Antiviral agents for pregnant women with influenza. Antiviral during pregnancy

SARS is a disease caused by a virus that enters the body through airborne droplets. The pathogen invades the cells of the epithelial membranes, causing various catarrhal phenomena: inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, pharyngeal congestion, coughing and sneezing, rhinitis. SARS most often affects children and people with weakened immune systems, including pregnant women. This group of diseases includes influenza, parainfluenza, rhinovirus infection and a number of other pathologies.

Attention! It should be noted that during viral infections, a mild, moderate and severe form is isolated. At the same time, specialists are based on the severity of the clinical symptoms of the pathology and the development of complications in patients. It is on the severity of SARS that the treatment prescribed to patients depends.

In women during gestation, there is a partial suppression of the immune system, which is necessary for normal implantation and development of the embryo. Therefore, ARVI is observed in more than 70% of pregnant women. The main difficulty in the treatment of viral diseases in patients during the gestational period is the inability to use most of the pharmacological agents in order to prevent a harmful effect on the fetus.

The second trimester starts at 4 months of pregnancy. At this point, the fetus is already protected by the placenta, which continues to grow and develop. Due to this, the embryo is less susceptible to external influences than in the first 12 weeks of gestation. However, various diseases of a woman, including viral infections, in the absence of timely measures taken, can lead to various disorders during pregnancy:

  1. There may be a threat of miscarriage or impaired conduction of the placenta.
  2. At 14-15 weeks, the disease can cause pathologies at the stage of laying the endocrine system.
  3. At 16-17 weeks, a viral infection negatively affects the formation of the bone-articular system of the embryo.
  4. In a female fetus at the end of the second trimester, there is a high probability of a violation of the process of gametogenesis, that is, egg laying.

Attention! Not only viruses, but also improperly used pharmacological preparations can have a negative effect on the embryo. Self-medication with medicines for SARS is strictly contraindicated. A woman with the appearance of symptoms of pathology should consult a doctor.

Treatment of SARS in women in the second trimester of pregnancy

The disease appears after the incubation period. Usually patients complain of worsening health, runny nose, headache. ARVI in women in the second trimester is often more pronounced: in patients, the temperature rises to febrile levels, severe weakness occurs, and attacks of nausea and vomiting may occur.

Particular attention in the treatment of pregnant women with ARVI should be paid to the relief of fever and the prevention of the development of a generalized pathological process involving the cardiovascular and urinary systems. Eclampsia with renal failure is one of the most common consequences of improperly treated viral infections.

Attention! Eclampsia is a pathology that develops in women during gestation. It is characterized by a sharp increase in blood pressure to critical levels, at which there is a threat to the life of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Treatment of the common cold in pregnant women

One of the characteristic symptoms of an infectious process in the body is a runny nose. Rhinitis occurs due to edema of the epithelium and abundant secretion of mucous secretion. Usually, vasoconstrictor drugs are used to relieve nasal congestion, but they cannot be used to treat pregnant women. Drops and sprays can have the same effect on the capillaries of the placenta, which dramatically impairs the blood supply to the fetus. Alternatively, Pinosol can be used. It is a safe and effective remedy that gently relieves swelling. In addition, menthol and eucalyptus, which are part of the drug, have an antiseptic effect. Pinosol should be instilled into the nasal passages every 2-3 hours for 5-7 days.

Attention! Pinosol - drops containing a large amount of eucalyptus oils. In order for these components to be absorbed into the mucous membranes and have the desired effect, it is necessary to heat the agent in a water bath to 37-38 ° C.

You can use vasoconstrictor drops and sprays only when prescribed by a doctor. Most often, women during the gestation period are prescribed the following drugs:

  • Vibrocil;
  • Galazolin;
  • Nazik Spray;
  • Tizin;
  • Snoop.

These drugs can only be used for acute rhinitis for 2-3 days. It is recommended to bury the nose 1-2 times a day, preferably at bedtime.

The most effective procedure for stopping rhinitis is washing. Douching allows you to relieve inflammation and remove mucus, pus and dead epithelial cells from the nasal passages. In pharmacies you can buy special solutions: Aquamaris, Quicks, Rhinolux etc. These are preparations based on sea water, they do not contain vasoconstrictor components, therefore they are absolutely safe for pregnant women. An alternative to these medicines are decoctions of chamomile, infusions of sage or oak bark, solutions of salt and iodine.

To make a rinse at home, you need to add a spoonful of salt and 2-3 drops of iodine to a glass of warm water. To inject the solution into the nasal passage, you can use a syringe or syringe with a volume of 20 ml.

Attention! Viruses very quickly infect the cells of the epithelial membranes of the nose. To minimize the pathogenic effect of the pathogen, douching is recommended every 1.5-2 hours. After the procedure, the skin of the nose can be lubricated with a healing or moisturizing cream.

Rhinitis of a viral nature can be successfully treated with inhalation. To carry them out, you can use a nebulizer or simply add a few drops of eucalyptus oil or herbal infusion to a pot of boiling water, and then breathe over the steam. The most effective in this case are the following means:

  • tincture of eucalyptus;
  • oils of fir, pine, spruce, cedar;
  • tincture of calendula;
  • lavender oil;
  • rosemary oil.

Attention! No more than three drops of essential oil should be added to the water. If during the procedure the patient feels dizzy, nausea or weakness, inhalation should be stopped and the woman should be given fresh air.

Video - How and how to treat SARS in pregnant women

Treatment of hyperthermia in pregnant women

In patients with a viral infection, in the vast majority of cases, there is an increase in body temperature. If hyperthermia is less than 38-38.5 ° C, it is not recommended to reduce it by pharmacological means. For the treatment of fever, pregnant women are prescribed plenty of fluids, prolonged sleep and light, but good nutrition.

The relief of hyperthermia is facilitated by abundant warm or hot drinking, which has a diaphoretic effect. You can brew herbal teas:

  • with raspberries or raspberry leaves;
  • with lime color;
  • with mint;
  • with cranberries and lingonberries;
  • with calendula and chamomile;
  • with rose hips;
  • with coltsfoot flowers.

It is also recommended to drink warm milk with honey and various berry fruit drinks. Cowberry drinks are especially useful, as they have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. To quickly reduce the temperature, you can take a cool shower for 3-5 minutes.

Attention! Pregnant women should not wipe their skin with vinegar and water. This procedure causes vasoconstriction and intense heat transfer, which can lead to a sharp decrease in blood pressure and fainting.

It is necessary to start pharmacological therapy if the temperature has reached 38-38.5 ° C, and the patient feels the characteristic symptoms of fever: intense cephalgia, myalgia and arthralgia, severe weakness. For the treatment of patients during the gestation period, Paracetamol or preparations based on it are used: Tylenol, Paxemol, Paracetamol-AKOS, etc. You can take the drug only as prescribed by a specialist. With uncontrolled use, the patient may experience side effects:

  • hypochromic anemia;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • disruption of the liver;
  • pathology of urine filtration in the kidneys.

The medication at a high temperature can be taken for 1-2 days, one tablet every 4 hours.

Attention! During gestation, it is not recommended to take Aspirin, Citramon and any other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These medications help reduce blood clotting and can cause bleeding.

Loose cotton clothes will also help to improve heat transfer, which should be changed every 5-6 hours or more often with profuse sweating. Cold compresses on the forehead and rubbing of the temples with an ointment with eucalyptus or mint contribute to the relief of cephalalgia.

If the body temperature continues to rise, then antiviral drugs may be prescribed to the patient to stop the pathological process. It is also necessary to prescribe antibiotics in case of a secondary bacterial infection. To date, there are three main groups of funds, depending on their effect on the body of a woman and the fetus.

Characteristics of antiviral and antibacterial agents in the treatment of pregnant women

Treatment of cough and sore throat

With ARVI, patients are concerned about sore throat, hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the pharynx, and discomfort when swallowing. In this case, it is necessary to start treatment when the first symptoms appear in order to prevent the spread of the pathological process and damage to the respiratory tract and lungs.

You can stop the discomfort in the throat by rinsing with a solution of furacilin or soda. It is necessary to stir a teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm water. Furacilin solution is prepared by dissolving 2 tablets in 200 ml of water. In this case, rinsing will have an antiseptic effect and help remove mucus from the throat.

Infusions and decoctions of herbs will help relieve inflammation and pain. The most effective and safe for pregnant women are the following:

  1. A decoction of sage. A tablespoon of crushed grass should be poured with a glass of milk and boiled for 8-10 minutes. After the solution should be filtered, cooled to 37-38 ° C and drunk before bedtime.
  2. Infusion of eucalyptus and sage. Three tablespoons of sage and 2 tablespoons of eucalyptus pour 200 ml of boiling water and let the solution brew for half an hour.
  3. Chamomile decoction. In the pharmacy you can buy chamomile packaged in bags. You need to brew the plant for 10-15 minutes.

Infusions of raspberry, viburnum, mountain ash, oak bark, etc. are also effective. You need to gargle every 2-3 hours. If the procedure is carried out regularly, then the pathological process can be quickly stopped.

In addition, various pharmacological preparations can be used to destroy the viral infection. The safest are the following:

  • Lizobakt;
  • Hexoral;
  • Ingalipt;
  • Pharyngosept;
  • Cameton.

Attention! During gestation, patients are contraindicated in various procedures that involve intense thermal exposure: mustard plasters, general or local baths, including warming up the legs. Such manipulations cause a sharp outflow of blood from the placenta, which can be fraught with oxygen starvation of the fetus.

When the patient develops a cough with phlegm, it is necessary to start taking decoctions or tinctures of herbs that have an expectorant effect. These include wild rosemary, licorice, cranberries and string. It also promotes mucus expulsion Mukaltin, Doctor Mom etc.

Nutrition during illness

The nutrition of pregnant women with ARVI should be low-fat, but high-calorie. The disease has a negative impact on the state of the body and depletes the patient's strength, so the diet must replenish the necessary substances and vitamins lost in the fight against infection.

Preference in the first days of the disease, especially with fever, should be given to chicken or turkey broths, light cereal puree soups and cereals on the water. It is recommended to eat at least 5 times a day in small portions.

To prevent dehydration, it is necessary to consume at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid during the day. The most useful in this case are fruit drinks, warm tea with lemon and honey, warm berry compotes, herbal teas. These drinks reduce the symptoms of intoxication of the body and contribute to the relief of fever.

Attention! Women with impaired kidney function should increase the amount of fluid they drink only after consulting a doctor.

Avoid carbonated drinks or coffee. You need to minimize the amount of fatty and heavy foods, as well as foods with a lot of fast carbohydrates. Do not eat peppered, spicy and fried foods. It is recommended to give preference to fruits and vegetables, dietary meat, fish and seafood, dairy products.

Indications for hospitalization

In some cases, patients need to be treated in a medical clinic. Indications for hospitalization are the following factors:

  • preeclampsia;
  • obstruction of the respiratory tract;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • temperature increase over 38.5°C;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • croup;
  • violations of the kidneys;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Criteria for the severity of the condition of patients with ARVI

Symptomsmild severityMediumheavyExtremely heavy
Cough, sputumUnproductive with a small amount of mucous or mucopurulent sputumIntense cough with copious purulent sputumTroublesome cough with "rusty" or purulent sputumWeak unproductive cough, weakening of the respiratory muscles
hyperthermiaUp to 38.5°СUp to 39°CUp to 39.5°COver 39.5°C
IntoxicationWeakness, fatigueDrowsiness, weakness, lack of appetitedisorientation, drowsinessLoss of consciousness, vomiting and diarrhea
heart rateLess than 90 bpm in min.Less than 100 beats in min.Less than 110 beats in min.Up to 130 beats in min.

Women in a state of moderate severity or more require mandatory hospitalization and complex treatment. Patients in a state of extreme severity are often shown interruption of gestation to save the life of the patient.

ARVI is a pathology caused by the spread of a virus throughout the patient's body. Therapy of women during gestation in this case is complicated by the impossibility of using more pharmacological agents. Treatment of patients should include the complex use of various drugs that are safe for pregnant women, aimed at lowering the temperature, stopping inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and coughing. read on our website.

Pregnancy is the most important period in the life of any woman. However, sometimes it is overshadowed by colds. When choosing a treatment, one must take into account not only the disease, but also the fact that the woman is in position and ordinary pills that can harm the fetus will not work for her. Therefore, treatment should be approached especially carefully and find out in advance which antiviral drugs can be used by pregnant women. It is necessary to first exclude all drugs that can cause allergies. In addition, in the first trimester, the use of chemical antiviral agents is highly undesirable.

Clinical confrontation with a seropositive pregnant woman should be based on a thorough assessment of her initial health status with a complete physical examination, focusing on those signs that lead us to opportunistic infectious pathology and assessing her current immune status. Among the laboratory tests that should be performed regularly include.

Serology for cytomegalovirus. Cultivation for gonococcus, chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasma. Viral load assessment. All antenatal diagnostic evaluations can be performed without contraindications, with the exception of those invasive methods that present an additional risk of fetal infection.

Harm or benefit?

Undoubtedly, taking certain drugs during pregnancy can adversely affect the condition of the fetus. Therefore, doctors who prescribe drugs do so with the expectation that they do more good than harm. It is especially dangerous to take medications in the early stages of pregnancy, when the embryo is not yet sufficiently developed and its organs are only at the stage of formation. After the first trimester, the harm from antiviral drugs is minimal, but they can still be taken only with a doctor's prescription.

Antiretroviral therapy during pregnancy. The goal of antiretroviral therapy during pregnancy is to reduce, on the one hand, the mother's viral load to undetectable levels, without causing harmful or teratogenic effects in the product, and, on the other hand, reducing the risk of vertical transmission. However, new studies have also shown that other antiretrovirals reduce this transmission.

The moment of product contamination. During pregnancy: up to 35%. During breastfeeding: up to 14%. Obstetric factors that favor it. Premature rupture of membranes for more than 4 hours. Low birth weight. Elective caesarean section reduces transmission by 50.5% compared to vaginal delivery.

Antiviral drugs during pregnancy

While carrying a child, the expectant mother needs to be especially attentive to her health, but even taking all precautions, you can catch a cold. Therefore, if treatment cannot be avoided, you need to choose the safest drugs. It is worth noting that the final choice of drugs remains with the doctor.

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Logged control in prevention. vertical transmission. Stopping breastfeeding is another recommended intervention, as a number of publications have shown an overall risk of vertical transmission of 15% in the absence of antiretroviral therapy.

The use of other protective agents such as vitamin A and the use of vaginal antiseptics are still being studied, so their indications should be put on hold until they are proven effective. Summary of management recommendations c. pregnant woman to prevent vertical transmission.

  • "Viferon". This medicine is very often prescribed to pregnant women. It safely and effectively fights viruses and bacteria. In addition, it promotes faster healing by stimulating the flow of immune cells to the painful area. This medicine is also prescribed for herpes and rubella during pregnancy. "Viferon" can be used to prevent viral epidemics.
  • "Anaferon". This is one of the controversial drugs. On the one hand, the instructions say that it should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation, on the other hand, doctors consider it quite safe and effective even for expectant mothers. This is a multifunctional drug, it fights well with viruses, colds, bacteria and immune system deficiencies. Nevertheless, women who are especially prone to allergies are not recommended to take it, since it can cause a reaction, moreover, during pregnancy, the sensitivity of the body increases.
  • "Oscillococcinum". It is rather a homeopathic remedy, since it contains only natural ingredients. Such antiviral drugs for pregnant women are most often prescribed in order to reduce the duration of the disease to a minimum and alleviate the condition. It helps to reduce fever and relieves other symptoms. However, the dosage should still be determined by the doctor.
  • "Paracetamol". This is one of the most effective antipyretic drugs. It is found in the composition of almost all complex drugs, but it is recommended for pregnant women to take it in its pure form.
  • "Panadol". Another antipyretic that will not harm the fetus.
  • "Doctor Mom". This remedy will help to quickly get rid of a cough. Although you should not use it if the pregnant woman has a mild cough. In this case, it will be enough to drink hot tea with honey, it certainly will not bring harm to the child.

To get rid of a runny nose, pregnant women can use a remedy called "Aquamaris", it is not only effective, but also absolutely safe, since its main component is sea water. In addition, Bromhexine and Mukaltin can be used for this purpose. To remove sputum with a runny nose, you can also use Pinosol drops. Some antiviral drugs for pregnant women are officially allowed, these are Grippferon, Oscillococcinum and Viferon (only from the 14th week of pregnancy). However, do not forget that any antiviral drugs can be used on the recommendation of a doctor after a personal consultation.

Antiretroviral drugs during pregnancy. Indinavir should not be given during the third trimester due to the risk of hyperbilirubinemia and kidney stones in neonates. Protease inhibitors potentially increase the risk of hyperglycemia during pregnancy, which must be considered.

Zidovudine, Epivir and Nevirapine are the only drugs with a pharmacokinetic study in pregnant women. It should be assessed clinically, immunologically and virologically in a manner similar to other infected individuals. Alternative nevirapine dosing schedule at start of work.

What drugs are prohibited for pregnant women

To relieve heat, women in position are not recommended to use Aspirin, since it has a bad effect on the blood of mother and child. It is also forbidden to use drugs based on tetracycline, this is a strong antibiotic, but it can greatly harm the fetus by disrupting the process of skeletal formation. These drugs include directly Tetracycline, Streptomycin and Levomycetin. At high temperatures, you should also not resort to heating procedures, such as applying mustard plasters, hot baths, etc.

How to get rid of the disease without pills

If you are afraid to use antiviral drugs during pregnancy, then it makes sense to turn to traditional medicine, because cranberries and chamomile will definitely not harm the baby.

  • From problems in the nasopharynx, including a runny nose and cough, medical rinses will help get rid of. Pour a small amount of sage leaves into 0.5 liters of boiling water, let stand for 20 minutes. If desired, you can add a little sea salt to enhance the effect of rinsing.
  • Radish is rightfully considered a natural antimicrobial agent from the garden. This is not only a delicious product, it also perfectly strengthens the immune system and fights diseases. To get rid of, for example, a cough, you need to finely grate the radish and add honey to it.
  • Cranberries will also help with a cold. To keep a maximum of vitamins in the berry and not subject it to heat treatment, there is one simple recipe. Pour boiling water over the berries, crush them, add a little boiling water, strain and, if desired, add sugar or honey.
  • During illness, you can also drink strengthening tea with mint or lemon balm, berry juice. However, from the middle of the second trimester, you should not drink too much liquid so that edema does not appear.
  • To get rid of a cough, coltsfoot tincture and thermopsis are also often used.
  • To reduce the temperature, you can make a compress. Then give the expectant mother linden or raspberry tea.
  • Inhalation with boiled potatoes will help alleviate the symptoms of a cold. You can also add chamomile, sage or eucalyptus to it.
  • In order to get rid of cough and runny nose, essential oils have also been recently used. There are 3-4 drops per liter of boiling water, you can use mint, sage, thyme, eucalyptus and others. Do not forget that in some cases such inhalations may not be suitable for the patient, therefore, if breathing is difficult, the procedure must be stopped.

A pregnant woman always has twice as much responsibility, because the health of the child depends only on her. It is better to prevent the disease by simple and harmless means than to get rid of it and suffer complications and serious consequences. Do not forget that any antiviral drugs are not recommended for use in the first trimester of pregnancy, since this is the most important period for the formation of the fetus. In any case, before you start taking any other medicine during pregnancy, be sure to consult your doctor and follow his recommendations. Then both mother and child will be healthy and happy!

Pathogenic microorganisms are able to pass from sick people to healthy people through the air.

Therefore, the common cold spreads with such speed: after all, everyone breathes everywhere.

What should a future mother do if a sick person has already appeared in her family?

And if the virus still overtakes her, then what antiviral drugs for pregnant women can women take, if they are allowed to use pills in this position at all?

When not to

Yes, there are situations when, being in a position, you have to resort to medication, although the doctor recognizes their harm, which can affect the health of the unborn baby and potential mother.

The greatest danger to the body of the mother and child occurs when antiviral drugs are taken in the early stages.

Because at this time the systems and organs of the embryo are formed. That is why drugs can have a negative effect on the development of the fetus.

In the 2nd trimester, some pills and medicines are already much less able to negatively affect the baby's body.

But the expectant mother can still drink them only with the consent of the doctor.

What can

  • Paracetamol

Pregnant women are allowed to take only "pure" Paracetamol, without any additives.

Medications for colds include a small percentage of those that can be given to pregnant women when needed.

  • Panadol

It will help to reduce the temperature without much harm to the baby.

  • Doctor Mom

Soothes the throat and relieves cough

  • Aquamaris, Mukaltin, Bromhexine

Permitted for the treatment of the common cold.

  • Allowed to fight viruses Grippferon, homeopathic , Viferon(they only apply after ).
  • ointment and drops

Helps in the treatment of a runny nose in a pregnant woman. Also other sprays with sea water.

All these drugs are used only with the permission and under the supervision of a physician.

After all, only a doctor can determine what caused a cold - viruses or bacteria. Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections.

Yes, despite the reluctance of the expectant mother to swallow antibiotics, sometimes this is a necessity.

Failure to treat bronchitis, tonsillitis or sinusitis can be fraught with serious complications.

What medicines and remedies are not allowed

It is not recommended for pregnant women in early and late periods tetracycline and its derivatives streptomycin and chloramphenicol.

Patients often escape from fever aspirin, but doctors know what side effects this medicine has, and insist that women in position do not need to take it.

It can adversely affect the blood of the future mother and baby.

In no case should you put mustard plasters and soar legs, and physiotherapy procedures are categorically contraindicated.

If the treatment of the expectant mother does not help and the temperature rises above 39 ° C, it is urgent to call an ambulance.

And what proven medicines from the “people's first aid kit” will help women cope with viruses during pregnancy?

  • The first target in the attack of a cold is the nasopharynx.

So let's not forget about medicinal rinses.

You can use sage infusion:

A handful of its leaves is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water,

Close tightly and infuse for at least 20 minutes.

The infusion will be even more effective if you add half a teaspoon of sea salt to the glass.

  • Any medications will replace radish, this amazingly healthy root crop deserves a place of honor on the table of a pregnant woman.

Radish is rich in antimicrobial substances.

It is very useful to rub it and add honey, it will turn out better. The main thing is that the expectant mother should not be allergic to honey.

  • Cranberry- the real natural antibiotic.

It is more useful than any medicine, and will help defeat the flu, acute respiratory infections.

Cranberry juice should not be boiled, because then vitamins are destroyed.

The berries are simply doused with hot water, crushed with a crush, and then the resulting mixture is diluted with slightly cooled boiling water to the desired volume.

The berry mixture is then filtered and sugar or honey is added to taste.

  • You can also drink folk antiviral agents - teas with lemon balm and mint, lingonberry juice.

The doctor must decide which teas and fruit drinks you can drink so as not to cause.

The expectant mother is more prone to many infectious diseases than others. First of all, this is due to the fact that during the period of expectation of the baby, her immunity is significantly reduced. At the same time, everyone knows that taking any medications during pregnancy can pose a considerable threat to the health of the child. Therefore, many women choose to stop taking medication when they get colds, flus, and other viral illnesses. But is it right? And, perhaps, there are medicines that a future mother can take? Consider whether it is necessary to carry out drug therapy in case of a viral disease, and what antiviral drugs can be given to pregnant women.

Should I take antivirals during pregnancy?

If a woman has caught a common cold, it is quite possible to do without antiviral agents. In such a situation, medications for symptomatic treatment, traditional medicine methods and bed rest will come to the rescue. Of course, all this should be prescribed by the doctor after the examination and the necessary studies.

But what to do if the expectant mother is ill with a more serious illness, such as the flu or herpes? Is it necessary to take antiviral during pregnancy in this case? Experts note that serious viral diseases can cause many complications during pregnancy and fetal development. The main ones are the following conditions and pathologies:

  • miscarriage or premature birth;
  • defeat of the placenta;
  • prenatal rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • chorioamnionitis - infection of the membranes of the fetus and amniotic fluid;
  • the formation of congenital anomalies in the development of the fetus, such as hydrocephalus (dropsy of the brain);
  • congenital pneumonia in a child;
  • eye damage in a baby - retinal atrophy, cataracts;
  • sepsis - infection of the blood in a child;
  • intrauterine fetal death.

As can be seen from the above, many viral diseases require mandatory treatment. Of course, only a doctor can prescribe antiviral drugs during pregnancy. Depending on the disease, the course of pregnancy, the general condition of the woman, the doctor will select the necessary drug therapy. He will also prescribe the dosage of drugs and the duration of the course of treatment. So what antiviral drugs can pregnant women take?

What antiviral can be pregnant

Experts note that any medications, including antiviral agents, are contraindicated for pregnant women in the first trimester. During this period, they are appointed only as a last resort. This is due to the fact that in the first 10-12 weeks the rudiments of all organs and systems of the fetus are laid. And exposure to a chemical can contribute to the appearance of defects and pathologies in the development of a child.

Answering the question of which antiviral drugs can be used by pregnant women, doctors most often mention Viferon, Anaferon and Oscillococcinum.


The most commonly prescribed antiviral during pregnancy is Viferon. This medicine belongs to the group of interferons and is available in the form of rectal suppositories, ointments and gels. Viferon has an antiviral, antichlamydial effect, is active against certain types of bacteria. In addition, it stimulates the penetration of immune cells into the focus of the inflammatory process, protecting the body from the addition of a bacterial infection. This antiviral is prescribed in the treatment of rubella, herpes, cytomegalovirus. Viferon is also recommended to be taken in order to prevent diseases during epidemics.

Complex therapy with the use of this antiviral during pregnancy leads to the relief of the acute course of the disease, reduces the frequency of exacerbations of bacterial and viral infections. Interestingly, the active substance of Viferon, interferon, begins to act even before the moment when the human immune system recognizes viruses that penetrate the mucous membrane.


Another frequently prescribed antiviral drug during pregnancy is Anaferon. The instructions for Anaferon indicate that it is not recommended to take it either during pregnancy or during lactation. However, many doctors consider it safe enough for expectant mothers. Anaferon refers to homeopathic immunomodulating agents that normalize the functioning of the human immune system. Among the indications for the use of this antiviral during pregnancy, the following can be noted:

  • treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and influenza;
  • treatment and prevention of complications of viral infections;
  • treatment of bacterial diseases as part of complex therapy;
  • disorders of the immune system.

A side effect of Anaferon is rare, but it still happens, the development of allergic reactions of the body. This is especially true for expectant mothers, since during the period of bearing a baby, a woman sharply increases her sensitivity to many substances.


Many doctors note that at any stage of pregnancy, Oscillococcinum can be used to treat and prevent viral diseases. This is a homeopathic preparation developed on the basis of an extract of the heart and liver of the Barbary duck, which is one of the carriers of influenza viruses. This antiviral agent is prescribed to reduce the severity and duration of viral infections in pregnant women. At the same time, the general condition of the woman improves, the temperature decreases, the symptoms of the disease are relieved.

9 months, during which a new life grows and develops in the female body, is not only a joyful and responsible period. The increased load experienced by the expectant mother during these weeks can weaken the body's defenses, making it more susceptible to various kinds of viruses and microbes.

Viruses: mother and child are at risk. Antiviral drugs during pregnancy

The arrival of cold weather almost always marks the beginning of the season of colds. As a result, the concentration of viruses in the air also increases significantly at this time. That is why women "in position" are recommended to reduce the number of visits to public transport, shops and other crowded places if possible. But if, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid the disease and the pregnant woman fell ill with ARVI or the flu, you should not postpone treatment and let the situation take its course. A viral disease is not only discomfort, although it also causes a lot of trouble. Even a banal "cold" can cause serious harm to the health of the crumbs that a woman is carrying. In addition, a suddenly activated herpes virus can also cause a lot of trouble for the expectant mother. Among the main threats posed by viruses are:

  • Failure of pregnancy (miscarriage, premature birth) or the threat of failure (premature discharge of amniotic fluid).
  • Pathology of the placenta.
  • Infection of the fetal membranes.
  • Deviations in the development of the baby.
  • Infection of the fetal blood.
  • Intrauterine death of a child.

The consequences of the "work" of the virus can be very serious. Therefore, special antiviral drugs have been developed to combat the disease. Taking a number of antiviral drugs during pregnancy is unacceptable, but there are those whose therapy is also possible while waiting for the baby.

Antiviral drugs during pregnancy. Indications for starting antiviral therapy

Do I need to immediately look into the first aid kit in search of a medicine when the first symptoms of a viral infection appear (general malaise, runny nose, fever to subfebrile values)? Of course not. But it is worth knowing a number of signs indicating that it will not be possible to do without drug therapy.

  • Change in skin color.
  • The appearance of sputum.
  • Coughing.
  • Chest pain, shortness of breath and shortness of breath even at rest.
  • High fever lasting more than 3 days.
  • Hypotension.

In addition, you should not refuse a visit to the doctor, even if you yourself have diagnosed yourself with a “banal cold”. Special attention should be paid to topical anti-inflammatory drugs. They are effective and “work” exclusively at the site of application, without getting or practically not getting into the systemic circulation. Self-administration of an antiviral agent during pregnancy is highly undesirable. In addition to the fact that a number of drugs are unacceptable for use by women in this position, only a doctor can choose not only medications, but also their dosage, taking into account the course of the disease.

Antiviral drugs during pregnancy

If it was not possible to resist the attack of viruses, and the cold still overtook the expectant mother, you should not hesitate with treatment. At different stages of pregnancy, the list of approved drugs may include more or fewer drugs.

Antivirals during pregnancy: 1st trimester

Insidious viruses can overtake a woman at the very beginning of a journey called pregnancy. At this time, the female body has a particularly hard time, because it undergoes colossal changes caused by the emergence of a new life, and here also microbes with viruses have joined. Special medicines are called to help the expectant mother. What antiviral drugs during early pregnancy will be safe for the little man in the womb of a woman?

  • Paracetamol, as well as its analogue - Panadol. An effective antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent that a woman in position can take without fear at any waiting time for the baby.
  • Safe antiviral agents that can be used from the first weeks of pregnancy are Oscillococcinum, Grippferon, Aflubin.

Oscillococcinum, Aflubin - homeopathic remedies. When treating with homeopathy, it is important to remember several important points: the medication must be taken strictly according to the prescribed scheme, the effect of the drug is reduced to zero when drinking coffee, mint (including the use of mint toothpaste).

Grippferon (analogue - Nazoferon) is an antiviral drug that also has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. It has no contraindications for use by pregnant women, even at short periods of waiting for the baby.

  • Cope with rhinitis (runny nose) - a faithful companion of SARS - will help Aqua Maris and Pinosol.

Aqua Maris is a sterile solution of sea water, which is available in the form of sprays and drops. The microelements with which the liquid is saturated normalize the functioning of the mucous membranes, increase local immunity, and help eliminate excess mucus from the nasal passages.

Pinosol - anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drops of plant origin. The essential oils included in its composition effectively fight microbes, restore the mucous membranes of the nose.

  • Sinupret is a combined remedy of plant origin. If the inflammatory process affects the paranasal sinuses, there is purulent rhinitis, a cough bothers, Sinupret will help to effectively cope with the disease. For adults, the drug is available in the form of drops and tablets. Expectant mothers are prescribed pills, since the drops are an alcohol infusion, which is not recommended for pregnant women. The herbs that make up the medicine eliminate the swelling of the mucous membranes, improve the drainage of the sinuses, fight viruses, and relieve inflammation.
  • In inflammatory processes in the throat, Lugol's solution and chlorophyllipt in the form of sprays, Tantum Verde, can be prescribed. The action of the drugs is local, highly effective. The opinions of doctors regarding the safety of the use of these medicines vary, so be sure to consult your doctor before starting therapy.

Everyone has known since childhood that if you get sick, you must definitely take ascorbic acid to improve immunity. For expectant mothers, this rule works with limitations, since it is necessary to monitor the intake of vitamin C - its excess is undesirable.

Antiviral drugs during pregnancy: 2nd trimester

By the 14th week, the female body is already used to working in a new way, which is why mothers get sick less often during this period. But sometimes, even at this time, a cold cannot be avoided. And here, drugs can help a woman cope with an illness. What antiviral agent can be used during pregnancy for those who have already stepped into the 2nd trimester? Medicines approved for use in the 1st trimester, of course, are still relevant and can be used by women from the 14th to the 27th week of pregnancy. In addition to them, new drugs are added.

  • Candles Viferon. Rectal suppositories have antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects, stimulate the immune system. The medication copes well not only with the influenza virus, but also with herpes.
  • Drops of Interferon. The drug is instilled into the nasal passages or sprayed into the air. This drug is used not only for the treatment, but also for the prevention of SARS.
  • Bromhexine will help overcome a cough. The drug is not recommended for use in the 1st trimester, and later can be chosen as a means of therapy.

Antiviral drugs during pregnancy: 3rd trimester

Starting from the 28th week, the 3rd trimester begins. The baby is already fully formed. The list of drugs that can be used at an earlier date remains the same, but their dosage can be slightly increased by switching from a prophylactic to a therapeutic dose. Also during this period, antibiotic therapy is allowed, if necessary (in some cases, a bacterial infection joins a viral infection). From cough you can use Lazolvan. Why not earlier - because the studies were conducted only on patients whose gestational age was 28 weeks or more.

Drugs such as Doctor Mom, Mukaltin, although they are of natural origin, do not have studies confirming their safety for women in position. It is also not recommended to take Ergoferon, an antiviral agent that stimulates the production of interferon. The medicine comes in the form of tablets that need to be sucked. Clinical studies on pregnant women in this case have also not been conducted.

Prohibited antiviral drugs for pregnant women

A number of medicines aimed at combating viruses and related problems that they can cause (fever, pain, bacterial infection) are not prescribed to women "in a special position." The reason is the negative impact of drugs on the developing baby. These include:

  • Remantadin, Groprinosin. These antiviral agents during pregnancy are prohibited from taking in any trimester.
  • Antibacterial drug Tetracycline, as well as its derivatives - Levomycetin, Streptomycin. The use of such medicines is categorically contraindicated in any weeks of bearing a baby.
  • Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is a commonly used antipyretic. In addition, the drug successfully eliminates pain. This medication is unacceptable for pregnant women.
  • Analgin is a good remedy for headaches, but not for expectant mothers. The use of the drug by this category of women is prohibited.
  • You should not resort to warming procedures in the form of mustard plasters, physiotherapy procedures are contraindicated, you should not soar your legs.
  • Exceeding the temperature of 39.5 ° C is a reason to call an ambulance.

The opinions of doctors regarding such common antiviral immunomodulators as Anaferon and Arbidol differ. It's all about the lack of clinical trials of these drugs in pregnant women (studies were conducted only on animals). The mechanism of the work of medicines is to stimulate the production of interferon, due to which the cells of the body become immune to viruses. The use of these drugs is not contraindicated, but if possible, other drugs should be preferred.

Antiviral drugs during pregnancy. Treating a cold without medication

Depending on the severity of symptoms, the duration of pregnancy and based on an assessment of the general condition of the woman, in some cases, drug therapy can be left as a “fallback option”, and the main emphasis should be on traditional medicine. But remember that such a decision should be made exclusively by a doctor! In any case, natural herbs and berries will be a good addition to the complex therapy in the treatment of drugs.

  • Berry fruit drinks, herbal teas with mint and lemon balm will help increase the body's resistance.
  • Radish is an excellent tool not only for treatment (radish with honey is an indispensable “dish” for coughing), but also for the prevention of colds. The root crop strengthens the immune system, increasing its resistance to viruses.
  • Cranberries have no less beneficial effect on the body's defenses. Fill them with boiling water, add a spoonful of honey and the healing drink is ready.
  • Inhalations with boiled potatoes, especially if you add chamomile, eucalyptus or sage to it, will also help to overcome viruses.
  • Linden or raspberry tea is a good remedy for fever caused by fever.
  • Herb thermopsis (available in the form of tablets), coltsfoot infusion will help get rid of a cough.

Turning to traditional medicine, it is important to remember that, starting from the second half of the 2nd trimester and before childbirth, the likelihood of edema increases. Therefore, fluid intake must be controlled.

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