How to understand that you have sensitive skin. How to tell if your skin is sensitive - wikiHow

Skin type can be determined even at home using simple tests.

1. Press firmly on your face with your fingers. If the trail does not disappear for a long time, the skin is dry, low-elastic.

2. Touch a clean mirror or tissue paper to your nose, forehead, cheeks. If a greasy mark remains on the mirror or paper in all areas, the skin is oily. There are no traces left - dry. If in one area the trace is noticeable, but on others it is not, then the skin is combination.

3. Draw from the forehead to the chin with a rough pencil. If a reddish mark remains - the skin is sensitive.

Skin type questionnaire

1. What will the skin look like if you treat it with cleansing milk and rinse it off with water?

A - taut, as if it were not enough for the face;

B - dry, itchy in places;
G - gentle, very pleasant;
D - in some places dry, in some - smooth.

2. What will the skin look like if it is treated with a cleansing cream?

A - relatively pleasant;
B - smooth, without discomfort;
B - pleasant in places, itchy in places;
G - very oily;
D - oily in some places, smooth in some places.

3. How does your skin look in the middle of the day?

A - flaky;
B - fresh and clean; B - peeling spots appear on it, slight redness;
D - glossy on the forehead, nose and chin.

4. How often do you get acne?

A - almost never;
B - occasionally before or during critical days;
B - sometimes;
D - often;
D - often in the forehead, nose and chin.

5. How does the skin react when you apply a toner to your face?

A - burning;
B - no problem;
B - burns and itches;
G - feeling of freshness;
D - in some places a feeling of freshness, in some places a burning sensation.

6. How does the skin react to oily night cream?

A - very pleasant sensations;
B - pleasant sensations;
B - sometimes it is pleasant, sometimes irritation is felt;
D - the skin becomes oily;
D - oily in the forehead, nose and chin, pleasant sensations on the cheeks.

If the answers to the letter A prevail, the skin is dry; B - normal skin; B - sensitive skin; G - oily skin; D - mixed leather.

What are the characteristics of different skin types?

Normal skin

Normal skin is rare. Healthy, fresh, taut, elastic, soft, smooth, not greasy or dry in appearance or to the touch. There are no large pores and abscesses on it, blood flows well to it. It reacts normally to temperature changes, to water procedures, to the use of soap and other cosmetics, and itself can maintain a balance of properties and functions.

Dry skin

Dry skin is more common in women with light brown or red hair. Usually tight, shiny, thin, easily irritated, with subtle pores. It is prone to premature formation of wrinkles and folds, does not react well to temperature fluctuations, changes in weather, forming spots, cracks, inflammation and peeling.

Oily skin

Oily skin, most women have this type of skin. It is a consequence of increased activity of the sebaceous glands and excessive or illiterate use of cosmetics. Large-pored, dense, rough, glossy, often with blackheads and pimples, tight but elastic. It is not prone to the formation of premature wrinkles.

Mixed leather

Mixed skin is most common in women aged 23-25. Usually on the forehead, nose and chin, the skin is oily, shiny, with black dots - comedones, and on the temples and cheeks - dry, tight, flaky and covered with subtle wrinkles.

Sensitive skin

Sensitive skin reacts sharply to any external influences, to changes in the general state of health, to the use of drugs, to certain foods. Sensitivity often leads to allergies. It is prone to rash, blistering, redness, vasodilation, peeling, itching and other negative symptoms.

Care for different types of skin should be prescribed according to its characteristics. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the internal factor - the structure of the skin, but also those external factors that the skin constantly encounters, "working" as a barrier between our body and the environment.

Sensitive skin is not a medical diagnosis, however, it is very important information to know about yourself. If you are wondering if this problem concerns you, these simple signs will help you. If you have them, it could be an indication of skin sensitivity.

The first sign

Think about whether you have ever had allergic reactions to hygiene products such as soap, body cream, shampoo? If this happened more than three times, the sign can be counted.

Second sign

Have you had breakouts after using sunscreen? This is another important criterion!

Third sign

Do you experience itching after using styling products or applying face cream? This is another indicator.

The fourth sign

How do you choose your cosmetics? If you are very careful and cautious about purchasing it, as you often have allergies, you may already suspect that you have a problem.

Fifth sign

What is your relationship with perfumes and fragrances? Count yourself a sign if certain odors irritate you.

Sixth sign

Have you ever had any allergic reactions to medications such as creams or ointments? This is also worth paying attention to.

Seventh sign

Have you experienced allergies, asthma, eczema, hay fever? If so, you should know that this may already be the cause of the development of sensitivity.

What conclusion can be drawn?

If you answered yes to a few of the questions on this list, you probably have really sensitive skin. Please note that there is a difference between irritation and real allergies. Allergies are caused by an inappropriate reaction of the immune system to certain components of hygiene products, which leads to redness, swelling, itching, burning and even inflammation. Sensitive skin does not react to the constituents of a particular product, but to its presence. For example, if you use a harsh scrub, your skin will be very irritated, even eczema. It's not a scrub allergy! The same applies to other products. For example, you can apply a cream with vitamin C on your face, where it will be no more than ten percent, but if its content is higher than twenty percent, there will be a problem. Troubles only happen with certain foods, but you are not allergic to them, they just make your skin irritated.

How to solve the problem?

If you have sensitive skin, you can deal with irritation with a few simple steps. For example, try to choose cosmetics specifically for sensitive skin. Remember that products with a short list of ingredients are better for you - the less "chemistry", the less chance of irritation. Organic products are generally safer, but plant extracts can be allergic. If something is causing you itching or burning that makes your skin worse, stop using the product immediately, and in a bad case, see your doctor. If you have a rash, do not expose the affected area to sunlight. If the problem is on your face, wear a wide-brimmed hat. In general, it is best not to use drugstore ointments like lidocaine products. Use only the ointments recommended by your healthcare professional. Even the products from the pharmacy are many substances that are dangerous to you, which can worsen your condition and cause a rash or more severe irritation. The only pharmacy remedy that you can safely use is the over-the-counter allergy pills. They will ease your condition while you wait for your doctor's advice.

Sensitive skin is one that is prone to allergic reactions and is also the most prone to inflammation. She needs constant and proper care. For this, many cosmetics brands produce products aimed at eliminating problems, because this type is in serious demand. Sensitive skin differs from other types of redness from every irritant, severe itching and rashes from contact with low quality cosmetics or jewelry.

Main characteristics

Many people argue that sensitive facial skin is the type that begins to redden immediately after touching something and the one that needs constant care more than others. In fact, the situation is not so simple.

Sensitive skin is intolerant of most external aggressors that come into contact with it on a daily basis. This can be soap, detergents, cosmetics, fabrics, and direct sunlight (ultraviolet) rays. This intolerance is associated with hereditary and genetic factors that determine the reduced absorption of water from the integument. An important role is played by a decrease in the concentration of lipids, that is, fats in the stratum corneum. This leads to a weakening of the protective functions of the barrier, as a result of which pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into the body that can contaminate the skin.


There are situations that increase the sensitivity of the skin. They can be physiological (acne, acne, urticaria, pregnancy, age) or natural (hair removal, use of cosmetics, peeling, tattoos, climatic conditions, animal hair).

The most common reasons are:

  1. Hormonal imbalance. This problem is common in many situations (menstrual cycle, stress, pregnancy, and so on). Because of it, the immunity becomes much weaker, the consequence of which is the instability of the integument barrier and the facilitation of the penetration of pathogens into the human body.
  2. Acne and blackheads. Many girls try to get rid of these problems with aggressive methods, and this provokes an increase in skin sensitivity.
  3. Hives. This type of disease manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction. It is characterized by swelling, peeling of the skin, as well as the appearance of blisters on the surface of the body. It is these symptoms that make the integument more susceptible to any influence.
  4. Pregnancy period. During gestation, a variety of changes occur in the female body, most of which relate to the skin.
  5. Climatic factors. Cold and hot weather conditions, as well as seasonal changes, can easily exacerbate already hypersensitive skin.
  6. Smog and pollution. The skin of the face constantly interacts with various airborne contaminants. Therefore, their condition gradually deteriorates if they do not provide proper daily care.
  7. Irritants. These include animal hair and dust. Even those without allergies may not like them. In addition, a sensitive skin type is exposed to all kinds of influences, especially irritating agents.
  8. UVA and UVB rays. The sun's rays should not have a strong effect on the skin. They are capable of damaging even completely healthy integuments, so you should be under them with extreme caution.
  9. The use of local aggressors. Treatments such as exfoliation, cosmetics, etc. involve the application of chemicals to the skin. They usually have no side effects, but as a result of constant use, the health of the skin may deteriorate.
  10. Tattoos. It is better not to get a tattoo in the area of ​​sensitive skin. If this is not possible, then before the session, it is imperative to consult with a dermatologist and discuss possible changes with the master.

Baby skin

Hypersensitivity of the skin is quite common in babies, but this phenomenon is quite normal. The covers develop up to 4 years, so parents do not have to worry much about this.

The main causes of sensitive skin in children are:

  • the presence of only 1/5 of the skin thickness of an ordinary adult;
  • minimal activity of sweat and sebaceous glands;
  • due to the weak distribution of cells, the stratum corneum has a lower saturation;
  • high sensitivity to sunlight due to reduced activity of melanocytes.

It is these factors that lead to a deterioration in the condition of the skin in babies. But at the same time, you should not perceive this phenomenon as a natural process and try to provide your child with a basic level of protection from external stimuli, since there will certainly not be serious consequences for him.

Sensitivity recognition

It is not uncommon for people to ask how to determine their skin type to be sure of their sensitivity. The main symptom for this is an instant reaction to an irritant in the form of redness, pinpoint rashes, severe itching or peeling. According to statistics, about half of all women in the world and about a third of men have sensitive skin. The symptoms of this problem are:

  • dry skin;
  • feeling of constriction after water procedures;
  • regular irritation;
  • peeling;
  • red spots;
  • the appearance of a reaction in the forehead, chin, nose and eyes;
  • difficulties in choosing cosmetics.

Type definition

Answering the question of how to determine the type of skin, it is worth saying that this can be easily done at home. To do this, you need to take a not too sharp object and hold it along the outside of the cheek. The test will be positive only if the red stripe does not come off on its own within two minutes. If there are complications, blisters may begin to form at this site.

Care features

Owners of delicate skin certainly know that the face needs to be provided with gentle care. People often buy cream for sensitive skin, various gels, ointments and other products in pharmacies and specialized stores. As a result, the expected miracle does not happen to everyone, since consumers simply did not consider it necessary to learn the basic rules. Here are the basic rules and guidelines:

  1. Cream for sensitive skin should be selected carefully, since the presence of chemical components in it will only worsen the condition of the integument.
  2. It is better not to use soap and various scrubs with a tightening effect.
  3. It is better to wash your face with drinking boiled water, since tap liquid can only dry the skin even more and contribute to the appearance of unpleasant peeling.
  4. In the cold season, it is better to select a cream with a moisturizing effect, but in a hot season, a remedy that protects against ultraviolet rays is more suitable.
  5. For a quick recovery, you should stop abusing alcohol and cigarettes.

Dry and sensitive skin requires special attention. It is characterized by the premature appearance of wrinkles, which are expressed in the form of a vascular network. You can get rid of such a problem with both purchased cosmetic formulations and homemade ones. You can find out more about the methods of treatment below.


The main goal of caring for sensitive skin is to gently restore the protective layer, as well as to achieve a balance of the physiological pH of the skin. These substances are classified into two main groups:

  • lipophilic (they are able to combine with fats, restore the hydrolipidic film and keep the integument in a soft and smooth state);
  • hydrophilic (unique substances that bind to water, can compensate for the poor water retention of the skin, thereby ensuring a sufficient level of hydration of the integument).


Cleansing sensitive skin is an important point in maintaining their health. Toxins and toxins are removed through the pores. But it should be remembered that the cleansing effect will not be entirely effective if the pores are heavily clogged.

Many people use cleansing gel for sensitive skin for the procedure. Modern means can not only have a healing effect, but also remove decorative make-up. Thanks to this, it is possible to apply the product on the face only once, but at the same time get several benefits at once. In addition, you can use special milk or even wet wipes to wash your face.


As mentioned above, sensitive skin is not able to retain the moisture it needs to hydrate. Therefore, a person himself will have to provide the covers with the correct supply of water both from the inside and from the outside.

The moisturizing process should be carried out with hydrophilic products that do not contain fragrances. The ideal option would be to use a lipo-reduction oil, followed by an emollient cream containing vitamin E and glycerin. The ingredients of these products protect the lipids in the stratum corneum and have a moisturizing effect.

Professional treatment

If no help has been provided to sensitive skin for too long, then cosmetics will already be powerless. In this case, the only way out would be a beauty salon. To do this, you must definitely consult with a master who will select an individual program and give recommendations for the future.

Typically, treatment begins with two treatments. After that, the specialist looks at the reaction of the skin and decides whether to continue. At the same time, masks with a nourishing effect are carefully used, and after a while peeling is done. Each session is aimed at nourishing and moisturizing the integument with useful microelements, as well as vitamins.


In the arsenal of every girl should be present a gel for washing sensitive skin. It can be purchased at any beauty store or ordered online from a wide range of products. The best products today are:

  1. CLARINS (1000 rubles). French Gel is a three-phase cleanser that contains marula oil. It has a light texture that works great against excess oil, dirt and make-up.
  2. NIVEA (300 rubles). The gel from the German manufacturer contains exfoliating particles that prevent inflammation and provide deep cleansing.

Folk remedies

In modern times, home remedies have worked well. They are prepared from food products present in every home. They can be used to make a wonderful mask for sensitive skin. It will nourish the integument with the necessary components and help enhance the protective function. You can also make your own lotion for sensitive skin and many other products.

Self-preparation formulations

The most effective products in achieving the main goal are:

  1. Potato. A vegetable known for its healing properties, it can reduce redness and block inflammation. For the mask, you will need to take a couple of boiled potatoes and combine with a glass of milk, thoroughly kneading the ingredients. The resulting gruel must be applied to the face, and after the exposure time has elapsed, remove with warm water.
  2. Cucumber. The ideal fortified composition provides gentle care for the skin, as well as its deep hydration, nourishment and improvement of the complexion. A mask is prepared from one fresh cucumber, which must be rubbed on a fine grater and applied to the desired areas.
  3. Oatmeal flakes. This product is useful not only for losing weight. It is famous for its cleansing effect on the integument. As a result of the application of this mixture, the skin becomes clear and naturally radiant. For cooking, pour boiling water over the flakes and let them swell, then drain the excess liquid and put the mixture on your face.

Such cosmetics for sensitive skin will not harm the condition of the integument in any way, but will only give a positive effect, which will be noticeable after a couple of procedures. The full course of treatment is a month. Masks need to be applied only 2-3 times a week and kept for 20 minutes. After the course has been completed, such procedures can be carried out for preventive purposes, using the formulations only once every 7 days.

Sensitive skin can be called if, with any sudden changes in weather conditions, exposure to unusual chemicals (which are often found in the same cosmetics), redness and itching appear on it, sometimes scabies. Also, acne often appears on sensitive skin.

From the paragraph above, it should be concluded that if, when using any cosmetics or skin care products (by the way, this also applies to men with their shaving and after shaving products), acne appears on it, some discomfort, peeling is felt, the skin itself turns red and itching means your skin is sensitive.

Why is this happening? The fact is that there is no such type of skin as sensitive. The skin becomes this way as a result of the following factors:
- stress, alcohol consumption, spicy food.
-taking medications with a side effect
- weakening of the body's immunity.
- lack of vitamins.
- improper nutrition.
- the use of cosmetics with an expired shelf life or a broken production method.
- your skin does not tolerate severe cold or, on the contrary, sun rays. Prolonged exposure to such weather conditions negatively affects the skin.
- complete disregard for the rules of skin hygiene.
- the constant use of alcohol-based products also negatively affects the skin. dries her up and makes her vulnerable.
- allergy to some components contained in both medicinal and cosmetic preparations.
-endocrine diseases.

Try to write down from the list above what applies to you. If you are not sure about something, also add it to the list, and then visit a dermatologist, endocrinologist to clarify the situation. It is likely that if you follow all the recommendations for skin care, as well as eat properly, then you have problems with your organs and you need to undergo a course of treatment, which the doctor will help you with.

If you do not want to visit a doctor, then on the basis of the list above, find out what exactly you are doing wrong - review the diet, cosmetics that you use, and also read the section on side effects to the medications you are taking. If this skin reaction is associated with climate change, then purchase special products to protect the skin.

We have told you everything that we wanted to tell you today. Remember that sensitive skin needs constant protection and hydration, so choose products specifically marked “for sensitive skin”. Also, do not mix - use cosmetics from one company, and a means for removing cosmetics from another, or, means for shaving from one company, and after-shaving products from another. Now that's all for sure. Good luck!

With age, the skin changes - it gradually becomes drier, loses firmness and elasticity, and its sensitivity increases. Cosmetics for her care should also change accordingly. People with sensitive skin are at risk of developing certain dermatological diseases. Therefore, it is very important for them to have proper care and careful choice of means for caring for such skin.

There are several classifications by which the type of skin is determined. The skin is classified according to photosensitivity, as well as depending on the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Signs and Causes of Sensitive Facial Skin

The concept of “sensitive skin of the face” has become a part of our life. Patients of cosmetologists are increasingly complaining about her, they write about her in magazines, speak at professional congresses, and special cosmetics are produced for her.

For example, 40% of the US population is convinced that they have all the signs of such sensitivity. 70% of all women in Europe describe their skin as sensitive, but in fact there are only 12% .. In most cases, the owners of such skin are blondes and redheads with very fair skin and blue or green eyes.

Their skin not only produces few lipids, but also has a very thin stratum corneum and very little protective pigment. Because of this, she is especially susceptible to all external stimuli, as well as internal stress.

For some people, all the signs of "sensitivity" (irritation, redness and flaking of the skin) occur after the use of improperly selected cosmetics.

In others, such manifestations are noted with a change in climatic conditions - in heat, cold, in strong winds. This type of skin reaction is often mistaken for an allergy or a dermatological condition (such as rosacea or seborrheic dermatitis). Nevertheless, if for a long time such symptoms appear suddenly, for no apparent reason, most likely we can talk about the sensitive skin of the face.

4 types of sensitive skin

The most "sensitive nature" are those areas of the face, on which either anatomically too thin skin, or the so-called lipid barrier is lost or weakened. Examples of such areas are the nasolabial area and the area around the eyes. It is no secret that most often irritations appear in these places.

At the French Research Center for Healthy Skin, four types of sensitive facial skin have been identified:

  • In type I, irritation is associated with the intake of alcohol, certain foods, under conditions of stress, and a sharp change in temperature.
  • In type II, redness, a feeling of tightness of the skin appears while being in the cold, in the wind, under the air conditioner.
  • With type III, all of the above symptoms are present, and red spots also occur when using cosmetics, washing with soap and water.
  • And, finally, with type IV, the presence of red spots on the skin is associated with the menstrual cycle or the onset of menopause in a woman.

What are the features of dry skin

Dry skin - This skin type is usually thin, has small pores and a matte, dull complexion. It is characterized by a reduced lipid content. In adolescence, this type of skin looks attractive: peach cheeks, lack of shine, invisible pores. But wrinkles form quickly on such skin, especially around the eyes. With age, normal skin tends to become dry, and this occurs on average after 40 years.

Owners of such skin have to constantly moisturize and nourish it in order to look attractive. The pH for dry skin ranges from 3 to 5.5.

Do not confuse dehydrated and dry skin. These are different concepts. Dehydrated (flaky) skin can be oily or normal. Dry skin lacks both lipids and moisture.

This is due to the insufficient function of the sebaceous glands, which produce less lipids than are required to form a natural protective film that protects the skin from drying out. Moisture is intensively evaporated from the upper layers of the epidermis if dry skin is not properly cared for.

Climate that is too hot or too cold makes the skin dry even faster. Sometimes it dries out so much that it begins to peel off, cracks appear on it, and the skin becomes rough. In this case, they talk about sensitive skin of the face, and this has nothing to do with allergies.

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