Child benefit in Belarus. Child allowance in Belarus

And now we decided to see how in the same countries the government supports families with small children. In comparison, we did not take into account tax deductions that parents of underage children receive in almost all countries, as well as special benefits that are paid for disabled children, children from military families, and so on.


Belarusian women who become mothers for the first time receive from the state a lump sum payment to 10 budgets of living wages (15.7 million rubles, or $ 1000 at the current exchange rate), and the second and subsequent times - 14 (21.9 million rubles, or $ 1395 ).

In addition, the mother is paid a maternity allowance for the time she spent on sick leave (126 days for the birth of one child, 140 for the birth of two or more children at the same time, as well as for complicated births). For every day, a woman receives 100% of her average daily earnings over the past six months. After that, the state will pay her a monthly childcare allowance until he is three years old. This allowance is tied to the average salary in the country. The allowance for the first child is 35% (2 million 344 thousand, or $ 149), and for the second and subsequent ones - 40% (2 million 679 thousand, or $ 171).

In addition, last year we introduced an allowance for those families where there is at least one child under three years old and at least one child from 3 to 18 years old. It is equal to 50% of the living wage budget (785 thousand, or $ 50).


In Russia, all mothers receive a one-time allowance for the birth of a child. This year it is 14,498 Russian rubles (approximately $ 231 at the current exchange rate). Russian women are also paid maternity leave: 140 days - for those who give birth for the first time, 194 - for those who give birth a second or subsequent time. During these days, a woman will receive 100% of her average daily earnings for the last two years of work. And thirdly, until the child is one and a half years old, his mother will receive a childcare allowance every month. It equals 40% of her average salary (not the national average) over the past two years. But in the interval from one and a half to three years, mothers receive not an allowance, but only compensation - 50 rubles a month. Now it's less than a dollar.

In addition to general federal benefits, there are regional benefits in Russia. For example, a Muscovite will receive another one-time maternity allowance (equal to one of her salaries), a one-time childbirth allowance (14,498 rubles - about $ 230) and a monthly childcare allowance up to 1.5 years (the same 40% from the salary). And, say, in the city of Kurgan and the Kurgan region, local benefits will be different: this is a one-time benefit for the birth of a child, equal to 15,050 rubles ($ 240), a fixed monthly benefit (2822 rubles, or $ 45 - for the first child, 5644 rubles, or $ 90 - on the second and subsequent).

In addition, there is also maternity capital in Russia. Those who pick it up this year receive 453,026 Russian rubles ($ 7,222). Those who have a second and subsequent child in the family have the right to it, and you can use it three years after his birth. You can spend capital on improving housing, education or a pension for mom.


At the birth of a child, the state pays the parents a lump sum of 415 euros. In addition, Lithuanian mothers go on maternity leave for 126 calendar days: 70 before the birth of the child and 56 after. At this time, they will receive as much as they received at work - that is, 100% of the average daily earnings. By the way, dad also has the right to take maternity leave, but for 28 calendar days. It will be paid according to the same principle.

After that, parental leave begins - until the child is three years old. But the state will not pay the allowance all this time. There are two options: either receive it for one year at the rate of 90% of the salary, or for two years, but then it will be equal to 70% of the salary in the first and 40% in the second, respectively. If a woman has two or more children at the same time, her allowance is also increased. But it cannot exceed the average salary in the country by 3.2 times.


Our western neighbors are rather stingy about young mothers. The one-time childbirth allowance is only PLN 1,000 (about $ 262). Moreover, not everyone can get it, but only those who, firstly, were registered before the 10th week of pregnancy, and secondly, whose income per person in the family does not exceed PLN 1,922 per month ($ 503). If twins, triplets and so on were born, then the allowance will be paid for each newborn.

After that, the mother can go on maternity leave for two years, during which she will be paid a monthly allowance of 400 zlotys (about $ 105). This is where the financial assistance of the state ends.


There is no one-time payment for the birth of a child in Germany, but newly-made parents can apply for several different benefits at once. First, there is a childcare allowance. It is paid during maternity leave, which lasts 14 months (and 12 of them must be taken by one parent, and another 2 months by the second). If the one who stays at home with the child earns less than 1240 euros per month, he will receive 67% of his salary as an allowance, and if more, then 65%. Payments for subsequent children are increased by 10%. Those who decide to return to the office part-time during the decree will receive a reduced benefit (the amount depends on the number of hours worked). And parents, if they wish, can extend the receipt of benefits for two years, but then they will receive half the amount per month.

Secondly, in Germany there are monthly child support payments. For the first and second child, they pay 184 euros per month, for the third - 194 euros, for all subsequent ones - 215 euros. Parents receive this money until the child is 19 years old. Moreover, these payments can be extended up to 25 years! To do this, the child must either continue to study at the university (you can earn extra money, but not more than 20 hours a week), or officially register as unemployed.

And thirdly, in Germany there is an allowance for those who do not send their children under three years old to the kindergarten, but bring them up at home. It is paid from the 15th to the 36th month of the child's life, and it is 150 euros per month. It doesn't matter who exactly is sitting with the baby: mom, dad, grandparents or even a nanny.


Parental leave in Britain only begins after childbirth. The law obliges young mothers to spend at least two weeks at home with their newborn child. All in all, parental leave can last no more than a year, but the benefit will be paid for 39 weeks. Moreover, for the first six weeks, mom will be given 90% of her weekly salary (calculated for the last year), and for all the rest - either the same 90%, or 139 pounds (about $ 211), if the share of the salary turned out to be more than this amount.

But the state will pay a small allowance for the child until the moment he turns 16. For an only or older child, they give 20.7 pounds a week (about $ 145 per month), for all subsequent ones - 13.7 pounds (about $ 96 per month). However, the allowance can be extended until the offspring turns 20 and if he is in college or university.

American mothers can go on maternity leave for a maximum of 12 weeks after giving birth (sometimes, however, the employer may allow his employee to stay longer). This time is not paid in any way. There are no benefits that are usual for us in the States at all - neither monthly, nor one-time at the birth of a child, nor any payments for a young mother. It is possible to receive assistance from the state only if the family income does not reach a certain minimum. Each state has its own, but the average amount is about $ 2,000 per month. And then in this case, mommy will not receive money in her hands, but the so-called food stamps - food stamps, which can only be paid in certain stores.

There are several payments made before and after the birth of a child in neighboring Belarus. The state takes good care of families who decide to have a child. Many parents are planning to make large joint purchases at this important period in their lives.

The expectant mother receives the first money by going on the so-called maternity leave at 30 weeks of pregnancy. This payment depends entirely on the woman's salary and wages. Because planned sick leave usually lasts 126 days, then the size of the total amount can be calculated by multiplying the average daily earnings for 6 months by these 126 days.

Only those women who prudently registered with the antenatal clinic at their place of residence before 12 weeks of pregnancy can count on the next large amount.

After the birth of the baby, mom will receive 100% of the BPM (living wage budget). In August 2016, this amount is 175 rubles. 50 kopecks (1,755,000) or $ 88.

The largest childbirth allowance is the one-time allowance.

Today it is 1,755 rubles (17,550,000) or $ 878 for the first child and 2,457 rubles (24,570,000) or $ 1,229 for the second and subsequent children.

After birth and until the child turns three, the mother is paid a monthly allowance in the amount of 35% of the average monthly salary (today it is 252.39 (2,523,900) Belarusian rubles) or $ 126 for the first child and 40% of the average monthly salary (288.44 (2 884 400) Belarusian rubles) or $ 144 for the second, third and subsequent children.

How much is paid to have a child in 2017?

What will be the childbirth allowance in 2017? It should be recalled that wages at the beginning of 2017 were increased to 780 rubles. Accordingly, financial assistance for the maintenance of a child up to three years old has also changed in its size for the better.

Here are the sizes of these social benefits:

  • When the first child is born, future parents in 2017 can count on 262 rubles;
  • At the birth of the second and all subsequent ones, the amount will be about 300 rubles;
  • At the birth of a child with health problems (who have a disabled status), 336 rubles will be paid.

If the family counts on a lump sum payment, then in 2017 it will be:

  • At the birth of the first child - 1800 rubles;
  • At the birth of the second and all subsequent ones - 2500 rubles.

It should be recalled that only those women who managed to register with the antenatal clinic before the twelfth week of pregnancy can apply for a lump sum payment. If this happened later, then it will not be possible to receive this payment.

The monthly assistance to families with disabled children and other categories of citizens provided for by laws will amount to 126 rubles in 2017.

Monthly assistance to parents of disabled children provides material assistance until the child reaches the age of majority and is in the amount of 180 rubles per month.

If the family has several children and there is a child under three years old, then the parents can apply for monthly payments in the amount of 90 rubles.

Substantial material assistance from the state encourages Belarusian citizens to have children and maintain their family happiness.


Benefits for children under 3 years old

In Belarus, from August 1, 2019, benefits for children under 3 years old will increase. The growth in payments will be from 13.65 to 17.55 rubles, depending on the type of benefit. So, the allowance for the first child will be 376.11 rubles, for the second and subsequent children - 429.84 rubles.

For a disabled child under 3 years of age, payments will rise to 483.57 rubles per month.

The last time allowances for children under three years old were raised from February 1 of this year. Then payments increased by the amount from 33.42 to 42.97 rubles.

The increase in benefits depends on how the average salary in the country has changed for the previous quarter. If it falls or does not change, then the amount of the benefit remains at the same level, and if it grows, then the benefit is also raised.

The average salary in the first quarter was 1,011 rubles, and in the second - 1,074.6 rubles.

Childbirth allowances

From November 1, 2019, benefits for the birth of children will increase in Belarus, which depend on the size of the living wage budget.

In proportion to the growth of BPM, the size of the lump sum

  • in connection with the birth of the first child: 2,318.3 rubles,
  • and at the birth of the second and subsequent children - 3,245.62 rubles;
  • a one-time allowance for women registered with public health organizations before 12 weeks of pregnancy will rise to 231.83 rubles

The amount of benefits for some families raising children

type of allowance amount of the allowance amount, rubles
family allowance for children aged 3 to 18 during the period of raising a child under 3 years of age (monthly) 50% BPM
for children over 3 years old from certain categories of families: for children, except for a disabled child 50% BPM
for children over 3 years old from certain categories of families: for a disabled child 70% BPM

caring for a disabled child under the age of 18 (monthly)

with I and II degree of loss

with III and IV degree of loss
health before execution
child aged 3 years

with III and IV degree of loss
health after performance
child aged 3 years

100% BPM

120% BPM

per child under 18 years of age with HIV (monthly) 70% BPM

Family support

The government will revise the current state support for families with children, previously Prime Minister Sergei Rumas. The head of government said that in the near future, the government's efforts will be focused on additional support for families with children - child benefits, housing, pension guarantees for mothers with many children, increasing the availability of reproductive technologies, primarily IVF.

The authorities may also review the payment of benefits to families with a disabled child. “The issue of continuing the payment of benefits for other children over 3 years old after the disabled child reaches 18 years of age will be worked out with a comprehensive adjustment of the legislation on state benefits,” the Ministry of Labor said.

We will remind, in March of this year, it was reported that for families who are raising children, prepared changes. Among them - to raise benefits for children, to solve the problem of insurance experience for mothers of four children and to allow the use of family capital after the child reaches 3 years of age.

For some families with children, benefits may also be raised. Now families with several children, one of whom is less than 3 years old, are paid a monthly allowance, which is half of the minimum subsistence budget. And the amount of these payments does not depend on the number of children.

Now they want to pay this allowance depending on the number of children. It is proposed to differentiate this benefit: three children - 50% of the BPM, four - 75%. Families with 5 children, one of whom is less than 3 years old, are offered to raise the amount of the benefit to 125% of the BPM.

Another of the proposed changes is to include in the total length of service, which is important for calculating pensions, maternity leave for mothers raising 4 children.

Today, the maximum duration of childcare periods included in work experience is 9 years. Regardless of the number of children. Those who have three children, the maternity leave is included in the length of service in full, and additional benefits are provided for mothers of five or more children.

In Belarus, starting from November 1, the living wage budget will grow. It will increase by 0.3% to 214.21 rubles. This is provided by the decree of the Ministry of Labor of October 26, 2018 No. 79.Following the BPM, lump-sum benefits for the birth of children will also grow.

The picture is for illustrative purposes only. Photo: Dmitry Brushko, TUT.BY

The Ministry of Labor clarifies that the size of the budget of the subsistence level on average per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups (in prices of September 2018 this year) from November 1 will be:

  • able-bodied population - 237 Belarusian rubles 21 kopecks;
  • pensioners - 163 Belarusian rubles 93 kopecks;
  • students - 207 Belarusian rubles 30 kopecks;
  • children under the age of three - 139 Belarusian rubles 79 kopecks;
  • children aged three to six years - 191 Belarusian rubles 9 kopecks;
  • children aged six to eighteen - 233 Belarusian rubles 56 kopecks.

In connection with the change in the BPM from November 1, the minimum labor pensions, social pensions, additional payments to pensioners aged 75 and over who receive pensions in the labor, employment and social protection authorities will also increase. Also, the allowances for pensions and increases in pensions for certain categories of pensioners, benefits for caring for a disabled person of group I or for a person who has reached the age of 80, and the amount of state benefits for families raising children will change.

The new size of the BPM will be valid until the end of January 2019.

In proportion to the growth of BPM, the size of some child benefits will also change. Thus, a one-time benefit in connection with the birth of the first child will be 2142.1 rubles (now - 2136.7 rubles), and for the birth of the second and subsequent children - 2998.94 rubles (now - 2991.38 rubles).

type of allowance amount of the allowance amount, rubles
family allowance for children aged 3 to 18 during the period of raising a child under 3 years of age (monthly) 50% BPM 107,11

for children, except for a disabled child

50% BPM 107,11

for children over 3 years old from certain categories of families:

for a disabled child

70% BPM 149,95

caring for a disabled child under the age of 18 (monthly)

with I and II degree of loss
with III and IV degree of loss
health before execution
child aged 3 years

with III and IV degree of loss
health after performance
child aged 3 years

per child under 18 years of age with HIV (monthly) 70% BPM 149,95

The lump sum allowance for women registered with public health organizations before the 12-week gestation period will rise to 214.21 rubles (now - 213.67 rubles).

Childbirth allowance in Belarus: what documents are needed, to whom to submit them, in what time frame. We have compiled a summary of the steps you need to take for you.

According to the legislation of Belarus, a young mother is supposed to 3 lump sum payments a plus monthly benefits up to 3 years old:

Payment 1. Maternity allowance

Benefits are assigned at the place of work, and for individual entrepreneurs - by the territorial bodies of the Fund at the place of registration as payers. In fact, it is a sick leave.

Period of accrual and payments

The maternity allowance is paid approximately 2 months before the expected due date (PDD). The sick leave period is usually 126 calendar days. In case of childbirth complications, the amount of the benefit may increase.

The maternity allowance is awarded if the application was followed no later than 6 months from the first day of dismissal from work in connection with pregnancy and childbirth.

Benefits are accrued within 10 days from the date of application.

The payment of benefits is carried out on the days established for the payment of wages in the next reporting month after the appeal. The maternity allowance is paid in a lump sum for the entire period certified by the certificate of incapacity for work.

Amount of payments

The allowance is assigned in the amount of 100 percent of the average daily earnings for calendar days, certified by a certificate of incapacity for work. The amount of the benefit is calculated by multiplying the amount of the average daily earnings by the number of calendar days certified by the certificate of incapacity for work.

Required documents

A package of documents is provided at the place of work.

  • certificate of incapacity for work

Maternity benefits for non-working women

To receive pregnancy benefits, non-working women must register with the labor, employment and social protection authorities as unemployed before the 12-week pregnancy period.

Required documents for registration with labor, employment and social protection authorities

  • passport or other identity document
  • work book (if any)
  • higher education diplomas (if any)
  • a certificate from a health care institution about registration as a pregnant woman

Amount of payments

The minimum amount of maternity allowance is: 50% of the BPM -103.29 rubles (May-July 2018) for each month of maternity leave.

Payment 2. Allowance for women registered with health care organizations before 12 weeks of pregnancy

If you do not have time to register at the clinic or antenatal clinic before 12 weeks of pregnancy, this benefit will not be paid. From July 1, 2017, the word "public" has been removed from the wording and requirements for this benefit. That is, if you wish, you can now be observed in private medical centers.

Period of accrual and payments

lump sum.

Amount of payments

The amount of payments is equal to the Budget of the Subsistence Minimum (BPM) for the previous quarter and amounts to:

  • from 1 May 2018: 206.58 rubles(May-July 2018)

Required documents

A package of documents is provided at the place of work, service, study. If the number of employees of the organization (mother and father) is less than 15 people, documents are submitted to the social insurance authorities at the place of residence.

  • statement
  • passport or other identity document
  • conclusion of the medical consulting commission (on timely registration)

Payment 3. Benefit in connection with the birth of a child

Period of accrual and payments

As soon as the necessary package of documents is collected for receiving benefits, you need to apply to the place of work (study, service) of the mother / father. If the number of employees of the organization is less than 15 people, documents are submitted to the social insurance authorities at the place of residence.

The accrual takes place within 10 days from the date of application. Payment is carried out on the days established for the payment of wages in the next reporting month after the application. The allowance is paid lump sum.

Amount of payments

The amount of the allowance in connection with the birth of a child depends on the size of the Subsistence Minimum Budget (BMB) for the previous quarter (from May 1, 2018: 206.58 rubles) and is:

  • At birth of the first child: 10 BPM - RUB 2,065.80(May-July 2018)
  • At the birth of the second and subsequent children: 14 BPM - RUB 2 892.12(May-July 2018)

Required documents

  • statement
  • passport or other identity document
  • certificate of the birth of a child if the child was born in the Republic of Belarus
  • birth certificate of a child if the child was born outside the Republic of Belarus

Allowance for caring for a child under 3 years of age

As soon as the necessary package of documents for receiving benefits is collected, you need to contact the mother / father's place of work. If the number of employees of the organization is less than 15 people, documents are submitted to the social insurance authorities at the place of residence.

Period of accrual and payments

The allowance is assigned from the day following the child's birthday. The payment of the allowance is made in the current month for the current period. The allowance is paid monthly.

Amount of payments

The allowance for caring for a child under the age of 3 years depends on the size of the average monthly wage in the country (NW) for the previous quarter and is:

  • for the first child: 35% of the average monthly salary - 308.28 BYN per month (May - July 2018)
  • for the second and subsequent children: 40% of the average monthly salary - 352.32 BYN per month (May - July 2018)
  • per disabled child: 45% of the average monthly salary - 396.36 BYN per month (May - July 2018)

Required documents

  • statement
  • passport or other identity document
  • child's birth certificate

Family allowance for children aged 3 to 18 during the period of raising a child under 3 years of age

Since January 2015, another version of the allowance has been introduced for families with two or more children.

Period of accrual and payments

This type of benefit is paid for family with children between the ages of 3 and 18 for the entire period until the youngest child is 3 years old. Moreover, the number of children in the family does not matter. The allowance is paid monthly.

Amount of payments

The family allowance for children aged 3 to 18 years during the period of raising a child under 3 years old depends on the size of the subsistence minimum budget (BM) for the previous quarter and amounts to:

  • 50% BPM - RUB 103.29 per month (May - July 2018)

Required documents

  • statement
  • passport or other identity document
  • birth certificates of children

* The materials of the article are taken from the official Portal of the Fund for Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Belarus.

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