Speech therapy lesson tongue visiting a fairy tale. Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson on the topic "Fairy tales and fairy tale characters

Summary of speech therapy classes in the senior group

MBDOU No. 14 "Alyonushka"

"Visiting a fairy tale."

Speech therapist: Breus Elena Petrovna


diagnostic:classification of objects, generalization of objects and words on an essential basis (animals, furniture, dishes), seasons, spatial orientation;

educational:continue to develop the ability to recognize fairy tales and their heroes, develop the ability to highlight the main instructive thought, captivate with a fairy tale plot, develop figurative thinking, fine motor skills, develop visual gnosis, expand articulatory capabilities, teach elementary self-massage techniques, optimize the overall tone of the body, remove pathological clamps;

educational : to cultivate the need for reading books, love for oral folk art, cultivate friendly relations between children, the habit of working together.

1. Organizational moment

Guys, do you like fairy tales?

I invite you to a fairy tale. What happens in fairy tales? (Magic, transformations...)

And in our fairy tale, there will also be miracles and transformations. I, like a real sorceress, have a “magic wand”.

Exercise "Morning"

Before starting the exercise, the speech therapist approaches each child, touches the “magic wand” with the words:

You are not guys today

You are funny teddy bears.

(child's name) is not a child,

(child's name) - a teddy bear.

(I name all the children) ...

Bear cubs are sleeping sweetly

(children lean against the backs of chairs and lower their heads, close their eyes)

And they snort in a relaxed manner.

(breathing calmly and deeply)

The sun peeked through the window

Everyone blinked a little.

(close eyes tightly)

Bear cubs, stop sleeping,

(open eyes wide)

It's time for you to get up.

(getting up from their seats)

The cubs are all awake

Stretched, smiled.

(with tension they pull their hands up, lower them, stretch their lips in a smile.)

Bears love cleanliness.

Everyone goes to wash.

faucet open,

Nose, wash yourself

(make stroking rotational movements with the index fingers of both hands along the nose from top to bottom on both sides).

Wash both eyes at once

(perform circular massaging movements over the eyelids)

Wash your neck

(rubbing the neck, turning the head to the right and left)

Hands, wash well.

(rubbing hands)

As if with a brush tongue

Let's start brushing our teeth.

(open mouth, stroke upper, then lower teeth in horizontal and vertical directions)

Bear cubs sniffed:

(Take a full slow breath through the nose, hold the air for 2 seconds, exhale slowly through the mouth)

Something smells strange

(repeat exercise 3-4 times)

Very tasty. It's honey!

Mom is waiting for us for breakfast.

Bear cubs lapped honey,

(perform laxative movements with the tongue, keep the mouth open)

Then the lips were licked.

(lick lips back and forth, keep mouth open)

The tongue is not lowered

The top is pressed hard.

(mouth open)

I need to drink hot tea

But chill first.

(with the hand they depict a “cup”, inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, stretch the lips with a tube, direct the air stream to the “cup in the hand.)

Then have a drink

And then smile.

(imitate “drinking” from a “cup”)

Breakfast eaten, cubs

They are naughty like turkeys.

(perform quick movements of the tongue back and forth)

teased each other

And they started to work.

2. Main body

See what it's worth? (box)

Oh, guys, probably not an easy chest, but a magical one. Let me open it. Does not work. How can the lock be opened? We are in a fairy tale, and magic can happen there. What magic words can we say to open the chest? (“Kreks, fex, pex”, “By the command of the pike, at my will”) ...

Exercise "Castle" (finger gymnastics)

There is a padlock on the chest

Who could open it?

Pulled, twisted

They knocked and opened.

Opening the chest...

Come on, chest, show us what's inside you ...

So many interesting things here!

Tell me what is it? (clew)

(jumps and rolls down a path of autumn leaves)

Here, friends, is a magical forest,

It is full of secrets and wonders...

(children walk on the leaves)

Guys, what is rustling under our feet? (Leaves)

What color are they? (multicolored)

What season is it in our magical forest? (Autumn)

So, what kind of forest? (autumn)

What other signs of autumn do you know? (It's raining, it's getting colder, leaf fall, etc.)

Where has our ball gone?

Guys, look, the hut

Standing on the edge of the forest

Three chairs, three beds, three pillows

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale? ("Three Bears")

What are the bears' names? (Mikhailo Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna and Mishutka)

Masha visited the house,

The chairs are broken

Scattered everything around here.

Let's help the bears set the table while they walk through the forest.

(I take dishes from the chest)

What's this? (This big spoon is for Mikhailo Potapych)

This spoon is smaller for Nastasya Petrovna

This little spoon for Mishutka

This big mug is for Mikhailo Potapych

This mug is smaller for Nastasya Petrovna.

And this little mug is for Mishutka.

This big cup is for Mikhailo Potapych.

This cup is smaller for Nastasya Petrovna.

And this little cup is for Mishutka.

Guys, how to name cups, mugs, spoons in one word? (It's dishes)

Look how beautifully we set the table, arranged the chairs. Tell me, chairs, what is the table? (This is furniture).

Let's call the owners. They are in the forest. What do bears do in the forest in autumn? (Bears collect mushrooms, cones, berries). No wonder they say:

All bears have a sweet tooth

They like to eat honey, berries without haste.

And having eaten, without anxiety

Until spring, they sniffle in a den.

The bears are getting ready for winter hibernation. They want to sleep in autumn. Show how bears yawn?

Exercises for chewing-articulatory muscles.

Show how the berries are picked. Taste the berries, chew them well (imitate chewing).

We seat the bears on chairs. We put Mikhailo Potapych on a large chair, Nastasya Petrovna on a smaller chair, and Mishutka on a small chair.

Look, the bears brought mountain ash, hawthorn, viburnum from the forest. Kalina, mountain ash, hawthorn - this is ... (berry)

That's right, it's all a berry, it's not for nothing that bears love it. She is very helpful.

According to popular beliefs, there is not a single disease in which viburnum would not help. Hawthorn helps patients with heart disease. And rowan has a lot of vitamins.

So that the bears have a good mood and it is warm and light in their den, I will add the sun, and I will give you rays for the correct answers.

3. Bottom line.

Guys, tell me, who did we visit? (for bears)

What happened to them? (While they were in the forest, Masha scattered everything ...)

How do we help the bears? (We set the table, arranged the furniture)

What does this tale teach? (The tale teaches not to take someone else's)

Well done! Let's give the sun our rays.

(We fix the rays to the sun)

The sun touched Mikhailo Potapych with its rays and he was in a good mood. She touched Nastasya Petrovna, she was in a good mood. The sun touched Mishutka and he was in a good mood.

See how the bears smile, smile and you. Look left and smile, look right and smile.

In gratitude, the bears want to treat you and our guests with a tasty and healthy berry. And the bears also give you a balloon so that you can quickly return from the magical forest to your kindergarten, to your group and watch the cartoon "Three Bears".

In order not to offend fairy tales,

I need to see them more often

Love them and play them.

Fairy tales will wean everyone to be angry,

And learn to have fun

Be humble and kind

Be patient and smart!!!

Thanks everyone! Ride balloons to your group. See you again.


Open lesson in the middle speech therapy group.

(Compiling a descriptive story from a picture)


Speech therapist: Breus E.P.

Open speech therapy lesson on the development of coherent speech for children of the middle group.

"Journey of the Snowflakes"

Correctional and educational goals.

  1. Refinement, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic "Winter": (winter, snow, snowflake, blizzard, blizzard,)
  2. Learning to compose a story based on plot pictures.

Correctional and developmental goals.

  1. The development of visual attention, thinking, memory, coordination of speech with movement, the development of a long smooth exhalation.

Correctional and educational:

Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, initiative.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: A strange star fell from the sky

It landed on my palm and disappeared.

Guys, what is this?

Children: Snowflake.

(1 slide "Blizzard".)

Listen, what are those sounds?

Children: Wind.

Speech therapist: Yes, this is not an easy wind. This is the winter wind. What is the wind like in winter?

Children: Cold, northern.

Speech therapist: The wind blows, the wind blows

And snowflakes are spinning in the sky.

The wind brought snowflakes to us.

(2 slide "Snowflakes").

Speech therapist: Look, guys, what snowflakes?

Children: White, carved, shiny, fragile.

Speech therapist: And very beautiful.

(speech therapist distributes snowflakes on strings to children).

2. Breathing exercise.

Speech therapist: Let's blow on the snowflakes and see how beautifully they fly. You need to blow smoothly, without puffing out your cheeks and without raising your shoulders.

(Children blow on cotton balls - "snowflakes").

3. Phonopedic exercise. "Snowflakes" (sing vowel sounds with the music director).

Snowflakes lived in a large snow cloud.

The cloud swayed gently, cradling the snowflakes (they sing the sound “a” from the highest sound to the lowest).

The wind came up and began to swing a cloud across the sky (they sing the sound “u” from the lowest sound to the highest).

Waking up, snowflakes jumped from the clouds and flew to the ground (sing with short sounds “a”, “o”, “y”).

4 .Speech therapist: Guys, now we will turn into snowflakes and go traveling.

(Waltz by PI Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Snowflakes" sounds)

Speech therapist: We turn into snowflakes, we will notice all the paths.

And snowflakes are spinning around, flying,

They cover the earth with a winter blanket.

Snowflakes are flying, smoothly and beautifully.

Snowflakes fell to the ground and this is what they saw:

5. Compilation of the story "Winter".(Slides "Winter pictures").

The whole land and houses are covered with white snow.

Who has fun in winter? - children.

What are they doing? Do they make a snowman, go sledding?

Pay attention to what the children are wearing. - In coats and hats.

Children are dressed warmly because it is cold in winter.

Speech therapist: And so the guys are snowflakes, let's repeat what we see on the screen?

" Winter came. The ground, houses and trees are covered with snow.

Children enjoy winter. They go sledding, build a snowman, play snowballs.”

Speech therapist:

Let's make a snowman with you too. (Slide snowman. Massage to rhythmic music).

6. Massage "Snowman"

One-hand, two-hand, (children stretch out one hand, then the other)

We are making a snowman. (imitate snowball making)

We will roll a snowball - (palms make circular movements on the hips)

Like this, (spread their arms to the sides, showing how big)

And then a smaller lump - (rubbing their chest with their palms)

Here's one. (show the size of the coma less)

And we will put it upstairs, (stroking their cheeks with their hands)

Little lump. (put fingers together, show a small lump)

So the Snowman-Snowman came out (they put their hands on their sides, turns left - right)

Very cute fat guy!

7. Speech therapist .: Our journey "Snowflakes" is coming to an end. In order to turn into children, warm your hands. (children warm their hands with a warm air jet, pronouncing the sound x - x - x).

Well, the snowflakes melted, but the guys remained.

8. Bottom line.

Today we traveled and looked at the world through the eyes of snowflakes. And so that you remember this trip for a long time, I suggest you sit down at the tables and draw with your finger on the snow what you liked best: maybe a blizzard or a blizzard, a snowman, a slide or a small traveler snowflake. Draw guys.

Joint activity time: 30 minutes.

Age of children: senior preschool age (preparatory group for school).

Number of pupils: 12 people.

The general educational program of group No. 4: "The program of education and upbringing in kindergarten" M.A. Vasilyeva.

Equipment: slides depicting a series of plot pictures for Ch. Perrault's fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" (6 pictures); house - model; didactic game with cards "Who is from which fairy tale?" (6 fairy tales); book "Guess the tale"; laptop, screen, projector; a disc with a collection of fairy tales "Machines of a fairy tale" and with musical accompaniment; tables in a semicircle and chairs arranged in pairs (in two places); a table with a chair for a teacher; "tracks" (long and short); cards with sentences where word order is violated, and with a plot for the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood".

Purpose: development of communicative and cognitive activity of children through speech games and exercises within the framework of the integration of educational areas: "Knowledge", "Communication", "Socialization", "Safety", "Fiction".



  • development of communication skills and coherent oral speech of preschoolers based on the retelling of a fairy tale based on a series of six plot pictures and the construction of individual sentences.


  • development of visual-figurative and auditory memory, voluntary attention, logical thinking and speech, speech creative perception, fine motor skills in the process of working with puzzle pictures.


  • to consolidate the ability to work in pairs within the framework of joint activities;
  • to teach to choose a leader according to his personal qualities;
  • cultivate a respect for the book;
  • contribute to the awakening of interest in fiction.

The course of joint activities "Visiting a fairy tale"

Free activities of children before the start of joint activities: design, viewing illustrated books, board-printed and story games.

1. Motivational stage.

The teacher demonstrates on the screen a fragment of the cartoon "Little Red Riding Hood" from the collection "Machines of a Fairy Tale". Children pay attention to the image on the screen, come up, stand near the screen, take an interest, pronounce the name of the fairy tale ("Little Red Riding Hood") ...

There are errors in this fairy tale: Gingerbread Man came from another fairy tale, Little Red Riding Hood did not sit on a stump ... So, Masha mixed up all the fairy tales (exemplary answers of children).

Do you guys mix up the heroes of fairy tales? (Not).

Can you prove it? (Yes).

2. Didactic game: "Who is from which fairy tale?".

Children sit in pairs near the central card with the image of the main character of their particular fairy tale, comparing it with other characters and objects (objects) from the same fairy tale.

In order to walk to the table in pairs, you need to name words that are opposite in meaning (speech exercise: “On the contrary”):

  • What is the age of the grandmother in the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood"? (old), and what is her mother like? (young);
  • What is the largest Thumbelina? (small), but what kind of toad? (large);
  • Basilio the cat and Alice the fox, what are their personalities? (cunning), but what kind of Pinocchio? (trusting, naive);
  • What is the nature of Cinderella? (kind), and what is her stepmother? (evil);
  • 33 heroes from the sea what are they doing? (exit) and back..? (come in);
  • What is the gingerbread man doing on the way? (rolling), and what is the tree doing near the road? (costs).

Guys, who wrote “The Tale of Tsar Saltan? (A. S. Pushkin), "Thumbelina"? (G.K. Andersen), "Cinderella"? and Little Red Riding Hood? (Ch. Perrot).

Guys, what do you think, which of you is an "expert" in the authors of these fairy tales and who can be instructed to check the task with cards? (children choose a leader as a verifier).

The leader child comes to each pair, and she says the name of her fairy tale (6 fairy tales).

3. Creation and solution of a problem situation within the framework of the message of the topic of joint activity.

The teacher accidentally drops the book "Guess the tale", and one of the children wants to pick it up and put it on the table.

Do books have to be on the floor? (Not).

But what to do with the book? (You can watch it, read it). The child flips through the pages of the book, and the teacher at this time is interested in:

Maybe you will now meet exactly the fairy tale that is visiting us today and is on the table? (the child points to the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" and convinces all other children of the correct choice).

Guys, do you want to know what is written here? (Yes).

But the words in the sentences are missing, can you fill them in? (Yes).

The teacher reads the text and the children fill in the missing words.

Guys, do you think it's okay to stop and talk to strangers on the street? (Not). Children explain their answer.

Guys, what do you think, what fairy tale is the most important for us today? (This is the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood").

4. Speech exercises aimed at developing the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

Which path did the wolf choose to get to the grandmother's house? (The shortest). Children one after another, to the music, on toes with jumps (hands on their belts) move along a short “path” to the “house”.

Guys, do you want to know what is in the house? (Yes).

One of the children takes out cards with tasks from the "house". Speech exercises are conducted with children: “Make a rhyme”; “Collect a sentence from words” (the order of words in the sentence is violated). Summarizes the performance of speech exercises.

5. Retelling of the fairy tale by Ch. Perrault "Little Red Riding Hood" based on a series of plot pictures for the fairy tale and leading questions.

And what path did Little Red Riding Hood choose to get to her grandmother's house? (The longest). Children one after another, to the music, on toes with jumps (hands on their belts) move along a long “path” to the screen, sit on chairs in the same pairs as for a didactic game.

Guys, do you want to tell Mashenka the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" by Ch. Perrault? (Yes).

And the “magic screen” will help us (6 plots for the fairy tale appear in turn on the screen; each pair makes up a sentence for the picture using the “Tell me more” speech exercise). The result of this stage is summed up.

6. The result of joint activities.

Mashenka made her own changes to the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood". And what kind of fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood is ready to tell, or maybe show, each of you (pay attention to the costumes of the characters for the fairy tale). Think!

I think that you guys will show an interesting fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood to our kindergarten. Wish you success! See you!

Linkevich Ekaterina Yurievna,
defectologist teacher,
MADOO "Child Development Center -
Kindergarten No. 152, Perm

Galina Tsarkova
Speech therapy lesson-entertainment in the senior group "Visiting a fairy tale"

Speech therapy lesson-entertainment in the senior group

teacher speech therapist

MADOU "Sorceress",

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Labytnangi.

"Visiting a fairy tale"

Target: Creating a positive emotional state in children.


Correctional and educational. To generalize and consolidate the knowledge of children about fairy tales and fairy tale characters, to teach children to recognize the heroes of fairy tales, to feel and empathize.

Correction-developing. Develop phonemic processes in children. Exercise in the use of the instrumental category. Enrich vocabulary. Strengthen the ability to form words from letters.

Correctional and educational. To instill in children an interest in fairy tales, in reading. Learn to independently control the correct pronunciation of the set sounds in spontaneous speech.

Equipment: Interactive board, chest, ball, needle, golden key, mirror, shoe, pipe, mitten, flower on a stand, pictures with items of clothing, shoes and hats, attributes for the fairy tale "Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf", music.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: Guys, today we will go to a fairy tale.

(children enter the hall where the lights are off, lanterns are sparkling, fabulous music is playing).

So, are you ready? (Lights on)

2. The fairy tale begins….

Speech therapist: See what it costs? (Chest). Oh, guys, probably not an easy chest, but magical. Let's open it (they try to open it, but they see a lock hanging on the chest). How can the lock be opened?

We are in a fairy tale, and magic can happen there. What magic words can we say to open the chest?

"Crex, fex, pex."

"At the command of the pike, at my will"

"Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of grass",

"Earth farewell, good luck!"

"Open Sesame!" etc.

Speech therapist: Come on, chest, show us what you have inside .... So many interesting things here! These things are from different fairy tales. Let's remember from what fairy tales they came to us

(mirror, needle, ball, shoe, pipe, mitten, key, etc.)

The speech therapist takes a flower out of the chest: oh, what a beautiful flower! He is magical. From which fairy tale is the flower? (The Scarlet Flower)

Speech therapist: Let's smell the flower (children do breathing exercises):

inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth

Inhale through the nose, exhale through the nose

Inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose

Inhale through the mouth, exhale through the mouth.

Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth (corresponding movements):

We breathe deeply, and then step in place slowly.

We have loved fairy tales since childhood.

The fairy tale sends its greetings to us.

Both girls and boys -

Everyone reads fairy tales in books.

Fairy tale teaches us good

Help always in trouble.

Heroes are waiting for us

They call it a good fairy tale.

They need our help

Are you ready, children?

Well, friends, it's time to go

Let's hurry to help!

Guys, today I invite you to the land of fairy tales. And we will go there on a magical train.

Our magic steam locomotive is already letting off steam from under the wheels, you hear: ch-ch-ch

Get in the wagons. Our magical journey begins!

(children stand up as a "train" one after another and move around the room, pronouncing the words)

I puff, puff, puff.

I'm knocking, knocking, knocking.

I'm flying to the land of fairy tales.

The train drove us to the land of fairy tales. Take a seat on the chairs.

While we were on the train, trouble happened in fairyland. The swan geese carried off the brother.

Look, Baba Yaga is sitting in the hut, the brother is sitting on the bench, playing with golden apples. Did you recognize this tale?

On the screen is an illustration of the fairy tale "Geese-swans".

Baba Yaga enchanted the words - she hid them in different figures. And she gave the sister a task - to disenchant. "If you break the spell - I'll give you my brother, if you don't break the spell - beware!"

Guys, let's help the sister to make words.

On the screen are multi-colored geometric shapes on which letters are written.

Compose a word from letters written in circles;

Compose a word from the letters written on the squares;

Compose a word from letters written on triangles;

Compose a word from letters written on rhombuses.

(words: summer, winter, school, lesson)

Speech therapist: Well done, guys, helped the sister save the brother! We continue to travel along fabulous paths, and it seems that we have found ourselves in a new fairy tale. Who is crying so bitterly?

On the screen is an illustration of the fairy tale "Hare's hut"

Speech therapist: The fox drove the bunny out of his bast hut and said that she would not let him in until he gave answers to her tasks. Bunny can't answer. Children, can we help him?

Solve jokes.

Natasha picked 3 plums, 2 pears and 2 carrots in the garden. How many fruits did Natasha get?

How many glasses of water can you bring in a colander?

Mom is carrying a watermelon. The son says: “Mom, take me in your arms, and I will carry a watermelon.” Will the son help his mother?

There were 3 doves and 2 sparrows on the balcony. A butterfly flew over to them. How many birds have become?

Petya, Nina, Nadya, Vova and Yura were playing hide and seek. Who was more: boys or girls?

What do giraffes eat when the ground is covered in snow?

In the kindergarten group, five children have skis. Summer has come. How many children can ski?

The kid threw a spoon, fork and knife into the bath. How many objects will float on the water?

There are 8 branches on the tree. Each branch grew one fruit. How many apples have grown?

Speech therapist: Well done guys, they helped the bunny, he thanks us.

We continue to travel along fabulous paths and we have a new fairy tale ahead of us.

On the screen is an illustration of the fairy tale "Cinderella"

Guys, do you recognize this girl?

Children. This is Cinderella.

Speech therapist: The evil stepmother ordered Cinderella to clean up her daughters' room.

Guys, look what a mess the sisters made. Let's help Cinderella put the pieces of clothing, shoes and hats in their places.

I'll put the hat on the top shelf because it's a headdress.

I'll put the sweater on the middle shelf because it's clothing.

I'll put the shoes on the bottom shelf because they are shoes.

Speech therapist: Well done, guys! Helped Cinderella too!

Cinderella loves to dance and invites us to waltz.

Walking along the magic path

We are entering a new fairy tale.

On the screen is an illustration of the fairy tale "Aibolit"

Guys, we are back in a new fairy tale. Which one, you guess.

This doctor is famous

He sits under a tree.

Come to him for treatment.

Both the cow and the wolf

And a bug, and a worm, and a bear.

Heal everyone, heal

Good Doctor...

Children: Aibolit!

Look at the screen! Guess who hid and where?

On the screen are images of the tails of wild animals that are visible: from behind a tree, under a bush, from a hole, behind a stump, from a hollow)

The game "Whose tail?"

Well done boys! Helped Aibolit find all the animals and cure them.

Let's play and draw baby animals.

Children become in a circle.

One, two, three - turn around and turn into young wild animals!

Watering game

Once upon a forest path (they follow each other)

The animals went to the watering place

A moose calf stomped behind the mother moose (they walk, stomping loudly)

A fox was sneaking behind mom fox (sneaking on toes)

A hedgehog rolled behind mom's hedgehog (they move in a half-squat)

A bear cub was following the mother bear (they are waddling)

The squirrels rode behind the mother squirrel (they move in jumps)

Behind the mother hare - oblique hares (jumping on two legs, making "ears")

The she-wolf led the cubs behind her (they run with big steps)

All mothers and children want to get drunk!

(turn to face in a circle, get on all fours, make “licking” movements with the tongue)

The animals got drunk, rested and turned into children again - one, two, three - turn into children!

On the screen is an illustration of the fairy tale "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

On a sunny meadow

Worth a beautiful house

With true friends

Malvina lives in it.

Malvina is preparing dinner, and Pinocchio distracts her with his questions. Let's help Malvina answer Pinocchio's questions.

On screen images of products.

The game "What will happen?"

The egg will (scrambled eggs). There will be flour. (bun). There will be meat. (cutlet). There will be cabbage. (salad). Buckwheat will be. (porridge). There will be an apple. (juice). There will be a berry. (jam). There will be milk. (cheese).

Well done boys! Helped Malvina and Pinocchio.

On the screen is an illustration of the fairy tale "Puss in Boots"

Guys, from what fairy tale is such a sad cat? And he is sad because he did not see familiar vegetables and fruits in the garden and in the garden. Let's help him?

Listen to what fruits grow in the fairy kingdom. Explain what familiar words their names are made up of.

Ogurbuzy, tomato, baklachok, garnish, grumidore, chives, slizhovnik, carrots, vishbrikos.

Puss in Boots thanks us and invites us to play his favorite game.

Mobile game "Mousetrap"

And now we are all going to the theater together for the fairy tale "Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf"

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf" by MADOU teachers.

Guys, our journey through the land of fairy tales has ended. Fairy tale characters thank you for your help and give you treats. It's time to go back to kindergarten.

Our magic steam locomotive is already letting off steam from under the wheels: ch-ch-ch.

Get in the wagons.

Children go in a circle.

I puff, puff, puff.

I'm knocking, knocking, knocking.

I'm going to kindergarten.

Class: d/s


  • Activation of children's knowledge about Russian folk tales.
  • Development of intonation and expressiveness of speech. Correction of articulatory, fine motor skills, the formation of emotional vocabulary.
  • Education of interest.

Equipment: presentation or illustrations for fairy tales; pictures based on the fairy tale "Three Bears" and subject pictures of household utensils of different sizes: three cups, three spoons, three beds, three chairs, three pillows, three blankets, attributes for the fairy tale "Turnip".

During the classes

Org. Moment.

The children take their seats to the music.

Guys today we have a trip lesson with you.

We are going to visit the fairy tale.

Introductory conversation.

In order not to offend fairy tales -
We need to see them more often.
Read and draw them
Love them and play them!
Fairy tales will wean everyone to be angry,
And learn to have fun
Be kinder and humble
Patient, wiser
Petit, Sasha, Tanya,
Lesha, Katya, Vanya.
And other kids
Who can read books
Fairy tales often "check",
Read them daily.

And what fairy tales did your mothers and your teachers read to you?

How many good fairy tales do you know! Therefore, fairy tales invite you to visit them.

articulation exercises.

Here is the first story we got into:

Answer the question:

Who carried Masha in the basket,
Who sat on a stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know the story, don't you?
Who was it? ... (Bear)

Guess the name of the fairy tale: (Masha and the Bear)

Let's help Masha bake pies.

(In the presentation, pause to repeat the exercises)

Dough mnemonic, mnemonic, mnemonic, We clap our lips on the tongue: pya-pya-pya!
We press the dough, we press, we press, We bite the tongue with our teeth: ka-ka-ka!
After we take the rolling pin, we push the tongue through the teeth and lips.
Roll out the dough thinly
Let's bake a cake. Exercise "Shovel"
One, two, three, four, five
Isn't it time to take it out?
O. Hinn

We ate the cake with pleasure
Exercise "Delicious jam"
Soaked in jam.
To remove the jam from the lips,
The mouth needs to be licked.
We ate delicious cake
Exercise "cup"
They wanted to drink tea.
We pull the tongue to the nose,
We present a cup of tea.

Formation of a long smooth exhalation

The magic happened, and we found ourselves in the following fairy tale:

Guess which one?

Baba beat - did not break.
Weak woman's strength!
Yes, the grandfather could not break it either.
After all, he is a hundred years old at lunchtime.
They called a norushka -
She broke like a toy
And ran down the stairs.
What did you break?: (Egg)

Fairy tale "Ryaba Hen"

Children, look how many eggs the hen laid. Let's help grandpa and grandma pick them up and not drop them.

"The hen Ryaba laid her testicles,
She called the kids to her.
Need to catch the testicles urgently,
Do not drop, collect in the basket.

Two children must use a net to catch all the "eggs" (tennis balls) blown off the table by the rest of the children. (T. A. Suborova)

Development of intonation expressiveness and voice.

It's time to visit the next fairy tale to go. Here's the next riddle for you:

A house appeared in the field,
He turned into a home
For mice, frogs, tits
Wolf, bunny, fox.

This story is in trouble. The voices of fairy tale characters are gone. Help them get their votes back. Ask for them in the house-teremok. You need to say "Knock knock, let me into the tower!" the voice of the hero of a fairy tale.

Correction of fine motor skills of fingers.

The bear broke the tower. There is nowhere for the animals to live. Let's fix it.

From the fingers, my friend (showing open palms),

Fold the tower (palms are folded together, pressed).

Here is the gate (the palms are arched like a boat)

Here is the castle (fingers interlock into the castle)

Formation of emotional vocabulary and the ability to form new words with the help of suffixes.

Here is a new fairy tale that meets us.

Near the forest, on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs.
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale?

(Three Bears)

That's what a commotion Masha made in the bears' house! When she ran away, the bears spent a long time dismantling and repairing their things. Let's help the bears figure out whose items they are:

The bear cub has a chair, the bear has a chair, and the bear has a chair, etc.


Well done boys. We helped the bears, and now we are going to another fairy tale:

Round ball from the stove - jump,
He is like a ball, he is used to jumping.
Rolled along the path
And no one was surprised.


Round dance game "Koloboks" on the motive of the Russian folk song "Karavai"

We walked around the stove Children walk in a circle holding hands.
Koloboks were planted in it.
bleached stove,
Covered with a curtain.
Yeast koloboks,
You can't hold on to the reins.
Narrows and narrows, Narrow the circle.
Little ones, little ones, They squat.
Wide and wide Expand the circle.
High and high! They raise their hands.
L. Yakhnin

The staging of the fairy tale "Turnip".

And here is our last stop. A new fairy tale meets us at home:

Grandmother, old grandfather and granddaughter,
Mouse, cat, dog Bug -
Together all of them were able to
Pull out from under the ground.

You and I also turn into fairy-tale characters. Our fairy tale comes to life!

Children play the tale "Turnip" in roles.


And so our journey through fairy tales ended. You guys were such great guys. Here are fabulous treats for you too.

(Kinder surprises with fairy-tale characters are distributed).

Prepared by: teacher - speech therapist Yaskova Tatyana Gennadievna
MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 9 of the Yashkinsky municipal district"

Target: development and improvement of articulatory and finger motor skills necessary for staging hissing with the help of "bioenergetics".

Equipment: presentation "Cheerful tongue visiting a fairy tale", mirrors, napkins.

Lesson progress:

Speech therapist: Hello guys! Come in, sit down at the tables. Look what's standing here (mirrors). Why do we need them, do you think? (perform exercises for the tongue).

Speech therapist: Well, let's knead our tongue. (poem) Oh, where are we? (SLIDE #1)

Children: Magical forest.

Speech therapist: Somehow no one is visible (mouse click, Vovka's voice is heard). Guys, do you know who this is?

Children: This is Vovka from a distant kingdom.

Speech therapist: Vovka got lost or what? Or he really liked traveling through fairy tales that he decided to continue the journey. After all, he learned a lot, what if someone else needs his help? (mouse click). Vovka was walking and ended up in a beautiful clearing (SLIDE No. 2). Children, whose house is this?

Children: The Merry tongue lives here.

Speech therapist: Right. Let's go to a fairy tale together with Vovka and Tongue.

Speech therapist: Guess the riddle and find out what fairy tale our heroes got into:

Grandma baked grandfather _

Grandfather was left without lunch:

The boy ran into the forest.

Got on the toe of the fox. (Kolobok)

Speech therapist: That's right - this is the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". (SLIDE No. 3) What did the grandmother do with Kolobok when she baked it?

Children: I put it on the window to cool down.

Speech therapist: Yes (SLIDE #4). In order for the gingerbread man to cool down faster, we blow on it (Exercise "Blow on the tongue"). Our Kolobok cooled down and rolled away.

Speech therapist: Does anyone else need our help?

A princess lived among the marshes,

but green...

You probably know...

reputed to be a needlewoman.

I'll tell you in your ear

that the princess is that (Frog) (SLIDE No. 5)

Speech therapist: Guys, we know such an exercise "Frog". Now our Tongue and Vovka will show it to the frog princess, and we will complete it together with them. (Exercise "Frog")

Speech therapist: Another mystery is on the way. Whatever you call the answer, you will fall into a fairy tale again:

Grandfather and grandmother are crying with fuel tears -

Why are we suddenly so unfortunate?

There was a golden egg on the shelf.

Yes, only here is a mouse - such a punishment -

broke it. And I'm not happy myself.

But she reassured everyone (Kurochka Ryaba) (SLIDE No. 6)

Speech therapist: Well done boys. What was in the fairy tale?

Children: Grandma beat - beat - did not break.

Speech therapist: Let's help her (Exercise "Punish a naughty tongue"). Who beat next? (SLIDE No. 7), we will help grandfather.

Speech therapist: Children, I think that our heroes are hungry and it's time to drink tea. But what kind of fairy tale will they fall into now?

Lives in Prostokvashino

All farming is done there.

I don't know the exact address

But the surname is sea. (Cat Matroskin)

Children: Three from Prostokvashino.

Speech therapist: Right (SLIDE #8). Only here is Matroskin alone, and Vovka and Tongue are already at the table and will drink tea from beautiful cups. And we know such an exercise "Cup" Let's do it.

Speech therapist:(mouse click) Oh, what's that sound?

Children: This is Carlson!

Speech therapist: True (SLIDE No. 9). As you remember, Carlson has a big sweet tooth, he loves jam very much. Look, he is already eating it up and his whole mouth is dirty. Let's help him lick the jam, let's do the "Delicious Jam" exercise.

Speech therapist: It's time to hit the road. Oh, who's in our way? (SLIDE #10).

Children: Little Red Riding Hood.

Speech therapist: Where is Little Red Riding Hood going?

Granddaughter went to her grandmother

She brought pies.

Walking along the path

Dancing, singing a song.

Let's also warm up a bit (mouse click). Get up.


Speech therapist: Take your seats and we'll continue. Something we dusted on the road. The next character in the story...

He doesn't like dirty

He wants to make everyone cleaner.

Washes everyone with soap to holes

Washbasin (M…r).

Speech therapist: Yes, this is Moidodyr! (SLIDE #11). What is he holding in his hands?

Children: Toothbrush.

Speech therapist: Children, and the tongue and Vovka are friends with a toothbrush and brush their teeth well. Let's show (Exercise "Brushing our teeth").

Speech therapist: Oh, it's starting to rain. We urgently need to find shelter, our heroes found it under a mushroom (SLIDE No. 12). While they are waiting for the rain, we will do the Mushroom exercise.

Speech therapist: Here is some music calling to another fairy tale (mouse click).

Children: This is Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka. (SLIDE #13)

Speech therapist: What does Gena play? The tongue and Vovka will help him and perform the "Accordion" exercise.

Speech therapist:

A hard horse gallops,

Miracle mane golden.

He carries a boy over the mountains,

But it won't drop him.

The horse has a son

amazing horse,

Amazing horse

By nickname ... (Humpbacked). (SLIDE #14)

How do children knock the hooves of a horse? (Exercise "Horse")

Speech therapist: While we were traveling, the evening came, it's time to go home. (SLIDE #15). Conducted by Vovka the Merry Tongue, and he returned to his fairy tale. And it's time for us to return to the group. All the best.

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