Better to be happy than right. Right or Happy? What does it mean to be right

Do you wanna be right or happy?
You spend years proving "right"
Forgetting that there are goals, aspirations, dreams,
Your truth has turned into a vicious passion.
What's most important to you: getting a pedestal for yourself
Or take the time to become successful?
You spend your life resources thoughtlessly, carelessly,
The age of man against the background of the Universe is negligible.
What will you choose? Reliable quiet dock
With family members that they were able to accept you
Or will you put your life to prove to everyone
That you alone always "knew everything correctly"?
Doubt tears your assertiveness to pieces
Arrogance, day after day, poisons you with life.
Think about it now! And then say:
Do you still wanna be right? Or is it better to be happy?


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Each person has their own internal rules. Relying on them, a person lives and communicates with other people. Such rules are commonly referred to as principles. A person acquires them first in the process of upbringing by parents, or significant adults, and then independently. Among such rules or principles, there are those that a person cannot give up under any circumstances, as it seems to him. In fact, it largely depends on the situation in which a person may find himself. For example, the well-known commandment "Thou shalt not kill", certain conditions such as war or the protection of one's own life may well be violated by a person. In such cases, people do not look for any excuses for themselves, since we are talking about the safety of their life and health.

In addition to the principles that help a person to live in peace with himself, he may have beliefs that hinder him, although the person himself sometimes may not be aware of this. Such false principles and adherence to them often lead a person to the fact that he harms himself. This is due to the fact that a person lacks flexibility in thinking. And this can relate to the most different areas of human life. For example, many women avoid meeting men on the street. On the one hand, you can understand this, a woman feels a sense of anxiety starting to communicate with him outside the room. However, if the same situation occurs in a restaurant or cafe, women are more inclined to make acquaintances. In fact, only the place, the geographical point changes, but the perception becomes completely different. And if in the first case a belief is triggered, which is most likely imposed by society, then in the second it, oddly enough, stops working. And if we imagine that a man who wanted to meet a woman on the street had plans to invite her somewhere, and then start a family and try to make the woman's life happier? Indeed, in such a situation, he becomes rejected not so much because of his appearance, but rather because of the principle of a woman. It is clear that no one will get to know a drunken and dirty man even in a cafe.

The male version, like "blindly" following false principles, might be as follows. By showing a woman that he is a strong and serious person, a man can start treating her from a position from above. Taking advantage of the conviction that "all women are fools" and do not understand anything but household chores. With such behavior, he will lower the bar of relations lower and lower, devaluing both the woman herself and the relationship. The result of such a union may be different, but the woman's feelings are likely to suffer. And a man can hardly count on a woman's sincerity and her love.

Considering your beliefs and principles, it is good to proceed from how much they can be dangerous or, on the contrary, useful for the person himself. What's more important to be right or happy?

Live with joy! Anton Chernykh.

Lara was an open person, but too “correct” and principled. Besides, an inveterate arguer. Having received the education of a lawyer, she firmly believed that truth should triumph everywhere. And the truth, as you know, is born in a dispute. Therefore, in the team where she worked, she was disliked, the bosses remembered her only when it was necessary to perform difficult work, completely forgetting about Lara when it came to choosing a candidate for the vacant leadership position. The girlfriends preferred to immediately agree with her opinion, just not to enter into a long tedious polemic, and Lara did not have close friends. As for the men, despite her intelligence, beauty and youth, they did not stay near her for a long time. Only her dog named Gangster remained faithful to her.

Not that Lara was bothered by this state of affairs, but the years passed, and she realized that it was time to start a family.

Once, fate abandoned her along with the company's employees on the Black Sea coast. It must be said that the company, in Lara's opinion, was also picked up - Lenochka, the same age as Lara, a soft girl and, in Lara's opinion, somewhat naive and "spineless", and Fedor, the head of the department, to whom Lara had not very friendly feelings, because she considered that she would have done better in this position.

Helen in the team was known as a soft, kind-hearted girl, whom everyone loved, and men adored her, although Lara did not understand why? Not to say that she was a beauty, well, pretty face, the figure is so-so, the hips are wide, the legs are short, the tummy is outlined - unlike Lara, long-legged and fit, who did not miss a single workout in the gym. However, there was something in Lenochka that was attractive to men, what exactly, Lara could not understand, and wondered what they found in her, that they were ready for everything for her, well, or practically everything.

Fyodor was a rather handsome man, who knew how to get along with both his superiors and his subordinates, even with everyone, but who knew how to hook him to the living.

Once, after the end of the working day and dinner at a cafe, they decided to walk through a nearby park. Passing the next pavilion, Helen stopped and froze with delight in front of the luxurious outfits of the last century.

“Let's all take a picture together in these outfits,” she suggested, to which she received a skeptical smile from Lara.

- So that I fit into a pile of this junk - but never in my life!

- And in vain! Girl, you are so beautiful, look, I have a special dress for you, it must have been waiting for you all your life, will you just walk by it like that? - the photographer, the owner of all this "beauty" entered the conversation.

- What are you talking about, dresses do not know how to wait, they absolutely do not care if someone puts them on, or they are gathering dust in some chest.

- You are mistaken, dear, every thing has its own soul, so come to this dress, touch it with your hands, and you will feel how it will respond to you.

- Larochka, well, please try it on, it will fit your eyes so well, you will be well, a miracle, how good it is! - squealed Helen.

- Len, if you want, dress up in these rags, - snapped Lara, - but leave me alone, this is not my style.

- Indeed, Lena, leave Larissa, she is too emancipated to be just a woman, - Fyodor intervened in their dispute, - I will keep you company, look, there is also a man's outfit here. You and I will look great together in the photo.

Something in the depths of her soul very painfully pricked Lara, but she, as always, did not show it.

“Okay, if you have nothing to do, have fun, and I'd rather walk along the beach,” she said and walked towards the coast.

For a while, Lara heard Lenochka's cheerful laugh and Fedor's witty comments. For some reason, cats were scratching in her soul, and everything - both people and at home, incredibly irritated her, it is not clear why.

Lara went to the pier, sat on the edge, and tears spilled out of her eyes. Now she hated Fedor, and Lenochka too, and did not understand why this situation hurt her so much.

- Girl, did you accidentally come to drown yourself? Otherwise I will save you immediately!

Lara turned around and saw a strong tanned guy with a bottle of beer.

“Leave me alone, I don’t touch you, and you don’t touch me,” she answered sharply.

- It's a pity, such a beautiful girl, and so rude, I didn't tell you anything bad, I just wanted to help. Well, I'm sorry, - the guy answered and walked away.

Lara was left alone. It was beginning to get dark, in the distance music from a nearby cafe could be heard. They sang about love, and Lara felt incredibly lonely. She gave vent to tears, but somehow it didn't get any easier.

Lara did not know how long she sat like that, however, when she woke up, she realized that the time was already late, and it was time to return to the hotel.

Passing the ill-fated pavilion, she again saw the same dress, and for some reason she wanted to apologize to him.

“I’m completely out of my mind,” she thought, but went over to the dress and stroked it with her hand. And it really seemed to her that the dress responded joyfully, that it had been waiting for her all her life, and that it simply would not survive if Lara walked by like this now. Or is she, Lara, not going to survive this?

“What nonsense?” - thought Lara, but then a familiar photographer arrived.

“I knew you'd be back,” he said. “The fitting room is here.

For the first time in her life, Lara did not want to argue, quietly went into the fitting room and changed into a dress. What she felt was so new to her that she literally felt dizzy.

Lara came out and looked in the mirror. A completely different girl was looking at her from the mirror - gentle and defenseless, with beautiful gray eyes and a mysterious smile. "Is it me at all?" - flashed through Lara's head, but she liked the new image so much, she felt so comfortable in it that it seemed as if she had returned to her home, where she spent the best years of her life.

- You are just gorgeous, - said the photographer, and Lara saw so much admiration in his eyes that she involuntarily smiled even more. The photographer pointed the camera, and Lara caught herself thinking that she wanted to flirt with this man, she wants to be frivolous, windy, spinning in this extraordinary dress, she wants to be a fragile porcelain figurine, valuable and carefully kept.

Lara was photographed and photographed, sitting, standing, taking various poses, and it gave her so much pleasure that she simply did not remember when she felt so good.

- The photos will be ready tomorrow evening, - said the photographer, - come, I never had such a beautiful model, can I hang one of the photos on the stand?

- Hang, of course, - answered Lara and was surprised at her complaisance herself.

I really didn’t want to take off the dress, but I don’t want to leave it with me, Lara thought, changing into her clothes. After a wonderful dress, tight-fitting trousers, which she loved so much, somehow uncomfortably squeezed her thighs, so that it became difficult for her to breathe.

“I’ll go buy myself a skirt tomorrow, long and fluffy,” she thought, returning to the hotel.

The next day, barely waiting for a break, Lara ran to a nearby shopping center to carry out her idea. Among all the colorful variety of styles and fabrics, she settled on two things - a long white sundress and a colorful skirt. Both things fit equally well on Lara, it remains to choose what to buy.

“I think I'll take the skirt,” she said to the saleswoman, counting out the money.

- Take a sundress, you are simply stunning in it!

Lara turned around and saw Fyodor standing next to her.

- I came to buy some souvenirs and by chance I saw you. By the way, excuse me for yesterday, I was unjustifiably harsh with you, I don't know what came over me ...

“I'll take a skirt, it's more practical,” Lara said rather coldly.

- Then take both things.

- I did not count on such expenses, I am afraid I will not live to see my salary.

- I can lend you the required amount ... Do you want me to give you this sundress to make amends for my guilt in front of you?

- No thanks, this is too expensive a gift. I do not want to be obliged to the authorities.

- Well as you know. My job is to propose ...

- And my - to refuse, - finished the dialogue Lara, paying for the skirt.

In the evening after work, Lara ran to pick up the finished photographs. Approaching the pavilion, she noticed Fyodor and Lenochka, attentively examining the advertising stand.

- Hi, what are you looking at so closely? - She asked and saw one of her photographs hanging on the stand. I must say, the photo was really great.

- Larka, I can't believe my eyes! It's you! Blimey! - Lenochka squealed, - You did it all the same! I told you this dress is YOURS!

And Fyodor just stood there in silence. But there was something strange and still not familiar in his gaze. It was admiration mixed with amazement from what he saw.

Taking her photos, Helen said goodbye to the company, referring to the fact that she had urgent business.

- Lara, I never made amends for you, let me do it by inviting you to a restaurant for dinner.

- Come on, who does not happen, I'm not angry with you.

- Then even more so, let me steal you tonight. If you don't want to go to a restaurant, let's go for a ride on a boat and watch the sunset in the sea.

“You're a romantic,” Lara smiled. - Okay, sailed to watch the sunset.

The evening was surprisingly warm. Lara felt unusually well in Fyodor's company. He felt masculine strength and reliability, and this calmed, lulled, surprisingly relaxed Lara, and she discovered in herself new, hitherto unknown facets of femininity, sensuality and defenselessness.

- Thank you for a wonderful evening, - said Fyodor at parting, - I am very glad that I got to know you better, I have not felt so good for a long time. Hope we see you tomorrow?

- Of course, I'll see you tomorrow at 9 am at the workplace. I promise not to be late, - Lara joked and disappeared behind the door of her room.

The next morning, Lara was torn apart by a contradiction. On the one hand, its principles did not allow romance at work. On the other hand, Lara really wanted her friendship with Fedor to develop into a closer relationship.

“Lara, you’re not yourself today,” Lenochka remarked when they were alone in the room during the break. - Are you all right? How was your evening yesterday?

- The evening was wonderful ...

- So what's the deal?

- I don't know ... - Lara hesitated, but still decided to open up to Lena. - You see, Len, Fyodor is a wonderful person, but all this is not correct ...

- What do you mean?

- Well, you know, we work in the same organization. Having an affair at work is bad form. Moreover, with the authorities. As you know, this is not welcome in our company and is contrary to all established norms.

- Wait, Lara, work is work, but nobody canceled his personal life. And then, if you were family people, that's one thing. But you are completely free and perfect for each other.

- No I can not. After all, in the near future everyone will find out about everything, rumors will spread. It will damage both my reputation and that of Fedor. In addition, it will negatively affect the workflow. You can forget about your career. So it’s not far before the dismissal ... What if it doesn’t grow together with us? What to do then?

- Lara, what are you talking about, are you ready to miss such a guy for the sake of your reputation and career? You choose who you want to be - right or happy? Happiness floats into your hands, and you want to miss it because of your principles? Think carefully, life is rarely scattered with such chances.

- Yes, everything is so ... but you know, too risky an idea for me. For some reason, men do not linger around me ... I am afraid that the affair with Fedor will end in the same way. And then how to work together?

- Lara, everything is in your hands. If you want the result to be different, act differently.

- Yes, the fact of the matter is that I do not know how to act? Tell me, how is it that crowds of gentlemen are running after you, just waiting for the moment to serve you?

- Well, you really bent it, - Helen laughed. - But thanks anyway. Lara, in fact, there are no special secrets. I just let them feel like men next to me. You know, so many strong, self-sufficient and independent women have divorced in the world that men have nowhere to show their best qualities, they are simply not in demand by anyone. Women compete with men in literally everything, not realizing that a Woman's strength lies in her weakness, in her ability to discover his strengths in a Man.

- What is it like?

- It means forgetting about "myself" and giving the man the opportunity to solve problems.

- But I can't even imagine myself in the role of a weak, defenseless woman, I have been self-sufficient all my adult life, I can't even imagine how it is to ask someone for something. This means losing your independence ... So it is not far from slavery ... And, then, men are not always right, so now - to be silent and watch how they are wrong about something?

- Yes, and let them make mistakes, this is their life, their experience, and then it is not known whether this mistake will result in something good, because, as they say, there is a silver lining. And you, with your "correct" instructions, not as a wife, but as a mother, are stuffing yourself with them. So it turns out that strong men do not stay for a long time, because they are looking for support and trust in a woman, and not a collection of useful tips for all occasions.

- Yes, there is something to think about ... Anyway, thanks.

In the evening in Lara, the decision was ripe to buy a sundress, which Fedor liked so much. But when she came for it, it turned out that someone had already bought it.

For the rest of the trip, Lara tossed about in doubt. She really wanted to believe Lenochka, but fear of the unknown, new experience haunted her. Fedor saw that something was fighting inside Lara, and did not rush things, patiently awaiting her decision.

We decided to spend the last evening before leaving at a restaurant.

Lara came to the room to change and put herself in order after a working day - and was stunned. The same sundress lay on her bed. Joy and anger mixed all Lara's thoughts. She realized that Fedor bought it. For her. Lara didn't know what to do. Put it on, thereby capitulating, abandoning your independence, or send a sundress to this impudent person, showing him his place.

Lara dialed Fyodor's number.

- Why did you do that?

- I wanted to please you ... Didn't it work?

- No, I, of course, am glad ... Listen, let me give the money for him? I cannot accept such gifts, I am not ready for such a relationship ... Hello!

The conversation ended. Fyodor did not call back. Lara dialed his number again, but in response she heard the operator's standard offer to call back later.

Lara's legs gave way. Limply she sank to the floor, hugging a sundress and realizing that she just passed her happiness. Like the last fool who imagines herself God knows what. Tears gushed from her eyes, and she did not obstruct this salty stream.

- Young lady, I do not understand, are we walking today or what?

Looking up, Lara saw Fyodor standing with a bouquet of flowers.

- Lara, are you all right? Are you crying? - said Fyodor, bewildered. - Someone offended you?

- No, everything is fine, I was just scared ...

- Scared of what? - Fedor began to gradually understand what was happening. - Lara, my phone is dead, there were a lot of calls today, I practically didn’t take it out of my ear ... Silly, what are you thinking of? - And tenderly drew her to him.

Lara did not resist or argue.

“I choose to be happy,” she decided, snuggling into Fedino's shoulder.

Best regards, Inna Kichigina.

This is the first question I will ask you when you take your place in my office. I will amaze you with my stupidity and further, asking it again and again ... I am a very boring monotony)))!

And my thoughts are about the peace between Happiness and justice.

Well, or between humility and pride ...

And this is all based on my last couple of groups: the algorithm and the marathon.

So about humility and pride.

I suppose that many in this place yawned and reached out to the "mouse" - there is no interest in reading about these "church" words.

I am personally alien to religiosity. I am closer to vulgar materialism both because of the Soviet upbringing, and in my first, natural science, education (biology-chemistry), and in the profile of my activity.

I understand these words - pride and humility - not as religious (Orthodox, Muslim, Jewish or Buddhist) concepts, but as universal human categories and psychotherapeutic tools.

I come across these categories (pride-humility) at every training session, at every family and individual consultation. By and large, any family quarrel, any showdown, and even a simple statement can be attributed to a manifestation of pride or humility.

“They should have done wrong;
- I was tricked;
- My husband does everything wrong;
- My mom always thinks I'm wrong;
“I should have told him that.
etc., etc., etc.

In response to such descriptions, I always ask the question: do you want to be right or happy?

Rightness, seeking justice, striving to overcome the essence of the expression of pride.

The feeling of happiness falls into a different category - humility.

"Humility" - to be "with the world" in one dimension, in one rhythm, in one matrix, if you like.

Not in the context of good and evil, but in the context of the world outlook, world belonging.

Humility, in my understanding, is a kind of universal tool, the key to solving any problem.

The key that can take you beyond justice, righteousness, victory, and thus rise above conflict.

If any conflict, for example, between blacks and whites, is raised up to the level of universal human values, then it loses its meaning.

The conflict implies the opposition "we, white, good, they, black, bad." Who are "we? People. And they? People. We love children and we want to be happy, and what about them? They love children and want to be happy.

There is no opposition at this level. At the level of the question "who am I?" the we-they conflict disintegrates.

In psychology, this is called outframing - to go beyond the conflict into a wider framework.

At the risk of sounding too religious, let me assume that God is out of conflict, because his scope is much wider than ours!

The paradigm of collision, struggle, conflict, comparing oneself with others (for better or worse) is pride.

People agree that clashes between peoples and racial strife are due to national and racial pride (pride).

She is, pride, the strongest motivator to achieve. So is there something stronger, more important, more valuable than achievements?

But any dictionary will tell you that pride is the opposite of humility.

Humility is a holistic perception of Life as it is.

Both of these paradigms (pride and humility) are available to each person to one degree or another.
They are constantly presented among the decision-making criteria.

Simply put, when making a decision, we are guided by both pride and humility, the only question is the ratio.

Pride is a way of accomplishing the impossible, overcoming the insurmountable.

An example of the motto of this paradigm would be "I see the goal, I see no obstacles."

Humility is a position expressed in a famous prayer attributed to King Solomon and other sages: "Lord, give me courage to change what can be changed, give me patience to accept what cannot be changed, and give me wisdom to distinguish one from the other. ".

If we talk about specific examples, then we can take the tragedy of loss (death, divorce).

A loved one has left and for many months your pride whispers to you in dreams and in reality: "You should have done this and that, bring him back."

Most of the mourning, acute grief, inability, unwillingness to come to terms with the obvious pass under the aegis of the paradigm of pride.

In his turn, a person gets tired of the struggle with what has happened, the inevitable, existing.

He lowers his head and resigns himself. Sharp grief in his soul is gradually replaced by light sadness, and peace returns to his heart. In the beginning it may be bitter and mournful, but life goes on.

Probably, it is very important to go through this "loop" of denial, repaying the debt to your love, your suffering, your grief, your irreplaceable loss.

Maybe there is an age of pride and there is an age of humility.

There was a time when only pride gave me the strength to remain myself.

Hopefully today I need less of this kind of power (pride) as I have more wisdom.

For a living person, choosing life, choosing a continuation, for a tolerant, accepting, wise, bottomless in his wisdom and not omnipotent in his strength, life goes on.

"Resigning" is living in peace.

Here is such a little wisdom, mastered by me in the first half of my life.

Maybe in the second I will come up with something else?

Let's look at this using the example of a couple that was created on the basis of an emotional connection.

Each of us inherited a certain "filter", a criterion on which the main emphasis was placed. It can be emotionality, commitment, achievement, attitude towards money, etc. Interest arises when another has a “filter” similar to ours, but acts in an absolutely opposite way. This is how we are attracted to each other.

For example, in the family, commitment was important. One person, as a result of such upbringing, could become a spontaneous rebel, and the second could be ordered, learn to follow these rules. Love can arise between such people, they are attracted to each other. They are interested in each other.

However, the hormonal cocktail of falling in love ends when the couple begins to live together. While people met, their different ways of living pleased and excited. And on the same territory, diametrically opposite ways of dealing with life are being clarified.

There is an attempt by one to impose their values ​​on the other, and vice versa. Everyone believes that "we will do as I see fit." And this also applies to that main "filter". For example, "sociability is silence." And the more polar ways of behavior according to significant values ​​are demonstrated by the members of the couple, the more conflict relations develop.

As a result, “insecurity”, anxiety, tension, and dissatisfaction appear in the space of two. Fight hormones are released into the blood. “I’m afraid of losing myself in this relationship, I’m afraid of losing my face, I’m afraid of losing stability,” we say.

Feeling safe is our basic need. But since we are different, for one, for example, a situation can be dangerous when the other is silent, and for the second it is impossible to discuss something frankly, to open up. For insecurity comes conflict. And gradually lead to a break in relations.

And divorce is often not a panacea here. Because if a person has not personally changed in any way, then in new relationships the same is repeated as in previous ones. Even worse. They say about such cases: "I got married a second time, and such problems began ... It would be better not to get divorced." We still find similar difficulties with our personality structure. Therefore, it is so important to work on yourself and grow up personally. This makes it possible to create a qualitatively different relationship with a personally more mature person, if separation is still inevitable.

What can be the way out of a conflict relationship, other than a divorce or breakup?

A pair is a balance of two opposites. Two people brought their own ways of living from the parental family. Communication began from these poles. But in order to be happy in a long-term relationship, these positions need to be “ironed out”.

The natural way out is mutual, reciprocal steps towards each other, from the pole of their position to the common center. For example, if a couple is formed on the criterion of emotionality, then the one who is used to talking more should learn to be more silent and listen. And the one who likes to be silent - start to open more.

It is difficult, because everyone is sure that his position is the most correct one. She has already proven her effectiveness in many situations in the past, allowed her to achieve some success, and just live up to her age. Each of us has a tremendous need to accept the value of our way of living. History knows many cases when a person, for the sake of his convictions, even went to the fire. But in a pair relationship, this method does not work, it leads to a conflict. The extreme position of one determines the extreme position of the other.

Therefore, the only way out for a successful relationship in a couple is for everyone to move towards the center, towards balance.

How to do this if there is no sense of security and trust in the couple?

Personal boundaries are very important here. Often, in a pair, someone has more energy and takes up most of the space. That way he feels safe. And the second partner, on the contrary, takes up a smaller part of the space and may feel unsafe. He has difficulties with personal boundaries. For a person who does not have clear personal boundaries, any caustic remark can cause a flurry of emotions, upset, because it gets right inside, instead of stumbling upon an internal antidote: “This is not about me. That man was wrong. "

1) Realize, appropriate your values. Answer yourself to the question: “What is important to me? What has no place in my life? What will I never let anyone do with me?

2) Be aware of your feelings.

3) Get out of the position of the victim. Because if there is a victim (someone who deserves love and good attitude towards himself), there will always be an interventionist. The victim provokes the partner to be violent. And when the situation “I gave you everything” comes, the victim starts to get angry. The partner can say in response: “I did not ask. It was your choice". And further in a circle. Masochism is a very powerful weapon.

4) Stop communicating with reproaches. Rebuke is emotional abuse and forces the partner to defend themselves. When we attack a person with reproaches, he stops hearing us, because at best he comes up with arguments to justify himself. A reproach is always "you're wrong." Reproach creates a sense of guilt, is a lever for manipulation.

In the matter of creating successful relationships, this technique is both forbidden and ineffective. Guilt kills love. So a person stops trusting and loving.

The blame system is much safer and more effective than the blame system. It is very important here to try to talk about your feelings, about yourself. When we talk about ourselves, we do not violate the territory of another, the partner can approach us. So we give our partner the opportunity to do a good deed for us.

Interestingly, there is always a request behind a reproach. We reproach each other because we are afraid to ask. Therefore, you can ask: “I took it as a reproach. What was your request? " If we talk about ourselves, about our need, then we become vulnerable - after all, a person can refuse us.

And here again the question of personal boundaries arises. About the opportunity to accept and experience the refusal of another, not to hurt about it. When making a request, it is important to acknowledge the other person's feelings: “I want to ask. I know this is not valuable to you. But this is valuable to me. In this situation I am nervous ... If you are not indifferent, please call me. "

I would also like to talk about personal growth in a couple. At the beginning of a relationship, partners are almost the same, starting from similar positions. Further, most often one of them begins to grow, and the second remains in place. And they either get divorced or find a way to grow up second. It can be both a man and a woman. Very often, personality development begins precisely with a mad crisis. A person either begins to move, or becomes "a person with a difficult destiny." And the simplest growth occurs through a change in social position.

Can two strong personalities create a union? Marital relations experts say yes, but only in the second half of life. When a person becomes self-sufficient.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the pair are communicating vessels. By “refilling” ourselves, growing personally, balancing ourselves, we thereby invest in general relationships.

And finally, I would like to ask you a question.

What do you think: is it better to be happy or right?

I would be glad to comment)

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