Presentation on the topic "talk about friendship". Presentation on the topic "Friendship" You won't know a friend without trouble

Me and my friends. About friendship. Friendship is the miracle. Friendship. What is friendship. Good friendship. A true friend. Friendship and friends. Friendship of people. Strong friendship. Real friendship. What is true friendship? My little pony Friendship is magic. “A strong friendship will not break”…. Let's live in peace. "Let's live in peace. About friendship for children. Friendship in history.

Topic: Friendship. Russian language is the language of friendship. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Thank you for your friendship. "Friendship" 4th grade. Friendship is strong. There is strength in friendship. Friendship is our strength. There is strength in friendship. There is strength in friendship. The armor is strong, and our tanks are fast. The theme of the lesson is “Friendship”. "Guys let's be friends. Guys let's be friends. Friendship of the peoples of the world.

Friendship concept. Camaraderie and friendship. Planet of Friendship. Friendship and decency. We choose friendship. Know how to value friendship. Friendship begins with a smile. Let's talk about friendship. Friendship is more valuable than wealth. Day of love and friendship. Festival of Friendship of Peoples. Wreath of friendship. "Friendship is a great power. The town of "Friendship". The laws of friendship. Cherish friendship from childhood.

Friendship in adolescence. “Friendship is a wonderful word. “Friendship in the classroom is not needed” “Friendship in the class is needed.” The theme of friendship in literary works. Friendship, military camaraderie. Project “Friendship begins with a smile.” “FRIENDSHIP-FREUNDSCHAFT. Friendship (basics of secular ethics) . Project “Let's live together.” From childhood, friendship is taught at school...

Internet project “Bridges of Friendship”. Project: “Friendship is great. Let's talk about true friendship... School country "Friendship". Lesson on speech development “FRIENDSHIP. Municipal educational preschool institution kindergarten "Friendship".

Class hour



ü have an interesting, educational conversation about friendship,

the ability to live together and help each other.

ü show what qualities a real one should have

Friend, what role do friends play in our lives.


· To form in students key competencies, value orientations,

the ability to argue your point of view.

· Develop the ability to distinguish bad from good.

· To cultivate the moral qualities of students: the ability to make friends, cherish friendship.

· Teach children to see, understand, evaluate feelings and

actions of others, motivate,explain your opinions.

· Develop speech skills.

· Promote the formation of a friendly team.


1. CLASS ORGANIZATION. Emotional mood.

SLIDE 1. Friendship is always the main miracle,

A hundred discoveries for all of us, melting away,

And any trouble is not a problem,

If you have real friends nearby!


Teacher: In front of you are two markers - red and black and two mask stencils. Each group will now draw two masks. On one sheet is a mask of a healthy person, and on the other is a mask of a sick person. (GROUP WORK)

The song "Smile" is playing

What is the difference? The mask of a sick person was painted black and sad, and the mask of a healthy person was painted red. Red, that is, beautiful. He smiles, his eyes shine, his cheeks glow.

And the main difference is the smile! A smile is a sign of not only physical, but also spiritual health, a sign of goodness, love, friendship.

No wonder the song says: “Friendship begins with a smile”

Let's look into each other's eyes, smile and say: “I wish you...” I also wish everyone present happiness, success, joy, prosperity.

Teacher. – So, what topic is our class devoted to?

SLIDE 2. - Guys, today we will talk about friendship.

Friendship is a gift given to a person. Therefore, each of us should not only value true friends, but also be a good friend ourselves.

Listen to the parable about friendship:

Once two friends walked in the desert for many days.

One day they argued, and one of them rashly slapped the other. His friend felt the pain, but said nothing.

Silently, he wrote in the sand: “Today my best friend slapped me in the face.”

The friends continued to walk, and after many days they found an oasis with a lake in which they decided to swim. The one who received the slap nearly drowned and was saved by his friend.

When he came to his senses, he carved on the stone: “Today my best friend saved my life.”

The first one asked him: “When I offended you, you wrote in the sand, and now you write on the stone.” Why?

And the friend replied: “When someone offends us, we must write it in the sand so that the winds can erase it.” But when someone does something good, we must carve it in stone so that no wind can erase it.

Learn to write grievances in the sand and carve joys in stone.

Teacher. – What do you think this parable is about, what does it teach us?

- Indeed, guys, you need to be able to forgive insults, remembering all the good things your friend did for you.

Popular wisdom says: a true friend is with you, even when you are wrong.

When you are right, everyone will be with you.

Poem by W. Shakespeare (narrates)

Student. A true friend everywhere

Faithful: in good times and in bad times;

Your sadness worries him.

You don't sleep - he can't sleep,

And always, without further words,

He is ready to help you.

How do you understand this poem?

– What is “true friendship?”

SLIDE 3, 4. Here is the meaning of these words in the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova “Dictionary of the Russian language”

SLIDE 5. - Look at the board: FRIENDSHIP, COMRADE, FRIEND.

These words are interconnected. What a huge meaning there is in these words.

Please listen to the poem by I.S. Pshenitsyn. "If there are friends in the world."

Everything is beautiful, everything is blooming.

Even the strongest wind

Even a storm won't bend you.

We are in the rain, and in the heat, and in the cold

Let's walk happily.

We are friends in any weather,

This friendship cannot be broken.

And any of us will answer,

Everyone who is young and brave will say:

You and I live in the world.

For good, glorious deeds.

Please listen to M. Sadovsky’s poem “If the drops weren’t friends”

If the drops weren't friends,

How would puddles live then?

How would the rivers flow?

Where would the ships sail?

If the notes weren't friends,

How would we put the song together?

How can the birds sing?

How would the sun rise?

If people weren't friends,

How would we live in the world?

After all, without friendship for a long time

There is nothing in the world!

Teacher. – Let’s think about the fact that both children and adults need friendship in different life situations. Even droplets of water need friendship.

Who can you call a friend?

SLIDE 6. GAME. Continue the phrase: A friend is someone who...

Friend is an interesting book to read.

A friend is a mother who will help in difficult times.

A friend is a teacher who helps you look into the secrets of knowledge.

A friend is a toy who listens to me when I feel bad.

Friend is my naughty puppy.

Friend - understands me;

Friend - with whom I feel good; who will always help me;

Teacher. - What adjective word can we say and connect the word FRIEND with?

SLIDE 7. We sing the song “From a Smile”

Teacher. SLIDE 8. - Now let’s play. I name a character from a fairy tale, and you have to say who he is friends with?

Quiz “Who is friends with whom?”

1. Green crocodile Gena and... (Cheburashka)

2. Trusting Pinocchio and... (Malvina, Pierrot)

3. Funny bear Winnie the Pooh and... (Piglet)

4. A boy named Baby and... (Carlson)

5. Funny Chipmunks Chip and ... (Dale).

6. Kind and brave Gerda and... (Kai).

SLIDE 9. – Who are you friends with?

– Are you friends with your parents?

– Do you think you can only be friends with people?

Are you friends with animals, nature, books?

No wonder one of the proverbs says: there is no better friend than your own mother.

How do you understand it? - What other proverbs and sayings about friendship do you know?

SLIDE 10. Game “Collect proverbs”

ü Don’t have a hundred rubles, but…… (have a hundred friends).

ü A man without friends is like…..(a tree without roots).

ü Look for a friend, but found.....(take care).

ü A tree lives by its roots, and a person….(friends).

ü Friendship is not a mushroom, you won’t find it in the forest...

– What music do you hear when you think and talk about friendship?

– What weather would you compare “friendship” to?

– What animals can the word friendship be associated with? - With a fox or with a squirrel?

– What colors will you use to “paint” friendship?

(COLLECTIVE) Training game: Flower of “Friendship”. - Let's grow our own flower of friendship! Our flower has no petals. With your help they will appear. Ready to start playing? I have petals on my table. Choose those that you think are worthy of the flower of friendship. (Children collect a flower on the board, pronouncing the inscriptions).

honesty, lies, kindness, loyalty, rudeness, mutual assistance, betrayal, pugnacity, justice, cockiness, responsibility, compassion, selflessness.

This flower is magical! And so that it does not dry out and lives for a long time, what does it lack? (Smiles, laughter, your attention to him and each other, peace, your warmth, and much more)

Student: Who fervently believes in friendship,

Who feels the shoulder nearby,

He will never fall

He won’t get lost in any trouble,

And if he suddenly stumbles.

Then a friend will help him get up!

Always a reliable friend in trouble

He will extend his hand.

Teacher: - Now we’ll play a little. Let's stand in a circle. Game "Praise". They pass the ball around and say good words to the neighbor, he in return thanks and praises himself, naming his good quality.

For example: Masha, you are responsive.

Thank you, and I’m also kind.

The game ends with a choral chant.

SLIDE 11. Words - a chant.

Everyone in our class is friends. One-two.

Here he is, and you, and me. One, two.

Smile to those on the left

Smile to those on the right.

We are one family.o

Teacher. Let's make some rules of friendship (music accompaniment)

There are envelopes on your tables containing the words of the rules that you will draw up. There is a large colored sheet nearby, your task is to make a rule and stick it on the sheet, when the rule is ready, place it on the board. (WORK IN PAIRS)





You have 5 minutes to work.

What you got, read and place this rule on the board.

I also want to add one more rule of friendship: BE ABLE TO ACCEPT HELP, ADVICE AND NOTES FROM OTHERS.


RESULT. - If everyone skillfully follows the “correct” life, he will learn what friendship is and he will have many, always many friends, but the main thing in friendship is that you always need to start with yourself.

What conclusion can we draw: the ability to make friends, the ability to make friends, choosing a friend, maintaining friendship are the most important qualities of a person.


ü What was the most interesting thing for me today...

ü What was important for me today...

Teacher:And now, guys, I suggest you relax a little and sing our

favorite song “Friendship” by the group “Barbariki”.

(clip for the song “Friendship” by the group “Barbariki”)

Teacher. - And I would like to end our conversation with the words of Leopold the Cat...

Lesson on the topic "FRIENDSHIP"

(presentation for the ORKiSE lesson,

module “Fundamentals of secular ethics”

Prepared by: Dudareva M.M.

primary school teacher

MBOU "Secondary School No. 34"

Named after Amelina S.A.

Target : development of ideas about friendship, friend, virtue, understanding of their significance in the life of society

Tasks :

  • show the value and necessity of friendship, the importance of friends in a person’s family and social life;
  • develop the ability to analyze actions and correlate them with one’s own, with common human values;
  • to cultivate in schoolchildren a sense of goodwill, emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people.

What is friendship?

Everyone knows.

Maybe it’s funny to ask?

Well, what does this word mean?

This word? So what is it?

"Friendship is the mutual affection of two or more people, unselfish, based on love and respect"

If you go on a trip with a friend...

Friends are when you feel bad, but they are nearby!!!

A friend is someone who accepts you for who you are

A friend is someone with whom you can

cry and be silent!

Proverbs and sayings

A little friendship is better than a big quarrel.

You can't buy a friend with money.

For a dear friend - the gates are wide open.

Boast about your friends, but don’t trail behind.

A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by its friends.

A faithful friend is better than a precious stone.

Friendship is a great power.

Friendship is strong not through flattery, but through truth and honor.

You will not get to know your friend without trouble.

Friendship loves business.

Do not bow to your enemy, do not spare your life for a friend.

A friend's water is better than an enemy's honey.

Friendship is paid for with friendship.

A friend is your mirror.

« The only way to have a friend is to be one yourself »!


1. We live together in our class

2. Our teacher is with us

You won't forbid anyone

Busy with important things

Together to the circus or to the cinema

Teaches us all year round

We've been going in pairs for a long time.

Well, almost excellent.

4. I'm behind a friendly back

3. I took a notebook from a friend,

Like behind a stone wall.

To write off a test.

A friend will let me copy the answer

Then there was an incident -

A couple of twos at once.

And he will give useful advice.


  • Green crocodile Gena and... (Cheburashka).
  • Trusting Pinocchio and... (Malvina).
  • Funny bear Winnie the Pooh and... (Piglet).
  • One day four musicians got together and became friends. They gave concerts together, together they drove away robbers, they lived together and did not grieve. Name these musician friends. (Bremen Town Musicians: rooster, cat, dog, donkey).
  • Which girl rescued her friend Kai from ice captivity? (Gerda).

  • goodwill
  • tolerance
  • pliability
  • responsiveness
  • care
  • honesty
  • generosity
  • unselfishness
  • responsibility
  • politeness

A true friend everywhere

Faithful - in happiness and in trouble;

Your sadness worries him,

You don't sleep - he can't sleep,

And in everything without further words

He is ready to help you.

Yes, the actions are different

A loyal friend and a worthless flatterer.

Lesson summary:

  • Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, and common interests.
  • Friendship should be selfless; it is safer to be friends with a good, virtuous person you can rely on. The more reliable a person is, the more friends he has.
  • “Without true friendship, life is nothing.”

Open lesson on the topic « Friendship is…!"


1. Expanding students' knowledge about friendship.


1 . To form moral qualities of students: the ability to make friends, cherish friendship;

2. Develop students’ reasoning skills;

3. Cultivate friendly relationships of goodwill and respect for each other.


1. Organizational moment

2. Formation of motivation.

Exercise "Microphone"

Dear Guys! Look into each other's eyes, smile, convey a piece of your goodness to the other and say: “I wish you...”.

You see, our smiles and kind words made the classroom warmer and more comfortable.

3. Reporting the topic of the lesson

Our meeting is devoted to one very, in my opinion, interesting topic. Let's find out which one. To do this, you need to make a word from the letters that are in front of you:rdubazh

What word did you get?

Friendship -

Topic of today's lesson« Friendship is…!"

The epigraph of our lessons will be the words of the French writer La Rochefoucauld Francois de “The most beautiful gift after wisdom that nature could bestow upon us is friendship.”


What is friendship? Everyone knows.
Maybe it's funny to ask.
Well, what does it mean?

This word? So what is it?

We have to answer this question today. During the lesson we will try to discover the secrets of friendship and help those children who are not yet very good at making friends.

In Ozhegov's dictionary

FRIENDSHIP is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, and common interests.

4. Main part


Guys, choose words with the same root for the word friendship (friend, girlfriend, buddy, be friends)

-Who is a friend?

1) Qualities for a true friend.

(A board opens with a sun drawn, friendship written in the center.)

A true friend must have certain character qualities.

Now we will play with you.

I will offer you qualities of a person’s character, and you must listen carefully; if the proposed qualities suit a real friend, you clap your hands, and if not, then stomp your feet.

During the game, from the positive qualities of a true friend, we will make a sun that will shine for us throughout our lesson.

Our sun has no rays, the rays lie on the table.

1. honesty


2. kindness

3. loyalty


4. mutual assistance



5. justice


6. responsibility

7. compassion.

The teacher once again emphasizes the qualities important for true friendship.

Teacher: You guys have heard and know that proverbs contain folk wisdom. I wanted to introduce you to them, but last night, when I was composing them, I accidentally dropped and mixed up all the words in the proverbs...

Can you help me collect them?

You have envelopes on your tables, you need to assemble the correct proverb from individual words and choose someone who will read it and explain it.

. Compilation of proverbs about friendship.

Group 1: Friendship is strong not through flattery, but through truth and honor.

Group 2: Friendship is like glass, if you break it, you won’t be able to put it back together.

Group 3: Cherish your friendship, don’t rush to forget it.

Guys, we should listen to folk wisdom.

Game "Guess the melody".

There are also many songs about friendship. Now we will play the game “Guess the Melody.” Each group needs to choose one melody and guess the song.

Physical education moment.

You know that friendship never runs smoothly. Sometimes we quarrel with friends: we didn’t understand each other, we didn’t give in in an argument, we offended each other over trifles. How does it feel in your soul then? Are you going through a disagreement with a friend? Because of quarrels and misunderstandings, friendships can be destroyed. It's easy to lose a friend. It is much more difficult to maintain a friendship. My advice to you: find the strength and wisdom to forgive your friend his mistakes, admit your own and make peace.

When I was like you, we made peace with little fingers. Can you do that? Let's get up and grab a pair. Don't forget Little Raccoon's advice: be sure to smile at each other.

("Make peace, make peace and don't fight anymore:.")

Definition of the "Laws of Friendship".

Everything in the world exists according to rules and laws, and there are laws for friendship.

Each group has statements on the table; you must think and say which ones we can classify as the laws of friendship.

LAWS OF FRIENDSHIP (attached to the board)

1. Help a friend in need.

2. Know how to share joy with a friend.

3. Don't laugh at your friend's shortcomings.

4. Stop your friend if he is doing something bad.

5. Know how to accept help, advice, and don’t be offended by criticism.

6. Don't deceive your friend.

7. Know how to admit your mistakes and make peace with your friend.

8. Don't betray your friend.

9. Treat your friend the way you would like to be treated.

Do you agree with these laws? (children's answers)

By following these rules, I think you will never lose a friend. Be kind, friendly, sensitive, polite to each other. Don’t be arrogant, sneaky, protect your friends from wrong actions.


Let's share our thoughts with the guests of our class and the residents of our village. Take the balls and use a felt-tip pen to write a continuation, in one word:

Friendship is…

Teacher: Let's release the balls into the sky. Thanks to all

Extracurricular activity "Me and my friends" 4th grade

developments Shaumyan K.G – primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Lyceum No. 9)
The purpose of the lesson: to form in students an idea of ​​friendship as the most important moral value.
– develop skills of constructive behavior in friendly relationships;
– develop internal intonation hearing, communication abilities, associative thinking;
– cultivate a sense of belonging to each other, understanding and respect for one’s own dignity.
– promote the development of friendly relations in the class team;
– cultivate a sense of collectivism, a tolerant attitude towards each other;
– contribute to the development of the emotional sphere of the individual.
Equipment: presentation, colored pencils, scissors, glue, blank assignments, CD with recordings of Igor Krutoy, songs “If you went on a journey with a friend.”
Progress of the lesson.
1.Org. moment
-Look at how huge the heart is on the board. This is our heart, ready to love and help each other. It is not simple, but magical. Now you will put the “hearts” into this heart pocket. On one side of the heart there are written wishes to friends and class. On the other - your wishes, i.e. wishes to yourself.
We will seal them and open them in 8 years, when you are in 11th grade.
2. Introduction to the topic.
- I wonder what we will talk about today? If you are familiar with the song, you can sing along. (Song “If you went on a journey with a friend” by Music V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Tanich) (slide 1)
- Have you guessed what we will talk about? (about a friend, about friends).
- The topic of our lesson is “Me and my friends.” Today in class we will think about what friendship is, what friends should be like, tell us about your best friends and why you are friends with them. But first I would like to tell you this parable. (slide 3)
High, high in the mountains there lived a shepherd. One day, on a stormy night, three people knocked on his door.
“My hut is small, only one can enter.” Who are you? - asked the shepherd.
– We are friendship, happiness and wealth. Who to open the door to - choose yourself!
The shepherd chose friendship. Friendship came, happiness came, and wealth appeared.
III. Formulation of the problem.
Teacher. Guys, what problem did the shepherd face? (Children's answers.)
– What decision did he make? (Children's answers.)
– Does this mean that friendship is simply necessary for every person? (Children's answers.)
– We have thought about friendship at all times. Poets, writers, scientists, philosophers, peasants, and nobles expressed their thoughts about it in writing and orally. For example, the philosopher Socrates said: “No communication between people is possible without friendship.” And today we will say the best words about friendship, about friends.
Express diagnostics (slide 4)
- Guys, first I suggest you evaluate yourself as a friend. You have colored circles on your tables. On the board there are notes: “I am a good friend,” “I often quarrel with my friend,” “I have no friends.” Attach the circle to the corresponding entry (children evaluate).
We will return to these notes at the end of the lesson.
IV. Immersion in the topic.
You and I will work in teams. You divided into teams of your own free will. (slide 5)
We have three teams:
1 team. Explorers!
2nd team. Experts!
Team 3 Lawmakers!
Teacher. We will begin our conversation by thinking about what friendship is and whether it is necessary.
Students read the poem “Friendship” - in roles wearing masks.
“What is friendship?” I asked the bird.
- This is when a kite flies with a tit.
I asked the beast: “What is friendship?”
- This is when the hare does not need to be afraid of the fox.
And then she asked the girl: “Friendship – what is it?”
– This is something huge, joyful, big.
This is when the guys all play at once, all together.
This is when boys don’t hurt girls.
Everyone in the world should be friends: animals, birds, and children.
Conclusion:- Is it easy for a person to live without friends?
Friendship warms hearts. Adults and children need it in any life situation. Where does friendship begin?
Children. With a smile.
That's right, guys, with a smile. There is even a song about this. (The chorus of the song sounds, you can sing along with the children.)
Now listen to the poem and tell me, can this hero be called a true friend and why? Slide 6)
A friend reminded me yesterday
How much good he did to me:
He once gave me a pencil
(I forgot my pencil case that day)
In the wall newspaper, almost every one,
He mentioned me.
I fell and got wet
It helped me dry out.
It's for a dear friend
He didn’t spare the pie either:
He once gave me a bite,
And now I presented the bill.
Doesn't appeal to me guys
No longer attracted to a friend.
(Children's answers.)
Conclusion: The hero of the poem cannot be called a friend, because a true friend does not require anything in return.
V. Organization of activities:
Task No. 1(slide 7)
Teacher. At the very beginning, I suggest that you all make an association diagram for the word FRIEND.
(The word FRIEND is written on the board on colored paper)
VI. Carrying out activities.
From each team, one student comes to the board and attaches words with which they associate the word “friend” and explains their choice.
On the board: FRIEND - kind, reliable, devoted, caring, faithful, smart
Teacher. Well done! You did an excellent job and chose very precise words.
When mutual affection for each other arises between people, a desire to be close, to help - then friendship begins.
Fizmin weave
To become a good friend, to have loyal and devoted friends, a person must know the history of the word, its lexical meaning.
Task No. 2(slide 8)
Team 1 – our researchers. The task they will receive is called: one word encyclopedia
Researchers present their task according to plan:
1. Lexical meaning of the word “FRIEND” (in the explanatory dictionary).
2. Words-relatives (same root).
3. Words-friends (in the dictionary of synonyms).
4. Enemy words (in the dictionary of antonyms).
5. The word in Russian folklore (in proverbs, riddles, tongue twisters, songs).
Children find the beginning of the proverb. Add the ending and explain the meaning of the proverb) (slide9)
1. A little friendship (better than a big quarrel)
2. Friendship is like glass: (if you break it, you won’t put it back together)
3. The clothes are good, new, (but the friend is old)
4. Don’t have a hundred rubles (but have a hundred friends)
5. The wind destroys the mountain, human friendship - (word)
6. The strength of a bird is in its wings, the strength of a person... (in friendship)
7. The table is rich - the body gets fatter, there are many friends - (the soul gets fatter)
8. A man without a friend is like earth (without water)
9. Live without friends and eat food (without salt)
10. A man without friends is like a tree (without roots

Team 2 – our experts. (slide 10)
Your team needs to look at two situations and answer the question:
- What would we do in the place of the heroes and draw conclusions?
Natasha and Lena played ball. The ball rolled into the puddle. Lena wanted to get the ball, but she couldn’t stay on her feet and fell into a puddle. Natasha began to laugh, and Lena began to cry bitterly.
1. Can girls be called real friends? Why?
2. What advice can you give them?
Sveta and Dasha are friends. Once in a sports competition Sveta took first place. All the guys from the class were happy and began to congratulate her. Only Dasha stood aside and looked angrily at Sveta.
1.Can Dasha be called a friend? Why?
2.What can you advise Dasha?
Is it easy or difficult to maintain strong friendships?
- What does “true friend” mean?
Team 3 – “legislators”
The guys from this team had to develop a set of laws on friendship.
Laws of friendship (on screen) (slide 11)
1.Help a friend (play around; shout; in trouble)
2. Know how to share with a friend (laziness; joy; greed)
3. Stop your friend if he (helps elders; does something bad; takes care of animals)
4. (offend; don’t deceive; call) a friend.
5. Treat a friend like (a toy; yourself; a closet)

(after work in groups and performance of each group)
Teacher. Evaluate the work of the “researchers.”
Classmates evaluate the work by showing cards:
Green – it was interesting, I liked it;
Yellow – not interested, didn’t like it.
Teacher. All human relationships are built on friendship. Friendship is an attachment between people that arises as a result of mutual respect, faith in each other, common interests and views.
Usually people who are similar to each other are friends; the similarity of characters makes it easier for them to understand each other. No wonder they say: “Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are.”
These are not just words. Now our experts will prove this using the example of two situations.
Experts present their point of view and draw conclusions.
1. Popular wisdom says: friends are known in trouble, but enjoying the fruits of other people's labor and being a dependent is also bad.
2. True friendship is tested not only by grief, misfortune, but also by joy. A true friend will never envy a friend's success; on the contrary, he will sincerely share his joy.
Teacher. Evaluate the work of the “experts.”
Teacher. Evaluate the work of the “legislators.”
If you follow these rules, you will become true friends. And this is wonderful! Now the most important thing is that you comply with them.
– And now, guys, I suggest you discuss situations in groups: “What would you do? (situations are offered to each team in turn) (slide 12 - 13)
- True friendship, like everything else in the world, must be learned. Let's try to solve a few everyday problems and think about what a true friend would do in these cases.
1.Your friend couldn’t solve his homework and asks you to copy it.
2.During the “Fun Start”, your friend fell while running and let the team down.
3.Your friend suggests you skip class. And he warns that if you don’t agree, he won’t be friends with you.
4.Parents found out that your friend is a bad student and forbid you to be friends with him.
5.Your friend uses bad words and expressions.
6.Your friend does something bad and everyone, including you, finds out about it.
7.You are walking down the street. Two of your friends took your classmate’s hat.
8. You are in a hurry to play on the computer with a friend (friend), and a group of classmates comes towards you to do some general cleaning in the classroom. What will you do
Discussion and solution of problem situations
Teacher. Friendship teaches selfless concern for the welfare of another. But not everyone knows how to be a friend. One who necessarily wants to play the main role in friendship cannot be a friend. A friend cannot be someone who does not know how to sincerely, disinterestedly, and without envy, rejoice in the success of a friend. .
The music of Igor Krutoy “Friend” sounds
- Guys, look, the Sun of Friendship has appeared in the classroom. But, unfortunately, without a single ray of light. I suggest you decorate the Sun of Friendship with the names of our best friends. You need to take a “ray”, write the name of your best friend, tell about him according to plan and attach it to the Sun of Friendship.
1. What is your friend's name?
2. What class are you in?
3. Why do you consider him a friend?
(at the request of children, 3 – 4 people)
(workbook assignment page 19)
I suggest you tell me in an unusual form, in the form of a syncwine, about your friend (slide 15)
Cinqueue from the French word 5 is a poem of 5 lines, which are built according to certain rules:
1st line – one word, usually a noun or person's name
2nd line – description of this in a nutshell – 2 adjectives
3rd line – description of the action – 3 verbs
4th line – a 4-word phrase showing attitude to the topic
The 5th (last) line is one word that repeats the essence of the topic.
Let's try!
Teacher. I would like to believe that this lesson made you think again about the importance of friendship, about what kind of person you need to be to always have friends nearby.
Children and teacher read a poem: (slide 16)
I want to wish you:
Never change friends!
They cannot be exchanged like coins.
You will understand this later -
There is no closer friend in the world.
1 student.
Never lose friends
Nothing can measure that loss.
An old friend will not come back to you.
You can't replace him with a new friend.
2 student.
And you shouldn’t offend your friends:
Resentment will become a wound in the heart.
Although friends know how to forgive,
The door to their heart will be closed.
3 student.
Friendship must always be cherished
This feeling is longer than a century.
The best friend will never betray
There is simply no more loyal person!!!
- Now let’s return to your grades that you gave at the beginning of the lesson. Remember what we said about a friend, what a friend should be. Express your opinion: what kind of friend would you like to be. Attach the circle to the appropriate entry (see express diagnostics).
- What qualities do you need to develop in yourself to become a true, loyal friend?
- What do you want to wish your friends?
Reflection:“Sun of Friendship” Passing the sun around in a circle, say wishes and kind words to a classmate standing next to you.

Publications on the topic