What is and should not be for pregnant women. What to wear in early pregnancy

The magical nine months of waiting give a woman a generous gift in the form of positive emotions and boundless joy. But this is not a reason to forget about the essentials. It is very important to choose the right one. early pregnancy diet to ensure the full development of the baby and keep the expectant mother healthy.For the formation and growth of an embryo, nutrients, minerals and biologically active elements are needed. Naturally, he receives them through the blood vessels that connect the fetus to the mother's body. That is why it is important to timely replenish their deficit in order to maintain the strength and vitality of the two organisms.

This does not mean at all that a woman needs to increase the amount of food eaten by one and a half to two times. The main thing that foods in early pregnancy provided a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals.

Read in this article

Weight gain during pregnancy is considered a natural process. On average, in 9 months a woman gains from 10 to 15 kg. The norm is 11-12 kg. If the weight gained is below normal, gynecologists recommend taking a special complex of multivitamins for pregnant women.

With increased weight, swelling occurs, breathing becomes difficult, and heart rhythm disturbances may appear. In this case, it is recommended to refrain from eating fatty, saturated foods for some time and limit yourself to vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and fiber.

If you are thinking about how to eat right in early pregnancy , remember a few important rules:

  • the nutrition of the pregnant woman should be balanced;
  • the choice is in favor of healthy food (exclude semi-finished products and dishes with high cholesterol from the diet);
  • it is necessary to adhere to a constant diet (at least three times a day).

What can a pregnant woman eat and in what quantities

Trace elements requiring special attention

During pregnancy, the female body experiences an increased need for trace elements such as iron and calcium.

Iron is responsible for. If, when taking tests, the hemoglobin level in the woman's blood is below 100 g / l, then the mother and the unborn child are automatically diagnosed with anemia. The reasons for the development of anemia may be a lack of folic acid or vitamin B12. Well, the consequence of a lack of hemoglobin is often a delay in the growth and development of the fetus, as well as premature birth.

Calcium is directly involved in the formation of all hard tissues: bones, teeth, nail plate. To prevent the expectant mother's teeth from crumbling, it is recommended to eat dairy products enriched with this component every day.

Many women are interested in the question, what does the embryo eat in early pregnancy? Until a direct blood supply to the placenta with the mother's body is established, the fetus receives nutrients from glycogen, which has accumulated on the inner walls of the uterus. It provides a complete and timely supply of amino acids - the main sources of vital energy.

Nutrition for toxicosis

Toxicosis is a common symptom that occurs in women in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is accompanied by such unpleasant reactions of the body as:

  • irritability;
  • drowsiness;
  • apathy;
  • dermatoses;
  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting (especially in the morning);
  • change in taste.

To reduce the manifestation of these symptoms to a minimum, you should choose the right nutrition for toxicosis in early pregnancy.

The activity of toxicosis will decrease if food is consumed not 3 times a day, but 6-7 small portions. In the morning (without getting out of bed) and in the evening before going to bed, you can eat a few croutons of white bread, pieces of dried fruit or a couple of nuts.

Vomiting is reduced by warm mint tea with the addition of a lemon wedge. It is strongly recommended to replace powdered juices with dyes with herbal infusions, mineral water without gases or fruits containing a large amount of liquid (watermelon, melon, grapes).

Heavy foods for the stomach of a pregnant woman should be replaced with steam. For example, instead of fried potatoes or pork chop, it is better to give preference to a steamed fish or chicken cutlet with boiled vegetables for a side dish.

Vomiting is accompanied by another unpleasant symptom - dehydration. Therefore, it is very important to replenish fluid supplies in a timely manner. A pregnant woman should drink about 2 liters of clean water per day. But overdoing it on this issue is dangerous, as excessive fluid intake will lead to edema.

What is useful to eat

Let's define the better to eat early in pregnancy ... To compose food groups, first, let's figure out the calorie content of food. In the first three months, the norm of calories per day for a pregnant woman is 1800 kcal. Of them:

  • About 50% should come from carbohydrates. They are found in whole grain pasta, potatoes, and cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, millet).
  • Only 30% of calories the body should get from fat. Moreover, this is not fatty meat or fish, but butter, dairy products,.
  • The remaining 20% ​​of calories belong to the protein group of foods: eggs, legumes, fish, poultry.

What does the diet of a pregnant woman look like for the day

During pregnancy, it is best to eat fresh food, steamed or over an open fire. A balanced menu for a pregnant woman for the day looks like this:

Recommended meals and appointment times Alternative
8 ocloc'k
Partially skimmed milk - 200 ml

2 pieces of biscuit

Coffee, with sugar (1 spoon)

Whole milk - 150 ml

Whole Yogurt - 1 Jar

Low fat yogurt - 2 jars

Tea - 1 cup

10 hours
Seasonal fruits - 150 g Orange juice - 1 glass

A piece of unsweetened biscuit

13 hours
Pasta (70 g dry) or rice with cheese (15 g), tomato and butter (1 tsp)

Lean meat (beef, veal, chicken, rabbit, liver) - 150 g

Bread - 1 slice

Fresh fruits - 100 g

Fruit drink - 1 glass

Stewed vegetables - 100 g with herbs (parsley, dill)

Fresh or frozen fish - 200 g (exclude eel, mackerel, fish in oil)

17 hours
Partially skimmed milk - 150 ml Whole milk - 170 ml

1 piece of unsweetened biscuit + tea

Low fat yogurt - 1 can

Orange juice - 1 glass

20 hours
Seasonal fruits - 150 g

Vegetable soup (no potatoes or beans)

Fish - 200 g

Orange juice - 1 glass

1 piece of unsweetened biscuit

Vegetable soup with potatoes or beans

Fresh grated cheese - 100 g

Boiled beef - 100 g

Lean meat (veal, chicken breast) - 150 g

Leading nutritional value products

Now we will talk about what is good to eat in early pregnancy ... There are some foods that have the highest levels of nutrients and micronutrients. It is them that are recommended to be eaten with vitamin deficiency and low hemoglobin levels.

Fig. This sweet oriental fruit is rich in fiber, which helps normalize the digestive system. In addition, in 100 gr. the product contains about 25% of the daily value of calcium. It can be eaten fresh or dried, or added to homemade baked goods.

Artichokes. They are a valuable source of iron, fiber, and folic acid. Most often, soups and salads are prepared from artichokes. Very often this plant is used for cooking Italian dishes: pasta, pizza.

Pumpkin seeds. 100 g peeled seeds contain 5 gr. vegetable protein. They help to strengthen the muscles of the expectant mother and relieve stress on the back and abdomen. Also, pumpkin and pumpkin seeds contain magnesium, which normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system.

Beekeeping products. Honey is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It can be safely used instead of sugar, added to fruit salads or desserts. 100 g contains 14 mg of calcium, 36 mg of potassium, 18 mg of phosphorus, 0.8 mg of iron, as well as B vitamins.

What is better to abstain from

So what shouldn't be eaten in early pregnancy? What can negatively affect the development of the unborn baby and the mother's condition?

First of all, early pregnancy nutrition must be of high quality. Before eating, products must go through all sanitary standards for processing, including thermally. This is necessary so that bacteria, fungi and other harmful microorganisms could not interfere with the normal development of the child in the womb.

Raw fish and meat, including caviar and some Japanese food can cause helminthiasis that can affect the fetus.

  • Flour and sweet in large quantities will lead to rapid weight gain . In this regard, the diet should be adjusted already in the early stages of pregnancy, so that by 8-9 months a pregnant woman can easily move around without heaviness in the legs, fatigue and shortness of breath.
  • Smoked products (meat, sausage, fish), as well as canned food, contain substances that negatively affect liver cells. If these products are abused, a newborn baby develops "jaundice" (botulism).
  • Alcohol is strictly prohibited for pregnant women ... Poisonous substances contained in alcohols can harm the health of the baby.

    When drawing up a daily menu, each woman independently chooses which products to use based on her own taste preferences. And, nevertheless, we advise you to heed our recommendations on how what to eat in early pregnancy ... Correct, healthy food, as well as a constant diet will help to spend all 9 months of waiting with great pleasure for mom and baby.

At an early stage, the developing embryo is most sensitive to adverse effects, therefore, in the first weeks, the prohibitions are especially strong. However, in the following months, up to childbirth, they do not lose their relevance.

There are some very important things that pregnant women should not do in the early stages:

  • On many women's sites and forums, you can find questions from girls who are scared that they took alcohol on the day of conception or in the first days after it, unaware of their pregnancy. Of course everyone knows that alcohol can fatally affect the development of the baby in the womb. However, nature is not so stupid and cruel. In the first 10-12 days after conception, the embryo has not yet begun to develop and does not receive nutrition from the mother's blood, while the fertilized egg is only being introduced into the wall of the uterus. Therefore, in the worst case scenario, the ovum will simply die and be excreted during the next menstruation. But if it is fixed, and the pregnancy continues to develop, then everything is in order. However, after this period of 10 days, the formation of tissues and organs of the fetus begins, so you need to stop drinking alcohol before the baby is born. This is especially important in the early stages, from 3 to 13 weeks, when all organs are laid in the embryo.
  • The second important point is the need to quit smoking if the woman smoked before pregnancy. It is better to do this before pregnancy so as not to burden the body with additional stress. But even after becoming pregnant, it is not too late to do this. The mother's smoking can "reward" the child with cancerous tumors or cause diseases of the central nervous system, sometimes lead to miscarriage.
  • Of course, you need to try to eat as much as possible. natural products.
  • Inhalation must be avoided toxic substances: paints, gasoline, dichlorvos, asphalt vapors, etc.
  • It is absolutely forbidden to carry out X-ray examinations, including x-ray teeth.
  • You cannot be vaccinated.
  • It is advisable to avoid taking medicines, in case of serious health problems, carefully study the annotations for medicines and select analogues that do not negatively affect pregnancy.
  • Not only are synthetic drugs dangerous, but also herbs... For example, parsley and oregano, when consumed in large quantities, have an abortive effect.
  • Caution is also required when using aromatic oils some of them can damage the development of the fetus. So oils of tansy, wormwood, oregano, with their active use, can cause a miscarriage.
  • Lying in a bath with very hot water can end your pregnancy. If you decide to take a bath, remember to keep the water warm. You should not visit the bathhouse and sauna if you are not a constant fan of these procedures or if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy. But if you are a longtime lover of steam and hot air and at the same time do not have health problems, then you should not deny yourself these recreational activities. Just limit the time you spend in the steam room and lower the temperature in the sauna. And watch your body carefully.
  • Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for severe scandals to cause early miscarriage. It is necessary to protect yourself, not to let others shake you nerves.

Second trimester of pregnancy

This trimester is usually the calmest and easiest. Toxicosis, as a rule, is already passing, and the troubles associated with an increase in the abdomen and compression of internal organs are still ahead.

Do's and don'ts for pregnant women in the second trimester:

  • During this period, libido returns to the woman, which often disappears in the first trimester. If there is no danger of termination of pregnancy, then any postures and types sex and are not contraindicated.
  • Alcohol it is still better not to include it in your menu, but if you really want to, you can occasionally drink one glass of light wine or a glass of beer.
  • It is forbidden hunger at. Some women, worried about the preservation of their figure, go on strict diets. But for the development of the child and the well-being of the pregnant woman, you need a lot of protein. The menu should include meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk.
  • With an increased tone of the uterus, it is necessary to avoid raising gravity more than 2 kg. But if the health of the expectant mother is in order, then weight up to 5 kg will not cause problems.
  • Fitness not only is not contraindicated, but also desirable if it does not cause negative reactions. However, you need to be careful when choosing exercises. Horseback riding and diving should be postponed.

Third trimester of pregnancy

In the last trimester, the belly of a pregnant woman reaches a large size, the internal organs are strongly compressed, which can cause a lot of inconvenience.

  • One of the most common and unpleasant consequences of organ contraction is heartburn... To avoid it, it is recommended not to drink carbonated drinks or overeat. It is better to eat small portions, but more often than sparse and abundant. After eating, do not take a horizontal position for 1-2 hours.
  • Recommendations for fitness and wearing weights become more stringent. It is necessary to completely abandon weightlifting classes and avoid carrying bags weighing more than 2 kg.
  • It is forbidden overwork and stay upright for a long time.
  • At this time, you should discard shoes for high heels due to the risk of damage to the ligaments, back pain and premature birth. At the same time, flat soles contribute to the development of flat feet. Shoes should be stable, a small wide heel 2-3 cm high will fit perfectly.

Folk omens

The people have long had a set of rules for pregnant women. Many folk signs on the topic of what should not be done by pregnant women have no logical explanation. However, there are many that contain a rational grain:

  • "If a pregnant woman grabs her face in fright, the child will have a birthmark on her face." A birthmark can and will do, but a miscarriage or premature birth can provoke a strong fear.
  • "A pregnant woman should not eat in secret: the child will be born shy or a thief." Eating secretly speaks of either serious dietary restrictions, or the addiction of a pregnant woman to junk food, or overeating. All this, of course, is not good for either the woman or the baby in her womb.
  • "A pregnant woman cannot look at terrible animals and ugly creatures: the child will be ugly." The emotional state of the mother is important for the development of the baby, even when it is still inside the womb. It is advisable to avoid stress and negative emotions.
  • “You can't swear in the presence of a pregnant woman: a child with a birthmark will be born”. Here we are also talking about the dangers of stress.
  • "You can't talk about the day and hour of childbirth." Indeed, it is better to avoid disclosing this information, or even reporting later dates than in reality. So you can save yourself from obsessive questions on the eve of childbirth.
  • "A pregnant woman should not play with a cat, otherwise the baby will have many enemies." If a woman did not communicate with cats before pregnancy, then she runs the risk of contracting toxoplasmosis through excrement. And this disease can cause deformities in the fetus.

Reading time: 7 minutes

There are recommendations of nutritionists what to eat for a pregnant woman: foods should be healthy, contain many nutrients that are involved in the construction and proper functioning of a new body. If a pregnant woman wants to eat some product, she should not deny herself. Refusal of the desired dish will lead the expectant mother to stress, which will cause more harm to the child than a "wrong" product eaten in small quantities.

Nutrition of a pregnant woman

A balanced, proper diet for a pregnant woman should be beneficial. All foods that the expectant mother eats end up in the baby's placenta. Some elements go to the construction of his body, enrichment of cells and tissues with the necessary substances: potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc. Others can harm a small body, so it is necessary to approach the nutrition of a pregnant woman with caution.

How to eat right for a pregnant woman

Food for pregnant women should contain many essential substances. A pregnant woman should not overeat or feel hungry. Key recommendations:

  1. You need to eat fractionally: 5-7 meals. Hard diets are strictly prohibited, and in the first half a pregnant woman can eat up to 5 times a day, and in the second half - up to 7 times.
  2. Food should contain the right amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates.
  3. Be sure to eat foods containing vitamins and minerals.
  4. Heavy food should not be eaten in the afternoon, so meat dishes, fish, eggs are best prepared for breakfast or lunch.
  5. For dinner, it is better to serve vegetable food or dairy products, porridge.
  6. It is important that the last meal falls at a time two hours before bedtime, at which time you can eat yogurt or drink kefir.
  7. A pregnant woman should drink a lot - about 2-2.5 liters per day, but in the very last weeks, the liquid must be reduced to 900 ml in order to prevent the occurrence of edema.
  8. Eat more foods containing plant fiber, which improve bowel function, prevent constipation.

What can you eat

Pregnant women can eat almost all foods, but it is advisable to limit yourself to something, for example, sugar, fast food. However, little by little, rarely, you can try almost everything. Among the main products that a pregnant woman is allowed to eat, there are such as milk, cottage cheese, fish, meat, fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals, vegetable fats, bread, cheese, kefir and others.

Eating in the first half of pregnancy

The first half of pregnancy is a very crucial time when early toxicosis can occur. For a period of 1-5 months, the baby's body is formed. To build the skeleton, the nervous system, and the proper functioning of the brain, useful substances are needed. It is necessary to introduce liver and other by-products into the diet; it is necessary to eat meat, fish, dried fruits, herbs, vegetables, fresh fruits. An approximate menu of how a pregnant woman should eat in the first half of pregnancy during the day:

Nutrition in the second half of pregnancy

In the second half of pregnancy, a third of the protein consumed goes to the fetus. To avoid a deficiency, you need to eat more protein foods. The rest of the diet may not be very different, except that the number of meals is increased by one or two times. The daily diet of a woman in the second half of pregnancy should include the following foods:

Healthy food for pregnant women

If the food includes foods in the required proportions, then it is considered correct. There are certain dishes that meet the requirements of healthy food, among which vinaigrette is one of the main places. Useful products during pregnancy: pollock, milk and dairy dishes. Eat only carefully prepared foods to kill all possible harmful bacteria.

The vinaigrette

A classic vinaigrette can replace many dishes, because it contains all the necessary vegetables: boiled potatoes, carrots, beets; fresh onions; pickles, sauerkraut. It is recommended to season salad with vegetable oil. You can add other ingredients that a pregnant woman loves, for example: lean meat, beans, mushrooms and others.


A delicious, nutritious dish can be prepared with muesli. Cereals themselves are very important, as they endow the body with a large supply of nutrients and trace elements. They improve digestion, add the right amount of carbohydrates. And in muesli, they are served along with dried fruits, which are rich in vitamins. Regularly eating muesli, you can stock up on the proper amount of natural vitamins, so you don't have to take additional medications. It is not recommended for expectant mothers to eat sweets, and muesli will delight a woman with natural sugar.


Pasta is rich in carbohydrates. They are needed for the proper functioning of internal organs, for the production of large amounts of energy. You can cook many dishes from them. They are served with vegetable stew, prepared meat gravy, minced meat stew, fried liver. Almost all dishes are served with pasta, which will allow the body to consume the maximum amount of necessary substances.


Pollock fish is very popular because it is inexpensive, while tasty and healthy. Its undoubted advantage is its antioxidant effect; it also regulates blood sugar levels. It has a good effect on the body systems: digestive, nervous, thyroid, mucous membranes. It contains:

  • Vitamin A, essential for eye and skin health;
  • vitamin PP - to regulate the nervous and digestive systems;
  • fluoride - formation of tooth enamel, strengthening of bones;
  • chromium is involved in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, it is recommended for diabetes mellitus;
  • potassium promotes the elimination of excess fluid;
  • phosphorus is of great importance in the work of the brain, heart muscles, as well as in the regulation of acid-base balance;
  • sulfur affects the condition of hair, nails, skin.

Milk and dairy products

You need to eat the most popular foods during pregnancy - these are milk and dairy derivatives, for example, kefir, natural yoghurts, cottage cheese, cheese. They contain many trace elements:

  • proteins;
  • amino acids that cannot be synthesized in the human body;
  • milk fat - a source of energy;
  • required calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • copper, cobalt, iron - in small quantities;
  • contains vitamins in small amounts, almost all possible types;
  • lactose - for the development of a favorable microflora in the intestine.

The healthiest foods for pregnant women

The above are the beneficial properties of some foods. It will simply not be possible to select the best one, because each is rich in a certain set of elements, therefore, just a list is given of what is better to eat:

  1. Meat - animal protein, iron, B vitamins.
  2. Fish - phosphorus, vitamin D.
  3. Milk - vitamins of group B and D, calcium, fatty acids (Omega-3).
  4. Raw eggs are a source of 12 types of vitamins.
  5. Nuts - Vitamin E, Selenium, Magnesium, Omega-3 Acids, Phytic Acid.
  6. Broccoli - folic acid, iron, calcium, vitamins A, E, C.
  7. Potatoes - Vitamin C, folate, potassium, carbohydrates, and fiber.

What can not be eaten by pregnant women

As there are useful, there are also harmful, prohibited foods during pregnancy. The table shows what you definitely cannot eat. It is necessary to exclude:

Product Action
Smoked meats Contains carcinogens, chemicals may be added to create the effect of a smoked product.
Spicy Overloads the liver and gallbladder.
Food products with E-additives This is chemistry, therefore, it harms various systems of the body, especially a fragile fetus.
Canned food Due to the content of preservatives in them.
Margarine Trans fats clog arteries and cardiovascular disease can occur.
Raw fish It is possible to become infected with listeriosis, which negatively affects the development of the child.
Seafood Can provoke allergies.
Alcohol It is forbidden to drink alcohol, because alcohol, the chemicals in its composition have a destructive effect on many tissues and systems of the body, especially on the brain and nervous system.

What is undesirable to eat during pregnancy

There are also foods that can be eaten, but at the same time it is necessary to significantly reduce their number. For example, you can eat fried, fatty foods in small quantities. It is better to replace them with baked and boiled dishes. Among the foods that are not advisable to eat are the following:

  • coffee or black strong tea, because blood pressure rises, there is a risk of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • chocolate acts as a pathogen on the fragile nervous system of the fetus, causes allergies;
  • sugar and sweets are high in carbohydrates, which leads to weight gain;
  • fast food - due to the high calorie content;
  • exotic fruits - due to the risk of the presence of pesticides;
  • meat, if poorly processed, contains harmful bacteria that can cause dangerous diseases: rabies, bird flu, listeriosis and others.


The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can diagnose and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Pregnancy is the most crucial period in a woman's life. In order to avoid various situations when something may go wrong, you should clearly know that you cannot be pregnant at different periods. The primary task of a pregnant woman is to adjust her diet, establish harmony with the world around her, tune in positively, not forgetting to follow a healthy lifestyle. With such an attitude to her health, a woman will give birth to a full-fledged baby who will give real happiness to the whole family.

What is absolutely forbidden for pregnant women: dangerous habits


Bad habits cause irreparable harm to a woman's body. Today, as never before, attention should be focused on this. Alcoholic drinks, smoking, "passive smoking" will only harm the woman and the fetus. A pregnant woman should avoid places where smokers congregate. This is especially common at work, when a group of employees take a smoke break. Recently, places for smoking in public toilets, where pregnant women so often have to go, have been legalized. The constituent components of cigarettes, even after the smoker leaves, remain in the air for a long time, especially if the room does not have forced ventilation.

The accumulation of nicotine and tar in the blood increases blood pressure, which at any time can provoke a miscarriage. In turn, alcohol endangers the functioning of all internal organs. Even, at first glance, low-alcohol drinks, such as beer or "Martini", can cause severe intoxication of the woman's body and the embryo. Alcohol irrevocably destroys groups of vital cells of the brain, hematopoietic organs, respiratory system, and nerve endings.

What clothes are harmful to pregnancy

Great importance should be given to clothing. During pregnancy, every woman needs to revise her wardrobe and change her preferences. You need to start with shoes. It should be comfortable, lightweight, made of natural materials, and suitable for weather conditions. It is unacceptable to wear high-heeled shoes that are too narrow and with a high rise throughout the day.

Tight clothing negatively affects the health of a pregnant woman. It is necessary to give up thongs, too tight skirts with belts that are tightly tightened at the waist.

How to sleep for pregnant women?

Starting from the second trimester, a pregnant woman should not sleep on her back. An enlarged uterus in this position of the body puts increased pressure on the inferior vena cava, as a result of which the blood supply to the embryo deteriorates and blood stagnation in the mother's peritoneal region. This is fraught with fetal fading and disruption of the internal organs of the woman's abdominal cavity. For the same reason, pregnant women should not sit for a long time.


Expectant mothers shouldn't get used to it. The following vaccinations may be an exception:

  • from the flu;
  • from anthrax;
  • from rabies;
  • from yellow fever;
  • from encephalitis.

Other vaccinations can cause severe allergic reactions and complications.

Working with household chemicals is extremely dangerous for a pregnant woman throughout the entire period. Toxic substances quickly penetrate into the bloodstream and rapidly dissolve, being carried by the blood stream throughout the body. Equivalent harm is caused to the woman's body and the fetus by means of combating indoor insects and garden pests.


The danger is represented by cosmetics that have added hormones and vitamins. An excess of these substances can lead to deformities and diseases in the developing embryo. These products also include hair dyes, antiperspirants, hair and nail sprays, household chemicals for washing dishes and sanitary surfaces.


You should stop exercising in the gym during pregnancy. Excessive physical activity is categorically contraindicated for pregnant women at any time.

Cat litter

You can't clean the cat litter box. Contact with animal feces is fraught with the transmission of toxoplasmosis to a woman, which can cause the death of the embryo.


Some women are forbidden by doctors to have sex during pregnancy. This is purely individual. Sex is contraindicated in late pregnancy.


It is extremely important for a pregnant woman to treat the choice of drugs to overcome diseases. Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, a woman can endure respiratory infections, intestinal inflammation, severe migraines and much more. It can be difficult to cope with the disease without the help of pharmacological drugs. The attending physician will prescribe in such cases a sparing treatment with minimal risk to the health of the woman and the fetus.

Other things not to do during pregnancy

Some activities that a woman is used to in everyday life can negatively affect the development of the embryo and the health of the expectant mother. Sometimes you don't even have to think about the dangers that they pose in themselves. Particular attention should be paid to medications, which cannot be taken without consulting your doctor.


It is forbidden for pregnant women to visit the solarium. Throughout the entire period, the body actively produces melanin, sometimes this even leads to age spots on the skin of different parts of the body. Extra UV light can make things worse. Therefore, when going outside in summer, when the sun is very active, you should apply a protective sunscreen to your skin.


Flights by airplanes pose a high risk. At the time of takeoff, blood pressure rises sharply due to the difference in atmospheric pressure and the low concentration of oxygen in the air. This can lead to miscarriage. Flight times are usually limited to a few hours. During this entire period, passengers are in a sitting position, they are inactive and do not have the opportunity to go out into the fresh air. All these factors are detrimental to a pregnant woman, and it is almost impossible to exclude them until the moment the plane arrives at the final point.

X-ray and fluorography

Pregnant women are not given X-rays and fluorography. These studies have a negative impact on the development of the fetus. The nervous system, heart, respiratory and hematopoietic organs can be affected. X-rays are especially dangerous in the first trimester, when all internal organs and the brain are laid.

Conflicts and emotional TV shows

No matter how we all treat the frequent stressful situations that surround us in the modern world, a pregnant woman, like no one else, must avoid them. Conflict situations in which a woman is forced to take part in a situation can provoke severe prolonged headaches, psychosomatic disorders, exacerbation of chronic diseases in a "sleeping" state. It is worth excluding the viewing of heavy psychological programs and movies. It also causes stress, resulting in increased blood levels of the hormone cortisol, often leading to premature birth.

Hot shower and sauna

It is extremely dangerous to take a hot shower and take a steam bath. This can cause bleeding and miscarriage. Bathing water temperature should not exceed 40 ° C.

Nutrition and daily regimen: all the pros and cons

For some reason, there is an opinion that the period of pregnancy for most women is an unbearable ordeal due to the fact that there are a huge number of prohibitions and restrictions. In fact, this is not the case. The observing doctor will help to correct the diet. Some products really should be excluded, however, they can be replaced with less dangerous ones that will not harm the body of the pregnant woman and the embryo.

A pregnant woman must follow the daily regimen. This includes adequate sleep and a balanced diet. Anyone with a lack of sleep is irritable, unable to concentrate, doing normal daily activities, experiencing an overwhelming feeling of fatigue. Of course, in a pregnant woman, this condition affects the development of the embryo. The fetus is very sensitive to even minor changes in the mother's mood.

The diet is especially important during pregnancy. Not everyone is ready to change their eating habits, however, everything that the observing doctor will recommend is aimed at maintaining the health of the mother and child.

The expectant mother should give up too strong coffee and tea. These are diuretics, they remove fluid from the body along with calcium, significantly increasing blood pressure.

Meat and seafood must be subject to mandatory heat treatment in order to avoid infection with helminths. Sushi, shellfish and dried river fish are especially at risk.

Table 1 provides a list of foods that should be excluded from the diet of a pregnant woman, or their consumption should be reduced.

Table number 1. What foods should be excluded during pregnancy


Not desirable


Fish high in mercury

Tuna and salmon accumulate mercury. The harm from mercury is little studied, only vapors are poisonous, but doctors do not recommend that pregnant women eat seafood, which is high in this element. The lowest level of mercury is observed in trout, sprat, sardines, horse mackerel, and flounder.

Soft cheeses

There is a high risk of containing the bacteria Listeria, which can provoke a miscarriage. Soft types of cheese, such as "Feta", "Brie", cheeses with mold, must be abandoned during pregnancy and lactation period.

Artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners can negatively affect the development of the embryo. Natural sweeteners are considered safe: stevia and sucralose.

Contraindicated "Saccharin" and "Sodium cyclamate"

Unpasteurized milk

Raw milk carries with it many potential dangers. These can be infections caused by pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. Some of them do not manifest themselves immediately after entering the body, and the diagnosis of the disease that has arisen is very difficult.

The liver has a high content of retinol, which in large quantities can negatively affect the development of the embryo.

Caffeine, along with other tonic substances, can lead to miscarriage, especially if the woman is on preservation. However, it is not necessary to completely eliminate coffee. It is best to consult a doctor.

Meat, fish, chicken, smoked meats

Pregnant women should not eat sausages produced for retail in supermarkets. Such sausages can be made from meat, as they say, "not the first freshness", flavored with a lot of spices and salt. You should also give up dried fish, dry land, smoked meats. The ingredients used in smokehouses are extremely harmful to anyone, not to mention pregnant women. Fish that have not undergone heat treatment should be excluded during pregnancy and lactation. Finns of some dangerous helminths can be found in fish meat. River fish caught in suburban areas carries the risk of phenolic intoxication.

Canned food

A raw egg

Raw eggs are contraindicated for pregnant women, since Salmonella can multiply in them, which causes severe gastrointestinal disturbances up to prolonged dysentery.

Canned pickles

Canned vegetables, due to their high salt and spice content, can cause increased thirst and swelling. Salt, consumed in large quantities, leads to dehydration, and in the early stages it promotes miscarriage. The brine should be excluded from conservation altogether. The use of preserves must be coordinated with the supervising doctor.

Mushrooms are a poorly studied product that is practically not absorbed by the body. What's more, mushrooms can cause indigestion and even poisoning.

Store juices

Commercially produced juices may contain artificial colors and preservatives that can cause allergic reactions.

You should not expose the body of a woman and an unborn child to the risk of exposure to little-studied drugs that have not undergone clinical trials and have not received the necessary quality certificates, which have been dietary supplements over the past several decades. If, nevertheless, there is a need to take such drugs, their use should be coordinated with the observing doctor.

Most spices have a tonic and stimulating effect on the centers of the peripheral nervous system. Adding even a small amount of spices to a pregnant woman's food can increase her appetite, which is not desirable for everyone. Also, in the early stages of pregnancy, hot spices can provoke a miscarriage.

Folk signs: is it worth believing them

In the modern world, despite the scientific and technological progress, there are still philistine superstitions, to which even highly educated people often succumb. Folk omens, which suggest that pregnant women should not be done, have come in our time from the deep past, when ancient peoples tracked natural phenomena, worshiped the power of unbridled elements. Many modern people sincerely believe in folk signs. Perhaps at this moment, little-studied mechanisms are triggered in the body at a subconscious level. If a person believes in signs, they will definitely have an impact.

So, the most common signs for pregnant women:

  • Do not play with cats - the child will have many enemies;
  • You can not tell your friends about your pregnancy at an early stage - they can jinx it;
  • You cannot sit on the doorstep - this is the border with the other world, in which evil spirits prevail;
  • Eating red berries is dangerous - the child will have too red skin throughout his life;
  • You can not knit and sew - the baby can get tangled in the umbilical cord, which will complicate the delivery process;
  • You can not cut your hair - shortens the life path of the unborn child;
  • You cannot eat secretly and in the dark - the child will be born fearful and anxious;
  • You cannot buy things for an unborn baby until the moment of birth - things that are not put on immediately after purchase are a refuge for evil spirits;
  • You cannot attend a funeral - evil spirits can enter the cemetery in a baby who does not have a guardian angel before birth;
  • You can't sit with your legs crossed - the baby may be born with crooked legs or flat feet;
  • You cannot hold your hands above your head for a long time (hang curtains, linen) - the baby can get tangled in the umbilical cord and be too active after birth;
  • You can not use foul language when pregnant - a baby may be born with large birthmarks.

To believe or not to accept folk omens on faith is a personal matter for every person. The gullibility of many people instills peace in their souls and reduces anxiety. This has a beneficial effect on the mental state of the pregnant woman. Although common sense should prevail in everything. For example, when it comes to trimming the hair on your head or consuming fruits that have a red tint.

10 strict "no" during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a state of mind, body and health of the whole organism. This is a wonderful and unforgettable period in the life of any woman, however, and quite vulnerable. Therefore, the expectant mother should not lose her vigilance and should know that it is strictly forbidden for her in these 9 months of paunchy happiness.


The effect of alcohol on the fetus is well researched. Ethanol easily penetrates the placenta directly into the blood of the fetus, causing congenital malformations. Facial abnormalities, microcephaly (underdevelopment of the brain), physical underdevelopment, anomalies in the development of organs are what threatens alcohol consumption, especially in the first trimester.


Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide, which reacts with hemoglobin and replaces part of the oxygen during gas exchange. As a result, both mother and fetus lack oxygen. Intrauterine hypoxia is fraught with developmental delay, problems with the cardiovascular system, and reduced immunity. Smoking during pregnancy can cause placental abruption, pregnancy fading, and even premature birth. Nicotine can also affect the psyche of the unborn child.


It is believed that excess caffeine leads to an overstrain of the cardiovascular system in the mother and the fetus, causes anxiety, and can even lead to miscarriage or premature birth. But here we must make a reservation that all this is so if you drink more than 3 cups of espresso a day. For women with high blood pressure, coffee is generally contraindicated.


The instructions for the medicinal product always indicate whether it is contraindicated for pregnant women. Otherwise, it is better to consult a doctor once again. Prohibited during pregnancy are vasoconstrictor nasal drops, ambroxol, ambrobene, aspirin, a number of antibiotics, etc.

Medicinal herbs

Among a fairly large number of useful medicinal herbs, there are those that can provoke a miscarriage, and those that have a negative effect on the fetus. You can find out which herbs are contraindicated in our Encyclopedia.

Weight lifting

Avoid lifting heavy objects (no more than 2 kg) during pregnancy. Such a rash movement can provoke a miscarriage. This is especially true for hypertonicity of the uterus.

X-ray and fluorography

There is a risk of damage to the child's nervous system with x-rays. Therefore, this type of diagnosis is prohibited during pregnancy.

Active sports

Sports such as weightlifting, equestrian sports, cycling and any other power and traumatic sports are strictly prohibited. It is recommended to give preference to swimming, walking in the fresh air, (yoga and Pilates).


You should always protect yourself from stressful situations, but especially during pregnancy. Therefore, if your work involves a busy schedule, frequent negotiations and active participation in large-scale projects, then think about how to avoid all this. The workload at work should in no way affect either your nerves or the health of yours and yours.

Some products

Do not eat raw or undercooked eggs... Eggs must be cooked thoroughly, whites and yolks must be firm. This prevents the risk of contracting Salmonella. Do not drink raw (not pasteurized) milk, only one that has undergone a thorough heat treatment or pasteurization is possible. Raw or undercooked meat it is also forbidden to use during pregnancy. The same goes for sausages and minced meat. Should be avoided blue cheeses... They may contain listeria, a bacteria that causes listeriosis. Even a mild form of this infectious disease during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage or serious illness in the newborn.

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