Why is the plateau effect when losing weight good: and what to do if the weight has stopped? Losing weight: Why weight stops losing despite strict adherence to the diet. What to do if your weight has stopped while on a diet.

Although there are more advanced approaches to getting rid of excess fluid, sometimes the best approach is to simply be patient

Many people who are losing weight know that after eating something unusual for the diet, their weight can increase by a couple of kilograms overnight. And sometimes it stops decreasing altogether for several weeks, despite strict adherence to the diet. Why is this happening? Almost without exception, all short-term changes in body weight are non-fat. A kilogram of human fat contains about 7,000 kcal, and it is impossible to eat so many calories in excess of your weight maintenance norm at one time, not to mention 14,000 calories (which corresponds to two kilograms of fat).

Weight loss and water balance: What is important to know

Increasing carbohydrates in food

Over the course of several days, weight fluctuations are influenced by changes in water levels, glycogen, and the amount of food in the gastrointestinal tract. All this can lead to loss or gain of up to a couple of kilograms almost overnight. At the same time, swelling not only looks different from fat, but also feels different to the touch. Where do they come from?

The amount of carbohydrates in your diet greatly affects your body weight. When we reduce carbohydrates, the body loses water, since one gram of glycogen stores 3 grams of water. This is why losing a couple of kilograms at the very beginning of a low-carb diet is not uncommon, which is what different diets and nutrition systems use as an advantage.

On the one hand, this rapid weight loss (although not “fat”) motivates you to continue the diet. On the other hand, people are upset because rapid weight loss does not last forever: if in the first week they lose two kilograms, then in the next week they lose “only” 500 grams. This also works in the opposite direction: if a person on a low-carb diet eats a lot of carbohydrates, the weight comes back.

Changing salt in food

Very often, on a diet, women refuse salt so that the body does not retain water. But in reality, water retention depends more on acute changes in sodium levels than on the absolute level of sodium intake. If a person on a salt-free diet eats a large amount of salt, the body will react with swelling. If a salt lover stops salting his food, he will greatly reduce his sodium intake and temporarily lose some decent amount of water. But these effects are short-term, as the body will regulate hormone levels and adjust within about three days. That is, if a woman on a salt-free diet eats a lot of salt, then the swelling will last for about three days, and after that the body will restore balance and the swelling will go away.

Various sodium manipulations may be beneficial for athletes and weight lifters in the last week before a competition, but these are purely short-term changes to achieve specific athletic performance. In other cases You should not allow sudden fluctuations in salt and deliberately refuse it on a diet. Rather, it makes sense to get enough potassium because sodium and potassium work together.

The only exception when it is worth limiting salt (sodium) is the last week of a woman's cycle, when water retention can be very severe. Limiting salt and increasing potassium can greatly help with swelling. Taking 1200 mg of calcium per day adds to the effect.


Most women know how much their weight can fluctuate over the course of a month. In this regard, hormone fluctuations at the end of the cycle have the strongest effect, and an increase of 2.5-5 kg ​​is quite real, which drives many people crazy.

The cause of edema is a sharp decrease in progesterone levels towards the end of the cycle. Among its many other properties, progesterone acts on receptors for the body's water-retaining hormone aldosterone, making women less likely to retain water during the first half of their cycle. As progesterone drops towards the end of the cycle, a "rebound" effect occurs which can cause water retention. In addition, at this time the body absorbs sodium less well, and large amounts of salty food during PMS can lead to even greater swelling.

Chronic stress and increased cortisol levels

A hormone is any compound that has a biological effect somewhere else in the body by acting on special receptors. A simple analogy: the hormone is the key, and the receptor is the lock, and only the right key can open it. But some hormones can bind to “foreign” receptors, which is called cross-reactivity.

For example, the stress hormone cortisol may bind in part to the mineralocorticoid receptor, which is normally acted upon by the hormone aldosterone, which retains water in the body. Although cortisol sends less of a signal to the receptor than aldosterone, if there is too much of it, it can cause water retention similar to the effects of aldosterone, albeit weaker. In cases of severe cortisol elevation (for example, Cushing's disease), swelling can be very severe.

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A combination of large calorie deficits and excessive amounts of exercise often leads to elevated cortisol levels in healthy people. If it starts without building up, the effect increases even further, although this combination can still cause problems if the load is slowly increased. When this is added to a certain psychological makeup that is common in those losing weight (along with the fact that dieting itself is an additional psychological stress) the effect becomes even greater. In addition, the adaptive decrease in thyroid hormone and leptin levels during dieting also leads to an increase in cortisol.

Power training

This explains why women often feel “bulky” when they first start lifting. Muscles use carbohydrates as fuel, so in response to training they begin to store more of it. And since carbohydrates are stored with water, the muscles begin to store more water and swell a little. Usually the effect goes away within a week.

What to do?


Although there are more advanced approaches to getting rid of excess fluid, sometimes the best approach is to just be patient(provided that the person continues to adhere to the diet). Even when people are under chronic stress due to diet and exercise, due to psychological stress, it is unlikely that fluid retention will last longer than two to three weeks. Most likely, the problem will resolve on its own, since the water balance in the body is quite well controlled, and eventually the system will come into balance.

During this time, specific stress reduction techniques may be helpful, especially for those who are particularly stressed about weight, body shape, and performance. Stretching, meditation, fitness or even a casual glass of wine(natural relaxant and diuretic) may be useful. The worst thing a weight loss dieter can do when they hit a plateau (when the weight doesn't come off for more than a couple of weeks) is to start eating even less and exercising even more. This will simply make any cortisol-related problems worse.

Avoid a combination of starvation diet and large amounts of training

One or the other can exist separately, but not simultaneously. If someone who is losing weight wants to dramatically cut calories, they should reduce the amount of training they do. If he wants to exercise more, the calorie deficit doesn't have to be that big.

At the same time, there are often situations when slim people without excess fat from a health point of view want to become even drier. To create the desired calorie deficit, they will have to somehow combine both a strict diet and more frequent exercise. But the intensity of both should be increasing and gradually increase. Adding 10 minutes of cardio to each workout per week for several months is very different from immediately starting to exercise for two hours a day.

Take breaks from your diet

Periodic breaks in the diet with an increase in the amount of carbohydrates reduce cortisol levels and often cause a “rebound” of excess fluid. How often and for how long to take breaks depends on your body fat and calorie deficit.

Slim people (less than 25% body fat):

  • With a large calorie deficit - every 2-4 weeks
  • With a moderate calorie deficit - every 6-8 weeks
  • With a small calorie deficit - every 8-10 weeks

Overweight people (25-35% body fat):

  • Large calorie deficit: every 6-8 weeks
  • Moderate calorie deficit: every 8-12 weeks
  • Small calorie deficit: every 12-14 weeks

Obesity (more than 35% body fat):

  • Large calorie deficit: every 10-12 weeks
  • Moderate calorie deficit: every 12-16 weeks
  • Small calorie deficit: every 16-20 weeks

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A break in the diet is a weakening of control, but not a return to old eating habits and not allowing yourself to eat everything in a row and in large quantities. There are several rules:

  1. Determine the caloric intake to maintain your current weight for your current activity.
  2. Continue to eat enough protein, although you don't have to strictly control the amount.
  3. Boost your calories with carbs: Eat at least 150 grams of net carbs per day, preferably more. Sources: cereals, bread, legumes, pasta and spaghetti, fruits. Many of the hormones that control metabolism - leptin, thyroid hormones - react acutely to the amount of carbohydrates in food.

"Dry" refeeds

While diet breaks (i.e., temporarily increasing calories to a maintenance goal) work well for preventing cortisol swelling and are the place to start, there are more advanced strategies for advanced athletes. Among them is the so-called “dry” refeed, when carbohydrates increase and the amount of water consumed decreases. Competing bodybuilders use similar strategies the night before competition to make their muscles look fuller and more defined.

What's the point?

Diet and exercise deplete liver and muscle glycogen. When carbohydrates in food increase sharply, they go to replenish glycogen and “pull” water into the muscles and liver. Each gram of carbohydrate (glycogen) stores 3 grams of water with it, so an additional 150 grams of carbohydrate in a meal will result in 450 grams of water being stored. But if carbohydrates are consumed with insufficient water throughout the day, they will still be stored in the muscles and will still try to draw in water with them, but only the water that is already in the body.

If the refeed lasts 1-2 days, then you should limit liquid for no more than one day. At the same time, even during this day it is enough to limit fluid for only ~5 hours in the evening, with normal, but not excessive fluid consumption in the first half of the day. For example, if your last carbohydrate meal is planned for 9 pm, it makes sense to start fluid restriction at 4 pm. During these 5 hours, water is consumed only in small sips. If you are very thirsty, chewing gum or sucking on ice cubes may help.

As a result, the muscles become more defined, especially after the workout following the refeed.

  • firstly, this effect will be noticeable in a slender person;
  • secondly, you should not count on a huge effect;
  • thirdly, this is a temporary measure that does not in any way affect the amount of fat in the body, and this strategy should not be used more than once every 2-3 weeks. published .

Irina Brecht

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

When losing weight, the weight has stopped, what to do? At first everything went well and your scales pleased you with new results every morning. However, gradually the achievements began to become more modest and one day the weight simply stopped. This phenomenon is called the "plateau effect." You continue to exhaust yourself with diets and exercises, but the scale needle remains in place. What to do if the weight has stopped in the process of losing weight, but you have not achieved the desired slimness?

Why did the weight stop?

1. Losing water instead of burning fat is a rookie mistake. .

The most common reason for weight loss when losing weight is the wrong approach to the weight loss process itself.

Many people who are losing weight begin not only to eat less, but also to drink less, while exhausting themselves with physical exercise, going to dry steam rooms, using thermal belts and wraps for weight loss, and taking laxatives and diuretics.

The results of the first week of such “quick weight loss” can be simply amazing. Some manage to get rid of 10 to 15 kilograms in one week, but, alas, not fat, of course, but water at the cellular level.

Dehydration sets in and weight loss stops. Moreover, as soon as someone losing weight begins to drink enough fluids and stops taking diuretics and laxatives, the weight immediately returns.

2. Too strict a diet is a mistake of maximalists.

If the weight has stopped while losing weight, most likely you have made one of the most common mistakes when losing weight - choosing a diet that is too strict.

The desire to lose weight quickly leads to the body going into energy saving mode. The balance of calories entering the body with food and expended on life activities is equalized. The body reduces internal costs: the growth of hair, nails, and the processes of regeneration of the skin and internal organs are suspended. The safety margin of the system is depleted and immunity decreases, lethargy, apathy, and lack of will set in. Breakdowns into gluttony begin to occur because the body does not receive many of the substances it needs. But for starters, the weight just stops.

3. Repeated dieting is the most common mistake of those losing weight.

There is a way to gain weight for those who are underweight. A person is prescribed a rather strict diet, during which he loses 2-3 kg of body weight in a week. He then returns to normal eating for about a month. Then, for a week he goes on a diet again, but the weight no longer decreases, but remains at the same level, because the body, frightened after the previous diet, stops giving away the reserves it has made and quickly goes into saving mode. Next, another month or two of normal nutrition follows, and then another week of diet, as a result of which the person not only does not lose weight, but, quite the contrary, begins to gain weight. After leaving this diet, most people with insufficient body weight manage to gain 10-15 missing kilograms and completely get rid of the problem, since a complete restructuring of the body’s functioning occurs.

This is exactly how most weight loss dieters try to lose weight.

4. Spending muscle mass instead of fat is a mistake of perfectionists.

Many people who lose weight begin to actively engage in physical exercise along with strict diets. This usually causes a deficiency in the body of energy and various amino acids, which it begins to receive from its own muscle tissue. As a result, there is a loss of muscle mass and its subsequent replacement with connective tissue, which is easily filled with water and fat deposits. This method of losing weight, contrary to the expectations of those losing weight, instead of losing weight, only leads to sagging and sagging skin, stretch marks and cellulite. The weight plateaus and the body structure deteriorates, despite vigorous exercise.

What to do if the weight has stopped while losing weight?

1. You should drink more fluids.

For normal life, a person needs 30 grams. water per day for every kilogram of body weight. When losing weight, you should drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of clean water to flush out toxins and half-life products from the body.

You should not use weight loss medications that contain diuretic and laxative components, since such weight loss is self-deception.

2. It is necessary to reconsider the diet.

If your weight has stopped while losing weight, you should reconsider the diet you are using in order to reduce its rigidity. The slower the weight loss process, the more lasting results can be achieved. The optimal rate of weight loss is 2-3 kg per month. Only with such a gradual weight loss will the body not fall into hysterics and store every extra calorie.

3. If repeated diets do not work.

If you have repeatedly lost weight using diets and then gained the weight back, then you should stop using diets. In this case, you just need to engage in feasible physical exercise and calculate your diet in such a way that the number of calories received from food per day is 100-200 kilocalories less than your energy expenditure.

4. Exercise.

The body needs 1.5 grams per day. protein for every kilogram of body weight. During active sports, the need for protein increases, since sports activities are not intended to lose weight or reduce body weight, but quite the opposite, to pump up muscles and increase muscle mass. Therefore, after training, your food must include complete animal proteins in the amount you need.

When choosing physical activity for weight loss, you should give preference to light physical exercise for cardio and problem areas of the body.

By the way, swimming and, in general, any contact with water that is at least a few degrees colder than body temperature are great for burning fat.

Hello, dear guests of my blog! Do you agree that when extra pounds go away, this loss is extremely pleasant?

However, every second person who is losing weight experiences difficult times: the numbers on the electronic scales freeze. And unfortunately, this can continue for a long time.

Why does weight matter when losing weight? How to deal with this? And what do you need to know? You will find answers to these questions in today's publication.

Dietary plateau

Actually, this is the scientific term for an unpleasant phenomenon. Judging by the reviews, many people came face to face with the plateau.

Some say that weight stagnation does not last long - 5-7 days, while others say the opposite. There are also those whose weight has not moved from a “dead” point for two months.

Why such a “strange” name? Losing weight is a long, drawn-out and sometimes difficult process, like climbing a mountain. A plateau is a flat area between hills where you can rest and gain strength.

Friends, if you have the same problem, then don’t worry! This is even good! Why? You will find out very soon, but now - a little about the process of losing weight.

How we get slimmer

It's no secret that weight loss is never uniform. And scales show us not the amount of body fat, but the total mass of a person with all structural components (for example, muscles, feces, fluid, etc.).

At the initial stage, during weight loss, a person can rapidly lose weight. And that's absolutely normal.

Someone can lose up to 2 kg in a week. This weight loss does not mean that a person is losing fat. Basically, excess fluid leaves the body.

Subsequently, there will be a slight decrease in body weight. And over time, you can meet a plateau.

And the weight can stay the same for a long time. According to experts, this means only one thing: your body has adapted to the current conditions.

You stop using up fat reserves, even though all the options for losing weight (sports and calorie deficit) have been created.

Do you agree that it sounds somewhat depressing? Do not worry! Nutritionists say a plateau is a good sign.

This is a kind of segment where body weight is fixed and stabilized. And over time, this will only work to your advantage: the extra pounds will not come back again. After all, during the plateau, the body gets used to the new weight.

How much can the weight stand?

The duration of weight stagnation depends on many reasons:

  • age category. The younger the person who is slimmer, the less likely they are to hit a plateau;
  • weight correction technique. If you choose a stressful nutrition system or grueling workouts, then the number on the scale is guaranteed to stop at some point;
  • the drinking regime is not observed. If there is not enough fluid, the body “saves” water and stores it in reserve;
  • individual characteristics of the organism. All people are different: some quickly get used to the current conditions, others more slowly.

Nutritionists provide average statistical data. For most people, the scales can show the same number from 5 to 14 days. But you need to understand that all indicators are individual.

Note! If the volumes go away, but the weight stays the same, this is not a plateau. This mainly occurs in those people who play sports. This means that there is subcutaneous fat loss and an increase in muscle mass. A plateau is when both weight and volume remain at the same level for a long time.

Do not stay on the same place. One, two!

Even though a plateau is a good sign, many people are still upset by this factor. What to do if the weight does not come off? There are several solutions, which I will discuss below.

Revision of diet

It is possible that your body has become accustomed to your diet. The important thing here is to analyze the menu and make some changes.

For example, if there were 5 meals, then make 3. Or choose a balanced diet for yourself with. Add more fiber, vegetables and fruits to your diet. Avoid salt, dairy and meat.

Drink water

Pure water is an indispensable helper in our body. You can talk about its beneficial properties for hours.

It removes excess fluid and normalizes intestinal motility. Nutritionists recommend carrying a bottle of water with you at all times or keeping it at arm's length so as not to forget about your drinking regime.

Open up new horizons

New workouts will help speed up weight loss. Combine your usual physical activity with other activities.

There are tons of options! This includes fast walking, yoga, and various types of wrestling... Your muscles will not get used to the usual load if you “deceive” the body with various workouts.


Don't forget about rest. You need to sleep at least 8-9 hours a day. Then the body will not be in a stressful situation. Adequate healthy sleep prevents overeating and normalizes hormonal levels.

It is also important to visit the bathhouse and saunas. The steam room helps remove excess fluid and start metabolism. If this is not possible, then a contrast shower and baths with salt and essential oils are suitable.

Unloading vs Loading

Surprisingly, many reviews talk about a decrease in weight after loading days. This is the so-called planned cheat meal.

That is, a person purposefully allows himself to eat junk food once a week/month. You can eat anything, but only for 1 day (some people eat continuously all day, while others limit themselves to just one meal of unhealthy delicious food).

A fasting day involves minimal food consumption. Some people spend it on water alone (this is quite extreme!), some on steamed buckwheat, and some on . They say that after such a day you can “step over” the plateau.

Note! Experts say that all these recommendations are the prevention of “stagnation” of weight. That is, if you initially adhere to these tips, then perhaps a person will not encounter a plateau.

Opinion of those losing weight


I have been following the Dukan diet for almost a year. At first the weight came off well, but in the last two months the kilograms did not want to leave me. Day after day, the scale arrow showed one number. In the end I decided to eat a piece of cake. It helped! The next day there was a weight of 500 g. But I was really craving something sweet.


Six months ago I switched to a healthy lifestyle. I started eating right and going to the gym. The weight came off slowly, and then came back completely. Then the coach suggested that I change my training program. Three days later the scale pleased me with a new number. Apparently, the body is accustomed to the stress.


Excess weight has haunted me since my student days. Whatever I did! Everything is in vain. Years later, I came to proper nutrition, and finally the weight began to decrease and the volume began to melt. But I did not rejoice at this loss for long. After 1.5 months the weight stopped dead in its tracks. I waited a day, two, five. Costs! I read it on the Internet and found out that this is a plateau effect. I made myself a fasting day with milk tea - and voila! The weight went down again. Now I arrange fasting days once a week.

What to remember

Long-term “stagnation” of weight at the same figure has a scientific name - a dietary plateau. Experts say that this is a sure sign that weight loss is going well.

Almost everyone who loses weight is upset by the plateau, because it can last quite a long time. According to statistics, the needle on the scale can show the same number from 5 to 14 days. However, there are also cases where the weight stays the same for two months.

There are several ways you can overcome a dietary plateau. First of all, you need to review your diet. In addition, do not neglect rest. Good sleep and relaxing spa treatments provide a great boost to weight loss.

Most reviews indicate that many people who are losing weight have encountered this problem. The recommendations mentioned in today's article helped solve it.

Friends, have you reached a plateau? How did you deal with this? Tell us in the comments!

This is where I end. See you again on the expanses of my blog!

Many women, when losing weight, are faced with the fact that the weight stands still and refuses to go down, why does this happen and what to do? There are several reasons for the development of the plateau effect, based on which nutrition and exercise are adjusted to start the weight loss process again.

Why does weight stay the same when losing weight?

Weight can remain in one place for several reasons, each of which requires specific correction or elimination.

. When following a strict diet for a long time, hormonal changes can occur. In this case, fluid is retained by the body, which affects body volume and weight indicators. There is no need to worry, since this effect is temporary and soon the weight will begin to decrease again. Some recommend not only continuing to adhere to proper nutrition and exercise, but also increasing them. But still, you shouldn’t experiment with your body like that; your diet should be balanced and your physical activity should be moderate.

Overabundance of procedures. Some women resort to a variety of methods of losing weight, making a serious mistake. After the weight has stopped, those losing weight often stop eating properly and resort to various methods of expelling fluid. For this purpose, they uncontrollably take diuretics, do not drink the daily amount of fluid, visit steam rooms, wrap themselves in film or wear thermal belts. Such methods not only do not produce results, but also cause enormous harm to the vascular system due to the constant increase in temperature. If you do not stop in time, health problems may begin due to dehydration.

Rigid frames. Many people want to lose weight in a short time, which leads to those losing weight reducing their caloric intake to critical levels. The result of such tests is brittle hair and nails, dullness of the skin, slowdown of metabolic processes and, as a result, stopping weight loss.

Overtraining. Of course, in order to lose weight, your calorie expenditure must exceed your consumption. But if playing sports turns into a test of endurance, and after training there is no strength left even to walk home, then this is a direct path to stopping the weight loss process. With this approach to losing weight, an energy deficit occurs and the amount of beneficial amino acids decreases. High loads can lead to loss of muscle mass, in its place adipose tissue is formed. At this stage, weight stops decreasing, the skin becomes sagging, and stretch marks appear.

If you avoid such mistakes, weight loss will be correct, with gradual weight loss without harm to health.

It’s annoying when the weight loss process suddenly stops, despite proper nutrition and physical activity. Nutritionists call this moment in the process of losing weight the “plateau effect,” which often becomes the reason for stopping a diet or giving up physical activity due to loss of motivation. You shouldn’t sound the alarm and give up halfway, since the following mechanisms can cause a “plateau” to occur:

  • pathological conditions, development of certain diseases;
  • slowing down metabolism;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • fluid retention;
  • excess calories in the diet.

Another reason for the plateau effect is excess calories, although it would seem that we are talking about losing weight. But very often the diet contains foods that significantly increase calorie content, which are often not taken into account.

Therefore, during the process of losing weight, you should record all the foods you consume in a food diary, which will help you assess the situation in the future. In the absence of such an approach, the following mistakes are made:

  1. Unaccounted calories. Many people do not pay attention and do not take into account the calories received during a snack. Also, we must not forget the sugar consumed with coffee, the oil in which food is prepared, nuts, etc.
  2. Recalculation. It should be noted that the caloric content suitable for the initial weight is not suitable when it changes. As you lose weight, you need to recalculate your daily caloric intake.

An unbalanced diet, lack of exercise and other reasons can lead to fluid retention, showing up on the scales plus a few kilograms. Puffiness manifests itself in the development of bags under the eyes, the appearance of marks from the elastic of socks and an increase in body volume, in which case it is necessary to combat swelling. But it is worth considering that the following factors lead to such consequences:

  • heart and kidney failure;
  • use of certain medications;
  • consumption of large amounts of salt in food;
  • premenstrual syndrome.

It is also not uncommon for a plateau effect to occur with a significant decrease in daily caloric intake and an unbalanced diet. The process is caused by insufficient protein intake and energy deficiency, which leads to the replacement of muscle fibers with adipose tissue. Maintaining muscle fibers requires several times more energy than the same amount of fat, so it is beneficial for the body to replace muscle tissue with fat to save energy, while the weight stays the same and the body loses shape. To prevent this transformation, it is necessary to include a sufficient amount of protein in the diet, which will not allow amino acids to be synthesized into fat cells.

The statement that a decrease in daily caloric intake leads to a constant decrease in weight is erroneous, since such an approach simultaneously triggers negative processes, including a decrease in metabolism.

A person who is losing weight feels fatigue, poor health and apathy, the production of antibodies and hormones decreases, leading to negative consequences. In order not to harm your health, it is recommended to reduce caloric intake by 10-15% while losing weight, which will allow you to slowly, but without harm to your health, put your body in order.

What to do if your weight stays the same while following a diet

Actions aimed at combating the plateau effect depend on the reasons for its occurrence.

If the reason for stopping weight loss is liquid, then it is necessary to resume the drinking regime. You cannot refuse water; daily consumption should be at least 2 liters. In order for the liquid to leave the body and not linger in it, it is necessary to reduce salt intake or replace it with sea salt. To improve the condition of the skin, remove fluid and reduce swelling, experts recommend turning to hardware cosmetology - pressotherapy, vacuum massage, lymphatic drainage. Home treatments - manual massage, mud wraps, soda-salt baths - have a similar effect.

It is worth remembering that to solve problems you cannot resort to the use of diuretics. After its forced removal, the opposite effect occurs - an active supply of fluid by the body, which leads to even greater swelling.

If the reason is a strict diet, then it is necessary to increase the calorie content, make the menu varied and complete, with the correct distribution of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. During a strict diet, many people who lose weight note a loss of strength, dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, and apathy. With normalization of nutrition, the symptoms disappear and improvement occurs. You should eat at least 5 times in small portions. It is allowed to carry out fasting days with a low calorie content once a week, and one day = overestimate the calorie content, thereby shaking up the metabolism.

If the weight stays at the same level for more than a week, then you need to use the “swing” method; for this, nutrition must be structured as follows:

  • for four days, meals must be balanced and contain at least 1200 Kcal;
  • the next two days are fasting days, calorie content is reduced to 700 Kcal;
  • day – increase in calorie content to 1800 Kcal.

Fasting days help to regulate minor errors in nutrition, thereby keeping the metabolism in good shape.

If the weight does not decrease for quite a long time, then you can use the following recommendations to build up:

  • change the activity mode, if the training was usually carried out in the morning, then move it to the evening or vice versa;
  • replace part of the strength training with aerobic exercises, and cardio with interval ones;
  • if losing weight is based only on nutrition, then you should include any physical activity, starting with morning exercises, gradually adding swimming, aerobics or yoga;
  • home or salon treatments will help speed up the metabolism: body wraps, saunas, lymphatic drainage, salt or soda baths;
  • replace some carbohydrate products with protein ones;
  • drink at least 2 liters of water;
  • find a hobby for the soul that will distract you from the process of losing weight.

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Often, women on a diet notice that after a couple of weeks the weight has stopped decreasing, and its indicators remain at the same level for a long time, despite the same nutrition and physical activity as at the very beginning. It is the plateau effect when losing weight that 80% of those losing weight face.

The plateau effect when losing weight: what is it and why does it occur?

The plateau effect during weight loss is the cessation of weight loss despite the use of a diet and usual physical activity. Even if you try to reduce the caloric content of your diet and increase energy consumption, there is no guarantee that you will be able to shift your weight, and addiction is to blame.

It is because of getting used to the volume of calories and physical exercise that every second woman faces a plateau phase when losing weight, but most often this problem arises when using low-calorie and low-carbohydrate diets.

This problem is explained by the fact that a person loses weight most intensively only at the first stage, but after a few weeks the body gets used to nutrition and increased calorie consumption, and begins to save its own energy, thereby slowing down metabolism.

There are several other reasons for a dietary plateau:

  • Violation of sleep patterns (lack of sleep): in this case, the body begins to actively store calories;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Stress;
  • Diseases of the digestive organs, violation of the acidity of gastric juice;
  • Problems with the thyroid gland.

When does weight loss plateau occur?

The speed of the body’s reaction to a decrease in calories and an increase in energy consumption is different for everyone, but most often the plateau effect in weight loss occurs when excess fluid is eliminated. After all, weight loss occurs in two stages: first, you manage to get rid of excess water, and only then - from fat deposits.

To move the plateau when losing weight, you will have to significantly reconsider your diet, and possibly physical activity.

The plateau effect when losing weight: how to overcome it

Girls who are faced with the problem of diet ineffectiveness and have experienced what a weight loss plateau is, can use several options:

  • Continue to eat as usual, but one day a week should be a fasting day;
  • Leave the diet the same, but change the sports program and intensity of exercise;
  • Don’t change anything in terms of nutrition and sports, but visit a bathhouse or sauna once a week on the day of strength training - this will increase the body’s need for oxygen, as a result of which it will begin to spend more calories.

How long the plateau lasts when losing weight will depend on the use of these rules, but usually two weeks are enough to accelerate your metabolism.

How to overcome a diet plateau

As mentioned earlier, weight gain often occurs due to a diet that is too low in calories. To get out of a plateau, you need to do the following:

  • Keep a food diary to understand at what point in your diet the plateau occurred;
  • With a minimum amount of calories in the diet, it is necessary to increase them, while simultaneously increasing the intensity of physical activity;
  • To boost your metabolism, you can try a diet with protein-carbohydrate alternating days;
  • Pay attention to labels when purchasing products: many people prefer to buy Fitness oatmeal, but they contain dyes and sugar, which do not contribute to weight loss;
  • To speed up your metabolism, it is also useful to drink a glass of water at room temperature with lemon juice in the morning on an empty stomach.

Why does weight loss plateau occur during menstruation?

Usually, during critical days, the body increases fat burning, but there is one caveat: 1-2 days before their onset, the levels of progesterone and estrogen increase, as a result of which appetite increases.

There are other cases: the rate of fat accumulation increases, and then even a small chocolate bar eaten can cause stagnation. To avoid this, you must strictly adhere to the diet, and then the plateau will pass in 5-7 days.

How to overcome weight loss plateaus for athletes

To combat dietary plateaus, athletes can use the following methods:

  • Increase weight by 5-10 kilograms when performing strength exercises;
  • Reduce rest between approaches, but do not train to exhaustion;
  • Increase the number of repetitions or sets of exercises.

If you can’t get out of a weight loss plateau, you need to see a doctor and get tested: perhaps the reason lies not in poor nutrition, but in the presence of certain diseases. Most often, this problem is faced by those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases or use the wrong diet.

How to speed up your exit from a plateau with nutrition:

  • Eat 4-6 times a day: this not only prevents hunger, but also starts metabolism;
  • Drink water with lemon on an empty stomach: this drink prepares the stomach for food intake and also helps accelerate the breakdown of fats;
  • Make up your diet with a predominance of food containing slow carbohydrates: it must contain a large amount of vegetables and fruits;
  • Strictly follow the diet: never skip breakfast, and have dinner no later than 3 hours before going to bed;
  • Change the number of calories consumed per day: if previously it was 1500, then you can reduce it to 1300 Kcal, but no less.

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