatically.

Comparison of blood type of father and mother

This technique is not universally accepted, which is understandable. The same parents may give birth to a girl, and after some time a boy, or vice versa. Predicting gender based on blood type does not take this possibility into account.

It is believed that if the parents have the same blood type, then in the case of group 1 or 2 the child will be female, and in the case of group 3 or 4 - male. If the parents’ blood does not match, then with group 1 in one of them and group 2 in the second, the birth of a boy is likely. The same prognosis is true for groups 1 and 4 or 3 and 4 in future parents.

If parents have groups 1 and 3 or 2 and 3, the birth of a girl is more likely. Moreover, which particular group is dad’s and which is mom’s does not matter. That is, a woman can have group 1, and a man 3, or vice versa. Such a couple will most likely be the parents of a girl.

Determining sex by date of blood renewal

Our blood is constantly renewed. Women's blood completely changes old molecules to new ones every 3 years, men's blood undergoes the same changes every 4 years. The method for determining gender without medicine is simple - whoever has newer blood will be the parent who will pass on their gender to the child.

It is necessary to take into account when making calculations that blood molecules change even with large blood loss - surgery, childbirth, blood donation. In these cases, the renewal cycle must be counted from the moment of bleeding.

Folk signs

It is impossible to say for sure how accurately one can determine based on folk characteristics who will be born a boy or a girl. Just for fun, it is possible to check signs on an already born baby. Let's list some of them:

  1. When a pregnant woman prefers to bite off the top of the bread, it means the birth of a boy. If the expectant mother likes the bread pulp better, she will have a girl.
  2. Bald men are more likely to father sons. This may be explained by increased testosterone levels in dads.
  3. The child begins to push his mother in the stomach. If the tremors are localized below, there is a boy in the womb. The girls push their mothers at the top of the uterus.
  4. If a pregnant woman prefers to sleep at night on her left side, she will have a son, and on her right, she will have a daughter.
  5. You can do fortune telling with a wedding ring at home. The pregnant woman lies on her back. The ring is put on a chain and suspended over the woman's stomach. If the ring starts to rotate in a circle, this means the birth of a son, and in a straight line, this means the birth of a daughter.

There are many such signs. It is impossible to describe absolutely everything. Each parent decides for themselves whether to believe in folk signs or undergo a medical examination.

Determining the sex of a child by the shape of the abdomen

The shape of the abdomen differs among different women and among the same expectant mother during different pregnancies. If the belly is not visible from the back and is shaped like a cucumber, there is a boy in the womb. When the belly grows in width, it can be seen from the back; the expectant mother is waiting for her daughter.

If the belly protrudes slightly to the right, you can recognize the son. If the belly is larger on the virgin side, there will be a daughter. During pregnancy, a line often appears on a woman's womb. If it is covered with hairs, it means the birth of a boy; if, a girl is born.

Woman's appearance

There is a belief that a girl takes away her mother's beauty. When a pregnant woman has swelling on her face, pigment spots, and acne, this means the birth of her daughter. The boy contributes to the preservation of beauty. When a son is in the womb, the woman's facial skin remains clean. There is no need to be afraid of changes in appearance. After giving birth, everything will return to normal.

Taste preferences of the expectant mother

Food preferences also indicate the gender of the child. If a pregnant woman constantly craves meat and salty foods, there is a boy in her stomach. The girl will demand sweets from her mother - chocolates, cakes, etc. It should be remembered that it is harmful for pregnant women to eat sweets in large quantities. The sign of taste preferences is not very reliable - sometimes boys like to eat sweets.

Emotional background of a woman

With a constant dissatisfaction, desire for one thing or another, tearfulness and mood swings, a pregnant woman should expect a girl. If the expectant mother is constantly in a good mood, does not suffer from melancholy and is not irritated, her tastes are stable and do not change throughout the months of pregnancy - she is expecting a son.

Methods of modern medicine

The easiest way to find out the sex of the child is to do a routine ultrasound. A more complex method is chorionic villus biopsy. It is done at 7 weeks. This method is accurate, but dangerous because it can cause miscarriage.

If necessary, amniotic fluid is taken for analysis (also using a biopsy). The doctor prescribes these procedures only in case of urgent need. Not long ago, a method was discovered to determine sex using the mother’s blood after 7 weeks of pregnancy. This is an expensive procedure.

Analysis of urine

To resolve the question of who is hidden in the womb - a son or a daughter, you can conduct a regular urine test. Such tests are sold at pharmacies. The instructions tell you when and how to use them. When a pregnant woman's urine is combined with the reagent, the strip changes color. If it turns green, expect a son; if it turns orange, there will be a daughter.

DNA blood test

An expensive but sure way to find out the sex of a baby is a DNA test. If the fetal DNA contains a Y chromosome, it is a boy; if only X chromosomes, you are carrying a girl. The mother's blood is taken for analysis, since from the 7th week the baby's cells appear in it. This method is rarely used - buying a test at a pharmacy is much cheaper.

Determining gender using the Testpol test

A separate section contains a description of the Testpol test. This is a determinant of the child’s sex before ultrasound based on the hormonal composition of the mother’s urine. You can find out the sex of the baby as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy. A girl and a boy have different hormonal levels, which is what the test determines.

For testing, urine is collected and placed using a syringe into a container with a reagent. The instructions describe in detail how to then determine the sex of the baby.

Boy or girl? Future parents often want to know the answer to this question before the baby is born. Thanks to the development of medical technologies, today this is quite possible. There is a reliable method - ultrasound.

Features of the examination

What an ultrasound examination is today is already known not only to expectant mothers, but also to those who have undergone a health examination at least once in their lives. However, its implementation during pregnancy has a number of features. So, the first examination is carried out transvaginally, this makes it possible to obtain maximum information. That is why ultrasound during pregnancy has become widespread throughout the world. The procedure is absolutely painless and safe for both the fetus and the mother.

A condom placed on the sensor allows you to avoid the transmission of infections. However, it does not affect the quality of the data obtained.

During a transvaginal ultrasound, you do not need to drink water before the procedure, but in some cases the doctor may recommend drinking about 0.5 liters of liquid before the first ultrasound in order to conduct the study abdominally - through the abdominal wall.

The attending physician (if a timely visit regarding pregnancy) will refer you for the first ultrasound in the early stages - up to 14 weeks. For example, at a period of 10 or 13 weeks, when it is still impossible to discern the sex of the child. The fact is that the genital organs of the embryo begin to form at the 9th week of pregnancy. The doctor will be able to most accurately see whether the expectant mother is carrying a male or female child during the second study, which is carried out for a period of more than 15 weeks - at the second or third ultrasound.

In total, according to the recommendation of the Ministry of Health, the expectant mother undergoes 3 ultrasound examinations - one in each trimester. The second time the procedure is performed at 16-17, 19-21 or 22-23 weeks and abdominally, so as not to harm the baby. By this time, the fetus is already of sufficient size, and the genitals, although they continue to form, are already clearly different. Therefore, the doctor can answer the question “boy or girl” with more confidence, and it becomes more difficult to confuse the sex of the child.

The third ultrasound is performed at later stages of pregnancy, usually later than 27, 26 and 29 weeks - at 31,32, 33 or even 37 - it allows you to determine whether the child is developing normally, his height, weight and even some individual characteristics. For example, the shape of the face. In some cases, the doctor leading the pregnancy prescribes a third ultrasound at a slightly earlier date - 24 or 26-27 weeks. But even during this period, it is much easier for a doctor to distinguish a boy from a girl. During the third study, it is easier to understand the sex of the child, since the baby is already almost completely formed.

At what time can gender be determined?

Parents are concerned not only with gender, but also with the health of the child, and ultrasound makes it possible to determine whether the fetus is developing correctly. But when asked if they want to know the sex of the baby, the vast majority of parents answer in the affirmative. And, of course, do this as early as possible in order to decide on a name and prepare for the birth of a son or daughter. But the possibilities of modern medicine are not limitless: the gender of a child can only be determined by ultrasound from a certain stage of pregnancy.

Parents often try to find out the sex of the baby during the first ultrasound examination, especially if for some reason it is carried out later than recommended by the Ministry of Health.

If the clinic has modern equipment and professional experience, the doctor can, with some degree of confidence, answer this exciting question during the first ultrasound. But until the 15th week, the information received will not be accurate due to the peculiarities of the formation of the fetal reproductive system. Therefore, next time parents may find out that they are expecting a girl, not a boy, or vice versa.

The sex of the child is determined at the moment of conception and depends on the set of chromosomes that the embryo receives from the father:

  • The X chromosome is “responsible” for the birth of a girl;
  • Y chromosome - boy.

It is impossible to change the baby’s gender using the expectant mother’s diet, taking vitamins or other methods, but it is difficult to accurately determine it before the 15th week of pregnancy. And it’s not only about the qualifications of the doctor or the capabilities of the equipment, but also about the peculiarities of the baby’s intrauterine development.

15 weeks is approximately 4 months pregnant. It is during this period that the sex of the child is determined with a sufficient degree of certainty. In the early stages, the likelihood of error is higher. The closer to childbirth, the better the child’s genitals are visible during an ultrasound examination, and in the short term it is easier to confuse a boy and a girl. Even at 20, 22, 19 and 23 weeks you can make a mistake. Undoubtedly, The doctor can give the most accurate answer during an ultrasound in the third trimester.

Differences in the development of genital organs

By the 11th week, the penis is formed from the genital tubercle in boys, and the scrotum is formed from the adjacent labial-scrotal tubercles. The testicles (already formed) are still in the abdominal cavity and will descend at 7-8 months. But during this period, the size of the fetus is still very small, it reaches about 6 cm in length. And although in girls after 8 weeks the labia majora and minora are formed, and the ovaries are visible inside the abdominal cavity, the doctor performing the ultrasound is unlikely to be able to confidently name the sex of the child with a 100% guarantee. The possibility of error is too great.

And at later stages, it is quite difficult to determine whether it is a boy or a girl by looking at a monitor connected to an ultrasound machine.

Only a physician with special qualifications can correctly interpret the image obtained from the transducer during an ultrasound examination. And with the help of a specialist, parents are able to distinguish obvious differences.

At the first ultrasound in boys:

  • larger and more pronounced genital tubercle;
  • The angle between the child’s body and the genital tubercle is more than 30 degrees.
  • quite noticeable linear folds and formations from which the penis and scrotum are formed.

At the first ultrasound in girls:

  • small genital tubercle;
  • the angle between it and the body is less than 30 degrees;
  • several parallel folds from which the labia majora and minora are formed.

Additional signs

In addition to visualizing the fetal genitals, there are additional signs that can confirm whether the child is female or male. So, on an ultrasound, the doctor measures the angle between the body and the genital tubercle. If this indicator is more than 30 degrees, then the likelihood of having a boy increases. If the measurements show an angle of less than 30 degrees, then most likely a girl is expected.

The second indirect sign of gender is skull shape: in future girls it is more rounded, in boys it is angular. Also, representatives of the stronger half of humanity, even at the stage of intrauterine development, are characterized by a more square jaw. The specialist also pays attention to what the umbilical cord looks like, its diameter and the volume of amniotic fluid. In most cases, during pregnancy with a boy, the umbilical cord is denser and thicker, and there is more amniotic fluid.

There is a point of view that sex can be determined based on the location of the fetus and placenta. If the baby is to the right of the conditional midline, then the likelihood of having a boy is greater, and to the left - a girl.

It is interesting that this sign echoes the folk sign that predicts the birth of a boy or a girl, depending on whether the “white line” is located to the left or to the right of the middle of the expectant mother’s abdomen - a strip of pigmented skin that appears during pregnancy. If the pigmented area on the skin of the abdomen (from the navel to the pubis) is located a little to the right, then a folk sign advises to wait for a son, and to the left for a daughter.

However, the reliability of this sign, as well as the location of the fetus determined by ultrasound, when recognizing the sex of the baby is still not confirmed by science. However, as a friend, there are nuances regarding the shape of the abdomen, taste preferences and changes in the appearance of the expectant mother.

How often is ultrasound mistaken when determining gender?

Incorrect forecasts cannot always be avoided. Statistics on ultrasound examinations indicate that mistakes are made more often with boys, and the probability of an incorrect prognosis can reach 50%. A pen, a knife, or a loop of the umbilical cord is sometimes mistaken for the penis, especially if the child is moving. With girls everything is more certain.

And, of course, the longer the period, the more accurately the gender is determined:

  • firstly, the genitals continue to form;
  • secondly, the fetus becomes larger, and it is easier for the doctor to examine the necessary signs.

Therefore, parents will be able to find out more accurately who will be born - a son or a daughter - through an ultrasound scan, which is performed in the third trimester.

It also matters what equipment the research is used on. Modern models of devices provide a clearer image, which reduces not only the likelihood of errors in determining sex, but also makes it possible to study the development of the fetus in more detail and exclude possible pathologies.

The widespread method of 3D and 4D diagnostics is even more accurate, since a three-dimensional image of the baby is formed on the monitor and photographs, and in 4D a color image is formed. This allows you to examine not only the genitals, but (at a later date) the structure of the ears and the shape of the face. Often parents can see who the baby is like.

But neither ultrasound nor 3D and 4D diagnostics can give a 100% guarantee of determining the sex of the child. Some babies show character even before birth and stubbornly turn away from the sensor, not allowing the doctor to visualize signs of gender. In such cases, parents will have to wait until the baby is born.

Doctors recommend undergoing an examination specifically to find out whether a boy or a girl will be born only in cases where it depends on it. the possibility of hereditary pathologies. For example, hemophilia is transmitted through the maternal line, but only men suffer from these diseases.

Ultrasound can be wrong. Determining gender is not the main purpose of the study. It is much more important to monitor the development of the fetus in order to identify possible pathology in time, and make maximum efforts to eliminate it even before the birth of the child.

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