White Bim Black Ear. What is humanity? Bim jumped out into the yard (USE in Russian) Bim jumped out into the yard test

When the exam is just around the corner, it is important to devote time, attention and energy to preparing for it. In this difficult task, samples of essays that will be required for the OGE will help you. Here we wrote all three essays based on the text of Troepolsky "White Bim, Black Ear".

Assignment: Write an essay based on a quote from V.G. Korolenko: "The Russian language ... has all the means to express the most subtle sensations and shades of thought."

(93 words)

I agree with the words of the great Russian writer V.G. Korolenko that all semitones of feelings and emotions can be expressed through our great and powerful language.

Our native speech is complex, multifaceted and beautiful. So, in sentence 34, with the words "headlong" and "flounder", the reader is clearly presented with a picture of how Bim is merrily rushing around the field, frolicking, and the form of the name in sentence 25 gives us an idea of ​​the owner's love for the animal, expressed in affectionate treatment.

Thus, our Russian language is a universal means of expression for any purpose of expression. It is not only multifunctional, but also beautiful in its variety.

Composition-reasoning 15.2 based on the quote by Troepolsky

Assignment: How do you understand the meaning of the ending: “So warm friendship and devotion became happiness, because everyone understood everyone and everyone did not demand from the other more than he could give. This is the foundation, the salt of friendship. "

(97 words)

I am convinced that there can be no friendship without mutual understanding, because only it gives the interlocutors topics for conversation and tact in order to be silent at the right time.

I find confirmation of my words in the text of G.N. Troepolsky. The person realizes that the puppy is sad without a mother and "sets sad concerts" for a reason. The owner does not get angry with him, but instead shows affection that consoles the friend. Therefore, in sentences 9-10, 16, 27 we see Beam's gratitude and devotion towards his friend. Mutual understanding brought them together forever.

The salt and foundation of friendship lies in the fact that comrades understand and accept each other.

Composition-reasoning 15.3 "What is friendship" according to the text of Troepolsky

(96 words)

The word "to be friends" means mutual assistance, understanding and sympathy that people disinterestedly show to each other.

The same definition certainly applies to a person's feelings towards a dog. The affection of Ivan Ivanovich and Bim is obvious (sentences 17, 22, 26-27). The owner is affectionate and caring with the dog, and he answers him with devotion. They understand each other well.

The same can be said about my cat Syoma. He always senses when I feel bad, and fumbles to calm me down. I also try to be a good housekeeper for him.

Friendship is of great value in our life, because you can always rely on it in difficult times.

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(1) Piteously and, it seemed, hopelessly, he suddenly began to whine, awkwardly waddling to and fro, - he was looking for his mother.(2) Then the owner would put him on his lap and put a nipple with milk in his mouth.

(3) And what was left for a month-old puppy to do if he still did not understand anything in life at all, and the mother still did not exist, despite any complaints.(4) So he tried to ask sad concerts.(5) Although, however, he fell asleep in the arms of the owner in the arms with a bottle of milk.

(6) But on the fourth day, the baby had already begun to get used to the warmth of human hands.(7) Puppies very quickly begin to respond to affection.(8) He did not know his name yet, but after a week he determined for sure that he was Bim.

(9) He already loved when the owner talked to him, but so far he understood only two words: "Bim" and "not allowed."(10) And yet it is very, very interesting to watch how white hair hangs down on the forehead, kind lips move and how warm, gentle fingers touch the fur.(11) On the other hand, Bim already knew exactly how to determine whether the owner is now cheerful or sad, he scolds or praises, calls or drives away.

(12) So they lived together in the same room.(13) Beam grew up strong.(14) Very soon he learned that the owner's name was "Ivan Ivanovich".(15) Smart puppy, quick-witted.

(16) The eyes of Ivan Ivanovich, intonation, gestures, clear words-orders and words of affection were a guide in a dog's life.(17) Beam gradually began to even guess some of his friend's intentions.(18) For example, he stands in front of the window and looks, looks into the distance and thinks, thinks.(19) Then Bim sits down next to him and also looks, and also thinks.(20) A person does not know what the dog is thinking, but the dog says with all its appearance: “Now my good friend will sit down at the table, he will definitely sit down.(21) He walks a little from corner to corner and sits down to move a stick over a white piece of paper, and that will whisper a little.(22) It will take a long time, so I’ll sit next to him. ”(23) Then he sticks his nose into a warm palm.(24) And the owner will say:

- (25) Well, Bimka, we will work, - and really sits down.

(26) And Bim lies down in a ball at his feet or, if it says "to the place", he will go to his lounger in the corner and will wait.(27) Will wait for a look, a word, a gesture.(28) However, after a while, you can get off the ground, deal with a round bone, which is impossible to gnaw, but sharpen your teeth - please, just do not interfere.

(29) But when Ivan Ivanovich covers his face with his palms, leaning his elbows on the table, then Bim comes up to him and puts his odd-ear muzzle on his knees.(30) And worth it. (31) Knows, strokes.(32) Knows something is wrong with a friend.

(33) But it was not so in the meadow, where both forgot about everything.(34) Here you can run headlong, frolic, chase butterflies, wallow in the grass - everything was permissible.(35) However, even here, after eight months of Bim's life, everything went according to the owner's commands: "go-go!" - you can play, "back!" - very clear, "lie down!" - it is absolutely clear, "up!" - jump over, "look!" - look for pieces of cheese, "near!" - go alongside, but only to the left, "to me!" - quickly to the owner, there will be a lump of sugar.(36) And Bim learned many other words before a year.(37) Friends more and more understood each other, loved and lived on equal terms - a man and a dog.

(38) So warm friendship and devotion became happiness, because each understood everyone and each did not demand from the other more than he could give.(39) This is the basis, the salt of friendship.

(According to G. Troepolsky) *

* Troepolsky Gavriil Nikolaevich (1905-1995) - a famous Russian Soviet writer, in whose work there is a call to love and protect nature. The most famous work of the writer is the story "White Bim Black Ear".

Humanity is expressed in a caring and compassionate attitude towards people. It manifests itself in respect, tolerance, willingness to help in difficult times.

Humanity implies self-sacrifice both for loved ones and for the sake of strangers. This is the same humanism, expressed in a sympathetic attitude towards everyone around.

In an episode of the story "White Bim Black Ear" G. Troepolsky showed the humanity of schoolchildren who did not indifferently pass by the unfortunate dog. They even had to run home to get him food. In Tolik, humanism manifested itself most of all: he talked to the dog and took pity on her. Beam at that time really needed a warm attitude.

By showing humanity, we ourselves become better. This is exactly what happened with the hero of James Bowen's book "A Street Cat Named Bob".

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The narrator was a vagabond, addicted to drugs, but the cat abandoned by someone changed his life. He showed pity for a homeless animal, thanks to which he changed his own lifestyle: he began to take care of his tailed friend, stopped taking drugs, recovered and went to work. It seems to me that such changes with a person occurred due to the fact that, along with pity, he showed responsibility, taking upon himself the care of someone who was even worse. The hero felt needed, realized that this unfortunate animal depended on him, so he began to behave responsibly.

Humanism makes a person nobler, because with his participation he helps those in need. Kindness, honesty, mercy, compassion, love - these qualities make up the concept of humanity. From ancient times, the words of the Chinese philosopher Confucius have come down to us, who said: "He will be human who can embody the five virtues everywhere: respect, generosity, truthfulness, sharpness, kindness."

The French thinker and writer Claude Adrian Helvetius called humanity a meaningful feeling and “only education develops and strengthens it”. Therefore, parents should instill this important feeling in their child from childhood. The seeds of goodness planted in the soul will sprout: in the future, a person will strengthen and develop humanism in himself.

Inner beauty is impossible without humanity. But the most important thing is that thanks to this kind feeling, our world becomes better.

Updated: 2017-02-14

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Using the text you read, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 9.1, 9.2 or 9.3. Before writing an essay, write down the number of the selected task: 9.1, 9.2 or 9.3.

9.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian writer V.G. Korolenko: "The Russian language ... has all the means to express the most subtle sensations and shades of thought."

Arguing your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the desired sentences or use quotations.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing a topic in linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of V.G. Korolenko.

A work written without reference to the text read (not according to this text) is not evaluated.

9.2 Write a reasoning essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text: “So warm friendship and devotion became happiness, because everyone understood everyone and everyone did not demand from the other more than he could give. This is the foundation, the salt of friendship. "

Give in the essay 2 arguments from the text read, confirming your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the desired sentences or use quotations.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

9.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word FRIENDSHIP? Formulate and comment on this

Your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is friendship", taking in

As a thesis, your definition. Arguing your thesis, give 2 examples-arguments that support your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) Piteously and, it seemed, hopelessly, he suddenly began to whine, awkwardly waddling to and fro, - he was looking for his mother. (2) Then the owner would put him on his lap and put a nipple with milk in his mouth.

(3) And what was left for a month-old puppy to do if he still did not understand anything in life at all, and the mother is still not there, in spite of any complaints. (4) So he tried to ask sad concerts. (5) Although, however, he fell asleep in the arms of the owner in the arms with a bottle of milk.

(6) But on the fourth day, the baby had already begun to get used to the warmth of human hands. (7) Puppies very quickly begin to respond to affection. (8) He did not know his name yet, but after a week he determined for sure that he was Bim.

(9) He already loved when the owner talked to him, but so far he understood only two words: "Bim" and "not allowed." (10) And yet it is very, very interesting to watch how white hair hangs down on the forehead, kind lips move and how warm, gentle fingers touch the fur. (11) But Bim was already absolutely able to determine whether the owner is now cheerful or sad, he scolds or praises, calls or drives away.

(12) So they lived together in one room. (13) Beam grew up strong. (14) Very soon he learned that the owner's name was "Ivan Ivanovich". (15) Smart puppy, quick-witted.

(16) The eyes of Ivan Ivanovich, intonation, gestures, clear words-orders and words of affection were a guide in a dog's life. (17) Beam gradually began to even guess some of his friend's intentions. (18) For example, he stands in front of the window and looks, looks into the distance and thinks, thinks. (19) Then Bim sits down next to him and also looks, and also thinks. (20) A person does not know what the dog is thinking, but the dog says with all its appearance: “Now my good friend will sit down at the table, he will definitely sit down. (21) He walks a little from corner to corner and sits down to move a stick over a white piece of paper, and that will whisper a little. (22) It will take a long time, so I’ll sit next to him. ” (23) Then he pokes his nose into a warm palm. (24) And the owner will say:

- (25) Well, Bimka, we will work, - and really sits down.

(26) And Bim lies down in a ball at his feet or, if it says "to the place", he will go to his lounger in the corner and will wait. (27) Will wait for a look, a word, a gesture. (28) However, after a while you can get off the ground, deal with a round bone, which is impossible to gnaw, but sharpen your teeth - please, just do not interfere.

(29) But when Ivan Ivanovich covers his face with his palms, leaning his elbows on the table, then Bim comes up to him and puts his un-eared muzzle on his knees. (30) And worth it. (31) Knows, strokes. (32) Knows something is wrong with a friend.

(33) But it was not so in the meadow, where both forgot about everything. (34) Here you can run headlong, frolic, chase butterflies, wallow in the grass - everything was permissible. (35) However, even here, after eight months of Bim's life, everything went according to the owner's commands: "go-go!" - you can play, "back!" - very clear, "lie down!" - it is absolutely clear, "up!" - jump over, "look!" - look for pieces of cheese, "near!" - go alongside, but only to the left, "to me!" - quickly to the owner, there will be a lump of sugar. (36) And Bim learned many other words before a year. (37) Friends more and more understood each other, loved and lived on equal terms - a man and a dog.

(38) So warm friendship and devotion became happiness, because each understood everyone and each did not demand from the other more than he could give. (39) This is the basis, the salt of friendship.

(According to G. Troepolsky) *

* Troepolsky Gavriil Nikolaevich(1905-1995) - a famous Russian Soviet writer, in whose work there is a call to love and protect nature. The most famous work of the writer is the story "White Bim Black Ear".

Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: "Why did Bim and his owner become friends?"

1) Bim was afraid of his master and followed all his orders.

3) Bim loved when the owner stroked him.

4) Dog training is impossible without mutual understanding


2) Man and dog understood each other, loved and lived on equal terms.

Answer: 2

Answer: 2

Source: Open Bank FIPI, block 6675D0, option RESHU No. 115

Relevance: Used in the OGE of the current year


15.1 The Russian language is one of the richest and most beautiful languages ​​in the world. There are enough words in it to name all objects and phenomena, to convey a wide variety of feelings, moods, experiences, without resorting to special means of expression. Therefore, it is difficult to disagree with the statement of V.G. Korolenko: "The Russian language ... has all the means to express the most subtle sensations and shades of thought."

Let us confirm this with examples from the text of G.N. Troepolsky. In Proposition 4, to convey the state of the dog, the author uses the metaphor "to set sad concerts", which vividly conveys how a ten-month-old puppy feels when left without a mother. Metaphor is used to create an artistic image.

Words with evaluation suffixes serve the same purpose: face (sentence 29), mouth (sentence 2). The use of these words shows with what warmth the author speaks about the puppy, how the owner Ivan Ivanovich loves his pet.

Thus, the examples given can rightfully be considered arguments in support of the opinion of V.G. Korolenko that our language is rich and can convey all shades of feelings and "sensations".

15.2 The above lines of text by G.N. Troepolsky actually define the concept of friendship. Indeed, friendship is when “… everyone understood everyone and everyone did not demand from the other more than he could give. This is the foundation, the salt of friendship. " It is very important for each of us to feel the reliable shoulder of a friend who is ready to help, not only in difficult moments, but every day.

Let us confirm this with examples from the text. Ivan Ivanovich takes care of a small, defenseless puppy: he feeds him from the nipple, strokes him with his big affectionate hands, replaces the puppy's mother. Gradually Bim (as the puppy was named) learned to understand his master perfectly, to feel the mood. We read about this in sentences 29-32.

Very good about friendship between a man and a dog is said in sentence 37: "Friends more and more understood each other, loved and lived on equal terms - a man and a dog." Friends lived on an equal footing - that's right, that's how it should be in true friendship. It is impossible for one to subjugate the other, otherwise what kind of friendship is it ...

The ability to be friends is a gift and a talent sent down from above. Not everyone can sacrifice something important and dear for the sake of a friend. You need to learn this, then, for sure, you will be able to find a true friend. And Bim turned out to be a true friend, faithful, loyal, able to wait even when there was no longer any hope of his friend's return.

15.3 Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, community of interests. Who, if not a friend, will support or help; who, if not a friend, will share a secret with you and keep it; who, if not friends, will become a mountain for you and will not let you leave school because of problems at home ... It is impossible to list everything that friends can. That is why the desire to have a friend and to be friends is so natural and so necessary for a person.

G. Troepolsky tells about the touching friendship between man and dog. A tiny puppy from the first days of his life was in the hands of a kind and loving person. Bim grows, learning to understand the habits of the owner, the team, to feel the mood of the person. Between the puppy and the owner, mutual understanding develops and such a relationship develops in which everyone gives as much as they can, and this is where the author sees the very essence of friendship.

I am reminded of a story about a wolf that Jack London named White Fang. How many life trials the wolf went through from birth to the moment until it found a real owner ... There was so much human cruelty in his life that, it would seem, he could never become a friend of the family he fell into. But the kind attitude and love of the owner make the impossible: White Fang becomes not just a friend, he saves the family from a criminal, rushing at him, going almost to death. Not every dog ​​that is cared for and cherished is capable of this. And not every friend is human, unfortunately ...

In folk wisdom, there is a phrase: "A dog is a friend of man." And this is not just a phrase, it is the truth.

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