What fabric for a gnome costume. DIY gnome costume options

Preparing a child to participate in the New Year's party is a separate page in the life of parents. The need to create a carnival image is especially depressing. Use the recommendations and make an interesting New Year's costume for a boy with your own hands.

It will not be difficult to make New Year's costumes for children on your own if you have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat kind of hero the child wants to be. Depending on this, parents select an ensemble.

Many mothers and grandmothers are frightened by the need to make their own New Year's costumes. Therefore, we will try to dispel these fears by offering beautiful costumes for the New Year, which are easy to make. In this case, the outfit will look festive and original.

We present outfits that will suit boys of different age categories - from the smallest to children of preschool and primary school age. The beauty is that the proposed New Year's costumes are easy to make with your own hands:


Every mother sees a little gnome in her baby. Invite a 2-3-year-old child to play such a role.

To make a DIY gnome costume, use:

  • colored bright shirt or sweatshirt with stripes;
  • bright breeches;
  • striped tights (it is desirable that the pattern repeats or harmonizes with the stripes on the shirt);
  • vest;
  • belt with wide buckle.

Sheathe the vest and breeches with New Year's rain or a voluminous garland. If there is no vest, then it is simply sewn from a bright plain fabric.

The rest of the details of the toilet will have to be done independently:

  1. Cap - from an old sports jacket:
  • choose the brightest color;
  • rip the jacket at the seams;
  • make a pattern from the back of the jacket according to the proposed pattern;
  • sew a headdress;
  • sew an elastic band from the sweater to the bottom of the cap. So it will be better to stay on the baby's head;
  • sew a pompom made from a voluminous New Year's garland to the tip of the cap;
  • cover your hat with rain.
  1. Shoes. Try to make the image of the baby bright. Use the floors or sleeves of a sweatshirt. They can be contrasting or plain, but always catchy:
  • using the proposed scheme, make an individual pattern, focusing on the leg of the child (if you plan to put a slipper on Czech shoes, then they will be the size guide);
  • sew;
  • decorate with beads and rain.

You can sheathe white Czech shoes with rain. They will also look elegant, but not as impressive as the real shoes of a fairy gnome.

Do not forget to paint the gnome's cheeks, put a few sparkle freckles on his nose. Voila - the look is complete!


New Year's costumes for kids are easy to create, especially when they reflect the true nature of a little tomboy. Next in line is the image of a corsair and the ruler of the seas. It is perfect for older boys - 4-5 years old. They will enjoy wearing a sword or a pirate saber, a must-have accessory. Children of this age will try to make sure that she does not interfere with them during games.

It is very easy to make a pirate costume with your own hands. For this you will need:

  • White shirt;
  • black breeches;
  • black vest;
  • white stockings or tights;
  • black shoes (Czech shoes).

You will have to conjure over them to make them smart, and make the rest of the accessories yourself.

To turn everyday items into a pirate costume, follow these steps:

  1. Decorate the shirt with lace.

Sea wolves are passionate fashionistas. Their shirts were always decorated with jabot and lace. To get closer to the original corsair look:

  • take an old white shirt (if the sleeves are short, then this is only a plus);
  • wrap the collar inward, if it is not too hard, but rather rebuff it;
  • measure the double length of the neck circumference from a skein of wide lace or cut a strip of this length from the guipure (cut width - 20–25 cm);
  • collect the lace on a thread so that it is lush;
  • sew it to the neck;
  • Sew a white satin ribbon on top of the seam. She will cover the junctions and play the role of ties;
  • measure the circumference of the cuffs of the shirt and cut two such lengths from the lace;
  • thread the lace and sew to the cuff or over it.
  1. Work on your pants. They should be loose, just below the knee. Collect them at the bottom with an elastic band.
  2. Pick up a black vest, and to it a red wide ribbon, with which tie the child's belt twice. Be sure to put your saber and pistols in your belt.
  3. Choose black shoes. Decorate them with Christmas rain.
  4. Wear a themed bandana with a pirate symbol on your head.

If you wish, then make a cocked hat from black fabric. Take a small piece of black cloth and gelatinize it: dissolve in 500 ml of hot water 2 tbsp. l. gelatin, leave it to swell, dip the fabric into it for 40 minutes, then dry and iron.

  • measure the child's head and add 2 cm of allowances to this number - this is the bottom of the hat;
  • cut off a rectangular part, the long part of which is the volume of the child's head and 2 cm of allowances, and the short part is the desired depth of the headgear. This will be the crown;
  • make fields: the circle in the middle is the volume of the head, the width of the fields is 10 cm.
  • sew all the details;
  • sew the front and back fields to the crown;
  • in front, make an applique of the symbol of pirates.

The image is completed if you hang a telescope over your shoulder and draw a dapper mustache.


This image will appeal to boys over 4 years old. This comic book hero is as popular as Spider-Man and Superman.

Making such a costume for a little hero is easy. For this you will need:

  • black leggings;
  • black long sleeve t-shirt;
  • a small piece of black cloth (approximately 75 cm long and 1.5 m wide). Gather it on one side and sew it with a black satin ribbon. It's a superhero cape.

On the raincoat and T-shirt you need to sew or glue the Batman symbol. It can be printed on a printer using yellow colored double-sided paper (take it thicker), or make a pattern and cut it out of fabric.

The highlight of this New Year's image is the Batman mask. Choose one of the options for its manufacture:

1. According to the template, cut out a mask from felt. Print out the Batman symbol on a color printer, cut it out and glue it onto the mask. Pass the elastic on both sides.

2. Make a 3D Batman mask. For this:

  • remove the decor from it;
  • make a template for Batman's ears, use it to create a fabric pattern: 2 parts, and make one (back) longer than the front so that it covers the crown and falls to the back of the head;
  • to better hold pointed ears, substitute two triangles cut out of cardboard, sew two parts on top;
  • glue the bottom of the short part to the top of the mask, and leave the second part free. A kind of cap will come out.

Your hero is ready for the carnival. Chunky platform boots are perfect for this outfit. Do not forget to equip the boy with a walkie-talkie, handcuffs and other attributes of a crime fighter.

Christmas costumes for children are easy to make. To do this, use improvised means. Be creative, create the image of Spider-Man, ninja, Arab sheikh, Ali Baba and other famous characters. Do not forget to ask the child who he wants to be.

What other carnival costumes would you like to make yourself?

Happy celebration!

Parents are faced with the difficult task of choosing an original costume for their child, so that it does not happen that several more people will come in the same costumes. Only an independent solution of the problem will help. The costume needs to be made at home. But what if the parents do not have such professional skills. The answer is simple. You need to try to sew a gnome costume according to a pattern. All elements of the outfit are quite easy to make. The article provides a detailed description of the tailoring of such carnival outfits for boys.

The easiest option

If a mother has never sewed, but wants to make an original costume for her baby inexpensively, then this is not a problem. You can always pick up a gnome's clothes: dark trousers or shorts, a plaid shirt or T-shirt of any color, put on a belt and sew a cap. In order for it to turn out beautiful and bright, you will need to buy one sheet of felt in the store. The choice of color is up to you. Gnome hats can be of different colors.

Having measured the circumference of the head, transfer the dimensions to a sheet of paper and add 1 cm to the seam. You can divide the head circumference in half and sew a cap from two pieces of felt. We take any height of the triangle for the gnome pattern, as desired. Felt is a soft material, easy to cut and sew. The cut edge can not be processed in any way, the threads will not crumble along the edge. If you put a cap on your child for the New Year's holiday, then you can sheathe the bottom edge with fur, cotton wool or silver rain. It is also permissible to sew a pompom or cotton ball on the sharp edge of the cap.

Gnome beard

A mandatory element of any gnome pattern is a beard. It can be made from cotton wool on an elastic band, woven from threads of white yarn, or sewn according to the pattern in the photo from the same felt.

To properly cut such a beard, you need to make the necessary measurements. Take a soft meter and measure the distance from the beginning of one ear through the chin to the beginning of the second ear. You can reduce 1 cm on each side so that the product does not cover your ears. Before stitching, you can always attach the cut to the child’s head, measure it and make it comfortable for him. It is permissible to make a beard in one layer, or you can make a two-layer one. A simple elastic band is sewn along the edges.

thread beard

You can make a beard of white thick yarn for a gnome costume sewn according to a pattern with your own hands. The thread must be strong so that the product does not break at the most crucial moment. Also, the thread should not prick so that the child does not feel uncomfortable at the holiday. This beard is easy to make. You can place "hairs" on a string or rubber band.

The threads are cut to the same length so that when folded in half, it matches the length of the character's future beard. Then, a thread of yarn bent in half is threaded through a loop in the middle onto a rope, tightening it tightly so that the knots do not untie during the holiday. The beard is made of any size, depending on where it will be. If it is tied around the neck, then it can be made long and lush. If it will be mounted on the head of a child, then it should correspond to the size of the face or be from ear to ear.

Fabric suit

You can make such a simple gnome costume according to a pattern yourself. To sew such a vest, you need to measure the distance from shoulder to shoulder. The fabric on the wrong side is folded in half and a simple rectangle is marked with chalk. The length of the vest is taken at will. From above, the center of the rectangle is outlined and a neck is drawn with chalk on the eye, which is then cut out with scissors. It remains to sew the sides to the level of the middle of the body. The vest is worn over the head. You can simply tie it with a belt, or you can make an application on the fabric, as in the photo below.

It is best to sew such a costume from felt. The material does not crumble, so it will not be necessary to sheathe the edges.

paper cap

This option is easy to make on a sheet of drawing paper according to the pattern. The gnome will turn out beautiful too. The edges can be glued or stapled. If the cardboard is thick, then you can even sew the edges. The lower part of the cap will look great with glued cotton wool. You can paste over the entire product with cloth or make an application, for example, gold stars.

To complement the suit, you can wear a vest and dark trousers with a belt. And on your feet put on gnome slippers with twisted socks. Consider how you can do this according to the pattern for the gnome.

magic slippers

Before you start drawing the pattern, you need to circle the child's foot in a circle on cardboard. You can use the insole from the baby's shoes, if it is dense and not deformed. Draw a foot on paper. Before make pointed. The sides can be made whole by folding the material in half. The fold line runs through the heel.

All details of the slipper are sewn along the upper side with a decorative seam over the edge. You can take floss threads to match the material or, conversely, a contrasting color. It is desirable to sew a felt insole to the foot from the inside so that the child does not feel cold in the legs. There is one more option. Sew slippers a little larger and put them on top of your feet, shod in Czech shoes. When the foot and the side of the slippers are sewn, you need to sew on the top, the sharp edge of which looks towards the toe of the slippers.

DIY gnome costume: patterns

If mom knows how to sew well, then you can sew a gnome costume on your own using this pattern. Such an outfit consists of several elements: shorts or pants, a vest, a cap and mittens on the hands.

After cutting the gnome pattern with your own hands, you need to decompose the pants into separate parts, then manually with a thread and a needle, all the parts are swept away and attached to the sewing machine. After the overcasting thread is removed, you need to carefully process the edges of the seams. From the bottom of each leg, two centimeters of matter are left for a hem for an elastic band. After sewing the legs together, the material for sewing in the elastic is also left on top. When everything is done, insert an elastic band with a pin.

After sewing together the two parts of the front and back, the vest is decorated with a strip of fur along the edges. You can also decorate the cap. Mittens are sewn at will. Do not forget that the New Year's party lasts a long time, and the children always dance a round dance, during which they hold each other's hands. Think in advance whether it will be convenient for your child to bathe in mittens for the whole holiday or not.

Outfit for baby

It is easy to make a gnome costume according to a pattern for a boy. You can wear such a simple outfit for a holiday and a baby up to 1-1.5 years old. Not a single detail of the costume should prevent the child from moving, pressing or rubbing. Therefore, the fabric used is soft and natural. The beard is sewn like a bib. You can use it as a template for sewing a beard for a pattern of a New Year's gnome. The contours are drawn at will, you can take a drawing such as in this photo.

A belt with a large badge is sewn from soft felt, having previously measured the circumference of the baby's waist. On the legs are soft booties.

Many people do not want to bother with tailoring holiday dresses and rent costumes in the atelier or, in general, on the Internet. Often such costumes are not processed properly. There were cases when a child after such an outfit fell ill with pediculosis. It is best to spend a couple of evenings and sew your own, new and original costume, especially since, according to the patterns given in the article, it is not difficult to do this at all, the main thing is to want to. Try it and you will understand how simple it is, and in terms of cash costs it will cost five times cheaper. But you will know for sure that the costume is clean and the child will not get sick after the holiday, and will be the most beautiful. Then the costume can be worn again or given to relatives for the next holiday.

The need for a child to participate in a New Year's party, dressed in a carnival costume, sets the task for parents to choose the right image. One of the most popular is the gnome costume. It is known to us from many fairy tales, in each of which these creatures had their own characteristics.

What should a gnome's outfit consist of

Parents with extensive experience in sewing can independently make each element of such a costume. But what about those whose skills in this area are limited or when there is not enough free time? How to make a gnome costume and not spend a lot of time and effort on it?

As a basis for the top of the outfit, you can use a one-color shirt. At the same time, its bright shade is important. For the bottom fit almost any existing pants. In this case, creating the basis of the image will not require labor.

The most important elements of the gnome's attire are additional items: a vest, a belt with a massive buckle, a stick with a knot and a cap with a characteristic bend.

In some cases, they use mittens, false nose and makeup, as well as cardboard buckles on shoes.

How to sew a vest?

This part of the suit should be different in color from the shirt. Unlike the latter, the vest can be sewn from fabric of different shades, for example, checkered.

To make this item you will need:

    the cloth ;

    sewing machine;

    threads to match the fabric;



The first step is to make patterns. They can be made by tracing any son's T-shirt on paper. It must be remembered that the vest is more open in front and should be shorter than the shirt. Therefore, you need to make appropriate adjustments to the drawing. With them, the fabric is cut off.

With the help of a machine, it is necessary to carefully sew the parts of the vest, as well as make neat inversions of the fabric along its edges. After that, the vest will be ready.

Cap tailoring

The cap should also be bright. Its color match to the shirt will be ideal. When making a headdress, it is important that its lower part fits the size of the boy's head. Therefore, you need to measure this parameter with a centimeter.

The pattern should be made on the basis of the drawing, the lower part of which is 2-3 cm larger than the above value. This stock is taken for the future seam. The upper part of the drawing represents a single vertex, to which there are two lines converging from the base.

With the help of a machine, a neat seam is made, after which it remains only to bend the cap, stuffing its top with cotton or padding polyester.

Creating other elements

The gnome's belt is made using a fabric belt and a fake large buckle glued to it, which can be cut out of cardboard. The same elements can decorate shoes.

An important part of the attire is a stick with a knot. It is made in an elementary way: with the help of a short wooden handle. The knot itself should be stuffed with light soft material.

If the pants to be used are short, it is advisable to wear striped socks.

The independent creation of a gnome carnival costume is not an impossible task. With the proper degree of perseverance, the result can greatly please the boy and the whole family.

Children love to dress up as different characters from movies and cartoons. One such character is the gnome. But what to do if you need a gnome carnival costume for a matinee in kindergarten, but buy ready suit problematic? In this case, you can sew a gnome costume with your own hands! For sewing any costume they can be used as a sample, so as not to waste extra time on measurements.

For boys, the gnome suit is more suitable, however, with the proper approach on girls, he too looks good.

The complete suit consists of the following main parts:

  • shirt or jacket / T-shirt;
  • vest;
  • panties or shorts with golfs / skirt with tights;
  • shoes;
  • cap;
  • belt and other accessories - optional.

Surely in the wardrobe there are already everyday things for the child . For sewing any costume they can be used as a sample, so as not to waste extra time on measurements. A full-size gnome pattern will be very useful if there are things that are both a pity to throw away and wearing them are irrelevant.

Gallery: do-it-yourself gnome costume (25 photos)

How to sew a shirt and vest

Any shirt from the existing ones is taken as a basis and applied to the fabric. Next, you need to lightly circle with chalk, while adding 5-7 cm, except for the bottom (it should be lengthened by 14-15 cm). To put a thing on a child without effort and hassle, the neck must be large. In the same way jacket is made.

It is better to use the largest and brightest buttons. A pattern for a girl is made according to the same principle. But you can use any bright T-shirt for these purposes, as well "fantastic" will add accessories.

Sewing a vest is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. If you make the size too big, then the vest will hang down or fall off. However, such a miss is easily compensated by bandages and laces. The pattern is done as for a shirt, but the fabric should be denser. Details are sewn together from the inside. On the overlock, cut edges are processed and stitched, pre-tucking in 1-2 layers.

For boys, two options are more suitable: one pants or shorts with knee-highs. The second option is preferable, because it will look more spectacular. It is also necessary to attach to the fabric, circle, add about 5 cm, cut out 2 such details, sew and insert an elastic band.

Girls are better do not use a skirt with colored tights or stockings. The option of using shorts with a skirt is also suitable.

Dwarven shoes

The final touch of the costume is textile boots. Shoes for a gnome costume are made from special thick fabric. Felt is suitable for her role. When choosing a theme, by and large, it doesn’t matter what color the base of the shoe will be, whether it’s a New Year’s slipper or a regular one. In both cases, red bells are added so that the shoes look as good on New Year's Eve as on another holiday.

Here are two main options with a photo and a pattern pattern:

Making a cap

A hat for a suit can be knitted or sewn, the choice is yours.

The headdress of a gnome is made very easily: first, the head is measured with a thread, folded in half and applied to the fabric. Next, you need to add a few centimeters to turned out the base of the cap. Then two such triangles are cut out, sewn together and the cap is equipped with an elastic band. The bell at the tip of the cap can be made red so that it also suits the New Year holidays.

Gnome Accessories

Various decorations will give an unusual and fabulous look to the child. These include:

  • beard
  • belt;
  • handbag on the belt or on the shoulder;
  • bandages, flowers, ribbons and more.

Creating a costume is a creative business, so do not be afraid experiment and invent something of your own.

A beard can be made from thick white threads and equip it with a rubber band. The beard is also useful for the New Year's costume of Santa Claus. A small handbag is often present in the wardrobe of girls. It can be decorated with magical attributes, decorated with dragonflies, butterflies or flowers. The handbag will become more magical if you put homemade potion jars or gems in it. A gingerbread gnome in a purse will also come in handy. Girls can use bracelets on their hands and bows.

The belt can be made in several versions, differing in the type of fastening: buttoned, simply tied, etc. There are other applications for the belt - tie a child with it in the form of the letter “x”, having previously equipped the belt pockets for small items.

Dwarf toy made of felt

For the atmosphere of the party, you can make a toy in the form of a small gnome and put it in a prominent place. For its manufacture, two main materials are needed - paper and felt, the rest can be used from improvised means.

First you need to make a paper cone, which will form the basis of the toy. Then sheathe it, this will be the main costume. The top will become a cap, so you can sew another small cone on it with or without protrusions around the edges. Then we make a beard, face, patterns as desired.

We sew handles separately. The hand is sewn from 2 parts in the form of an oval. After that, you can proceed to elements such as buttons on the suit, eyes, nose, etc. For this, you can use the buttons themselves, beads, or any suitable materials.

The “jolly gnome” costume is a variant of the carnival outfit for the New Year, which is distinguished by its versatility. If you choose the right pattern, it's easy to create a New Year's costume for a boy, guy, or even a little lady.

Children's gnome costume for a boy for the New Year

To sew a gnome shirt, you need to take any shirt from the wardrobe as a sample, attach it to the fabric, circle it, adding at least seven centimeters to each side, except for the bottom. It will need to be extended by about fifteen centimeters. Be sure to make a large neck to easily put on a thing over your head.

A suitable decor is bright patches and trimming the edges with wavy braid. The best fabric options for this shirt are light and stretchy. It is desirable to choose a color bright or light.
Sewing a beautiful vest is easy. This will require dense dark material and thick braid. Instead of a pattern, we take an ordinary shirt, apply it to a dark fabric, circle everything except the sleeves, adding five centimeters. Next, shorten the bottom by about ten centimeters and cut out the neck.

There should be two such parts - the first will be the back, and the second should be cut in half to create the front. Next, you need to sew three parts. After that, we make four holes along the edges of the front part at the same level and thread the braid through them. The ends can be left in free fall or tied with a bow.

For pantaloons, you will need satin fabric of any dark or bright color. Instead of a pattern for a sample, you can take sports pants. We outline them, adding centimeters for width, and shorten them so that the pantaloons are just below the knees. Two such details should be cut out and sewn, not forgetting to insert three elastic bands - one on top and two on the ends of the legs.

Well, what a dwarf without a bright cap! First, we measure the head with a thread. We fold it in half, apply it to the fabric, add a couple of centimeters and get the base of the headdress. We draw a triangle with this base on the fabric, create another such detail, sew both triangles together and insert an elastic band into the base.

Do-it-yourself New Year's gnome costume for an adult guy

Why not dress up as a jolly gnome for the New Year's carnival, especially if your date is actively considering a Snow White costume as an option?!
It will be easier to take a ready-made shirt in a light or bright color. It is desirable that it is not classical. If the sleeves are long, you can roll them up.

The vest is easy to sew from dark fabric, making only three parts: a back in the form of a rectangle with a neck and notches for the sleeves and two front parts that can be obtained by cutting a part identical to the back in half. Decorations in the form of very large buttons on one side of the vest will look spectacular.

It is easy to sew a cap, but there is the easiest way to get a suitable headdress - buy a Santa Claus hat in the store. If you managed to find only red with a white edge and a pompom and you don’t want to compete with Santa Claus at the holiday, cut off a white fur edge, buy a soft fabric of a different color, cut a strip out of it and sew on a hat.

With a pompom, everything is simple - cut out a wide ring of paper with a diameter of ten centimeters, wrap a woolen thread around it, cut along the edges and collect the resulting threads with a thin braid into a pompom.

You can make gnome pants using any bright fabric and sweatpants. We circle the pants, adding five centimeters, cut out two such details, cut each in half lengthwise, sew and insert the elastic bands into the ends of the legs and into the base.

Children's New Year's gnome costume for a girl

A young lady can look adorable in this extraordinary outfit if done right.

Of course, a white short-sleeved blouse can be sewn, but do not suffer. Picking up such a thing in the wardrobe or buying it in a children's clothing store is a suitable and easy option.

The process of making a vest and cap can be seen in the instructions for creating a suit for a boy and a guy. Here, only the decor and color schemes in the costume for the girl should be different. Suitable colors: blue, red, blue, burgundy, orange, emerald and other rich and bright colors. In the form of decor, you should use sparkling tinsel, ribbons and lace braid.

The skirt is best made from floral fabric or bright fabric with polka dots. We measure the waist with an elastic band, tie it and sew a rectangle cut out of a suitable fabric to it. If the top seam turned out to be not very beautiful, you can hide it with a thick ribbon of contrasting fabric in the form of a belt.

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