Rectangular rug crocheted from old things. We knit rugs crochet: options, tips, recommendations

It would seem, well, how can an ordinary small rug change the interior? But it turns out that it can become not only useful, but also a bright, interesting detail in interior design. Of course, you can buy it in the store, since now there are rugs for every taste and color. But think how nice it will be when you make it yourself, especially since such a rug can be easily made from old things, for example: threads, fabrics, wine corks, belts, and much more. All you need is to know the step-by-step instructions, stock up on the necessary materials and patience. And we will show you 12 ideas on how to make rugs from old things with your own hands.

1. A rug made of old leather belts

Making a rug with your own hands from belts is very simple. For this you will need:

  • 10-12 natural or artificial leather belts
  • awl or skin puncher
  • twine or string.

Make the belts the same length beforehand by cutting off the buckle. Punch holes along the edges of the belts at a distance of about 2-3 cm from each other and 0.5 cm from the edge. Sew them together using hemp thin rope. The order of pulling the rope is arbitrary, you can sew along the belts, across, cross-to-cross between the holes. Metal staples instead of a rope will also look very stylish.

2. A soft rug made of old fabrics

Required material:

  • scissors
  • pieces of old (unnecessary) fabrics, old clothes can
  • bath mat (with holes)

1. Cut fabrics into small strips

2. Using a pair of tweezers or a crochet hook, start pushing the strips through the holes.

3. Tie all fabric strips with a simple knot.

3. We make a rug from old towels with our own hands

Required material:

  • old towels
  • scissors
  • sewing machine (needle and thread)

1. Cut your towels into several strips. In this example, each strip is about 3 to 4 cm wide.

For convenience, you can fold each towel in half, cut into 2 halves. Fold each half in half again and cut into fold lines, etc.

It is advisable that all towels are approximately the same size.

2. Fold 3 strips of different colors together and secure with threads (stitch on the ends). Start to weave a "pigtail" from these strips. After finishing braiding, stitch the ends again.

3. Make several of these "braids" and then join them into one long strip using a needle and thread (or a sewing machine).

4. Start rolling your long strip into a spiral, securing it with thick thread.

5. Secure the entire structure and turn it over so that the seams are at the bottom.

Your rug is ready!

4. A rug made of wine corks

Wine bottle corks are a great material for a variety of home and garden crafts. One useful option is to make a do-it-yourself cork rug. Cork bark practically does not absorb moisture and bacteria do not multiply in it, which is why cork is perfect for rooms with high humidity, that is, for a bathroom. And walking on a cork rug is not only very pleasant, but also useful!

In order to make a small rug, you will need:

  • 150-180 wine corks;
  • glue;
  • a piece of water-repellent material for the base (rubber mat for shower or yoga, rubberized fabric, soft thin plastic);
  • sharp knife;
  • large sandpaper;
  • cutting board.

1. Collect and prepare plugs. If you do not have the required quantity, you can buy plugs in online stores. Wash them thoroughly in warm, soapy water. To remove red wine stains, soak the corks in the bleach solution and leave them overnight. Then rinse well and leave to dry.

2. Cut each plug lengthwise into two pieces. Use a chopping board and a sharp knife. If the cuts come out very uneven, smooth the edges with sandpaper. For convenience and safety, it is better to cut the cork not on its side, but by placing it in an upright position.

3. Lay the corks with the cuts down on the table in the same way as they will be located on the rug, decide on the size of the future rug. Then cut the base to the desired size from the rubber material. You can come up with a pattern yourself, it can be a checkerboard, even rows, zigzags.

4. Begin to glue the corks to the substrate with an adhesive suitable for such surfaces. First glue the corks around the perimeter, then work your way towards the center. Remove excess adhesive immediately with a cloth.

Make sure the cork mat is completely dry. To make it completely waterproof, you can seal the surface with a sealant. If you will use a cork mat in the bathroom, it is advisable to dry it in the sun at least once a month for prevention.

5. Wicker rug from patches

Required material for DIY manufacturing:

  • dense fabric (base for carpet)
  • pieces of fabric
  • black thread
  • needle
  • scissors
  • fabric glue
  • duct tape
  • aerosol for protective coating (if desired)

1. Select the size of the rug and prepare the right size for your linen.

2. Prepare long strips of fabric. Each strip should be about 6-7 cm longer than the main part of the carpet.

3. Prepare several bundles of 3 strips each and start braiding. You need several blanks so that later they can be combined into one rug.

For convenience, secure the ends of each piece with duct tape.

Don't braid all the way - leave some fabric unbraided.

4. Apply glue to a thick canvas. No need to save on glue.

5. Carefully lay the blanks on the canvas so that they stick.

6. Connect all the blanks together with a needle and thread.

7. Peel off the adhesive tape from the ends. Trim the ends to keep them straight.

The rug is ready!

6. Do-it-yourself pom-pom rug: Option number 1

Required material:

  • wool thread
  • scissors
  • bath mat (with holes)

1. Wrap the woolen thread around your fingers (the more you wrap, the fuller the pompom will be).

2. Carefully remove the wound thread from your fingers. Prepare another short thread - about 20 cm long - and tie it around the wound thread (in the middle).

3. Cut off the ends with sharp scissors. Also cut off the excess parts with scissors to get a neat round pompom. But do not cut the thread with which you tied the pompom, you will still need it.

4. Make enough pom poms to cover your bath mat. After that, start threading the thread through the holes and tying it to the rug, thereby attaching the pom-poms to the rug.

Pom-poms should be close to each other.

5. Once you've tied all the pom-poms to the carpet, you can cut off the ends of the threads.

A do-it-yourself pom-pom rug is ready!

7. A simple rug made of pompons: Option number 2

To make this blue and white pom-pom rug, you will need:

  • thick woolen threads for knitting;
  • mesh base for the rug;
  • scissors.

1. Make pom-poms in different colors to get a smooth gradient color transition. You can make a plain rug or lay out a specific pattern. You can also play around with the size of the pompoms, using large, smaller and very small ones. To do this, look here for the best way to make pom-poms of different sizes.

2. Now tie each pom-pom to the mesh, observing the color scheme. Try not to show the canvas between the pompoms.

If desired, the back of the rug with knots can be closed with fabric or knitting, so that the pom-pom rug is beautiful from all sides, even from the wrong side. If you could not find a suitable base - mesh - it does not matter, you can simply sew pom-poms to any fabric.

8. Round foot mat made with a hoop

Old knitted T-shirts are actively used by craftswomen for a variety of crafts, in particular, the idea of ​​making rugs out of them is very popular.

Necessary materials:

  • 3-4 T-shirts (other items, ribbons or ropes)
  • children's gymnastic hoop or hula hoop for adults

The size of the rug depends on the size of the hoop you choose, you can take both your daughter's gymnastic hoop and a large slimming hoop. The weaving technology is very simple, even a child can handle it by making a round rug on a hoop in his room on his own.

Cut T-shirts or other old outerwear into strips of equal width, from one side seam to the other, so that rings are formed. Put each strip on the hoop: first a vertical line, then a horizontal line, and then divide each sector into equal parts with a strip of T-shirt.

Important! The strips of fabric should not be too tight, otherwise the finished rug will wrinkle and will not hold its shape. Ideally, the strip of the T-shirt should fit almost loosely over the hoop, with minimal stretching of the fabric.

It is likely that if your hoop is larger than the strip of your T-shirt, it is too tight, or you are using ropes at all. If this is the case, simply wrap the hoop with a cloth or string and tie a knot.

Try to have all the base lines intersect at a central point. We start weaving the rug from the center. Take a strip of T-shirt, loop it over one of the base lines, and pass it under and over the longitudinal lines.

When the strip ends, tie another T-shirt ring to it, hide the knot under the previous row. Continue braiding in the same way, alternating between pulling the strip under and above the longitudinal lines. Try to keep each circle tightly pressed against the previous one, avoiding large spaces and holes between them. After you have finished braiding, cut off the ends of the loops with scissors and tie them in a knot.

9. Backlit rug

Sometimes at night you want to go to the toilet, go to the kitchen to eat, drink a glass of water or prepare a bottle of formula for the baby, so you have to get up and walk out of the bedroom. In the dark, and even half asleep, there is a risk of bumping into something, and it is not always possible to turn on the overhead light so as not to wake up other family members. For such cases, LED floor lighting in the rug will be an interesting and useful solution.

Craftswoman Johanna Hyrkas came up with the brilliant idea to use an LED strip as an illuminating pathway from the bedroom. The ribbon is twisted in a spiral, it is inside a round rug woven from an ordinary rope, and a long tail leads further from the room. Soft, cozy light spreads across the floor without disturbing your sleep.

This rug with LED lighting can serve as a night light in a child's room. Alternatively, rug tape can be run along the walls and lead to the toilet or kitchen. For such purposes, it is better to use a sealed closed LED strip. The rug can be made with your own hands, using a large crochet hook or braiding a ribbon with thick yarn or rope with your fingers. Of course, there are expensive models of LED floor lighting with a dimmer. But often a homemade option is a great budget solution, as in this case.

Over the years, every person's house accumulates a huge number of items of clothing, tablecloths, curtains, bedspreads and other things that are both a pity to throw away and cannot be used for their intended purpose. Therefore, it is quite natural that many women ask themselves what useful things can be done from seemingly unnecessary clothes. And it turns out that there is a way out - these are rugs made of old things that can be laid in the bathroom, in the corridor, and if it turns out to be large and beautiful, which is quite possible, then in the living room. At the same time, do not be afraid to show imagination when creating this new product and experiment with the use of various tools for work, textures and colors of fabrics.

Rug from old things on the basis: preparation of tools and materials

Perhaps you can start the "fight" with unnecessary things by creating a rug, the basis of which will be burlap or a rubber mat for the bathroom. Calling this method of weaving is not entirely correct, but it is an excellent option for disposing of old clothes in the event that you do not already own a crochet or knitting needle. So, in addition to the actual unnecessary things, you will need scissors, a rubber bath mat with holes or burlap, the size of which will correspond to the size of the future finished product, as well as tweezers.

Having collected all the materials and tools, you can start creating blanks, without which it will be impossible to create rugs from old things. To do this, cut each piece of clothing into strips 1.5-2 cm wide and 6-10 cm long.It is worth noting that to obtain strips of the same length, you can create a tool for more comfortable work. To do this, take a smooth round piece of wood with a diameter of 6-7 cm and make a vertical depression in it on one side. In this case, the process of creating blanks will be as follows: a strip of fabric should be spirally wound on the resulting new "tool" and, inserting scissors into the recess, cut it. Thus, very quickly it will be possible to get the same strips necessary for further work.

Creating a rug based on: photo of the finished work

Having at hand a sufficient number of strips from old clothes, you can proceed directly to creating a rug. If you use a rubber mat with wide holes as a base, then a strip of fabric should be passed through the adjacent holes and tied in a knot, preventing it from slipping. These actions should be done until there is not a single free centimeter left. If you use a rug with small holes, the strips do not need to be tied.

The process of making a rug looks a little more complicated if you use burlap as a base. The fact is that there are no ready-made holes in this fabric; they must be made with tweezers, lifting the parallel threads and inserting a strip of fabric under them. However, the main goal remains the same - to fill the entire base area with blanks from old clothes. The result is very original rugs from old things. You can see a photo of one of them below.

Knitted rugs from old things: preparing "yarn"

Unwanted clothing can also be an excellent material for making "yarn" from which you can knit a rug of any size. It is best to knit rugs from old things from "threads" made from knitted T-shirts or sweaters, but other options are acceptable. The fabric must be cut into strips about 1 cm wide and carefully sewn together. Please note that it is better not to make knots, otherwise knitting rugs from old things will be more difficult, and the finished product will be less accurate. In order for there to be a minimum number of connections, things should be cut in a spiral, from bottom to top. In this case, it will take less time to prepare the "yarn", and the created rug will look neater.

Knitting a rug with knitting needles from old things

You will need knitting needles # 9 or # 10 for knitting, but it all depends on the thickness and texture of the clothes you are using. You may need thinner or thicker knitting needles. If you have worked at least a little with these tools, then it will not be at all difficult for you to knit a rug from old things. Loops should be typed as usual - their number should correspond to the width of the future rug. Next, several rows should be knitted with an elastic band, and then go to hosiery or any other pattern you know. You should also finish knitting with an elastic band. The end of the yarn can be hidden by passing it through several loops from the wrong side.

Do-it-yourself rug from braids

There is another way to create a rug from old things, which does not require the skills of working with any special tools, with the exception of a needle, but learning to work with it is not at all difficult, besides, most women already know how to do it.

So, to begin with, as in many other cases, you need to cut old clothes into strips. Then, connecting them at the top with a pin of 3 pieces, braid the braids, which are also fastened at the end, preventing unraveling. When there are a sufficient number of such blanks, they will need to be sewn together with the side parts. At the final stage, the rug should be trimmed with bright braid or the same strip of clothing.

Crochet rugs from old things: the preparatory stage

A bright and homely warm decoration of the corridor or bathroom can be a crocheted rug from old things. The master class on this type of needlework, given below, will greatly facilitate this task for you. First you need to cut old things into strips and roll them into balls with the front side. At the same time, for each color, the ball should be its own, thanks to this it will be possible to knit a rug with even colored stripes, and not somehow. It is also advisable not to combine fabrics of different textures, otherwise a crocheted wicker rug from old things may turn out to be uneven, and after washing it will stretch or shrink unevenly.

Weaving a rectangular rug crochet: a master class

A set of a number of air loops, the number of which corresponds to the width of the future product - it is with this action that each rug begins with a crochet of old things. The master class is aimed at preventing possible mistakes in your work. So, knit a rug should be single crochet. In this case, after every 4-5 rows, it is necessary to check the number of loops - it must correspond to the original one. Otherwise, you will weave a rug that will either narrow or expand, and this will negatively affect its appearance.

During knitting, when moving from one color to another, the ends of the strips should be carefully sewn with a thread and a needle. The doormat can have as many rows as necessary in order to cover this or that room with it. There is another way to make an already seemingly finished crochet woven rug more expressive. From old things with your own hands, you can cut strips and tie them around the product around the perimeter. In this case, it is important that the workpieces are of a bright color.

Weaving a round rug crochet

You can also crochet a round rug from strips of old things. The yarn should be prepared in the same way as for a rectangular rug. You will also need a large diameter crochet hook. This tool should be selected in accordance with the thickness of the strips, in which case the finished product will not curl.

To crochet a rug from old things, you should start from a set of chain stitches. Next, the first and last loops of this row must be connected, then make a lift by threading the thread through the center of the circle, grab it with a crochet hook along with the adjacent loop and pull it out through the center. When the circle is knitted, it is necessary to make another loop and continue to knit in a circle already on the outer side, grabbing the adjacent loop each time and knitting another or more. On each row, it is necessary to add such a number of loops that would prevent the rug from twisting. These actions must be continued until the mat of the desired diameter is obtained.

Old hula hoop rug: materials and tools needed

Rugs from old things on a hula-hoop can be weaved by anyone who has a large knitted T-shirt, scissors, many different colored things, preferably from a fabric of the same texture and the hula-hoop itself. Its diameter should correspond to the size of the rug that you want to get as a result.

First you need to prepare the materials. To do this, the T-shirt should be cut into strips 1.5-2 cm wide. The cut piece of fabric should have the shape of a closed circle. You will need 10 of these strips. In addition, you need to prepare several large balls of strips of approximately the same width and different colors. It is advisable to connect the blanks together by sewing them together with a needle and thread, so the rug will look neater. It is worth noting that if instead of a large hula-hoop you take a small hoop as a basis, you can get an original napkin on the table or background for some craft that needs to be hung on the wall.

The process of making a hula hoop rug

To start creating a rug, you should put 10 stripes from a T-shirt on the hoop. Each of them should connect opposite sides of the hula hoop and go through the center. From a distance, the resulting product will resemble a bicycle wheel with spokes.

When all the strips from the T-shirt are located in their places, you can proceed to the next stage, namely, to fill the remaining space with strips cut from unnecessary bright clothes. To do this, fix the end of the fabric thread at the intersection of all "knitting needles" and weave it between them. This should be done until the entire space is filled. It should be borne in mind that rugs from old things on a hula-hoop turn out to be more original if you come up with a certain way of alternating stripes of different colors.

Old things, accumulating in our wardrobes and dressers, cause a lot of inconvenience. Homemade rugs from old things are an interesting highlight in a modern interior. We will reveal the secrets of making them with our own hands, we will paint everything step by step, we will give a master class, supported by a photo of finished products.

Inspired by the idea of ​​creating a rug from old things, go through your wardrobe and take away everything you don't need. Next, prepare your clothes:

  1. Cut off parts that may still be useful - buttons, buttons, zippers.
  2. Trim necklines, thick seams, pockets, and other irregularities.
  3. Cut into strips. Their width depends on the thickness of the material. The thinner it is, the wider the tape.
  4. Cut the ribbons in a spiral to increase their length. For smoothness, round off the right angles.
  5. Roll up the balls, sorting the strips by color. It is more convenient to combine shades this way.

Advice. Before cutting the strips, pull the flap cut from the old jersey horizontally and then vertically. When stretching, you can see in which case the fabric is twisted to the front side. In this direction and cut the ribbons.

Soft fluffy rug made of rags "Grass"

Such a rug is very pleasant to the touch, it is pleasant to step on it with your feet, you can sit on it. The best material for him is boring T-shirts or long-unused Lycra items. Whichever you choose, you need to prepare 20 x 120 mm strips. Next, we will consider the process step by step:

  • We buy a base - painting or plastering mesh. If there is a special netting for carpets, then it will do, only the edges must be protected from unraveling with masking tape.

"Grass" rug

  • Cut out the desired size and place the base on a non-slip surface.
  • We retreat from the edge 1 cm. Insert the crochet hook, hook it up with the flap and pull it through the hole to the middle.
  • We tie a strip to a knot. We continue the process until the mesh is completely filled.
  • We apply glue cushioning material on the edge of the rug on both sides sequentially and iron it several times with a heated iron.

The rug is ready. Using this technique, you can create patterns, match stripes by color, or arrange colored stripes in any order. In any case, you get an exclusive model. Make sure of this by looking at photos of finished products.

Attention! When choosing a crochet hook, make sure that its diameter is 2 times the thickness of the patchwork thread.

Crochet rug making workshop

The hook is able to create beautiful things from unnecessary things, including all kinds of rugs. They are laid on stools, laid on the floor near the sofa or by the door, made sofa cushions from them, used as a stand for hot dishes. It's easier to knit a scarf-shaped rug. Let's start with him.

Scarf rug

So that nothing distracts from the creative process, we will prepare everything in advance:

  • hook number 10;
  • old things.

Now you can start:

Crochet round rug

To make it, we use the usual circle pattern. A rug of this shape is not much more difficult to knit than a rectangular one:

  • make a loop;
  • we knit air loops out of it - 6 pcs;
  • we tie the resulting half-columns;
  • we lift - 1 air loop;
  • we continue to work on forming a circle, performing double crochets.

An approximate scheme for adding loops:

  • 1 row - knit 2 single crochets from each loop;
  • divide the circle into 6 equal parts;
  • knitting the last stitch of each segment, add 1 double crochet.
  • finish the circle by knitting to the desired size.

The rug is made without the use of a hook. After cutting the strips, take 3 of them and pin off the ends with a pin. Then braids are weaved from them.

If there is not enough length of one of the tapes, then the next one is attached to it, and so that the connections do not join, they are hemmed in a checkerboard pattern. Not reaching 200-250 mm to the edge, the pigtails are narrowed so that the ends of the rug are even. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to gradually reduce the width of the belts. Thus, at the end, the width becomes 2 times smaller than the original.

The pigtail is sewn in the area of ​​the first loop and twisted like a spiral. Having fastened the blanks to each other, a rug is obtained.

Interesting idea: patchwork square rug

A beautiful warm rug consists of squares. To implement this idea, you need to be able to handle a sewing machine. In addition to it, you will need:

  • thick flannel flaps of 0.8 m in different colors;
  • threads;
  • disk knife;
  • ruler;
  • scissors.

In the finished form, the product will have dimensions of 86 x 110 cm.Further, we take several steps:

  1. We cut out the quadrangles, for which we fold the flap in half, inside out.
  2. We cut out 63 squares with a side of 180 mm using scissors or a circular knife. If you expand them, you will get twice as many, but you do not need to do this yet.
  3. We lay out the blanks according to any chosen scheme.
  4. We sew a seam along one side of the shape. We repeat the same action with 3 sets of squares.
  5. Initially sewn 2 pairs of squares are connected so that their edges are oriented in one direction. Thus, we make an assembly of 6 squares, and then add a figure to row 7.
  6. We continue the process until we get 9 rows of 7 squares, sewn together with the orientation of the edges in one direction. On the opposite side, the surface is flat.
  7. We collect all the elements of the rug, for which:
  • 2 strips of 7 squares sewn together are connected along the long side with a seam outward with a seam allowance of 2.5 cm;
  • we attach the next row, and continue until we get 9 long, sewn together rows, consisting of 7 elements each;
  • overdue the entire rug around the edges, leaving an allowance of 2.5 cm;
  • we make a fringe by making cuts at the edges with a distance of two and a half cm without damaging the seams;
  • we wash the product and let it dry.

These are the masterpieces you can create with your own hands at no cost and with a minimum of effort.

Old rug: video

DIY rugs: photo

Crocheting rugs is not just a pleasant hobby, but also a very useful activity. Such work allows you to escape from the daily hustle and bustle, and the result will be a magnificent hand-made product, which will also decorate the interior of your home and make it more comfortable. Depending on the selected material and size, the rugs can be used in different ways: put small ones under the hot, medium ones to cover chairs and stools, and large ones to put on the floor and use as a full-fledged carpet.

Matching yarn

The main secret of a beautiful product lies in the choice of color. There are many variations of yarn combinations. Personal taste plays a major role here, but there are win-win combinations that everyone always likes. Crocheted rugs look interesting and stylish, using yarn of similar colors, slightly differing in tone. A smooth transition from a light shade to a darker one or from warm to cold looks gentle and expressive. The classic options are also good: a combination of black and white, black and red, red and blue. Gray and beige are neutral tones, they are in perfect harmony with any other color.

In addition to color, the texture of the yarn, from which the rug is crocheted, plays an important role. For small items, thick acrylic or cotton threads are suitable, and large floor models are best made from cotton fabric cut into thin strips, ropes, cords, plastic bags. Choose a suitable crochet hook according to the yarn. It should be large enough and have a rounded head; pointed options are less convenient.

Round, oval or square

There is no perfect fit here. The appropriate shape must be chosen based on the purpose of the product and its location in the room. If you need to crochet a rug for a chair or stool, a square shape will be optimal. You can attach ties to such a product and fix it securely on the seat so as not to slip. It will be easier for beginners to crochet a round rug without having to worry about uneven edges. If the room is in the shape of a rectangle, an oval carpet will look beautiful on the floor. A do-it-yourself hot stand can be of absolutely any configuration: round, oval, square or rectangular.

Suitable patterns and patterns

First you need to figure out how to crochet a round rug. The most preferred patterns in this case are single crochet, single crochet or double crochet. In the first case, knitting will turn out to be dense, and in the second and third, it will be lighter and more delicate.

Many experienced craftswomen offer complex knitting patterns, which, although they guarantee a perfect circle, are very difficult to perform, since they require constant care to correctly count the loops. Here's an easy way to crochet a round rug for beginners. It consists in knitting in a circle with the chosen pattern, and in every second loop, knit two. Thus, a simple scheme is obtained: one loop, two loops - and so on until the very end.

Making a square or rectangular rug is even easier. To do this, knit a strip of the desired length from air loops, and then knit a row with the selected pattern. After that, turn the product over to the wrong side and tie another row. To make the rug more interesting, even rows can be knitted with single crochets, and odd rows with single or double crochets.

Cozy rug made of old things

Do not rush to throw away old things made of natural cotton cambric, knitwear. They can be used to make a wonderful rug that will decorate the interior and make it more comfortable, warm and homely. First, the clothes need to be washed and ripped at the seams, or simply cut off the seams with scissors. Then the pieces of fabric must be carefully smoothed with an iron. Then tear or cut the material into thin strips and roll them into balls. Yarn of our own production is ready! How to crochet rugs from rags? The pattern is the same as when working with any other yarn.

Crochet rug from plastic bags

Thanks to the unlimited color palette, crocheted rugs from plastic bags are very bright and distinctive. Such a product can easily be used in rooms with high humidity and even outdoors, for example, to cover garden chairs or cover the floor in a gazebo. Polyethylene rugs are pleasant to the touch, retain their original shape for a long time and are completely undemanding to care: if the product gets dirty, you just need to rinse it with water.

Any packing or garbage bags are suitable for knitting. Using scissors, cut the material into strips 1.5-3.0 cm wide, depending on the density of the starting material. After that, you can start knitting according to the already known pattern. Please note that polyethylene is rather slippery, so it is better for novice craftswomen to practice on ordinary yarn first.

The main challenge lies in choosing the right hook. It must be thick enough, otherwise the knitting will turn out to be tight, and the rug will bend inward. To find the optimal size, it is best to make a test sample, then the result will be immediately clear.

If you decide to make, cut the yarn in a spiral: in this case, you will get a long thread without knots. You can do the same with chintz and cambric dresses.

For carpet on the floor, dark, practical and non-marking cotton yarns are best. It is better not to use acrylic, as it quickly rolls into pellets.

Crocheting a rug is a fascinating and enjoyable activity, and a beautiful product will be a worthy reward for your efforts!

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It is no longer fashionable to go and buy something into the house: now manual labor is appreciated. For those who wish to update the decor of the room and purchase a brand new rug, the editors of the site suggest not to spend money, but to make a rug with their own hands from old things.

Weaving can be done in several ways.

What kind of rugs can be made, and, most importantly, from what? The main material that is easy and pleasant to work with is old T-shirts.

Craftsmen got the hang of crocheting a rug from old T-shirts using a hula-hoop as a base, using a mesh base. The trick is to collect more T-shirts in your desired color, which is easy, as there are always a few things that are no longer worn. Or maybe friends will have a warehouse of old shirts.

Is it possible to crochet a rug from old things, and how to do it?

In the autumn evening, you can have a pleasant time with a soothing activity - knitting. And if you combine this process with making a rug for your favorite room, it becomes doubly pleasant and interesting.

What comes in handy for crocheting old rugs

Before announcing the list of items with which you can start knitting, let's take care of the availability of yarn. Our yarn is not simple, but ... T-shirt.

Cooking yarn: cutting old T-shirts mercilessly. First, the seam is cut from the bottom, then a strip of about 2 cm is cut from the side seam to the opposite, but not completely, and not reaching 3 cm to the edge. It is necessary to cut the entire fabric up to the armhole line.

If the tape breaks, it can be joined with multiple stitches. For knitting, prepare the yarn of the desired colors (one or two is enough), a hook with number 15 and scissors.

We share step-by-step instructions for crocheting a rug from old things

We sit down more comfortably, turn on a delicious movie and crochet rugs from old things.

Wrap the yarn around the index finger of the left hand (for right-handers) and, removing the thread, thread a hook into the ring formed. Now draw out the working thread. The thread is again pulled into the loop to form a sliding loop on the ring.

The resulting ring must be tied with columns with a crochet in the amount of 11 pieces, until the ring closes. On the second row, 24 double crochets are also knitted, knitting them into the bottom column in two. On the third row, we get 36 double crochets, which are knitted in the same way as in the second row, two in the bottom.

You can make the next row openwork. To do this, make one double crochet at the beginning of the row, then two air loops and skip one column from the bottom. Now do one double crochet again. The fifth is done in the same way as the second or third row.

It's time to knit a new color: they tie it to the main thread and continue knitting, knitting two double crochets into every fifth bottom column. Or they just continue with the usual knitting. The seventh row, if desired, can also be made openwork.

As they wanted, they change color again, and alternate between several ordinary ones and openwork. The last row is tied in any way, fastening the thread at the end.

Weaving rugs from old things: an affordable master class

How to weave a rug from old things: having prepared everything you need and read the instructions, they take a pinch of inspiration, some pleasant music and a good mood!

What you need to work

The easiest way is to make a "raid" on your closet, the closet of friends, mothers, grandmothers: each of them has an unnecessary knitted thing. We have already learned how to make crocheted rugs from old things. Now let's consider another option, only in the weaving technique.

Manufacturing process

For the fascinating process of do-it-yourself wicker rugs, they take as many T-shirts of different colors as possible from old things (this is a matter of taste, who likes a monochrome product), sharp scissors, and a sewing machine.

So let's get started!

IllustrationDescription of action
T-shirts are cut into long ribbons about 5 cm wide. For convenience, it is better to wind the ribbons into balls.
Having secured three strips in any way, they begin to weave a regular braid. As soon as the strip ends, either it is sewn or a new one is tied. You should get a long, long braid.
The round shape is made by simply twisting the braids around its center. Adjacent rows are sewn by hand or on a typewriter.
If you wish, you can make an oval shape, and choose a zigzag stitch and a needle for knitwear.
Advice! At each turn, you should not pull the pigtail too tightly, it can give a curvature in the finished product.

Let's make a rug out of patches with our own hands?

Remember how in childhood you loved to play with shreds, or just cut paper or fabric? You can plunge into childhood again, and even usefully: you can make great things for the house out of scraps. For example, it can be rugs made of scraps from old jeans, or a fluffy shaggy product that will decorate both the floor and the legs.

What you need to work

In the process, you will need a dense base (it is better to take burlap), a lot of scraps from old things, thread, a needle, fabric glue, scotch tape.

How to sew?

To sew a carpet from old things with your own hands, they first spend time cutting scraps of fabric, T-shirts, knitted pants.

The first row of patches is laid out on the canvas, placed parallel to the edge of the base. One edge of the row is fixed with tape, and in the center it is sewn on a typewriter with a regular seam. The next row of shreds is laid out close to the first, in the same way fixing the entire edge of the laid strips with tape and stitching in the middle on a typewriter.

Laying out each row, the previous ones are thrown aside.

The rug gains individuality through color matching, patch length and row frequency.

How to make a do-it-yourself rug from old things on a grid

If you really want a nice fluffy rug, but you don't have a sewing machine, you can use either a building mesh or a soft bath mat as a basis.

Making do-it-yourself rugs on a mesh from old things step by step

Armed with a net, crochet, shreds and scissors, they get to work. If there is an idea related to the pattern, then markers are made on the grid with a marker of the desired color. In this case, they begin to tie the strips according to the color markings.

If you sew on the shreds on a typewriter, they will stretch out, it will be more convenient to work with them.

The essence of the work is clear: the mesh is alternately filled with strips of fabric tied on the front side.

Making a rug from old belts with your own hands: photos and diagrams

How to make a rug out of belts with your own hands, if there are enough of them?

It will take about 12 leather belts to make such a rug. Taking natural leather or leatherette is a master's business. For work, you need a perforator for leather or an awl, twine.

Along the edges of the straps, you need to make holes with a step of 2-3 cm and stepping back about 0.5 cm from the edge. The belts are sewn with twine in random order. Instead of a rope, metal staples are sometimes used.

How to make a rug from wine corks

Almost everyone drinks wine, and corks, unlike bottles, are not thrown away, but folded for some reason. To make it clear, we propose to make an excellent durable rug out of stocks of corks.

Since bacteria cannot multiply on such material, this is a chic option for the bathroom. In addition, this is an additional massage for tired legs.

In order to make such a massage rug, take 160-180 wine corks, glue, a base (you can take a ready-made rubber rug, thin plastic), a knife, coarse-grained sandpaper, a cutting board.

The plugs are washed with warm water, preferably with the addition of soap. If they are stained with red wine, it is best to soak them in water and bleach for a few hours. Clean corks are cut exactly in the middle into two parts using a knife and a board. Sandpaper is needed to align the cuts.

Advice! It is better to cut the cork in an upright position.

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