Tsyferov, like a frog, was looking for a dad's summary. Gennady Tsyferov - About the eccentric frog (How the frog was looking for dad): A Tale

Tsyferov G., fairy tale "About the eccentric frog" ("How the frog was looking for daddy")

Genre: a literary tale about animals

The main characters of the fairy tale "About the eccentric frog" and their characteristics

  1. Frog. Green and small. Likes to invent something, very romantic and observant.
The plan for retelling the fairy tale "About the weirdo frog"
  1. The frog is driving the wind away
  2. The frog doesn't want to be a cow.
  3. The frog is looking for mom and dad.
  4. The frog becomes the daddy of the grasshopper
  5. The frog talks about butterflies
  6. The frog wants to become the size of an elephant.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "About the weirdo frog" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The frog did not like that the wind was driving ripples through the water and he drove the wind into the mountains.
  2. The frog told how to transform a red cow into a green frog.
  3. The frog asked the cow, the hippo and the bear if they wanted to become his mums and dads.
  4. The frog announced that he was becoming the daddy of the grasshopper.
  5. The frog told the grasshopper that butterflies are odorless flowers.
  6. The frog wanted to become big and waited for his shadow to become the size of an elephant at sunset.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "About the eccentric frog"
Dreaming is not harmful, it is harmful not to dream.

What the fairy tale "About the weirdo frog" teaches
The tale teaches you to love nature, love animals and plants. Teaches you to see beauty in the most ordinary things. Teaches you to be a romantic. Teaches you to dream.

Review of the fairy tale "About the weirdo frog"
I liked this kind fairy tale. The frog in her turned out to be very interesting - kind, dreamy, restless. He is a real romantic who does not sit in one swamp, who wants to do something, to make the world around him more beautiful.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "About the eccentric frog"
You can buy everything, but you cannot buy father and mother.
The wind flies without wings.
The sun will rise, so the morning will come.
A frog cannot be an ox, no matter how much water you drink.
Only one devil lives without a dream.

Read a summary, a short retelling of the fairy tale "About the weirdo frog"
The first tale.
Once a frog was sitting on the bank of the river and admired the yellow sun, which was calmly floating in the blue water.
But then suddenly the wind blew and the sun began to ripple. The frog didn't like it.
And the wind blew harder. Maybe the wind also didn't like the ripples on the surface of the water, and he wanted to smooth it, only it turned out even worse.
At this point, the frog got angry and, grabbing a twig, drove the wind away. He drove him through forests and fields, into the mountains, where goats grazed.
And many saw a frog running in the mountains, waving a twig. Someone believed that the frog scares the birds or drives away bees, but the frog just grazed the wind. He was a great eccentric.
The second tale.
One day a red cow came to Frog and asked him what he would do if he became a red cow.
The frog said that then he would have dyed green, sawed off the horns, sawed off the legs and told everyone that he was not a red cow at all, but a green frog.
The third tale.
One day the frog went to look for his relatives. He asked the cow if she wanted to become his mother. But the cow refused. Then the frog asked the hippopotamus if he wanted to become his dad. But the hippopotamus also refused.
Then the frog asked the bear if he wanted to become his grandfather. But the bear also refused to intermarry with the frog.
And then the frog got angry. He found a grasshopper in the grass and announced to him that he wants it or not, but the frog will now be his dad.
The fourth tale.
The grasshopper asked the frog what butterflies were and the frog replied that they were flowers without scent.
He told how he once saw a blue butterfly on the field and stroked its wings. And I noticed that it probably flies around the blue sky. But then the sky turns pink. And then the sun rises. But their business with the grasshopper is not to think about it, and their business is to stroke butterflies.
Fifth tale.
One day the frog wanted to get bigger. He climbed to the top of the hill and waited for the sun to set.
When the sun went down to the horizon, the frog's shadow began to grow. First she started from a goat, then from a ram, then from an elephant. And the frog shouted proudly that he was as big as an elephant.
And the elephant heard and was offended. He said that this shadow of a frog is as big as an elephant, and that the frog itself is a little eccentric on a hill at sunset.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "About the weird frog"

I watched the cartoon "How the frog was looking for dad." According to the plot, such a fairy tale was composed. I think it can be put with older children on Father's Day or February 23rd. You can accompany the fairy tale with music. HOW THE FROG LOOKED FOR PAPU VED: There lived a frog in the world, He was green from the cradle. And he was quite happy, But one day he became sad. Frog: If I had a daddy, We would always walk with him, We would play football with him, we would study the ABC. He would be caring. And I used to teach everything. (sad) I don't have a dad! I'll find him then! (joyfully) VED: The frog ran away, Jump! And he ended up in the river. Lie: Nobody. Well, how is that? (looks around, surprised) VED: Suddenly ... cancer is coming to meet him. (backs away. Lying-ok gallops to him) Lying: Forgive the frog, Unreasonable child. I want to suggest that you be the best Pope to be, For me, for a frog, Unreasonable child. Cancer: Why? Lie down: To walk, Swim and dive together! Cancer: Well, let's try, don't go far! (Lying. Swims, dives to the music. Cancer only moves back) Cancer: No, wait, frog! I don't want to be a dad. I'm so big, solid, I only move along the bottom. I can't be a father, I'd rather return to my house. Lie: What a pity, I will swim further, I may find my dad there. (Crocodile is walking along the shore) Lie down: Hello, I'm a frog, Nice, little child, Could you become a daddy, Together we will play! Croc: What interesting are you, decided to play with me. Well, then let's play Hide and Seek. Eat it and it's okay! (speaks to the side and strokes his stomach) Jump quickly into my mouth! Try not to fall! (opens his mouth wide) Lying down: I can't jump, (Lying trying to jump high) Excuse me, uncle, baby! Croc: Go, silly, I'm not angry, My stomach is full of food. Only an hour ago I was playing "Hide and Seek" (stroking the stomach) Everything is fine with me now. Lie: What a pity, I will swim further. I can find my dad there. (croc. leaves. The frog is swimming) Hippopotamus: Hey, frog, swim up! Quickly scratch my ear, Yes, rub your sides harder, Splash water on me. (Lie down. Performs all the actions) Lie: You are so big and nice, (speaks with admiration) Are you in charge of the river? Become a dad for me, so I dream of him. Can you teach me, And surround me with care? Let's live together with you, It's more fun to live together! Hippo: Teach? Take care? No no! Here, frog, is my answer. Lie: Well, I'll go further. Maybe I’ll find my dad there. (Sobbing is heard) Is someone crying? Yes. Yes. Yes. Has there been a misfortune? (notices a crying grasshopper) Hey. Grasshopper, don't cry! Wipe your nose and explain, why are you off the road? Or maybe he got lost? Grasshopper: It's very scary alone, I'm looking for Dad in the forest. Lie: So you don't have a dad? (Grasshopper shakes his head) So here's the thing, here's the secret. Lie: I will help you, baby, I can become a dad for you! Now let's go for a walk with you, Then we'll play ball. I'll take care of you, It's so nice to me. (hold hands and go singing a song) Grasshopper: The frog is so good, You can't find a better daddy. Together: There is nowhere, nowhere else, Frog like that !.

This tale was once composed by Tatyana Snegireva, a journalist for Komsomolskaya Pravda, for her little daughter Katya. Then someone adult and cunning wrote it down and made a script for the cartoon, without saying a word who and for whom this tale was told for the first time. My mother heard this tale from Tatiana and told me. And now I am telling it to you as I remembered and loved this story as a child.

(Dina Shi)

So, there lived a little green Frog. And he didn't have a dad. The frog decided to find a dad for himself, and went to the Zoo. "After all, there are many different animals, and there, for sure, you can find dad," thought the Frog.

At the Zoo, the first thing the Frog did was to go to the cage with the Elephant. After all, the Elephant is the largest of the animals. The Frog got as close as possible to the fence of the elephant and shouted with all his might:

Elephant! You are so big, you eat a lot of grass! You are so strong! You are lifting heavy logs! And I am so small and I eat midges. Come on, will you be my daddy?

The elephant did not even immediately see the Frog. And when he saw it, then he grinned and trumpeted:

I'm so big. I eat a lot of grass and lift heavy logs. And you are so small that I can't even see you. How am I going to be your dad?

The Frog sighed and galloped to the cage with the Giraffe. Coming closer, he shouted that there was urine:

Giraffe! You are so big, you have such a long neck! You reach the very tops of the trees! And I am so small, and I am jumping in the grass. Come on, will you be my daddy?

The giraffe also did not immediately see the Frog. He bowed his long neck to get a better look at who was screaming. And when he looked, he laughed and said:

I'm so big! My neck is so long that I reach up to the treetops. And you are so small that you cannot be seen in the grass. How am I going to be your dad?

The Frog got upset and rode to the cage with the Tiger. He was a little afraid of the Tiger, but he so wanted to have a dad! Having galloped to the Tiger, he took up courage for a long time, and then shouted:

Tiger! You are so big and scary! You have sharp teeth and you eat meat. Everyone is afraid of you! And I am so small and weak. Come on, you will be my daddy.

The tiger yawned lazily (he was full) and growled contemptuously:

That's funny! I'm so big and scary! I eat meat! And you are so small and weak. How am I going to be your dad?

The Frog was completely upset. I almost cried. And he galloped into the grass, away from these animals. Suddenly, he sees a little green Grasshopper sitting in the grass. The Frog jumped up to the Grasshopper and said:

Grasshopper-Grasshopper! I am so big and you are so small! Come on, will I be your dad?

And Grasshopper agreed.


Once a frog was sitting by the river and watched the yellow sun swimming in the blue water. And then the wind came and said, "Du." And along the river and in the sun wrinkles went. The wind got angry here and said it again. "Doo, doo, doo!" Very much. He apparently wanted to smooth out the wrinkles, but there are more of them.
And then the frog got angry. He took a twig and said to the wind: “I will drive you away. Why are you wrinkling the water and your beloved sun? "
And he drove the wind, drove it through the forest, through the field, through the big yellow ditch. He drove him into the mountains, where goats and sheep graze. And all day there the frog was jumping with the wind and waving a twig. Someone thought: he drives away bees. Someone thought: he scares birds. But he did not frighten anyone or anything.
He was small. He was an eccentric. I just rode in the mountains and passed the wind.


And yesterday a red cow came to visit the frog. She growled, shook her smart head and suddenly asked:
- Excuse me, green, but what would you do if you were a red cow?
- I don’t know, but for some reason I don’t really want to be a red cow.
- And all the same?
- I still would have dyed from red to green.
- Well, then?
- Then, I would saw off the horns.
- What for?
- In order not to butt.
- Well, and then?
- Then I would have filed the legs ... In order not to kick.
- Well, and then, then? ..
“Then I would say:“ Look, what kind of cow am I? I'm just a little green frog. "


Everyone knows what he is looking for. And what the frog was looking for, he himself did not know. Maybe mom; maybe dad; or maybe a grandmother or grandfather.
In the meadow he saw a large cow.
“Cow, cow,” he told her, “do you want to be my mother?
- Well, what are you, - moaned the cow. - I'm big, and you are so small!
On the river he met a hippopotamus.
- Hippo, hippo, will you be my dad?
- Well, what are you, - the hippopotamus smacked, - I'm big, and you are small!
The bear did not want to become a grandfather. And here the frog got angry. He found a small grasshopper in the grass and said to him:
- Well, that's what! I am big and you are small. And still I will be your dad.


What are butterflies? the grasshopper asked.
- Flowers without scent, - answered the frog. - They bloom in the morning. In the evening they crumble. Once I saw in the meadow: a blue butterfly has faded. Her wings lay on the grass as the wind stroked them. Then I came and stroked it too. I said:
- Where do these blue petals come from? Probably the blue sky is flying around.
If the blue sky flies around, it will turn pink. If the blue sky flies around, the sun will bloom. In the meantime, we must sit in the meadow and stroke the blue petals.


What are stars? the grasshopper once asked. The frog thought about it and said:
- Big elephants say: "The stars are golden carnations, they nailed the sky." But don’t believe it.
Big bears think:
"The stars are snowflakes that they forgot to fall." But don't trust them either.
Listen to me better. I think the big rain is to blame.
Big flowers grow after a lot of rain. And it also seems to me that when they reach the sky with their heads, they fall asleep there, tucking their long legs.
“Yes,” said the grasshopper. - This is more like the truth. Stars are big flowers. They sleep in the sky with their long legs drawn in.


Everyone wants to be bigger. Here is a goat - he wants to be a ram. The ram wants to be a bull. The bull is an elephant.
And the little frog also wanted to get bigger. But how, how to do it? Pull yourself on the foot? - does not work. Behind the ear - too. But there is no tail ...
And then he went out into a large field, sat down on a small bump and waited for the sun to go down.
And when the sun rolled towards sunset, a shadow began to grow from the frog. In the beginning she was like a goat; then - how
ram; then - like a bull; and then - like a big, big elephant.
Then the frog was delighted and shouted:
- And I'm a big elephant!
Only the big elephant was very offended.
“And you’re not an elephant,” he said to the frog. - This is your shadow - a big elephant. And you, you just like that - a big eccentric at the end of the day.

A + A-

How the frog was looking for daddy - Tsyferov G.M.

How the frog was looking for dad - a series of short stories from the life of the eccentric frog. Read how the frog grazed the wind, how he talked with the red cow, how he looked for father and mother, and even how he became an elephant!

How the frog was looking for dad to read

First tale

Once the frog was sitting by the river and watched the yellow sun swimming in the blue water.

And then the wind came and said, "Du." And along the river and in the sun wrinkles went. The wind got angry here and said again: "Doo, doo, doo." Very much. He apparently wanted to smooth out the wrinkles, but there are more of them.

And then the frog got angry. He took a twig and said to the wind: “And I will drive you away. Why are you wrinkling the water and your beloved sun? "

And he drove the wind, drove it through the forest, through the field, through the big yellow ditch. He drove him into the mountains, where goats and sheep graze.

And all day there the frog was jumping with the wind and waving a twig. Someone thought: he drives away bees. Someone thought: he scares birds. But he did not frighten anyone or anything.

He was small. He was an eccentric. I just rode in the mountains and passed the wind.

The second tale
And yesterday a red cow came to visit the frog. She growled, shook her smart head and suddenly asked: "Excuse me, green, but what would you do if you were a red cow?"

I don’t know, but for some reason I don’t really want to be a red cow.

But all the same?

I would have dyed from red to green anyway.

Well, then?

Then I would saw off the horns.

What for?

In order not to butt.

Well, and then?

Then I would have filed the legs ... In order not to kick.

Well, and then, then?

Then I would say: “Look, what kind of cow am I? I'm just a little green frog. "

The third tale
Probably, he would have been small all his life, but one day this is what happened.

Everyone knows what he is looking for. And what the frog was looking for, he himself did not know. Maybe mom; maybe dad; or maybe a grandmother or grandfather.

In the meadow he saw a large cow.

Cow, cow, - he told her, - and you want to be my mother?

What are you, - moaned the cow. - I'm big, and you are so small!

On the river he met a hippopotamus.

Hippo, hippo, will you be my dad?

What are you, - smacked the hippopotamus. - I'm big, and you are small! ..

The bear did not want to become a grandfather. And here the frog got angry. He found a small grasshopper in the grass and said to him:

Well that's what! I am big and you are small. And I will be your dad anyway.

Fourth tale

What are butterflies? the grasshopper asked.

Smellless flowers, - answered the frog. - They bloom in the morning. In the evening they crumble.

Once I was sitting in a meadow: a blue butterfly had faded. Her wings lay on the grass as the wind stroked them. Then I came and stroked it too. I said, “Where do these blue petals come from? Probably the blue sky is flying around. "

If the blue sky flies around, it will turn pink. If the blue sky flies around, the sun will bloom. In the meantime, we must sit in the meadow and stroke the blue petals.

Fifth tale
Everyone wants to be bigger. Here is a goat - he wants to be a ram. The ram wants to be a bull. The bull is an elephant.

And the little frog also wanted to get bigger. But how, how to do it? Pull yourself on the foot? - does not work. Behind the ear - too. But there is no tail ...

And then he went out into a large field, sat down on a small bump and waited for the sun to go down.

And when the sun rolled towards sunset, a shadow began to grow from the frog. In the beginning she was like a goat; then - like a ram; then - like a bull; and then - like a big, big elephant.

Then the frog was delighted and shouted:

And I'm a big elephant!

Only the big elephant was very offended.

And you are not an elephant, ”he said to the frog. - This is your shadow - a big elephant. And you, you just like that - a big eccentric at the end of the day.

(Ill. Rudachenko M.)

Posted by: Mishkoy 13.07.2018 11:13 24.05.2019

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