Stones for a bath river pebbles. What stone to choose for a bath

For some reason, when building a bath, the first thing they pay attention to is the selection of wood, materials for interior and exterior decoration, the choice of accessories, but stones are completely forgotten. But it is stones that are that important element that emits heat and hot air. In other words, the effectiveness of steam bath procedures depends on the correct choice of stones for the bath. So which stones are best for a bath?

Bath stones: what should they be?

Sooner or later, everyone who decides to get their own steam room faces the question of which stones to choose for the bath. The question, by the way, is far from idle and requires a responsible attitude and theoretical knowledge, of course.

Bath stones must be of high density. This is necessary for long-term preservation of heat and uniform heating of the air. The second condition is the homogeneity of the structure to prevent cracking when exposed to water. Instances with the same coefficient of thermal expansion can provide uniform heating. At the same time, the stones must be environmentally friendly and safe for health, natural minerals are preferable.

As for the shape, the best sauna stones are oval or round. Rounded edges promote uniform heating and efficient air circulation. Take into account the dimensions of the oven container: for a small oven, stones must be selected appropriately. The diameter of medium samples is 70-120 mm, of small ones - 50-60 mm.

Good stones have no inclusions (traces of other rocks or mica). Otherwise, rapid splitting cannot be avoided: after a while the stones will begin to crumble and break into pieces. This can lead not only to blockage of the chimney, but also poses a serious threat to human health.

Aptitude Test

As you can see, the stones for the bath must be special. But how not to be mistaken in the choice - how to choose stones for the bath that will benefit?

It is not difficult to check the strength of the material, it is enough to knock on it with a hammer. But in order to know for sure whether the stone is of high quality in front of you or not, you need to heat it up and lower it into the water. Not cracked, which means that the test for "professional suitability" has been passed successfully.

Types of stones for a bath

It is unlikely that it will be possible to decide which stones for the bath are suitable and which are not. It is not enough to know how they should look externally, you should figure out which rocks are designed to create the right sauna atmosphere.


Deservedly tops the list of the best. This semi-precious stone has been known since ancient times - the Maya Indians made healing amulets from it. In China, jadeite enjoyed no less success - it was used for facing imperial baths and for making bath furniture - couches, tables, chairs.

Jadeite is formed in nature as a result of magmatic action and has many advantages that have determined its popularity. It is heat-resistant, durable, heat-absorbing (slowly gives off heat), practically does not crack. Ideal candidate for bath use, not otherwise. In addition, jadeite has a long life span, and due to its low water absorption it can be successfully used in steam baths.

The healing properties of this greenish stone are no less valuable. Jadeite normalizes heart function, stabilizes blood pressure, strengthens the nervous system, relieves pain in joints, dissolves salt deposits, treats diseases of the urinary system and strengthens the general energy field of a person. To feel the beneficial effect, adhere to the main rule - lay this stone on top.

Jadeite can be of two types: polished and chipped. Polished (tumbling) attracts with a smooth surface and looks like a river pebble. Due to its attractive appearance, it is often used for decorating baths and saunas. Chipped jadeite has an uneven structure, which contributes to an increase in vaporization. Indispensable for hand-assembled brick ovens.


A dark colored stone that accumulates heat and creates the right microclimate. The structure is granular, dense, resistant to external influences. A distinctive feature is a low coefficient of water absorption, and for rooms with high humidity this is almost a defining property.

Used for the construction of stone blocks, cladding works. As for the medicinal properties, they are small, so it is recommended to lay gabbro-diabase down, overlapping it with other, more useful stones. This approach will enhance the therapeutic effect of natural healers several times.

Please note that the stone tends to crack. The maximum service life is 2 years, but due to the democratic cost, this news is unlikely to upset you. It is delivered to stores in a chipped form, choose copies of a rich black color.


Continuing the study of the topic "which stones are better for the bath", one cannot but say about talcochlorite. Despite its light weight, it is strong, dense and characterized by impeccable thermal conductivity.

This stone is of volcanic origin. But what is important is not the ability to maintain the structure even at a temperature of 1600 degrees, but the ability to transfer heat in a wave mode, which is identical to the rhythms of the radiation of the human body. This circumstance makes it possible to take advantage of the beneficial qualities of talcochlorite to the maximum.

The volcanic inhabitant increases immunity, normalizes blood circulation, restores the elasticity of blood vessels, removes phlegm from the lungs, accelerates metabolic processes, which means it helps to lose weight. Those who want to get rid of extra pounds will be pleased with the results of scientific research: after visiting a bath with talcum powder in the stove, a person loses 1.5 kg of weight.

Royal stone

If you have not yet finally decided which stones are best for the bath, then do not forget about the royal stone. He was revered by Russian emperors and not only. The sarcophagus of Napoleon Bonaparte, for example, was also made of this stone. Raspberry quartzite, this is how the official name of the royal stone sounds, is loved not only for its usefulness, but also for its decorative effect. The largest deposits are located in Karelia.

So what is the "Tsarevich" good for? Quartzite is the leader in durability and will serve you for many, many years. It is also fire resistant (withstands temperatures of 2700 degrees) and dense. This makes processing somewhat difficult. A pleasant raspberry shade will decorate any bath, fine-grained and smooth structure allow you to create original decorative ensembles.

Put raspberry quartzite in the stove and you can easily forget about hypertension, muscle pain, chronic cough, and salt deposits.


Many steam lovers undeservedly ignore this stone. But in vain. Enviable heat capacity and ability to maintain the required temperature for a long time should be used wisely. At the first heating, porphyrite emits a crack, but you should not be afraid - extraneous sounds will disappear after the second or third heating.

The stone must be cleaned before each use to achieve aromatic steam. Porphyrite relieves headaches, skin inflammations, has a beneficial effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

White quartz

For its resistance to high temperatures, the Slavs called it "bath stone". The uniqueness of white quartz is in the oxygen content. After a sharp drop in temperature, the stone gives off life-giving ozone, which has a rejuvenating effect, cleanses the respiratory tract, and restores the upper layer of the epidermis. It is noteworthy that the positive effect is felt even a few days after the bath.

According to popular beliefs, white quartz is able to charge water with positive energy. It is enough to lower the stone into a bucket of water and the miraculous elixir is ready. It used to be used for drinking and making homemade masks and lotions.


When choosing stones for a bath, do not bypass peridotite, which attracts with a variety of color palette. It can be of different shades: from light green to deep black.

It has a high heat capacity, does not contain harmful components, and evenly distributes heat when heated. It is better to lay it on the bottom of the oven, covering it with other rocks on top. By reacting with carbon dioxide, peridotite purifies and disinfects the air.

  • sea ​​stones, contrary to popular belief, are not quite suitable for baths, because quickly collapse. River specimens are twice as strong;
  • if an electric stove is installed in the bath, then stones should be chosen small in size;
  • if you want to collect stones yourself, then the best place for this is in the field, and not near the water, as again many people mistakenly believe;
  • when buying in a store, try to select samples that are even and smooth - these will last longer;
  • layered stones are not suitable for a bath: sandstone, limestone, sedimentary rocks;
  • if a boulder emits a dull sound when hit with a hammer, it means that it is not entirely of high quality;
  • to speed up heating, stones are mixed with cast iron and steel blanks;
  • to enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to spray the boulders with essential oils, herbal decoctions;
  • the number of stones must be correlated with the size of the bath; on average, 6 kg of product should fall on a square meter.

As an alternative, artificial ceramic stones can be used, which perfectly withstand extreme conditions and have good heat resistance. Of course, they are not able to completely replace the gifts of nature, but for the upper layer of the backfill they will do quite well.

Now you know which stones are most suitable for the bath, which means you will not be mistaken in your choice. In the choice, on which the quality of the procedures performed in general and your health in particular will depend. And in order to finally consolidate the information received, you should take a closer look at the stones for the bath: photo examples presented in the article, and read a useful video about jadeite.

Choosing stones for a bath: video

When building and arranging a steam room or sauna, the choice of stones is considered an important item in the list of necessary actions. Unfortunately, not enough attention is paid to this issue. But it is on what stones for the bath you choose that determines the effectiveness of steam bath procedures, and therefore your health.

Requirements for bath stones

To answer the question which stones are best for a bath, you need to know what requirements they must meet. For a steam room that is regularly used, it is better to purchase quality boulders. It is advisable to buy them in specialized stores. There you can verify the quality of the products, see all the necessary documents and certificates.

However, not everyone can afford such a purchase, especially if the steam room is used only a few times per season. What stones are suitable for a bath, for example, a hiking bath? For her, you can collect river pebbles or cobblestones that are lying nearby. In no case should stones be lifted near railways. They are impregnated with a poisonous substance - creosote, which, when heated in a fire, can poison the bath attendants. The safest, and most importantly, the safest option is to buy sauna stones in stores. This way you can be sure that they have passed "radiation control" and other quality checks.

What stones are best for a bath? Those with the following properties:

  1. The ability to store heat. That is, the stones must quickly heat up and give off heat for a long time. They are usually dense, uniform and heavy in weight.
  2. Resistant to high temperatures, that is, stones for a bath in the stove should not lose their shape, crack or break. This quality can be checked by knocking on them with a hammer or against each other. They can also be heated until a red hue appears and dipped in a container of cold water. Quality and heat-resistant stones will withstand this test.
  3. A certain size. Experienced bath attendants know that for each type of steam room there is a certain format of stones. If you have a stove that is fired with wood, then you should choose rather large ones. The size of sauna stones for wood-burning stoves should be at least 70 mm in diameter, ideally 100-130 mm. Modern electric ovens are capable of working with smaller stones - 50-60 mm in diameter. If you do not know which stones are best for a bath, buy salt stones. They are versatile and come in a variety of sizes.
  4. High coefficient of thermal expansion. The uniformity of heating in the oven depends on this.
  5. A certain form. It is best to buy round or oval ones. They are more efficient for air circulation, heat up faster and more evenly.
  6. Good stones for a sauna stove should not have inclusions of mica and other rocks. Such samples are of higher quality and more durable, it is more difficult to break them, spoil them.
  7. Environmental friendliness. This will ensure that they are safe to use in the steam room. It is better to give preference when choosing natural minerals.

You should not buy stones for a bath, for a stove or steam room in large quantities. Buy as much as its heater can handle. For a small oven, it is more advisable to take a small package to use it at a time.

Let's go to the overview

Stones for a bath or steam room should be purchased based on personal preferences and desires. Thanks to the wide assortment that modern stores offer, it will not be difficult to make a choice. The main thing to do before buying is to study the beneficial properties of different breeds. With this knowledge, you can buy what suits you personally. What are the stones for a bath, how to choose the right one for you, you will find out by reading the information below.

Benefits of river and sea pebbles

Experienced bath attendants call river pebbles a "free" option. You can collect it yourself near water bodies. However, this material is only suitable for the first layer in the heater. In order for pebbles to please with their attractive appearance for a long time, they must be carefully sorted out, leaving only round samples. It is also worth getting rid of stones with red blotches of iron. Its oxide at high temperatures has a detrimental effect on humans.

It is better to collect sea pebbles in an ovoid shape. Due to its "flattening" of such stones, more will fit into the oven - and the packing will be denser. This is very important, because the possibility of water getting on the metal depends on the quality of the initial layer.

Popular gabbro-diabase

This volcanic rock is in great demand among experienced bathhouse attendants. Outwardly, it is similar to dark marble. This stone is very durable and has a low degree of water absorption, which is very important for rooms with high humidity, such as a bath or steam room. Gabbro-diabase, due to its unique ability to uniform expansion, keeps heat for a long time, slowly cools down even after the furnace has completely extinguished.

However, it also has its drawbacks. One of the main negative aspects is an unpleasant odor when overheated. Because of this, not everyone buys such stones for the bath. Reviews of this material are often positive, but many note a specific smell.

Lovers of fragrant cosmetics in the steam room can forget about using essential oils. When they get on gabbro-diabase, they leave carbon deposits, which render the stone unusable. After each trip to the bathhouse, the boulders need to be sorted out and discarded the spoiled ones, since the destroyed parts crumble, forming sand, and they clog the grates. The cost of this breed is quite low, so you can not save on quantity.

The royal stone for the "royal bath"

This stone breed got its name for a reason. She was revered not only by Russian emperors and tsars, but also by Napoleon Bonaparte. Royal stone or crimson quartzite is very useful and durable. Due to its dense structure, it can withstand temperatures up to 2700 degrees Celsius. The royal stone will decorate any bathhouse with its crimson color. It is also very useful for people with heart disease and hypertension. Vapors of quartzite help in the fight against salt deposits and cure chronic cough.


Many in the answer to the question "What stones are better for a bath?" they undeservedly forget about porphyrite. This breed is very heat-consuming and capable of maintaining the required temperature for a long time. Do not be intimidated by the crackling sound at the first heating, all extraneous sounds will disappear after the next use. Before going to the bath, the stones need to be cleaned, then you can fully enjoy the aromas of porphyrite. In addition, it helps with headaches and skin diseases. It is recommended for people with problems in the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Light steam with soapstone

This breed is gray in color. It is very often used for wall cladding in a bath. Talcochlorite is quite heat-consuming; in terms of heating rate, it overtakes brick more than twice. It is absolutely safe and does not emit unpleasant odors. To prevent the stone "dusting", it must be washed and calcined several times. Soapstone vapors are beneficial and light.

Volcanite or Basalt?

For those who are not versed in rocks, it will be a discovery that basalt and volcanite are one and the same. This stone is the most durable of all representatives of this breed. It is as if it was made for a steam room. Basalt perfectly tolerates temperature extremes, has a high heat capacity and low water absorption. Hot volcanic rock cools down for a long time, and the vapor is always light and intense. This breed has a very beneficial effect on the human body and fights bacteria. Bath steam from basalt is useful for those who suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It helps people with blood pressure, colds and joint diseases.

Properties of white quartz

White quartz is called "bath boulder" for a reason. These are the best stones for a bath, the properties of which are unique. White quartz is the only representative of its breed that contains oxygen. After the temperature drops, the stone releases ozone vapors, and its benefits for humans have long been proven by scientists. After steaming in a bath with quartz, you can avoid going to cosmetic rejuvenating procedures in beauty salons, as ozone cleanses the skin and refreshes the complexion. An interesting fact is that the effect of steam bath procedures remains noticeable even after several days. It is known that several centuries ago the water into which white quartz was dipped was considered miraculous. Lotions and other cosmetic products were made from it.

Useful jadeite

Bath attendants, who do not spare money for high-quality steam bath procedures, equip the heater with jadeite. This emerald-colored semi-precious stone has been very popular lately. It retains heat for a long time, gives a rich and long-lasting steam. Jadeite is popularly called a stabilizing stone, as it has a positive energetic effect on the human body.

Not everyone knows how to choose stones for a bath. Feedback from experienced bath attendants and knowledge of the main characteristics of boulder rocks is a way out of the situation. Also, to help beginners, the following tips and recommendations from specialists and lovers of the bath business:

  • River stones should be preferred. They are more durable than marine ones.
  • For an electric oven, use small samples. For a wood-burning bath, larger ones are suitable.
  • You decided to collect the stones for the bath yourself. Don't you know how to choose them outdoors? The ideal place to search would be the field. The boulders there are denser and more homogeneous.
  • In no case should limestone, sandstone and other sedimentary rocks be used for a bath.
  • High-quality stones should not emit dull sounds when struck.
  • Some types of boulders can be sprayed with herbal decoctions and essential oils. But before that, you need to carefully study the properties of these rocks.
  • If you want to speed up the process of heating stones, then mix them with cast iron or steel blanks.
  • Smooth and even boulders tend to be stronger and more heat-resistant.
  • Pay particular attention to the amount of stones in the stove. There must be at least 6 kg of material per square meter of the heater.

Some people use artificial decorative boulders as an alternative. Modern production, thanks to the latest technology, has endowed such stones with almost the same properties as nature. They perfectly resist mechanical stress, temperature extremes and other extreme conditions. It is advisable to use them for the top of the backfill. They are not suitable for the initial layer.

We hope that our article will help you decide on the choice of stones for a steam room or a bath. Do not forget that steam bath procedures depend on the quality of the boulders, and therefore your health. Choose stones for the bath, based on the planned budget that you are willing to spend, as well as depending on the type and size of the stove, suitable for healing properties and characteristics.

Purchase bath stones- not a problem. They can buy in specialized stores. But at the same time, it is always possible to organize the search on your own. First of all, you need to decide where you can look for this material.

Stove stones, characteristics and indicators

  • accumulation of heat. For maximum heat release, natural stones must absorb heat well and be heated by it.
  • good tolerance to sudden changes in temperature. To generate steam in the steam room, hot stones are poured over with water. The temperature contrast will be great, no matter what kind of water is used. The heat energy accumulated in the stone is released with steam. If a stone meets this characteristic, it does not collapse if cold water hits it. And if, on the contrary, the stones are of poor quality, they can crack, and sometimes explode. In this case, injury may occur.

Considering these requirements, it can be concluded that the most suitable stones for the heater are igneous rocks. They have medicinal properties and are relatively inexpensive.
When looking for or choosing stones, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • density. Heat capacity depends on how density is combined with mass. If it is higher, then the stone heats up faster and the heat lasts longer. If the parameters do not match, it will be problematic to heat the bath.
  • an excellent stone has a homogeneous structure. Its wear resistance is much better than that of a stone with a heterogeneous structure.
  • the form, stone size... The larger it is in size, the better it keeps heat. When stacking large stones in a heater, problems arise; they cannot be stacked tightly. Therefore, stones of medium size are also used.
  • the material of which the stone is composed. Stones of layered and siliceous rocks are not suitable. When water gets in, they exfoliate. The most suitable option is volcanic rocks.
  • quality. It is determined using the folk method. It consists in the following: the stones are wetted and left for a while, after which they are checked. Dried stones are suitable for the heater.

Bath stones, we collect with our own hands

The most suitable option for choosing stones is to search on your own. This process can be followed in the footsteps of our ancestors. They produced it in nature. First of all, you need to ensure that these are environmentally friendly places. Search in industrial facilities, landfills, abandoned settlements is unacceptable. Stones in stagnant water are not used for bathing. Pebbles, located in mountain rivers, are best suited for a steam room. A good option is to search for stones in arable land.
The most common search method is rivers and seas. When choosing pebbles, you need to watch out for such moments:

  • smooth surface, gray color of one tone. It is desirable that they are not only oval, but also flattened. These are the best stones for the stove... They perfectly lay the stove and in this case the water does not get on the metal part of the stove.
  • stones with a red tint, spots or streaks are harmful to use in the steam room, because they contain iron elements.
  • hardness. The use of stones of lime origin is strictly prohibited. They are characterized by softness. Therefore, in a hot environment, they are destroyed, and microscopic dust is formed. The room is covered with a dirty coating. It is washed very badly.

Where else can you go looking for stones if there are no seas and rivers nearby?

Oddly enough, but these may be power line towers. This material is placed at the foot of the towers. Suitable stones are placed from the tower at a distance of up to seven meters. There is an assumption that this meets the requirements of GOST.
Another natural way to extract stones is by rail. As you know, the railway is filled up with a large amount of various rubble, among which there cannot be no suitable specimens. The problem is that they cannot be used in a steam room.
Reasons why stones cannot be used:

  • creosote. This is a special agent that is used in the processing of sleepers, which has a toxicity and a specific smell. It gets to the crushed stone in any case. It is impossible to withdraw it in any way.
  • unsanitary conditions include the operation of toilets on trains.

If an independent search is not possible, as an exception buy stones for a bath can be in a specialized store.

Characteristics of self-found bath stones

Jadeite is the most demanded natural stone. It was formed by magmatic action. Due to its strength and reliability, it tolerates high temperature conditions and changes well.
The stone contains useful chemicals that have a positive effect on the body. Has healing properties:

  • blood pressure is normalized;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • relieves stress.

These medicinal properties act when the pebbles are heated.
Stone reserves can be found in the area of ​​the Yenisei and Kantegir rivers.
Basalt is considered the most durable. Withstands a thousand furnaces, therefore long-term operation is inherent in it.


  • does not emit a smell;
  • water is not absorbed by the stone;
  • does not collapse;
  • has a beneficial effect on the body.

Talcochlorite is very dense in structure, heat conductivity is high. These qualities contribute to rapid heating. It is durable and easy to use. The rock is composed of soft minerals.
During heating, special enzymes are released, due to which blood pressure is lowered, the metabolic process is normalized, and immunity is increased. The vapors reproduce a wonderful aroma.
Salt stone has a healing effect. Himalayan salt is used for its production, which resides in a salt cave. Salt vapor contains trace elements and minerals that are essential for the human body. It is used to treat skin diseases, improve metabolism, treat respiratory diseases, and allergies.
Dunite is considered the most worthwhile stone to use in the bath. It is characterized by a long service life. It is characterized by a high coefficient of heat capacity, as a result of which heat accumulates quickly and is excellently given off. The stone does not lend itself to cracking. Treats colds, normalizes heart function.
River stones are also used for oven masonry. They fall on the bottom layer. The upper part of the stove is decoded with other pebbles, which have a more beautiful shape.

Stacking stones in the heater

The collected stones need to be able to correctly place them in the heater. To have a free outlet of hot steam, a gap is needed between the stones. Round-shaped pegs provide such a gap. The heaters are placed on the bottom large stones, small ones are placed on top.
First of all, it is necessary to check the suitability of the stones. To determine this feature, they are heated and thrown into water. They should not crack and there should be no cracks. Such stones are suitable for use in a steam room. If the opposite occurs, it is better not to use them in order to avoid accidents.

How to care for stones

From hour to hour it is necessary to check the stones. They need to be rinsed. Not all types of stones are perfectly exploited. Therefore, they can crack. Dust and crumbs from stones are released into the air.
In addition, small debris from the broom leaves is formed. It is recommended to rinse the pebbles from debris with a stiff brush. Rinse under running water.
In order not to lose the features of heat transfer, it is a good idea to completely change bath stones after few years.
With the right choice of stones, the pleasure and pleasure obtained in the steam room is guaranteed. The body also receives a huge benefit in recovery. It is a wonderful holiday in a beautiful environment.

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Jade- the only semi-precious stone in the world, the complex of properties of which is ideal for use in baths and saunas:

High strength and heat resistance

Jadeite is the most durable of the stones for stoves on the sauna market, it resists mechanical destruction better than others. The exceptional strength of Jadeite determines its high thermal stability, i.e. the ability of the material to withstand thermal stresses caused by temperature changes in baths and saunas. Due to its high strength, the service life of jadeite in sauna stoves is much longer than that of other stones. These properties ensure safety in the sauna - jadeite in the stove does not crack, as well as cost savings - you will have to replace jadeite in the stove much less often than any other stone.

High heat capacity.

Jadeite, having a very high density and at the same time low thermal conductivity, gives the maximum heat output for a long time. When opening the doors in the steam room, there is no sharp drop in temperature. This contributes to the longest possible retention of heat and "light steam". At the same time, the costs of electricity or firewood required to maintain the required temperature for a long time are significantly reduced, and it also becomes possible to calmly enjoy bath procedures without being distracted by throwing firewood into the stove.

Environmental and radiation safety

Jadeite is tested by the Federal State Health Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology" in Moscow. The radiation indicators of jadeite are 20-30 times lower than the permissible norm.
On contact with water, hot jadeite disinfects it (kills microbes and saprophytes that cause allergic reactions), and also saturates it with metasilicic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and lungs. When heated, jadeite releases sodium ions and some useful microelements (Zn, Cu, Se, Ag, etc.), which, with inhaled air and through the skin surface, enter the bloodstream, having a normalizing effect on the state of the central and autonomic nervous systems and the functioning of the endocrine glands.

The quality of water and air in the steam room is significantly improved when using jadeite.

Wellness properties

The properties of jadeite have been repeatedly investigated in such medical institutions as the Laboratory of Natural Medicinal Resources of the Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Novosibirsk State Medical Academy, etc. According to these studies, jadeite evens out blood pressure, helps to treat diseases of the spine, kidneys and broncho-pulmonary apparatus, and improves blood composition. In oriental medicine, this mineral is used to restore disturbed human bioenergetics. When using jadeite in the bath, the pleasure of bath procedures is combined with the healing of the body!

Talcochlorite heats up longer than other stones, but it also stays hot much longer. If you heat the sauna stove well, soapstone in the stove can store heat for 24 hours.

Using soapstone as a stone for the heater, you can significantly save the consumption of firewood or electricity for heating the steam room. To steam safely

Talcochlorite is used as a refractory material in metallurgical furnaces with a temperature of 1200 ° C-1600 ° C, significantly higher than the maximum temperature in the heater. As a rock of metamorphic origin, talcochlorite has been formed over millions of years under colossal thermal loads and high pressure, so it can withstand more than 500 fire-water cycles without cracking or collapsing, and does not emit harmful and odorous substances. There is a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of talcochlorite with radiation safety standards. Talcochlorite is also resistant to direct action of acids and alkalis.

Talcochlorite in the stove of a bath or sauna will not “shoot” and crumble from exposure to hot water, and the steam will always be clean and light, without unwanted odors and impurities.

For a pleasant appearance

Bunded talcum chlorite is grayish-white in color, less often with a yellowish or greenish tinge. This color visually blends well with wood, which is mainly used for cladding the interior surfaces of saunas and baths. Talcochlorite is also widely used for lining sauna stoves.

The stove filled with soapstone will harmoniously fit into the overall design of the steam room.

For lithotherapeutic (health-improving) properties

The radiation of heated talcochlorite stimulates the production of vitamin D in the human body, which is necessary for strengthening bone tissue and increasing human immunity. Talcochlorite also helps in the treatment of respiratory (colds) diseases, inflammatory diseases of internal organs, lowering blood pressure and improving metabolism.

The soapstone used in the stove turns the steam room into a “wellness center”.


Soapstone has many names. Scientific names - talcocarbonate, talcomagnesite, steatite, the erroneous spelling "talcochloride" is also regularly encountered. In different eras and in different countries it was called wen, mammoth stone, stove, soap, wax, pot, ice and fire stone.
For several thousand years BC, talcochlorite was known in Egypt, India and Sumer. It was used to make amulets, religious items and jewelry.
According to lithotherapeutic views, talcochlorite has the male energy of Yang, stimulates the brain, activates thinking, increases concentration, and helps to get rid of depression. It is also believed that talcochlorite brings good luck to its owner, and in his personal life has a positive effect on potency.

Gabbro-diabase is a deep rock of volcanic origin, mined in the Urals. The composition of gabbro-diabase includes minerals plagioclase, titanomagnetite, pyroxenes, and amphiboles. None of them contain any harmful impurities. According to its radiation and hygienic properties, gabbro-diabase is a class 1 building material; there is a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

Gabbro-diabase is very popular as a stone for heaters. At a relatively low price, it has all the necessary properties - heat resistance, resistance to cyclic temperature changes, the ability to quickly heat up and retain heat for a long time. The slightly flattened shape of the stones is convenient for laying in a heater.

And they also made an informative leaflet! I took a picture of it, because on the site, the information from the leaflet did not find the Mega-thing!

Great infographics for choosing stones for the bath:

The only thing that is not clear to me is the service life: under what conditions was it tested?

Let's say I have Angara 2012. And the inner heater is filled with jadeite and open.

After 2 years of operation of the stove in the mode once a week, I decided to wash the stones and see what happened to the stove. The oven is fine. In an open stove, jadeite is not split, that is, it is quite ok. But in a closed stove, jadeite partially split, 20% of the stone, turned into a small fraction with a 5 ruble coin.

Before Angara 2012, there was a Compact for 4 years, it was filled with a mix: gabrodiabase, talc chloride, raspberry quartzite, jadeite. Most of the dust was from gabrodiabase and crimson quartzite, and large fragments from talc. The jadeite was all intact, but it was all streaked with aromatic oils - the heating of the stone was so powerful that the aromatics burned out on it. There were no streaks on the other stones. That is why, for Anagra 2012, I chose jadeite and it turned out just fine!

If finances allow - take jadeite, you will not regret it!

I completely agree with him!

I express my deep respect to the Fire-Stone for the visual material on the stones!

When building a bathhouse, first of all, our interest is caused by wood and building materials used for decoration. In second place is the purchase of accessories, and we don't even remember about stones. But they are the main element for a bath, since it is the stones that emit warm and healthy air. In simple terms, if you choose the right rocks, this will increase the effectiveness of procedures in the steam room. So what kind of samples are suitable for a bath?

It is better to choose stones in specialized stores that have all the necessary documents and certificates for the products offered, for example, at

Types of stones for a bath: characteristics, pros and cons of rocks

Durability, environmental friendliness and durability - these are the characteristics that stones for a stove-heater in a bath should have. Each breed has its own healing qualities, so choose for yourself the one that seems more valuable to you.


A durable and light stone, characterized by good heat conductivity (it accumulates and heats it well faster than other rocks) and a variety of all shades of gray. The radiated heat from talcochlorite in its properties resembles solar energy, useful for the human body and promotes metabolic processes, and the enzymes released by it when heated help to strengthen the human immune system. The steam generated by the stone is pleasant and "airy", and so that soapstone does not "dust", it is washed before laying and ignited.

Such stones heat up faster than bricks and hold heat two and a half times more, which is then given off measuredly and for a long time.


Pyroxenes are the main constituent of the stone, in which there are few impurities, therefore, its cooling and subsequent heating proceeds uniformly, while cracks, chips and ruptures do not form on the rock. The fraction has a high degree of resistance to mechanical and physical damage due to its strength. Under the influence of the highest possible temperature, pyroxenite does not "get dusty" and is not capable of emitting dangerous toxic gases. The downside is the complexity of the acquisition.

Low absorption, optimal heat capacity and strength - these properties belong to the king of stones, jadeite. The rock does not crack even with sudden temperature changes. But the main advantage lies in the healing qualities. The steam, which is obtained as a result of the reaction of a boulder with water, disinfects and has an excellent effect on all human systems and respiratory organs. It normalizes the biological composition of red cells and blood pressure, is useful for all diseases of the spine. But the price of jadeite is high, since it belongs to the variety of semi-precious emerald rocks.

Jadeite is capable of exerting a positive energetic effect on the human body, therefore it is called “stabilizer stone”.

Sea and river pebbles

Choose a slightly flattened pebble, in no case ovoid or oval, from which you will not get the necessary stacking of a dense consistency that improves the heat transfer of the stove. Fractions are selected in a dark color with no blotches and streaks of red. These are iron oxides that are not beneficial to human health.


A stone with a high strength comparable to steel, so it will not be possible to split it yourself into pieces. It is advisable to use jade in the bath, because it has a good effect on sweating, promotes a rapid metabolism, and also heals the nervous and muscular system, improves the condition of the skin. It is an excellent remedy for fatigue, emotional stress and sleep improvement. Disadvantages: the breed is expensive and hardly sold in stores.


A rock with a fine medium-grained structure and a massive texture, which has no uniformity and cavities. Gabrro - diabase is durable, dense, perfectly accumulates heat and then gives it away. Nature painted it in a dark gray uniform shade and endowed it with ecological purity with a minimum radiation background.

The main advantage of the stone is its warmth and low water absorption, as a result of which it produces the largest possible volume of steam. Does not contain harmful substances and has a slightly flattened round or oval shape. The stone is relatively cheap because it is mined in Karelia.

Cons: tendency to cracking, two-year service life and occasional flying fragments. Under the influence of high temperatures, the breed gives off an unpleasant, specific odor. Also, do not spray gabbro-diabbase with essential oils and aromatic tinctures, since carbon deposits will instantly form on the stone during heating. The stones must be regularly sorted out and damaged fractions must be removed, which, when destroyed, emit small sand waste that clogs the grate.

This stone does not have medicinal properties and special decorative appeal.

Wax jasper

A semiprecious breed that has long been used in baths by wealthy people. Its healing universal qualities are well expressed and have been used in medicine for the treatment of various internal organs. The boulder steam cured psychological and female illnesses, insomnia, stopped bleeding and healed wounds.


In Russia, this breed has long been used in black baths as a means of getting rid of colds. Chromite has no harmful radioactive radiation, has a high level of heat transfer and is not prone to cracking. High density black stone has a relatively low percentage of thermal expansion. Perfect for use in a bathhouse due to its affordable price and high medicinal qualities.


Samples are mined in the Urals mountains with a high quartz content. Quartzite tends to quickly cool and then heat up, so it will never become the main stone for kindling a bath, but only together with other rocks. Folk healers used quartzite to eliminate energy load or for respiratory diseases.


In its composition there are no impurities harmful to humans and destructive background radiation. The rock is not susceptible to the formation of chips, cracks and faults even when exposed to high temperatures. Due to the significant heat capacity, the long-term preservation of the stone is ensured, and its thermal conductivity helps to give off heat well. Dunite has a beneficial effect on the circulatory, cardiovascular and nervous system, the steam released by it cures various colds and reduces blood pressure.


It does not have pronounced therapeutic properties, but strong and strong basalt of igneous rock, has proven itself well as a stone for a steam bath. It does not "get dusty", temperature drops are not terrible for it, does not crack, has insignificant water absorption and excellent heat capacity. The healing properties of basalt cope with bacteria that are found in the human body and on its skin. Black steam turns out to be intense and long-lasting: it is used to treat colds, coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia, eczema, low blood pressure, migraines and inflammation of the joints.


It has excellent tolerance to temperature changes, excellent heat retention, long service life and no cracks. Steam from porphyrite cures skin inflammations and headaches, it helps to restore the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. However, there is a drawback in it - it needs frequent flushing and thorough cleaning. When heated for the first time, the stone emits a characteristic crackle, which disappears during its subsequent exploitation. Before each use of porphyrite, it is thoroughly cleaned to get a real pleasure from the aromatic steam.

Salt (salt) stones

They come from the distant Himalayas. The rock is used as a finishing material for a bath room or added to a heater. They create a health microclimate in the steam room, which has a particularly beneficial effect on the general condition of the human body. The steam from them heals the respiratory system, improves immunity, fights skin diseases and allergies.

White quartz

Outwardly, translucent white quartz, consisting of oxygen and flint molecules, looks impressive, but it cracks easily, is unstable and practically cannot withstand temperature changes, so you often have to sort out the stove and remove cracked fractions. The main advantage of white quartz is ozone, which clears our respiratory tract and has a rejuvenating effect on the human body. It also has a unique "piezoelectric effect", which is the release of ozone as a result of strong mechanical compression under the action of ice water falling on red-hot stones.

White quartz is one of the rarest and most expensive minerals, and also the best for use in a sauna stove-heater from all existing ones.

Artificial ceramic stones

An alternative option is ceramic samples of artificial origin, which perfectly tolerate extreme temperatures and have excellent thermal stability. They will not completely replace natural specimens, but they are quite suitable for laying the top layer in the heater.

Cast iron stones

Manufactured in industry, cast iron stones perfectly accumulate, retain heat and heat the steam room many times faster than real natural specimens. Disadvantage: they practically do not bring healing benefits to the human body and quickly rust.


Promotes uniform heat transfer and heats up perfectly. In terms of heat capacity, peridotite is many times higher than granite. It is homogeneous in structure and reacts to carbon dioxide. Thanks to this interaction, the air is constantly purified.


Magnesite is the main refractory component of the rock with high heat resistance. For a long time, the stone is able to maintain temperature without damage. Suitable for use in a stove - heater.

Raspberry quartzite

This stone is a rare mineral with valuable qualities, which is ideal for use in a steam bath. Durability, reliability, high density and resistance to open fire are the main criteria for raspberry quartz, which will last for more than one year. Even maximum heating and sudden cooling with ice water will prevent the stone from cracking. And with frequent use, it will not lose its appearance.

The crimson shade of the breed looks attractive, so it can become an original addition to the interior of your bath. Due to its smooth surface and fine-grained quartzite, various decorative elements are made to decorate the stove, and its properties help with various diseases: hypertension, muscle pain, cough with complications and salt deposition.

When buying a stone, it is necessary to choose only whole fractions, since the split specimens will “crumble” strongly as a result of unnatural machining.

What stones for a bath to choose: the main criteria

Let's see what stones you need to purchase for a bath, what to look for when choosing them and what requirements they must meet. Checks based on the following criteria and professional advice will help you make the right choice:

  • Sea stones are not the best option for a stove, as they quickly deteriorate. River fractions will be several times stronger;

It is strictly forbidden to use soft bottom stones, such as limestone, in the bath, as it not only negatively affects the human body, but also quickly collapses, turning into soft disgusting dust that settles in the oral cavity of steaming people.

  • For a camping mobile bath, you can even take river pebbles or large stones that lie next to your resting place. But if you buy stones for a capital bath, then it is best to give preference to store-bought specimens, which are collected and harvested in strictly defined ecologically clean places, therefore they do not have a radiation background and do not carry harmful substances;
  • When collecting stones yourself, choose places not near the water, but in the field. Quite good pebbles lie under power lines (power lines), which were filled up in Soviet times;
  • It is impossible to use layered boulders of sedimentary, limestone and sandy rocks, because they have minimal thermal stability and increased hydrophilicity, therefore, their service life is short. Granite is not suitable for a steam room, due to the high content of silica in it;
  • Do not collect samples near the railway, as they are treated with creosote, which will fill the steam room with an unpleasant odor. Creosote also emits toxic substances that are dangerous to human health. The poison that will be released from the stones along with the steam can be fatal;
  • When choosing stones in a special store, you must make sure that there is an inscription on the package that the goods have passed special radiation control;
  • The heating time of the stones can be shortened by mixing them with steel or cast iron blanks;
  • A specimen is considered to be of poor quality if, when hit with a hammer, a dull sound comes from it;
  • Choose small diameter boulders for an electric oven;
  • Sprinkle fractions with broths prepared with medicinal herbs and essential oils that increase the healing effect;
  • Buy samples without flaws - these will last much longer;
  • 7 kg of stones are used to heat 1 sq. m. steam rooms;
  • Before loading the rock into the stove, first of all check the fractions for defects. Immerse them in salted water for an hour, rinse well and dry at normal temperature +20 - + 22 °.

Choosing a bath breed is a serious and interesting activity when all the parameters of stones are taken into account, so you need to approach it responsibly and then your stay in the bath will become pleasant and useful. Also, correctly selected stones with a healing effect will help restore human health.

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